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Pokemon Ranger: Tracks of Light

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Jan 13, 2010
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    The third installment of the Pokemon Ranger series was revealed today.

    It is called Track of Light, and will hit Japanese stores on March 6th. The game takes place in the new Oblivia region which is located on a chain of islands. The evil team is called the Pokemon Nappers, and they are lead by Red Eye. Pokemon used for PokeAssist now appear on the field and stay ont he field until they are damaged. The Legendary Beasts are to play a role in the game. A Pichu that carrys a Ukulele is featured. A Deoxys event will be feated in the game. There is also a multiplayer mode.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [2]Jan 13, 2010
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    tracks of light? kind a strange name....

    after playing the legend of zelda spirit tracks I'm gonna be skeptical if this is about trains...................although I loved spirit tracks

    pikachu with a ukulele?

    what is this? animal crossing!?

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [4]Jan 13, 2010
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    please call me shiny......

    oh well the word "tracks" made me think trains.....

    more johto promotion? pokemon nappers? it's OFFICIAL they've run out of names

    pretty soon the female characters are gonna be naked.................not that I mind *ehehe*

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [5]Jan 13, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    please call me shiny......

    oh well the word "tracks" made me think trains.....

    more johto promotion? pokemon nappers? it's OFFICIAL they've run out of names

    pretty soon the female characters are gonna be naked.................not that I mind *ehehe*

    *Sprays with squirt bottle he normally uses on edmasterchaos on the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D boards* Bad Shiny! Get your mind out of the gutters.

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [6]Jan 13, 2010
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    I liked the first two Ranger games, but a third it tough to imagine. Might watch a trailer before it omes out then make a decission.

    Most epic plot twist in history: Red Eyes turns out to be the Red-Eyes Black Dragon for no reason.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [7]Jan 13, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    please call me shiny......

    oh well the word "tracks" made me think trains.....

    more johto promotion? pokemon nappers? it's OFFICIAL they've run out of names

    pretty soon the female characters are gonna be naked.................not that I mind *ehehe*

    *Sprays with squirt bottle he normally uses on edmasterchaos on the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D boards* Bad Shiny! Get your mind out of the gutters.

    *hiss* *scratch*

    well looks like I'm gonna need a new DS

    since spirit tracks scratched my screen


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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [9]Jan 14, 2010
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    Well that's interesting. Wonder how it will work out in the actual game.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [10]Jan 15, 2010
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    Okay everyone, more information and pictures just came out as well as better pictures of the ones I previously showed, so I just want to tell everyone don't be surprised if my post was to suddenly move. I'll make the new post later today.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [11]Jan 15, 2010
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    Ok so new information is out. First of all, the game actually comes out March 6, not 10th. Professor Hastings and Murph are returning yet again. It seems that the Ukulele Pichu is your partner. Latios and Latias also seem to have a important role in the game. Several Field Moves can be used at one time if needed.

    And the pictures:

    The Logo

    Oblivia Region

    Male Player

    Female Player

    Pokemon Nappers

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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [12]Jan 15, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    please call me shiny......

    oh well the word "tracks" made me think trains.....

    more johto promotion? pokemon nappers? it's OFFICIAL they've run out of names

    pretty soon the female characters are gonna be naked.................not that I mind *ehehe*

    *Sprays with squirt bottle he normally uses on edmasterchaos on the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D boards* Bad Shiny! Get your mind out of the gutters.

    *hiss* *scratch*

    well looks like I'm gonna need a new DS

    since spirit tracks scratched my screen


    funny you should say that. after i beat pokemon ranger the first agme my ds screen was all screwed up. i havent played pokemon ranger since then lol
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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [13]Jan 15, 2010
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    Looks interesting certainly. Isn't this Latios and Latias's first appearnece in the Rangers series?
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [14]Jan 15, 2010
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    lady_god wrote:
    Shiny_missingno wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    please call me shiny......

    oh well the word "tracks" made me think trains.....

    more johto promotion? pokemon nappers? it's OFFICIAL they've run out of names

    pretty soon the female characters are gonna be naked.................not that I mind *ehehe*

    *Sprays with squirt bottle he normally uses on edmasterchaos on the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D boards* Bad Shiny! Get your mind out of the gutters.

