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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

New Voice Actors

  • Avatar of Lil_ksweezy


    [41]Apr 29, 2006
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    thank goodness pikachu remaind the same! anyway here's the lodown from my perspective.

    Ash: A little kid! This voice did not match with him at all! He sounded like he was having a very bad fever and had trouble breathing.

    May: Wow.... she grew up. From a 10 year old to a 20+ year old. It wasn't a bad VA, but the voice just didn't match her.

    Max: Laugable, he almost sounded like Ash.

    Brock: Horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE! Bring back Eric Stuart! The flirting sequences just doesn't live up to the old Brock.

    Misty: The only VA that actually sounded distinctly close to Rachel Lillis. I was able to deal with her and was acceptable.

    Jessie: Not too bad as well, but the old Jessie was still much better.

    James: Too deep! His voice kept cracking when the VA was trying to hard to be like Eric Stuart.

    Meowth: I can see where this VA is coming. He's trying the best he can to sound like Maddie Blaustein, but just like the others doesn't live up to it.

    Prof. Oak: Ok, I was just dying laughing the whole time listening to him. In my opinion, he was the worst.

    Pikachu: THANK YOU IKUE OTANI!!!

    I always imagined that if Pokemon lived up to it's 10th Anniversary, I always thought it'd be a special gathering of all the wonderful cast & crew that started it and would continue to live up to their proper roles. I know the VA's wanted to stay but Pokemon USA wouldn't allow it. I was really disappointed. I truly hope that the petitions and the letters from the true fans will speak their side of their story and convice Pokemon USA to keep the original 4Kids VA's.

    Edited on 04/29/2006 3:18pm
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  • Avatar of zenigame


    [42]Apr 29, 2006
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    To everyone who thought Mew sounded a bit different: Believe it or not, that is Mew's Japanese voice.
    It also has that same voice in the 8th Pokemon movie as well.
    I personally think it's voice is much better in Japanese. ^o^

    As for the voices, the Narrorator totally wins this episode.

    Misty's and Jesse's are okay too. Ash could improve a little bit... he actually sounded OKAY by the end of it, actually.

    James and Brock were undoubtably the WORST in the whole thing. This is because Eric has his special thing with those two characters.

    I personally think the new Brock should try to sound different, not like the original, because it just makes him sounded retarded. =

    I noticed wobbuffet nearly sounds the same, and combusken is just plain awful. Squirtle sounded the same, though. I hope we get a few more different Pokemon, since I'd like to hear how they'll handle the cuteness of


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  • Avatar of Magicalboy


    [43]Apr 29, 2006
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    the voice  for Misty was the only acceptable voice IMO
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  • Avatar of mstrgmr


    [44]Apr 29, 2006
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    Lordslayer65 wrote:


    it was better before when pokemon was good

    Pokemon USA got the rights
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  • Avatar of peterg14


    [45]Apr 29, 2006
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    Ok, was Ash's voice the person who does Luffy's on One Piece, because it sounded like it.
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  • Avatar of gintu394


    [46]Apr 29, 2006
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    peterg14 wrote:
    Ok, was Ash's voice the person who does Luffy's on One Piece, because it sounded like it.
    lot's of people are saying that on other forums dont know for sure though.
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  • Avatar of Setos_girl


    [47]Apr 29, 2006
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    I hated em all.period.James may STILL be the hottest character, but his voice sucks ass!! Bring Back all the origanal VA's! I never DREAMED of Pokemon being like this!The better not f**** with anything else! Hell! Meowth sounded like he was constapated, Ash like a pot smoker with a sore throat, Brock like a stupid retard out of the nutty center,Nurse Joy&Jenny sounded like two hookers, and Therest,,,suck! Also Pro.Oaks voice...It is not funny..It is sad.......screw the dumb new VA'a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • Avatar of XS_Master


    [48]Apr 29, 2006
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    the new voices were disgusting...
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  • Avatar of Setos_girl


    [49]Apr 29, 2006
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  • Avatar of psychicgirl93


    [50]Apr 29, 2006
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    metal01 wrote:
    the voice that was killed the most was brock, especially when he gave the speech about officer jenny, only eric stuart could have pulled that off. the VAs suck if they don't go back to normal i won't ever watch the show again.
    I know, it's sad. His love speech just wasn't the same without his old voice. May sounded like she was Ash's mom or something. Ash sounded like an idiot who did know how to talk English right. James sounded more like a girl than usual. Meowth sounded bad, and so did Professor Oak, too. He didn't sound as educated as he did before. Misty was okay, but I like her old voice; it wasn't as high pitched. I couldn't enjoy this episode because of the voices. This is no way to commemorate the 10th anniversary. It's a disgrace. I stopped watching while ago, but I thought that this would be good, but it wasn't. Now I am most likely not going to watch because of these actors. They are so annoying. Okay, I'll stop ranting now.
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  • Avatar of futurewm2006


