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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [42]Feb 11, 2014
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    The first Generation VI event Legendary has been officially revealed: The Rock/Fairy type Diancie.

    One down, two to go....

    WELL now that Diancie has been revealed I guess I could report some interesting information that has been about it and the other 5 special Pokemon:

    1. First, here's a link to a PokeBeach post detailing information about Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion, and the Mega Lati@s/Eon Duo. Here's other images for proof: Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion.

    2. In addition to Diamond Storm, Hyperspace Hole, and Steam Eruption, some other secret Moves have been discovered. Two Moves called "Hold Hands" and "Light of Ruin" have been found. "How?" you may be wondering. Well, while Game Freak prevented the move Metronome from pulling up these moves, they forgot to do the same from the Room Service job. If you recall or incase you don't know the Hotel Richissime in Lumiose City offers you 3 jobs you can do for quick cash. One of these jobs is taking "Room Service" were you'll be given a description of how a guest would like a meal. One way the guest desribes the meal is by saying they want it in a style of a certain Move. This is where Game Freak made an oversight as they forgot to exclude hidden moves from being mentioned. So not only do guests ask for their meals to be served Hold Back/Happy Hour/Diamond Storm/Diamond Storm/Steam Eruption style, but they can also ask it for Hold Hands/Light of Ruin style. Oops.

    So, what is Hold Hands and Light or Ruin? Well I don't know what Hold Hands could possibly be, however recall that one of the special Pokemon found was AZ's Floette. Being AZ's Floette absorbed the power of the Ultimate Weapon making it immortal, it also probably absorbed some of its destructive power as well. When the Ultimate Weapon fired, it's blast was shown as a light, can we say a "light of ruin". Yeah, I think "Light of Ruin" might be the Signature Move of AZ's Floette.

    Well, that's all I got, guess I'll just wait until more info from CoroCoro is revealed.

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    [43]Feb 12, 2014
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    Clearer images of CoroCoro came out and the only other thing they reveal about Diancie is that is has the Ability Clear Body & can learn Moves Hyper Beam and Explosion Nothing too special, Explosion could be interesting for it to have if Diancie's Attack is high enough.

    Edited on 02/12/2014 9:16pm
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [44]Feb 13, 2014
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Clearer images of CoroCoro came out and the only other thing they reveal about Diancie is that is has the Ability Clear Body & can learn Moves Hyper Beam and Explosion Nothing too special, Explosion could be interesting for it to have if Diancie's Attack is high enough.

    a legendary with Explosion is never a good sign... I do like the animation in has in X and Y tho

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    [45]Feb 14, 2014
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    More info on Carbink which we can sink our teeth into:

    A sudden transformation of, its pink, glimmering body is said to be the loveliest sight in the whole world. It can instantly create many diamonds by compressing the carbon in the air between its hands. It uses these jewels in battle to attack enemies and protect itself. Groups of Carbink tend to gather around Diancie, but Diancie pays them little heed and acts only according to its own will.

    Species: Jewel Pok?mon
    Type: Rock/Fairy
    Ability: Clear Body
    Height: 2'04"
    Weight: 19.4 lbs.

    Click HERE to watch the English website trailer for it.
    Click HERE to go to its page on the XY website.

    (A girl's best friend)

    (Nope, no matter where it battles it stands out, cause its too PINK!)

    (Okay, how long do I have to play with you until you make a diamond for me?)

    (Heard of blood diamonds? Well this is a diamond who wants your blood!)

    And finally, English website made a mistake and showed a screenshot of Diancie's Shiny form! They have now fixed the mistake, BUT not before websites like Serebii saved the image:

    (What a surprise, its Shiny form is even pinker...)

    So, what do you think? Too much pink for you to handle?

