Movie 17's title has been revealed: The Cocoon of Destruction. It will be released in Japan on July 19, 2014. The movie will feature Xerneas, Yveltal, and numerous Mega Evolutions.
Edited 2 total times.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Movie 17's title has been revealed: The Cocoon of Destruction. It will be released in Japan on July 19, 2014. The movie will feature Xerneas, Yveltal, and numerous Mega Evolutions.
OK, so there's two Mega Mewtwos.
I really hope that they're the Mewtwos we've seen before (assuming they aren't just one Mewtwo switching between its appearances), otherwise I can expect even more rage than the one we got from the Genesect movie.
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
OK, so there's two Mega Mewtwos. I really hope that they're the Mewtwos we've seen before (assuming they aren't just one Mewtwo switching between its appearances), otherwise I can expect even more rage than the one we got from the Genesect movie. |
I'm expecting this movie to be very disappointing
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Movie 17's title has been revealed: The Cocoon of Destruction. It will be released in Japan on July 19, 2014. The movie will feature Xerneas, Yveltal, and numerous Mega Evolutions. |
"Cocoon of Destruction" sounds more like a Yveltal movie than a Xerneas movie. Yveltal is the Destruction Pokemon and when it becomes inactive it turns into a cocoon (for some reason). Though, like always, I'm sure that's not the complete title as they'll be slapping one of the Event Legendaries name to it down the line, the question is which one. We have Diancie, Hoopa, and Volcanion, and according to what has been found out about them Diancie would be the first one up. Considering all the Mega Evolutions that are involved in the movie, I'm wondering if Diancie has anything to do with the Mega Stones, it's part Rock-type afterall (and you can say it's part Fairy-type could connect to the stones having some kind of magical property)?
With that said, I'm not liking they're putting Yveltal and Xerneas in movie nor all these Mega Evolutions. For Yveltal and Xerneas, did they learn nothing from Gen V? The Gen IV movies could get away using their mascot legendaries because their mascot legendaries were essentially gods, gods of time and space at that! So it's not out of place for them to appear all over the movies and than appear quickly in the anime since you could us the excuse that Cyrus teleported them to Mt. Coronet to create his new universe. However Gen V introduced mascot legendaries which weren't gods but rather personifications of ideas, this time around being the concept of Truth & Ideal. Like the Gen IV legendaries there was only of them, but because they're just powerful Pokemon and not gods they don't have an excuse why Ash met Zekrom at the start of BW, the 14th movie featuring both of them, and then Reshiram appearing during the Team Plasma arc. There's only one Zekrom and one Reshiram and nothing in the anime to prove otherwise except that the ones in the movies don't have an relation with the ones seen in the anime. However, because they were featured in the 14th movie, it just overall throws people off of why the Reshiram in the Team Plasma arc was back in its orb form, why its acting differently (and why it doesn't recognize Ash), and also what happened to Zekrom that appeared at the start of the series but then never showed up again? Now to be fair, the earthquake that cancelled the original Team Plasma storyline and Gamefreak deciding to do two sequel games instead of a third version probably through them for a loop thus even if they weren't in the 14th movie we'd still have these problems pertaining to them in the anime, however the point is that there only seemed to be one Reshiram and Zekrom but the ones in the movie acted differently then the ones we saw in the anime.
And now for the first XY movie they're putting in Yveltal and Xerneas in it, Legendaries which are just very powerful Pokemon (this time a personification of deathdestruction and life) and not gods. Actually, more then ever do they seem like powerful Pokemon since there was at least some kind of mysticism behind Zekrom and Reshiram, but Yveltal and Xerneas just seem like natural creatures. Now XY's story wasn't as complex as BW's was, infact XY story felt like it was tacked on as well as Yveltal and Xerneas. But still, if they have Yveltal and Xerneas in the movie and later have them appear in the anime acting differently, you'll still have the same problem.
