Pikachu315111 wrote: |
Mega Villain Secret: |
I saw something like this awhile ago in memebase. I thought they were grasping 0.0
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
Mega Villain Secret: |
I saw something like this awhile ago in memebase. I thought they were grasping 0.0
More news coming soon, for now here's a preview:
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
WARNING! More news coming soon, for now here's a preview: MEGA ALTARIA! MEGA LOPUNNY! MEGA SALAMENCE! |
Wow Salamance looks cool.
The Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire site just updated, so let's get thing information train rolling!
Feebas & Milotic: Evolution Method Returns
Following all the shiny "NEW" tags, we begin with with normal Pokemon where they've added a section for Feebas and Milotic. Normally I would just end it here, but there is something to note here: Feebas will regain it's evolution method of evolving by maxing its Beauty Condition. Yup, Pokemon Contests have not only been confirmed but also PokeBlocks, though we'll cover those later. For those who don't know, between Gen III and Gen IV, in order to evolve Feebas into Milotic you needed to max its Beauty Condition, a tedious process that you usually needed the best PokeBlocks for Beauty to do. However Gen V got rid of Pokemon Contests thus the Conditions, meaning Feebas needed a new way to evolve. The Prism Scale was introduced as a hold item and when given to a Feebas and traded the Feebas would evolve into Milotic, simple enough and probably more welcomed (interesting fact though, if a Feebas with a max Beauty condition is transferred over to a Gen V or VI game, the game will note it has a max Beauty Condition and allow it to evolve when it levels up. That does not mean the Conditions exist in the game though, it's just a flag that is put onto the Feebas). In addition, in Gen V you could just straight up catch a wild Milotic by fishing in rippling water on Route 1.
(I wonder if "The Ugly Duckling" story in the Pokemon World is "The Ugly Feebas")
Now my guess we'd still be given the option to evolve Feebas into Milotic via trading with it holding a Prism Scale, but then I ask why would anyone go through the hassle of raising their Feebas's Beauty Stat to evolve it when there's a simpler method. Okay, sure, you don't need someone else (or a second version & second 3DS/2DS) to trade with, but that can easily be solved by going to a Pokemon Forum and maybe even using the GT... you know what, just ask around a Pokemon forum. But back to my point, why would anyone bother with the harder evolution method? Well, aside being also able to compete with the Feebas in Pokemon Contest (though if you're doing all this you're probably going to evolve your Feebas as soon as possible to get access to more Moves) or not having the Prism Scale in the game (though once again you can ask someone in a Pokemon forum for help as in XY there's a Prism Scale in Couriway Town which regenerates every so often thus providing you with infinite Prism Scales), maybe they could make it worth going through the extra effort by having Miltotic learn a move that it normally can't learn (probably a Move that's very good in the Beauty Contests). It would be great incentive as if you're going to do that then you're doing it to compete in Pokemon Contests with Milotic. Now the question is what that move can be and I can't really answer that as right now only the Moves that existed in Gen IV have Contest Conditions and obviously moves introduced in Gen V and VI will be getting Contest Conditions in ORAS. However, if I have to pick from the the existing Moves with Beauty Condition I'd give it Explosion. Sure, it has no battle use with Milotic but it would be a GREAT way to end Milotic's Beauty performance. That or Hydro Cannon which is also a nice Beauty Move and could be useful to Miltotic in battle. Lovely Kiss, Heal Bell, and Defog could also work and be great in battle though aren't that power Beauty Moves. Of course, I doubt this would happen, but I'm just saying.
Shiny Beldum Event: Because Blazikenite Is No Longer Event Exclusive
Just like with XY's release, Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire will be having an event with a Pokemon holding its Mega Stone. This time it's Beldum BUT it won't be just any Beldum, it would be a SHINY Beldum! Beldum is one of those Pokemon who has a great Shiny version. It and its evolution's blue body and white spikes turn into a silver body and gold spikes, it's beautiful. And now, if you have ORAS, you'll not only be getting one but it'll also be holding its Mega Stone (which they didn't name, but I'm betting it'll be Metagrite as Metagrossite sounds a bit sloppy). So in addition to seeing a Shiny Beldum, Metang, and Metagross we'll also be able to see a Shiny Metagross who's additional gold "x" on its face turns blue like its previous body! Here's side by side picks of the normal and Shiny version of the Beldum family:
(So... beautiful... so... Shiny...)
However, this does make me wonder if Metagross's Mega Stone will be event exclusive like Blaziken was. It would make sense, plus there's little risk of them ever having to make Metagross's Mega Stone not Event exclusive like they had to do with Blazikenite. Eitherway, if you're planning on buying Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire, you may want to get it on release if only to get a Shiny Beldum and Metagross's possibly event exclusive Mega Stone.