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [46]Feb 14, 2014
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    Shiny form looks cool

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    [47]Apr 8, 2014
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    Don't know where to put this so I'll put this here:

    Today there was a Nintendo Direct for Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS & WiiU. As you may imagine, there was quite a bit of news concerning characters, and of course what franchise has the biggest "cast" of characters than Pokemon? Here's the news for what concerns Pokemon:

    (1.) Poke Balls make their return, but there's a slight twist! Poke Balls are items which send out a random Pokemon which can do a variety of things from attacking, creating barriers, becoming obstacles, dropping other items/collectibles, or possibly nothing. However now they're throwing Master Balls into the mix and Master Balls specifically contain Rare and Legendary Pokemon. Now in previous games the Poke Ball could send out a Legendary Pokemon, but in this game they now send out any non-Legendary Pokemon. The following "Ball" Pokemon have been confirmed so far:

    Poke Ball: Meowth, Electrode, Goldeen, Staryu, Eevee, Bellossom, Metagross, Chespin, Fennekin, Spewpa, Gogoat, & Dedenne
    Master Ball: Mew, Entei, Deoxys, Palkia, Darkrai, Arceus, Victini, Kyurem, Keldeo, Meloetta, & Xerneas

    I could post all the screenshots and say what each does, or just link you to Serebii's SSBf3DS&WU Pokeball page while Electrode frowns at you (he's close enough to a Poke Ball, right?).

    (2.) The Adventure Mode from previous SSB has possibly been replaced with a new mode called "Smash Run". It's a 4-player co-op which starts with players exploring though an expensive dungeon stage collecting power-ups (all power-ups just adding to the characters basic stats) by defeating enemies and completing challenges for 5 minutes. When the 5 minutes are up, all 4 players fight each other with the power-ups they've collected. While some of the enemies are from the Subspace Emissary, many also come from other game series. One of the enemies that can appear is a Chandelure.

    Sorry, screenshots are limited at this time. I can tell you what Chandelure does though: its seen throwing purple fireballs as on move (Will-O-Wisp?) and spinning around creating a flame tornado which is sends toward the player (Fire Spin?).

    (3.) It's been confirmed that most stages will only appear in either the 3DS or WiiU game, very few appearing in both. The previously confirmed Lumiose City Prism Tower stage is 3DS exclusive. Also, 3DS stages will only have 2 songs each (WiiU stages will work as they did in Brawl with having a playlist), though at this time we don't know what music will play for Lumiose City Prism Tower. Also, we don't know if there's a Pokemon stage for the WiiU version yet.
    Speaking of Stages, a two new online option has been added: "For Fun" or "For Glory". In "For Fun", any stage (except for Final Destination) is chosen at random, items turned out, and only # of wins will be shown. In "For Glory", the only stage is Final Destination with no items and the players # of wins & loses are shown. Why do I mention this? Well since just battling on the normal Final Destination would get repetitive and boring, it's been said ALMOST all Stages have been given a Final Destination mode for for "For Glory".

    How this stage works is that you begin at the base of Prism Tower, but soon the fighters are lifted up and fight on a platform as it floats around the tower. The picture above shows Prism Tower during daytime, but there are also scenes of the platform flying around the tower at night though this is most likely just a cosmetic change at time goes on. It's similar to past Stages like Delfino Plaza, Halberd, and Port Town Aero Dive. Because, it's likely it'll get a "Final Destination" mode where the whole battle takes place at the base of Prism Tower.

    (4.) Items, New Modes, Stages? Blah, blah, blah, what you REALLY want to hear about are the Fighter Characters, specifically for Pokemon. Well I got news for you:

    First, Lucario. Lucario's Aura attacks have been made more powerful than they were in Brawl, though now it looks like you can overpower Lucario which could result in it dashing across the Stage too far and fast, for example.
    Also Lucario's Final Smash has been revealed and, as predicted, it has been changed from his Brawl's Aura Storm to now him Mega Evolving into Mega Lucario. Mega Lucario's Aura attacks will do max damage no matter how much damage he's at. It has not been confirmed if Mega Evolving is permanent, has a time limit (which is the most likely case), or has any other negative drawbacks.

    Could it be possible that other Mega Pokemon may be Poke Ball Pokemon, or maybe even Master Ball Pokemon (its mentioned that rare Pokemon could also come out of the Master Ball, though it was never said what these "rare" Pokemon are)?


    That's right! Charizard returns but this time as his own fighter (doesn't look like Pokemon Trainer is returning, sadly)! Charizard comes with a whole batch of new Moves now that its free from Pokemon Trainer's control. However its biggest change is its (unconfirmed) Final Smash: Mega Carizard X!

    But what of Mega Charizard Y? One theory going around is that, being this image of Mega Charizard X is from the WiiU version, that Mega Charizard Y could be for the 3DS version.


