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Pokemon The Series: XY Discussion

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [21]Mar 24, 2014
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    Precita wrote:

    So what exactly is Serena's personality supposed to be? I can't get a fix on her. She just seems to be a more quiet or subdued version of May. Then the other aspects of her character like her appearance and interest in fashion is very similar to Dawn.

    I'm starting to think the writers have run out of personalities to give the main girls, because it seems like every main girl after Misty and May has just been a re-tread of their characters. Iris was basically Misty re-skinned as a dragon trainer, and both Dawn and Serena feel like they were modeled after May. It's kind of why I feel we haven't had any truly unique main girls since the first two, because after Misty and May they just started re-using the same type of personality traits for the new girls just with slight alterations. Don't get me wrong, I liked Dawn for the most part...but it just feels like Misty and May were the only truly unique characters before they all felt the same.

    Well, sad to say, most Pokemon characters falls into the two girl stereotypes/cliches/tropes: girly-girl or tomboy. They either act like you think a girl would act (interested in fashion, likes cute things, act feminine) or act like one of the boys (being tough, not afraid of getting their hands dirty). Now all the Pokemon female companions have parts of both stereotypes to make them more fleshed out, but for the most part you can category them either being girly-girl (May & Dawn) or tomboy (Misty & Iris). Serena does fall into the girly-girl category, but honestly I think they just made her girly-girl just so she has a default role.

    Pokemon may not be groundbreaking when it comes to its female characters stereotypes, but that's not the thing about the character you're suppose to be paying attention to. It's how they act and grow as a character while traveling with Ash & co. which is where the main focus of them go. Misty is the "runt" of the Cerulean City Gym Leader sisters and so went on a journey to collect and become a great trainer of Water-type Pokemon, in the end resulting her to becoming the official Cerulean Gym Leader. May didn't even want to become a trainer only agreeing to it because she liked the idea of traveling, but upon discovering Pokemon Contests she changed her views and became a great Pokemon Coordinator. Dawn started out wanting to be a Pokemon Coordinator like her mom, however on her Pokemon Coordinator journey she realized she has to work hard for it and that too made her into a great Pokemon Coordinator in time. Iris wants to become a Dragon Master though is afraid of taking responsibility, but over her journey she learned to become a more responsible person and understand Dragon-type Pokemon even more and she now knows one day she'll be taking over the Opelucid Gym.

    As for Serena, well, her story is just beginning. What probably is throwing some people off about Serena is that Serena doesn't know what she wants to do. She's sort of like Bianca in the Black & White games, she has so many possible roads she can take but yet doesn't know which one she wants to pick. Grace wants Serena to become a Rhyhorn Racer like her but Serena isn't sure if that is the path for her. Then out of the blue Ash, a friend she made at a Pokemon Camp when she was young and helped her, suddenly appears out of the blue so decides to not only meet up with him but also use him as an excuse to get away from the constant Rhyhorn Racing training and travel around. It'll be on this journey where Serena's character will grow as she realizes what she wants to do and become: a Rhyhorn Racer like her mother or something else? It's going to be a long journey for her as she finds stuff out about herself she didn't know about (such as her retaining the Rhyhorn Racing she was told when she was telling Ash how to ride a Rhyhorn). At the time of writing this we're only 10 episodes into the XY saga, to compare the BW saga had 142 episodes. Just give it time, the story will unravel soon enough (in the original Japanese they're not even at the 2nd Gym Leader yet (though they have met him)!)

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [22]Mar 24, 2014
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    XY009 "Clemont's Got a Secret!"

    *sigh* I have mixed feelings about this episode. The storyline is fine, the problem was with the execution. We had the perfect setup: Clemont (and Bonnie) had been kicked out of their gym by one of Clemont's own creations who refuses to battle trainers who don't have 4 or more Badges. They meet with Ash who's want to participate in the Kalos League thus is traveling around collecting Badges, one which he wants is for Lumiose City but can't because he doesn't have enough Badges. You would think the story would go that Clemont and Bonnie join Ash, helping him gain 4 Badges so that they'll be able to enter the Gym so Clemont can challenge Clembot to reclaim it. BUT NOPE! Instead we wrap up that storyline this episode, and the kicker? Ash makes an agreement with Clemont that he want to battle him for a Gym Badge after they he gets 4 Badges. There was NO reason to wrap up this story bit early, it could have given Clemont and Bonnie a good reason to travel around with Ash (even though later we'll see that their father has no problem with them going on the journey now that Clembot has been fixed, though that'll been something they could have been done later to keep them traveling with Ash after getting the Gym back). It's a wasted storyline and a chance to have Clemont's character grow a bit more now being he would be on a journey to fix a major mistake he did.
    Another problem I have with this episode is the pacing, it feels rushed, like it was a two-parter that was squashed into one episode. It makes you wonder if their intention WAS to have the storyline I talked about and would have a two-parter resolution (probably combined with Ash's gym battl with Clemont) but something happened (I don't know, usually executive meddling for some dumb reason like they want people to like Clemont but thought him using Ash wasn't too much of a bad character trait, and thus were told to wrap up the story early and do it in one episode to keep the beginning of the series flowing). Eitherway, it's an okay episode, but the lost potential REALLY is sad to see.

    Right, episode summary. Ash & co. get back to Lumiose City where they have a chance meeting with Clemont's and Bonnie's father, Meyer (and his Ampharos). Meyer is happy to see his kids again and they introduce him to Ash & Serena, but before Clemont & Bonnie could take Ash & Serena somewhere else, Meyer reveals that Clemont is the Gym Leader before riding back to his electronic store. Ash & Serena confront Clemont who confirms he's the Gym Leader and explains that he built a robot named Clembot to do his Gym Leader duties for him so that he had more time to his inventions. But upon Clembot's activation something went wrong, Clembot accidentally bumped its head which caused it to take the rules Clemont gave to it a bit more strictly and reset the pass code needed to reprogram it. On its trial run it kicked Clemont and Bonnie out of the Lumiose Gym because they have no badges and Clemont didn't say the right pass code. Ash & Serena say they'll help Clemont (and Bonnie) reclaim the Gym, on the way finding out the reason Clemont opened the Gym because he wants to be the greatest Electric-type trainer and so became a Gym Leader to challenge himself while instructing trainers how to become better.
    Ash & co. sneak into the Gym via the vent system, thinking that if they get onto the battlefield it'll skip over the Badge check. After being chased through the backrooms by Clemont's Pokemon who are under orders by Clembot, they get onto the battlefield where Clemont challenge Clembot. Clemont onc again tries activating Clembot's master controls, remembering that Clembot bumped its head and thought back to what he said to Clembot after it did so figuring those would be the pass code. Clemont says the correct pass code however he still needs to defeat Clembot in battle before it recognizes him and lets itself be reprogrammed.
    The battle is between Clemont's Bunnelby vs. Clembot's Helioptile (also Clemont's but under Clembot's control). After a fierce battle of twist and turns, Clemont wins the battle by using Ash's out-of-the-box thinking and Clembot fully recognizes Clemont and lets it reprogram it. Clemont removes the Badge restriction (which at first was a Badge "recommendation" but the bump made Clembot more stricter and make it a requirement) and had it act kinder and give advice when a trainer lost. However that's not the end of things, now that they have the Gym back Clemont tells Meyer what happened who gets angry but calms down after hearing Clemont has fixed things and learned a lesson from the experience. Clemont (and Bonnie) also ask if they could keep on traveling with Ash & Serena which Meyer happily gives them his permission too. That night after a celebratory meal, Ash and Clemont make a promise that after Ash gets 4 Gym Badges he'll battle Clemont for the Lumiose Gym Badge. As they fall asleep, we go to their roof where we see Blaziken Man and his Mega Blaziken leap off into the night, who now seems a bit more familiar.