FUN FACT: Recently Twitch Plays Pokemon finished their XY playthrough (and yes, they do plan on playing ORAS when it comes out). As you can imagine, it was a bit hectic especially since they were able to connect to the internet. And yes, they did Trade and Wonder Trading their Pokemon (oh, and battled, and easily got curb stomped every time). So, why am I bringing this up? Well because people hearing about this did their best to get their few seconds of fame by giving them interesting Pokemon. At one point, someone gave them a Shiny Beldum! They didn't use it for long, it eventually got put into the PC and I think during the post game it was traded away, but it was interesting all the same. Also someone tried trading them a hacked Diancie but the trade was cancelled before they could complete it.
This post is going to be long with the Shiny Beldum family images, so I'll cut it off here. NEXT TIME, we discuss the new Mega Pokemon!
Before I go onto the new Mega Pokemon, I didn't really post up the images of the Shiny Beldum family in-game screenshots:
(Yeah, still looks awesome)
Now, onto what you've all been waiting for:
Mega Pokemon: Altaria, Salamence, & Lopunny Power-Up
As you may have heard, Altaria, Salamence, and Lopunny have just gotten Mega Evolutions: Mega Altaria, Mega Salamence, and Mega Lopunny! Here's the info:
Mega Altaria
Type: Dragon/Fairy
(Weakness: Ice, Fairy, Poison, & Steel
Resistance: Electric, Fire, Grass, Water, Bug, Dark, & Fighting
Immune: Dragon)
Ability: Pixilate
Description: Mega Altaria's body is enveloped in its unique feathers, which glimmer with an iridescent sheen. They have grown even larger as a self-protective measure. It sings with a voice that is even more beautiful than before it Mega Evolved. It has a sociable personality and is not timid.
Altaria's Stats: 75/70/90/70/105/80//490
Increased Stats: Major to Attack & Special Attack; Minor to Defense
Wow, Altaria got VERY fluffy (and a bit fatter, I dub thee Gabriel Iglesias). I like it, it looks like what an evolution of Altaria would look like. Also like the nice touch with the fluffy feather hat. I also like how they extended the tail and didn't put any fluffy feathers on it, showing Altaria is more then just fluffy feathers (though it does sort of remind me of Articuno's tail, but I think they were going for the same effect with both: flowing and graceful).
It's awesome it gets a type change from Dragon/Flying to Dragon/Fairy. This is very notable for Altaria as its a defensive Pokemon, so being able to change its weaknesses and resistances allows it to adapt to the battle if you decide not to evolve it immediately. Though even if you did it has more resistances and even gets rid of that dreaded quadruple Ice-type weakness and weakness to Stealth Rock (aka Stealth Rock weakness). It does sadly lose its Ground-type immunity, but it return it gets Dragon-type immunity which is VERY useful as its the first Dragon-type that has nothing to fear from its Dragon-type brethren. We have the new lord of the dragons, and it's fluffy and part Fairty-type.
Of course it switching types does bring it a problem with not having a lot of Moves of that type... oh, wait, it gets Moonblast. Okay nevermind... Oh, oh fine, I'll go on even though Moonblast is all that it'll need. Well, if it's a Special-based Altaria, I suppose a Physical Altaria could make use of its new Ability, Pixilate. Yup, all of Altaria's Normal-type moves now turn to Fairy-type (and get a 30% Power boost) and since Altaria has equal Attack and Special Attack it can be Physical or Special so for Physical Altaria's now can have Fairy-type Return (STAB Fairy-type Return). The only other Normal-type Move worth mentioning is Hyper Voice which the 30% Power boost would actually make it more powerful then Moonblast, so that's maybe something to consider (its an Egg Move though, so get breeding). Sadly this does mean a normal Altaria does lose Natural Cure which help with its role of defensive Pokemon, however it does combo nice with an Altaria with its Hidden Ability, Cloud Nine. It'll clear the weather and then can freely Mega Evolve.
This goes right into stats and honestly I don't see what they're trying to do. Altaria is a defensive Pokemon, so why are you giving it boosts to its offensive stats? You're not really going to make it into an attacking Pokemon because if you do it's going to be a lackluster one compared to other dedicated attackers. Especially since it has equal offensive stats thus you need to raise both the same amount unless you're going to make it focus on one category more which it sounds like your not. The Defense boost is nice, but they make it sound like they're just going to make it even to its Special Defense. Odder yet they specifically point out that its feathers have grown larger as a self-defense measure, yet then they start talking about increasing its offensive stats? Overall in their attempt to make Altaria more offensive I think they're just going to make it an average Pokemon, still good, but average compared to other Mega Evolutions which it would be competing with since only one Pokemon can Mega Evolve.
(Behold my fluffiness, and DESPAIR!)
Mega Salamence
Type: Dragon/Flying
Ability: Aerilate
Description: The energy from Salamence's Mega Evolution is focused on its wings. Its two wings fuse together, becoming a single huge wing in a crescent shape. When flying at high speeds, this wing becomes a great blade, slicing through anything loitering in Mega Salamence's way.