    Didn't see this coming! Greninja is here to represent Gen VI and does so with ninja-like moves. It knows all the ninja tricks, probably giving Sheik a run for "his" money. Greninja's Final Smash was possibly also revealed where it just teleports around beating up an opponent (similar to how Latios & Latios worked in Brawl).

    Let the Pokemon show you how its done!

    Well, I'll finish this off with a link to the Nintendo Direct and to the Charizard & Greninja reveal trailer.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [48]Apr 9, 2014
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    SSBf3DS&WiiU Update:

    Careful examination of the trailer has revealed a Pokemon Stage for the WiiU version: Kalos League!

    When did Drasna get a Charizard?/When did Siebold get a Greninja?

    It looks like the Kalos League will at least be going through the Elite Four's chambers, above seeing a battle take place in the Dragonmark Chamber (Drasna's) and Flood Chamber (Siebold's). The other camber's are Ironwork (Wikstrom's) and Blazing Chamber (Malva's). It also could be possible we go into the Radiant Chamber (Champion Diantha's).

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    [49]Jul 7, 2014
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    A few months ago it was revealed that since XY's release that 80 million Pokemon have been traded and that if 100 million Pokemon were to be traded that a special Vivillon will be given away. Well, 100 million Pokemon have been finally traded which means that the special Vivillon is now available! Just go to Mystery Gift and get the gift via the internet for your Vivillon.

    You know you want me!

    As you can see, this Vivillon has 2 things special about it. First, it has a wing pattern that no other Vivillon had! It's called Fancy Pattern and this is the only way you can get it. Second it has an Event exclusive Move called Hold Hands which so far only it knows. What does it do? NOTHING! Well, first it only "works" in Double or Triple Battles. In a Double or Triple Battle if you use this Move it targets an ally and when performed you're told that your Pokemon held hands and made each other happy... AND that's it. Yeah, it does nothing, complete waste of a move.

    Tada! We wasted your time!

    Well at least its a unique pattern. It's available starting today and ending on July 31st, so you have less than a month to get it!

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    [50]Aug 1, 2014
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    X For Heracross, Y For Pinsir:

    Two Event has been revealed for U.S. residents, but they're connected to each other! As you may know, some Mega Evolution's Mega Stones are version exclusive. One pair is Pinsir and Heracross who's Mega Stones are only found in X and Y, respectively. However if you're trying to complete your Mega Stone collection or been wanting a Heracross and/or Pinsir to use them on then this Event is for you!

    First Event is over the internet. From August 13 to September 17th you can download a Pinsir AND Heracross to your XY game (one at a time of course). They're at Level 50, can have any of their Abilities but will have an Adamant Nature (+ Attack, - Special Attack). Their moveset is as followed:

    Pinsir: X-Scissor, Earthquake, Stone Edge, & Return
    Heracross: Bullet Seed, Pin Missile, Close Combat, & Megahorn
    However they are NOT holding an item, that's what the second Event is for:

    Second Event you'll need to go to a participating Gamestop. From August 18th to August 31st they will have a special serial code that'll let you download a Heracronite if you have Pokemon X or a Pinsirite if you have Pokemon Y.

    I'm... confused. Why have them as separate Events? I don't know how this works, but I can assume Gamestop at least has to offer to host the Event (or they may very well have asked to have such an event). Fine, whatever, its a promotion gimmick, I get that. But whey then not just let us download the Pokemon holding their Mega Stone and make it one Event? Also why do we need a serial code to get the Mega Stone, can't we just download it like other Event? There's just so many odd decision going on here and I have no clue why they're doing it this way. It's not like the Pokemon are anything special or are holding onto another item, in fact they're holding NO item so you might as well just have them holding onto their Mega Stone!

