Discuss the movie. I don't mind if you make comments while it airs, but make them worthwhile. I'm just sad I can't watch this movie. I'll have to wait another month and see it in theaters.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Discuss the movie. I don't mind if you make comments while it airs, but make them worthwhile. I'm just sad I can't watch this movie. I'll have to wait another month and see it in theaters.
Hey..I already made this...
And what is this!?
They cut out the beginning of the Movie
Zoroark, Entei, Raikou, and Suicune all keep their Japanese voices
I guess the movie was worth watching, it was really quiet, and most of it was just Ash and the gang running around the city. And it didn't help with commercials every 7 minutes.. But yeah, they cut out the beginning, so the movie literally started right away, with the title appearing right when it came on. And of course, we don't get the big feel of the saga ending, because the montage shoved to the side so Cartoon Network could advertise teen super heroes or some crap. :/
I did enjoy the BW tv spots though, Iris sounds like Lyra/Shaymin. ;]
IzzyDizko wrote: |
I guess the movie was worth watching, it was really quiet, and most of it was just Ash and the gang running around the city. And it didn't help with commercials every 7 minutes.. But yeah, they cut out the beginning, so the movie literally started right away, with the title appearing right when it came on. And of course, we don't get the big feel of the saga ending, because the montage shoved to the side so Cartoon Network could advertise teen super heroes or some crap. :/ EDIT: APPARENTLY IT WAS CUT 10 MINUTES FROM THE BEGINNING BECAUSE THEY WERE SHOWING AN ADVENTURE TIMEEPISODE, THE MOVIE DIDN'T EVEN GET TO ENDAT 8:00. I MEAN DAMN CARTOON NETWORK... I did enjoy the BW tv spots though, Iris sounds like Lyra/Shaymin. ;] |
Well the beginning and ending was lame due to the cutting. But the rest was awesome! ;D
Hm, was rather decent. I mean, I wouldn't go as far to say it was the best, but it by far was not the worst. It was entertaining in its own way.
..But seriously, what's with the "Mima" thing? Was it in the original version or just a mistranslation?
Anyway, I guess it was just kind of surprising to me that none of the main characters, not even Ash really, did that much to save the day. There were too many ZoroarkVSEVERYBODY moments in my opinion. Well, this movie really was a POKEMON movie, it focused a lot of the time on the pokemon. And I don't even know why that purple haired ponytail thing was even in the movie. She sang a little song, and that was it. I like the movie, because it was different, but I don't know, I found myself almost annoyed with the slow pace. It gets boring after Ash&co. watch [insert pokemon here] fight for the 458474th time...
Well when you think about it, Zoroarok isn't even the center of the movie. Celebi is. If anything, Zoroarok could have removed, but I guesss they needed to promote the 5th Generation
syrusfan wrote: |
Well when you think about it, Zoroarok isn't even the center of the movie. Celebi is. If anything, Zoroarok could have removed, but I guesss they needed to promote the 5th Generation |
Yeah, he actually sounded like a child rather than someone trying to sound like a child.
Stinks we couldn't hear the credits theme because of Young Justice promotions. Now we need to wait for the DVD release.
IzzyDizko wrote: |
I just wish they would have shown the Pokemon Baccer World Cup. Also, the movie felt odd without the usual "The World of Pokemon" introduction. =( However, the movie was pretty good, and I think this movie had the most innovative plot out of all the movies.
Was it really necessary to make Piplup look like a fool? I mean, once was more than enough, but after that was stupid. Everything about Zorua is made of pure win. Kodai is the best villian out of all the movies' villains, and I really liked the way the movie progressed in layers, revealing a little at a time about what exactly is going on. The movie really comes together nicely.
I will point out 2 moments in the movie that really irked me:
1) When Ash, Dawn, and Brock were racing with Kodai to get to the stadium. So Kodai is in his car, and Dawn calls out Mamoswine. I was totally prepared for Dawn to make Mamoswine use Take Down on the car and demolish the car. That would have been SO satisfying to see, but instead, Kodai cruises right on by. At least Karl's Bronzor takes care of that, but it would have been so cool to see Mamoswine take Kodai's car down.
2) When Mismagius (which sounds exactly like Ash) uses Psychic on Ash, Pikachu, and Celebi. I really don't remember all the details clearly, but I do remember Karl and Roweena just standing there doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING as Ash, Pikachu, and Celebi are frozen there. I don't know about anybody else, but if I were witnessing a crazed man about to absorb the energy from a time ripple that would destroy the environment of my hometown, I would at least try to get in his way! I mean really, Karl could've ran up to Kodai and punched him, or Roweena could've given him a good kick in the balls. Or even tried to get Mismagius to stop its Psychic attack somehow (I do realize it's a ghost-type, but still). I don't know, but DO SOMETHING!
All in all, I will say this is the best movie of the Diamond and Pearl saga. I'll list the D/P movies in my order of preference:
Zoroark: Master of Illusions - 9.0
The Rise of Darkrai - 8.5
Giratina and the Sky Warrior - 7.9
Arceus and the Jewel of Life - 7.0
I personally thought this was the best Pokemon Movie yet!
I thought this movie was pretty good, but it did feel like something was missing. Plus, I couldn't enjoy this movie to the fullest because I cried for about half of it.
If you think that this post is weird, then don't blame me. I'm a big time grass type pokemon fan, so seeing all those plants die, Kodai taking pleasure with all that killing, and watching him strangle Celebi was just too much for me to take. Those weren't tears of sadness, they were tears of anger because of what a big *sshole Kodai is!!! >
Still, Zorua was super adorable and made this movie very entertaining. It's hilarious when it transforms into people(especially Brock). This movie is my second favorite of the Sinnoh region.
Rating: 9/10
seriously it's was annoying that celebi was so weak, celebi is stronger than that.
I must say that I'm impressed with the movie. It's actually probably my favorite of the Diamond and Pearl series. The trilogy was good, but it's still nice to see a one-off movie. I can't wait to see the whole thing on DVD or in theaters though. Crown City is beautiful, makes me wish I lived in a city like that.