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Which game did you get?

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [21]Oct 19, 2013
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    Daily Report:

    Sorry if I forgot to post this yesterday but I was busy doing something that we'll be talking about in a bit, but first it's pretty much the final things I did in the game:

    1. Got all the Legendaries, which wasn't had as there are only 4. Now catching Yveltal is story required so that's 1, but what about those other 3? Well let's go over them:

    Legendary Birds: After defeating the Elite Four you may want to start wandering around in the grass because sooner or later you're bound to encounter Articuno, Zapdos, or Moltres! That's right, Kanto's Legendary Trio are in Kalos... sorta. Actually you can only encounter one of them depending on what Starter you got: Chespin gets Articuno, Fennekin gets Zapdos, and Froakie gets Moltres. If you didn't think that was annoying enough, then guess what, they're also roaming Legendaries! But wait, don't go bother getting a Pokemon that can learn Mean Look, Block, or Spider Web or has the Ability Shadow Tag, because that's not going to work. For you see, upon encountering your Legendary Bird, before you can move or have an Ability activate, it'll run away. For you see, while Zapdos is a roaming Pokemon, when it is that's not when you can catch it. First you need to "play" a game of tag with it as you chase it all around Kalos what felt like a dozen times before it flees to the Sea Spirit's Den in Azure Bay. Once there you'll have to go to it and don't panic if you don't see it inside, if you look closely you'll see a little "encounter" shadow and stepping on it will have the Legendary Bird swoop down and attack you (I suggest saving outside of the cave if you're worried about saving inside the cave and accidentally activating the battle).
    Let me say that this is INCREDIBLY ANNOYING! Roaming Pokemon are bad enough, but this takes it to a whole new level! Now that the bottom screen is being used for PSS, Pokemon-Amie, and Super Training you don't have the map to show where they are so you need to take out your Pokedex and see where it is (no, the Town Map doesn't show where it is, you need to use the Pokedex). Of course, like roaming Pokemon, you just can't fly where it is because it's programmed to jump to another location if you do. Of course it'll also do this if you take too long after traveling down a path for a few routes. After a few frustrating minutes I found the best strategy was to found a city/town which has 3 routes connecting to it and constantly Flying to that city/town (even if you're already in it) until the Legendary Bird is on a connecting route or is near enough that you can hopefully quickly ride of to where it is before it moves too far away and teleports to somewhere else on the map. I personally used Camphrier Town since, even if it appears as far as Route 11 I can possibly ride over there fast enough to encounter it. Though I don't suggest Lumiose City. it may take too long to get to get to the right get, you can easily get disoriented, and there's no way to encounter it if it's on Route 13. And though it feels like a dozen times (even Serebii says it's nearly dozen), honestly it was probably like 5, 6, or maybe 7 times. However it's still annoying and feels unneeded. How about instead of making us play this "tag" game, why not have us "chase" it back to the Sea Spirit's Den? Like I encountered it on Route 4, I encounter it, and it flees and goes to Route 5. I got to Route 5, encounter it, goes to Route 7. Repeat and it goes to Route 10, then Route 11, then Route 12, and finally it ends up in the Sea Spirit's Den. You see, though I still had to encounter it, this makes it more feel like I was chasing the Legendary Bird back to its nest then playing a game until it went home. Well in the end I caught a Hasty Zapdos so let's move on.