    Speaking of which, let's look over the Pinsir and Heracross. First off, Adamant nature, nice touch. Both are physical attackers with little Special Attack so just giving us the ones with the nature we'll probably want saves us the hassle of soft resetting a few dozen times.
    Of course depending on the Ability you'll get you may have to soft reset a bit. They're Ability is one of their normal Abilities, for Pinsir this is Hyper Cutter (prevents decrease in Attack) and Mold Breaker (attacking moves ignore opponent's Ability) while Heracross has Swarm (Increases Power of Bug-type moves by 1.5x if below a third of its max HP) and Guts (Increases Attack by 50% if afflicted with Burn, Paralysis, Poison, or Sleep). For Heracross, if you're going to Mega Evolve it, its Ability doesn't matter though if you're not you may want to go with Guts and give it a Flame Orb to hold onto (the Attack decrease from Burn doesn't happen to a Pokemon with Guts, though they'll still lose HP each turn). As for Pinsir you'd want Hyper Cutter as, let's admit it, you'll only want to Mega Evolve it and Hyper Cutter will prevent any Attack decrease from Intimidate. But with all that said, they could have at least given these Pokemon their Hidden Ability, both being Moxie. Yeah, the main point is to Mega Evolve them, but you could at least make them sort of viable on their own. And sure Pinsir is in danger then of getting its Attack decreased by Intimidate, but that's something that can be fixed by switching out.
    Anyway their Moves are rather lackluster, all from level up or TM. In case you don't remember, Mega Pinsir's Ability is Aerilate which turns Normal-type Moves into Flying-type and gives them a 30% Power boost (so Return goes from being a 102 Power Normal-type Move that doesn't get STAB to a 132.6 Power Flying-type Move that does get STAB which increases its Power further to 198.9). Mega Heracross's Ability is Skill Link which guarantees that multi-hitting Moves hit their maximum amount of times (so Bullet Seed and Pin Missile will hit their max 5 times if the first hit lands). While it's nice they have Moves which will take advantage of their Mega Abilities, if the purpose for them was to Mega Evolve them then why not just go all the way and maybe even give them something special? Either give Mega Heracross its other multi-hitting moves, Arm Thrust and Rock Blast, or maybe even give it ones it can't normally learn like Bone Ruse or Icicle Spear. As for Mega Pinsir, why not give it Extreme Speed! That would be AMAZING. But no, why do something special when you can be boring and lazy.
    Oh well, at least we have the Mega Stones. Heck, I'm sure some would rather have a Jolly nature ones anyway (+ Speed, - Special Attack) so even if they had special moves/Ability they'd probably wouldn't be used... which makes you wonder why they split up the event and just not give the out with the Mega Stones...


    Edited on 08/01/2014 11:00am
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    [51]Aug 1, 2014
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    Why couldn't they just have them holding the mega stones some of us don't have gamestops any where near us. Oh well free pinsir/heracross

    Edited on 08/01/2014 9:23pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [52]Aug 6, 2014
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    Vivillon Event Dos:

    The Vivillon Event I've been waiting for and possibly the final Vivillon Event has been made available to those in North America! That's the Pokeball Vivillon is available NOW til August 12th over the internet. Yes, August 12th, it's ONLY AVAILABLE FOR A WEEK STARTING TODAY! So get it NOW! What are you doing still reading this? You only have a week! GO NOW, NOW NOW!

    At least you'll never it for a Pokeball, unlike Voltorb or Foongus *shakes fist*

    Got it? GOOD! Seriously, they didn't make a prior announcement they'll be doing this and it's only for about a week! Okay, I guess they want to make it rare to get, but still that's a bit of a jerk move. Not only that, they keep saying over and over again "this is the last Vivillon pattern", trying to hammer in if you miss this you're out of luck. YET they pull this! I don't know who's in charge of the Events in North America, BUT FIRE HIM/HER! It's obvious they don't really care about their job, so get rid of them and hire someone who does show a least bit of caring! Maybe then we'll actually start getting some of other events (you know, like the Charizard Mega Stone Event)...

    Anyway, as I said, this is the last Vivillon. Have you gotten all the others? No, well me neither. I like the concept behind the Vivillon, but they left WAY too much control in the player's hands. On the GTS almost all people will Vivillon forms I want are asking for Legendaries (a common problem with the GTS as a whole), I try random trading but either the other person doesn't understand what I want (despite showing them a Scatterbug who's name is "VIVILLON TRADE" and then showing them all my Vivillon's) or they don't have an extra Vivillons, and when I deposit a Vivillon of my own I ALWAYS get the same Vivillon: Elegant. There are WAY too many Elegant Vivillons and I don't know why. They need to fix the GTS as a whole, and maybe make special kind of trades like being able to ask for certain kinds of Vivillons. No wonder why Vivillon is the #666 Pokemon...