    *hiss* *scratch*

    well looks like I'm gonna need a new DS

    since spirit tracks scratched my screen


    funny you should say that. after i beat pokemon ranger the first agme my ds screen was all screwed up. i havent played pokemon ranger since then lol

    sometimes I wonder if that manaphy was worth it............that stupid steelix........

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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [15]Jan 15, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:
    lady_god wrote:
    Shiny_missingno wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    please call me shiny......

    oh well the word "tracks" made me think trains.....

    more johto promotion? pokemon nappers? it's OFFICIAL they've run out of names

    pretty soon the female characters are gonna be naked.................not that I mind *ehehe*

    *Sprays with squirt bottle he normally uses on edmasterchaos on the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D boards* Bad Shiny! Get your mind out of the gutters.

    *hiss* *scratch*

    well looks like I'm gonna need a new DS

    since spirit tracks scratched my screen


    funny you should say that. after i beat pokemon ranger the first agme my ds screen was all screwed up. i havent played pokemon ranger since then lol

    sometimes I wonder if that manaphy was worth it............that stupid steelix........

    lolz i know right and ironically i discovered wifi shortly after getting one -_- well lets stop before someone reports us
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [16]Jan 15, 2010
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    * The new game is called Pokemon Ranger: Tracks of Light.
    + I just want to say "WAHOO!" for a new Pokemon Ranger game.

    (Riding Legendary Pokemon = Awesome!)

    * The new region is called Oblivia and is a small island chain.
    + Right away I got to say naming something which sounds similar to "oblivion" alreadys sends off a few red flags. Luckily I don't see any castled, which is kind of a good thing as because if it did, sweet Arceus the jokes were gonna to fly.
    + Now time for details. I see 6 islands, a smaller island chain, a volcano, and a dark spot in the ocean.
    + I guess I'll first talk about the main three islands. I'm going to guess the one on the top right is the one you'll start out on as I do see a port and a small town there (on an unrelated note, I also spot a snowy mountain meaning we should get our parkas ready. The two below are probably the next ones you'll go to in the storyline though they both look the same except one is more forest-y and the other more mountain-y. Alternatively, being the below islands are connected by a bridge, you might start out on one of them, use the bridge to get over to the next island when that part of the story comes, and then have you find a way to get to the other island in a progressive way showing how to get to island to island.
    + A mountain island that is covered by dark clouds... yay, that doesn't scream villain's lair at all
    + Next I'll talk about the smaller islands and the smaller island chain. Bottom left is what I'm going to guess is Drop Island where you meet Ukulele Pichu (more on that later). Second smaller island is on the top left above "smokey mountain", I don't quite know why they would put an island there, especially near a villain's lair magnet. And finally that small island chain right of the bottom right main island, once again I have no idea why it's over there or why they even made it a small island chain.
    + Last I'll guess I'll talk about the volcano and dark spot in the ocean. Bottom right is a volcano but that's no problem as we all should remember in the last game how to handle travelling through volcanoes. As for the dark ocean spot at the top right, like in the Generation III Hoenn games that's the obvious diving spot which, in the last game, we should know how to handle. you know, unless they change a few things for both...

    PRToLWalkingWithPokemon.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (+ I like how the new map shows where your character as a main series-esque sprite.
    + Incase you couldn't tell, the pictures on the left, going top to bottom, is in stop (probably the top right island's now mountain), what looks to be ruins (maybe near the town on the top right island?), and inside the volcano (guess, where that is).
    + Note that the Pokemon you may see in the screenshots may or may not be there in the actual game in that location.)