    Zygarde: Well, people said they wanted a Pokemon Z and they got one, but we'll talk more about that later. If you traveled though Terminus Cave you may have encountered someone who said you couldn't enter until you were as strong as the Champion. Well, can't be any stronger than the Champion by BEING the Champion so the guy have moved aside and you enter a cave which is sort of star shaped. The four side paths lead to a grassy area with light shining down where you'll find the Creation Trio's Orbs as well as a Big Nugget if you use the Dowsing Machine (or common sense since it's in the same sport where the Orbs were in their path). Personally I would have put the Soul Dew in the fourth spot but whatever, we now have the Creation Trio's signature items. And if you're wondering why they're there... because, that's why. Plus there's a Legendary dragon in this room. Indeed, if you go to the "top" of the star, you'll find a green and black slug-snake statue... until you interact with it and it suddenly attacks! This is Zygarde, and don't try using Xerneas or Yveltal against it as it's Ability, Aura Break, makes the mascot duo's Ability work against them by reversing their effect! Of course, maybe that's to your favor as it means you're less likely to knock it out and bring it down to low HP (oh, and remember that you're in a cave so Dusk Balls work any time of day in there). It's Dragon/Ground and knows DragonBreath, Earthquake, Crunch, and Camouflage which turns it into a pure Rock-type since it's in a cave. Its stats are 108/100/121/81/95/95 so I suggest trying to get one who's nature increases Attack/Speed and that doesn't have decreased Speed/Attack.

    Mewtwo: WHAT?! That's right, Mewtwo's in the game for you to catch! Its in a cave accessible from the Pokemon Village. The cave is easy enough to find, you can easily see it though if it's before the Pokemon League there will be someone blocking it, I didn't even bother going there knowing he'll say I need to be the Champion. Anyway there's no puzzle, just go in and Mewtwo is right there looking away from the entrance. The battles starts when you interact with it after a cutscene of the Mewtwo looking away from the camera and down at the floor until turning to you and thrusting its hand out giving out a cry of challenge! Mewtwo's going to be a hard catch though as it knows Recover, increases its defense with Barrier, and has Psychic and Aura Sphere. Luckily we're inside a cave so Dusk Balls are your friend... unless you want to use your Master Ball (I took the Dusk Ball route and eventually got a Rash Mewtwo and kept my Master Ball! Not too sure what I'll do with it, maybe I'll be lucky and encounter a difficult to catch Shiny...). Oh, and for additional icing on the cake, after catching Mewtwo you get one of Mewtwo's Mega Stone depending on what version you have! If you have Pokemon Y I suggest getting a Mewtwo with increased Special Attack/Speed while if you have Pokemon X I suggest going for increase Attack/Speed.

    But yeah, that's all the Legendaries... just 4, 6 if you want to include all the Legendary Birds. Sort of funny actually, Black 2 & White 2 had loads of Legendaries. There was a total of 13 Legendary Pokemon you can get, 15 if you Game Synced with the opposite version who had the key to the other Regi's room. In addition to the Swords of Justice (minus Keldeo) and the two Tao Dragons you can get depending on what version you have there was also one of the Eon Duo (version specific), all 3 Lake Guardians, 2 of the Regis though if you got the key for the other Regi's room you can get it and also get a Regigigas, a Cresselia, and a Heatran. Gen VI doesn't even have its own non-mascot, and in addition to that it's hard to put Zygarde with Xerneas and Yveltal because it's BST is 600 while there's is 680! Though my game won't be empty of Legendaries for long, for when the Pokemon Bank and PokeTransfer becomes available there's going to be a LOT of Legendaries to keep those 4 company soon (infact Mewtwo and Zapdos will even have friends of their own species...).

    2. And as the final "big" thing I did is finish getting the TMs not prizes from the Battle Maison. The final two I needed I thought was in the room with Zygarde and Mewtwo but I was wrong, infact I could have gotten them before challenging the Pokemon League *sigh*. But whatever, they were Brick Break and Psychic and now that I have them I guess I'll try for the TMs at the Battle Maison? Of course my new goal now is to buy all the clothing at the Boutique in Lumiose City which FINALLY let me in after buying all the "normal" clothes in Kalos... of course all the clothes they sell there are VERY expensive, some costing 100k! So in the end I might end up using my BP to buy medicine to sell them for quick cash.

    And that's pretty much it, though there's still the Battle Maison to do and clothes that still need to be bought (not to mention getting all the Furfrou trims and getting into that restaurant with the spinning dancing waitresses) I'm pretty much done. So with that done, next time I think it's about time we discussed in-depth about the new things XY has brought!

