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Pokemon The Series: XY Discussion

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [41]Jul 8, 2014
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    XY025 "Climbing the Walls!"

    XY025? Did I skip an episode? Well, yes, but so did everyone else. You see, XY024 originally was suppose to be the debut episode for Skrelp and Dragalge, and based on the titles it would have to do with some kind of underwater castle/palace (its original title is "Undersea Castle! Skrelp and Dragalge!!" & dub title is "An Undersea Place to Call Home!"). However, this was around the time a South Korean ferry sank which resulted in hundreds dead. The Pokemon Company felt it would be inappropriate to air an episode which would take place mainly underwater so it has been skipped (and its unlikely it'll ever be aired as which happened to a few other episodes).

    Thus, we move onto the next episode, XY025, which is Ash's Gym Battle with Grant in Cyllage City! It was actually a pretty good episode, though I am a bit disappointed they swapped out Grant's Amaura for an Onix. Here's what happened:

    Ash & co. have finally reached Cyllage City and Ash runs off to find the Gym when Serena stops him and tells him its high up on a cliff. We jump cut ahead to them entering the Gym where they see a giant rock wall and Grant climbing it. Grant greets them and tells them the battle will take place on the top of the rock wall and they can either climb the rock wall or take the elevator. Ash decides he wants to climb the rock wall and does so, Grant asking what Ash was thinking about as he was climbing. Ash says he wasn't thinking of anything and just lookig up, which Grant is glad to hear saying Ash had gotten a bit of enlightenment.
    After Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena had taken the elevator up, Ash is explained the rules of the Cyllage Gym: Gym Leader only uses 2 Pokemon with no substitutions while the challenger can use all their Pokemon with substitutions. As is surprised he can use all his Pokemon though Grant says its because he wants to see all that a challenger brings. Ash and Grant begin their battle with Froakie vs. Onix, Serena starts feeling nervous for Ash and hopes that his training helps him win.
    Froakie and Onix start with a Water Pulse and Flash Cannon, respectively, but Onix dodges the Water Pulse as Froakie is knocked back by Flash Cannon. As Froakie recovers, Onix uses a Rock Polish and uses its increased speed to chase after Froakie. Froakie uses Double Team which Onix counters with Rock Tomb. Though the falling rocks hit the fakes, Froakie starts climbing up the rocks which Ash calls "Rock Tomb Climb" and once above Onix uses a Water Pulse that hits. Onix recovers and uses an Iron Tail, but Froakie barely dodges and climbs up Onix and does another Water Pulse in its face, knocking it out.
    Grants next Pokemon is Tyrunt and Ash decides to keep Froakie in. Froakie uses Double Team as Tyrunt uses Rock Tomb. Froakie "Rock Tomb Climbs" and uses Bubble which hits, but Tyrunt leaps out of the bubbles and uses Draco Meteor, hitting all the fake Froakies and eventually the real Froakie, knocking it out.
    Ash next sends out Fletchling to verse Tyrunt. Fletchling uses Razor Wind but Tyrunt uses Crunch and eats the Razor Wind. Fletchling uses Double Team and goes in with a Steel Wing, but Tyrunt jumps right in and uses Dragon Tail to destroy the fakes and then knocks out Fletchling.
    Ash sends in Pikachu and Grant notes that he being Tyrunt is Rock/Dragon he has the advantage. Pikachu starts with a Quick Attack and Tyrunt goes in with a Crunch, but Pikachu suddenly jumps over Tyrunt. Tyrunt uses Draco Meteor as Pikachu uses an Iron Tail to not only hit Tyrunt but lift itself into the air and uses the Iron Tail to bounce off the meteors like Froakies "Rock Tomb Climb". Pikachu charges in with another Iron Tail but Tyrunt counters with a Dragon Tail, nullifying both attacks. Tyrunt uses Rock Tomb but Pikachu deflects the rock with Iron Tail and eventually send one flying into Tyrunt's mouth. Pikachu then uses a Thunderbolt which knock out Tyrunt, winning Ash the Gym Badge!
    Grant congratulates Ash and rewards him the Cliff Badge. Exiting the Gym, Grant asks where Ash is going next and Serena suggest they go to Shalour City which has a Gym and the Tower of Mastery. Grant says its a good choice and it has a special battle but won't say why. Grant suggests he and Ash battle again at the Battle Chateau which Ash agrees to but Serena reminds him he needs to be a Grand Duke before he can. Ash says he'll then have to become a Grand Duke and says its one more thing to do to be a Pokemon Master, ending the episode with him making a triumphant pose.

    As I said, it was a pretty good episode and the battles were pretty good. Of course that doesn't mean I can't poke at the minor details:

    1. Um, why is everyone staring at Ash? I'm guessing in the original version he's yelling louder?

    That or Ash has the power to make everyone who looks upon him pity him.

    2. Did they pull out the model for the rock climbing wall from the games?

    Well I guess that's one way to reuse assets.

    3. Considering how tall the rock wall is you'd think Grant would have installed some safety harnesses.

    4. *Grant asks what Ash was thinking and he said nothing, just looking up*
    Grant: Excellent, that means you achieved a state of enlightenment.
    Comment: Oh, this is going to be a good laugh.
    Grant: You're mind was crystal clear, unclouded.
    Comment: It's as if you had no thoughts whatsoever...

    5. *Clemont asks why Grant has challengers climb the rock wall*
    Grant: So that inner peace can be achieved.
    Comment: Grant, I thought this was the Rock-type Gym, not the Grass-type if you know what I mean, man.