Salamence's Stats: 95/135/80/110/80/100//600
Increased Stats: Major to Defense
When it was a little Bagon it has always wished to fly. Upon evolving to Shelgon it began the metamorphosis to make its dream possible. Finally as a Salamence it had grew wings and achieved its dreams. But not as a Mega Salemence, it'll go FURTHER BEYOND ITS DREAMS! You've probably seen plenty of people making fun of how Mega Salamence looks and I sort of agree it looks odd. I mean, I get the logic behind it, to further its flying dream its wings have fused allowing to fly even faster. I think if they worked on the wings a bit more it could have worked as the wings look a bit dull. I also like it's "suspenders" which it tucks its front legs into to make it more aerodynamic (also it has Rayquaza's face now).
Skipping type as it doesn't change, it does get a new Ability in Aerilate. Yup, it too got a "Normal-type Move into other type" Ability though it does make sense. Being a Physical attacker it does appreciate STAB Flying-type Return, Double-Edge, and Thrash which is good as its only Physical Flying-type attacks are Fly and Aerial Ace (and remember, Aerilate boosts the move's Power it effects by 30%), so overall it can now have a viable Flying-type attack. Salamence with their Hidden Ability, Moxie, will miss the boost to Attack when they knock out its opponent, but those with its normal Ability could combo with it nicely, and it even matches well with what stat gets increased.
Salamence's normal Ability is Intimidate which decreases the opponent's Attack which matched nicely with Mega Salamence's increase Defense stat. But with that said, who care about Salamence's Defense? Yes, Defense is important, but when you're talking about Salamence you're thinking about two stats (maybe three): Attack and Speed (and maybe Special Attack). Salamence is fast and a heavy hitter, and its description makes it sound like those two stats would be the main stats it'll be focusing on (especially Speed). Now its not as bad as with Altaria, but its still odd.
(I bring a whole new meaning to hit-and-run)
Mega Lopunny
Type: Normal/Fighting
Ability: Scrappy
Description: Mega Lopunny's wild fighting instincts, long dormant, have been awakened! A full-power strike from its ears could crumple solid steel plates. Its personality transforms and becomes extremely aggressive, which often leaves its Trainer feeling bewildered by the change.
Lopunny's Stats: 65/76/84/54/96/105//480
Increased Stats: Major to Attack; Minor to Speed
Wow, I mean if you thought Mega Gardevoir wearing a wedding dress was a bit questionable, Mega Lopunny brings it to a whole new level. Heck, NORMAL Lopunny was questionable being modeled after a Playboy Bunny. Mega Lopunny's trainer doesn't feel bewildered because it becomes a fighting machine, they feel bewildered because it looks like its wearing ripped pantyhose and a crop top! Anyway, Mega Lopunny looks nice, I especially like how the ears have pretty much become nunchucks which its description says it uses to break steel!
It gaining the Fighting-type has given Lopunny a whole new use as not it has gained a STAB which can do super effective damage. Sure it gains more weaknesses, but it also has some resistances and does keep its immunity to Ghost-types. Lopunny isn't lacking in Fighting-type Moves either: it can naturally learn Jump Kick; through TM can learn Low Sweep and Power-Up Punch; and through breeding can learn Circle Throw, Low Kick, and Sky Uppercut. It has also been confirmed it'll be getting High Jump Kick (and probably get Brick Break as a TM move), here's hoping it also gets Close Combat (if not natural but maybe as an Egg Move).
Of course being Normal and Fighting still means its STAB don't hit Ghost-types... that is if it wasn't for Scrappy! With Scrappy, Lopunny two STABS now hit Ghost-types and this now means Lopunny can do at least neutral damage to any type combination! In addition I doubt Lopunny will miss any of its other Abilities. It's not defensive enough to make use of Cute Charm, Klutz is completely useless, and Limber is nice but once again Lopunny is too weak to fully utilize it. Scrappy is the better Ability, especially not that it has the Fighting-type (so Spiritomb, Sableye, Froslass, and the Honedge family better watch out).
Finally they finally did SOMETHING right as Lopunny got the two right stats increased. You may notice that Lopunny's defensive stats are higher then its offensive stats, but they're not that far apart unlike Altaria's so it's still perfectly possible to make it into a quick bruiser bu just focusing on Attack and Speed (which was already good on Lopunny).
(She's on a neverending quest to find a new pair of pantyhose every time she Mega Evolves)
And that's all for the Pokemon. Next time we go over a quick history of Shiny Pokemon and a new character to help introduce us to the new version of Pokemon Contests! Seeya next time!
Well this came out of nowhere. The Korean Pokemon site accidentally(?) revealed two new Megas.
Mega Slowbro has Slowbro regret its life choices as it slowly gets digested by the Shellder. I'm pretty sure the Shellder is the one who Mega-Evolved, not the Slowbro.
It retains its typing and now has Shell Armor. What a waste of an Ability.
Audino has made a contract with Kyubey and joined the rankings of the Magical Girls like Diancie.