    And that's the basics, but of course I always have more comments then that so let's get to them:

    1. *Ash tells Serena about the Lumiose Gym requiring 4 Badges to challenge it*
    Serena: I had no idea there were Gyms where you need 4 Badges just to be able to challenge them.
    Comment: There are some regions which require you to complete the Gyms in a certain order. Oh, did I say some, I meant ALL.

    2. From what it sounds like, Clemont and Bonnie haven't seen their father in several days (on top of the last few days when they were traveling with) and the first thing Bonnie does upon seeing him: Greet his Ampharos! Guess Bonnie isn't a daddy's girl.

    3. Meyer, I know Clemont is essentially a nerd but you don't have to act as if it's a grand achievement that he made friends. Besides, one of those friends is Ash and he's not that hard to become friends with (as proven at the end of the episode where we asks CLEMBOT if they're friends).

    4. *Serena introduces herself to Meyer*
    Meyer: Ah, so Clemont finally found himself a beautiful girlfriend!
    Comment: What is with Clemont's family and him getting a girlfriend/wife? HE'S A KID!

    5. *Meyer reveals Clemont is the Lumiose Gym Leader before riding off*
    Ash: Alright, what's this all about?
    Comment: Ash, are you really that surprised you have a Gym Leader traveling with you? At this point its a requirement.

    6. *Clemont tells them the situation and being unable to reprogram Clembot*
    Bonnie: We can't do anything without the voice code.
    Comment: You can destroy Clembot, I always find that works for a renegade robot.

    7. Clemont, why would you make it require to not only battle but also WIN against Clembot in order to reprogram it? That would seem like a major design flaw if, say, you ever got kicked out of the Gym and all your Pokemon for some reason only listens to Clembot. Speaking of which.

    8. Clemont, WHY won't your Pokemon listen to you? Even if Clembot is technically the Gym Leader and you gave them orders to obey it, I would think anything you and Bonnie say would override whatever Clembot says.

    9. Oh, didn't know Magneton were able to separate themselves like that, I always thought they were stuck permanently together.

    10. So Froakie was able to knock out Clemont's Magnemite AND Magneton with its Frubbles, which isn't even a move, but if they were they'd probably be Water-type which Magnemite and Magneton resists... Clemont, are you sure your Gym is 4 Badge level difficult?

    11. Well, that issue with the pass code was resolved pretty fast. They make a big deal about Clemont not knowing it but after one quick cheer he thinks back and figures out what it was. Kind of feels rushed but what doesn't in this episode?

    12. How did Clembot shoot a Pokeball out of that tiny tube? Pokeballs don't shrink that small!

    13. I didn't mention it in my summary, but this is a REALLY good battle! Especially when Clemont has Bunnelby use the Dig + Double Team + Dig combo, very clever and sneaky.

    14. So Clembot malfunctions when a trainer thinks outside the box? So what, all the trainers who challenged Lumiose Gym didn't pull off any tricks? Is Ash & co. the only ones who do that?

    15. Clemont, why are you apologizing to Clembot? It's a robot, and I doubt it has the artificial intelligence to fully understand why your apologizing. Thinking about it, they never really told us at what level of AI did Clembot have. When he was being strict he was acting like how you would think a robot would act, but after the reprogramming he was sort of acting like a kind butler and even speaking on it own accord instead of giving recorded and interacted responses.

    16. Meyer, how did you not know Clemont was kicked out of the Gym? As I said, Clemont and Bonnie were at least gone for a few days traveling with Ash, don't you visit your kids once in awhile at the Gym?

    17. D'aww, Bonnie has Tyrunt pajamas.

    Though you think being in a family affiliated with Electric-types she would have something like a Pikaclone pajama like Pachirisu or Emolga.

    18. Clemont, where is your bed? This is your own home, yet you're sleeping on the floor and Ash is on the couch. I'd understand if Clemont gave Ash you're bed for the night out of hospitality, but apparently he either doesn't have one or doesn't have a room! Did he move into the Lumiose Gym or something?

    That's all I got to say. Don't worry, I didn't forget about Blaziken Man or his Mega Blaziken, they're appearing more prominently next episode so we'll talk about them then. Seeya then!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [23]Mar 28, 2014
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    XY010 "Mega-Mega Meowth Madness!"

    This episode... I don't know what. On paper it's okay, but once again its that darn execution. Okay, I can understand they want to sometimes do comedic episode, or make Team Rocket a bit comedic, but in this episode there's a good portion of idiocy going on considering the situation and it's honestly distracting. I'll address most of my complaints in my comments (as I always do), but for now I'll give a summary of the episode:

    On the streets of Lumiose City, Ash & co. are getting ready to leave for Cyllage City when Serena suggests they first visit Professor Sycamore which everyone agrees too, Serena also revealing she made macaroons.
    In a warehouse, Team Rocket are watching a video of Ash falling off Prism Tower when Mega Blaziken saves him, coming up with a plan to steal Sycamore's Research to make Meowth "Mega Evovle", or rather put the data into into their latest creation which is being called the "Mega Meowth", planning on using it to finally capture Pikachu.
    At Sycamore's Lab, Ash & co. greet Professor Sycamore who sees Ash & co. are now traveling together and Serena shows him the macaroons. Sophie, one of Professor Sycamore's assistants, suggest they take a tea break and have the macaroons though Sycamore says he's working on something so he'll have some later. As Ash & co. (+ Sophie) sit down to tea, they realize the macaroons are missing and find it's been stolen by a Chespin. Sophie says Chespin is a prankster as it starts to panic but as Clemont tries to calm it down it sharpens its quills which pokes Clemont, Chespin grabbing the macaroons and running off. Serena and Bonnie decide they'll go check up on Professor Sycamore.
    At Sycamore's Lab's greenhouse, Professor Sycamore is checking on the lab's Pokemon when Team Rocket crashes through the greenhouse wall, bind him, and throw him in the back of their truck. Serena and Bonnie sees this happening and they go to help Sycamore, getting into the back of the truck but the door closes behind them locking them in as Team Rocket drives off. Chespin see this all go on an though it tries to give chase it's unable to keep up and trips. Inside the truck Bonnie asks Serena what they're going to do and Serena looks at her basket of macaroons that they found in the lab's greenhouse.
    Ash and Clemont hears the commotion and checks what's going on finding Chespin, Sophie runs up to them saying Professor Sycamore is gone and Clemont says so it Serena and Bonnie. Chespin points them to the truck and, realizing what happened, Ash sends out Fletching to follow the truck as Sophie goes to tell Officer Jenny. Just then Chespin smells something and find a piece of a macaroon and another, Clemont figuring the trail is left by Serena and Bonnie so they follow Chespin who's on the trail, eating the macaroons as they go along.
    At the warehouse, Team Rocket opens the back of the truck seeing Serena and Bonnie trying to free Professor Sycamore and they do a quick version of Team Rocket's motto. Team Rocket get annoyed they're being mocked and tie Serena and Bonnie up, Bonnie tries attacking them with Dedenne but it has fallen asleep in her bag. Meowth asks Professor Sycamore for his Mega Pokemon research and "tortures" them by scratching a piece of metal, Professor Sycamore agreeing to give them the data which is conveniently in a memory card in his lab coat pocket.
    Following Chespin, Ash & co. pass Meyer who asks what's going on which Clemont says something bad as they keep following Chespin and leave Meyer behind. They find the last macaroon but that's not a problem as they're right in front of Team Rocket's warehouse which Fletchling is flying around. They look inside the warehouse and see it's Team Rocket behind this and they have Professor Sycamore, Serena, Bonnie, and Dedenne tied up. Chespin sees the basket of macaroons and sneaks in to get.
    Inside, Team Rocket explains their plans and downloads Professor Sycamore's research into their creation, Serena asks why he gave them his research and Professor Sycamore explained it was to keep them safe. Chespin gets to the macaroons but Jessie spots it as Ash and Clemont decide to charge in. Team Rocket says their motto but Ash and Clemont rushed over to free Serena, Bonnie, and Professor Sycamore. Team Rocket gets angry they were ignored and activate their creation: Mega-Mega Meowth Machine. It chases Ash & co. (+ Professor Sycamore & Chespin) out of the warehouse but Chespin trips and spills the macaroons which it tries to pick up though it's about to get run over. Clemont sees it and does a dodge grab to save it where Chespin thanks him by offering a macaroon. Clemont thanks it and says they have to stop Team Rocket.
    Pikachu tries using a Thunderbolt but the Mega-Mega Meowth Machine absorbs the attack and sends back its own electrical blast, knocking Pikachu out. As they watch, Chespin remembers a power cord it tripped over and shows Clemont the Mega-Mega Meowth Machine is plugged in so they pull the plug just when it was about to grab Ash and Pikachu. However the Mega-Mega Meowth Machine has backup power from a core behind Meowth who's in the machine's cockpit so Clemont tells Chespin to attack it with Pin Missile. It does nothing and after trying to Tackle the machine a few times with Pikachu's help they still don't do anything to it. Suddenly Mega Blaziken attack the Mega-Mega Meowth Machine revealing Blaziken Mask has arrived to help. Mega Blaziken uses Flamethrower to fry the Mega-Mega Meowth Machine and reveal its core with Pikachu and Chespin attack, causing it to explode and sending Team Rocket blasting off. Blaziken Mask and Mega Blaziken jump off to somewhere else now that Team Rocket has been defeated. Clemont thanks Chespin for helping by giving it the basket of macaroons, but this time Chespin runs around and gives everyone a macaroon instead of selfishly hogging it. Ash & co. (+ Professor Sycamore & Chespin) go back to Sycamore's Lab as they're watched by Mega Blaziken and Blaziken Mask who's revealed to be Clemont's and Bonnie's father, Meyer!
    That evening, Ash & co. are getting ready to leave when they spot Chespin who shows it wants to go with Clemont. Clemont asks Professor Sycamore if that's alright which he says it is, giving Clemont Chespin's Pokeball and so Clemont now has a Chespin! With a new member to their party, Ash & co. head to Cyllage City.

    As I said, for the most part the story looks okay on paper, so let's get to my comments to see where it shines and where it dulls:

    1. Macaroons? Those are so 2 (and soon to be 3) movies ago! Get with the times, Serena.

    2. Mega Meowth... while we now know Team Rocket was now referring to their machine this does bring up the question whether anyone knows in-story that only fully evolved Pokemon can have Mega Evolutions. Here and in the games its acted as if Mega Evolutions just showed up, though later in the games they revealed Mega Evolutions have existed for several generations and I'm going to guess the same will be for the anime. So what's the deal, are Mega Evolutions a new discovery or not?

    3. *Serena shows she made macaroons at Sycamore's Lab*
    Sophie: How nice. I suggest we have a little tea break with those macarons.
    Comment: Tea? Writers, we're in PokeFrance, not PokeEngland.

    4. *Chespin is found to have stolen the macaroons*
    Sophie: Ah ha! I knew it was you Chespin, sneaking around again?
    Comment: No, no, no, you got the line wrong! It's "snooPING AS usual?"! Also, an unusual Starter who's a bit of a glutton. I'm sure that's not going to be joining Ash & co., certainly not...

    5. *Chespin pokes Clemont and runs away with the macaroons*
    Sophie: That Chespin is a bit of a prankster.
    Commet: No, it's a bit of a jerk. A prankster (supposedly) means no harm in its prank. This Chespin stole food and poked Clemont so that it could grab the food it stole and run away.

    6. JEEZ TEAM ROCKET! I think you should go back and break a few more panes of glass, I don't think they heard you on the other side of Lumiose City yet!

    7. How did the truck doors close? Team Rocket didn't do it and the truck wasn't moving, the doors just shut themselves.

    8. *Serena & Bonnie get trapped in Team Rocket's truck along with Professor Sycamore*
    Bonnie: Serena, what do we do now?
    Comment: Well you can try having Fennekin and Dedenne break down the door (maybe have Fennekin burn through it or at least where the locks are). Failing that, I would suggest getting them ready to attack Team Rocket at full force once they open the doors.

    9. About the macaroon trail:
    (1.) How did leave a trail of macaroon bits when they're completely locked in the back of the truck?
    (2.) How did Chespin find a piece of macaroon in front of Sycamore's Lab when Serena didn't think of the macaroon trail until they were at least a block away from Sycamore's Lab?

    10. Of course, Serena and Bonnie were in the back of the truck for who knows how long yet not even when they felt the truck stop did Serena or Bonnie think of preparing of defending themselves against Team Rocket. BTW, this is where the idiocy starts.

    11. ARE YOU KIDDING?! As Team Rocket was taping up Bonnie and Serena, Dedenne snuck off to Bonnie's bag to sleep?! If you don't want Dedenne doing anything have Team Rocket incapacitate it! This isn't funny, its mind boggling stupid! Bonnie and Serena saying Team Rocket's motto = funny. Dedenne not helping the people it likes from being captured (itself included) = just stupid!

