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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: The Club Battle Hearts of Fury, Emolga Versus Sawk!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Nov 12, 2011
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    Wow, cant' believe no one made this. And the tournament keeps getting better. Really loving this arc.

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [2]Nov 12, 2011
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    Awesome episode! Ash defeats Georgia, Iris defeats Stephan, and Luke defeats Cilan!

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [3]Nov 12, 2011
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    Thanks for the recap, definitely couldn't tell that by watching the episode.

    That being said, almost didn't get to see it since my TV was being stupid. Also lost the chance at having it on my DVR along with every other BW episode.

    Anyways, good episode, few gags are getting old and I wish Cilan hadn't lost. He and Stunfisk totally should of pwned every noob at this tournament.
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [4]Nov 12, 2011
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    UnovaChampion wrote:
    Thanks for the recap, definitely couldn't tell that by watching the episode. That being said, almost didn't get to see it since my TV was being stupid. Also lost the chance at having it on my DVR along with every other BW episode. Anyways, good episode, few gags are getting old and I wish Cilan hadn't lost. He and Stunfisk totally should of pwned every noob at this tournament.

    This is Stunfisk's first battle, and stat-wise, it's basically the worst Electric and also the worst Ground out there.

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [5]Nov 12, 2011
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    You dare insult the power of a flying Stunfisk? Let alone one owned by Cilan.
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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [6]Nov 13, 2011
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    Very awesome episode indeed. I'm loving this tournament arc. We get to see the others battle more often. Though, wish Cilan would've won, Iris vs Cilan would've been an interesting match up.

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  • Avatar of pichu121


    [7]Nov 13, 2011
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    indeed! besides cilan has a history of forcefeeding others some humble pie and i REALLY want him to take that bitch iris down a few thousand notches!

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [8]Nov 13, 2011
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    Awesome episode!

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [9]Nov 13, 2011
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    Why does Bianca fail to realize Zorua is already another trainer's Pokemon and she can never catch it?

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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [10]Nov 13, 2011
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    This was a good episode. Burgundy's such a sore loser, isn't she?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Nov 13, 2011
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    Things are starting to get real good as we have a few more exciting battles with one having a surprising outcome! The battle between Georgia's Pawniard and Ash's Snivy continues though not for long as a victor quickly emerges. We then go to Cilan facing Luke using Stunfisk and Larvesta, respectively. But don't get too focused on that battle as we then have Iris vs. Stephan with Emolga facing off against Sawk who, despite being male and a Fighting-type, still gives Emolga some trouble with it unable to land an Attract nor does it know any Flying-type moves. With all three of our main protagonists battling in separate battles and remembering I mention one turns out as a surprise, instead of asking my usual array of questions I instead give you this: Which one of our main protagonists won't be moving on to the semi-finals?

    Stuck On The Less Greener Grass Other Side:
    We're going to cut through the summery, opening, and title card and just go to the battle (and also because the video I'm watching cuts it out) where Pawniard leaps into the sky with a readied Guillotine. Snivy gets up just in time and uses a Leaf Blade which strikes first and sends Pawniard flying surprising everyone though Georgia gets the biggest surprise as Pawniard "lands" by getting its claws stuck in the ground! Snivy finishes things with a Leaf Storm and knocks Pawniard out giving Ash the win as Freddy O'Martian says it looked like Pawniard was going to win and Don George says you think things will zig but then they zag.

    Ash is the first trainer to go onto the semi-finals (so in his next battle is he going to get taken out by a guy who has a whole team of Legendaries?) and Ash thanks Snivy and all the other characters talk (it's all just Cilan getting hyped up about the battle leading to a punchline of him saying Stephan's name wrong). Georgia gets annoyed and returns Pawniard and starts walking away until Ash runs up and compliments Pawniard though Georgia says the only reason Ash won was because the "field was bad". Iris sees this saying anyone who blames their loss on the field is "such a kid" which Georgia hears and says the battle didn't count anyway as she didn't lose to a Dragon-type which Iris says is a lame excuse and sparks fly. Stephan says Iris and Georgia "ripping each other apart" is getting old which Cilan responds:

    Cilan: The worst enemies can make the best friends, don't give it a second thought.
    Comment: Otherwise you'll realize how dumb that sentence is.

    Freddy O'Martian says it was an exciting battle which Don George says is what the Battle Club is all about as the second battle is... oh, it's just the two remaining NPCs, moving on (even Don George said they're going to take a short break). Ash gives Snivy some Pokemon food and Stephan compliments Ash which Ash returns by thanking him and getting his name wrong. We see Snivy flip a pellet into its mouth with its tail and Ash says Cilan made it which Cilan says its his Grass-type mix mixed with some vegetables. Burgundy starts insulting the Pokemon food which Snivy rightfully Vine Whips her away and Ash says Cilan's Pokemon food is the best as Stephan asks for the recipe (also at this point assume any conversation with Stephan will at one point have his name said wrong).