It is now Normal/Fairy to match and also has Healer.
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
Well this came out of nowhere. The Korean Pokemon site accidentally(?) revealed two new Megas. Mega Slowbro has Slowbro regret its life choices as it slowly gets digested by the Shellder. I'm pretty sure the Shellder is the one who Mega-Evolved, not the Slowbro. It retains its typing and now has Shell Armor. What a waste of an Ability. Audino has made a contract with Kyubey and joined the rankings of the Magical Girls like Diancie. It is now Normal/Fairy to match and also has Healer. |
(My beauty cannot be summed up in mere values, hmph!)
Up til this point the new Mega Pokemon we were being shown were from Gen III. Makes sense, their remakes are coming out afterall. The only exception until recently of this was Mega Diancie but you could write that off as a promotion for the recent Pokemon movie. However with the release of Mega Lopunny (and now the reveal of Mega Slowbro and Mega Audino) it shows that not only Gen III Pokemon will be getting Mega Evolutions for Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire (though I assume most will be). Other fun facts:
1. Diancie is the first Mega Pokemon for Gen VI Pokemon.
2. Audino is the first Mega Pokemon for Gen V Pokemon.
(Assuring that the Gen III Pokemon don't get big egos)
Now, back to the "official" updates next post.
Before we begin, with the announcement of a Shiny Beldum event they made a post generally explaining Shiny Pokemon. Nothing too in-depth, just tells you they're differently colored from normal Pokemon and that either encountering one in the wild or hatching one is very rare.
I'd also like to throw some of my own trivia in:
1. In Gen VI, the probability of finding a wild/hatching a Shiny Pokemon was changed from a 1/8192 chance to 1/4096.
2. There are several methods to make finding a Shiny in the wild easier. Poke Radar and Consecutive Fishing increases your chance of finding a Shiny Pokemon. Pokemon in the Friend Safari also have a higher chance of being Shiny. Breeding using the "Masuda method" will also give you a better chance of hatching a Shiny Pokemon. Finally if you complete the National Dex (minus Event Pokemon) you'll get the Shiny Charm which increases your chance of finding/hatching a Shiny Pokemon, and it stacks with all the previous methods.
3. The term "Shiny" was mainly a fan term until Gen IV when it was used in promotional material. It became an official term in Gen V when it was said by a NPC character in-game. Previously they were officially known was just "alternate/rare colored" Pokemon. They were called shiny due to the sparkling sound and animation effect they do when sent out.
Now here's a comparison of a normal and Shiny Zigzagoon and Metagross:
(I do like that they show an example of a Shiny Pokemon with a slight color change and one with a major color change)
Well, it's time for the post we've all been wait and expecting for:
POKEMON CONTEST SPECTACULARS: These Aren't Normal Or Super Contests Anymore
Yes, as expected Pokemon Contests are back but not as just Pokemon Contests or Pokemon Super Contests, but as Pokemon Contest Spectaculars! What does that mean? We'll that's what we're going to go over!
First, to help you transition into these new form of Pokemon Contests we have another new NPC just like they did for Super Secret Bases with Aarune. This time, the NPC for the Pokemon Contest Spectaculars is named Lisia, Contest Idol! A Pokemon Contest prodigy, She's THE Pokemon Contest super star in Hoenn, though she's not afraid to do hard work and effort which is said where her true appeal lies. As a Pokemon Contest prodigy and super star, she can sense potential and it just so happens she sense in your character (who would have thought?)! Her partner is an Altaria named Ali, something which will be notable later on.
(I wonder if her favorite Pokemon is Altaria, she's very subtle about it)
So what exactly will Lisia be doing in the games? Well in addition to introducing you to Pokemon Contest Spectaculars she'll also be giving you a Pokeblock Kit (which contains a Pokeblock Case and mobile Berry Blender) and costumes for your character to wear on stage (because Gen VI introduced trainer customization and they're going to use it wherever they can, DAMMIT!). I'm also going to assume she'll sometimes be a challenging coordinator in the Master Rank Contests. I would also say she's the Champion but they already confirmed Steven was so they aren't going to pull another Diantha on us here.
(I expect her to soon be drawn in ALL the fetishes...)
(Dude, that's just creepy... wait, NEXT boyfriend?)
Now after introducing our "guide" let's jump into this performance!
Conditions & Ranks:
Now I'm not going to cover everything, though there are things which I want to comment on. First, there has been come changes done to the names of a few Conditions (and point out a fun trivia fact about the Rank names):
(I guess calling the Contest for Beautiful the "Beautifullness Contest" would sound weird, and be too long to fit in the text box)
The original Contest Conditions were Cool, Beauty, Cute, Smart, and Tough in the English version of the games. I say this because they made a few slight changes to the names. A minor one would be to "Beauty" which is now "Beautiful" in the Condition stat screen (though the Contest is still called "Beauty Contest"). However "Smart" has been renamed to "Clever" and its Contest to "Cleverness Contest". Clever, or rather Cleverness, is actually the Japanese name for the Condition. Don't know why they changed it, but they did. If you're wondering, Cool, Beautiful, and Cute have the same name in Japan (or rather they're called Coolness, Beauty, and Cuteness; yes, originally Beauty was the Japanese name so it was the ONLY one which directly matched though now that it has been changed to Beautiful it no longer matches, instead we changed directly) HOWEVER Tough is known as "Hardiness" in Japan. but yeah, that's the change, the Contest Conditions are now Cool, Beautiful, Cute, Clever, and Tough.
