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"Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition" Crossover - Pokemon Conquest

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [21]Mar 7, 2012
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    Nobunaga's Ambition, Pokemon... why didn't you think people weren't going to recognize you re-using the character costumes from Samurai Warrior's 3? Pokeball decals doesn't change core costume cosmetics.

    Edited on 03/07/2012 10:14am
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [22]Mar 15, 2012
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    The official site revealed some new characters. (Though they aren't so new since we knew about them a day ahead.)

    Oh well, here they are.

    Here's Ranmaru and Dragonair. And yes, that's a boy.

    Here's Ieyasu and Aggron. No, I have no idea why he has a sword on his head.

    Here's Masamune and Braviary. A Japanese character with a (North) American bird? Makes sense to me.

    Here's Kotarou and Zoroark. That's an...appropriate appearance. It's like they're twins!

    Here's Nene and Golbat. Fanservice ahoy.

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    [23]Mar 15, 2012
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    Serebii is posting a whole slew of information. The game is being released this Saturday in Japan so expect there to be a LOT more information coming soon. Hopefully nothing too spoilerific is told, I'm very interested in the game and hope it gets released in the states.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [24]Mar 15, 2012
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    That is the best helmet.

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [25]Mar 16, 2012
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    Some of these designs look good, others are kind of "eh" though to me. Then again, that's how it is for any game I suppose.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [26]Mar 16, 2012
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    Serebii's covering the game.

    There's over 199 Pokemon and over 200 Bushou's. Phew...that's a lot of people to battle.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [27]Mar 17, 2012
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    The Ranse region is shaped like Arceus...

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [28]Mar 17, 2012
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    The Ranse region is shaped like Arceus...

    I'd like to think that it's a reference to this:

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [29]Mar 21, 2012
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    So with Serebii's on going coverage of Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition, I've been doing a little side "project" of my own. Upon hearing that there were only 199 Pokemon in the game and Serebii's listing has them out of National Dex order, I decided to go through the National Pokedex and list off the Pokemon which didn't make it into the game. Now before I go on, I want to mention that the story probably doesn't need that many Pokemon to be told and being I haven't played the game yet don't take this as me harshly criticizing the game. If anything I'm more sadden about what Pokemon they left out (and some they put in) and most of the time wondering what was there reasoning behind the choices they made? However don't take this as anything that negative against the game, it looks to be full of exciting stuff and I'm sure the story side is good too (I haven't looked up anything about the story as I want to avoid spoilers in that regard).

    Now how I'm going to do this isn't actually by the traditional National Dex order, but rather I'm going to use Bulbapedia's Evolution Family list. This list basically does what many fan Pokedex does: it goes by National Dex order HOWEVER if it reaches a Pokemon who had gotten a pre-evolution or evolution in future generation it'll list that Pokemon in it's place on the evolution line. For example in Gen I the "Pikachu Family" only had Pikachu (#25) and Raichu (#26). In Gen II they released Pichu which is #172, nearly 150 species away from Pikachu and Raichu by National Dex order. However in Evolution Family order, Pichu is placed right before Pikachu and Raichu and the list goes on as so. Also if you haven't noticed, the name of the "Family" is the base evolution or the starting species which starts that family's evolution in the generation that family was introduced. So even though Pichu technically is the starting point of the "Pikachu Family", Pikachu was introduced first so the family is named after it. Now with that out of the way let's begin:

    Bulbasaur Family - Ivysaur - Venusaur
    Squirtle Family - Wartortle - Blastoise
    (I'm surprised they're excluding any Starter Pokemon. I mean while it's impossible to appease everyone with a limited list of Pokemon you have in the game, but I would think that being everyone probably has a favorite starter having all the starters would at least give something people to fall back on if their favorite Pokemon wasn't in the game.)
    Caterpie Family - Metapod - Butterfree
    Weedle - Kakuna
    (Notice how I didn't say "Weedle Family" nor have Beedrill up there? Oddly enough, Beedrill is in the game without it's previous two evolutions, and it's the ONLY Pokemon in the game this is done with. Every other Pokemon in the game have their whole Evolution Family, the only one who doesn't is Beedrill for some odd reason.)
    Pidgey Family - Pidgeotto - Pidgeot
    Rattata Family - Raticate
    Spearow Family - Fearow
    Sandshrew Family - Sandslash
    Nidoran (f) Family - Nidorina - Nidoqueen
    Nidorain (m) Family - Nidorino - Nidoking
    (This surprised me a bit, I thought that they were fairly popular enough to get in but apparently not.)
    Clefairy Family - Cleffa - Clefable
    (And this is most definitely a surprise! And to think, Clefairy was originally going to be the starring Pokemon of the anime meaning it could have been the entire series mascot. My how the mighty have never risen.)
    Vulpix Family - Ninetales
    (Another one which is a bit of a surprise, I guess from here on popularity (at least with the fans) pretty much means nothing to what Pokemon made it into the game.)
    Oddish Family - Gloom - Vileplume - Bellossom
    Paras Family - Parasect
    Venonat Family - Venomoth
    Diglett Family - Dugtrio
    Psyduck Family - Golduck
    (Even being fan favorite Pokemon owned by a main characters in the anime doesn't mean you got in either (I suppose that was proven by Vulpix, however Brock eventually gave Vulpix back and being every time we see Misty we usually see Psyduck I think this more applies to it than Vulpix).)
    Mankey Family - Primeape
    Growlithe Family - Arcanine
    Poliwag Family - Poliwhirl - Poliwrath - Politoed
    Bellsprout Family - Weepinbell - Victreebel
    Tentacool Family - Tentacruel
    Geodude Family - Graveler - Golem
    (I would say it's kind of obvious they wouldn't include Pokemon which got an expy (let's not get into what makes an expy and what doesn't, if it makes you feel better how about I used the term "spiritual expy"?) in Gen V HOWEVER I can't as they included both the Machop Family and the Gurdurr Family in the game.)
    Ponyta Family - Rapidash
    Slowpoke Family - Slowbro - Slowking
    Magnemite Family - Magneton - Magnezone
    (What? An artificial Pokemon family doesn't exist in feudal Japan? Though I say this yet we have Genetic Experiment Pokemon Mewtwo running around.)
    Doduo Family - Dodrio
    Seel Family - Dewgong
    Grimer Family - Muk
    (I suppose it would take a few industrial revolutions before these Pokemon would start appearing.)
    Shellder Family - Cloyster
    Drowzee Family - Hypno
    Krabby Family - Kingler
    Voltorb Family - Electrode
    (Same joke as with the Magnemite Family.)
    Exeggcute Family - Exeggutor
    Cubone Family - Marowak
    Hitmon Family - Tyrogue - Hitmonlee - Hitmonchan - Hitmontop
    (Being this is based in Japan I would thought they would have put in the Pokemon who's concept is based off martial arts, guess not.)
    Lickitung Family - Lickilicky
    Koffing Family - Weezing
    (Oh come on, you include the Ekans Family but not this one too?)
    Chansey Family - Happiny - Blissey
    Tangela Family - Tangrowth
    Horsea Family - Seadra - Kingdra
    Goldeen Family - Seaking
    Staryu Family - Starmie
    Mr. Mime Family - Mime Jr.
    Jynx Family - Smoochum
    Electabuzz Family - Elekid - Electivire
    Magmar Family - Magby - Magmortar
    (Both the Electabuzz and Magmar Families are excluded? I would say they must have been given orders to trim the roster out, but considering some of the Pokemon they do have in the game (which I'll get to eventually) I doubt that was the case. Though if that isn't the case then what is?)
    Porygon Family - Porygon2 - Porygon-Z
    (Same joke as with the Magnemite Family.)
    Omanyte Family - Omastar
    Kabuto Family - Kabutops
    (I would mention how it makes sense for them not having Fossil Pokemon... except they do, it's just Fossil Pokemon from later generations.)
    Zapdos - Moltres
    (Dare not disturb the harmony of fire, what, and lightning? Anyway just want to say I'm not so pedantic that I won't let them sly with using only one Legendary who is part of the group. Obviously with Legendary Pokemon you'll want them to have an important role so it's better to only use ones you want instead of trying to squeeze them all in somewhere. Though I do at least ask they make a mention of Zapdos and Moltres.)
    (That's right, Mew has been left out! And if Mew of all Pokemon have been left out, then that surely means ANY Pokemon can be left out!)
    (Well that ends the Kanto/Gen I Pokemon Evolution Family. And wow, this is a pretty large chunk. Altogether this is already 131 Pokemon, however by Gen I Pokemon introduced species alone this is 111 Pokemon meaning of the original 151 they only have 40 in the game (Hmm, I wonder which generation got most of their Pokemon placed in the game ).)
    Chikorita Family - Bayleef - Meganium
    Cyndaquil Family - Quilava - Typhlosion
    Totodile Family - Croconaw - Feraligatr
    (Once again talking about popularity though at this point it's obvious it doesn't matter, Gen II has to be one of the most popular generations yet it's the only generation who doesn't have any of it's starters in the game!)
    Sentret Family - Furret
    Hoothoot Family - Noctowl
    Ledyba Family - Ledian
    Spinarak Family - Ariados
    Chinchou Family - Lanturn
    Togepi Family - Togetic - Togekiss
    (I might as well talk about the possibility that maybe some Pokemon were excluded because of their evolution method since Togepi evolves with Happiness and then with a Dawn Stone. Evolutionary methods aren't a reason some Pokemon were excluded because, well, *points to Eevee, your starter in the game* and the Machop (trade evolve) and Onix (trade evolve with an item) Families are also in the game. According to Serebii, in the game, if the Pokemon evolves through Happiness or Trading it'll have to have a strong link with it's Bushou. As for those that needs items, around the Ranse Region there are shops which sell the items you can give to your Pokemon and after a battle it'll evolve. So there, evolution method doesn't restrict whether a Pokemon is in the game or not.)
    Natu Family - Xatu
    Marill Family - Azurill - Azumarill
    Sudowoodo Family - Bonsly
    Hoppip Family - Skiploom - Jumpluff
    Aipom Family - Ambipom
    Sunkern Family - Sunflora
    Yanma Family - Yanmega
    Murkrow Family - Honchkrow
    (WHAT?! The very gimmicky and otherwise most useless Pokemon isn't in the game, NOOOOO ... just kidding . About me being upset, not Unown not being in the game, since it isn't in the game.)
    Wobbuffet Family - Wynaut
    Gligar Family - Gliscor
    Snubbull Family - Granbull
    (Considering how popular the Japanese Beetle Brothers trope is you'd think they would at least have Pinsir or Heracross in the game.)
    Teddiursa Family - Ursaring
    Slugma Family - Magcargo
    Swinub Family - Piloswine - Mamoswine
    Remoraid Family - Octillery
    Mantine Family - Mantyke
    Houndour Family - Houndoom
    Phanpy Family - Donphan
    (Because heaven forbid a Pokemon actually able to have different moves then just the one. If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry, I'll complain about it soon enough.)
    Legendary Beasts - Raikou, Entei, and Suicune
    Tower Duo - Lugia and Ho-Oh
    (Nope, you're not seeing things, NO Legendary from Gen II got into the game. And remember, the majority of fans favorite generation is Gen II...)
    (And that takes care of Gen II, not hit as bad as Gen I though then again Gen II only introduced 100 new Pokemon, many of which were related to Gen I Pokemon thus were included there. For just the Evolution Families introduced in Gen II we have 79 Pokemon excluded, though for species introduced in Gen II this number becomes 88. So being only 100 Pokemon were introduced in Gen II, that means only TWELVE (12) are in the game!)