    Or, you know, searching for your other forms for ALL of eternity...

    I guess to finish this I'll mention what kind of Vivillon you should try to get if you want to competitively compete with it. First off, you'll want a Vivillon with Compound Eyes. Compound Eyes raises the Accuracy of Moves by 30%. This is good for Vivillon as it can learn Sleep Powder & Hurricane, Moves that normally has 75% and 70% Accuracy but with Compound Eyes that increases to 97.5% and 91% meaning you'll most likely hit every time. Shield Dust isn't bad, but Compound Eyes is the better Ability as Shield Dust is better on more defensive Pokemon and Vivillon has low defenses so better for it to go in trying to attack as powerfully as it can. That'll lead us to Natures and you'll either want a Timid (+ Speed, - Attack) or Modest (+ Special Attack, - Attack) Vivillon. Most sites would suggest a Timid Nature, though.

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    [53]Aug 6, 2014
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Vivillon Event Dos:

    The Vivillon Event I've been waiting for and possibly the final Vivillon Event has been made available to those in North America! That's the Pokeball Vivillon is available NOW til August 12th over the internet. Yes, August 12th, it's ONLY AVAILABLE FOR A WEEK STARTING TODAY! So get it NOW! What are you doing still reading this? You only have a week! GO NOW, NOW NOW!

    At least you'll never it for a Pokeball, unlike Voltorb or Foongus *shakes fist*

    Got it? GOOD! Seriously, they didn't make a prior announcement they'll be doing this and it's only for about a week! Okay, I guess they want to make it rare to get, but still that's a bit of a jerk move. Not only that, they keep saying over and over again "this is the last Vivillon pattern", trying to hammer in if you miss this you're out of luck. YET they pull this! I don't know who's in charge of the Events in North America, BUT FIRE HIM/HER! It's obvious they don't really care about their job, so get rid of them and hire someone who does show a least bit of caring! Maybe then we'll actually start getting some of other events (you know, like the Charizard Mega Stone Event)...

    Anyway, as I said, this is the last Vivillon. Have you gotten all the others? No, well me neither. I like the concept behind the Vivillon, but they left WAY too much control in the player's hands. On the GTS almost all people will Vivillon forms I want are asking for Legendaries (a common problem with the GTS as a whole), I try random trading but either the other person doesn't understand what I want (despite showing them a Scatterbug who's name is "VIVILLON TRADE" and then showing them all my Vivillon's) or they don't have an extra Vivillons, and when I deposit a Vivillon of my own I ALWAYS get the same Vivillon: Elegant. There are WAY too many Elegant Vivillons and I don't know why. They need to fix the GTS as a whole, and maybe make special kind of trades like being able to ask for certain kinds of Vivillons. No wonder why Vivillon is the #666 Pokemon...

    Or, you know, searching for your other forms for ALL of eternity...

    I guess to finish this I'll mention what kind of Vivillon you should try to get if you want to competitively compete with it. First off, you'll want a Vivillon with Compound Eyes. Compound Eyes raises the Accuracy of Moves by 30%. This is good for Vivillon as it can learn Sleep Powder & Hurricane, Moves that normally has 75% and 70% Accuracy but with Compound Eyes that increases to 97.5% and 91% meaning you'll most likely hit every time. Shield Dust isn't bad, but Compound Eyes is the better Ability as Shield Dust is better on more defensive Pokemon and Vivillon has low defenses so better for it to go in trying to attack as powerfully as it can. That'll lead us to Natures and you'll either want a Timid (+ Speed, - Attack) or Modest (+ Special Attack, - Attack) Vivillon. Most sites would suggest a Timid Nature, though.

    I've similar problems, they should have an option that lets you look for a pokemon OTHER people are requesting. No way I'm trading a Zapdos for a Krabby. Wish there was a way to punish those people

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    [54]Aug 6, 2014
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    I've similar problems, they should have an option that lets you look for a pokemon OTHER people are requesting. No way I'm trading a Zapdos for a Krabby. Wish there was a way to punish those people

    Sometimes I really wish I hacked Pokemon, because I would create the Pokemon they want but makes sure its the worst Pokemon ever.