(Yes, we're going to perform a Coolness Contest on a PINK stage with a giant neon BOW... are you sure this isn't the stage for the Cuteness Contest?)
The Ranks for the Hoenn Pokemon Contests are Normal, Super, Hyper, and Master. They may not sound familiar to English players, but they are to Japanese players. In the Japanese version the ranks after Normal are named for the Poke Balls after the normal Poke Ball (which is called Monster Ball there): Great Ball is Super Ball, Ultra Ball is Hyper Ball, and finally the Master Ball is the same in both languages. EVEN MORE, the Sinnoh Contest Ranks ARE named after the English names of the Poke Balls (except for THE Poke Ball, obviously) in both languages for some reason: Normal, Great, Ultra, and Master. Just an odd bit of fun trivia for you.
Pokeblocks make their return as well as their process in creating them. I'm mainly going to be commenting on the images as you can read up about the complexity of Pokeblocks on Bulpapedia, but who knows if the information there goes along with changes they've done (in fact something in the new images tell me there have been changes made). Here's the new Pokeblock Case and that mobile Berry Blender, both which are in the Pokeblock Kit that Lisia gives you:
(I can hear your screams of anger coming back of not being able to make the perfect Beauty Pokeblocks...)
First let's compare the new Pokeblock Case with the old one:
(And yes, they are suppose to look like Pez dispensers. Actually that would have been a great promotion idea, probably sell a ton more then slapping a Pokemon head on top of the dispenser!)
Starting with the case, it's no blue with the center cut out to reveal the blocks inside, instead now being Poke Ball colors (red and white). It has a white cap on the bottom, the back is a red cover, the front is clear so you can see the Pokeblocks, and the "pushing tray" is white. The Poke Ball on top has also changed, mainly it looks more like a Poke Ball now. Overall I like the new design of the Pokeblock Case, I like how the front is clear and you can see the "pushing tray" giving some realism to it.
As for the Berry Blender, we can't really compare since this is a mobile version and the ones in Gen III were only found inside Contest Halls. Actually, that's something notable, now you're able to blend berries and make Pokeblocks wherever you are whenever you want! Of course you'll be doing it alone it'll be harder to make the best Pokeblocks (my guess there are still normal Berry Blenders in Contest Halls you can use with NPCs to make the blending a bit easier), but at least you now have the option. Actually, they don't show the berry blending min-game so I have no idea what changes they've done to it (or maybe they removed it altogethe... yeah, probably not. We got to make making Pokeblocks frustrating somehow because evolving Feebas can't be easy (well, initially easy)).
Trainer Costumes:
Trainer customization now exist so time to show that it isn't your Pokemon that can show off! Lisia gives you a costume which I'm assuming is the one they're showing here, but I would be surprise if you couldn't get more. You may notice that the male's costume matches Cosplay Pikachu Rock Star and the female's costume matches Cosplay Pikachu Pop Star (and yes, there's a reason I'm calling it Cosplay Pikachu).
(Orlando and Anna? What, did Brendan and May create a stage name?)
This post is getting long so I'm cutting it right here, so stay tuned to Pokemon Contest Spectaculars PART 2!
Let's begin part 2 with ACTUALLY talking about the Pokemon Contest Spectaculars:
Introduction Round:
When a Pokemon Contest Spectacular starts off, first the audience judges your Pokemon's "appearance". What this actually means is the game judges your Pokemon's corresponding Condition for the Contest you chose. In other words feed your Pokemon Pokeblocks until they explode and you should start off the Contest with the audience on your side.
(LOVE. AND. PEEEEEACE! *Maximum Kawaiiness achieved, the whole audience have developed diabetes*)
Talent Round:
After the game is done telling you how much you suck at Pokeblock making/wasted your time making perfect Pokeblocks, it's time for the actual contest to begin. Basically you pick one of your Pokemon's move to try and appeal to the audience. There's all sorts of other mechanics here like combination moves, strategic moves to make your appeal better or your opponent's worse, etc.. You'll have to read all that for yourself, just as a general piece of advice is to remember to pick Moves that correspond with the Contest you're in or you'll end up like Cosplay Pikachu Libre below:
(Also whenever you do a move that targets the opponent they now give you a substitute doll to attack so you're not longer attacking the judges/audience like in the original games)
Also, if you managed to reach the maximum amount of excitement and is holding its Mega Stone, it'll Mega Evolve! Here's what happens when a normal Altaria and an Altatia holding is Mega Stone reach maximum excitement:
(Uh huh, that's nice and Altaria, but let's see what you can REALLY do with a Mega Stone)
(Case and point, if the Pokemon that can perform can Mega Evolve, give it its Mega Stone)
Fan Support:
In Black 2 & White 2 they introduce Pokestar Studios where you made Pokemon-based movies. As you made more movies and got more popular, fans of your movies would start appearing in the theater's entrance. If you talk to them, some would you items. Well they repeated that mechanic here! As you perform through Contests and increase your Rank, fans of your performances will appear in the Concert Hall and when you talk to them they'll give you items!