    Edited on 03/21/2012 3:20pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [30]Mar 21, 2012
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    Torchic Family - Combusken - Blaziken
    Mudkip Family - Marshtomp - Swampert
    (As you can see the answer is no, this game does not like Mudkipz therefore they're not in the game. )
    Poochyena Family - Mightyena
    Zigzagoon Family - Linoone
    Wurmple Family - Silcoon - Beautifly - Cascoon - Dustox
    Lotad Family - Lombre - Ludicolo
    Seedot Family - Nuzleaf - Shiftry
    Taillow Family - Swellow
    Wingull Family - Pelipper
    Surskit Family - Masquerain
    Shroomish Family - Breloom
    Slakoth Family - Vigoroth - Slaking
    Nincada Family - Ninjask - Shedinja
    (So you're not including the ninja-based Pokemon in a game where there are ninjas? I could have made this joke awhile ago with Venomoth and Ariados as they could also be considered ninja Pokemon but I thought it would best be left to the actual ninja-based Pokemon.)
    Whismur Family - Loudred - Exploud
    Makuhita Family - Hariyama
    Nosepass Family - Probopass
    Skitty Family - Delcatty
    Meditite Family - Medicham
    (Another martial art Pokemon excluded.)
    Electrike Family - Manectric
    Volbeat and Illumise Family
    Roselia Family - Budew - Roserade
    Gulpin Family - Swalot
    Carvanha Family - Sharpedo
    Wailmer Family - Wailord
    (Well I guess it would be kind of hard to have the largest Pokemon be running around on the field... though that didn't really stop them doing that in the Mystery Dungeon games, plus Groudon is in the game.)
    Numel Family - Camerupt
    Spoink Family - Grumpig
    Trapinch Family - Vibrava - Flygon
    Cacnea Family - Cacturne
    Swablu Family - Altaria
    Barboach Family - Whiscash
    Corphish Family - Crawdaunt
    Baltoy Family - Claydol
    Lileep Family - Cradily
    Feebas Family - Milotic
    (Another surprise, considering how Magikarp and Gyarados are in the game I thought they would have also included their "defensive" counterparts.)
    (No weather conditions exist in the game as far as I know so Castform would be pretty useless.)
    Shuppet Family - Banette
    (Even the Pokemon who's face is a Yin-Yang symbol didn't get in.)
    Clamperl Family - Huntail - Gorebyss
    (Alomomola didn't get in the game, and it's a better in stats, so what hope did Luvdisc have?)
    Bagon Family - Shelgon - Salamence
    (And here is the only Pseudo-legendary Family that didn't make it into the game! Though being Gen III had two and the Beldum Family did get in I guess this is understandable. Oddly on Serebii's listing they have all the Pseudo-legendaries listed right after the other, though for some reason they have the Croagunk Family in between the Gible and Deino Family.
    Regirock - Registeel
    Eon Duo - Latias and Latios
    (Done with Gen III and you know the deal by now. By Evolution Families introduced we have skipped over a whopping 110 Pokemon, that's just one below from the individual species introduced in Gen I. Speaking of individual species introduced, if we go by that number then we have 109 (Generation III had the least cross generation evolution with only two and they were both Baby Pokemon: Azurill and Wynaut), meaning only 26 Gen III Pokemon are in the game (worse then Gen I, but better then Gen II).)
    Turtwig Family - Grotle - Torterra
    Kricketot Family - Kricketune
    Cranidos Family - Rampardos
    Burmy Family - Wormadam - Mothim
    Combee Family - Vespiquen
    Buizel Family - Floatzel
    Cherubi Family - Cherrim
    Shellos Family - Gastrodon
    Buneary Family - Lopunny
    Glameow Family - Purugly
    Stunky Family - Skuntank
    Bronzor Family - Bronzong
    (What? You don't want to put to go through the hassle of programming Chatter, the move with a feature that nothing else in the game would use?)
    Hippopotas Family - Hippowdon
    Finneon Family - Lumineon
    Snover Family - Abomasnow
    Lake Guardians - Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf
    Palkia - Giratina
    (Okay, I know I said that with Legendaries that I wouldn't want them to shove them in, but considering how many Legendaries Gen IV had you'd think they would use more then just 2.)
    (Wow, that was a short list. Of Gen IV Evolution Families it's only 47 Pokemon excluded, though of individual species introduced in Gen IV it jumps to 66 meaning 41 Gen IV Pokemon are in the game (that's one more then Gen I!).)
    Patrat Family - Watchog
    Lillipup Family - Herdier - Stoutland
    Purrloin Family - Liepard
    Pidove Family - Tranquill - Unfezant
    Woobat Family - Swoobat
    Tympole Family - Palpitoad - Seismitoad
    Dwebble Family - Crustle
    Yamask Family - Cof@grigus
    Tirtouga Family - Carracosta
    Archen Family - Archeops
    Trubbish Family - Garbodor
    (I guess before you can have the Trubbish Family you kind of need to invent garabge bags first.)
    Solosis Family - Duosion - Reuniclus
    Ducklett Family - Swanna
    Vanillite Family - Vanillish - Vanilluxe
    (Before you make the same joke like you did with the Trubbish Family, remember that the Vanillite Family are just icicles that came to life, they just so happen to look like ice cream cones.)
    Deerling Family - Sawsbuck
    (Well I guess one condition they sort of follow is that the Pokemon they chose don't have any alternate forms, the only exception to that is Darmanitan though only special Darmanitan have Zen Mode which you can only get post game so I guess that's some justification for it.)
    Karrablast Family - Escavalier
    Foongus Family - Amoonguss
    Frillish Family - Jellicent
    Ferroseed Family - Ferrothorn
    Klink Family - Klang - Klinklang
    (Well, Professor Juniper did say that the Klink family only started appearing around 100 years before present time.)
    Tynamo Family - Eelektrik - Eelektross
    Elgyem Family - Beheeyem
    (And the Elgyem Family only appeared around 50 years ago...)
    Shelmet Family - Accelgor
    (Once again, they exclude another ninja Pokemon.)
    Mienfoo Family - Mienshao
    (AND another martial arts Pokemon.)
    Golett Family - Golurk
    Vullaby Family - Mandibuzz
    Cobalion - Virizion - Keldeo
    Kami Trio - Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus
    (And of course the Legendaries which are actually based on Japanese god-like figures are also excluded.)
    (EDIT: Scratch what I said about Reshiram, they do have it in the game.)
    (And the last one excluded makes sense since it's not been released yet Team Plasma resurrected Genesect (though then again we have Mewtwo...).)
    (And finally closing this is the Gen V Pokemon. Because Gen V had no Pokemon that was part of an Evolution Family of a previous generation we can just jump to the raw number of how many Gen V individual species were excluded: 82, meaning 74 Gen V Pokemon are in the game (*gasp* you mean the newest generation which they're now selling has the most of it's Pokemon in the game?!).)

    Now before I give my thoughts on why they chose the Pokemon they did, I would like to list the Pokemon they included by National Dex/Evolution Family order as well as provide some of my thoughts on some so stat tuned for then. Also there are a few other things I would like to touch on such as about Moves in the game...

    Edited on 03/22/2012 3:52pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [31]Mar 24, 2012
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    Sorry to keep everyone waiting, here's now is the list of Pokemon that are in the game:

    Charmander Family - Charmeleon - Charizard
    (All I have to say to this is HECK YEAH! )
    Ekans Family - Arbok
    Pikachu Family - Pichu - Raichu
    (Can't have series's first crossover without the series mascot. )
    Jigglypuff Family - Igglybuff - Wigglytuff
    Zubat Family - Golbat - Crobat
    (They will never leave you alone...)
    Meowth Family - Persian
    (You can't have Pikachu without also including what many see as it's rival.)
    Abra Family - Kadabra - Alakazam
    Machop Family - Machoke - Machamp
    Ghastly Family - Haunter - Gengar
    Onix Family - Steelix
    Rhyhorn Family - Rhydon - Rhyperior
    Scyther Family - Scizor
    Magikarp Family - Gyarados
    Eevee Family - Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, & Glaceon
    (Ahh Eevee, it's the Pokemon you give as a starter when you can't decide on what type you want your main character to have, especially if they can only have one choice. )
    Snorlax Family - Munchlax
    Dratini Family - Dragonair - Dragonite
    (Old joke is old, so instead of restating it I'm going to give a possible answer/theory: Maybe it's possible for a Mewtwo to be born naturally. The Mew species was meant to transform into every single of species of Pokemon we know today, right? And obviously not all of them did as we still have some Mew around. Well what if these Mews, after all these generations, still had the transforming gene but it's simply dormant? Now because the world is filled with many species of Pokemon there is no need for any new species, however sometimes the transforming gene activates and the result is the mutation of the unborn Mew into what we know as Mewtwo. This of course is a very rare occurrence (even more so being how rare Mews are), however it was discovered that you can force the mutation to make a Mewtwo WITH SCIENCE hence the Mewtwo in the Gen I games. Want further proof? Look no further then Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs where Mewtwo is (SPOILERS!) the final main storyline boss. There is no way that the main villains had time to create a Mewtwo from scratch after rising the Sky Fortress. The first time you see Mewtwo it was in suspended animation in a tube. I suppose it's possible the main villains could have caught Mewtwo and it wasn't until they got the Golden Armor they couldn't control it, but without any official word I'm going by that it was already in the Sky Fortress. so therefore, if Mewtwo is indeed what all mutations of Mews become, then maybe the one in this game (and Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs) is(/are) a rare case of a natural Mewtwo.)
    Mareep Family - Flaaffy - Ampharos
    Wooper Family - Quagsire
    Misdreavus Family - Mismagius
    Pineco Family - Forretress
    Sneasel Family - Weavile
    Larvitar Family - Pupitar - Tyranitar
    Treecko Family - Grovyle - Sceptile
    Ralts Family - Kirlia - Gardevoir, Gallade
    Aron Family - Lairon - Aggron
    Anorith Family - Armaldo
    (However I have NO answer how Fossil Pokemon are alive at this time. Maybe the anime was right about there being places underground where some Fossil Pokemon were able to escape to?)
    Duskull Family - Dusclops - Dusknoir
    Chimecho Family - Chingling
    (... Okay, why are you here? I mean you have a pretty nice Special Attack and Special Defense stat but that's pretty much it. There are much better Pokemon to have chosen here.)
    Snorunt Family - Glalie - Froslass
    Spheal Family - Sealeo - Walrein
    Beldum Family - Metang - Metagross
    (Being the Ranse Region is surrounded by water you'd think that there would be a coastal nation with a Bushou Leader who could link with Kyogre and maybe had a rivalry with Shingen (the one who can link to Groudon) and the reason they don't have a full out war with each other is because Nobunaga threatened to also join in the war to stop them (and take over their nations).)
    Chimchar Family - Monferno - Infernape
    (Fun Fact: Hideyoshi (the guy with the Chimchar Family (and also the one that can link with Reshiram however that has nothing to do with this)) was a real life servent to Oda Nobunaga who often called him "Kozaru" which means "little monkey" due to his size and face appearance. And look what his best Pokemon link is with. )
    Piplup Family - Prinplup - Empoleon
    Starly Family - Staravia - Staraptor
    Bidoof Family - Bibarel
    (BIDOOF FAMILY? Out of the 5 Generation Rodents, you chose the one which get made fun of by fans the most? Could of chose Rattata Family which is probably the most popular, the Sentret Family because poor Gen II could use more Pokemon in this game, the Zigzagoon Family since they have interesting designs, or Patrat Family since it's the latest Generation Rodent (and Watchog is tied with Linoone for highest Base Stat Total). But Bidoof Family? Okay, I'll give it credit that it's the only one that gains a type giving it a unique typing, but Bibarel actually has the lowest Base Stat Total and really the only reason you would see it on anyone's team is because it makes a really good HM slave. But still, no, you could have made a better choice!)
    Shinx Family - Luxio - Luxray
    Shieldon Family - Bastiodon
    Drifloon Family - Drifblim
    Gible Family - Gabite - Garchomp
    Riolu Family - Lucario
    Skorupi Family - Drapion
    Croagunk Family - Toxicroak
    (One must wonder how you can possibly lose any battle with the LORD OF TIME on your side. And being Pokemon aren't caught in Pokeballs in this game, throwing the "limiter argument" is out the window, that should mean Dialga is at full strength thus have access to it's time control powers.)
    (Much like with Pikachu you can't have the series first crossover without the GOD of the series also appearing. Oh and I'm sure the region being shaped like Arceus has nothing to do with the story, nope, not at all. *shifty eyes*)
    Snivy Family - Servine - Serperior
    Tepig Family - Pignite - Emboar
    Oshawott Family - Dewott - Samurott
    (If you're honestly surprised that all of the recent generation's starters are appearing in the game, then let me welcome you to the world known as "marketing".)
    Pansage Family - Simisage
    Pansear Family - Simisear
    Panpour Family - Simipour
    (While I have nothing against the "Elemental Monkies", I really don't think they need to be here. They're essentially the starters except all their stats are the same and are a two-stage evolution line that requires an evolutionary stone to evolve. They're really just type filler for your team if you can't think of any other Pokemon to have in your 6th slot.)
    Munna Family - Musharna
    Blitzle Family - Zebstrika
    Roggenrola Family - Boldore - Gigalith
    Drilbur Family - Excadrill
    (Behold your white mage of the game! If you don't have one with the Ability "Healer" or "Recovery Aura" YOU'RE USING IT WRONG!!!)
    Timburr Family - Gurdurr - Conkeldurr
    (Why do we have both the Machop and Timburr Family? Aren't they sort of the same?)
    Sewaddle Family - Swadloon - Leavanny
    Venipede Family - Whirlipede - Scolipede
    Cottonee Family - Whimsicott
    Petilil Family - Lilligant
    Sandile Family - Krokorok - Krookodile
    Darumaka Family - Darmanitan
    (With how much they advertised Darmanitan's form change (which turned out to be a bit disappointing) you'd think they would provide a way for it to transform into Zen Mode here but apparently they also came to the same conclusion: The only good Darmanitan is the one that using it's fist.)
    Scraggy Family - Scrafty
    Zorua Family - Zoroark
    Minccino Family - Cinccino
    Gothita Family - Gothorita - Gothitelle
    (Meh, being you excluded the other generation's Pikaclone I guess it's nice to see Pikachu at least have one cousin with it. And it does have an interesting type combination which makes it immune to the type Electric-types fear.)
    Joltik Family - Galvantula
    Litwick Family - Lampent - Chandelure
    Axew Family - Fraxure- Haxorus
    Cubchoo Family - Beartic
    Pawniard Family - Bisharp
    Rufflet Family - Braviary
    (Oh come on, these Pokemon are purely American based! What's it doing in feudal Japan?!)
    Deino Family - Zweilous - Hydreigon
    Larvesta Family - Volcarona

    In addition to this I will also list how many Pokemon of what types are in the game:

    Normal: (Pure: 11 | Duel: 8 | Total: 19)
    Grass: (Pure: 14 | Duel: 3 | Total: 17)
    Fire: (Pure: 9 | Duel: 11 | Total: 20)
    Water: (Pure: 9 | Duel: 9 | Total: 18 )
    Electric: (Pure: 12 | Duel: 4 | Total: 16)
    Psychic: (Pure: 15 | Duel: 4 | Total: 19)
    Dark: (Pure: 3 | Duel: 15 | Total: 18 )
    Ice: (Pure: 5 | Duel: 8 | Total: 13)
    Fighting: (Pure: 7 | Duel: 11 | Total: 18 )
    Flying: (Pure: 0 | Duel: 17 | Total: 17)
    Poison: (Pure: 2 | Duel: 14 | Total: 16)
    Ground: (Pure: 2 | Duel: 15 | Total: 17)
    Rock: (Pure: 3 | Duel: 15 | Total: 18 )
    Bug: (Pure: 1 | Duel: 17 | Total: 18 )
    Ghost: (Pure: 5 | Duel: 10 | Total: 15)
    Steel: (Pure: 1 | Duel: 17 | Total: 18 )
    Dragon: (Pure: 5 | Duel: 11 | Total: 16)

    Edited on 03/24/2012 3:07pm
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    [32]Mar 24, 2012
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    Well time to talk about about all this. As I've hinted, I'm a bit disappointed in the Pokemon List they have in the game. By species themselves they, in my opinion, made sort of bland or confusing choices. They skipped over a lot of starters and many other popular Pokemon and included species like the Bidoof Family, Chimecho Family, and the Elemental Monkeys. Also, while I applaud them for excluding artificial Pokemon (exception being Mewtwo though I provided a theory why there could be one (and possibly more...), I don't know why they have Fossil Pokemon, you could have probably used their spots for other Pokemon as well.