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [22]Oct 25, 2013
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    I believe they just released the patch to fix the save glitch in Lumiose in the eshop

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [23]Nov 1, 2013
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    Well I feel stupid. Here I thought we discovered all the Pokemon and Mega Evolutions, completely forgetting that each generation has Event Legendaries only found through hacking the game! However, 3DS games are a different beast compared to the previous Nintendo Handheld games and have been harder to hack (its why its taking so long to get the Pokemon's stats, movesets, Egg Moves, etc.. And this is just for the Pokemon in the game so far, they'll have to do this process for EVERY OTHER Pokemon once PokeTransfer goes up) so someone can't simply go into the files and load up all the Pokemon sprites (because they're no longer sprites, to see the Pokemon models themselves you'll either need a 3D modeling program to port the models or hack the game so that the appear in the wild). Well, a elite hacker named Smealum did the latter trick and discovered 3 new Pokemon and 2 new Mega Evolutions! Now before I post these images, I just want to note that these are UNCONFIRMED, so take these with a grain of salt. Also I'll be putting these up in spoiler tags, so here we go:

    EDIT: Found MORE new Pokemon!

    EDIT 2: Legendaries Types discovered and Location rumors & Possibly a problem with the new Mega Evolutions


    Edited on 11/01/2013 6:39am
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [24]Nov 2, 2013
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    Wow that's cool wonder if that means there's more to come... I was wondering about the power plant and why one key didn't work on the others

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [25]Dec 12, 2013
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    Some quick XY news! Sorry I haven't posted anything, my excuse is that I'm waiting for Pokemon Bank to be released so that we can finally have ALL Pokemon be in XY. With that said some news has come out concerning the Pokemon Bank:

    1. Like with all Pokemon Storage Systems, the Pokemon Bank has its own NPC and this one is a returning character: Brigette! Better known for being the host of the Pokemon Box Ruby & Sapphire, a GameCube "game" which was more of a storage box with space for 1,500 Pokemon using the GameCube peripheral "Game Boy Player". She's also Lanette's older sister. Well now she's back and in charge of the Pokemon Bank:

    (Left: Pokemon Bank's Brigette, Right: Pokemon Box's Brigette)
    Ah, I see Brigette has decided to go with the Apollo Justice 2nd appearance fashion sense:

    Now she needs a bandage around her eye...

    2. Pokemon transferred from Pokebank will get your PokeMiles.

    3. And now a list of locations which you may want to take certain Pokemon to (I'll even list those for Pokemon which you can find in the games):

    Deoxys: Ambrette Town's Fossil Lab has meteorites which is presumed to be for Deoxys. Interestingly enough, though there are 4 Deoxys formes there are 5 meteorites! Could there possibly be a fifth Deoxys forme? Well we'll be finding out soon.
    Magneton & Nosepass: Remember to evolve a Magneton to a Magnezone and a Nosepass to a Probopass, you need to level it up in an area with a strong magnetic field. In Kalos this would be Route 13, the Lumiose Badlands (you know, that desert where the powerplant is and where you're constantly attacked by digging Pokemon who aren't effected by Repels...).
    Eevee: To evolve Eevee to Leafeon you'll need a Moss Rock which can be found somewhere in Route 20, the Winding Woods (you know, that annoying forest maze you needed to do to get to the Pokemon Village to find the 8th Gym Leader, Wulfric). To evolve Eevee to Glaceon you'll need a Icy Rock which is located on the first floor of the Frost Cavern (you know, that ice sliding puzzle cave with the Abomasnow), though it requires Surf to get to it.
    Rotom: Rotom can access its Appliance forms via the 2nd Floor of Sycamore's Lab.
    Shaymin: To tranfrom Shaymin to its Sky Forme you'll need a Gracidea Flower, and though it's not known where to get one there is an NPC in the Snowbelle City Pokemon Center that talks about it. May they have a Gracidea Flower if you show them Shaymin?
    Kyurem: If you want to fuse Kyurem with a Zekrom or Reshiram you're gonna need DNA Splicers, luckily a Punk Girl in Kiloude City just so happens to have a pair!... wait, what? Well, anyway, just show her Kyurem and she'll give them to you.
    Genesect: And we wrap things up by going back to Ambrette Town where a hiker will give you all of Genesect's Drives if you show him Genesect... WHY DO RANDOM NPCS HAVE THESE ITEMS?!