(Guessing you also get different fans for different Contests. Wait, a Hex Maniac? What Contest would a Hex Maniac go to, there's no spooky or goth Contest)
Get Yourself Involved:
No, I don't mean your character, I mean YOU yourself. Remember, the 3DS has a camera! Before you start a Contest, talk to the Guitarist in front of the reception desk and he'll offer to let you take a picture of your Pokemon performing via pressing the camera button when its up to perform. Take a picture of your favorite moment and then talk with him again and he'll replace the stage background with whatever you set your 3DS camera to look at.
(FINALLY! I can take pictures of me getting attacked by my Pokemon!... wait...)
Get Your Friends:
It also mentions you can do a Pokemon Contest Spectacular with your friends but they don't go into much detail. I'm wondering if they'll allow you to do Pokemon Contest with random players like Trading and Battling.
The Secret Of Cosplay Pikachu:
Ever since the re-introduction of Pokemon Contests they've been showing off Pikachu wearing 5 costumes, one each for a Contest Condition. This has made people wonder whether other Pokemon will also be allowed to dress up of if its just Pikachu. Well, as it turns out its just for Pikachu, actually it's just for ONE Pikachu: Cosplay Pikachu:
(You see she's different from all other Pikachu because her tail has a black heart on it)
Cosplay Pikachu is a female Pikachu who's tail has a black heart mark on it. Cosplay Pikachu is a Pokemon Contest star, its tail heart being it signature, and it loves fashion so dresses up when it performs. After competing if your first Pokemon Contest (which I'm bet is going to be mandatory) you'll be able to add Cosplay Pikachu to your team. You'll then be able to go to a Green Room in Contest Halls to change it into the costumes we've seen it dress in (ONLY Cosplay Pikachu can dress up, she doesn't want any filthy common Pikachu wearing her stuff). But these changes are not just for Pokemon Contests, you can also battle with Cosplay Pikachu dressed in its costumes!
(Sorry Cosplay Pikachu, you're not smart, but you're pretty clever)
"Oh, so this Pikachu is sort of like a Furfrou" you ask. Actually, this Pikachu is more like a Rotom as whenever Cosplay Pikachu puts on a costume it can learn a special move! Let's go over them:
Cosplay Pikachu Rock Star: Meteor Mash
(Like a steel meteor to YOUR FACE)
Meteor Mash is a pretty rare Move with only the Clefairy, Metang, and Metagross able to learn it naturally. Since XY is has 90 Power and 90 Accuracy, making it a good Steel-type Move to use in battle, especially for Pokemon who have the Iron Fist Ability. Meteor Mash also has a 20% chance of increasing the user's Attack by 1 stage, so a Physical attacker would like this Move. But how is it on Pikachu? Pikachu technically has a bigger Attack stat then Special Attack, but only by 5 points. And even then it's still only 55 (though with Pikachu holding a Light Orb its 110, if you can find one). I suppose it provides some nice coverage, especially since getting a Pikachu with Iron Tail had become difficult in recent years, but in the end I don't see it doing much for Pikachu.
Cosplay Pikachu, Ph.D.: Electric Terrain
(It's electrifying!)
Pikachu can make much more use out of Electric Terrain than Meteor Mash. Electric Terrain's main thing is that for 5 turns it prevents grounded Pokemon from falling asleep and increases Electric-type attacks by 50%. So not only does this increases Pikachu's own Electric-type attacks, it also provides some support in Double, Triple, and Rotation Battles even if Pikachu's partner doesn't have Electric-type attacks. I suppose it has some uses, like stopping your opponent from having their Pokemon use Rest, but still I think in most cases Pikachu would rather want to attack than setup.
Cosplay Pikachu Pop Star: Draining Kiss
(A healing kiss, BUT NOT FOR YOU!)
I guess Draining Kiss is an okay healing attack if you're a Fairy-type, but if you're not sadly I don't think you'll get much use from it. It's 50 Power and heals the user 75% of the damage done. Though Pikachu doesn't have any other healing moves aside from Rest, it still has other options to choose from that it would prefer over Draining Kiss (maybe if it was Parabolic Charge, but not Draining Kiss).
Cosplay Pikachu Belle: Icicle Crash
(What killed the Zigzagoon? THE ICICLE CRASH!)