    Well maybe they did this because of type balance? Okay then, looking at the Type Chart Totals it does look balanced, though the odd thing I noticed is that for most types there highest number is with Duel Pokemon with the exceptions being Normal, Grass, Water (which is equal in Pure and Duel), Electric, and Psychic. Also many times the difference between Pure and Duel is a bit of a difference with exceptions to Normal, Fire, Water (which, as I said, was equal), Ice, and Fighting. Though I guess it works out how many Pure and Duel type Pokemon there are as you really need to divide the Duel numbers in half. Though for the most part it does look balanced so maybe you have an argument there, though then again I still think they could have done a better job equaling things out. I mean there are types which are balances like Normal, Water, Fire, and etc., buth then we have types like Dark, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, and Steel which barely have any Pure families (though with Steel the only Pure family it has is the Klink Family which you wouldn't find in Feudal Japan). And Ice-types come out of the worst with only 13 Pokemon total (in fact all Pure Ice-type Family except the Vanillite Family are in the game...). And while this is probably going against what I said about equaling the Pure types, I think for some like Electric (which has 3 pure 3-stage evolution family) and Psychic (which has 4 pure 3-stage evolution family) that they can probably take some of those away and give them to other types.

    Hey, and maybe what they did for Beedrill they could do for other Pokemon. Like do we really need the Baby Pokemon? you could also probably take out many of the basic stage for 2-stage evolutionary family (like remove Bidoof, Petilil, Cottonee, Ekans, Joltic, etc. as I think their evolutions can be looked upon as being strong but yet weak enough to stand on there own like Beedrill). Actually, they could probably do this with the Pokemon a Bushou Leader starts out with. In fact some Pokemon a Bushou Leader connects well with in a higher rank isn't even part of the same evolution family of the previous rank (but we'll talk about that some other time).

    Overall I'll give you that it's balanced, however I just feel like the Pokemon choices could be better as well as the type spread out. to be honest it feels like some of the choices are made because those Pokemon were favorites of the staff working on the game and they wanted them in. I can totally see someone having Bidoof as their favorite Pokemon because how dumb and silly, Chimecho because it looks cute, or Mewtwo because it's Mewtwo. It's like they went around asking staff about their favorite Pokemon, but these Pokemon in the game, and then filled in spots where certain types were needed. Hmm, maybe I should go through the list and swap out Pokemon to see if I could make the list I have in mind (watch as I try to do this and I end up putting my foot in my mouth, though I guess until I try I never know).

    Well with that done here is the list of things about the game I'd still like to discuss:
    1. Attack Listing - 1 Pokemon = 1 Attack (yeah, pretty much goes against having types almost)
    2. Bushou - Both Leaders and Standard (pretty much a quick chat talk about lazy artists)
    3. Ranse Region - Specifically Nations (there are 17 Nations, guess why (not that they sometimes keep to the theme...))
    4. Legendary Encounters - How Not To Do Them (remember what I said about Legendaries in this game? Well forget it)
    5. Other - Items and Abilities (I have pretty much nothing much to say about them individually so I'll combine them together)

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    [33]Mar 30, 2012
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    So the Pokemon list has it's pros and cons. While on one hand it's balanced, on the other they've made strange choices including excluding many favorites. However in battle just having a Pokemon won't get you far, no, you need to have the right moves and so we go onto the Attack Listing! Now keep in mind that because we only have a fraction of existing Pokemon we're only going to have a fraction of all the 559 moves in the Pokemon games. However that should be easy enough to do, you already knocked out a lot of Signature moves, just make sure to include the popular moves, throw in some status moves like ailment inflicting or stat buff ups, and from there fill in what you need (weak moves for when starting out, really strong moves for reaching high levels, and stuff in between to make it feel your progressing and becoming stronger). The last thing you'll want to do is just give each Pokemon a single attack and nothing else... oh wait, THAT'S WHAT THEY DID!

    Okay, I've complained about this for you to know the sad and confusing truth: Each Pokemon only has one attack. And I don't just mean they can only have one move learned. No, I mean that each species was only give one attack and there is no way to change that attack. In return this pretty much turns the type chart from "what moves are effective" to "what Pokemon you should use" as basically, except for a few basic stage Pokemon, what move a Pokemon has usually fits with ONE of its types. Oh, and because most of the moves are attacking moves there are only 2 status moves with one that is completely useless and shouldn't be in the game at all. But we'll have plenty of time to talk about why this was a stupid decision, let's go see the attack listing and see what it has to offer. Now to make this simple I'll be listing the attacks off by type and in each type it'll usually start with the weak power attacks and go down to the strongest. Each attack is set up as so:


    Name is the name of the move, Power is how strong the attack is (1 to 5 stars, though here I'll just be listing it by number), Range is how far the attacks reach and pretty much tells you where you need to have your Pokemon positioned to hit, Effect tells you if the move has a secondary effect, and Pokemon are the Pokemon which knows the move. In addition to the Pokemon category I'll be coloring Pokemon who are in the same evolution family so you can see how they progress as they evolve. And finally after listing the attacks I'll add in some comments. I'll be listing the types off in alphabetical order so let's begin:

    Fury Cutter - 1 - Row of 3 in front - Hits up to five times, increasing damage with each hit. - Scyther, Anorith
    Twineedle - 2 - 2 in front - Hits twice. May Poison target. - Beedrill
    Bug Bite - 3 - 2 starting from 1 in front - Takes any recovery from target's item. - Pineco, Sewaddle
    X-scissor - 4 - 5 in front - None. - Scizor, Armaldo, Leavanny
    (1. No Bug Buzz, Signal Beam, Steamroller, or U-turn?)