    And that's pretty much it. Pokemon Bank is released later this December 27 (27th for the U.S.) for a small fee (right now only Japan's fee is known which is 500 yen, which converted into U.S. dollars is $5). However between that time and January 31st you can redeem a 30 day free trial, plenty of enough time to transfer all your Pokemon from your Black, White, Black 2, & White 2! And maybe then I'll actually do those reviews I promised MONTHS ago!

    Edited on 12/12/2013 4:02pm
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [26]Dec 13, 2013
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    Actually just caught 3 eevees today and was plaining on evolving two of them into Leafeon and Glaceon.

    Not sure if anyone knows this but there's a little task in thePok?mon Villageon Thursday that will allow you to catch a Bannette it involved the garbage cans there

    Edited on 12/13/2013 7:09am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [27]Dec 13, 2013
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    Actually just caught 3 eevees today and was plaining on evolving two of them into Leafeon and Glaceon.

    Not sure if anyone knows this but there's a little task in thePok?mon Villageon Thursday that will allow you to catch a Bannette it involved the garbage cans there

    From what I know all you need to do is check the garbage cans on Thursday in the Pokemon Village and there's a chance one of them (which would be shaking) will contain a Banette. Actually only 3 of them may have a Banette, the trash cans near the giant tire have a chance of having a Garbodor.

    On Tuesday in the Lost Hotel there's a chance that one of the trash cans (well 3, but they're all over the place) you could find a Rotom though it's rare. There's even a rarer chance of catching one in one of its Appliance forms but, as I said, you can easily change their forms via Sycamore's Lab.

    While I'm here, might as well post some new info:

    Patch 1.2 is now live and unlike the previous patch this one is mandatory (well, if you want to go online that it). Apparently there was a bug that allowed players to intercept data transmissions to gain an advantage over other players. How? Why? I don't know, all I know is that this patch is meant to fix that. There's also a few other bugs that it fixes involving online. However an interesting thing about the Patch that it has the same QR code as the previous patch which fixed the Lumiose Saving bug, meaning I think this batch not only updates your game with the new fixes but as well with the ones with the previous if you hadn't already gotten it. The patch requires 236 blocks in your 3DS. For more info click HERE.

    Gotta patch 'em all!

    With the Pokemon Bank soon to be released, the Pokemon Company has released an overview trailer you can view HERE. Nothing really new, but it did provide some information. In addition to the trailer some other info was released, one in particular which is VERY important to know if you're going to use the Pokemon Bank:

    1. For the U.S., a Pokemon Bank subscription will be $4.99.
    2. The 30 day free trial will be available until January 31st.
    3. You can change the PokeMiles into Battle Points from Pokemon receive from the Pokemon Bank.
    4. Pokemon Bank ignores the region lock so you can put an English game into a Japanese 3DS and, as long as that 3DS has Pokemon Bank installed, you can transfer your Pokemon over to your game with no trouble.
    5. VERY IMPORTANT! If your subscription fee ends you'll still have a few days to withdraw the Pokemon in your Pokemon Bank (though how many days aren't certain). However, if you don't re-subscribe, then after those "safe" days you're Pokemon Bank WILL BE DELETED ALONG WITH EVERY POKEMON IN IT!

    Yeah, "safe", as long as you have money...

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [28]Dec 13, 2013
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    A Garbador?! Sweet some else for me to do.

    I'm going to stay away from pokemon bank and not just because I don't use the online additions...

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [29]Dec 13, 2013
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    A Garbador?! Sweet some else for me to do.