Now THIS is a attack Pikachu can use! Ice covers Pikachu's sole weakness, Ground, and two types that resist it, Grass and Dragon. It's also a pretty good move too. It may not be as strong as Meteor Mash (Icicle Crash is 85 Power with 90 Accuracy) but it has a 30% chance of causing the opponent to Flinch! Pikachu's highest stat is Speed at 90 so it has a good chance of going first, especially if Pikachu paralyzed the opponent via Nuzzle, so Flinching the opponent would be very handy!
Cosplay Pikachu Libre: Flying Press
Everyone knows about Flying Press. It's the Fighting-type move that also does Flyigg-type damage with 80 Power, 95 Accuracy. Its Hawlucha's Signature Move and now I want to see a Flying Press battle between Cosplay Pikachu Libre and Hawlucha! Anyway, its an okay move though sort of has the same problem as Meteor Mash.
I'm also going to guess like Rotom that Cosplay Pikachu will lose the move once it changes out of the costume. Why a Pokemon Contest star like Cosplay Pikachu would want to travel around with you I don't know, but hey, do you want to complain about getting a free special Pokemon?
And I have one last post before we're officially finished with the "official" update.
(OTHER) COOL FEATURES: The Villains Finally Listened
The last "official" update has to do with Horde Battles! Yes, they return in Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire.
(Bring out the multi-target moves!)
BUT THERE'S A TWIST! All of the Horde Battles we've seen so far have been Wild Battles, mainly because no way you would agree to battle a trainer to a 1-vs-5 fight. But what if you're forced too? What trainer would be rude enough to do that? THE VILLAINS OF COURSE! Yup, Team Magma and Team Aqua had adopted a "zerg rush" method and now sometimes 5 grunts will battle you all at once!
(Uh oh, this doesn't look good. Okay, plan of action, as long as I can knock out one of their Pokemon each turn...)
(Oh... nevermind, they're just using Poochyena's that are about half my Pokemon's level...)
Joking aside this does sound interesting, and can your really argue about a massive amount of free experience? Ooh, here's an idea, how about a battle where Maxie/Archie, the 2 admins, and 2 other grunts challenge you to a horde battle! That'd be awesome and quite the challenge!
Finally here's the newest trailer. It doesn't show anything we dont' know, but it's always nice to see things actually moving instead of static pictures. Guess I'll make some comments though.
0:29: Ah, a desert, that must be Route 111!
1:29: I like how Cosplay Pikachu was given special animations instead of just being the Pikachu model wearing a costume.
Actually, seeing the Mega Stones reminded me of something! Though you can't see it in the official artwork, the playable characters are wearing their Mega Stones somewhere on their costume:
(Now you don't see them...)
If you're still having problems seeing them, the male playable character has it where he has it before while the female playable character has it attached to a heart trinket on her bracelet (even when in costumes the male STLL has limited clothing options). But they're not the only ones with Mega Stones in a Pokemon Contest:
(Hint: Look at her hair clip)
That's right! Lisia has one too which means that the screenshots and footage of the Mega Altaria in the Pokemon Contest we've been seeing might as well be her's! So yeah, if you're going to face Lisia in a Pokemon Contest you better have brought a Mega Stone!
And that's all! Seeya next time when there's a new update...
Horde encounter battles is pretty cool
Mega Rerevealed:
Either because they were planned to be revealed at this time or the accidental leak (my guess is more the former, if the leak did anything it might have made them put the updates up a little earlier then they were planning. But overall there's a reason the Korean website accidentally posted them early and it was because they were the next two up to be revealed), Mega Audino and Mega Slowbro have officially been revealed!
Mega Audino
TYPE: Normal/Fairy
DESCRIPTION: Mega Audino emits a soothing pulse from its body that reduces hostility in others. This powerful pulse calms any who come in range. Additionally, any creature that happens to come in contact with its second feelers will fall into a deep sleep.
AUDINO'S STATS: 103/60/86/60/86/50//445
INCREASED STATS: Defense & Special Defense
So now Audino moved on from being a Chansey expy to a Blissey expy, going from a pink stubby blob to something that's sort of looks like a nurse/doctor. Joking aside I like Mega Audino's design. It's a simple expansion of Audino's base design and what its suppose to be: a medic. It has grown a medical white coat and had a stethoscope like feeler on its chest (though those put the opponent to sleep, the feelers it uses to hear heart beats and when eggs are about to hatch are attached to its ears).
Audino was a prime suspect to become Fairy-type though when the games came out it remained Normal-type, so glad to see it still got a chance to be part Fairy as a Mega. Like a whole batch of other Normal-types that became half Fairy-type, the the combination of the two types seem mostly beneficial. It's pretty much a Fairy-type that receives neutral damage from Fighting-type attacks and is immune to Ghost-types, not bad. Has this changed how Audino is used? I wouldn't say it has, if anything it got a bit better as it just now needs to be more careful against two uncommon attacking types then a single popular attacking type.