    Going to Bianca's everlasting quest to find Zorua, she spots Luke filming "Georgia" which with Iris's voice is saying Iris is going to win because she has the better Pokemon and though the real Georgia tries grabbing Zorua it jumps out of the way as Bianca tackles Georgia mistaking her for Zorua (well at least Bianca is learning). Iris tells Luke to stop filming saying the shot was ruined and Georgia starts arguing with her about this not being a movie (of course not it's a documentary) as Luke films Bianca chasing Zorua around in circles and then the two arguing until they realize he's filming them saying he wants to show what a true rivalry looks like. Before another word can be said the music starts back up and Freddy O'Martian tells everyone to return back to their seats for the next battle as Cilan tells Luke that's them and Luke asks Ash that he'll like to keep filming and ask him to help (well as long as you don't give Ash the camera everything should turn out alright).

    A Bug A Fish May Not Want To Bite:
    Freddy O'Martian introduces the battle with Cilan saying he hopes Luke goes easy and Luke starts getting nervous about facing a Gym Leader though Cilan tells him not to worry and it's like a movie where you imagine the finished product and then make the plan. Cilan goes on to say to explain how he envisions the battle going which I think the only reason they're having this is to annoy Burgundy as Freddy O'Martian asks if it's a good idea for Cilan to be giving his opponent advice and Don George says it's probably comes from Cilan being a Gym Leader. Cilan sends out Stunfisk and Luke sends out Larvesta and we see that Luke did give Ash the camera which Pikachu tries to keep from falling as Ash scans Larvesta with his Pokedex (well I hope Luke doesn't mind costly repairs and losing all his footage). Luke explains he uses Larvesta for all the special effects in his films but Cilan points out this is a battle and we finally get the battle going... oh of course not, this is Cilan, he have to do some re-evaluating time, if for nothing else but to annoy Burgundy and hope she finally decides to go away (I heard Orre was a nice place to go... nah, Orre already has too many problems). And Cilan starts re-evaluating... by attacking!

    Stunfisk uses Scald which Don George explains would do a lot of damage to Larvesta (Scald also has a chance to cause Burn but being Larvesta is a Fire-type it's immune to being Burned) though Larvesta is alright and uses a String Shot (oddly Luke gave the command using his clapperboard, guess he didn't want Ash to break all of his stuff). Stunfisk gets tied up but still uses Thudershock however Larvesta dodges and uses Bug Buzz followed by Flamethrower however Cilan says he can use the Flamethrower confusing everyone as Stunfisk gets developed in flames. However all the Flamethrower really did was free Stunfisk from the String Shot and Cilan said it worked because he imagined it would (or you read ahead in the script and knew what the writers were planning, but that works too) which everyone compliments except Burgundy.

    Georgia says Larvesta's typing is to be considered (don't know in what way she meant though) as Bianca looks at her at all angles giggling which annoys Georgia and yell at Bianca that she's the real Georgia (guess Bianca hasn't learned after all as you would think Georgia talking would have tipped her off) which then has Bianca ask where Zorua went. However Bianca notices an Axew in Iris's hair while she's also holding Axew and Bianca tackles them only to pick up the real Axew as Zorua tries to sneak away but gets spotted and runs off with Bianca chasing not too far behind.

    Back to the battle Luke says battling a Gym isn't as easy as it seems however Cilan says one mistake has long lasting results and starts evaluating Larvesta and pretty much says Larvesta is a good Fire- and Bug-type but says it has a 2-dimensional view of the battlefield which Luke defends saying it hasn't evolved. Cilan says a great trainer would have their Pokemon be ready for any kind of setting which is what they do in Gym Battles (I don't quite know where Cilan made the connection there) and Stunfisk jumps into the air and starts "flying" by flapping its fins as Cilan explains one good strategy is to surprise your opponent by doing something unexpected. Stunfisk uses Scald but Luke tells Larvesta to use String Shot on itself which it does wrapping itself up and not only surprising everyone but also shielding itself from Scald. Stunfisk tries a Mud Bomb which sends the cocooned Larvesta up in the air as it frees itself from the cocoon and uses the flames from it's bottom two horns to remain floating in the air and gives Stunfisk a frying Flamethrower giving Luke the win!