    "Oh, you want a Darkrai for that Vivillon? Okay, FINE, here's a hacked Darkrai. Unfortunately for you its Ability it Truant and all its stats are 1. Thanks for the Vivillon!"

    But I digress. In addition to letting you search for Pokemon other players are requesting I think they should also add in some restrictions. Really, unless its another Legendary or Shiny you can't ask for a Legendary if you're trading a Pokemon you can breed (excluding Manaphy, though Phione can be added to that list). In addition you can't ask for an Event Legendary unless you're offering another Event Legendary or a Shiny. Also it would be nice if they got rid of that Level & gender request option. Here's an idea, how about instead of instantly trading Pokemon instead the trader gets requests and they can either except or reject those requests. That way people will actually have to pay attention to what the person is asking for instead of just so happening having the Pokemon which matches what the person is looking for. Heck, if they did that they wouldn't even need to have you ask for a certain Pokemon, would make trading for Pokemon with alternate forms easier like Vivillon, Unown, and maybe even have Shiny trades! Oh, and also let us see the Pokemon we're trading for stats, Ability, hold item, nature, and IVs would also be nice (and they don't need to tell us the actually IVs, they can give us those vague hints). I don't know who made the GTS for XY but I don't think its anyone who plays Pokemon because anyone who played Pokemon would be able to create a WAY better GTS then this!

    Edited on 08/06/2014 3:57pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [55]Aug 7, 2014
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Kwando7 wrote:

    I've similar problems, they should have an option that lets you look for a pokemon OTHER people are requesting. No way I'm trading a Zapdos for a Krabby. Wish there was a way to punish those people

    Sometimes I really wish I hacked Pokemon, because I would create the Pokemon they want but makes sure its the worst Pokemon ever.

    "Oh, you want a Darkrai for that Vivillon? Okay, FINE, here's a hacked Darkrai. Unfortunately for you its Ability it Truant and all its stats are 1. Thanks for the Vivillon!"

    But I digress. In addition to letting you search for Pokemon other players are requesting I think they should also add in some restrictions. Really, unless its another Legendary or Shiny you can't ask for a Legendary if you're trading a Pokemon you can breed (excluding Manaphy, though Phione can be added to that list). In addition you can't ask for an Event Legendary unless you're offering another Event Legendary or a Shiny. Also it would be nice if they got rid of that Level & gender request option. Here's an idea, how about instead of instantly trading Pokemon instead the trader gets requests and they can either except or reject those requests. That way people will actually have to pay attention to what the person is asking for instead of just so happening having the Pokemon which matches what the person is looking for. Heck, if they did that they wouldn't even need to have you ask for a certain Pokemon, would make trading for Pokemon with alternate forms easier like Vivillon, Unown, and maybe even have Shiny trades! Oh, and also let us see the Pokemon we're trading for stats, Ability, hold item, nature, and IVs would also be nice (and they don't need to tell us the actually IVs, they can give us those vague hints). I don't know who made the GTS for XY but I don't think its anyone who plays Pokemon because anyone who played Pokemon would be able to create a WAY better GTS then this!

    I never got that, why would you want totrade a shiny?

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    [56]Aug 10, 2014
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    So Australia can't get the vivillion exclusive which is weird cause we could get the other one. Why the hate?

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    [57]Aug 10, 2014
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    So Australia can't get the vivillion exclusive which is weird cause we could get the other one. Why the hate?

    If you're talking about the Pokeball Vivillon they'd just have to wait until it's announced for them. North America had to wait a bit after Japan got it and they only got it a bit after France got it. Don't know why it's like that, but it is.

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    [58]Aug 13, 2014
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    Bugged Gift:

    The Heracross/Pinsir event is now live! As it turns out you can only get one of the Bug-types depending what version you have. If you have X you'll get Heracross and if you have Y you'll get Pinsir. Remember that both natures are set to Adamant, however they can still have either of their Abilities:

    Pinsir can have either Hyper Cutter or Mold Breaker.
    Heracross can have either Swarm or Guts.

    For Pinsir, if you plan on just Mega Evolving it, you'll want Hyper Cutter to prevent Intimidate from decreasing it's Attack so you don't need to switch out if you want to remove it. If you want to use Pinsir as is you might want Mold Breaker so that its attack can go through the opponent's Abilities.
    For Heracross, if you plan on just Mega Evolving it, you can just go with any Ability as it won't matter. If you're going to use Heracross as is you might want Guts and then have it hold a Flame Orb (Guts will now only increase Heracross's Attack but also ignore Burn's halving attack, but you'll still lose HP every turn).