    12. ARE YOU KIDDING AGAIN?! Professor Sycamore just gave up his research because Meowth was scratching a piece of metal? You could have had Team Rocket threaten to hurt Bonnie and Serena for Sycamore to give up the information, otherwise I don't see what you have them tagalong (and before you bring up the macaroon path, they could just have had Fletchling find Team Rocket's truck... which Fletchling actually does!). Sure, later Professor Sycamore tells Serena and Bonnie he gave Team Rocket the data to protect them, but I would think that would have meant a bit more if Team Rocket were directly threatening to harm Serena and Bonnie instead of annoying them by scratching metal.

    13. Also, why was Professor Sycamore carrying around his research in a memory card in his lab coat pocket? Wouldn't all his research be back at his lab, INCLUDING backup copies?

    14. *Ash & co. follow pass by Meyer while following Chespin*
    Meyer: Clemont, something wrong?
    Clemont: Something terrible has happened!
    Comment: Yes, don't tell your and Bonnie's father that his daughter just got kidnapped and have him help out with his Ampharos.

    15. *Jessie asks if James if he's sure this will work*
    James: Of course. We simply input the Mega Evolution data into your secret weapon program and we'll be good to go.
    Comment: I don't see how that'll do anything. Wouldn't all the data be just text documents, graphs, and images? How would putting that into their creation give them any results?

    16. *Ash wants to charge in and help Serena, Bonnie, and Professor Sycamore*
    Clemont: We can't rush them, or we'll get caught too.
    Comment: Did you not see Chespin sneak in? It was right by your feet!

    17. Ash, Clemont, if you're going to charge in at least send out Fletchling, Froakie, and Bunnelby to give you some power behind you than just Pikachu.

    18. *As Team Rocket recite their motto, Ash and Clemont go to free Serena, Bonnie, and Professor Sycamore*
    Professor Sycamore: Could you untie me too?
    Comment: No, Ash & co. were just going to carry you out...

    19. You'd think by now Team Rocket would be used to Ash & co. ignoring their motto.

    20. James, I don't think that's how you type on a computer...

    It's not a piano...

    21. So Team Rocket needed the Mega Evolution data for their Mega-Mega Meowth Machine because...?

    22. REALLY? The Mega Mega Meowth Machine needs to be plugged in? Okay, stop, stop the review, I need to rant:

    If you want comedic Team Rocket, fine, but this isn't the way to do it. If written differently you could have made Team Rocket a bit threatening this episode. The had hostages in the form of Serena and Bonnie they could have threaten to hurt if Professor Sycamore didn't give them his research. They used said research to make a powerful machine they create work (somehow). The machine is almost impervious to all kinds of attacks by Ash & co.'s Pokemon. The only way they could be defeated was with the help of Mega Blaziken. Written differently, you could have showed that Team Rocket still had that "took a level in bad@$$" they got in Unova. However, instead you chose them to do silly things like "torture" their hostages by Meowth scratching a piece of metal (which they showed was also bothering Jessie and James) and their machine needs to be plugged in to work (at least at first). And honestly, I don't see what the point of the Mega Evolution data was since Mega Blaziken just destroyed the machine without much trouble. Am I supposed to be surprise that Ash & co.'s Pokemon aren't able to damage a giant robot even though they're small, all but Pikachu are inexperienced battlers, and the machine can absorb Pikachu's electrical attacks which almost ALL of Team Rocket machines can do? For a "Mega" machine, a lot of Team Rocket's previous mechs were better than then this! And all this just to capture Pikachu when smaller plans proved to be just as effective if not almost succeeding?
    Honestly, I think if they wanted comedic Team Rocket they should have instead had the Mega-Mega Meowth Machine directly attack Sycamore's Lab looking for the Mega Evolution data. They could have Team Rocket bumble around as they try to drive a 2 story machine through a small laboratory trying to chase Ash & co. while also causing a lot of destruction which also shows they're still threatening. That way you can have you're silly Team Rocket yet and make the Mega-Mega Meowth Machine act as incomplete as it does and not have Team Rocket look like complete idiots by not taking advantage of having hostages or having given the machine the data yet still look weak.

    23. If it had a battery in the form of the core why wasn't it turned on as soon as you activated Mega-Mega Meowth Machine?

    24. It's nice they sent Pikahcu to help Chespin... but how about EVERYONE ELSE'S POKEMON! Froakie, Fletchling, Fennekin... okay, granted, they probably wouldn't help that much but at least you're using everything you got!

    25. Dun dun DUN! Blaziken Mask is revealed to be Meyer! The only thing I have to say about that is this... why isn't Ampharos Mask with a Mega Ampharos? Okay, I get them wanting to use Mega Blaziken as the poster Mega Pokemon and sort of have it be their Lucario and Zoroark of this generation. However them revealing Blaziken Mask being Clemont's and Bonnie's father who was saw has an Ampharos just makes you wonder why Meyer chose to be a Fire themed super hero instead of an Electric themed. If it was because it was too obvious I guess that'll make some sense, but at the very least give him an Electric-type which doesn't have a Mega Evolution because that's just plain unfair to Ampharos!

    26. *Clemont is allowed to take Chespin and is given its Pokeball, recalling Chespin into it*
    Clemont: YES! Today is a great day thanks to science, I caught a Chespin!
    Comment: How was it thanks to science you caught Chespin, you dodge grabbed it from being crushed by Mega Mega Meowth Machine?

    27. I'll end this review off with some trivia: this is the first generation that Ash didn't catch the Grass-type starter! Yup, since Kanto, Ash had always gotten the Grass-type starter but this is the first time he hasn't. This now means that Ash is missing a starter of every type, the other starters Ash never getting being a Torchic, Mudkip, Piplup, and Fennekin. Of course Ash's companions got those Pokemon so they were still in the group, gotta advertise those starters somehow! Speaking of which, this is the 2nd time that Ash shared the starter trio with his companions, the first being in Hoenn when May got Torchic and Brock got Mudkip.

    Well, I think that's enough trivia to end things off. Next episode involves some panda Pokemon, and I'm not talking about Spinda. Seeya then!

    Edited on 04/05/2014 3:52pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [24]Apr 5, 2014
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    XY011 "The Bamboozling Forest!"

    A meh episode but important if only because Jessie caught her Pokemon of this generation: Pumpkaboo. It's sort of a silly episode, especially considering what they did with Pangoro. Actually, the Pancham and Pangoro don't really do much in this episode. But I'm getting ahead of myself, here's a quick summary of the episode:

    We start with Team Rocket on the Meowth Balloon spying on Ash & co. who are having lunch, however they aren't the only ones watching. A pair of Pancham are also watching Ash & co. from some bushes though everyone's Pokemon (except Chespin who keeps on eating) takes notice. Froakie throws frubbles into the bushes and the Pancham come out panicking. Ash & co. clean the frubbles off and scan the Pancham with the Pokedex, though Serena says they look different as the one in the Pokedex looks mean while the pair in front of them are smiling and acting friendly. The Pancham go to Chespin, who's still eating, and Ash & co. figure they're asking Chespin to share its food with them. After Clemont tries but fails to translate what the Pancham are saying with one of his inventions, the Pancham start running around and eating all the food.
    Team Rocket uses this as a distraction, capturing Pikachu, Froakie, Fennekin, and Chespin, also scaring off the Pancham who run back into the woods. Team Rocket gets away, Inkay knocking down Fletchling. As Team Rocket celebrate their victory, they start fighting over who'll get credit for the capture and they decide to settle it with a Pokemon Battle. Inkay uses Psybeam but Wobbuffet uses Mirror Coat and reflects it into the Meowth Balloon's fuel source, causing it to explode which Ash & co. can hear and see the result smoke of. Clemont says they can track them down by using Dedenne who can sense Pikachu's electrical field and they get to searching.
    We first go to Meowth who lands on the head of a wandering Pangoro who gets angry and throws it back into the sky. Next we see Froakie landed in a shallow creek and is soon found by Pikachu. Pikachu takes it through a bamboo forest where Chespin landed head fist into the ground and is stuck, Pikachu and Froakie plucking it out. Meowth got himself caught on a bamboo stalk above them and pleads to them to get him down. Froakie objects though Pikachu and Chespin agree to help and Chespin fires a Pin Missile at Meowth which gets him down. Meowth makes a truce with them, though he's actually planning on using them to fight off the Pangoro if they encounter it.
    Jessie and James walk through the bamboo forest looking for Meowth when the pair of Pancham appear. They decide to catch the Pancham so has Inkay knock them down with a Psybeam. However Pangoro walks up behind them and Inkay decides to spray ink in its face, getting it angry and sending Jessie and James blasting off. It and the Pancham regroup, smiling and laughing.
    Pikachu, Froakie, Chespin, and Meowth find Fennekin by a small river trying to clean its tail which got messy in the explosion. After assuring Fennekin they made a truce with Meowth, Froakie uses its frubbles to clean and neaten Fennekin's tail.
    Jessie and James walk dejectedly through the bamboo forest after their encounter with Pangoro when Jessie suddenly trips on something. The ground soon rises up and a Pumpkaboo breaks out and starts shooting beams of light as if searching for something. Jessie then tosses a Pokeball at it and it captures, Jessie happy about getting her first Kalos Pokemon while James surprise it caught so easily.
    Back with Ash & co., Dedenne picks up Pikachu's electrical field and leads Ash & co. to where it is.
    Over to Pikachu, the Kalos Starters, and Meowth, they notice Fennekin is eating a twig and Chespin tries one though doesn't like it. It throws the twig high up only for it to hit Pangoro who's with the Pancham. Pangoro gets angry and find the group of Pokemon and starts charging at them. Chespin uses Pin Missile which doesn't seem to hurt Pangoro but does destroy the bamboo sprig in his mouth, making it depressed and sit down. Ash & co. finally finds them and Meowth explains to them what has happened and translate for the Pancham who demand they make Pangoro feel better by finding another of its favorite bamboo sprig. Clemont agrees to get it being its Chespin's fault though everyone else say they'll help too. Ash & co. follow one of the Pancham to where Pangoro's favorite bamboo sprigs grow while Meowth stays behind with the other Pancham to watch over Pangoro, Serena not believing in Meowth's sincerity. However, when Ash & co. are gone, Jessie and James calls over to Meowth from the bushes and he explains the situation to them.
    One of the Pancham leads Ash & co. to where Pangoro's favorite bamboo sprigs grow: on a rock on a side of a cliff. Ash originally tries to climb the cliff but Serena instead suggest they use Chespin's vine whip to grab a sprig which works. But when Ash & co. get back to Pangoro they see Team Rocket has tied it and the other Pancham up. Jessie sends out her Pumpkaboo who uses Leech Seed to tie up Ash & co.'s Pokemon and the Pancham with them. Ash figures the only way to stop Team Rocket is to give Pangoro the bamboo sprig and it rushes over to it, dodging attacks from Team Rocket's Pokemon who are also being attacked upon by Ash & co's Pokemon. Finally Ash gets the bamboo sprig into Pangoro's mouth which revitalizes it and it sends Team Rocket blasting off.
    After thanking Pangoro and apologizing for the trouble, they leave only for them to remember that they weren't able to eat lunch and are now starving, ending the episode there with their stomach's growling.

    While it sounds like a whole lot happened, nothing much did. The short amount of comments I have is proof of that:

    1. If you didn't figure it out from last episode, Chespin has been chosen as the group's glutton this generation. May it make Oshawott and Piplup proud.

    2. Gee, a (pair of) bear-like Pokemon acting sweet only to reveal they were being manipulative, it's not like they ever did that before.

    3. Why is Team Rocket fighting who's going to get full credit? I don't recall them ever doing that before or if they did it's not that often. It's like the writers wrote themselves in a corner so made a stupid reason how Ash & co.'s Pokemon would escape. And what made Team Rocket think that fighting in a cramp basket of a hot air balloon a good idea?

    4. A Pangoro already? They just introduced Pancham. And that's not the last new Pokemon making its debut in this episode! Gen VI doesn't have that many new Pokemon, at this rate their going to get through all of them before the Kalos arc is even close to being done.

    5. Why is Pikachu trusting Meowth? Does it not remember what happened in Unova the last time they trusted Meowth? Actually, back then Pikachu was acting just like how Froakie is acting, and Froakie only just met Team Rocket!

    6. SUDDENLY PUMPKABOO! What's a Pumpkaboo doing in a middle of a bamboo fores... oh, Jessie just caught it. Easiest capture ever!

    7. A bit funny that Fennekin likes to eat twigs but the Chespin, the Grass-type, doesn't. Maybe if it was a reptile Grass-type Starter.

    8. Wouldn't Pangoro be even MORE ANGRY if its favorite bamboo sprig got destroyed?

    9. Oh look, they're using their Pokemon to solve easy problems! Though if Fletchling knocked out or something? It got knocked down by Inkay but that really shouldn't be enough to knock it out. And even if it did injure it more than it should, Fletchling should still have some energy after a rest to fly up and get the bamboo sprig. Of course they uses Chespin's Vine Whip to solve that problem, but when versing Jessie's Pumpkaboo it was the only Pokemon that Ash & co. didn't send out to battle it.

    10. So Pangoro is SO depressed without its bamboo sprig it refuses to fight back against Team Rocket, especially when Team Rocket is also typing up its friend. And its not like Team Rocket first tied up Pancham and used it to stop Pangoro from fighting, once Pangoro got his bamboo spring back in its mouth it had no problem sending Team Rocket blasting off. And why did it need the sprig in its mouth to revitalize it? Shouldn't seeing Ash & co. having the sprig be enough to get Pangoro going again? They make Pangoro looks like a complete wimp. The sprig isn't a part of Pangoro, yeah it can use it to predict its opponent's movements but that's it. AND Pangoro's X Pokedex description says it won't put up with bullying... which TEAM ROCKET ARE DOING!

    11. So according to Bulbapedia, this is the first time Leech Seed is shown not effecting a Grass-type Pokemon, said Grass-type being Chespin. In the games Leech Seed doesn't effect Grass-types and while Chespin isn't getting its energy drain like Ash & co.'s other Pokemon, it's still trapped by the Leech Seed's vines so it IS still being affected by it. Also its not like the energy drain did anything so even though Chespin was immune to it, it was still only able to help out as much as Ash & co.'s other Pokemon.