    Luke thanks Larvesta as Cilan returns Stunfisk (well, looks like they're having grilled fish for tonight!) and congratulates Luke who thanks him for imagining what it's like to have a Gym Battle (hey, that's right, you beat a Gym Leader, cough up a badge Cilan!) as Cilan says his own downfall was from helping the trainer do their best and wishes Luke the best in the finals. Of course, Burgundy is happy Cilan lost (if you didn't beat him though it still doesn't count) and Georgia sarcastically remarks "you're as nice as they come" (now rivals, don't fight amongst each other, you need to save your hatred for your designated main protagonist rival) as Luke asks if Ash got his victory on camera which Ash didn't BUT Pikachu did (thus showing even Ash's Pokemon are more responsible than he is).

    Ever Tried To Punch A Flying Squirrel?
    Seeing the battle Stephan gets excited about his battle with Iris and rushes out onto the field despite Iris pointing out they haven't been called yet which Freddy O'Martian and Don George notice and they decide to get onto the fourth battle.

    Iris sends out Emolga and Stephan sends out Sawk (gee, a male Pokemon versing Emolga, I wonder what's going to happen ) which Ash says must be his new Pokemon (how do you know? You only ever battled his Zebstrika when it was a Blitzle) as Iris tells Emolga when it uses Volt Switch it won't be switching out but tells it not to worry as the battle will be a lot of fun and Emolga is in agreement. Stephan says he won't be holding back and Iris says neither will she and Emolga starts things off with a Attract (surprise, surprise) but Sawk uses Close Combat and destroys the Attract's hearts (now that is a surprise) and Stephan explains because Sawk are all male they trained especially hard to counter gender specific moves which Freddy O'Martian asks Don George about and he says is a "real manly battle". Sawk uses Bulk Up (which makes it look like a Machoke is about to explode out of its body) and Emolga tries a Hidden Power however Sawk runs right through it and uses Double Kick which Emolga managing to dodge the first kick but not the second. Emolga uses Hidden Power again which Sawk gets hit by though doesn't look to be that badly hurt as Stephan asks if Emolga knows any Flying-type moves which gets Iris nervous and Stephan says there is no way he's going to lose (Emolga at least has the Fighting-type resistance). Sawk does a Close Combat hitting Emolga however gets Paralyzed by Emolga's Ability Static though it's still able to do a Double Kick and land both kicks knocking Emolga back. Iris thinks what she can do now and with Sawk paralyzed has Emolga use Attract which Sawk counters with a Close Combat however Emolga keeps on using Attract until the paralysis kicked in and stops Sawk which Emolga then hits with a Volt Switch knocking it out and giving Iris the win. Iris and Emolga celebrate as everyone else compliment their victory except Georgia who says her and Ash won because of dumb luck which Burgundy agrees with (hey, remember what I said, you should only be focusing on your designated main protagonist).

    Freddy O'Martian announces they have the 4 semi-finalists as the display screen mixes them up and shows it'll be Ash vs. Dino (does he at least have a Fossil Pokemon?) and Iris vs. Luke. Ash tells Pikachu they're going all the way, Cilan tells Luke he can do it, Georgia taunts Iris saying she has confidence that she's going to lose, and Burgundy says she no longer cares (then why are you here? Cilan has been defeated so can you just go now) as Zorua jumps off her head with Bianca chasing after which Burgundy says she hopes they all lose (well one has to win so with just saying that you lost ). The first battle of the semi-finals immediately start up with Ash sending out Palpitoad and Dino sending out Darumaka (they're not even going to try and make it seem Ash has a chance at losing) though the narrator is here and I'm off!

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  • Avatar of pokemonmonmon


    [12]Nov 13, 2011
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    to be qute honest im tired of ash winning all these unrealstic battles =_= i will never be able to forget how cyndaquil beat dewgong underwater with a swift attack or who garys magmar delivered 2 fireblasts to heracross both which were direct hits and somehow heracross still won...im happy that you guys can easily ignore the flaws and enjoy the episodes but i cant

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [13]Nov 14, 2011
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    pokemonmonmon wrote:

    to be qute honest im tired of ash winning all these unrealstic battles =_= i will never be able to forget how cyndaquil beat dewgong underwater with a swift attack or who garys magmar delivered 2 fireblasts to heracross both which were direct hits and somehow heracross still won...im happy that you guys can easily ignore the flaws and enjoy the episodes but i cant

    Actually the only battle I had a problem with was Cilan vs. Luke as Stunfisk delivered a direct Scald attack on Larvesta and in addition to that Stunfisk is resistant to Fire-type attacks and a single Flamethrower wouldn't be enough to knock it out. However so far the other battles have been fine, sure some Pokemon have an advantage in resistance but sometimes we do see that Pokemon get hit several times by attacks or other factors happen which makes it still plausible (like with Ash vs. Georgia, Snivy had already hit Pawniard several times and in addition it got stuck thus unable to protect itself from Snivy's final Leaf Storm.

