* After you complete a mission, you'll get Ranger Points (RP) to spend and customize your Capture StyIer. This is probably where the mechanic Banema comes in.

(Is it to much to hope there is one to make your line longer...)
* Speaking of Banema, she and an elder whcih we have seen in a few Screenshots have just been added to the Character page of the official website. But due to me not being able to read Japanese, I don't know what the elder's names is.

(Not really much to say here... Moving on!)
* It has been confirmed that if you chose the boy you'll only be able to ride on Latios and if you chose the girl you'll only be able to ride of Latias. This also means the Poke Sign you been to draw to summon them is the same.

(How sterotypical that the boy gets the male Lati@s and the girl gets the female Lati@s...
then again if given a choice the boy and girl would have probably chosen their gender Lati@s anyway)
* As I've said the Legendary Birds are also in this game and seem to be plot relevant as when you encounter them Team Pokemon Nappers are also there and the Legendary Bird is surrounded by their element (Zapdos is un a thundercloud if you were wondering).

(Did Team Pokemon Nappers capture them? Did they surround themselves for protection until the player arrived?
Or were they minding their own business in their nests when these came out of nowhere and STARTED BOTHING IT FOR NO REASON!)
* SHAYMIN IS TRANSFERABLE! But you'll have to complete the mission and save it from Team Pokemon Nappers first! And just because they added new Screenshots, here is also more from the Manaphy Egg Mission where (surprise, surprise) Team Pokemon Nappers is also after it!

(Geez Team Pokemon Nappers, give it a break, haven't the past history of other syndicates taught you nothing?
No matter what evil scheme you do, a 10 year old boy or girl will stop it, no matter what)
* Speaking of Transferables, we just got some disturbing news about the Deoxys Mission. Apparently in Multiplayer Mode you need to assign a leader for that mission. Why do I mention this? Becuase for the Deoxys, if the leader doesn't already have it, ONLY THE LEADER WILL GET DEOXYS! In addition players without the Deoxys Mission can still help in the mission but only the leader (the one with the mission) can capture it. Oh, and like with Shaymin & the Manaphy Egg above here is a few new pics for the Heatran Mission, apparently the Oblivia Region's Volcano is erupting but is Heatran to blame for this?

(I wonder what the color swaps would look like if you had 4 boys/4 girls?)

(The Mission picture shows you're with the other gender character, yet the in-game picture shows you're with Murph...
* Celebi is in the game and might take you to the past in order to clear Missions that will open up things and clear obstacles in the future.

(Taking the Gold & Lyra back to the past in HeartGold/SoulSilver to battle Giovanni...
Took the Spiky-Eared Pichu through time so much it can't evolve...
Now taking the Pokemon Rangers back in time to clear Missions which will effect the future...
And just in general taking Pokemon Eggs away from their mothers and dropping them off in the past/future...
Celebi, messing with the time stream wherever it goes)
* You may find Lithographs while exploring around and when you do it somehow increases the amount of partners you may have and the ability to raise them. I don't know what they mean by "raise them" but the more Pokemon you have the less you'll need to travel back to get a Pokemon you need... hopefully.

(Over the snow and through the volcano, off to the mission we go!)
* Two animated specials are coming for Pokemon Ranger: Tracks of Light. The first one is for the main anime series, where Ash & co. helps out the boy ranger capture Heatran. The second one is Special also starring the boy ranger trying to stop the plans of Team Pokemon Nappers and their leader Red Eye. The Japanese main series one is to air on March 18th while the Japanese Special one is to air on Pokemon Sunday on February 28th and on March 7th.

(Incase you can't tell the top one is for the main anime series,
it would have kind of helped if they have had Ash & co. in one of the shots)