    * The evil team is called Pokemon Nappers and are led by a character named Red Eye.
    + *snickersnicker* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! THEY LOOK LIKE PARK RANGERS! Actual, if you switch their colors around, they'll probably look more like Pokemon Rangers then the actual Pokemon Rangers in the game do! Seriously, say what you want about Team Dim Sun, but at least their grunts looked the part of being the main antagonists!
    + Pokemon Nappers... you got to be kidding me. Well in retrospect it is usually the U.S. version that gives them the fancier name. Though this name personally comes a bit to close to Team Snagem, especially considering the Japanese name was Snatch-dan (Snatch Gang)).
    + "For Red Eyes, use Clear Eyes"... wait, wait, I got one more joke. "Oh no! It's Red Eyes... Black Dragon!" Okay I'm done with the jokes. I do hope they have a good explanation to why he is called Red Eyes (and it better not be something like because the mask he wears has red lenses).

    PRToLMeetingPokemonNappers.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (In the right pic I think we see either one of the elite Pokemon Napper (a grunt with a different outfit) or one of the admins (like the Go-Rock Quad or Sinis Trio).)

    * The PokeAssists act differently this time as instead of a time limit the Pokemon appears on the battle field to do its Assist and if it's hit it'll run off.
    + Well until I see this in action I don't know whether it sounds good or not. On one hand I like how they are actually having the Pokemon appear doing something instead of just appearing in the Capture StyIer. But then on the other if you're unlucky it could get hit just after it is put on the field before it could do anything. Plus are you still allow to control what you want to do with the Assist or does the Pokemon control it?

    PRToLNewWayUsingAssist.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (+ So here we have the new PokeAssist system at work, with Bellossom being used against Swampert (a wise choice). Right away I notice how now they have a symbol informing you what type of Assist that Pokemon has insteading of requiring you to know before what type it is, which could especially be confusing if a Pokemon has two types. It also has a red up arrow if the type is super effective or a blue down arrow if it's not very effective.
    + Now I notice that the Grass PokeAssist is now different from what it used to be like (sprouting grass where you draw your line which Immobilized/Slowed) and now instead grows thorny vines. Though still no sign whether you control where the vines appear or Bellossom does.
    + And finally we have a picture of Bellossom getting it, which gives it a stun face balloon above it head before assumingly it runs away.)

    * There is a new feature called "Tracks of Light" where in some areas there will be a symbol on the floor and drawing that symbol with your Capture StyIer will summon a Pokemon to help. Now these symbols may summon Pokemon like Eevee or Croagunk, but there are three specific ones that summon one of the Beast Trio: Raikou, Entei, and Suicune! For the Beast Trio ones, you'll ride on the back on one of them over obstacles which you normally wouldn't be able to otherwise.
    + The Beast Trio again? Well being in the first game they were pretty much only bosses which ran off after you captured them, I guess it's nice we're being given the option to actually use them for something which we'll probably need them for.

    PRToLPokeSignsDrawing.png picture by Pikachu315111
    PRToLBeastTrioRiding.png picture by Pikachu315111

    (+ I do hope they don't make the symbol you have to draw be too sensitive, though then again it does look like provide some drawing help via those eight circles around the Pokemon Ranger logo
    + Being both of the Raikou pics are in different spots, I guess we'll be needing the Beast Trio throughout the whole game.
    + Speaking of which, nice with clear pictures I think I know why you'll need each for certain spots. The top right Raikou one if for jumping the rock structures below the bottom right island (which apparently are electrified), Entei is needed to get past falling rocks on the same bottom right island, and Suicune is needed to go down a river on the top right island.
    + And now are few of the signs you can draw to summon which Pokemon. We have Eevee (who's sign looks like its ears), Croagunk (who's sing looks like its fist), and Raikou (who's sign looks like a lightning bolt).)