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [14]Nov 14, 2011
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    Anyone else love Burgundy's "arrogant dork" comment?
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [15]Nov 15, 2011
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    pokemonmonmon wrote:

    to be qute honest im tired of ash winning all these unrealstic battles =_= i will never be able to forget how cyndaquil beat dewgong underwater with a swift attack or who garys magmar delivered 2 fireblasts to heracross both which were direct hits and somehow heracross still won...im happy that you guys can easily ignore the flaws and enjoy the episodes but i cant

    Actually the only battle I had a problem with was Cilan vs. Luke as Stunfisk delivered a direct Scald attack on Larvesta and in addition to that Stunfisk is resistant to Fire-type attacks and a single Flamethrower wouldn't be enough to knock it out. However so far the other battles have been fine, sure some Pokemon have an advantage in resistance but sometimes we do see that Pokemon get hit several times by attacks or other factors happen which makes it still plausible (like with Ash vs. Georgia, Snivy had already hit Pawniard several times and in addition it got stuck thus unable to protect itself from Snivy's final Leaf Storm.

    Ground Pokemon aren't resistant to Fire attacks.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [16]Nov 15, 2011
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    pokemonmonmon wrote:

    to be qute honest im tired of ash winning all these unrealstic battles =_= i will never be able to forget how cyndaquil beat dewgong underwater with a swift attack or who garys magmar delivered 2 fireblasts to heracross both which were direct hits and somehow heracross still won...im happy that you guys can easily ignore the flaws and enjoy the episodes but i cant

    Actually the only battle I had a problem with was Cilan vs. Luke as Stunfisk delivered a direct Scald attack on Larvesta and in addition to that Stunfisk is resistant to Fire-type attacks and a single Flamethrower wouldn't be enough to knock it out. However so far the other battles have been fine, sure some Pokemon have an advantage in resistance but sometimes we do see that Pokemon get hit several times by attacks or other factors happen which makes it still plausible (like with Ash vs. Georgia, Snivy had already hit Pawniard several times and in addition it got stuck thus unable to protect itself from Snivy's final Leaf Storm.

    Ground Pokemon aren't resistant to Fire attacks.

    Actually I know that, I forgot when I wrote that that Stunfisk isn't a Water-type, lol (which is even funnier considering Stunfisk is not only a fish but also it's weak to both Water- and Ground-type attacks, and remember that Stunfisks live in MUD which is a combination of, you guess it, water and ground).

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  • Avatar of pokemonmonmon


    [17]Nov 16, 2011
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    pokemonmonmon wrote:

    to be qute honest im tired of ash winning all these unrealstic battles =_= i will never be able to forget how cyndaquil beat dewgong underwater with a swift attack or who garys magmar delivered 2 fireblasts to heracross both which were direct hits and somehow heracross still won...im happy that you guys can easily ignore the flaws and enjoy the episodes but i cant

    Actually the only battle I had a problem with was Cilan vs. Luke as Stunfisk delivered a direct Scald attack on Larvesta and in addition to that Stunfisk is resistant to Fire-type attacks and a single Flamethrower wouldn't be enough to knock it out. However so far the other battles have been fine, sure some Pokemon have an advantage in resistance but sometimes we do see that Pokemon get hit several times by attacks or other factors happen which makes it still plausible (like with Ash vs. Georgia, Snivy had already hit Pawniard several times and in addition it got stuck thus unable to protect itself from Snivy's final Leaf Storm.

    ok but pawniard was well trained and experienced and is part steel type for crying out loud. the blows that it dealt to snivy were definitely more powerful than the attacks snivy dealt to pawniard even leaf storm. i think its so unrealistic and lame that snivy won on such a convenient fluke.

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [18]Nov 16, 2011
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    Who gives a crap? Snivy's strong and anime logic doesn't like making sense, and I like that it makes no sense.
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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [19]Nov 16, 2011
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    ^ Yeah, basically how I feel. Snivy is also well trained, and the anime logic has never really made sense when it has come to matching up types well, coughAshvsBrockcough.

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  • Avatar of pokemonmonmon


    [20]Nov 16, 2011
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    yea i know just after watching pokemon for over a freakin decade youd think theyd stop that by now =_=. i just really hate when ash wins battles he doesnt deserve to win especially when it gives him such a big ego. such is pokemon i guess.

    on a side note though snivy is a starter and definitely was not as experienced as that pawniard. meh whatever

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