    - 3 - 1 in front - Doubles damage if partners have been damaged this turn. - Umbreon, Pawniard
    Faint Attack - 3 - 1 in front - Always hits. - Sneasel, Scraggy
    Bite - 3 - 1 in front - May make target flinch. - Krokorok
    Night Slash
    - 3 - Row of 3 in front - High Critical Hit ratio. - Weavile, Bisharp
    - 4 - 1 in front - May lower target's Defence. - Krookodile, Zweilous
    Foul Play
    - 4 - 1 in front - Does more damage the higher the target's Attack. - Zorua
    Night Daze
    - 4 - All around user - May lower target's Accuracy. - Zoroark
    (1. No Dark Pulse?
    2. I would have given Snarl to Zorua.
    3. I would have made Night Slash's Power 4.)

    Dragon Rage - 3 - 2 in front - Does 40 Damage. - Dratini, Gible, Axew, Deino
    Dragon Tail - 3 - Row of 3 in front - Knocks the target back one row. - Dragonair
    Dragon Claw - 4 - 1 in front - None. - Gabite, Fraxure
    Outrage - 4 - All around user - Hits 2-3 times. Prevents user moving next turn. - Haxorus
    Dragon Rush - 4 - 4 in front - May make the target flinch. - Dragonite, Garchomp
    Dragon Pulse - 4 - 3 in front - None. - Hydreigon, Rayquaza
    Roar Of Time - 5 - 2 rows of 3 in front - Prevents user attacking next turn. - Dialga
    (1. No Draco Meteor?
    2. I would have given Duel Chop to one of the Axew Evolution Family (maybe Fraxure) & Draco Meteor to Rayquaza.
    3. I would have made Outrage's Power 5.
    Shouldn't Dragon Rage have 0 Power as it does set damage?)

    Electro Ball - 2 - 2 starting from 1 in front - If the target has lower Speed, damage is increased. - Joltik
    Thundershock - 2 - 2 in front - May Paralyze target. - Pichu, Mareep
    Thunderbolt - 3 - 2 rows of 3 in front - May Paralyze target. - Jolteon, Pikachu
    Spark - 3 - 1 in front - May Paralyze target. - Shinx, Blitzle
    - 4 - All around user - May Paralyze target. - Flaaffy, Luxio, Zebstrika, Galvantula
    Volt Switch - 4 - 2 starting from 1 in front - Moves user back one square. - Emolga
    Volt Tackle - 5 - 2 rows of 3 in front - May paralyze target. Lowers user's defence and slows movement for one turn. - Raichu
    Thunder - 5 - 3 starting from 1 in front - May Paralyze target. - Ampharos, Luxray
    Bolt Strike - 5 - 1 in front - May Paralyze target. Knocks target back one square. - Zekrom
    (1. Yes, I know I'm using a darker yellow instead of the normal yellow, do you or don't you want to read this without having to highlight it? Actually I may just switch over to this yellow for now on...
    2. No Thunder Fang, ThunderPunch, or Wild Charge?
    3. I would have given Electroweb to Galvantula & Wild Charge to Zebstrika.
    4. I would have made Thunderbolt's Power 4 & Electro Ball's Power 3.)

    Force Palm - 3 - 1 in front - May Paralyze target. Knocks target back one square. - Riolu
    Karate Chop - 3 - 1 in front - High Critical Hit ratio. - Machop
    Low Kick - 3 - 1 in front - None. - Timburr
    Wake-up Slap - 3 - 1 in front - Doubles damage if target is asleep. Wakes target. - Machoke, Gurdurr
    Aura Sphere - 4 - 2 starting from 1 in front - May Paralyze target. Knocks target back one square. - Lucario
    Cross Chop - 4 - 5 in front - High Critical Hit ratio. - Machamp
    Superpower - 4 - 1 in front - Lowers user's Attack & Defense. Knocks target back one square. - Conkeldurr
    Sacred Sword - 4 - 1 in front - Ignores target's Defense boosts. - Terrakion
    Hi Jump Kick - 5 - 2 starting from 1 in front - If misses, user receives 50% damage. - Scrafty
    (1. No Brick Break, Close Combat, Drain Punch, or Hammer Arm?
    2. I would have made Superpower's Power 5.
    3. Why does Machop have a better move than Machoke?
    4. Low Kick? Something doesn't seem right there. Low Kick does various damage depending on the opponent's weight, yet here it's 3 Power and has no additional effect. This sounds more like it'll fit Low Sweep, though Low Sweep has the secondary effect of decreasing the opponent's Speed.
    5. Though I know Sacred Sword's Power is 90 in the main games, make it a 5 here. Terrakion is a Legendary, it deserves it.)

    Ember - 2 - 2 starting from 1 in front - May Burn target. - Charmander, Chimchar, Tepig, Litwick
    Fire Fang - 3 - 1 in front - May cause target to be burned or to flinch. - Flareon, Charmeleon
    Flame Burst - 3 - 5 in front - Damages target directly in front, does less damage to those in the other squares. - Lampent, Pansear
    Incinerate - 2 - 3 in front - Prevents target using items. - Simisear
    Flame Wheel - 3 - 2 starting from 1 in front - May Burn target. Heals from being Frozen. - Monferno, Darumaka, Larvesta
    Fire Spin - 1 - 8 in square shape in front - Hits 4-5 times. - Infernape, Chandelure
    Heat Crash - 4 - 2 starting from 1 in front - None. - Pignite
    Fiery Dance - 4 - Plus shape starting from 2 in front - May increase user's Attack. Moves user into middle of attack. - Volcarona
    Flamethrower - 4 - 3 in front - May Burn target. - Charizard
    Fire Blast - 5 - Plus shape in front, 1 on the sides - May burn target. - Emboar, Darmanitan
    Blue Flare - 5 - 1 in front - May Burn target. Knocks target back one square. - Reshiram
    (1. No Fire Punch, Flare Blitz, or Overheat?
    2. I would have given Fire Punch to Darmanitan, Flare Blitz to Infernape, Overheat to Chandelure, Heat Crash to Emboar, Flame Charge to Pignite, Fire Blast to Charizard, and Flamethrower to Simisear (Incinerate and Fire Spin has no reason to be here).
    3. I would have made Heat Crash's Power 5.)

    Wing Attack - 3 - 1 in front - None. - Zubat, Staravia, Rufflet
    Sky Drop - 3 - 1 in front - Picks up the target, making both immune to attacks for a turn and drops target down on the second turn. - Braviary
    Brave Bird - 5 - Triangle in front - Lowers user's defence. Lowers user's movement for a turn. - Staraptor
    (1. No Aerial Ace, Air Slash, Fly, or Sky Attack?)