    * Your partner is a Pichu who plays the Ukulele (known as Ukulele Pichu) which will join up with you when you go to Drop Island.
    + Hmm... stemming off Shiny_missingno comment I'm trying to come up with a good K.K. Slider pun... P.P. Slider? P.Chu. Slider? P.P. Chu? Nah, forget it.
    + So does that mean we only get one partner in this game? Kind of a downgrade from the 16 partners we could have in Shadows of Almia, but then again Pachirisu was offered as a partner Pokemon in the beginning of that game muhc like of Plusle/Minun was your partner in the first Pokemon Ranger. Wonder if it'll use its Ukulele in its PokeAssist?

    PRToLUkulelePichuWithOtherPichu.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (Though if you look in the other pics I've posted you can see Ukulele Pichu travelling with you, here is one that is specifically for it. I guess this is it on Drop Island partying with the other Pichu there as well as a few other Pokemon.)

    * There is a Multiplayer Mode where up to four players can take on a mission together.
    + This sounds interesting, though I'll assume that it's more like a contest of "who can catch the most Pokemon" or "who can catch the Pokemon first". But with no further information I can only guess but this is how it was sorta done with the Wi-Fi Plaza and other Multiplayer feature in the Generation IV games (Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, & SoulSilver).

    PRToLMultiplayerModeTyranTed.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (+ There seems to be multiple hubs which you could join and communicate with other players. Don't know whether people can move their own characters around or they just place another person's character in a random spot for you to walk over to like they do in the Generation IV games.
    + Don't know what's going on with the Tyranitar one (maybe one type of mission has the players connected their Capture StyIers lines together to catch a Pokemon?) but it looks like in the Teddiursa one there are two Capture StyIers at work (larger one most likely yours, but the smaller one is maybe the other player?)

    * In Ranger Net you can download an extra mission which has you capture a Deoxys. The mission is called "Deoxys and the Mysterious Temple". But unlike the Deoxys in the first game, once you capture it you'll be able to send this Deoxys over to your Generation IV games. But theres a catch, as the Forme you catch it in will be the Forme it will be in when you send it over. In addition to that, each Forme will have a special move for that specific Forme. Later you can play this mission with other players in Multiplayer Mode.
    + This capture sounds like might be pretty difficult if there is one Forme that have a move on it you want (unless you buy four copies of the game ). Most likely each move will be a representive of the Forme which Deoxys is when you caught it. Though of course that doesn't mean you need to keep it in that Forme, as with any other Deoxys you can change its Forme either in Veilstone City for the Generation IV Sinnoh games or Route 3 for the Generation IV Johto games.
    + Well we have one confirmed Pokemon for Download, and hopefully there will be more (there has to be at least 3). With the game having the Beast Trio they are sorta linking it with HeartGold and SoulSilver so maybe another event Pokemon might be Celebi? Hope so, I'm still annoyed thay Shaymin wasn't downloadable in the last game.)

    PRToLDeoxysMission.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (+ The pic on top appears on the top screen of all the Deoxys pics below and isn't any difference between them. It also isn't the same as the normal capture top screen, so maybe this is the top screen for Multiplayer Mode (I do see two names and two color marker on the map). Another interesting thing to say is that it looks like you only can have one Pokemon with you in Multiplayer Mode.
    + As for Deoxys, while I can't comment on Normal Forme, the others I can. Attack Forme seem to have gotten a new attack where it forms/fires 12 energy balls in all directions. Defense Forme is up to its old tricks with that barrier move that your Capture StyIer can't penetrate. Finally Speed Forme also got a new trick, either creating multiples of itslef (hopefully not) or teleporting to where one of those "shadow" Deoxys are.
    + A timer? Hopefully this is just for Multiplayer Mode, though just note that the Deoxys mission might have a timer to catch Deoxys.)

    * You are now able to combine similar Field Moves together. It's not known whether the strength of each Pokemon Field Move stacks or all the Pokemon must have the required level or higher of that Field Move in order for them to take care of the obstacle.
    + It makes you wonder why previous Pokemon Ranger didn't think of combing the strength of their Pokemon.