    12. And Pangoro sending Team Rocket launching off is pretty much the only contribution the Pancham and Pangoro made in this episode. Why were they in this episode again? Aside from the ending, they were pretty much not involved with the story. You'd think after the Pancham ate everyone's food the episode would be about Ash & co. chasing after them or something, however they all but vanish from the episode and only come back halfway in to be exposition points. And Pangoro only serves to be a plot point in both why Ash & co. just don't go on their way after finding their Pokemon and how they defeat Team Rocket. Basically it feels like they were shoved in even though the episode is supposedly about them. They even made a point to talk about their Pokedex description which you could base a filler episode about. And being they introduced Pangoro here does that mean we're not going to talk about its special way of evolving or it's signature move, Parting Shot?

    Yeah, I got nothing else to say. Maybe next episode will be more interesting as it focuses on a game mechanic: Vivillon forms!

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    [25]Apr 16, 2014
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    XY012 "To Catch a Pok?mon Smuggler!"

    You'd think Vivillon's debut episode would have been about Vivillon's different forms, though I guess they did need some way to show Scatterbug and Spewpa (though once again, they showed off THREE new Pokemon in one episode in a generation that didn't introduce that many new Pokemon). Overall it's an okay episode, though it's a complete filler. Would have been interesting if Ash caught the Vivillon he befriended and battled with, but with so many patterns the writers/animators probably couldn't agree which one to give him if they did. Finally, I think they should have given Dolan a Fire-type as to show off Vivillon's Signature Move: Powder (they would have also saved the debut of Diggersby for another episode). But enough what we could have seen, what did we see?

    While walking down a path, Ash thinks he hears something though it only turns out to be his rumbling stomach much to everyone's pity. But Serena then hears something and a guy with a Diggersby in a jeep comes driving through being chased by an Officer Jenny. Ash & co. realize the guy might be a criminal and chase after them to see if they can help. Up ahead to the criminal, he makes a rough turn causing a cage to fall from the back of his jeep as he complains about losing it while being chased off by Officer Jenny. Ash & co. get to the spot and find the cage where a Scatterbug crawls out of it. Revealing they mean it no harm, it faints in front of Ash & co. and they head to a Pokemon Center. We also see that Officer Jenny lost track of the criminal.
    In the Pokemon Center, Ash & co. gives Scatterbug to Nurse Joy to heal and says its a Scatterbug from another area, explaining about Vivillon's multiple wing patterns and even Scatterbug and Spewpa have slight pattern differences. Just then the Officer Jenny chasing the criminal catches Ash's hand by a rope mistaking him working for the criminal, though it's explained they found Scatterbug from the fallen cage. Officer Jenny releases Ash and apologizes, explaining to them the criminal they saw is named Dolan and he's a Pokemon Smuggler who specializes in Scatterbug, Spewpa, and Vivillon. Suddenly Scatterbug evolves in front of Ash & co. as a quick explanation evolution is told to Bonnie. Clemont notices something on Spewpa and find a tracking device left by Dolan to track down Pokemon he's smuggling. Ash & co (+ Officer Jenny) come up with a plan to use Spewpa as bait so that it leads them to Dolan's hideout by using one of Clemont's inventions to also track the tracking device. However they don't want to use Spewpa so instead decide to use a decoy. They originally had Ash dress as a Spewpa but he was too big, then Dedenne but it was too small, though they finally found Chespin to be the right size.
    They set up the trap and Dolan does come back to pickup "Spewpa". Ash & co. (+ Officer Jenny) follow Clemont's device but it soon explodes so Officer Jenny rides off to search for Dolan on her own. Ash & co. then use Fletchling to look for Dolan's hideout in the sky and it does, Ash sending in Froakie to see if its safe. Not seeing Dolan, Froakie gives the safety sign but as Ash & co. walk in a net trap is set off capturing everyone but Ash, Froakie (, Fletchling), and Spewpa. Froakie battles with Dolan's Diggersby but it knocked aside, but Spewpa then fights and knocks back Diggersby. Spewpa then evolves into a Vivillon and uses Stun Spore to defeat Diggersby. Officer Jenny finally arrives and lassos Dolan's hand telling him to stop or Manectric will shock him. However Dolan won't stand down until Vivillon sheds dust from its scales on him which Clemont says have a calming effect and Officer Jenny easily arrests Dolan.
    After freeing everyone else from the net, all the Spewpa that Dolan had caught are also freed and they all evolve into Vivillon with different pattern wings and fly off, Ash & co. waving goodbye to them.

    A rather simple episode, let's see if I can add more to it with comments:

    1. Ash & co., why are you getting involved? I think Officer Jenny has things under control and I highly doubt you'll be able to catch up to a jeep and motorbike going at top speeds.

    2. *Scatterbug's cage falls off*
    Dolan: My valuable merchandise! It fell off! It can't be!
    Comment: Well it can't be that valuable if you're not going back for it. Sure you have a Officer Jenny after you but she only has an Electric-type Manectric (the police in the Pokemon world really should carry 6 Pokemon (or more, I'm sure the Pokemon League would allow the POLICE to carry as many Pokemon they need to keep everyone safe)) and you have a Diggersby (FUN FACT: Diggersby is the only non-Legendary Ground-type Gen VI Pokemon).
    Also, Officer Jenny, aren't you going to maybe call in that Dolan dropped a, as he puts it, "valuable merchandise" for another officer to pick up. Especially since said "merchandise" is a Pokemon which could crawl away and also the reason why you're chasing after him.

    3. *Nurse Joy gives Scatterbug to Wigglytuff to heal*
    Nurse Joy: It looks like you Scatterbug doesn't come from around this area.
    Ash: Huh? Wait, you can tell just by looking?
    Nurse Joy: Yes, take a look up at the screen.

    Comment: Those are Vivillon...


    *Nurse Joy explains to Ash & co. about Vivillon's patterns*
    Nurse Joy: In a similar way, Scatterbug have slight differences too.
    Comment: NO THEY DON'T! Scatterbug and Spewpa don't look any different from one another, only Vivillon do.

    4. *Officer Jenny tells Ash & co. about Dolan*
    Ash: I've never heard of a Pokemon Smuggler before.
    Comment: ... never heard of a Pokemon Smuggler... WHAT DO YOU CALL SOME OF TEAM ROCKET'S CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES? Or how about a few of the other criminals you've seen on your journey? Pokemon Poachers, Pokemon Hunters, they're all essentially Pokemon Smugglers by a different name!

    5. The funny thing about Dolan being a Pokemon Smuggler? He doesn't need to be and still do exactly what he's doing. Though Officer Jenny says Pokemon Smugglers steal Pokemon, in this case Dolan is capturing WILD Pokemon. If Dolan just used normal Pokeballs instead of nets, he'd probably not be running from the law. Sure, nets probably catch more, but if you become a legitimate business then you'd probably be able to sell the fewer Scatterbug, Spewpa, and Vivillon you catch for even more money (and probably also have more customers too). Now you'd probably also need a license from the Pokemon League to sell Pokemon which would probably require a yearly fee, but once again, you can get back that money by adding it to the cost of the Scatterbug, Spewpa, and Vivillon you're selling. And you'll be able to do all this and be within the law, thus no Officer Jenny to run away from or pesky kids stopping you.