    6. *Sigh* Why did they switch out his Amaura for an Onix? We've seen Onix before, plenty of times, used by many Rock-type Gym Leaders in fact, WE DIDN'T NEED ANOTHER ONE! Combine that with last episode could have been the episdoe that debut Team Flare but instead focused on Amaura makes you wonder what the writers are thinking.

    7. *Froakie defeats Onix*
    Clemont: Using a Water Pulse from a super close range sure worked well.
    Comment: Honestly Onix should have fainted when the first Water Pulse hit. Onix has poor Special Defense, is quadruple weak to Water-types, Froakie's Special Attack is its highest offensive stat, and it would have gotten STAB from Water Pulse.

    8. FLETCHLING? Well, I guess it makes sense if Ash was planning on just having Fletchling try to weaken Tyrunt before sending out Pikachu.

    9. Why does Grant keep pointing out that Tyrunt is both a Rock/Dragon-type thus has an advantage over Pikachu? I mean, yeah, its Dragon-type makes it resistant to Electric-type moves, but that's all. It's not like he did it for Fletchling and Tyrunt had more of an advantage against it. It kind of sounded like the writers got Rock-types confused with Ground-types again which during the battle looked like what happened, but then Pikachu used an Electric-type attack so no, the writers knew Electric was neutral to Rock-types. Well, at least damage Rock-types, maybe they thought Rock-type also resisted Electric-types thus why they were making a big deal out of it. These are the writers who didn't check to see which was the most common type of Pokemon in the episode about THE MOST COMMON TYPE!

    10. Grant: One more thing, let's have a rematch at the Battle Chateau.
    Comment: LOL, implying we're ever going back to the Battle Chateau.

    NEXT TIME! A Poke Puff cook off with Serena and Pokemon as sweet as cotton candy!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [42]Jul 9, 2014
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    XY026 "A Battle by Any Other Name!"

    An interesting episode, a very girly one too and I don't mean because of the cooking. And keeping with annoying tradition, they yet again debuted two Gen VI Pokemon, Swirlix and Slurpuff. There's only 71 new Pokemon (not counting alternate forms, also we can probably remove the 6 Legendary Pokemon from the list), I guess you can add in the currently known 34 Mega Evolutions to that number (though, once again, some of those are Legendary) but you still need to spread them out for the whole Kalos arc! But you've heard this rant before, so I'll bring up something new: Are we suppose to take it that Miette is going to be some kind of rival to Serena? Serena's only character is that she has a crush on Ash and, well, now we this new girl who's antagonistic to Serena that developed a crush on Ash. Seems like it would be the only way to make a rival for Serena at this point. Here's the episode summary to help you decide:

    We begin the episode with Serena giving some Poke Puffs to Fennekin. Ash walks over to them and Serena gives a Poke Puff to Pikachu. Ash then decides to have some when Clemont and Bonnie walk over and Bonnie asks if she could give one to Dedenne. Ash hands her over one but its suddenly lifted into the air by a Psychic, soon revealed to be coming from a Slurpuff. The Slurpuff eats the two remaining Poke Puffs as its trainer walks up to them and explains that Slurpuff thinks those Poke Puffs were decent, much to Serena's annoyance. Slurpuff's trainer introduces herself as Miette and apologizes for Slurpuff by offering their Pokemon some of her Poke Puffs. Ash then grabs a Poke Puff only for is mouth to be set on fire.
    After a jump cut, Miette explains that Poke Puff was for Fire-types and not all Poke Puffs can be eaten by people, some are specifically made for certain Pokemon. Serena says she makes her Poke Puffs like that and Miette says that's "Poke Puffs 101", both start glaring at each other. Bonnie suggest they have a bake off to decide who makes Poke Puffs best, pointing to a poster advertising a Poke Puff Contest which Miette explains she was actually heading too. Of course, Serena decides to enter.
    At the Poke Puff Contest, all the contestants (including a disguised Team Rocket) make their Poke Puffs, though Team Rocket's don't go so well. The chief judges of the Poke Puff Contest is a beautiful woman named Gina who announces it's time to judge the Poke Puffs explaining that a good Poke Puff increases th bond between trainer and Pokemon. As always, Bonnie sneaks onto stage and asks Gina to marry Clemont much to his embarrassment as he grabs Bonnie and runs away. Seeing this, Miette sits next to Ash and asks if he has "someone to take care of him" (in the Japanese version she asks if he has someone he wants to be his bride), confusing Ash ash she looks at Serena who glares back.
    The results are in and Serena is in as well as Miette (and two kids known as the Berry Baker Kids). Gina says they'll have a few hours to gather supplies and make their Poke Puff for the finals, Serena and Miette glaring at each other the whole time. Back stage, Team Rocket mopes about losing for they planned to steal everyone's Pokemon when they won but Jessie is most angry saying she's the Pofe Puff queen and if she can't make Pofe Puffs then no one can.
    Ash & co. go all around the market stalls but they're all out of berries. Miette comes up to them asking if they found any berries and Serena blames Miette for the missing berries and the two get into a fight. Bonnie suggests they look in for the forest for berries where they find the trees have been cut down. Serena runs off while Miette says her Slurpuff should be able to smell them out.
    Just then they hear Serena scream and we see her being attacked by a group of Swirlix. Ash & co. (+ Miette) chase the Swirlix away as Serena suggest they ate all the berries but Miette says her Slurpuff says they didn't, knowing as its the evolved form a Swirlix. Slurpuff sniff the air and leads them to a cliff they quickly climb over to find all the berries.
    Just then the Swirlix come running out as they're being attacked by Team Rocket who reveal they stole all the berries with their Octillery Mech (the Swirlix attacking Serena because they were angry people stole their food supply). They then use the hose function to suck up Pikachu and Swirlix and try to steal everyone else's Pokemon. Ash asks Clemont what can they do and he suggest clogging up the hose which Ash does by using his body and holding onto the hold so he's not sucked in (impressing Miette). This overload Team Rocket's mech but they switch it to exhaust and blow away Ash, Pikachu and the Swirlix. With everyone freed, the Swirlix use sticky threads to tie up Team Rocket's mech as Ash, Serena, and Miette use Pikachu's Thunderbolt, Fennekin's Flamethrower, and Slurpuff's Energy Ball to blast them off.
    Back at the Poke Puff Contest, after all that Gina announces the winners to be the Berry Baker Kids much to Serena and Miette's shock. At the end of the episode Serena and Miette make amends for how they acted to each other but Miette then teases Serena that if she doesn't tell Ash she likes him then she'll tell him she herself does. Serena blushes a deep red before running back to Ash & co. to continue their journey.

