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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Official Upcoming Pokemon Video Games Discussion Thread

  • Avatar of BAC510


    [101]Mar 22, 2009
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    terminoob wrote:
    Weird... I didn't pre-order Platinum, yet I woke up at the EXACT time my local Gamestop opens for the release and I didn't set my alarm... odd, considering I should've been asleep until like 11 lol

    Lucky for you that you live somewhere where it is 9am, I live where it is 7:21am right now, I woke up at 6:59am, so pissed off! I am still getting it a little early.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [102]Mar 22, 2009
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    Platinum is out. Therefore it would now be considered off-topic to talk about it.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [103]Mar 22, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Platinum is out. Therefore it would now be considered off-topic to talk about it.

    So this thread pretty much have no purpose.

    Just kidding!

    We still have the next Mystery Dungeon game to talk about (if more information comes out about it) and any other new games that might appear (come on GSDS...)

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [104]Mar 27, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    We still have the next Mystery Dungeon game to talk about (if more information comes out about it)...

    Yes, more info on Explorers of the Sky has come out. Once again, I'll just post what Serebii wrote:

    Serebii wrote:
    The official site recently added a new trailer for the upcoming game, Explorers of the Sky. In this trailer, various features are shown, most of which we already knew about. However, some new details were brought forward in this trailer. Firstly, there is a new overworld area called Shaymin Village. This village helps progress the new addition to the story and features many Shaymin within it. Presumable, Pelipper will take you there once you reach a certain point, but this is not clear as of yet.

    We also have further clarification on the item transferal mentioned in CoroCoro two weeks ago. When you send one of the species-specific items from EOTime or EODarkness, the item doesn't multiply per-say, but rather it upgrades so that you get the stronger of the species item, which you would normally have to exchange twice in-game for.

    Also, of note, for players with Japanese Wiis, a demo of EOSky is now available in the Nintendo Channel.

    Anyway, the Shaymin Village sounds cool, and that item transferal definitely sounds pretty nifty for those who have Time or/and Darkness as well as two DS's. I'm looking forward to info on how Arceus will be involved in the game.
    Edited on 03/27/2009 2:45am
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  • Avatar of chicamusica12


    [105]Apr 6, 2009
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    Hey! Are the events still available?! I just got the game!
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [106]Apr 6, 2009
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    chicamusica12 wrote:
    Hey! Are the events still available?! I just got the game!

    Too late to get the Special Missions (Riolu, Manaphy, Darkrai), and not too sure about two of the Extra Missions (Palkia, Dialga), however you can still get the recent Extra Mission (Shaymin).

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [107]Apr 13, 2009
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    Some final bits of news regarding Explorers of the Sky prior to it's Japanese release this coming Saturday have been revealed. As before, I'll just post what Serebii wrote:

    Serebii wrote:
    - Two new Special Episodes have been revealed to be within the game;
    * The first is a mission featuring Team Charm (Medicham, Lopunny, & Gardevoir). This Special Episode featurs an insight into their past.
    * The second special episode features the Sunflora from the Wigglytuff Guild. Sunflora is bestowed a mission which has it finding a Haunter whom is being hunted down by the police. When it gets to the dungeon, however, it finds out it is completely underpowered for the mission.

    - Some confirmation that the Shaymin aspect of the story exists after you have completed the main game. Heading to the Spinda Cafe, you will be taken to Shaymin's Village where you meet a new team called Frontier which contains Machoke, Breloom, & Mawile. Once you get there, Shaymin goes to excort you to the Sky's Summit dungeon. In the dungeon, you can find the item, Sky's Present, which is to be given to your friends at the guild. It's full use is not known.

    - Some preliminary details of the Arceus enhancements have been given as well. It takes place in a dungeon called Destiny's Tower and involves the item, Time-Space Orb.

    Serebii's coverage on the game should start within the next two weeks.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [108]Apr 21, 2009
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    Well everyone, Serebii's coverage on Explorers of the Sky started a few days ago, but he brought up something today that I thought I should mention here. Turns out that both of Giratina and Shaymin's formes may be in the game, but none of Rotom's new formes are. On top of that, Arceus isn't in the game either. The pic of what we thought was the Alpha Pokemon was only a statue at the top of Destiny's Tower, sort of like the statues for Lucario, Bonsly, and Mime Jr. in the original Dungeon games. Kind of disappointing, IMO, especially the news of no Arceus, but hey, what can you do...
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [109]May 2, 2009
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    Check out bulbapedia for an upcoming video game(s) for the Pokemon Franshise!!! Gold/Silver Remakes.....possibly.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [110]May 2, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:
    Check out bulbapedia for an upcoming video game(s) for the Pokemon Franshise!!! Gold/Silver Remakes.....possibly.

    Just to say it, Bulbapedia didn't exactly say what game it was, just that in the upcoming month a new Pokemon game will be announced. Here's what it exactly says:

    Bulbapedia wrote:

    Several media outlets have revealed that the announcement of a major, popularly-discussed Pokemon game will be made later this month. Pokemon Sunday is set to unveil the title May 10.

    The show's official Web site describes the contents of next week's episode as "a worldwide first announcement and a worldwide first big scoop". The upcoming issues of CoroCoro and Nintendo Dream, which are Japanese magazines, have likewise been disclosed and are known to contain information regarding a "much-talked-about big title", although it is not directly stated that a Pokemon game is involved. Both magazine issues will be released after the airing of Pokemon Sunday.

    Based on the fact the game is said to have been the center of much speculation, many fans believe that the announcement will pertain to two titles: the Pokémon Gold and Silver remakes. It is also theorized that Junichi Masuda will appear on the show to make the announcement, since he did so both last month and the month prior in regard to other game-related scoops.

    However I noticed that they only said it was one game, so if it is a Generation II Remake instead of having two games for Gold and Silver they might have one for Crystal as it was the first third version game to have the same storyline except more indepth (Yellow was made to be like the anime, so therefore it is not really a third version like Crystal, Emerald, or Platinum).

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [111]May 12, 2009
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    Adv193 wrote:
    New Update, an important new picture was just released on Serebii.net that about what the trainers will look like and it should be noted that the female trainer will be different from the one that was seen in Pokemon Crystal. Also it looks like that the whole thing of the strarter following the trainer will not be limited to new bark town but there is no way to finding any other pictures on this at the moment.

    It also seems that there will be an event in HeartGold and SoulSilver to utilize the Pikachu Colored Pichu in the Ilex Forest if you got it with the 12th movie ticket. The event also features the Notched Ear Pichu.
    Edited on 05/12/2009 8:34am
    Edited 2 total times.
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