    6. And we have the first evolution of the series and its a pretty quick one too (also why did Scatterbug suddenly evolve?). And with this evolution it brings the Pokemon who debuted in this episode up to 3 (Diggersby, Scatterbug, and Spewpa)! And you know what, thinking about it, they probably could have made Vivillon's patterns an episode all on its own without any Pokemon debuts (aside from various Vivillon patterns). But instead, not only did they have both Vivillon's previous stages (which is understandable), they also threw in Diggersby for no good reason. Why not save Diggersby for when, say, CLEMONT'S BUNNELYBY EVOLVES (you could have at least had Bunnelby battle Diggersby...)!

    7. Is it already time for Ash to dress up as a Pokemon, my how time flies. Though does this count even though they didn't go with the plan? Of course, it'll probably be much later in the season till we get the most important Ash dressing up moment: Ash crossdressing.

    The Pokemon Anime series, always providing plenty of "interesting" caption contest images.

    8. So endangering Spewpa is a no go, but endangering your own Pokemon is a-okay? He's a Pokemon Smuggler, sure he specializes in Scatterbug, Spewpa, and Vivillon but he probably will have no problem finding a buyer for a STARTER POKEMON (and even states he'd sell Chespin after revealing its disguise fell off).

    9. What's the point of having Clemont's tracking machine explode if Ash & co. are just going to easily find Dolan's hideout a minute or so later? Sure it means they're separated from Officer Jenny but they'd still have to battle Dolan's Diggersby whose super effective against Manectric (and that's not counting the possibility of Officer Jenny and her Manectric getting caught in the net).

    10. And Spewpa evolved into a Vivillon only (presumably) a few hours after evolving from a Scatterbug into a Spewpa. I know Bug-type Pokemon evolve fast but that's ridiculous!

    11. Bonnie: It has a different pattern then the one Viola had.
    Comment: Yes, you were told that Vivillons have different wing patterns, what made you think this one will have the same pattern as Viola's?

    12. Dolan: Gorgeous, Vivillon's beauty is what makes them fetch such a high price.
    Comment: No, what probably makes them cost a high price is that there's 18 patterns to collect (officially and as of right now).

    13. *Vivillon protects Ash from Diggersby's attack*
    Clemont: It's Vivillon's Safeguard.
    Comment: Safeguard? Why did it use Safeguard for an attack? Did the writers forget the move which blocks attacks is Protect, you know, the move SPEWPA USED A FEW FINUTES AGO!

    14. *Officer Jenny lassos Dolan*
    Officer Jenny: Stop! Or prepare for an Electro Ball, see?
    *Manectric sparks to electricity*
    Comment: I think a Thunder Wave would give you the desire effect and not injure the criminal.
    Dolan: If you think I'm doing anything you say, give me a break!
    Comment: Your only Pokemon was knocked out and Officer Jenny has an ELECTRIC WOLF, what makes you think you have a choice here? Also, why didn't Manectric shock Dolan as he aggressively walked toward Officer Jenny?

    15. *Dolan resists arrests until Vivillon sprays its scales on him*
    Clemont: Vivillon's scales have a soothing effect that calms an opponent's fighting spirit.
    Comment: You know, Vivillon can also learn Sleep Powder, Supersonic, or if you really wanted that calming thing, Aromatherapy. No need to for that calming scale thing which isn't stated anywhere in the games.

    There, I think I extended this review to a nice size with those comments! Next episode we go back to kindergarten... with a Sylveon!

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    [26]Apr 18, 2014
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    XY013 "Kindergarten Chaos!"

    An okay filler episode, though Sylveon didn't really need to be in it. Actually, in addition to debuting Sylveon they also revealed to Ash about the Fairy-type... and did nothing with it. So pretty much a filler though we do get to see Sylveon battle which is neat. But what is this episode about:

    The episode starts with Ash getting into a battle with a girl named Penelope and her Sylveon. Ash scans Syvleon saying it looks like an Espeon and the Pokedex confirms its an Eeveelution, Clemont saying its also a Fairy-type which Bonnie points out that Dedenne is also half of. Penelope says if she wins Ash has to come with her, flustering Serena though Ash says he's not going to lose and sends out Froakie. After a tough battle, Sylveon hits Froakie with an Attract making it infatuated which allowed Sylveon to use Draining Kiss to defeat Froakie. Penelope gives Ash a Oran Berry for Froakie and asks him to keep his promise.
    Penelope takes Ash & co. to a preschool where she teaches and introduce them to her kindergarten class, revealing she likes showing the her students Pokemon that her and Sylveon befriend or from trainers. Ash & co. now understand what's going on and are glad to show the students their Pokemon. Team Rocket watches Ash & co. from a nearby tree and plan on stealing Pikachu and Sylveon.
    Ash & co. notice one student hiding and running around the Penelope and the preschool professor, an elderly woman, explain that's Randell who likes Pokemon but is a bit scared of them. As the other students play with the Pokemon, we also discover that Froakie is feeling a bit embarrassed losing to Sylveon due to it being affected by Attract. Spotting Randall again, the professor gets him and everyone says their Pokemon and friendly, though Randall is too scared of them. We go into a flashback as he explains he once found a Hoppip under a porch and tried to make friends with it but it knocked him back with a burst of wind before running off (though the flashback reveals it was actually protecting him from a Beedrill attack). Everyone assures Randall its okay but he says he can't control how he feels.
    Just then a truck pulls up which opens unto a stage where Team Rocket, disguised as performers, start juggling balls and telling everyone to come right up. Team Rocket gives everyone balls to throw in the air but when they do they release smoke causing Ash & co. to get the students off the stage. Team Rocket then trap Pikachu and Sylveon in containers and knock Ash off the stage so that they can escape, not knowing Randell and Froakie were still on the stage before closing it back up. As Team Rocket drives away, Ash jumps onto the back of their truck and Fletchling follows next to the truck, though Team Rocket forces it to stop the chase by hitting it with mud. Meanwhile, back at the preschool, everyone looks for Randall until realizing he was still on the truck so Penelope, Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena goes to rescue him.
    In the back of the truck, Randall bumps into Froakie and sees that Pikachu and Sylveon have been captured and try to free them. After a Water Pulse doesn't work, Ash opens the truck's back door and surprised to see Randall and Froakie. Ash and Froakie try to break the containers but aren't strong enough, so Ash gets Randall to help and the three of them are enough to break the containers and free Pikachu and Sylveon. Meanwhile Fletchling is cleaning itself when Penelope, Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena pull up in Penelope's car and ask if they know were Ash went.
    At Team Rocket's hideout, Team Rocket are happy about their scheme working and open the truck up to find that Ash, Randall, and Froakie have freed Pikachu and Sylveon. Ash and Team Rocket get into a battle though if ends with Pikachu sending Team Rocket blasting off with a Thunderbolt. Fletchling leads Penelope, Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena to the and Ash says everything is okay.
    They go back to the preschool where Randall says he's no longer afraid of Pokemon and wants to become a trainer when he grows up, Ash promising they'll battle when they do and Ash & co. wave goodbye to Penelope, Randal, the other students, and the professor as they continue on their way to Cyllage City.