    Sorry for the info dump, but I did say to make your own decision on Miette and that was all needed to do so! Though a lot of that is from small details. But that's not all the details, for that I have my comments:


    2. *Slurpuff's trainer walks up after eating Serena's Poke Puffs*
    Girl: You see, Slurpuff thinks your Poke Puffs tasted decent enough.
    *Serena gives her a glare*
    Comment: B****, that be fighting words!

    3. And this is why people shouldn't eat Pokemon food.

    Better or worse than soylent green?

    4. So is the fact that they're fighting who can cook the best taking a few steps back for feminism?

    Just remember to film them as they fight, you'll get a million hits on PokeVision.

    5. An electronic poster which changes text, how high tech and superfluous.

    Taking "graphic design" to a whole new level.

    6. *Clemont and Bonnie comment how delicious the Poke Puffs look*
    Ash: I could eat them just like they are.
    Comment: Ash, you would be fine just eating the ingredients.

    7. Oh for Arceus sake, do the microphones really need to be Poke Puff shape?

    And yes, that is Team Rocket messing up in the background of the first one.

    Guess which one is Team Rocket's:

    Hint: it's the one you don't want to eat.

    8. *Clemont had just run away after Bonnie asked Gina to marry him*
    Miette: So Ash, do you already have someone to take care of you?
    Comment: Do you not see all the people travelling with him? Ash would have either died of starvation, exposure, to his own stupidity, or any combination of the three by now if he wasn't with companions.
    Ash: What are you talking about?
    Comment: I can already tell this is going to be an intellectual conversation. Meanwhile Serena is possibly thinking of Poke Puff poisoning:

    Miette: Hmmmm... *stares are Serena*

    Serena: Hmpf.

    Cyanide, definitely cyanide.


    Give it a season and they'll be baking Poke Puffs on motorcycles.

    10. *Miette asks if they found any berries after finding the stalls are all out*
    Comment: Serena, why would she be looking for Berries if she already had them? If she did do it I don't think she'd be subtle about it.

    Comment: Because ever since you met Serena you've been a total b**** to her?

    11. *Ash & co. (+ Miette) check the obviously cut down forest for berries*
    Ash: I don't see any.
    Serena: But how can that be?
    Comment: Do none of you see the cut down trees?

    Kind of hard to find berries when the top of the trees are missing...

    12. *Serena runs off to find any berries, Miette explains she has a better option*
    Miette: My Slurpuff can help figure this thing out. If something sweet is in the air, Slurpuff can find where it is. So finding berries should be a piece of cake!
    Comment: Then why didn't you do that before?

    13. *Serena gets attacked by a group of Swirlix*
    Serena: What do you want?
    Comment: Serena, this is what happens you you go around dressing like candy and acting like a "sweet" girl, you get eaten by Swirlix (who can float for some reason).

    Oh dear, you know this looks HIGHLY suggestive, not helped that they're sticking their tongues out and Serena's horrified face...

    14. OMG, they're actually using their Grass-type Pokemon's vine whip to lift them up a cliff!

    IT'S A MIRACLE! They can think beyond their own capabilities and with that of their Pokemon!

    15. *Ash & co. (+ Miette) find the berries*
    Ash: They're delicious!
    Serena & Miette: ALREADY!
    Comment: Told you, I bet Ash couldn't tell a difference between a raw fruit and expertly prepared fruit dish.

    16. Meowth: Check out my Robo-Baby-Buggy-Berry-Robbing-Swiped-The-Sweets-And-Make-Our-Own-Treats-Octillery-Mark-3.
    Clemont: Huh?! That's such a creative name.
    Comment: I'd say that Team Rocket would be making fun of you, but this is actually standard naming convention for them. So instead I'll point out that when it comes to naming things Clemont thinks the same way Team Rocket does, take from that what you will.
    Serena: You would think that.
    Clemont: Ouch.

    Maybe you should let Bonnie try naming some of your inventions...

    17. Are Team Rocket BLENDING Pikachu and the Swirlix?!

    Will they blend?

    18. The Berry Baker Kids won? Well, I guess that's one compromise, and by that I mean cop out.

    Do they even have names?

    19. *Serena and Miette have made amends for the way they acted toward each other*
    Miette: Either you tell Ash how you feel about him or I'll tell him how I feel.

