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Gen III Remakes: Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire!

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1]May 7, 2014
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    Ever since the remakes of HeartGold and SoulSilver fans have been anticipating a remake of the Gen III games. Everyone was expecting it to be released during Gen V but that generation came and went with no remakes. However that's because those games were part of the DS handhelds which had the Gen II remakes, what we should have done was wait till the next generation of Nintendo Handheld consoles: the 3DS. And now, for Gen VI, the GEN III REMAKES HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED! Introducing:

    Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

    (WOOT! Though now I fear for 3D underwater controls...)

    And no, I have no idea why its called Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire.

    Also Groudon and Kyogre's body have odd mark changes. Groudon's hand markings are different (now in a shape of the Omega letter) plus now have stripes on the sides of its underbelly. Meanwhile Kyogre is more noticeable as it now has a what I'm assuming is suppose to be an A (symbol for Alpha is just a normal "A") on its face that wasn't there before, has three lines going down its body from the new face A and it's large white "eye spots" to the tip of its tail, and its wings have also slightly changed into an A shape. Odd, I wonder if that's just for the cover art or if it'll have any story significance:

    (The originals, for comparison)

    Also, I wonder if the Mega Stones for Latios and Latias are in those games...

    Edited on 05/07/2014 8:10am
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [2]May 7, 2014
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    Yay more remakes, I can't wait!

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [3]May 8, 2014
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    I can't wait either, although I also don't see why they decided to call the games Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. If it were up to me, I would have called them Land Ruby and Sea Sapphire or something like that.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [4]May 8, 2014
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    Considering that the next games deal with gods you'd think the next remakes would be Alpha Diamond and Omega Pearl.

    Looking forward to more reveals really hope pokemon Amie is in this

    Edited on 05/08/2014 10:06am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [5]May 8, 2014
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    Minor Update, Major Things To Thing About:

    Some more info have just been revealed, one which is obvious (these are remakes of Ruby & Sapphire) and another which is interesting that I'll get to later. I, myself, want to make a large post detailing some things that's worth thinking about. While a remake is meant to recapture the experience players had during the first time they played the game, a remake is also a chance for the game to update its story and mechanics from the newer games that came after it. But before we dive right in, let's look at the very first thing we saw or heard about Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire: the titles and what they could mean:


    OMEGA Ruby and ALPHA Sapphire? What in the WORLD does that mean? Well, we've all heard the words "omega" and "alpha" before, so let's start there. "Omega" and "alpha" are the last and first letter of the Greek alphabet, respectively. However their most common usage comes from the phrase "I am the alpha and the omega", which was said by God in the Bible, and is considered to mean that God was saying he was the beginning (alpha) and the end (omega). So "omega" and "alpha" also means the "end" and "beginning", respectively.

    So how does that relate to the Gen III remakes? Honestly, I don't know, but I can throw out some theories. Being God was referring to himself when he said he was the "alpha and omega", those words are often linked to god-like beings. Ruby & Sapphire were the first games to introduce deity like Pokemon with Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza. Kyogre formed the world's oceans, Groudon formed the world's land, and Rayquaza is meant to keep the two in balance. They're also described as "super ancient Pokemon", presumably having lived for millions of years when the Pokemon world was first created. Another theory is that, in the story of Ruby & Sapphire, one of them is used by that game's villainous team to change the entire world using their power. Team Aqua wants to use Kyogre's torrential rain to flood the land thus expanding the seas while Team Magma wants to use Groudon's neverending sunlight to dry up the seas thus creating more land. One could say that their ending the world (omega) in order to being a new one (alpha). Finally, naming wise "omega" sounds similar to "magma" and the same with "alpha" to "aqua".

    Before we move onto the most interesting part of the box, first I want to point out the game's logo, or rather their Japanese logos. In the Japanese logo it has the symbols for "omega" and "alpha". Though an odd thing about that is "Omega Ruby" uses the capital "omega" symbol while "Alpha Sapphire" uses the lowercase "alpha" symbol:

    Why use the capital version of one but the lowercase of the other? Well it probably has to do with the designs they were going for with the mascot Legendaries which we'll talk about next. Also, I guess it would look sort of odd to see the capital "alpha" to be used alongside the capital "omega" since its just a capital "A". However I do think it more has to do with the designs of the mascot Legendaries.