    [51]Apr 29, 2006
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    ok, don't ask how but I managed to miss this movie, can somebody please give me a link so I can judge for myself how bad the voices were
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  • Avatar of terryjohnson16


    [52]Apr 29, 2006
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    I didn't like the voices. I saw half of it, since it was nothing like the normal pokemon episodes. Did they reveal who that mastermind was that wanted to take over the pokemon?
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  • Avatar of PS1SpyroMaster


    [53]Apr 29, 2006
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    Magicalboy wrote:
    the voice  for Misty was the only acceptable voice IMO

    I'm not the biggest Misty fan in the world [6 years ago and still now even, I'm in the state of mind where I'm like 'Ash is mine', lol... actually, i havent thought about him that way in quite a few years... weird] , but in the beginning (ok, I got up at 10:24 this morning) I thought it was the same person... I do agree that that one, if any, was the only one close to the original. And the narrator was probably the same as the first guy... or even the one who took over for him during the Hoen league.
    Ugh... if they pursue this, I'll stop watching the series all together cuz voices make the characters work... I'm probably the biggest Ash Ketchum fan... in this given area at least, and if his voice is like that, that's enough to make me want to "leave him"...

    "Hey Misty, where are ya?" Gimme a break... Ash always say 'you', not 'ya'... c'mon people! Who did they think they were kidding when they did that?

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  • Avatar of darkwolf01


    [54]Apr 30, 2006
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    PS1SpyroMaster wrote:
    Magicalboy wrote:
    the voice for Misty was the only acceptable voice IMO

    I'm not the biggest Misty fan in the world [6 years ago and still now even, I'm in the state of mind where I'm like 'Ash is mine', lol... actually, i havent thought about him that way in quite a few years... weird] , but in the beginning (ok, I got up at 10:24 this morning) I thought it was the same person... I do agree that that one, if any, was the only one close to the original. And the narrator was probably the same as the first guy... or even the one who took over for him during the Hoen league.
    Ugh... if they pursue this, I'll stop watching the series all together cuz voices make the characters work... I'm probably the biggest Ash Ketchum fan... in this given area at least, and if his voice is like that, that's enough to make me want to "leave him"...

    "Hey Misty, where are ya?" Gimme a break... Ash always say 'you', not 'ya'... c'mon people! Who did they think they were kidding when they did that?

    They must think that we are all retarded.
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  • Avatar of mstrgmr


    [55]Apr 30, 2006
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    terryjohnson16 wrote:
    I didn't like the voices. I saw half of it, since it was nothing like the normal pokemon episodes. Did they reveal who that mastermind was that wanted to take over the pokemon?

    It was Dr. Yung
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  • Avatar of DreamFiend_633


    [56]Apr 30, 2006
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    You shouldn't post spoilers

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  • Avatar of mstrgmr


    [57]Apr 30, 2006
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    It's not a spoiler, it already aired
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  • Avatar of NozeNuggets


    [58]Apr 30, 2006
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    It bit, blew, stunk and sucked...AT THE SAME TIME!
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  • Avatar of BTRAV


    [59]Apr 30, 2006
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    MartyDaChicken wrote:

    The movie?  Alright plot.  Basically a test run for the VA's  (which I am very critical about).  And since this is a thread about them, rant time!

    Oak was laughable,  Meowth was...*shudders*.  Jessie and James were alright, Jessie better than James.  May sounded like my mom.  Max was second best, next to Jessie and Misty.  Ash was too gritty.  And don't get me started on Brock...yeah.  With the new VA's, Pokemon's screwed.  Overall, Misty wins the gold, Jessie the silver, Max the bronze.

    But at least Ash, May, Misty and Max have an explanation:  puberty.  And Mew was cute.  He made the entire movie.

    But Max isn't even old enough to be a trainer, so technically puberty isn't a problem for him yet.
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  • Avatar of KonSavage


    [60]May 21, 2006
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    Does anyone know who did Ash's voice back in the very beginning of the series, like the first few episodes? I believe it wasn't Veronica Taylor and if it was someone different maybe they would not be under 4kids contract (the pseudo-reason they are getting new VA's) and he could play the new Ash, I could certainly live with that voice instead of awful LuffyAsh.

    At first I thought Misty's VA was the same as before, it sounded just about identical to me.

    Besides MistyI could live with Max and Jessie's voices the rest sucked, just have Brock, May, James and Meowth go off to watch the Cerulean Gym, and bring Misty back in. That would almost be ok.

    Greed is an awful thing, PokemonUSA wants cheap VA's because they figure that since it will be on a different station (CN maybe) it will attract a different audience that never watched the show and that the die hard fans that love the show will watch the show regardless (though not in love with) the change.

    Keep writing, use stamps those are better than e-mails, especially handwritten notes, perhaps if enough people kick and scream they will stop being cheap and pay a little extra for the originals

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