    Comment: Get in line, we don't even know if we'll see you after this episode.
    Miette: Don't say I didn't warn you.

    Comment: Let me remind you all that Ash doesn't even understand Pokemon love, you expect him to get human love? You can probably make Ash say anything you want by offering him Poke Puffs as long as its not admitting he's a bad Pokemon trainer.

    NEXT TIME! Life and death situation, and to solve it all they need to do is find an ordinary flower!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [43]Jul 9, 2014
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    XY027 "To Find a Fairy Flower!"

    An okay episode, though its pure filler. Here's the plot:

    While Ash & co. prepare to get going after a break on a grassy field, Bonnie is having some hair problems. Serena helps her out by giving her a flower-shaped hair clip when suddenly a Flabebe floats by and grabs onto Bonnie's flower hair clip. Noticing that Flabebe looks sad, they feed it some flower nectar that Serena uses for Poke Puff baking which makes it feel better. Bonnie asks Clemont to catch Flabebe for her, but when he taps Flabebe with a Pokeball it doesn't work meaning that Flabebe is already owned by another trainer.
    They go to the next town looking for Flabebe's owner when an old man suddenly calls out for Flabebe and hugs Bonnie saying he's glad its okay. The old man apologizes and says his name is Gray and he's Flabebe's owner. Gray thanks them for finding Flabebe and asks if to come with him, thoug Flabebe won't leave Bonnie's flower hair clip. Clemont asks why Flabebe doesn't have a flower of its own and Gray explains that Flabebe lives with him and his wide Florence. A few days ago Florence had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital and he told this to Flabebe. Last night, while Gray slept, Flabebe left the house nd when Gray woke up he went to the hospital where he found Flabebe watching Florence from the window. Suddenly there was a strong gust of wind which knocked Flabebe off its flower, the flower then getting run over by a car. Flabebe got caught in the wind and was blown away before Gray could grab it. Gray says that Florence is better but she's feeling depressed without Flabebe, however without Flabebe's flower it'll start to weaken. Ash & co. volunteer to find Flabebe a new flower which Gray tells them it specifically likes Fairy Flowers which are hard to find. Ash & co. say they'll find it and Gray thanks them before heading off to the hospital.
    Before they start their search, Ash & co. take Flabebe to the Pokemon Center. After its healed, Nurse Joy tells them without its flower it'll keep losing energy. Ash & co. ask where they could find Fairy Flowers and she points them to a nearby meadow but tells them they're out of season but Ash & co. say they'll give it a try. Meanwhile, Team Rocket are also in the Pokemon Center and overhears Ash & co., coming up with a plan.
    As Ash & co. are about to leave for the meadow, a disguised Team Rocket appear in front of them offering a tour to the meadows which Ash & co. happily agree to. At the meadows, Ash & co. look for a Fairy Flower though Flabebe eventually senses one on a cliff. Because a Flabebe needs to join with a flower while its till alive, Bonnie decides to climb the cliff and eventually get to the Fairy Flower which Flabebe bonds with.
    With Ash & co. distracted, Team Rocket initiate their plan and capture Pikachu and attacks Ash, Clemont, and Serena who send out the Kalos starters but are having problems in the battle. Flabebe then flies above Team Rocket spraying a special pollen on them which calms them and they release Pikachu. Ash & co. run back to the hospital while Team Rocket lay in the meadows feeling all calm.
    At the hospital Gray is talking with Florence when Ash & co. come in with Flabebe. Seeing Flabebe makes Florence feel better and she thanks Ash & co. for helping though hey say it was Bonnie who did the most by climbing a cliff to get the Fairy Flower. Bonnie says bye to Flabebe though says she'll see it again, making them both happy.
    We end the episode with Bonnie feeling sad about leaving Flabebe, but Dedenne cheers her up as Ash & co. continue their way to Shalour City.

    Yeah, nothing much really happened, but there are still some minor details I'd like to comment on:


    This is why kids shouldn't travel alone!

    2. *We see in a flashback Florence having a heart attack and falling over*
    Gray: Florence suddenly fallen ill.
    Comment: No, she had a heart attack.

    3. *Gray finds Flabebe watching Florence from the hospital window*
    Gray: It had a very worried expression on its face.
    Comment: Gee, I wonder why, it only witnessed its elder trainer HAVING A HEART ATTACK.

    4. Apparently the newspapers Team Tocket are holding up contain references to 3 the previous: Jessie's has pictures of berries, Poke Puffs, an a shot of the Poke Puff Contest from XY025 "A Battle by Any Other Name"; James' has a picture of Amaura and Aurorus from XY023 "Coming Back into the Cold!", and Meowth's has a picture from what's supposedly from XY024 "An Undersea Place to Call Home!".
    Totally inconspicuous.

    5. Team Rocket, you're in PokeFrance, not Poke... whatever stereotype you're suppose to be.

    Irish? Dutch? Swedish? WHAT ARE YOU SUPPOSE TO BE!

    6. I suppose Bonnie can climb up the cliff... OR you could use Chespin to use Vine Whip to lift her up LIKE YOU DID LAST EPISODE. Or bettr yet, have Fletchling fly Flabebe up there. USE YOUR POKEMON!

    7. Team Rocket, what was your plan? Yeah, one of he "twerps" is up on a cliff... but said twerp is Bonnie who doesn't have any Pokemon, the ones you needed to worry about were still down where you were.