    A final note on "omega" and "alpha", this isn't the first time a "beginning and end" theme has been used. Just recently in XY we were introduced to the character AZ, the 3,000 year old immortal wandering king of Kalos. Similarly to "omega" and "alpha", or rather "alpha" and "omega", "A" and "Z" are the first and last letter of the English language, respectively. Connection? Probably coincidence, but it's an interesting theory to note.

    Mascot Legendaries Designs:

    One of the most surprising thing about the box is the designs of Groudon and Kyogre. No there's no doubt they are those Pokemon, however each has received slight design changes:

    Groudon Changes:

    Markings on hand form into a capital "omega" symbol.
    2. Front of body (stomach, chest, neck) have striped side markings.
    3. Markings on leg slightly reshaped.
    4. Body's side spikes have markings around where they come out of the body.
    5. Markings that were black are glowing bright orange with a sort of magma effect at parts.
    6. Eyes are red with a glowing bright orange pupil.

    Kyogre Changes:

    1. There's a see-through marking on the front of its face that looks like a fancy capital and/or lowercase "alpha" symbol. You can see something glowing yellow underneath near the top.
    2. "Eye spot" are see-through with the top biggest one revealing something glowing yellow with a red center underneath.
    3. The face marking and the top biggest "eye spots" has a line coming out of them which join together and make a straight line down to the tip of Kyogre's tail.
    4. The markings on Kyogre's fin have changed so that it shows a fancy lowercase "alpha" symbol and now has a large see-through part which shows a glowing yellow lowercase "alpha" symbol underneath with a red center and outline.
    5. Markings that were red are glowing cyan (except for two small red markings on the top of its fins. Possible mistake?).
    6. Eyes are glowing yellow, orange (iris), and red (pupil).

    Now it has just recently been announced that the Pokemon Company are considering the Groudon and Kyogre depicted on the box as "new" Pokemon. What does that mean? Well, the way they phrased it was the same way they phrased Black Kyurem and White Kyurem as being "new" Pokemon when Black 2 & White 2 were released. There are a few possible theories going around about this:

    Alternate Forms: These are new alternate forms for Kyogre and Groudon, we'll nickname them "Alpha Kyogre" and "Omega Groudon" for now. An interesting thing to note about Kyogre and Groudon is that, unlike other version mascots after Gen I (and remakes), their base stat total is 670. Other mascot Legendaries (plus Mewtwo) have a BST of 680, including Rayquaza. Now that's only 10 points, Kyogre and Groudon are still able to compete with the mascot Legendaries, however if these are new alternate forms for Kyogre and Groudon, maybe it'll increase their BST to 680? Originally they were 10 point lower to show that Rayquaza was their boss, but maybe Kyogre and Groudon will be unlocking a new power in Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire that'll allow them to match Rayquaza's power.

    Mega Evolution: Some have suggested that these could be Kyogre and Groudon's Mega Evolution. If that's true and they don't change their BST, that'll make them tied for the second strongest Pokemon in the ENTIRE game by having a BST of 770 (only beaten by both Mega Mewtwo's who have 780. Seems like they're always 10 points behind). Mega Evolutions are still relatively new so there's no set rule how a Mega Evolution should look. Sure the Mega Evolutions we know are essentially an "evolved" form of their normal selves, changing their body shape and general physiology, but if these are Mega Groudon and Mega Kyogre then maybe its a way to show us not all Pokemon need to go through a dramatic body change when they Mega Evolve.

    Personally I'm more leaning toward the former, I think a Mega Evolution SHOULD require the Pokemon's body shape to change to show that it has "evolved" and got a power increase. However we'll see what Game Freak decides.

    Also, we can't forget about Rayquaza here. Will it too be getting an Alternate Form/Mega Evolution/whatever? Well if these are Mega Evolutions probably, but if these are alternate forms just to get Kyogre and Groudon up to a BST of 680 then maybe not. Of course, what they do with the story of Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire may decide that!

    (I feel so left out!)

