sounds odd yet....interseting...but more legends fighting each other?
movie 1, 2, 6(technically), 7,10,11,12
7, seven movies already....the plot's kinda getting old......
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
sounds odd yet....interseting...but more legends fighting each other?
movie 1, 2, 6(technically), 7,10,11,12
7, seven movies already....the plot's kinda getting old......
Let's count how many times Legendaries fought:
1. Pokemon the First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back - Mewtwo fights Mew
2. Pokemon the Movie 2000 - The Power of One - Bird Trio fight with themselves and with Lugia
3. Jirachi: Wish Maker - Jirachi fights Groudon (though it was a fake one)
4. Destiny Deoxys - Deoxys fights Rayquaza
5. The Rise of Darkrai - Dialga, Palkia, and Darkrai fought with each other
6. Giratina and the Sky Warrior - Giratina and Dialga fought shortly, Shaymin and Giratina also had short conflict
7. Arceus and the Jewel of Life - Giratina and Dialga fought shortly, Arceus fought against all the Dragon Trio
I know Shiny_missingno already said this, thought he just said what movie number was, not the title or who was fighting.
well he is a glitchy pokemon
but since the "incident" it'll never happen
and if they do have it I'll die of shock
Lucario_ftw wrote: |
I wonder if this "Z" person has any relation to Porygon-Z... |
what made you belive it wasnt him?
it was kinda obvious
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
what made you belive it wasnt him? it was kinda obvious |
We don't know anything about this Phantom Z, I still believe he has shapeshifting powers (or create the illusen he looks like someone else).
edmasterchaos wrote: |
I would like to think he is an Evil Ash from the future, where something made Ash become evil and cool and rules the future with iron fist. But, that would probably be way too cool for a Pokemon movie to do... |
Well the main problem I'm having with the Evil Ash thing is that both regular and Evil Ash are the same age. In addition the whole "Evil Self" thing is a bit cliche, but if they pull it off in a good way so that it doesn't feel like it's a bad fanfic, then I'll be okay with it. (though until I'm proven wrong, I'm going to stick with my theory. With all of us WMG (wild mass guessing), one of us might blindly hit the bullseye )
EddyBob15 wrote: |
Yeah, and with every fan speculating on the plot, someone's bound to be right. As for Ash's evil counterpart, I wouldn't say he's from the future like Celebi. I believe he comes from alternate world which he rules, or does that sound too corny? |