    PRToLFieldMovesCombine.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (And being this is about Field Moves, I just threw the right pic in.)

    * Professor Hastings and Murph are returning.
    + Well we can't a Pokemon Ranger game without those two, they've so far been in the previous two games. Hopefully the Go-Rock Quad will also show up!

    PRToLProfHastingsMurph.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (+ No Professor Hastings artwork yet, but Murph finally got one.
    + FUN FACT: The term "Eeveelutions" became a canon term when Murph said it Shadows if Almia.)

    * Quests return, though it isn't known what the rewards will be.
    + In Shadows of Almia, quests gave your Capture StyIer Capture Cards. Most gave it resistance from elemental attacks. Others increased how long an assist lasted, gave you a longer capture line, let you do more damage with your capture line, healed your Capture StyIer after a successful capture, increased the strength of your capture line, combo damage after 5 successful circles, and increasing your Capture StyIer's HP. Also most cards had two versions (A and B). Obviously Assist Time isn't going to be returning (though maybe replace it one that let the Pokemon take more hits before running off).

    PRToLQuests.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (Looks like one of the Quests will be about fixing Ukulele Pichu's ukulele)

    * Flying and Diving is a bitt different. Flying, or at least at one point in the game when you need to fly to the volcano if I'm reading the map correctly, has you chasing or being stopped by Pokemon Nappers while they fly on hover vehicles blasting energy balls at you. As for Diving, it looks like now instead of exploring the ocean floor (at least what we are showed) you are now decending lower and lower into the ocean (probably the dark spot). There is also a Quest which involves you going underwater.
    + Not really surprised they are playing around with Flying and Diving being they never really did much with the Flying concept (much like the games it was just an instant transportation method) and Diving was just (slowly) walking underwater.

    PRToLFlyingDiving.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (I would have gone more details about the new diving but I can't read Japanese and can't figure on what's going on in the instructions.)

    * The top screen when capturing Pokemon has gotten a few more additions to it. Now not only does it list the Pokemon involved in the capture, but also has a timer, your quickest capture of that Pokemon previously, how times you caught that Pokemon, and what Capture Disc you're currently using (These are all guesses).

    PRToLCapturingStantler.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (It took 17 minutes and 38 seconds when your last capture was just 28 seconds? What were they doing when they were doing this capture?)

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [17]Jan 15, 2010
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    * And now that I kept you waiting for so long, here is the heroes (a.k.a. the playable characters), the male and female Pokemon Ranger!

    PRToLMaleFemalePlayable.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (+ Their design is okay, though I swear with each new Pokemon Ranger outfit it is becoming more and more informal and their pants and jacket are shrinking (the female playable character isn't even wearing pants anymore but rather a short dress). Also, what's with the goggles and yellow scarfs?
    + The bottom left pic is the Gender Select screen and the bottom right pic is the status screen which details (I think) level, Capture StyIer HP, captured made, don't know what the capture discs are for, and your experience. We also get a nice shot of you standing next to Ukulele Pichu.)

    Pokemon Count: (Ukulele) Pichu, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Latios, Latias, Ursaring, Tyranitar, Quagsire, Ampharos, Espeon, Umbreon, Ledyba, Bagon, Hitmontop, Snover, Prinplup, Raichu, Spheal, Swampert, Gabite, Bronzong, Primeape, Donphan, Larvitar, Charmander, Combusken, Blaziken, Flareon, Pupitar, Buizel, Poochyena, Bellossom, Sealeo, Golem, Monferno, Eevee, Croagunk, Electrike, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Marill, Bulbasaur, Sunkern, Pikachu, Aipom, Piplup, Pidgey, Teddiursa, Deoxys, Pidgeot, Shellos (West), Stantler, Staraptor, Mantyke, Luvdisc, & Clamperl

    Edited on 01/16/2010 8:08am
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [18]Jan 16, 2010
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    I like the protagonists' designs, but does anyone else think they kind of look like characters from Digimon...? It doesn't seem like the graphics have changed much, and even actual gameplay (with the exception of new features that will probably be added). Like the previous two Ranger games, though, it sounds like this will be a good one.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [19]Jan 22, 2010
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    A whole new slab of Pokemon Ranger: Tracks of Lighthad just appeared in the form of the official Japanese website! I'll post a whole bunch tomorrow, but for now take a look at this:

    Here's the new Capture StyIer.