    I have a lot more to talk about! So watch for me next few posts.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [6]May 8, 2014
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    Other Legendaries:

    While we're talking about Legendaries, let's cover the other Legendaries introduced in Gen III:

    Legendary Golems (Regirock, Regice, & Registeel)

    So, what about them? Well, this isn't about them but rather about HIM:

    In Gen III, the Legendary Golems were sort of a random trio of Legendary to have, that was until Gen IV introduced their master: Regigigas. In addition, since Platinum, the Legendary Golems and their Master have appeared in the same game in one way or another (Platinum required having a special Event Regigigas to activate special locations where you can battle and catch the Legendary Golems (and once you caught all of them you can then use them to wake up the Regigigas that's asleep in the Snowpoint Temple)). Black 2 & White 2 gave you "keys" which opened up chambers in the underground Ruins that let you catch the Legendary Golems, though each version had an exclusive key you'd need to get if you want all 3. After getting all 3 Legendary Golem, that'll open up a chamber in Twist Mountain where you can battle and catch a Regigigas.

    So, the point I want to bring up is that it could be possible that Regigigas may be added to the game's roster or catchable Legendaries (and if so it'll be the easiest one to catch as all 3 Legendary Golems would be available without needing to do anything extra aside from beating the game).

    Eon Duo (Latias & Latios)

    If you've been paying attention to XY news, you'll know that Latias and Latios both have a Mega Evolution that are accessible as of right now. Giving Latias the Latiasite will Mega Evolve it into Mega Latias (80/100/120/140/150/110//700) and giving a Latios the Latiosite will Mega Evolve it into a Mega Latios (80/130/100/160/120/110//700). They still retain their Dragon/Psychic-types and Levitate Ability, but the stat boosts help set them apart as Latias being a wall and Latios being a sweeper.

    (On top is what they normally look like and on the bottom is their Shiny sprite. Yes, they pretty much look the same, however they have different eye colors: Latias has yellow(Normal)/blue(Shiny) eyes and Latios has red(Normal)/Orange(Shiny) eyes)

    Originally it was thought we would be getting those Mega Stones as an Event, however now many are thinking that maybe the Eon Duo's Mega Stones will instead be obtainable in Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire. Though of course that brings up a few other questions. On the original Ruby & Sapphire, the Eon Duo were version exclusive (Latias for Sapphire, Latios for Ruby), so will their Mega Stones also be version exclusive? Worse yet, taking a page from what they did with the some version exclusive Mega Stones by putting them in the game OPPOSITE game, could we end up with a Latias holding a Latiosite and Latios holding a Latiasite?

    Also, what about the Soul Dew? There's no way of obtaining it in XY, and in the original Ruby & Sapphire you needed the Event item Eon Ticket to go to the Southern Island where the other version's Eon Duo could be found and it was holding the Soul Dew. I suppose they could do the same thing again, which brings us to our last group of Legendary Pokemon.

    (BTW, going just by BST, the Soul Dew actually makes Latias and Latios STRONGER then Mega Latias and Mega Latios! The Soul Dew increases the Eon Duo's Special stats by 50% making Latias stats 80/80/90/165/195/110//720 and Latios stats 80/90/80/195/165/110//720! Its so powerful its banned from official tournaments!)

    Event Legendaries (Jirachi & Deoxys)

    Simply put, could we be seeing another Event for them? And if there are, will it only be for Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire or will XY be able to download their own copy?

    That's pretty much it for the Legendaries, however there's much more to talk about, we haven't even begun scratching the surface!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [7]May 8, 2014
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    Ruby & Sapphire Features:

    Before we get too in-depth, let's slow down and look back to Ruby & Sapphire to see what features it had that we should be expecting.


    The "Pokemon App" of Gen III, in addition of being your map it also had 3 other handy functions:

    1. Map: Exactly what you think it is, it serves the same function as the Town Map and shows you the map of Hoenn and gives you details about town/cities/routes/special locations.

    (All the water routes... OH, and trust me, we'll be getting to Emerald shortly...)

    2. Condition: Checks the Pokemon Contest conditions (Cool, Beauty, Cute, Smart, & Tough) of the Pokemon in your party.

    (Well you know what they say, big is beautiful. And we'll be getting to Pokemon Contests...)