    I'm going to stay away from pokemon bank and not just because I don't use the online additions...

    I'm going to use Pokemon Bank to at least transfer over some Pokemon in my White 2. Actually I need to start preparing to do that.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [30]Dec 26, 2013
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    ... Nintendo, Game Freak, Pokemon Company, and anyone else who's involved with the Pokemon Bank...


    For those who don't know, Pokemon Bank (and Poke Transporter) had recently been released in Japan... and today it has been removed from the eShop and no one can access its features (which I assume means anyone who had Pokemon stored in the Pokemon Bank can't access their stored Pokemon... wonderful). Apparently the Pokemon Bank is taking so much power it had driven the Nintendo Network to a halt (in addition to the influx of new 3DS and WiiU users who got one or both of the gaming consoles for Christmas). It's unknown when the Pokemon Bank will be put back up and both the North America and European release dates (which I believe was tomorrow) has been changed to TBD (To Be Decided).

    Um... we're experiencing some... umm... "technical" difficulties (to say the last...). Please stand by.

    Okay, I want to know why and how this happened. We know that, at the very least, Pokemon X & Y had sold over 4 MILLION COPIES! And I'm assuming the people in charge of the Pokemon Bank know the exact numbers sold or at least a rough estimate. So exactly what did they not do to cause things to go haywire? Did they think not that many players would use the Pokemon Bank? Okay, yeah, I'm sure there's a good number of players people (like me) who won't be using the Pokemon Bank to store our Pokemon, but that doesn't mean you can take us out of the equation since anyone can change their mind at anytime. Oh, and there's also the fact that you made the Pokemon Bank THE ONLY WAY TO TRANSPORT POKEMON FROM GEN V TO GEN VI! Even if people aren't going to use the Pokemon Bank permanently, they're at least going to redeem the 1 month free subscription to transport over their prized Pokemon in their Gen V games, thus are going to need account space! Infact, I'd imagine that the first month or two of Pokemon Bank would probably be when it's the most used and then it'll decrease as the free subscriptions end and only those left are those who actually plan on using the Pokemon Bank. So if anything you should be putting in EXTRA power during the first few months! Oh, and let's not forget about that Celebi you offered via the Pokemon Bank with a (completely useless) Event Move which you can only get via the Pokemon Bank's Pokemon Link (but I'll talk about that as soon as it becomes available in the U.S.).

    Now if you'll allow me to get on my soap box for a "short" rant, this situation has brought another problem to light: Network problems. As you can see, apparently if there's a network problem the Pokemon Bank completely closes and prevents people from accessing the Pokemon they have stored in the bank... THAT'S HORRIBLE DESIGN FLAW! And let's not pretend glitches can't happen, with how much work that's being put into Pokemon Bank it's unlikely but there's always a chance a glitch can happen and I wouldn't want to be one to get a glitch which accidentally deletes my Pokemon (or all my stored Pokemon)! Actually, all this is making me start to think they should have made Pokemon Bank its own peripheral game like Pokemon Box Ruby & Sapphire and My Pokemon Ranch. It can have network capabilities, but it shouldn't need to depend on the network to work. Can anyone explain to me why Pokemon Bank needed to be an online feature? It's only a Storage Box, it's not like the Pokemon Global Link or Dream World. You can make the Pokemon Bank its own "game" and I can't see it acting any differently than its suppose to, actually I think it'll work even better because, as its own game, there's no chance of it being taken down when the next generation (which has been confirmed to be in the planning stages) comes out. The more and more I hear about Pokemon Bank the more and more it reconfirms this was a bad move. Actually, I'm starting to think Gen VI was a bit rushed overall, but I'll get to that when I start talking about coming this New Years.

    Anyway, I'm sure it'll be back up soon (though I imagine they'll delay the North American and European release as they figure out how to not have the whole thing crash when the WHOLE WORLD gets access to it) and it was reported that those who had redeemed their free trial will have their free trial restarted once the Pokemon Bank is brought back online (which is quite nice). And for those who really want a Pokemon they can't get in XY, remember that it was up for a few days so there are people who have some of these Pokemon and are trading them. From what I hear its easy enough to get all the Starters and other Pokemon that can be bred, though don't hold your breath on getting any Legendaries...