As for the Mega Evolutions, why are you shoving so many in? If the movie is about the Mega Evolutions then fine, fair enough, but then I think you should be holding off Yveltal and Xerneas's story or tell the Mega Evolution story later. Cramming all these elements in just makes it seem like you're including all these things just because some marketing executive's chart says that people like all these Pokemon thus a movie with all these Pokemon would make major profit, coming up with a story later to justify it. Oh, and of course its all the popular Mega Evolutions that are in there, don't see any Mega Pinsir, Houndoom, Medicham, or Abomasnow in there (as well as Mega Alakazam, Gengar, and Tyranitar who are sort of B-list popular).
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
OK, so there's two Mega Mewtwos. I really hope that they're the Mewtwos we've seen before (assuming they aren't just one Mewtwo switching between its appearances), otherwise I can expect even more rage than the one we got from the Genesect movie. |
Yeah, I hope it's not two new Mewtwos. I'll admit, I'm kind of okay with the second Mewtwo, kind of makes sense that at some point another evil organization would want to create their own super weapon thus create their own Mewtwo (probably after hearing about Team Rocket's attempt though I don't think its ever stated why the second Mewtwo's creators exactly made it). However, I don't want this being a new thing where evil organizations are cropping all over the place and a bunch of them are creating their own Mewtwo. It should be a few years from now until, if they decide to, introduce a new Mewtwo. HOWEVER, them introducing a new Mewtwo or two soon after creating the second one? No, especially if its just because they gave Mewtwo two Mega Evolutions. You have two Mewtwos, one who already has access to its Y Mega Evolution, if you want to have Mega Mewtwo X then either bring back the first Mewtwo (I'm sure he would be interested in meeting a second Mewtwo) or just have the second be able to switch between forms.
Though to be honest, I think its disappointing that they're already bringing back Mewtwo for another movie. You already "brought back" Mewtwo in the last movie and MESSED IT UP by having it turn out to be a second Mewtwo (they advertised it as if it was the first Mewtwo and never said it was another Mewtwo until people went to see the movie), give Mewtwo a break!
Kwando7 wrote: |
I'm expecting this movie to be very disappointing |
Well, personally I'm being cautiously optimistic.
Good point Pikachu, I'd be interested in "seeing" a movie focussed on the mega evolution perhaps even an indication of future mega pokemon. The only thing I'm really looking forward to is if they reveal the new legendary pokemon(which I started to think were some weird dream because a lot of sites don't recognise the names).
I"wonder" what this one will be about.
I honestly just hope they don't turn Xerneas and Yveltal into Good-Pokemon-Xerneas having to defeat Evil-Pokemon-Yveltal. Not only do their Pokedex entries and lore show no direct interaction between each other in this manner, but it's also just cliche as frick.
I also pray this doesn't somehow turn out like last gen and a one-movie-for-the-price-of-two thing happens with a Xerneas centered movie title being revealed later.... Because that would kind of make sense for the Mewtwos and Charizards. The Xerneas centered movie would have Charizard and Mewtwo X and sort of has a Pokemon X like plot, and this Yveltal movie has Charizard and Mewtwo Y and features a Pokemon Y like plot... Oh no this somewhat makes sense and would make them more money FORGET I SAID ANYTHING
Yeah I can see them doing exactly that with the respective pokemon being good and evil. I would be surprised if they make an Y and X movie
The first Generation VI event Legendary has been revealed: The Rock/Fairy type Diancie. Diancie will be the star of the upcoming 17th movie. The movies full title has since been revealed as:
The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
The first Generation VI event Legendary has been revealed: The Rock/Fairy type Diancie. Diancie will be the star of the upcoming 17th movie. The movies full title has since been revealed as: The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie |
Saw this coming. With all the Mega Pokemon involved with this movie I'm going to guess Diancie has something to do with Mega Evolution. Though as I said before with them having all these Mega Evolutions, plus Yveltal, and now Diance I hope they're aren't going to make this movie too bloated.
I was sort of expecting them to use those pokemon for the 18th movie
Clearer images of CoroCoro came out and shows another poster for Cocoon of Destruction & Diancie featuring Ash & co. has been revealed:
Serena: It's like a sparkling diamond!