    3. Trainer's Eyes (Ruby & Sapphire)/Match Call (Emerald): Lists trainers you battled and registered into it. The original Trainer's Eyes only let you re-battle trainers in the area you're in, but Match Call allowed you call up trainers (ala the PokeGear) to challenge them for a re-battle, including Gym Leaders! It also had your Mom and Professor Birch registered if you ever felt like talking with them. Now obviously Match Call is the better feature, though Trainer's Eyes was the feature that was in the original Ruby & Sapphire. Of course, they could use the name Trainer's Eyes and just give it the features of Match Call, so eitherway expect the Match Call features no matter what name it goes by.

    (Who will be my next victim?)

    4. Ribbons: Shows the Ribbons your Pokemon got. And now with Pokemon Contests back, there are a lot more Ribbons to get.

    (And that was before Absol got a Meta Evolution! And we'll be getting to the Champion soon as well...)

    Now, just like with the PokeGear in HeartGold and SoulSilver, the PokeNav will probably be getting a shiny new redesign and interface facelift for the Touchscreen. But will the PokeNav be the only thing on the bottom touchscreen? For now let's just move onto another feature of Ruby & Sapphire.

    Pokemon Contests:

    You knew this was coming up! Pokemon Contests was a big feature of Gen III, so much so that the anime required a new female companion to dedicate to the concept! However the most exciting thing about the return of Pokemon Contests is that now it'll be in 3D graphics! The old Pokemon Contest just had the Pokemon's backsprite perform the attack animation, not that entertaining to look at. BUT now that the games had made the jump to 3D, maybe now Pokemon Contests will be worth watching!

    And with the return of Pokemon Contests also returns the Contest Condition and with Contest Condition also returns the Pokeblocks... and the Berry Blender!

    (Remember all the time you wasted to get that Feebas to evolve into a Milotic...)

    Honestly Pokemon Contests is a bit too complex to talk about in full so just click HERE for the Bulbapedia page if you're interested. I just wanted to bring up that Pokemon Contests could possibly be more interesting to watch now that it'll be in 3D!

    Aside from stuff we'll be going into later, for Ruby & Sapphire those are the only features I can think of that had a significant role. Of course, Ruby & Sapphire weren't the only Gen III games to take place in Hoenn. Next time we start getting deep into some speculation as the third version, Pokemon Emerald, is going to shake things up a bit and make you start really questioning a few things. Lookout for that next!

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [8]May 8, 2014
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    I really hope Deoxys, Jirachi,Latios and Latias aren't event pokemon. That would suck considering they were event pokemon last time.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [9]May 9, 2014
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    Pokemon Get TV (Weekly Japanese Pokemon Variety show), will debut the first ORAS footage this Sunday. morning.

    The show airs 7:30 AM Japan time so that will be about 6:30 PM on Saturday for US Eastern Time.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [10]May 9, 2014
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    And Then Came Emerald:

    Ruby & Sapphire are sort of unique among the Pokemon games due to its story. Ruby & Sapphire is about a war between these two eco-terrorist groups who believe that their element is more important then the other team's. Except not. Because in Ruby & Sapphire, you only ever fight one of the villain teams while the other team actually tries to help you. In Ruby you're facing Team Magma while in Sapphire you're facing Team Aqua. Though each story pretty much followed the same key points with the only difference being the opponents you fought, they were still separate stories. Then came Emerald.

    There's no doubt Emerald is the definitive Gen III Hoenn game. It combines both stories so that you were battling both villainous teams, got Rayquaza involved with the story, allowed you capture all 3 of the mascot Legendaries, and added a ton more content. The only reason you one would want to have Ruby or Sapphire is for nostalgia or the few Pokemon that's version exclusive to them.

    But now we're going back to the two versions. And while its easy enough to implement parts of Emerald into the remakes like how HeartGold and SoulSilver implemented Crystal, there are still some lingering questions to how are they going to re-split a spit story that was combined?


