XY010 "Mega-Mega Meowth Madness!"
This episode... I don't know what. On paper it's okay, but once again its that darn execution. Okay, I can understand they want to sometimes do comedic episode, or make Team Rocket a bit comedic, but in this episode there's a good portion of idiocy going on considering the situation and it's honestly distracting. I'll address most of my complaints in my comments (as I always do), but for now I'll give a summary of the episode:
On the streets of Lumiose City, Ash & co. are getting ready to leave for Cyllage City when Serena suggests they first visit Professor Sycamore which everyone agrees too, Serena also revealing she made macaroons.
In a warehouse, Team Rocket are watching a video of Ash falling off Prism Tower when Mega Blaziken saves him, coming up with a plan to steal Sycamore's Research to make Meowth "Mega Evovle", or rather put the data into into their latest creation which is being called the "Mega Meowth", planning on using it to finally capture Pikachu.
At Sycamore's Lab, Ash & co. greet Professor Sycamore who sees Ash & co. are now traveling together and Serena shows him the macaroons. Sophie, one of Professor Sycamore's assistants, suggest they take a tea break and have the macaroons though Sycamore says he's working on something so he'll have some later. As Ash & co. (+ Sophie) sit down to tea, they realize the macaroons are missing and find it's been stolen by a Chespin. Sophie says Chespin is a prankster as it starts to panic but as Clemont tries to calm it down it sharpens its quills which pokes Clemont, Chespin grabbing the macaroons and running off. Serena and Bonnie decide they'll go check up on Professor Sycamore.
At Sycamore's Lab's greenhouse, Professor Sycamore is checking on the lab's Pokemon when Team Rocket crashes through the greenhouse wall, bind him, and throw him in the back of their truck. Serena and Bonnie sees this happening and they go to help Sycamore, getting into the back of the truck but the door closes behind them locking them in as Team Rocket drives off. Chespin see this all go on an though it tries to give chase it's unable to keep up and trips. Inside the truck Bonnie asks Serena what they're going to do and Serena looks at her basket of macaroons that they found in the lab's greenhouse.
Ash and Clemont hears the commotion and checks what's going on finding Chespin, Sophie runs up to them saying Professor Sycamore is gone and Clemont says so it Serena and Bonnie. Chespin points them to the truck and, realizing what happened, Ash sends out Fletching to follow the truck as Sophie goes to tell Officer Jenny. Just then Chespin smells something and find a piece of a macaroon and another, Clemont figuring the trail is left by Serena and Bonnie so they follow Chespin who's on the trail, eating the macaroons as they go along.
At the warehouse, Team Rocket opens the back of the truck seeing Serena and Bonnie trying to free Professor Sycamore and they do a quick version of Team Rocket's motto. Team Rocket get annoyed they're being mocked and tie Serena and Bonnie up, Bonnie tries attacking them with Dedenne but it has fallen asleep in her bag. Meowth asks Professor Sycamore for his Mega Pokemon research and "tortures" them by scratching a piece of metal, Professor Sycamore agreeing to give them the data which is conveniently in a memory card in his lab coat pocket.
Following Chespin, Ash & co. pass Meyer who asks what's going on which Clemont says something bad as they keep following Chespin and leave Meyer behind. They find the last macaroon but that's not a problem as they're right in front of Team Rocket's warehouse which Fletchling is flying around. They look inside the warehouse and see it's Team Rocket behind this and they have Professor Sycamore, Serena, Bonnie, and Dedenne tied up. Chespin sees the basket of macaroons and sneaks in to get.
Inside, Team Rocket explains their plans and downloads Professor Sycamore's research into their creation, Serena asks why he gave them his research and Professor Sycamore explained it was to keep them safe. Chespin gets to the macaroons but Jessie spots it as Ash and Clemont decide to charge in. Team Rocket says their motto but Ash and Clemont rushed over to free Serena, Bonnie, and Professor Sycamore. Team Rocket gets angry they were ignored and activate their creation: Mega-Mega Meowth Machine. It chases Ash & co. (+ Professor Sycamore & Chespin) out of the warehouse but Chespin trips and spills the macaroons which it tries to pick up though it's about to get run over. Clemont sees it and does a dodge grab to save it where Chespin thanks him by offering a macaroon. Clemont thanks it and says they have to stop Team Rocket.
Pikachu tries using a Thunderbolt but the Mega-Mega Meowth Machine absorbs the attack and sends back its own electrical blast, knocking Pikachu out. As they watch, Chespin remembers a power cord it tripped over and shows Clemont the Mega-Mega Meowth Machine is plugged in so they pull the plug just when it was about to grab Ash and Pikachu. However the Mega-Mega Meowth Machine has backup power from a core behind Meowth who's in the machine's cockpit so Clemont tells Chespin to attack it with Pin Missile. It does nothing and after trying to Tackle the machine a few times with Pikachu's help they still don't do anything to it. Suddenly Mega Blaziken attack the Mega-Mega Meowth Machine revealing Blaziken Mask has arrived to help. Mega Blaziken uses Flamethrower to fry the Mega-Mega Meowth Machine and reveal its core with Pikachu and Chespin attack, causing it to explode and sending Team Rocket blasting off. Blaziken Mask and Mega Blaziken jump off to somewhere else now that Team Rocket has been defeated. Clemont thanks Chespin for helping by giving it the basket of macaroons, but this time Chespin runs around and gives everyone a macaroon instead of selfishly hogging it. Ash & co. (+ Professor Sycamore & Chespin) go back to Sycamore's Lab as they're watched by Mega Blaziken and Blaziken Mask who's revealed to be Clemont's and Bonnie's father, Meyer!