    (Honestly there's nothing special here, move along)

    BUT REMEMBER! This is only part 1 of the event, part 2 (and the main event) will be at GameStop where they'll be giving out serial codes for their Mega Stones which you normally can't get in that version of the game.

    (Get With Code because Local Wireless was SO last generation)

    For more info on the Event you can go HERE. Apparently this is a promotion for the newest TCG set, Furious Fists which will have Mega Heracross in it (not Pinsir though, but they sort of go together in the games).

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [59]Aug 19, 2014
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    Mega Pinsir/Heracross Event Part 2:

    Sorry for being a day late, but I didn't want to post anything until I went down to my GameStop to see how the event is done.

    From now till August 31st, GameStop will be giving away serial codes that'll give you Heracronite if you have Pokemon X or Pinsirite if you have Pokemon Y. With my GameStop I had to go to the counter and ask the employees about it. They'll give you a card with a scratch reveal that'll give you a 12 digit code. You don't need to buy anything (at least you shouldn't), though I personally pre-ordered Super Smash Bros. for the 3DS while I was down there. Now in order to use the code you'll first need to find a place that connects to the internet which my GameSpot didn't so I had to wait till I got home. Once in a place with internet you can connect to, start your game, go to Mystery Gift, select "Get With Code", and once it connects to the internet it'll ask for you to enter the 12 digit code. Once you do it'll give you your Mega Stone to pick up at any Pokemon Center!

    (Now you can say your game now has all the Mega Bugs)

    I've already gave my opinions on this event as well as Mega Pinsir and Mega Heracross, so I'll just end this by quickly talking about how you can possibly utilize their Abilities:

    Mega Pinsir has Aerilate which turns Normal-types moves into Flying-type and give them a 30% Power boost. Being a Physical attacker, here are notable physcial Normal-type moves that are affected by this:

    Thrash (level-up, Thrash is 120 Power that becomes 156, not counting STAB. It goes on for 2 to 3 turns which at the end the user becomes Confused. So it's powerful at first, but later on it could cost you a battle if you're not careful. Remember, switching out cures Confusion)
    Guillotine (level-up, Guillotine is a one-hit-knock-out move meaning once it hits the opponent they instantly faint. To balance this it has low Accuracy that increase by 1 for everyone level higher you are then you're opponent (also if the opponent is higher level then you it doesn't work). When it was a Normal-type move it was immune by Ghost-types, but now as a Flying-type move no type is immune to it. Honestly you're better off just using a high damaging move, but still it's something to note)
    Frustration/Return (TM, both have a max Power of 102 which goes to 132.6. Frustration requires your Pokemon's happiness to be 0 while Return requires your Pokemon to be at its max for them to do max damage. Return is the most obvious choice and is probably the best move to use Aerilate with)
    Facade (TM, Facade does 70 Power normally but when afflicted by a status ailment it doubles to 140 Power. So that means for Mega Pinsir the Power is normally 91 and when afflicted by a status ailment is 182. So if you plan on it getting hit with a status ailment you can give it this move, and as of Gen VI burn's halving damage is not applied with Facade!)
    Giga Impact (TM, it's the Physical version of Hyper Beam. It has 150 Power that goes to 195 but next turn you got to recharge)
    Flail (Egg move, the lower the user's HP the higher the Power. It doesn't really get good until your HP gets into the red with 100, 150, or 200 which becomes 130, 195, and 260. Its a risky gamble and you really won't be doing much until its HP is in the red)
    Quick Attack (Egg move, Quick Attack is a higher priority move and with the power boosted from 40 to 52 (not including STAB) it could be the deciding factor between winning and losing)
    Headbutt (Heart Gold & Soul Silver Move Tutor, its 70 Power goes to 91. Heabutt also has a 30% chance to make the opponent Flinch, so if you're feeling lucky you can try relying on that though the lower Power it noticeable)
    Body Slam (Gen III Move Tutors, it has 85 Power that turns to 110.5. It has a 30% chance to cause Paralysis so its in the same boat as Headbutt)
    Double-Edge (Gen III Move Tutors, it has 120 Power that goes to 156 like Thrash but instead of being locked in a move and possibly getting Confused at its done you receive recoil damage of a third of the damage done to the opponent. Its a rather risky move for a slight power increase over Return)