    Astonish - 1 - 1 in front - Doubles damage if partners have been damaged this turn. - Misdreavus, Duskull, Drifloon
    Lick - 1 - 1 in front - May Paralyze target. - Gastly
    Shadow Sneak - 2 - 1 in front - None. - Dusclops, Spiritomb
    Hex - 3 - 1 in front - Doubles damage if target is affected by a Status Condition. - Haunter
    Shadow Ball - 4 - 2 starting from 1 in front - May lower target's Defence. - Gengar, Dusknoir, Drifblim, Mismagius

    Absorb - 1 - 1 in front - Recovers 1/2 damage inflicted. 2/3 if 100% Link - Cottonee, Treecko
    Vine Whip - 2 - Row of 3 in front - None. - Carnivine, Snivy, Pansage
    Mega Drain - 2 - 1 in front - Recovers 1/2 damage inflicted. 2/3 if 100% Link - Petilil
    Razor Leaf - 3 - 3 in front - High Critical Hit ratio. - Swadloon, Whimsicott
    Leaf Blade - 4 - 1 in front - High Critical Hit ratio. - Grovyle, Leafeon, Servine
    Petal Dance - 4 - Plus shape around user - Hits 2-3 times. Prevents user moving next turn. - Lilligant
    Leaf Storm - 5 - All around user - Lowers user's Attack. - Sceptile, Serperior, Simisage
    (1. No Energy Ball or Giga Drain?
    2. I would have given either Energy Ball or Seed Bomb to Simisage.
    3. I would have made Petal Dance's Power 5.)

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    [34]Mar 30, 2012
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    Mud-slap - 1 - 2 in front - May lower accuracy of target's moves. - Sandile
    Bulldoze - 3 - All around user - May lower target's ability to move. - Rhyhorn
    Mud Bomb - 3 - 2 starting from 1 in front - Lowers target's accuracy. - Quagsire
    Dig - 4 - 2 starting from 1 in front - On turn one, digs underground and is immune to attack. Damages the target no matter where they move. Receives double damage from Earthquake. - Drilbur
    Drill Run - 4 - 2 starting from 1 in front - High Critical Hit ratio. - Rhydon, Excadrill
    Earth Power - 4 - Plus shape in front - May lower target's Defence. - Groudon
    (1. No Earthquake (Dig mentions it!)?
    2. I would have given Earthquake to Groudon.
    3. Though in the main games Earth Power's Power is 90, only Groudon learns it in this game, make its Power 5.)

    Powder Snow - 2 - 2 in front - May Freeze target. - Spheal, Snorunt, Cubchoo
    Ice Ball - 1 - 2 starting from 1 in front - Does increased damage if targets are behind the target. - Sealeo
    Icy Wind - 3 - Row of 3 in front - Lowers the target's movement. - Glaceon, Froslass
    Ice Beam - 4 - 3 in front - May Freeze target. - Lapras, Glalie
    Icicle Crash - 4 - 2 starting from 1 in front. - May Freeze target - Beartic
    Blizzard - 5 - 2 Rows of 3 starting from 2 in front. - May Freeze target - Articuno, Walrein
    (1. No Ice Fang or Ice Punch?)

    Splash - 0 - Self - None. - Magikarp
    Pound - 1 - 1 in front - None. - Igglybuff, Audino
    Doubleslap - 1 - 1 in front - Hits 2-5 times. - Jigglypuff, Minccino
    Fury Swipes - 1 - 1 in front - Hits 4-5 times. - Meowth
    Slash - 1 - 1 in front - High Critical Hit ratio. - Persian
    Tail Slap - 2 - Row of 3 in front - Hits 2-5 times. - Cinccino
    Headbutt - 3 - 1 in front - May make target flinch. - Bidoof
    Quick Attack - 3 - 1 in front - None. - Eevee, Starly
    Tackle - 3 - 1 in front - None. - Munchlax
    Hyper Voice - 4 - All around user - None. - Wigglytuff
    Hyper Fang - 4 - 1 in front - May make target flinch. - Bibarel
    Body Slam - 4 - 2 starting from 1 in front - May Paralyse target. - Snorlax
    Judgment - 5 - All around user - None. - Arceus
    (1. No Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Facade, Pay Day, Strength, Swift, or Take Down?
    2. I would have given Flail or Tackle to Magikarp (why is Splash here?) & Pay Day to Meowth.
    3. I would have made Slash's Power 4 (seriously, it's Power is ONE?) & Tackle's Power 2.)

    Poison Sting - 1 - 2 in front - May Poison target. - Ekans, Venipede
    Poison Tail - 2 - Row of 3 in front - May Poison target. High Critical Hit ratio. - Whirlipede
    Venoshock - 3 - 3 in front - Doubles damage if target is poisoned. - Arbok, Scolipede
    Poison Fang - 3 - 1 in front - May Badly Poison target. - Golbat
    Poison Jab - 4 - 1 in front - May Poison target. - Croagunk, Skorupi
    Cross Poison - 3 - 1 in front, 2 on the sides - May Poison target. High Critical Hit ratio. - Crobat, Drapion
    Sludge Bomb - 4 - 5 in front - May Poison target. - Toxicroak
    (1. I would have made Cross Poison's Power 4.)

    Teleport - 0 - Self - Teleports across the map. - Abra
    Hypnosis - 0 - 2 in front - Puts the target to Sleep. - Munna
    Confusion - 2 - 3 starting from 1 in front - May Confuse target - Ralts, Chingling, Gothita
    Psybeam - 3 - 3 in front - May Confuse target. - Espeon, Kadabra, Gothorita
    Psyshock - 4 - 2 starting from 1 in front - None. - Kirlia, Chimecho
    Dream Eater - 4 - 1 in front - Recovers 1/2 damage inflicted on sleeping targets. 2/3 if 100% Link. - Musharna
    Future Sight - 4 - 2 starting from 1 in front - Does damage the next turn. - Gothitelle
    Psycho Cut - 4 - 2 in front - High Critical Hit ratio. - Gallade
    Psychic - 4 - Diamond in front - May lower target's Defence. - Alakazam, Gardevoir
    Psystrike - 4 - 1 in front and then 2 rows of 3 - May increase user's Attack. - Mewtwo
    (1. No Extrasensory or Zen Headbutt?
    2. I would have made Psystrike's and Dream Eater's Power 5.
    3. Dream Eater? An attack which requires the opponent to be asleep? Now normally this wouldn't be a problem for Musharna as it would probably also have Hypnosis... except you can only have one move. And with only Hypnosis, which only it's pre-evolution Munna knows, as the only sleep inducing move that'll mean you'll need to have both Pokemon on your team. To me it's not really worth it, maybe that's why Gracia drops her Munna for the Gothita line.
    4. Teleport is the second and last status move, but unlike Splash which is completely useless, in the battles where you need to capture flags I can see this being a very useful move if used right.)

    Rock Blast - 1 - 2 starting from 1 in front - Hits 2-5 times. - Roggenrola
    Rock Tomb - 3 - 2 starting from 1 in front - Lowers the amount the target can move. - Onix, Larvitar
    Rock Slide - 4 - 3 in front - May cause target to flinch. - Pupitar, Bastiodon, Boldore
    Stone Edge - 4 - Plus shape in front - High Critical Hit ratio. - Tyranitar, Gigalith
    Rock Wrecker - 5 - 3 starting from 1 in front - Prevents user attacking next turn. - Rhyperior
    (1. No AncientPower, Power Gem, Rollout, or Smack Down?)