    I pretty much explained the story problems above. In Ruby & Sapphire it was the one team you were facing throughout the story. Eventually that team summons their Legendary Pokemon, it goes out of control, and you need to battle/catch it in order to save the Hoenn region. But in Emerald, Team Magma and Team Aqua took turns causing trouble which led to both awakening their Legendary Pokemon. However, because Kyogre and Groudon are sworn enemies, they are too busy battling each other that there's no way for you to battle them. You need to go to Sky Pillar, awaken Rayquaza, and have it stop the two from fighting thus saving Hoenn.

    So, how are they going to split that story back up? I mean, sure, they could ignore Emerald's story and just follow Ruby & Sapphire, but I have a feeling they have another thing in mind. Here's my speculation:

    1. Team Magma/Team Aqua Battles: I think that you're still going to battle both teams, however you're going to battle one team more than the other. Really never made any sense why one of the villain teams are acting like good guys, I get they want to stop the other team but don't they also want to wake up their Legendary Pokemon? It would make sense if both teams are villainous, but one is just a few steps ahead than the other.

    2. Their Legendary & Rayquaza: So, if I'm suggesting that only one team will be waking up their Legendary, does that mean Rayquaza is out of the plot? Well you could have it go that way, OR you could have it go the way I'm thinking it. Obviously "Omega Groudon"/"Alpha Kyogre" are going to play some kind of role, and maybe that role is powering up Groudon/Kyogre to a form that the player can't even reach them, like there's some kind of barrier their creating so that they can dry up the oceans/flood the land. With no way to reach the Legendary, you'd need to go to Sky Pillar, wake up Rayquaza, and have it break the barrier so that you can get in there and battle with "Omega Groudon"/"Alpha Kyogre".
    "Sounds interesting, but how are you going to explain them suddenly having this power they didn't have in the original Ruby & Sapphire"? Well, remember the way that Team Magma/Aqua woke up their Legendary? They uses an orb they stole from Mt. Pyre. However, they end up stealing the WRONG orb which angers Kyogre/Groudon causing them to disobey the villainous team (luckily you were given the right orb which pleased the Legendary and allowed you to battle it). However, what if this time the villain team DID get the right orb and the orb unlocks this new alternate form power? That way the player doesn't have the orb needed to battle the Legendary (or maybe has the wrong orb and the story will change to using that orb to depower the Legendary somehow) so they first need to get Rayquaza.

    There, the stories are now split up again but now contain elements of Emerald's story!

    Eight Gym Leader & Champion:

    BUT WAIT! That's not the only major story difference! In Ruby & Sapphire, the 8th Gym Leader was Wallace and the Champion was Steven. However in Emerald, Wallace became Champion meaning his mentor, Juan, retook the title as 8th Gym Leader while Steven was then made into a bonus boss post game. So, how could they solve this problem? Well here's a few ways I would do it:

    1. Follow Emerald's line-up: I rather they not get rid of Juan just because he was added in later. Juan as 8th Gym Leader, Wallace as Champion, and Steven as a bonus boss, while maybe not perfect for some, seems just fine if they don't want to make things complicated.

    2. Version Exclusive Champions: Yup, you heard me. Maybe in Omega Ruby you face Steven and Alpha Sapphire you face Wallace. Then later you can fight the other as a bonus boss. OR if you want to get REALLY crazy:

    3. Version Exclusive Line-Up: For example, in Omega Ruby you battle Wallace as 8th Gym Leader, Steven as Champion, and have Juan as a bonus boss. Meanwhile, Alpha Sapphire will have Juan as the 8th Gym Leader, Wallace as Champion, and Steven as a bonus boss.

    Or who knows, maybe they'll make Steven 8th Gym Leader (he does like Steel-types) and Juan the Champion just to mess with us. However I personally feel that choice number 2 might be the most likely to happen, it all depends on whether they would like Steven as a Champion. However there is one battle I would like to see happen: you having a double battling against Steven and Wallace (no idea who you're partner would be though, maybe Juan?). Actually now thinking about it I wouldn't mind seeing a double battle where you face both Archie and Maxie too. Anyway, that's my idea, for all we know Game Freak has a big surprise for us (like maybe having the Champion battle BE a double battle with Steven and Wallace!).

