That's my main problem with the Ranger series. That, added to the fact you can't skip the cutscenes. I can't count how much time I've wasted just scrolling through text when I die and have to rewatch a scene.
Bad memories of Kincaid....BAD MEMORIES!
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
That's my main problem with the Ranger series. That, added to the fact you can't skip the cutscenes. I can't count how much time I've wasted just scrolling through text when I die and have to rewatch a scene.
Bad memories of Kincaid....BAD MEMORIES!
Well, I'm not getting my Deoxys, thanks Nintendo for poorly thinking out this concept and pretty much slapping me in my face!
Okay, so apparently the Deoxys mission is LOCAL WIRELESS... yay, too bad I don't know anyone who has the game! Was making it Wi-Fi that hard? In addition it gives you the option either of becoming a Leader OR joining as a member... WHY WOULD YOU US THAT DECISION! Everyone wants to be a Leader, especially with the Deoxys Mission where the leader ONLY gets the Deoxys! They should have made it Wi-Fi, and just thrown in a room where once 4 people have gathered you start the mission and it isn't until after the mission is finished you find out who the leader is. OR make it, once again over Wi-Fi, that even if you are a Leader you CAN'T get Deoxys until you have been a member of another Leader's team 3 times.
I'll try taking my DS to my college and see if maybe there is one other person there who just so happens to be playing Pokemon Ranger and also trying to get into the Deoxys mission but decide to let me be the Leader (of course I'll help them out, as long as they promise (yay right) that they'll help me get my Deoxys after helping them).
At least I still can get the Shaymin. I guess Heatran is always nice to get, and Manaphy I guess I'll get for the third time. Though seriously, they messed SO bad here, I mean why not have made the Manaphy mission the one you need to do with multiple people? Oh, and let's not forget which Downloadable Pokemon did they use to have players buy the game? DEOYXS! Maybe I should just get a cheating device and rip my Deoxys out, if this game isn't going to be fair then why should I?
So, anyone here got their Deoxys yet? Or better yet, anyone near the New York, Rego Park area? I'm not too sure how far Local Wireless travels, but I think as long as we're in the same city it might work. We don't have to meet up, just set-up a time to play the game and help each other get their Deoxys, though we have to agree that we can't be picky about it having any of the "special moves" like Meteor Mash, I think at this point just getting the Deoxys is good enough.
Finally I'll finish off writing about the game's story today (and a little extra) and then have something to ask all of you.
Was able to pick up Guardian Signs today. I'll be playing it for the next few days.
I'm about to enter Amun's Mansion. I love totally abusing the Raikou Guardian Sign
So far this would bemy favorite of the trilogy
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Played for a while today. Stopped and saved at the Sky Fortress. Purple Eyes felt like a waste of a character. |
Honestly all the Color Eyes character felt a bit of a waste. Now while I guess that was the point, with them being the Dragon and they were probably the individual Pokemon Pincher group leaders before they were gathered together, still I felt like getting rid of them from the storyline was a bit of a waste. While I haven't really began playing much of the post-game, I do hope we get to at least see Blue Eyes and Red Eyes again.
As for Purple Eyes, don't count him out yet.
syrusfan wrote: |
I'm about to enter Amun's Mansion. I love totally abusing the Raikou Guardian Sign So far this would bemy favorite of the trilogy |
Yay, It's just too fun to abuse the Ranger Signs, especially the ones for the Legendary Beasts. Wait until you get Entei, I personally think its dash ability is much quicker then Raikou's jumping.
BTW, I'll be finishing up my story of the game today. Sorry for the delay but I got busy.
Well time to finish the game's story... and then some!
So getting to the Sky Fortress we now need a way to get extend the bridge to get inside. There is a statue of a Stealhead called "Stealhead Icon" and you need to hit it with two Level 3 Psywaves in order for some reason which I'm sure none of us can take a guess at what. Anyway on either side of where we are there are platform puzzles: one which involves you using floating platforms to hover over to other platforms and another which involves teleporting tiles. At the end of each puzzle is a Mismagius, so just catch both of them, target clear the "Stealhead Icon" and, surprise surprise, you'll find that creates a bridge to the inside of the Sky Fortress. Though as always once inside you deal with a few Stealhead Pincher using a Magmorter and Electivire. As you go on ahead and up a spiral staircase you'll meet another Stealhead Pincher who says the armor is taking over before sending out 3 Porygon-Z to be captured. You keep on going dealing with a Stealhead Pincher's 2 Aggrons, destroying an Iron Block with a Toxicroak's Level 4 Rock Smash, and then more Stealhead Pincher battles as followed: Gardevior & Gallade, 2 Rhyperiors, and after another spiral staircase 4 Scizors.