    Gyro Ball - 1 - 2 starting from 1 in front - Power increases the lower your target. - Forretress
    Metal Claw - 3 - 1 in front - May increase user's Attack. - Aron
    Iron Head - 4 - 1 in front - May make target flinch. Knocks the target back one square. - Beldum, Lairon, Shieldon
    Bullet Punch - 2 - 1 in front - None. - Metang
    Meteor Mash - 4 - 1 in front - May Raise User's Attack. Knocks target back one square. - Metagross
    Iron Tail - 4 - Row of 3 in front - May lower target's Defence. Knocks target back one square. - Steelix, Aggron
    Flash Cannon - 4 - Plus shape in front - May lower target's Defence. - Registeel
    (1. Why does Beldum have a better move than Metang?
    2. Before you mention it, Beldum can get Iron Head (along with Zen Headbutt) as a Dream World Move.
    3. Like with Terrakion and Groudon, Registeel is the only one with Flash Cannon, make Flash Cannon's Power 5.)

    Bubble - 1 - 2 in front - May lower target's Speed. - Piplup
    Water Gun - 2 - 2 in front - None. - Wooper, Oshawott, Panpour
    Bubblebeam - 3 - 2 starting from 2 in front - May lower target's Speed. - Prinplup
    Water Pulse - 3 - 2 in front - May Confuse target. - Dewott
    Brine - 3 - 2 in front - If target has less than 1/2 HP, damage is doubled. - Simipour
    Aqua Tail - 4 - Row of 3 in front - Knocks target back one row. - Gyarados, Samurott
    Hydro Pump - 5 - 3 in front - None. - Vaporeon, Empoleon
    (1. No Surf, Waterfall, Dive, or Scald?
    2. I would have given Razor Shell to Samurott.)

    Now looking at the moves themselves, they are a nice list of both well known moves. Once again, I'm pretty sure they serve their purpose in the game well enough to get you through the story. However a lack of popular moves (some very popular like Earthquake and Surf) and especially of the status moves does hurt. I can imagine this game being fun to play through initially, but I can't imagine anyone going back to old battles (if the game allows this) as I don't really see getting anything except maybe destroying a Pokemon that gave you problems in that battle. I also can see the game becoming a bit monotonous during the battle portions unless the story, different victory requirements, and supply of new Pokemon to capture can make up for Pokemon only having one move.

    But still having only one move kind of takes away the point of having a type chart. Many Pokemon can learn moves which are super effective against their weaknesses so that if they were to face on in battle they're not a sitting duck. But here, except for Ghost- and Dragon-types, if your opponent corners one of your Pokemon with a Pokemon they're weak against you better hope you have a Pokemon that's super effective against your opponent's otherwise you can count your cornered Pokemon gone. And even if they aren't against a weakness it would still be nice to use an attack of a different type or had a different secondary effect to bring more strategy in. Also I'm assuming there is no such thing as STAB (same type attack bonus) as almost all Pokemon have an attack which is of their type (which sort of stinks if your a duel type).

    And finally I just want to quickly go over how uneven the move distribution was concerning a few Pokemon. For this example I'll only for over your Starter and its evolution and the Elemental Monkeys:

    Eevee: Quick Attack (Power 3)
    Vaporeon: Hydro Pump (Power 5)
    Jolteon: Thunderbolt (Power 3)
    Flareon: Fire Fang (Power 3)
    Espeon: Psybeam (Power 3)
    Umbreon: Assurance (Power 3)
    Leafeon: Leaf Blade (Power 4)
    Glaceon: Icy Wind (Power 3)

    Now I know there are other things to consider like having a certain type on your team, range, seconday effect, etc.. But still, You can't help notice that Vaporeon pretty much gets the most powerful move (or Leafeon if you want to argue about it more likely to get critical hits). Not to mention Hydro Pump and Leaf Blade have a higher Power then Eevee's Quick Attack while all of the other Eeveelution's attacks are equal in Power to Quick Attack. Though being it's your starter in this game wouldn't you think that they would try making all the Eeveelutions look even by giving them attacks with 4 Power?

    Pansage: Vine Whip (Power 2) - Simisage: Leaf Storm (Power 5)
    Pansear: Flame Burst (Power 3) - Simisear: Incinerate (Power 2)
    Panpour: Water Gun (Power 2) - Simipour: Brine (Power 3)

    Moving onto the Elemental Monkeys, we see the oddest thing go on here. One become REALLY powerful, another actually WEAKENS, while the last actually does what I expect to happen. I don't know what to think of this or of the Eeveelutions. There's no rhyme or reason I can see, even if you go by their types instead of evolution family. Forget what were they thinking when choosing the Pokemon, what were they thinking when choosing the attacks?

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    [35]Apr 4, 2012
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    Hey guys, guess what's becoming localized!?

    If you guess this, you win.

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [36]Apr 4, 2012
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    I had a feeling it would be. I still need to debate if I want to get this though. I've certainly heard positive things about it.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [37]Apr 4, 2012
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    Hey guys, guess wha-

    Well, but it hasn't been mentioned that game's going to be called Pokemon Conquest.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [38]Apr 4, 2012
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    I've updated the title to reflect the English title of the "Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition" Crossover: Pokemon Conquest.

    It's release date is June 18. The Ranse Region has also been slightly renamed Ransei (so they made it sound more Japanese, isn't that usually the opposite of what they do ). Also, while we don't know this for certain, they might have renamed "Bushou" to "Warlords" (for Bushou Leaders) and "Warriors" (for normal Bushou).

    The title change is understandable, Nobunaga's Ambition doesn't have that strong a name in the U.S. so they'd probably want to go with the more well known franchise name (and on the Pokemon Website's main page for the game they do mention Nobunaga's Ambition so it's not like they're trying to hide the other franchise). BTW, go to the Screenshot Gallery and tell me if you can spot the mistake, it's rather funny and bit of a spoiler.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [39]Apr 5, 2012
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    I've updated the title to reflect the English title of the "Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition" Crossover: Pokemon Conquest.

    It's release date is June 18. The Ranse Region has also been slightly renamed Ransei (so they made it sound more Japanese, isn't that usually the opposite of what they do ). Also, while we don't know this for certain, they might have renamed "Bushou" to "Warlords" (for Bushou Leaders) and "Warriors" (for normal Bushou).

    The title change is understandable, Nobunaga's Ambition doesn't have that strong a name in the U.S. so they'd probably want to go with the more well known franchise name (and on the Pokemon Website's main page for the game they do mention Nobunaga's Ambition so it's not like they're trying to hide the other franchise). BTW, go to the Screenshot Gallery and tell me if you can spot the mistake, it's rather funny and bit of a spoiler.

    Sadly, they have fixed the Rayquaza error. It's now Zekrom.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [40]Apr 7, 2012
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    New English Trailers.

    This week I'll get to work on the other features that I want to talk about.

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