The last two Wi-fi mission for Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs have just been released!
Giratina's Griseous Orb

In Ancient Times Giratina's Griseous Orb was stolen from it and it hasn't been able to return to it's own world for over 1,000 years (so does that mean this game takes place before the events of Diamond/Pearl/Platinum and we caught a Giratina which JUST got back home? They sure go out of there way to make the player look like a jerk, don't they?). You have to find the Griseous Orb and then fight with Giratina (because it's angry that you helped it?) to help return it home.

Arceus Must Be Stopped!

Arceus is angry at humanity (again) and wants to wreak havoc and harm (because all the other cool gods are doing it). But being Arceus is GOD, you can't exactly take it head on and will have to get help from Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina to quell this almighty beast's temper tantrums.

AWESOME! So now we get get a Giratina and Arceus!?... No. Unfortunately, much like the previous game's Shaymin, Dialga, and Palkia mission these are just here to finish up your browser so once you do them you'll never have to pick this game up again... unless you find someone else ho has this game and the Deoxys Mission so you can FINALLY GET YOUR DEOXYS FROM THAT STUPID LOCAL WIRELESS THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN WI-FI PAST MISSION WHICH REQUIRES TWO OR MORE PEOPLE TO DO! 
Edited on 12/14/2010 10:31am
Edited 2 total times.