XY025 "Climbing the Walls!"
XY025? Did I skip an episode? Well, yes, but so did everyone else. You see, XY024 originally was suppose to be the debut episode for Skrelp and Dragalge, and based on the titles it would have to do with some kind of underwater castle/palace (its original title is "Undersea Castle! Skrelp and Dragalge!!" & dub title is "An Undersea Place to Call Home!"). However, this was around the time a South Korean ferry sank which resulted in hundreds dead. The Pokemon Company felt it would be inappropriate to air an episode which would take place mainly underwater so it has been skipped (and its unlikely it'll ever be aired as which happened to a few other episodes).
Thus, we move onto the next episode, XY025, which is Ash's Gym Battle with Grant in Cyllage City! It was actually a pretty good episode, though I am a bit disappointed they swapped out Grant's Amaura for an Onix. Here's what happened:
Ash & co. have finally reached Cyllage City and Ash runs off to find the Gym when Serena stops him and tells him its high up on a cliff. We jump cut ahead to them entering the Gym where they see a giant rock wall and Grant climbing it. Grant greets them and tells them the battle will take place on the top of the rock wall and they can either climb the rock wall or take the elevator. Ash decides he wants to climb the rock wall and does so, Grant asking what Ash was thinking about as he was climbing. Ash says he wasn't thinking of anything and just lookig up, which Grant is glad to hear saying Ash had gotten a bit of enlightenment.
After Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena had taken the elevator up, Ash is explained the rules of the Cyllage Gym: Gym Leader only uses 2 Pokemon with no substitutions while the challenger can use all their Pokemon with substitutions. As is surprised he can use all his Pokemon though Grant says its because he wants to see all that a challenger brings. Ash and Grant begin their battle with Froakie vs. Onix, Serena starts feeling nervous for Ash and hopes that his training helps him win.
Froakie and Onix start with a Water Pulse and Flash Cannon, respectively, but Onix dodges the Water Pulse as Froakie is knocked back by Flash Cannon. As Froakie recovers, Onix uses a Rock Polish and uses its increased speed to chase after Froakie. Froakie uses Double Team which Onix counters with Rock Tomb. Though the falling rocks hit the fakes, Froakie starts climbing up the rocks which Ash calls "Rock Tomb Climb" and once above Onix uses a Water Pulse that hits. Onix recovers and uses an Iron Tail, but Froakie barely dodges and climbs up Onix and does another Water Pulse in its face, knocking it out.
Grants next Pokemon is Tyrunt and Ash decides to keep Froakie in. Froakie uses Double Team as Tyrunt uses Rock Tomb. Froakie "Rock Tomb Climbs" and uses Bubble which hits, but Tyrunt leaps out of the bubbles and uses Draco Meteor, hitting all the fake Froakies and eventually the real Froakie, knocking it out.
Ash next sends out Fletchling to verse Tyrunt. Fletchling uses Razor Wind but Tyrunt uses Crunch and eats the Razor Wind. Fletchling uses Double Team and goes in with a Steel Wing, but Tyrunt jumps right in and uses Dragon Tail to destroy the fakes and then knocks out Fletchling.
Ash sends in Pikachu and Grant notes that he being Tyrunt is Rock/Dragon he has the advantage. Pikachu starts with a Quick Attack and Tyrunt goes in with a Crunch, but Pikachu suddenly jumps over Tyrunt. Tyrunt uses Draco Meteor as Pikachu uses an Iron Tail to not only hit Tyrunt but lift itself into the air and uses the Iron Tail to bounce off the meteors like Froakies "Rock Tomb Climb". Pikachu charges in with another Iron Tail but Tyrunt counters with a Dragon Tail, nullifying both attacks. Tyrunt uses Rock Tomb but Pikachu deflects the rock with Iron Tail and eventually send one flying into Tyrunt's mouth. Pikachu then uses a Thunderbolt which knock out Tyrunt, winning Ash the Gym Badge!
Grant congratulates Ash and rewards him the Cliff Badge. Exiting the Gym, Grant asks where Ash is going next and Serena suggest they go to Shalour City which has a Gym and the Tower of Mastery. Grant says its a good choice and it has a special battle but won't say why. Grant suggests he and Ash battle again at the Battle Chateau which Ash agrees to but Serena reminds him he needs to be a Grand Duke before he can. Ash says he'll then have to become a Grand Duke and says its one more thing to do to be a Pokemon Master, ending the episode with him making a triumphant pose.
As I said, it was a pretty good episode and the battles were pretty good. Of course that doesn't mean I can't poke at the minor details:
1. Um, why is everyone staring at Ash? I'm guessing in the original version he's yelling louder?
That or Ash has the power to make everyone who looks upon him pity him.
2. Did they pull out the model for the rock climbing wall from the games?
Well I guess that's one way to reuse assets.
3. Considering how tall the rock wall is you'd think Grant would have installed some safety harnesses.
4. *Grant asks what Ash was thinking and he said nothing, just looking up*
Grant: Excellent, that means you achieved a state of enlightenment.
Comment: Oh, this is going to be a good laugh.
Grant: You're mind was crystal clear, unclouded.
Comment: It's as if you had no thoughts whatsoever...
5. *Clemont asks why Grant has challengers climb the rock wall*
Grant: So that inner peace can be achieved.
Comment: Grant, I thought this was the Rock-type Gym, not the Grass-type if you know what I mean, man.
6. *Sigh* Why did they switch out his Amaura for an Onix? We've seen Onix before, plenty of times, used by many Rock-type Gym Leaders in fact, WE DIDN'T NEED ANOTHER ONE! Combine that with last episode could have been the episdoe that debut Team Flare but instead focused on Amaura makes you wonder what the writers are thinking.
7. *Froakie defeats Onix*
Clemont: Using a Water Pulse from a super close range sure worked well.
Comment: Honestly Onix should have fainted when the first Water Pulse hit. Onix has poor Special Defense, is quadruple weak to Water-types, Froakie's Special Attack is its highest offensive stat, and it would have gotten STAB from Water Pulse.
8. FLETCHLING? Well, I guess it makes sense if Ash was planning on just having Fletchling try to weaken Tyrunt before sending out Pikachu.
9. Why does Grant keep pointing out that Tyrunt is both a Rock/Dragon-type thus has an advantage over Pikachu? I mean, yeah, its Dragon-type makes it resistant to Electric-type moves, but that's all. It's not like he did it for Fletchling and Tyrunt had more of an advantage against it. It kind of sounded like the writers got Rock-types confused with Ground-types again which during the battle looked like what happened, but then Pikachu used an Electric-type attack so no, the writers knew Electric was neutral to Rock-types. Well, at least damage Rock-types, maybe they thought Rock-type also resisted Electric-types thus why they were making a big deal out of it. These are the writers who didn't check to see which was the most common type of Pokemon in the episode about THE MOST COMMON TYPE!
10. Grant: One more thing, let's have a rematch at the Battle Chateau.
Comment: LOL, implying we're ever going back to the Battle Chateau.
NEXT TIME! A Poke Puff cook off with Serena and Pokemon as sweet as cotton candy!