    Mega Heracross has Skill Link which makes multi-hitting moves hit the max amount of times it can. The ones that Heracross can learn are:

    Arm Thrust (Fighting-type, 15 Power, can hit 5 times. That's a total of 75 Power which is boosted by STAB. While not bad, Heracross has access to Close Combat which is the Fighting-type Move you want)
    Bullet Seed (Grass-type, 25 Power, can hit 5 times. That's a total of 125 Power which isn't bad and does give Heracross some more coverage, though nothing that help against its weaknesses)
    Fury Attack (Normal-type, 15 Power, can hit 5 times. Total of 75 Power, SKIP. If you want a Normal-type Move on Heracross there are better options, but why would you want a Normal-type move on Heracross?)
    Pin Missile (Bug-type, 25 Power, can hit 5 times. Total of 125 Power (plus it can get STAB) means move over Megahorn! This is one of the multi-hitting moves you want on Mega Heracross)
    Rock Blast (Rock-type, 25 Power, can hit 5 times. With a total of 125 Power and able to hit Heracross's weaknesses to Flying and Fire for super effective damage, this is another multi-hitting move you'll want on Mega Heracross! However a thing to note about this move is that it needs to be bred onto Heracross, all the others are gotten from leveling up)

    That's all I have to say. You got about 2 weeks to get your Mega Stone! Remember the Mega Stone you get isn't normally gotten in that game, so this might be your only chance to get that other Mega Stone!

    (It's time to show them what Bug-types can REALLY do!)

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [60]Sep 8, 2014
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    Halloween Gengar & Diancie:

    Two Events have just been announced, one a nice treat and the other one major!

    First, to celebrate the release of the new TCG expansion, Phantom Force, and as well as Halloween, from October 13th to the 26th GameStop will be giving out a Serial Code to get a Shiny Gengar holding its Mega Stone, Gengarite. While a Shiny Gengar is just a darker shade of purple, a Shiny Mega Gengar is ghost white! Here's the info on this Gengar:

    Level: 25 (should of been 31)
    Pokeball: Dusk Ball (cute)
    Nature: Any (I suggest either Modest (+SpA, -Atk) or Timid (+Spd, -Atk))
    Moves: Shadow Ball, Sludge Wave (EVENT EXCLUSIVE!), Confuse Ray, Astonish

    (Shiny Mega Gengar is a treat for you, but a trick for everyone else)

    It's time! With the U.S. release of 17th Pokemon Movie, Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction, fast approaching the star Pokemon's Event has been announced for the U.S.! From October 27th to November 16th go down to your local GameStop to get a Serial Code to get Diancie in a copy of your X and/or Y. But that's not all, when you transfer this Diancie to Omega Ruby and/or Alpha Sapphire it'll receive its Mega Stone, Diancite, so that it can Mega Evolve into Mega Diancie! Here Diancie's info:

    Level: 50
    Pokeball: Cherish Ball
    Nature: Any (I suggest either Brave (+Atk, -Spd) or Quiet (+SpA, -Spd))
    Item: Normal Gem
    Moves: Diamond Storm, Reflect, Return, Moonblast

    (For those wondering, its stats are 50/100/150/100/150/50//600, in other words a Carbink with more offensive power)

    It's nice to see we're getting the Halloween Gengar, though then again Halloween is a U.S. holiday. However, though I'm alright with Halloween Gengar being GameStop exclusive, I don't like that Diancie is. I think Event Pokemon should come straight from the Nintendo WiFi, there's no need to make it an exclusive. Though at least this time their having it so that the Serial Code gives you both the Pokemon and it's item... which makes you wonder why they couldn't do that with Heracross and Pinsir.
    Also nice to once again see that the Pokemon are coming with special moves! Gengar can't normally learn Sludge Wave for some reason, so unless you got a Ghastly from the Dream World in Black, White, Black 2, or White 2 this might be your last chance to get one with it.
    I'll talk more about each one as their Event is released.

    Edited on 09/08/2014 9:43am
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