Hearing that you are heading up and will be there soon, the Societea suggests that they all split up to different rooms while Ed "The Thinker" stays in the main room to continue controlling the Sky Fortress. With that said we see Kasa, Hocus, and Arley enter into three different rooms which closes the door in the room Ed "The Thinker" is in. As you get to the boss hub room Rand and Nema come running up to you. Rand said he came up to help and Nema had followed behind him in the Z.Z. Flyer she fixed. Rand runs off somewhere and tells Nema to stay behind in the boss hub room and help us recharge out StyIers if we need it. So I first head off to Kasa's room where the main route is blocked off by a stream of high voltage. There is a door leading to somewhere else and before Summer could stop us we ran through the door... which lead to an outside drop. Thankfully we didn't fall off the Sky Fortress but are now on a lower part of it and after Ukulele Pichu wakes us up we head to the only door we see. Upon entering we see something which would could cause many of us to utter "Oh sweet Arceus" for inside a tube of red liquid we see a very well known Pokemon floating in it: Mewtwo. Though of course when you touch the tube your character only thinks about the red liquid in it, not mentioning the clearly visible floating Pokemon in the red liquid. Anyway in the same room there is a flight of stairs and upon going up it we find Summer who says as soon as we came up the high voltage went away. In addition three switches has also appeared obviously one that will lower the block that's in our way. After taking Summer down to see if she reacted to the Mewtwo in the tube (she didn't, of course) Summer suggests we try the middle switch and though I predicted she was wrong as she's the useless partner character I decided to step on it anyway and caused a bunch of springing spikes to appear around us. Trying the lower switch reveals it was the right switch, but just for fun I tried the top switch which resulted in a battle with two Electrodes. After that was done we come up to a switch that's blocking our path, and while we couldn't get around it even if we tried Summer still pushed us on it, saying she tripped once we turned around agitated at her. Stepping on the switch resulted an Iron Block to full but luckily there is a Toxicroak back where the three switches were so disaster averted. We come up to the next part which would have been a simple hall to walk across but "Summer" saw a switch in the corner and being we stepped on the last one she'll step on this one, activating a series of spring traps which you had to either watch and plan your movements to not get hit buy OR just run through taking the 5 points of damage getting hit by one does. Getting to the boss room Summer is there and comes up to us saying we're fakes and had trapped her in here. Just then a double of us walks in with also a double of Ukulele Pichu and in order to figure out which one of us if the real one she quizzes us with three questions which only the real me would know:
1. Does Rand have a daughter? (Yes) (Um, Summer, I'm pretty sure the Societea knows about Nema, being Purple Eyes kidnapped her to get Leonna to translate the murals for him)
2. Did Booker build The Union? (Yes) (Okay, this is a question which the Societea wouldn't know)
3. Is Murph slim and handsome? (No) (Now that's just mean)
Answering the questions correctly, the fake me and Ukulele Pichu reveal themselves to be Kasa and a Ditto, and after Kasa bragging about her disguise being flawless she sends you into a Boss Battle against Ditto who transforms into the 3 Legendary Beasts throughout the battle. After catching it Kasa can't believed we saw through her disguise but before we could see the "real" her she vanishes in a yellow orb which Summer questions was the Gold Armor's doing. However upon vanishing 1/3rd of a sign appears on the final boss door while Nema who is standing in front of it jumps for joy for some reason (how does she know that's a good thing? I mean it it but for all she knows it could mean Kasa had thrown us off the Sky Fortress and is just alerting Edward about it). Anyway next room is Hocus who appears in front of us and performs an illusion which made the room we were in to look as if we were walking on clouds. Navigating around the holes in the clouds, we come to a bunch of trick boxes which Hocus puts Ukulele Pichu in and sends the four boxes throughout the cloud maze for us to find. Each box needs one Level 3 Psywave to open and luckily the room is filled with Mismagius and Gardevoirs. Opening up a wrong box has us get attacked by a Drifblim, Pidgeot, and Vespiquen. After opening all three of the wrong boxes, we find the one containing Pichu in the bottom left box and then head to the boss room. Once again Hocus does another illusion and suddenly we're flying (me on Latios, Summer on Staraptor) and a giant (and badly pixelated) Hocus pops up from the clouds and send an equally giant (and badly pixelated) Crobat Sky Boss Battle. Upon catching it breaks the illusion and Hocus too vanishes in a yellow orb, though this time Summer theorizes that it was Hocus doing that. 2/3 of the seal on the boss door is now revealed and Nema is once again jumping around in joy.