    Let's see, villainous team, Rayquaza, 8th Gym Leader, Champion... yeah, I think that wraps up all the loose ends! Now we can go into the additional features of Emerald that can easily be implemented such as...

    Battle Frontier:

    Oh yeah! No offense to Gen V, but the absence of a Battle Frontier was sorely missed! The Battle Subway is an okay replacement for the Battle Tower, but the White Treehollow/Black Tower and Pokemon World Tournament didn't really have that same level of challenge as a Battle Frontier provides. Hopefully Gen VI gives us a Battle Frontier, Battle Maison is only a Battle Tower substitute like the Battle Subway was. But that's talking about "future" generations, let's talk about the generation that started this frontier of battling:

    Hoenn's/Gen III's Battle Frontier has 7 Battle Facilities, each with their own battling rules/gimmicks. Let's look at each one:

    Battle Tower:
    Rule/Gimmick: Battle a streak of 7 trainers of either 3-vs.-3 single battles or 4-vs.-4 double battles.
    Frontier Brain: Salon Maiden Anabel
    Symbol: Ability
    Challenge Frontier Brain: 35th battle/5 streaks (Silver), 70th battle/10 streaks (Gold)

    Battle Tower is your standard Battle Tower. They may add more battle modes to match the amount that modern Battle Tower-like facilities have, but if you want to face Anabel you'll need to do 3-vs.-3 single battles or 4-vs.-4 double battles.
    If they design the Battle Tower in the right way, they could use the 3D to give you a feeling you're going higher and higher up the tower. I imagine something like having the battle take place in front of a large window that looks out onto the rest of the Battle Frontier. You'll start on the ground floor, but as you win battles and go up floors you get to see more and more of the Battle Frontier until finally on the top floor you can see the entire Battle Frontier. And maybe to put even more emphasis on it you can battle Anabel someplace open like a balcony or roof to really show ow far up you've gone.

    Battle Palace:
    Rule/Gimmick: A Pokemon's Nature decides what Moves they'll use.
    Frontier Brain: Palace Maven Spenser
    Symbol: Spirit
    Challenge Frontier Brain: 21st battle/3 streaks (Silver), 42nd battle/6 streaks (Gold)

    I can imagine this place looking very serene and beautiful in 3D, like a place where your meant to be calm and trust your Pokemon to know what they're doing.

    Battle Factory:
    Rule/Gimmick: You use 3 randomly selected rental Pokemon. After you win a battle you can trade for 1 of your opponent's Pokemon.
    Frontier Brain: Factory Head Noland
    Symbol: Knowledge
    Challenge Frontier Brain: 21st battle/3 streaks (Silver), 42nd battle/6 streaks (Gold)

    They could make this place REALLY cool looking with moving machine parts, maybe some neon tron lines, clear pipes with Pokeballs traveling through them, etc.. And maybe they can have this stuff appearing gradually as you win, like it starts out in a completely safe looking room but as you win and allowed to go deeper into the factory all the stuff I mention start to appear and it starts feeling you're getting into the heart of a working machine.

    Battle Pyramid:
    Rule/Gimmick: A 7-layer pyramid with each layer being a dark maze. In the maze you battle wild Pokemon, trainers, and can find restoring items (if you have a Pokemon with Pickup it can find items to help you on your way up).
    Frontier Brain: Pyramid King Brandon
    Symbol: Brave
    Challenge Frontier Brain: 21 floors/3 times through (Silver), 70 floors/10 times through (Gold)

    Now this is one of the Facilities where the 3D graphics can REALLY shine! Especially if they can set it up like the first part of Glittering Cave where its a 3rd person perspective following right behind your character, not knowing what could be around the corner! And being you're inside a pyramid they could put all sorts of murals and hieroglyphs on the wall to give you the feeling that you're really exploring the place (bonus points if they have the murals/hieroglyphs be clues to help you figure out how to get through).

    Battle Dome:
    Rule/Gimmick: 16-trainer elimination tournament.
    Frontier Brain: Dome Ace Tucker
    Symbol: Tactics
    Challenge Frontier Brain: 5th Tournament (Silver), 10th Tournament (Gold)

    I can see this place being really brightly colored and flashy, or maybe like the Pokemon World Tournament. Actually, now thinking about it, didn't the Pokemon World Tournament also use an elimination tournament? Eitherway, however they design it, it should be able to put on a show!