    8. Oh I call Tauros Mulch! So even though Ash, Clemont, and Serena have the starters out they're now all of a sudden losing to Team Rocket? Flabebe's "rescue" feels so forced.

    9. So in the original version Flabebe used Aromatherapy to make Team Rocket so calm that it for some reason made them released Team Rocket. Apparently the dub team thought that this was SO STUPID that they changed it so that Flabebe now can release a pollen which makes people feel "wonderfully relaxed" (a.k.a. high as a kite).

    They even play some psychedelic music leaving them!

    NEXT TIME! ~dooldooldooldool~ A Champion has appeared!

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    [44]Jul 9, 2014
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    XY028 "The Bonds of Evolution!"

    A good episode, Champion Diantha makes her appearance in the anime and we got to see her battle a few times. Though I am a bit surprised they decided to talk about Mega Evolutions indepth instead of waiting until Shalour City. Well, here's the plot of the episode:

    Ash & co. are in a town and see a poster advertising a big battle. Serena points out that its an exposition battle with Diantha, though of course Ash doesn't know who that is so they have to explain to him she's the Kalos League Champion and a famous actress. Ash & co. get the stadium and go back stage to see Diantha but see that there are a whole bunch of reporters already there. Ash & co. are about to give up when someone calls them into a side room: Professor Sycamore!
    In the side room, Ash & co. are surprised to see him though he reveals he's there to study Diantha's Key Stone and her Gardevoir which can Mega Evolve. Ash & co. ask if Diantha is here and Sycamore says she's in the next room putting on makeup. Ash wants to challenge Diantha to a battle and is about to open the door when it opens and Diantha walk out. Diantha greets them asking if they're friends of Sycamore and introductions are done. Sycamore asks if Diantha reconsider lending him her Key Stone to study but Diantha says its too important for her to lend. Diantha suggests maybe she could stop by his lab the next time they're in Lumiose City but Diantha's manager, Cathy Lee, walks in and says they're not scheduled to go to Lumiose City any time soon. Sycamore tries to persuade her but Cathy Lee isn't budging as Diantha prepares for her battle.
    As the battle starts up, Sycamore explains to Ash & co. about Mega Evolution. Diantha's challenger sends out an Absol while Diantha sends out her Gardevoir which is wearing its Mega Stone. Diantha let her opponent go first as Absol charges in with a Bite but Diantha just nods her head and Gardevoir teleports away from the attack. The rest of the battle is like that until Absol uses Psycho Cut which Gardevoir counters with a Shadow Ball that goes through it and goes on to hit Absol. Finally Absol uses Perish Song but Gardevoir uses Moonblast and finishes the battle. Also during the battle, Team Rocket overhears what Sycamore said and decide to steal Diantha's Gardevoir.
    Ash & co. (+ Sycamore) go back stage to meet Diantha but hear a security guard tell reporters that she's already gone to film a movie. Disappointed, Ash & co. (+ Sycamore) decide to go to a restaurant famous for its cake, though Sycamore has to send the video he shot of the battle to his lab first.
    Ash & co. get to the restaurant and see that its packed with a line going out the door, though Serena and Bonnie are determined to get some of that cake. After waiting for who knows how long, Serena and Bonnie come back with only one slice of cake which she says they need to share. Just before Clemont uses one of his inventions to split it up evenly, they hear a waiter tell a woman that they're out of cake. Ash & co. offer a piece of their cake to the woman who recognizes them and reveals that she's Diantha in disguise. Ash & co. are surprised and, after splitting the cake in 5 bits, Diantha thanks them and explains whenver she comes to a new town she likes to taste the best dessert there. Ash then challenges Diantha to a battle and though she would normally reject unofficial battles she'll accept Ash's because they shared their cake with her. Just then Sycamore shows up and they go to a secluded spot in the forest to have their battle.
    It's Ash's Pikachu verses Diantha's Gardevoir and, like with the exposition battle, Diantha lets Ash go first. As you probably expect, Pikachu does all its attacks but Gardevoir dodges them all by teleporting until it uses a Shadow Ball. Ash catches Pikachu before it hits a tree and says they aren't done yet, Diantha admiring Ash and Pikachu's strong bond. But just then an energy cage forms around Gardevoir and Team Rocket show up. They throw a smoke screen and get away but Diantha uses her strong bond with Gardevoir to follow where Team Rocket took it. Diantha explains she once got lost in an unexplored region when filming a movie when her Gardevoir found her, Cathy Lee telling her that it came out of its Pokeball all on its own and they followed it to her. Sycamore wonders if it was because of the Mega Stone though Ash & co. think it was because how close their hearts are.
    Eventually they find Team Rocket and Diantha confronts them. She Mega Evolves Gardevoir to Mega Gardevoir and it uses Shadow Ball to break the energy cage and Moonblast to send Team Rocket blasting off. After that Cathy Lee in a helicopter finds them and Diantha leaves on it, Ash asking if they could battle when Ash beats the Kalos League *snort* and Diantha agrees, ending the episode with Ash & co. (+ Sycamore) waving goodbye to Diantha as she flies off in the helicopter.

    A lot happened in this episode and I included as much detail as I could. However there are details I left out and here are a few I want to comment on:

    1. *Serena sees the poster of the exposition battle*
    Serena: Wait, is that... it is! Diantha is doing an exposition battle!
    Clemont: Wonderful!
    Bonnie: Yeah!
    Ash: Awesome! Alright! So... who's Diantha anyway?