Last by not least is Arley's turn and his puzzle is rather simple, all we need to do is defeat the Pokemon standing on the 3 switches we need to step on and we'll be at his boss room. So a Tangrowth, Hariyama, and Probopass later we meet up with Arley who told us while he was the wrestler "Arley the Destroyer" he learned the only thing in life that mattered was power and to prove that he sends out a REGIGIGAS Boss Fight. Just incase you forgot, Regigigas causes shock waves wherever it walked, being it was the last game's secret boss, so it was a little annoying to catch but was doable. Just like with the other two Arley vanished in a yellow orb but despite having theorized before it was Hocus doing that she still wonders whether if the Golden Armor did it. Well the seal on the final boss door is fully complete and doing a Ranger Sign to draw the symbol and open the door we enter inside and begin climbing a long spiral staircase up to Edward. Edward does his evil villain banter and summons Mewtwo for us to have a Boss Fight with. Mewtwo was actually quite a disappointing capture and with Mewtwo now entering back into its fetus position Edward begins getting angry and decides to destroy Renbow Island. However Rand and Nema come in with Rand telling Edward he had disabled the Sky Fortress Giga Cannon with the use of one of Nema's inventions, now having fully defeated Edward and ending the game... then a yellow orb appeared with a Gardevoir running out of it followed by Purple Eyes! Purple Eyes reveals his intention of taking over the world, being responsible for having teleported the other members of the Sociatea away and stealing their pieces of the Golden Armor and puts them on, stealing Edward's part to obtain complete power. He then re-awakens Mewtwo power it up in a purple aura, and then tells it to teleport Edward away. As Mewtwo fired at Edward, Rand also jumps in to protect Edward but only resulted in both of them vanishing. With that done we enter a Boss Battle with a Power-up Mewtwo and... it's not much different then the Mewtwo Boss Battle from before. Yay, kind of anti-climatic, especially compared with the last Pokemon Ranger game (Shadows of Almia) where originally you did no damage to the boss and needed your StyIer to become magically charged before you could take on Darkrai pretty much making you feel like you did had world saving powers. But here, you really didn't get that feeling.
With Mewtwo finally defeated and having run off, Purple Eyes' Golden Armor vanishes but with the side effect that now the Sky Fortress was falling and would create a tsunami big enough to destroy all of Oblivia! Leanna contacts us and tells us she heard the whole thing and has read about a legend of a rainbow which the hero of Oblivia used to stop the Sky Fortress from falling and destroying Oblivia in the past. So we get outside and you summon Ho-Oh which flies up and creates a rainbow which rains on the Sky Fortress which slows its fall and has it land peacefully in the sea. As we all get up Nema begins to morn her dads disappearance when Rand appears out of a dark orb similar to the one Mewtwo had blasted him and Edward with. Rand explains he didn't know where he was but Mewtwo appeared in front of both him and Edward and teleported both of them to different locations, Rand back to the Sky Fortress and Edward probably far away from Oblivia. Murph then appears in the Union and after almost crashing it (though we're told Booker who was also on board as well as Leanna and the Docle Island Pichus (BTW, what ever happened to Docle Island, did it re-appear or is it still gone?)) we're told that they had caught Kasa, Hocus, Arley, and Purple Eyes who were floating in the ocean and had them tied up below deck. Everyone then congratulates you and, being it's the end of a mission and game, you do one final Ranger Pose as the credits roll, with you seeing Ben and Summer flying on the backs of Staraptors while various flying Pokemon as well as a fleet of Pokemon Pinchers being led by Red Eyes and Blue Eyes fly around you before both of you fly off screen and Nema comes flying by on her own Z.Z. Flyer. And with that your game is saved and you come back to the title screen.