    Ukulele's Pichu official artwork.

    エンテイ ライコウ スイクン
    Meh, the Beast Trio looked better.

    Judging by the device on the guys arm, he's part of Team Pokemon Nappers.

    And that's it for now, here's the official website. DEFINIETLY watch the trialer, because IT IS AWESOME!


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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [20]Jan 23, 2010
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    Okay, so here is how this will work. All of the new pictures Serebii has up has come from the new Pokemon Ranger: Tracks of Light trailer that was just put up. Because of this, I'm going to link you to a Youtube video of the new trailer as I can more easily point the sections I want to talk about. But before we begin, I need to correct myself on something:

    See this guy? Well guess what, he's Red Eyes, the leader of Team Pokemon Nappers!... I have nothing more to say other then that.

    So with that now done, let's begin! First click HERE to go to the Youtube video and then follow along:

    0:04-0:06 - Hey look, Articuno, and its surrounded by Team Pokemon Nappers and Red Eyes. It's shattering ice crystal which were around it so either this is either Team Pokemon Nappers failing to capturing it or them waking it up.
    0:09-0:10 - And now we have the entire Bird Trio (Articuno, Zapdos, & Moltres) flying toward an egg shaped hovering fortress with what look to be large cannons on the side. Yay, obviously Team Pokemon Nappers never heard of the word "subtle". Anyway it looks like the Bird Trio are taking just as active as a role as the Beast Trio is. And with the Golem Trio being in the last game, that pretty much leaves the Lake Trio to be the only trio not featured in a game.
    0:12-0:14 - Like I said, looks like they changed the flying in the game as instead of an instant transportation you know have to dodge Team Pokemon Nappers energy blasts, well, at least one point in the game.
    0:14-0:15 - Ah, so that's what the devices on Team Pokemon Nappers do, they send out purple rings which probably hypnotize Pokemon into doing their bidding, and at one point they try going after Ukulele Pichu!
    0:17-0:19 - Whoa, that's interesting, a rainbow being shout from out of the ocean and into the sky... yay, I have no idea either.

    0:30-0:31 - If you look at the map on the top screen, you'll notice that the character is on the island just below the "main" bottom left island, indeed confirming that is Drop Island.
    0:36-0:43 - Looks like Ukulele Pichu isn't exactly happy to see you. And just like in the past two games, you'll need to capture the Pokemon that'll soon become your partner.
    0:44-0:50 - As if flying didn't get complicated enough, now it looks like you'll need to capture Pokemon while flying! Though this seems to be more of a challenge then capturing a roup of Pidgey as once capture all that are on the screen more pop out from the clouds!

    0:57-0:58 - Pokemon can still attack you, now adding Manectric to the list sending an electric ball at you.
    0:59-1:15 - Okay, so this is how aiming the new Assists work. To choose a Pokemon to Assist you, you have to tap onto its imae and drag it onto the field where a "ghost" of the Assisting Pokemon will go wherever you drag it (it also looks like it'll be pointing towards the target Pokemon) and when you let go the Pokemon will appear, do its thing, and vanish. They also can't "K.O." the Pokemon, they'll always leave it with 1 HP and you'll have to do a quick circle around it to capture it. Now let's go over how the Assists have changed:

    Ground: Sends 3 rows of seperating spikes to come from the ground at the target.
    Grass: Causes thorny vines to rise up from the ground all aroudn it.
    Normal: Sends hearts toward the target.
    Water: Sends groups of bubbles at the target.
    Fire: Sends fire pillars at the target which then forms more fire pillar around the target.