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [31]Dec 26, 2013
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    Wow that sucks got to feel bad for the players who possible lost their pokemon

    Wonder if they'll compensate

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [32]Dec 26, 2013
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    Wow that sucks got to feel bad for the players who possible lost their pokemon

    Wonder if they'll compensate

    The Pokemon aren't lost, they're just locked in the player's account. Once Pokemon Bank comes back up their Pokemon will still be there (hopefully).

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  • Avatar of Nik800


    [33]Jan 1, 2014
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    what all is there to do after the post game?

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [34]Jan 1, 2014
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    Looker quests

    Mega Stone Hunting

    Catch Mewtwo

    Catch Zygarde

    I think new hairstyle?

    Rival battles

    Heart Scale Daily event

    Get Ralts (with megastone) from Champion

    Battle Maison

    Edited on 01/01/2014 7:24pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [35]Jan 21, 2014
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    Banking On It:

    The Pokemon Bank and Poke Transporter has returned to the Japanese eShop! It has been said that it's been patched with countermeasures to ensure that it prevents Nintendo's servers from exploding being overloaded. Also the Japanese free trial has been extended to February 21st. No news on international versions yet, probably want to test the waters with the Japanese version to assure the patch works before an international announcement.

    Version 1.0? Yeah, I think this incident probably bumped it up to a version 1.5.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [37]Jan 22, 2014
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    Wont' be in January. Good Ol' Reggie confirmed that one on Twitter....quite hilariously.
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    [38]Jan 22, 2014
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Wont' be in January. Good Ol' Reggie confirmed that one on Twitter....quite hilariously.

    Reggie's Twitter post for anyone who's curious.

    He also did a "banking on it" (or rather "not banking on it") joke... I thought I was being clever with it... I can't even say he copied since he posted it first... *sulks off*

    Though a bit off topic, Reggie's twitter is shockingly funny, I thought that it would mostly be official announcements and such but he's cracking jokes, made fun of the XBox One, him an Iwata joke about their job's being at risk, I'm quite surprised. I never was able to read Reggie, I'm sure he's a nice guy but at the same time there is something a bit shifty about him.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [39]Feb 4, 2014
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    No Bank For U.S.:
    The Pokemon Bank and Poke Transporter has just gone live in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Great for them, sad for us here in North America who's release date still hasn't been announced. I'm going to guess that they're going to start releasing Pokemon Bank in chunks to both test and adjust the servers before going to the next chunk. North America is probably next (while Europe, Australia, and New Zealand are a big population of people, the numbers of people who bought Pokemon X and/or Y might be equal to the amount of people who bought it in the United States and the other countries they might release Pokemon Bank with us (I'm going to guess Central and South America. If you're going to do one America you might as well do them all)), though for now all we can do is shake our fist in anger at the people with Pokemon Bank across the oceans.

    Oh, and their 30 day free trail is now redeemable from now until March 14, 2014, & they can get their Hold Back Celebi from now until September 30th.

    If we keep this up, we'll have Pokemon Bank up around the globe by the time the third version is released!

    I guess I should also that it was decided to keep Game Sync to 1 hour. It was apparently in discussion whether to increase Game Sync's time from 1 hour to 3 hour but they decided to not change it for now.


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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [40]Feb 5, 2014
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    Banking In The U.S.A.:

    FINALLY! Pokemon Bank and Poke Transporter is now available in North America! The 30 Day Free Trial is available until March 14th & the Hold Back Celebi is available until September 30th! Now if you excuse me, I have a whole box of Legendary Pokemon to transfer over...

    Its been a long time coming!

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [41]Feb 11, 2014
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    The first Generation VI event Legendary has been officially revealed: The Rock/Fairy type Diancie.

    One down, two to go....

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