    Battle Arena:
    Rule/Gimmick: What Moves you use are judged for 3 turns, after which they determine a knockout if neither opponent have knocked out their opponent at the end of the 3rd turn.
    Frontier Brain: Arena Tycoon Greta
    Symbol: Guts
    Challenge Frontier Brain: 28 wins (Silver), 56 wins (Gold)

    Maybe combine a battling dojo with a courtroom to give that feeling you're being judged for every Move you make (which you are). It should be a place which makes you want to be very careful what Move you make because it could be your last.

    Battle Pike:
    Rule/Gimmick: You're shown 3 paths and told to pick one with a variety of things can happen.
    Frontier Brain: Pike Queen Lucy
    Symbol: Luck
    Challenge Frontier Brain: 27 rooms/2 times through (Silver), 139 rooms/10 times through (Gold)

    Another facility that can use the 3D for an impactful experience. You choose a path to go down, you wait in front of that path waiting for the curtain to go up, not knowing what's behind it. Then, the curtain suddenly raises to reveal a double battle! Or a wild Pokemon that afflicts your Pokemon with a status ailment! Or your Pokemon get healed! Or nothing happens. That small bit of suspense can really heighten an experience, especially when you're looking through the eyes of the character.

    Well it's getting late where I am and this post is getting long. Tomorrow I'll post the rest of the features Emerald had offered plus many more things!

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [11]May 29, 2014
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    Just thought I would post this to squash the rumors. Nintendo and The Pokemon Company have registered a trademark for Delta Emerald. This is no way, shape, or form confirms the release. 99% chance it was done just for business purposes as with the trademarks for Pokemon Gray and Water Blue.

    Edited on 05/29/2014 1:39am
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [12]May 29, 2014
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    You never know, though. They might surprise us and decide to make a Delta Emerald game after all.

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    [13]May 29, 2014
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    Just thought I would post this to squash the rumors. Nintendo and The Pokemon Company have registered a trademark for Delta Emerald. This is no way, shape, or form confirms the release. 99% chance it was done just for business purposes as with the trademarks for Pokemon Gray and Water Blue.

    Yeah, Delta seems a bit random, though I guess it's still worth some observation:

    Delta is the 4th letter in the 24 letter Greek alphabet. Its used science and mathematics to represent "change". I guess there are ways you can loosely connect this to Rayquaza (as well as Groudon and Kyogre), like it can use their power to change the weather.

    Like SPDShadowRanger said, I doubt they'll released an Emerald. Though it would clear the whole mess concerning the game's storylines if they did, honestly it would feel like a blatant cash grab if they did and go against what the remakes are suppose to be: updating an old game's story with new game mechanics and graphics. I'd think if they ever planned on releasing an Emerald remake they would have released that instead of Ruby & Sapphire remakes. And as we can see by the box art Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are already changing things up so I don't see why they would add elements from Emerald. Speaking of which:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Tomorrow I'll post the rest of the features Emerald had offered plus many more things!

    And by tomorrow I mean a week or two later. Sorry, I got kind of busy, and with the Pokemon Company announcing a sneak peek of first gameplay and with E3 coming I decided to wait. Also, after looking through Emerald's Bulbapedia page there really isn't much left to talk about though I do have some quick things to mention before moving onto mechanics to be aware of from future generations. Though before we talk about the other mechanics, let's talk about that sneak peek:

    Yeah, I know I'm a bit late here. If you were around during the sneak peek, you may have heard that not a lot of people were happy with it. y guess was people were expecting something like the XY trailer showing off locations, some battling scenes, and ending with a CG scene of Groudon and Kyogre (possibly in their new forms). What we got was Groudon and Kyogre essentially waking up and yawning. Though don't take my word for it, see for yourself. However there are somethings to observe in the sneak peek, of course being essentially a tech demo anything I observe can change and it's highly likely to not be in the final game, so in other words I'm probably wasting our time... TO THE VIDEO!

