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Pokémon Forums

Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

New Voice Actors

  • Avatar of GomuGomuPistol


    [61]May 21, 2006
    • member since: 05/22/06
    • level: 2
    • rank: Sweat Hog
    • posts: 1

    When i watched the special  episode of pokemon i was shocked.The voices are horrible,  mistys voice was near perfect but the others horrible.Ash sounds like well.... just HORRIBLE , may sounds like a 40 year old woman and brock and the rest terrible.The only good voice i could see is misty's, but she isn't really a main character anymore and will probably not appear  as main character in season 9.All the main characters seem to have the worst voices.Lets just hope their improve for season 9, or they bring back the old vas  because i really can't cope with listening to luffyAsh.

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