That evening, Ash & co. are getting ready to leave when they spot Chespin who shows it wants to go with Clemont. Clemont asks Professor Sycamore if that's alright which he says it is, giving Clemont Chespin's Pokeball and so Clemont now has a Chespin! With a new member to their party, Ash & co. head to Cyllage City.
As I said, for the most part the story looks okay on paper, so let's get to my comments to see where it shines and where it dulls:
1. Macaroons? Those are so 2 (and soon to be 3) movies ago! Get with the times, Serena. 
2. Mega Meowth... while we now know Team Rocket was now referring to their machine this does bring up the question whether anyone knows in-story that only fully evolved Pokemon can have Mega Evolutions. Here and in the games its acted as if Mega Evolutions just showed up, though later in the games they revealed Mega Evolutions have existed for several generations and I'm going to guess the same will be for the anime. So what's the deal, are Mega Evolutions a new discovery or not?
3. *Serena shows she made macaroons at Sycamore's Lab*
Sophie: How nice. I suggest we have a little tea break with those macarons.
Comment: Tea? Writers, we're in PokeFrance, not PokeEngland.
4. *Chespin is found to have stolen the macaroons*
Sophie: Ah ha! I knew it was you Chespin, sneaking around again?
Comment: No, no, no, you got the line wrong! It's "snooPING AS usual?"! Also, an unusual Starter who's a bit of a glutton. I'm sure that's not going to be joining Ash & co., certainly not...
5. *Chespin pokes Clemont and runs away with the macaroons*
Sophie: That Chespin is a bit of a prankster.
Commet: No, it's a bit of a jerk. A prankster (supposedly) means no harm in its prank. This Chespin stole food and poked Clemont so that it could grab the food it stole and run away.
6. JEEZ TEAM ROCKET! I think you should go back and break a few more panes of glass, I don't think they heard you on the other side of Lumiose City yet!
7. How did the truck doors close? Team Rocket didn't do it and the truck wasn't moving, the doors just shut themselves.
8. *Serena & Bonnie get trapped in Team Rocket's truck along with Professor Sycamore*
Bonnie: Serena, what do we do now?
Comment: Well you can try having Fennekin and Dedenne break down the door (maybe have Fennekin burn through it or at least where the locks are). Failing that, I would suggest getting them ready to attack Team Rocket at full force once they open the doors.
9. About the macaroon trail:
(1.) How did leave a trail of macaroon bits when they're completely locked in the back of the truck?
(2.) How did Chespin find a piece of macaroon in front of Sycamore's Lab when Serena didn't think of the macaroon trail until they were at least a block away from Sycamore's Lab?
10. Of course, Serena and Bonnie were in the back of the truck for who knows how long yet not even when they felt the truck stop did Serena or Bonnie think of preparing of defending themselves against Team Rocket. BTW, this is where the idiocy starts.
11. ARE YOU KIDDING?! As Team Rocket was taping up Bonnie and Serena, Dedenne snuck off to Bonnie's bag to sleep?! If you don't want Dedenne doing anything have Team Rocket incapacitate it! This isn't funny, its mind boggling stupid! Bonnie and Serena saying Team Rocket's motto = funny. Dedenne not helping the people it likes from being captured (itself included) = just stupid!
12. ARE YOU KIDDING AGAIN?! Professor Sycamore just gave up his research because Meowth was scratching a piece of metal? You could have had Team Rocket threaten to hurt Bonnie and Serena for Sycamore to give up the information, otherwise I don't see what you have them tagalong (and before you bring up the macaroon path, they could just have had Fletchling find Team Rocket's truck... which Fletchling actually does!). Sure, later Professor Sycamore tells Serena and Bonnie he gave Team Rocket the data to protect them, but I would think that would have meant a bit more if Team Rocket were directly threatening to harm Serena and Bonnie instead of annoying them by scratching metal.
13. Also, why was Professor Sycamore carrying around his research in a memory card in his lab coat pocket? Wouldn't all his research be back at his lab, INCLUDING backup copies?
14. *Ash & co. follow pass by Meyer while following Chespin*
Meyer: Clemont, something wrong?
Clemont: Something terrible has happened!
Comment: Yes, don't tell your and Bonnie's father that his daughter just got kidnapped and have him help out with his Ampharos.