    1. On the "rising of Groudon/Kyogre out of the sea"itself, if that was to be in the game then it'd probably be used as a cutscene upon them awakening. Now in the original Ruby & Sapphire we didn't get something like this, after their awoken in the Seafloor Cavern we get a scene of the weather going crazy, Team Magma/Aqua horrifying realizing what they had done, and then you go to Sootopolis City to battle them in the CAve of Origin. However in Emerald, after waking up, they appeared in the middle of Sootopolic City's "lake" to battle. The reason I think this is a scene that might appear after their awakening in the Seafloor Cavern because its located just outside of Sootopolic City and if you look carefully in the background of the sneak peek you can see an island with high walls which fits the description of what exactly Sootopolis City would look outside of it. So if that is Sootopolis City and this scene is in the game, then this scene would have to take place right after their awakening from the Seafloor Cavern.
    2. I think it goes without saying that after rising from the water we see them activating their Abilities: Groudon activating Drought and Kyogre activating Drizzle. Now is this a new animation for when Drought and Drizzle activates or is it just for this scene? My guess is its the latter, though its still something worth mentioning.
    3. And finally a nitpick: Why is Groudon coming out of the WATER? Shouldn't its very presence be creating land all around it, or maybe a volcano? I say this because Groudon is a pure Ground-type meaning its WEAK to Water. Sure its a Legendary, but the sea has a lot of water, a lot of water it would have to swim through for it to rise from the Seafloor Cavern.

    As I said and as the sneak peek says, nothing in the trailer is final and was meant to show... to show... that they made a scene of Groudon and Kyogre out of the water and activating their Abilities? Yeah, I have no idea what Pokemon Company were trying to do with this sneak peek. You'd think they would want to show off 3D versions of well known Hoenn locations or maybe even some character models. But no, instead we got Groudon and Kyogre waking up and yawning with what's possibly the outside of Sootopolis City (the least interesting part of Sootopolis City to look at) WAY in the background. Who knows, maybe their waiting for E3 to show off more, but if that was a case maybe they should have waited for E3 as now a lot of fans are feeling they've been teased and may not be looking forward to any Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire news... oh what am I saying, fans will be keeping their eyes and ears to the blogs for any hint of news (plus any other things from E3 that might interest them).

    Next post I'll finish up talking about some features from Gen III and moving onto mechanics from future Generations you may want to keep in mind.

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    [14]May 29, 2014
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    Remaining Generation III Features:

    As I said, there isn't much new features as I thought Emerald added to Gen III (many of Emeralds changes were actually graphical or slightly changing somethings which aren't major or important in the long run). So with that said there are 3 last things I would like to mention:


    Edited on 06/01/2014 9:54pm
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    [15]May 30, 2014
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    Generation V Features:


    Edited on 06/01/2014 9:53pm
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [16]May 30, 2014
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    That is unless Metagross gains a mega Evolution

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    [17]Jun 1, 2014
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    That is unless Metagross gains a mega Evolution

    Maybe, while I would like to see a Mega Metagross I still think Aggron should be Steven Stone's Signature Pokemon. Also I don't think a Mega Metagross is really needed at the moment. If they're making any new Mega Pokemon right now it should be for Sceptile and Swampert.

    And back to my post (which, naturally, is a little late. I'm going to stop saying when I'm going to continue or make my next post...)


    Edited on 06/01/2014 9:52pm
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    [18]Jun 1, 2014
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    Let's get to what many people are really looking forward to in Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire: The battles! I've already talked about the Battle Frontier so I won't go over them again unless I feel like I have something to say about their teams, but right now we're mainly going to be focusing on the Hoenn League: Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and Champion(s?)! In addition I'll also talk about other aspects like the town/city they're leader of, their Gym Puzzle, and etc.. So let's being:


    Edited on 06/01/2014 9:55pm
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    [19]Jun 2, 2014
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    GYM LEADERS: (Continued)


    Edited on 06/06/2014 9:07pm
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [20]Jun 6, 2014
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    Pokemon Get TV and CoroCoro will be revealing new ORAS information over the course of the following days. I warn you, these are remakes, and as such we know a lot of what is already going to be int he games so do not sit here and complain about lack of information afterwards.

    Edited on 06/06/2014 9:08pm
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