Post-Game Storyline:
So we start up our save file to see that we're back in Almia and three months have passed (and also Ukulele Pichu had decided to stay with us). Professor Hastings is briefing us telling us that we're being sent back to Oblivia as Rand and Leanna are going out of country to present a paper about the myths of legends of Oblivia, many of its details explaining about our exploits, and we're needed to do patrols there while they're gone. Arriving there on Staraptors (why am I not flying on Latios?), we meet up at Rand's House where we're told about Nema's UFO clone: the Nema-Flyer 1. Murph then comes in revealing he has been positioned in Oblivia to survey the sea Pokemon with The Union (though we all pretty much know he was put there so he would stop annoying Hastings, but Murph doesn't mind). Rand and Leanna leave as Murph is taking them to where they're going on The Union with Nema being told to take care of the house (they must have really good house insurance in Oblivia) with her then teasing her parents they should go on a date while out of the country (though wouldn't saying a second honeymoon be a better teasing?). Anyway after they leave Nema then begins teasing about you and Summer (or if you're playing as the girl, you and Ben) about going on a date with Summer/Ben getting nervous and quickly decide to go to Aqua Resort on Sophian Island after singing the musical scale's first 5 notes. After that you gain control and see Nema has a quest for you to do BUT first I decided I wanted to check out the past before I went ahead and did any more quests (besides I still need to found a Drifloon).
Back To The Past:
Going to Celebi's Shrine and using it to teleport to the past Ravio comes running up to you before then running to get Tanvir and Kira. They explain they are thankful for your help and begin explaining how the Temples work, most impotently they have a time limit to do what you're required to do. You're told if you need more information to ask the Wise Women and are also introduced to a new character named Nelia who explains Heart Slates. You also find out your StyIer works differently in the past, and despite being in the past Tanvir for some reason seems somewhat knowledgeable about futuristic tools, using words like "function" in context with how you would use them for a computer. Anyway we're told once we're ready to enter a temple to talk with Kira who has the key to open the temples. Now if you have the Deoxys Mission as soon as you talk to Kira she'll mention a discovery of a new temple called the Odd Temple, but you need 2 or more people in order to complete it (see previous rant about that). After foolishly doing said mission I decided to quit there for today, and guess what's in the past? A Save Machine! However at that point I was too angry to even joke about it and saved and quit the game.
And with that ends the ending, post-ending, and beginning past missions of the game! Well it was nice while it lasted, but then again I still have all the Past Missions to do as well as all the Quests I need to complete which brings up the following question:
Should I keep on going describing the Quests and Past Missions or are you quite down hearing me joke and complain about the game already?
And with that question now ask, seeya till next time!
Well I beat the main part of the game. Saved and stopped right after Rand and Leanne leave for their conference. Man those Steelheads are annoying in the Sky Fortress. How do you access the past missions anyway?
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Well I beat the main part of the game. Saved and stopped right after Rand and Leanne leave for their conference. Man those Steelheads are annoying in the Sky Fortress. How do you access the past missions anyway? |
Just go to Celebi's Shrine and tap on it, it'll ask if you'll want to go to the past or not.
Well, just defeated Red Eyes and now need to save Leanne and Nema
Ugh, Suicune has a useful ability, but his Sign is annoying to draw.
useful? it's limited to two areas in the game
Doesn't make it worth it in the long run, that's what i'm getting at
Of course now I need to get Latios's sign...
Well, time to bring the fight to the Sky Fortress and save the world, blah blah blah
Now, I can accept a lot of things. I can stomach a lot of puns. But seriously, the SocieTEA? I can't tell if that's dumber than Tea Party or better.
Tea Party is obviously the better name
it's still lame but at least it's not some cheesy pun
Gah Mewtwo was a pain. I almost was killed by the stupid thing. But I won and now I get to bask in my victory. After I get all the other Legendaries of course
Well overall, it's a great game, but if I had to nitpick, the choice of bosses was poor at some point [DITTO as one of the final bosses? Seriously?], and the game'sa bit too easy, or maybe that's because I'm just a veteran by now
a ditto that can transform into the legendary beasts!
that thing was annoying
Ugh, I never died, but it kept shattering my Capture Line.
Regigigas was also really horrible. Mainly because it shattered the line whenever it took a step.