15. *Jessie asks if James if he's sure this will work*
James: Of course. We simply input the Mega Evolution data into your secret weapon program and we'll be good to go.
Comment: I don't see how that'll do anything. Wouldn't all the data be just text documents, graphs, and images? How would putting that into their creation give them any results?
16. *Ash wants to charge in and help Serena, Bonnie, and Professor Sycamore*
Clemont: We can't rush them, or we'll get caught too.
Comment: Did you not see Chespin sneak in? It was right by your feet!
17. Ash, Clemont, if you're going to charge in at least send out Fletchling, Froakie, and Bunnelby to give you some power behind you than just Pikachu.
18. *As Team Rocket recite their motto, Ash and Clemont go to free Serena, Bonnie, and Professor Sycamore*
Professor Sycamore: Could you untie me too?
Comment: No, Ash & co. were just going to carry you out...
19. You'd think by now Team Rocket would be used to Ash & co. ignoring their motto.
20. James, I don't think that's how you type on a computer...

It's not a piano...
21. So Team Rocket needed the Mega Evolution data for their Mega-Mega Meowth Machine because...?
22. REALLY? The Mega Mega Meowth Machine needs to be plugged in? Okay, stop, stop the review, I need to rant:
If you want comedic Team Rocket, fine, but this isn't the way to do it. If written differently you could have made Team Rocket a bit threatening this episode. The had hostages in the form of Serena and Bonnie they could have threaten to hurt if Professor Sycamore didn't give them his research. They used said research to make a powerful machine they create work (somehow). The machine is almost impervious to all kinds of attacks by Ash & co.'s Pokemon. The only way they could be defeated was with the help of Mega Blaziken. Written differently, you could have showed that Team Rocket still had that "took a level in bad@$$" they got in Unova. However, instead you chose them to do silly things like "torture" their hostages by Meowth scratching a piece of metal (which they showed was also bothering Jessie and James) and their machine needs to be plugged in to work (at least at first). And honestly, I don't see what the point of the Mega Evolution data was since Mega Blaziken just destroyed the machine without much trouble. Am I supposed to be surprise that Ash & co.'s Pokemon aren't able to damage a giant robot even though they're small, all but Pikachu are inexperienced battlers, and the machine can absorb Pikachu's electrical attacks which almost ALL of Team Rocket machines can do? For a "Mega" machine, a lot of Team Rocket's previous mechs were better than then this! And all this just to capture Pikachu when smaller plans proved to be just as effective if not almost succeeding?
Honestly, I think if they wanted comedic Team Rocket they should have instead had the Mega-Mega Meowth Machine directly attack Sycamore's Lab looking for the Mega Evolution data. They could have Team Rocket bumble around as they try to drive a 2 story machine through a small laboratory trying to chase Ash & co. while also causing a lot of destruction which also shows they're still threatening. That way you can have you're silly Team Rocket yet and make the Mega-Mega Meowth Machine act as incomplete as it does and not have Team Rocket look like complete idiots by not taking advantage of having hostages or having given the machine the data yet still look weak.
23. If it had a battery in the form of the core why wasn't it turned on as soon as you activated Mega-Mega Meowth Machine?
24. It's nice they sent Pikahcu to help Chespin... but how about EVERYONE ELSE'S POKEMON! Froakie, Fletchling, Fennekin... okay, granted, they probably wouldn't help that much but at least you're using everything you got!
25. Dun dun DUN! Blaziken Mask is revealed to be Meyer! The only thing I have to say about that is this... why isn't Ampharos Mask with a Mega Ampharos? Okay, I get them wanting to use Mega Blaziken as the poster Mega Pokemon and sort of have it be their Lucario and Zoroark of this generation. However them revealing Blaziken Mask being Clemont's and Bonnie's father who was saw has an Ampharos just makes you wonder why Meyer chose to be a Fire themed super hero instead of an Electric themed. If it was because it was too obvious I guess that'll make some sense, but at the very least give him an Electric-type which doesn't have a Mega Evolution because that's just plain unfair to Ampharos!
26. *Clemont is allowed to take Chespin and is given its Pokeball, recalling Chespin into it*
Clemont: YES! Today is a great day thanks to science, I caught a Chespin!
Comment: How was it thanks to science you caught Chespin, you dodge grabbed it from being crushed by Mega Mega Meowth Machine?
27. I'll end this review off with some trivia: this is the first generation that Ash didn't catch the Grass-type starter! Yup, since Kanto, Ash had always gotten the Grass-type starter but this is the first time he hasn't. This now means that Ash is missing a starter of every type, the other starters Ash never getting being a Torchic, Mudkip, Piplup, and Fennekin. Of course Ash's companions got those Pokemon so they were still in the group, gotta advertise those starters somehow! Speaking of which, this is the 2nd time that Ash shared the starter trio with his companions, the first being in Hoenn when May got Torchic and Brock got Mudkip.
Well, I think that's enough trivia to end things off. Next episode involves some panda Pokemon, and I'm not talking about Spinda. Seeya then!
Edited on 04/05/2014 3:52pm