Bonnie: So pretty!
Clemont: Rock/Fairy, what an interesting typing, I wonder if its related to Carbink?
Froakie: I sense a strange power emitting from this Pokemon.
Other Pokemon: Hello!
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that these shots of the characters were taken from different points in the movie, if at all.
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
Clearer images of CoroCoro came out and shows another poster for Cocoon of Destruction & Diancie featuring Ash & co. has been revealed:
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that these shots of the characters were taken from different points in the movie, if at all. |
The sad thing is Ash is exactly the type of person to run from a legendary...
The summary of the movie has just been revealed:
"The story is set in Diamond Ore Country, of which Diancie is the princess.This is a country located deep underground, where the Pokemon Carbink live together in peace. The energy source of this country is a giant diamond called the Sacred Diamond, which can only be created by princess Diancie. However, the current princess doesn't yet possess the power to create such a diamond, and the current Sacred Diamond's power is soon going to run out, which would result in the end of the country. Diancie meets up with Ash and Pikachu, and set off together with them to search for the legendary Pokemon Xerneas, which possesses sacred power, but on the way, they find the cocoon where the Destruction Pok?mon, Yveltal, who was said to have once destroyed life in Kalos, lies in wait."
So we now have almost every Mega Pokemon, Yveltal, Diancie, and now Xerneas has been confirmed... Pokemon Company, I want to ask you this simple question: What are you going to do for the 18th movie and 19th movie? You still have 2 Event Legendaries that I'm going to guess you're going to make movies for, yet you're filling this movie with almost all the Mega Pokemon and the Legendary mascots. And yeah, if that's ll they're having then they have Zygarde and the Mega Lati@s to use, but those movies would feel pretty empty. Actually, where do the Mega Pokemon come into this plot? If the Mega Pokemon aren't a focal point, why are you shoving them all in? Spread them out over the course of the 3 films, don't just go all in with the first if you know you have a two others you need to do!
Okay, enough ranting, let's actually go over the story. So Diancie does have a connection with Carbink (in fact the Pokemon website has revealed Diancie's Pokedex description and it says Diancie is a transformed Carbink) and its their ruler, odd Pokemon to choose to have this but Carbink does have a unique typing so I'll give it a pass. So this movie is going to be about this Sacred Diamond running out of power and Ash & co. helping Diancie look for Xerneas who has the power to make Diancie able to create another Sacred Diamond. Okay, a "race against the clock" movie, that's simple enough. But then they shove Yveltal in there and now I don't know what movie they're trying to make anymore. Well, I guess I'm going to have to wait and watch the movie, but the summary of the plot make it seem like Yveltal was an after thought even though IT'S IN THE TITLE OF THE MOVIE. I'd also ask why the Sacred Diamond is the thing which is keeping the underground Carbink country together but I'm going to assume the movie tells us that via Ash & co. asking why. And once again, where do the Mega Pokemon come into play? I ask because you're using them as part of the marketing campaign yet they they're not mentioned in the plot summary (I'm going to call it now, the Mega Pokemon are going to only appear at the very end of the movie. Yveltal will be released from its cocoon but Xerneas gives Diancie the power to created a new Sacred Diamond which it does and uses that to Mega Evolve the surrounding Pokemon (which are all coincidentally the Pokemon who can Mega Evolve) to fight and defeat Yveltal causing it to go back to sleep. And while that does sound like an epic battle its still marginalizing the Mega Pokemon and sounds jammed in there to have an antagonist & epic climax).