    1:15-1:26 - Ukulele Pichu's Assist works a bit differently as instead of you choosing it to help, it'll appear on the bottom of the screen when it's ready. Tap on it to send it onto the field where it'll play its ukulele and send out musical notes to damage the target Pokemon.

    1:26-1:38 - Gligar and Sandslash are needed to cut open a door to free a bunch of Pokemon (probably from Drop Island with all the Pichu that came out).
    1:38-1:44 - Two Buizels and a Shellos (West) use water gun to put out a fire.
    1:44-1:47 - Two Shelgons and a Furret tackle a slab of stone into a lava flow to create a path across.
    1:47-1:52 - Two Huntails bite a top part of a broken pillar to let it fall deeper underwater.
    1:52-1:55 - Two Hitmonchans punch a block of stone which was blocking a staircase.

    1:59-2:09 - Summon and ride Entei so that it could bash through boulders in your way.
    2:09-2:15 - Summon and ride Raikou so that it could make long jumps, once even to jump onto a submarine.
    2:15-2:21 - Summon and ride Suicune so that it could cross water pathways.
    2:22-2:28 - Summon and ride Latios (Latias if you're the girl playable character) so that you could fly through the sky at extreme speeds by pressing "Y".

    2:33-2:45 - Multiplayer looks like you'll indeed play with other people in real time (I can just imagine the lag) as, for this at least, you're given 6 minutes to traverse and work as a team to solve puzzles.
    2:48-2:54 - During a boss battle everyone can send in a Pokemon to attack the boss Pokemon ALL AT ONCE.
    2:54-2:58 - You and someone else can combine your StyIer's discs to spin around the boss Pokemon to cause more damage then you could have done individually.
    2:59-3:06 - It looks like you and everyone else playing can form some kind of Capture Field by having your StyIers form into a rectangle (or triangle) which would do MASSIVE damage to the boss Pokemon.

    3:10-3:12 - I guess we know where that fleet of Team Pokemon Nappers on the hovercrafts that try blasting you down at one point in the game come from, from that submarine we see you use Raikou to jump onto.
    3:12-3:15 - Riding Latios isn't going to be smooth flying afterall as we'll have to dodge lightning bolts at one point.
    3:15-3:16 - At one point it looks like you travel through a haunted house where you'll have to outrun flying dishware.
    3:16-3:18 - GAH! Apparently those ARE giant cannons attached to the floating egg fortress!
    3:18-3:22 - So you use a Lapras to get to that deep spot in the ocean. As I've said before, swimming has changed a bit as instead of "walking on the ocean floor" now underwater is completely vertical and you'll have to swim up and down.
    3:22-3:24 - Meeting another Team Pokemon Nappers admin (a girl this time) who summons a Feraligatr for you to probably capture.
    3:24-3:26 - WIPEOUT as a giant wave splashes over you, Ukulele Pichu, and your travelling buddy.
    3:26-3:29 - You jump onto Latios while the other character jumps onto a Staravia as you both fly off.

    3:46-3:58 - We all know about the Deoxys mission and how after you complete it you can play it in Multiplayer Mode, but one thing I'll like to point out is that armored guy with Deoxys. Is he part of Team Pokemon Nappers too?
    3:58-4:02 - And what where would a Pokemon Ranger game be without a Manaphy Egg mission? Though it looks like another feature to the underwater swimming is that you have a "boost" bar which once filled up (all the red turns green and then glows blue) you can quickly swim downwards and then have to wait again until it fills up which takes a second or two.

    Also, has anyone else noticed that there is always a human character with your character in most of these shots they show? I can tell most of the time it's the girl/boy character you didn't pick but sometimes it's a different characters.

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