Mega Audino is actually be advertised as being a Mega you should consider using in Doubles, it being restricted to Healer is the reason why. Normal Audino also had access to Healer though it probably preferred its other Ability, Regenerator, so that it could heal a third of its max HP by switching out thus allowing the next time its out to possibly stay out longer and help heal its partner(s) if in a Double/Triple battle (though it can also learn Wish which its a good user for due to its high HP). However Healer isn't a bad Ability, just one restricted to Double/Triple battles as it has a 30% chance each turn of curing allies status afflictions (not its own though, just allies). Audino is a support Pokemon, the most damage it'll ever do to the opponent is putting a Toxic on them, so I guess this isn't all bad but still (it also naturally learns Heal Bell which guarantees to heal an ally of any status ailment). However I doubt anyone is missing an Audino with Klutz (though Audino will miss Leftover recovery).
Finally, unlike previous newly revealed Mega Evolutions, Mega Audino is getting the boosts in the right stats. As I said, Audino is support (mainly healing as it has Heal Bell and Healing Pulse) so to do what it does it'll need to have high defenses to take hits. Of course it'll miss Leftover recovery but it does have other methods of healing itself like Wish or Draining Kiss it now gets STAB for. Not suggested for singles, but hey, Double/Triple Battles is maybe where it can carve out a niche.
Mega Slowbro
TYPE: Water/Psychic
ABILITY: Shell Armor
DESCRIPTION: Mega Slowbro's energy has gathered in the Shellder clamped onto its tail. As a result, the hardness of its shell is boosted, making an armor so hard that nothing and no one can scratch it. When Mega Slowbro battles, it stands up on its tail. It can move by bouncing along, using its tail as a spring.
SLOWBRO'S STATS: 95/75/110/100/80/30//490
INCREASED STATS: Major to Defense; Minor to Special Attack
Oh Mega Slowbro, do I even need to comment on your design? Ever since you were looked all sorts of jokes have come out about it and I really can't argue with them. Mega Slowbro takes the Mega Kangaskhan route of channeling all its mega energy into something else, this time the Shellder on its tail. It's an interesting idea, though the way they went with it just makes it look a bit ridiculous as it now looks like the Shellder is eating Slowbro instead of shielding it. Also the fact that it now needs to jump on its tail is kind of funny, though it does bring up the question why Shellder is okay with it. It's said Shellder hands onto Slowbro's tail because it likes the flavor it oozes out, so does that mean Slowbro's entire body tastes the same? In addition Shellder now has 3 holes in it to make room for its hands and tail, I really don't see what Shellder is getting out of this unless it is essentially eating Slowbro. And yes the Shellder is alive, its eyes are just on the back (thus will be constantly staring at you, knowing who's to blame for this) like Slowking's. Oh, and I would be remissed if I didn't post the new popular idea for Mega Slowking:
Shell Armor is a new Ability for Mega Slowbro. Normal Slowbro has Oblivious (prevent infatuation) and Own Tempo (prevents confusion) as its normal Abilities BUT has Regenerator as its Hidden Ability. Like with Mega Audino, losing Regenerator hurts and really Shell Armor isn't that great of a replacement as it only prevents Critical Hits. At least for Mega Audino having Healer makes sense as its suppose to be for Double/Triple battles, but Mega Slowbro doesn't have that excuse. I guess its nice you won't be haxxed by a Critical Hit, though I think Slowbro may prefer to have Regenerator (it'll even be able to keep Leftover recovery). At least it still has Slack Off to heal itself.
And it should be able to pull off at least one Slack Off thanks to its increased Defense. Going to stats, Mega Slowbro too have the rights stats boosted (as long as Special Defense gets boosted as well). Actually I wouldn't be surprised if it also lost some Speed, which actually might be a good thing as Slowbro wasn't going to move first EVER so Mega Slowbro might as well take 20 points from it and put them to good use somewhere else (it would make Mega Slowbro a good Trick Room Pokemon). With increased Defense to take physical attacks and an increased Special Attack to give out even more powerful Psychics and Surfs (as well as Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, and other Special Moves) I think Mega Slowbro could be quite a good Pokemon (especially on Trick Room teams).
With that done I think it now might me another month before more news, so seeya then!
Awesome that there's a Mega Gallade
Sort of hoped Mega Sharpedo would be longer like a torpedo. Hope it becomes a Water/Steel
is anyone else bothered by Mega Lopunny , Mega Slowbro, Mega Audino and Mega Gallade?
Nik800 wrote: |
is anyone else bothered by Mega Lopunny , Mega Slowbro, Mega Audino and Mega Gallade? |
Bothered how?
Mega Rayquaza has been revealed not a primal form for some reason gains a new ability anda newattack
Mega Pidgeott and Mega Beedrill Revealed
Sort of bummed Latias is Sapphire exclusive without an event.Haven't capture Latios tho