    Comment: And remember, he wants to be a Pokemon Master!

    2. Apparently Diantha is suppose to be based off Audrey Hepburn.

    ... I don't see it.

    3. *Ash & co. see a billboard of one of Diantha's movies*
    Clemont: That's her in the blockbuster "My Sweet, Sweet Lady".
    Comment: Okay, we get it, she's Audrey Hepburn... which is kind of odd. According to Wikipedia (the most reliable of sources) Audrey Hepburn was British-Austrian and grew up moving between Belgium, England and the Netherlands. The only French thing about her is that she spoke the language, but she also spoke English, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, and German also. Don't get me wrong, she was a great and beautiful actress, but for a region based on France shouldn't they have picked a French actress for the Champions basis?

    4. Ash: Yes, that's it, I'll challenge her.
    Comment: Because you facing Champions (or Elite Four members) in the past proved so successful.

    5. Professor Sycamore, why don't you just go to the Tower of Mastery and get your own Key Stone? For a Professor who is supposedly an expert on Mega Evolutions you kind of suck at it. Wait, where did Alain from the Mega Evolution Special get his Mega Ring and Key Stone if Professor Sycamore didn't give it to him?

    6. *Dianth's manager, Cathy Lee, tells Sycamore they have no plans on going to Lumiose City so he can study Diantha's Key Stone*
    Sycamore: Your expression is as cute as ever when you get angry you know.
    *Sycamore moves in for a kiss but gets it with a book*

    Comment: Smooth...

    7. Ash, you scanned a Gardevoir last region...

    8. So are we going to bring up Gardevoir's re-type? Last time Ash say one it was a pure Psychic-type.

    9. Perish Song? In a single battle? What was the guy hoping to accomplish? Taking the Champion's Pokemon down with his? It would still be consider a lost on his part.

    10. *Ash & co. (+ Sycamore) go backstage to see Diantha*
    Security Guard: Diantha is shooting a movie right now so she already left the stadium.
    Comment: Oh come on, I'm sure you could come up with an even more obvious blatent lie.

    11. Serena, Bonnie, after waiting in a long line you only got one small slice of cake for 4 people + their Pokemon?

    That wouldn't even feed Pikachu!

    12. Diantha: Whenever I visit a town for work, I always look forward to sampling the most popular dessert, whether I'm busy or not.
    Comment: And you never thought of ordering ahead and reserving a piece of the dessert?

    13. Okay, timing battle now at 13:35... and ending at 14:10. Ash vs. Diantha lasted for all of 35 seconds. I'll let that speak for itself.

    14. Great hiding Team Rocket:

    Totally inconspicuous.

    15. How did Cathy Lee find Diantha? Did they hear Team Rocket blast off and figured that was Diantha's doing?

    NEXT TIME! A case of mistaken identity, a plan to trick Clemont to help Team Rocket!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [45]Aug 18, 2014
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    XY029 "Heroes - Friends and Faux Alike!"

    An okay episode, Team Rocket's plan was sorta smart and worked, even though if anyone in this series had working eyes would know that something wasn't right. I'm not to sure whether to note this being a Clemont episode or a Team Rocket episode, its focus was seemingly on Clemont but most of the time we were with Team Rocket. Also this is a complete filler, no new Pokemon were shown nor did anything change about Ash & co.'s Pokemon. I suppose it was a bit funny seeing Team Rocket dressed up and acting like a delinquent version of Ash & co., though that doesn't overlook the fact we could have used this episode to focus on something from the games (do you know Ash & co. are on Route 10? You didn't, I'm not surprised, being that that the main thing about Route 10 has been excluded: THE POKEMON GRAVES!).