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
The summary of the movie has just been revealed: "The story is set in Diamond Ore Country, of which Diancie is the princess.This is a country located deep underground, where the Pokemon Carbink live together in peace. The energy source of this country is a giant diamond called the Sacred Diamond, which can only be created by princess Diancie. However, the current princess doesn't yet possess the power to create such a diamond, and the current Sacred Diamond's power is soon going to run out, which would result in the end of the country. Diancie meets up with Ash and Pikachu, and set off together with them to search for the legendary Pokemon Xerneas, which possesses sacred power, but on the way, they find the cocoon where the Destruction Pok?mon, Yveltal, who was said to have once destroyed life in Kalos, lies in wait." So we now have almost every Mega Pokemon, Yveltal, Diancie, and now Xerneas has been confirmed... Pokemon Company, I want to ask you this simple question: What are you going to do for the 18th movie and 19th movie? You still have 2 Event Legendaries that I'm going to guess you're going to make movies for, yet you're filling this movie with almost all the Mega Pokemon and the Legendary mascots. And yeah, if that's ll they're having then they have Zygarde and the Mega Lati@s to use, but those movies would feel pretty empty. Actually, where do the Mega Pokemon come into this plot? If the Mega Pokemon aren't a focal point, why are you shoving them all in? Spread them out over the course of the 3 films, don't just go all in with the first if you know you have a two others you need to do! Okay, enough ranting, let's actually go over the story. So Diancie does have a connection with Carbink (in fact the Pokemon website has revealed Diancie's Pokedex description and it says Diancie is a transformed Carbink) and its their ruler, odd Pokemon to choose to have this but Carbink does have a unique typing so I'll give it a pass. So this movie is going to be about this Sacred Diamond running out of power and Ash & co. helping Diancie look for Xerneas who has the power to make Diancie able to create another Sacred Diamond. Okay, a "race against the clock" movie, that's simple enough. But then they shove Yveltal in there and now I don't know what movie they're trying to make anymore. Well, I guess I'm going to have to wait and watch the movie, but the summary of the plot make it seem like Yveltal was an after thought even though IT'S IN THE TITLE OF THE MOVIE. I'd also ask why the Sacred Diamond is the thing which is keeping the underground Carbink country together but I'm going to assume the movie tells us that via Ash & co. asking why. And once again, where do the Mega Pokemon come into play? I ask because you're using them as part of the marketing campaign yet they they're not mentioned in the plot summary (I'm going to call it now, the Mega Pokemon are going to only appear at the very end of the movie. Yveltal will be released from its cocoon but Xerneas gives Diancie the power to created a new Sacred Diamond which it does and uses that to Mega Evolve the surrounding Pokemon (which are all coincidentally the Pokemon who can Mega Evolve) to fight and defeat Yveltal causing it to go back to sleep. And while that does sound like an epic battle its still marginalizing the Mega Pokemon and sounds jammed in there to have an antagonist & epic climax). |
It's a shame Yveltal is going to be the "Bad Guy" aren't dark types often portrayed assympathetic cause it will be the first truly evil pokemon. I can totally see the mega pokemon being big damn heroes will be interesting what the next movie will be about perhaps this one will spill over like the previous gens movies. That or movie 19 will be the next gen
@ the last post: So Yveltal is going to be the first truly evil Pokemon, you say? Interesting. Because that contradicts something that was mentioned way back in the first season, in the episode Island of the Giant Pokemon. Remember in that episode, when Ash, friends, and Team Rocket were separated from their Pokemon and what their Pokemon were saying was translated into human language that appeared on the screen? In one of those scenes from said episode, Team Rocket's Pokemon, Ekans, Koffing, and of course Meowth were speaking and they apparently said that there is no such thing as an evil Pokemon. In other words, Pokemon don't do bad things on their own, they do them because of their trainers. There are poorly trained Pokemon, but there are no bad Pokemon, only bad trainers. Anyway, I apologize if I'm getting a bit off-topic here.
Aaerni wrote: |
@ the last post: So Yveltal is going to be the first truly evil Pokemon, you say? Interesting. Because that contradicts something that was mentioned way back in the first season, in the episode Island of the Giant Pokemon. Remember in that episode, when Ash, friends, and Team Rocket were separated from their Pokemon and what their Pokemon were saying was translated into human language that appeared on the screen? In one of those scenes from said episode, Team Rocket's Pokemon, Ekans, Koffing, and of course Meowth were speaking and they apparently said that there is no such thing as an evil Pokemon. In other words, Pokemon don't do bad things on their own, they do them because of their trainers. There are poorly trained Pokemon, but there are no bad Pokemon, only bad trainers. Anyway, I apologize if I'm getting a bit off-topic here. |
I don't really know what your point is about that because that statement was made by two pokemon who can hardly be counted on for speaking for the entire pokemon race....when there was 150/190. Also I'm just going on what little info there was about Yveltal's role in the movie for all I know Yveltal could actually be trying to prevent something bad from happening which occurs during Diancie's ritual.
That and what you're saying is pretty much what I said so again not sure
Kwando7 wrote: | ||
I don't really know what your point is about that because that statement was made by two pokemon who can hardly be counted on for speaking for the entire pokemon race....when there was 150/190. Also I'm just going on what little info there was about Yveltal's role in the movie for all I know Yveltal could actually be trying to prevent something bad from happening which occurs during Diancie's ritual. That and what you're saying is pretty much what I said so again not sure |
There have been plenty of evil Pokemon in the series:
1. Team Rocket's Meowth identifies himself as being a criminal and "evil".
2. There was a rather malicious Togepi in DP142 "Where No Togepi Has Gone Before!".
3. Spiritomb from DP056 "The Keystone Pops!" attacked villages for no other reason but just because it was evil thus had to be sealed away.
4. Though never presented evil in the anime, in other medias Darkrai has been presented as a villain, notably in the Mystery Dungeon games.
5. Several Litwik and a Lampent tried to drag Team Rocket and Ash & co. into the spirit world in BW026 "Scare at the Litwik Mansion".
So in other words, while indeed most Pokemon are acting within their nature, Pokemon do show a degree of human level intelligence thus its not hard to imagine some will act malicious, especially if they see self gain and not feel guilty about it.
As for Yveltal, it may be good, it may be bad, its hard to ignore its the incarnation of DEATH and, at least in the games, has killed in the past on almost genocide levels.
It's also hard to ignore that in Japan the Dark-type is actually called the Evil-type, so it could be for those Pokemon at least that their evil actions IS within their normal nature.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||||
There have been plenty of evil Pokemon in the series: 1. Team Rocket's Meowth identifies himself as being a criminal and "evil". So in other words, while indeed most Pokemon are acting within their nature, Pokemon do show a degree of human level intelligence thus its not hard to imagine some will act malicious, especially if they see self gain and not feel guilty about it. As for Yveltal, it may be good, it may be bad, its hard to ignore its the incarnation of DEATH and, at least in the games, has killed in the past on almost genocide levels. It's also hard to ignore that in Japan the Dark-type is actually called the Evil-type, so it could be for those Pokemon at least that their evil actions IS within their normal nature. |
I was going to make that point about the typing since pokemon are often described by their type Pidgey the flying pokemon but it seemed too broad. Absol is technicallyan "evil" pokemon but it's trying to warn people of disasters and Umbreon don't show any hint of beingmalicious at all
Kwando7 wrote: | ||||||
I was going to make that point about the typing since pokemon are often described by their type Pidgey the flying pokemon but it seemed too broad. Absol is technicallyan "evil" pokemon but it's trying to warn people of disasters and Umbreon don't show any hint of beingmalicious at all |
Yeah, you get that sometimes. Absol is a good Pokemon cursed with Cassandra Truth and then gets blamed for it (though being this is such a known fact ITS A POKEDEX entry one must wonder why people still don't believe it and still blame it when bad things happen), Umbreon more represents the night, and Pangoro FIGHTS AGAINST bullies. In addition to that, some Moves which are Dark-type don't involve dirty tactics like Night Daze or Topsy-Turvy. I think Dark-tyes Japanese name, Evil-type, is suppose to be taken broadly as something which is negative. Seeing an Absol means something bad is going to happen in the future, night time is dark and scary so things related to it must also be like Umbreon and Night Daze, Pangoro may fight bullies but it does so ruthlessly and at any cost, and finally Topsy-Turvy makes things the opposite the way they are and normally you make sure things are in your favor thus reversing it would be bad. While not neccisarily, they're still not look in a positive way and possibly in a very negative way.