    The episode starts with Ash & co. battling Team Rocket who had already captured Pikachu. Clemont reveals a new invention that absorbs the attacks of Team Rocket's Pokemon, giving Ash time to have Froakie free Pikachu who sends Team Rocket blasting off. Ash, Serena, & Bonnie thank Clemont before his invention explodes like usual.
    Over to where Team Rocket landed, they're impressed by Clemont's invention and decide they'll trick him into making something for them. In the next city/town, Team Rocket have dressed up as Ash (James), Pikachu (Inkay), Serena (Jessie), and Bonnie (Meowth with a Dedenne puppet) and start causing trouble. They attack a boy's Pancham, steal food from a concession stand, and steal more food from a restaurant. As they run away they make sure to scream out Ash & co.'s name.
    Ash & co. get to town where they're accused for the crimes though the people realize that something is off about them. Officer Jenny takes Ash, Serena, & Bonnie to the police station to talk with them, leaving Clemont to wait for them at the Pokemon Center. Meanwhile Team Rocket are listening in around the corner and prepares for the next part of their plan.
    At the police station Officer Jenny tells Ash, Serena, & Bonnie that fakes of them are running around and tells them to be careful around town before letting them go. Ash, Serena, & Bonnie call Clemont to let him know what's happening but after they hang up Team Rocket come in disguised as scientists and ask for Clemont's help saying they've heard of his genius. Flattered, Clemont agrees and leaves a letter for Ash & co. as he goes with Team Rocket. Team Rocket show him a Heliolisk Robot which they say they're building for a world peace group but an Electric-type Pokemon keeps attacking it. Clemont gets to work making the robot electric-proof as they go behind a shelf to report to Giovanni. Clemont finished with the Heliolisk Robot when he notices another machine which Team Rocket says is a transport device they couldn't get to work. Clemont fixes it and Team Rocket thank Clemont, letting him leave as they prepare for the next day. Clemont meets up with Ash & co. at the Pokemon Center, explained he was helping some scientists, and they tell him that there are fakes of them running around causing trouble. They decide that the next day they'll go look for the fakes. That night Team Rocket finishes preparations for their encounter with Ash & co., now only needing to get their attention tomorrow.
    Next day Team Rocket do just that as they once again steal food from another concession stand to lure Ash & co. into their trap. Ash & co. talk to the concession guy who tells them where Team Rocket ran and Ash & co. find them under a tree in a field. Ash & co. demand to know who they are and why are they causing trouble as them, Team Rocket revealing who they are and attacks them with the Heliolisk Robot. Team Rocket explain they used Clemont to make them an invention that'll help them catch Pikachu, Clemont stunned and ashamed that he was tricked. Pikachu battles the Heliolisk Robot but it absorbs Pikachu's attacks and captures it, Team Rocket then putting Pikachu into a capsule and into the transport machine, further to Clemont's embarrassment. However, being the Heliolisk is one of Clemont's invention, it malfunction and blows up, sending Team Rocket blasting off but they're still happy as they only know where Pikachu went.
    ash tries going down the transport machine's tube but Clemont says it was only meant to fit a size of a small Pokemon. Clemont makes things right again by telling everyone that Team Rocket needed it to transport something for a mile and a half so used Serena's Town Map to create a search area and then sends out Bunnelby to see where the pipe is going.
    Team Rocket gets to the other transport machine first but Ash & co. get their soon after. Jessie and James send out Inkay and Pumpkaboo but Clemont had rebuild his attack absorbing invention and absorbs their Pokemon's attacks. Bunnelyby sends Inkay and Pumpkaboo flying back at Team Rocket which also frees Pikachu who sends Team Rocket blasting off a third time. Ash, Serena, & Bonnie thank and congratulate Clemont as his invention blows up again.
    We end the episode with Clemont show plans for a 3rd version of his attack absorbing invention and they continuing their way to Shalour City.

    That's overall what happened but much like an inside of a machine there are bits of details I didn't go over but still want to comment on:

    1. Team Rocket, maybe instead of attacking Clemont when he has his absorbing invention directly you can attack around him, or attack behind him, or maybe Meowth can run around and knock him down, or you could even try attacking together and try overloading/overwhelming his invention. Anything because attack directly at him one move after another ISN'T DOING ANYTHING! This goes for both the beginning and end of the episode.

    2. Team Rocket are lucky that no thinks otherwise everyone would have realized that Pikachu don't float or can use Psybeam (yes, the kid pointed it out, but James just shrugged it off and the kid went along with it).

    3. Okay, I can understand how Team Rocket was able to run away from the restaurant without paying, but don't you usually pay the guy at the concession stand before getting your food?

    4. *The Pancham Kid runs into the real Ash & co. and tell them he told Officer Jenny on them*
    Kid: That's weird, how come your Pikachu isn't floating in the air like before?
    Comment: Not to mention Ash and Serena are a little over half the size of Jessie and James...

    5. Then again at least the kid has an excuse of beings smaller then Ash & co. that he could have just confused the heights. Who don't have that excuse are the adults who blame Ash & co. for stealing the food yet not noticing that they went from looking straight forward at "Ash & co." to looking down at them.

    6. You know in previous seasons I can't help but think that if this story happened that while Ash & the female companion (and Max if this was during the Advance saga) were at the police station them male companion would have gone off to figure out what exactly is happening instead of waiting at the Pokemon Center. Or the very least come with Ash & co., I mean they already got their Pokemon healed so why did Clemont need to stay at the Pokemon Center? Not to mention one of the companions in trouble is HIS LITTLE SISTER! Isn't he sort of responsible for her?

    7. *Officer Jenny explains to Ash, Serena, & Bonnie about the fakes*
    Officer Jenny: And when they run away they announce your name to everybody.
    Comment: And no one found that odd or suspicious?

    8. How come it was only Bonnie who thought it was odd that there wasn't a Clemont fake? You'd think at least Clemont would be wondering if there was also a fake of him running around.

    9. Clemont, you were just told that there were people running around causing troubles while looking like your friends yet you accept to help perfect strangers who somehow know a lot about you. Doesn't that set off some alarms or flags?

    10. *Writing a letter for Ash, Serena, & Bonnie*
    Clemont: I have an important job to do, so I'll be going out for a while. Please don't wait for me to have dinner. I'll be back later this evening. Clemont.
    Comment: Important job? Two strangers just walked up to you and asked for your help, how can anything they need you to do be important to you? Also, if that's what this letter says, someone see if they can't translate Pokemonese into English:

    (Before anyone asks, no, that's not Japanese, remember the anime replaced any real world writing with Pokemonese except in some odd examples)

    11. Why would a group dedicated to world peace want a Heliolisk robot? Team Rocket couldn't say it was for an electric company or something, I think Clemont would have helped no matter what you told him?

    12. Really? You're going to talk with Giovanni only a few feet away where Clemont is working? You're still in the same room, you're just behind a shelf!

    13. So you're going to tell me that, over one night, Team Rocket dug, placed, and buried a mile and half of piping?

    14. Ash & co., why are you talking with your fakes? Have Pikachu zap them and drag them to Officer Jenny to clear your name!

    15. *Jessie tells Bonnie that Clemont named their robot after revealing Clemont helped built it*
    Bonnie: You did it?!
    Comment: Bonnie, where were you the last minutes? Clemont already said he worked on the Heliolisk Robot.

    16. So as long as Clemont keeps building that attack absorbing invention they don't ever need to worry about battles with Team Rocket ever again... so of course this is going to be the last episode we see it despite Clemont showing he has blueprints for another one.

    NEXT TIME! All the MEGA storyline!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [46]Aug 19, 2014
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    XY030 "Mega Revelations"

    So we finally start getting into the Mega Evolution storyline. An okay episode though its more setting things up then anything else, Team Rocket thrown in just to have some action. Korrina is introduced early sort of like in the games (though you meet her right as you leave Lumiose City on Route 5) though she only has one Lucario, but that makes sense as its kind of too late to give Ash a Lucario/Riolu (should have done it in Gen IV). Actually this is sort of an earlier Korrina then the ones we meet in the games as she doesn't have Lucario's Mega Stone yet.

    On their way to Shalour City, Ash gets challenged by Korrina saying he's her 99th opponent. It's Ash's Pikachu vs. Korrina's Lucario but its a no contest as Lucario beats Pikachu after using Swords Dance and hitting over and over again with Bone Club. After the battle Korrina thanks them and gives Pikachu a Sitrus Berry, also revealing she's the Shalour City Gym Leader. Korrina and Lucario's stomach growl and Ash & co. invite them to have lunch with them.
    As they're eating lunch Bonnie noticed Korrina has a Key Stone and Korrina tells Ash & co. its tradition for her family to use a Mega Lucario, being an ancestor of the first person to Mega Evolve a Lucario. She says she doesn't have Lucarionite but there's one in Geosenge Town and though on her ways she'll try to get 100 battles in a row. Korrina shows them a book of Pokemon footprints to prove every battle she won and the remembers she needs to get Pikachu's footprint which she does. Meanwhile Team Rocket overhears all this and decide to steal Korrina's Lucario and Mega Glove, as well as Pikachu, and get the Mega Stone in Geosenge Town themselves to give to Giovanni.
    As Ash & co. (+ Korrina) pack up, Team Rocket pulls up in a truck dressed in face concealing robes and say they're "Mega mediators" and insist on telling the fortunes of Lucario and Pikachu when they Mega Evolve. Korrina points out many of the mistakes they say so Team Rocket springs their trap early and fly off in a smokescreen with Lucario, Pikachu, and Korrina's Mega Glove.
    After the smoke clears Ash & co. (+ Korrina) chase after Team Rocket, Korrina able to sense where Lucario is having formed a strong bond with it. As this goes on Lucario and Pikachu try to break out of the energy cage which they do by combining their attacks (Lucario uses Sword Dance, Pikachu uses Electro Ball, and Lucario uses Power-up Punch to punch the Electro Ball through the cage and the Meowth Balloon). As they fall Lucario grabs Korrina's Mega Glove and the run back to Ash & co. (+ Korrina).
    Team Rocket catches up to them but so do Ash & co. (+ Korrina). Ash and Korrina join in a tag battle with Lucario knocking back Inkay and Pikachu then sending Team Rocket blasting off. This is Korrina's 100th win and though she forgot to get their Pokemon's footprints it doesn't really matter. Korrina gets ready to leave for Geosenge Town though Ash & co. say they want to come and see Mega Lucario, Korrina agreeing as they all go to Geosenge.

    Yeah, it's not really a plot heavy episode, but that only means I skipped over more details so here are some I'd like to comment on:

    1. Hello Lisa Ortiz, I see you'll be voicing our Gym Leader today. If only Cilan was here, I could have made ALL the Sonic jokes (then again apparently she voiced a few characters-of-the-day in Black & White yet I didn't catch those. The last I remember hearing her voice was when she voiced Team Galactic's Mars).

    2. *Korrina tells Ash he's number 99*
    Ash: Number 99? What are you talking about?
    Comment: Just send out your and battle already...

    3. As of right now Ash has scanned and battled a Lucario in each generation since its introduction, this is going to be a new mini-tradition, isn't it? It's like they're teasing us how they never gave Ash a Riolu/Lucario.

    4. A trainer trying to get 100 victories, where have I heard that before? (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/AJ)

    5. James: We may not have been able to catch Gardevoir, but Lucario is a done deal. We'll cop the Key Stone and Pikachu.
    Comment: How is Lucario a done deal?
    Meowth: We'll get that Mega Stone from Geosenge Town and then both Lucario and Pikachu would Mega Evolve right on the spot.
    Comment: Oh come on, by now you must know that only fully evolve Pokemon can Mega Evolve, you stole Professor Sycamore's research on it!

    6. So once again it's pointed out that Ash's bond with Pikachu is as close as Korrina and Lucario or Diantha and Gardevoir, yet he's not able to do that "sense" thing that they can do to know where there Pokemon are.

    7. Why is Lucario carrying Korrina's Mega Glove in its mouth? I know its a canine but it's also an anthropomorphized canine, it has hands (and yes it needs them to battle, but it was carrying the Mega Glove in its mouth when it was just running away).

    8. Did Korrina really win against Team Rocket? I mean it was Pikachu who sent them blasting off, though I suppose she did beat Inkay.

    9. Well of course Ash & co. are going with Korrina to Geosenge Town, not just so they can see Mega Lucario but also because SHE'S THE SHALOUR GYM LEADER, they'd have to wait for her anyway so they might as well go with her!

    NEXT TIME! A town of stone and trial by fire... and fighting!

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