    Sounds like a simple filler episode, though I do have some comments to make:

    1. *Penelope challenges Ash to a battle*
    Penelope: If two trainers eyes happen to meet, the rule is they have a battle.
    Comment: Failure for either trainer to battle is punishable by death.

    2. *Upon hearing the above*
    Serena: Uhh, is that really a rule?
    Comment: If you're a trainer outside of a city/town or in a gym it is...
    Clemont: I'm not too sure its a hardened fast rule, but it is pretty standard stuff.

    3. *Scans Sylveon with his Pokedex*
    Ash: It looks kind of like Espeon.
    Comment: Espeon?

    If by looking like Espeon you mean looking NOTHING LIKE ESPEON, then yes you're right. What, they couldn't find a way for Ash to say it looks like Eevee evolution, or even "Eeveelution" (it is an official term now, though not used often)?

    4. So we're just now bringing up the Fairy-type even though Ash & co. have been traveling with a half Fairy-type? In addition to that, they only mention it and not do anything else with it. I guess they're saving the in-depth Fairy-type stuff for Laverre City and Valerie's Gym Battle, but you'd think Ash would wonder about what the type match-ups are against it. For all he knew, Fairy-types could have been immune to Water-type moves and Super Effective against them (which Sylveon might as well be in its battle with Froakie).

    5. *Before they battle*
    Penelope: Promise me something, if I happen to beat you in our battle, you're coming with me, sweetie.
    Comment: ... wait, what? DARN YOU FRUED!
    Serena: Is she serious? Her and Ash? No way!
    Comment: Serena, you're not even the first one in line.
    Ash: Sure, but there's no way I'm gonna lose.
    Comment: Ash, the anti-innuendo detector. Any innueno that reaches him bounces back to its owner and hits them in their mouth.

    6. *Ash & co. (+ Penelope) get back to the preschool*
    Penelope: Did everyone behave while I was out?
    Comment: You left your class of pre-schoolers by themselves...
    Student: Yes Ma'am, we've all been really good.
    Comment: Okay, what did they break and are trying to hide?

    7. *Penelope reveals she wanted to show her class Pokemon*
    Ash: You could have just told us that from the start.
    Comment: Yeah, but Pokemon does its best to make everything contrived.

    8. I wonder if Meowth falling in love with Sylveon is a reference to the Pikachu Short "Eevee & Friends"?

    9. What was the point of making Hoppip protecting Randall from a Beedrill attack when it's not going to be revealed to anyone that's what happened? You might as well have made it so that Randall just accidentally startled Hoppip so it send out a gust of wind to give it time to run away, that way you can teach the lesson of being careful sneaking up on wild Pokemon. Actually, being this was coming from the point of few of Randall, why were we even showed the Beedrill? To Randall, Hoppip just attacked out of nowhere and ran off.

    10. So what was Team Rocket's plan is no one got off the stage? Or if Sylveon didn't get on the stage? Or if it and/or Pikachu jumped off the stage as soon as the balls released the smoke? This planned relied on everyone acting a certain way.

    11. Ash, this isn't a movie, you're not suppose to be uselessly ramming into things until then. Besides, you're ramming into GLASS, you'll cut yourself to pieces if you break it. Why not do what you learned in the Furfrou episode and destroy the cube on top which makes the containers vanish.

    12. Forgot to mention that before this point Randall wore a big hat he uses to hide his face when he's not being confident. I point this out because, upon helping freeing Pikachu and Sylveon it flies off just as he no longer becomes afraid of Pokemon: SYMBOLISM!!1!

    13. Ash, just take the initiative and attack Team Rocket right away, they're just going to attack you no matter what you say.

    Not much else to say, except next episode is about a HAUNTED MANSION! Or is it? Find out more next time!

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    [27]May 2, 2014
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    XY014 "Seeking Shelter From the Storm"

    An okay episode, though not the funnest haunted house episode. The story of the Espurr and old woman was sad, though of course everything worked out in the end so it isn't so bad (at least for Espurr, and I suppose the old woman now that Espurr is being taken care of by her granddaughter).

    The episode start with Ash & co. entering in a mansion to get out of a storm, only to find it abandoned. After the lights suddenly turn on and the door won't open, Ash & co. begin to freak out thinking the mansion could be haunted. At the same time, Team Rocket also enter the mansion thinking they could turn it into their Kalos headquarters, but when the lights turn on for them and they can't open or break the window they snuck into the mansion through they too think its haunted. This results both groups keep freaking each other our by yelling or banging around trying to get out of the mansion.
    Team Rocket are wondering the halls when they encounter an Espurr, hidden in shadow and glowing with a blue psychic energy, who tosses a ball at them though they freak out and run away. Ash & co. also encounter the Espurr who Bonnie starts to chase and though Ash, Clemont, and Serena chase soon after they lose track of her. Clemont then realizes it could be a Psychic- or Ghost-type Pokemon doing this.
    The Espurr leads Bonnie to a playroom where they play with toys, Bonnie figuring out it was Espurr who must have turned on the lights and closed the door after witnessing it use its psychic powers.
    Ash & co. eventually find Team Rocket as both groups reveal none of them are behind what's happening before Team Rocket get scared of a loud bump and run off.
    The loud bump coming from Bonnie accidentally knocking over a rocking Ponyta she was pushing Espurr and Dedenne on. After Espurr picks up with the Rocking Ponyta, Dedenne notices the pendent its wearing and Bonnie asks about it, Espurr taking them to the portrait of the old woman both Ash & co. and Team Rocket saw earlier. Espurr tries telling her something but she doesn't understand, but Ash & co. hear her and they reunite with Bonnie. Ash's Pokedex identifies Espurr which is when Team Rocket appears and says Espurr obviously wants something and won't let them go until it gets it, letting Meowth translate what Espurr is saying.
    Meowth tells Espurr's tale, it made friends with the old woman in the portrait who took care and played with it. One day after playing Espurr noticed the old woman's pendent and she explained its her most cherished possession as it was from her husband though Espurr could wear it for a while. Espurr agreed and left, but when it came back to return the pendent and play some more the old woman was gone.
    Ash & co. says they don't know who the old woman is but they can find out, however Team Rocket decide if they catch Espurr that'll also let them out. Team Rocket send out their Pokemon to attack, however Espurr protects Ash & co. from their attack and uses its psychic powers to send Team Rocket blasting off, though they're happy just to get out of the mansion. After they do blast off, a car pulls up to the mansion.
    Ash & co. figure out how could they find out what happened to the old woman when a young woman walks in and ask if they know Grandma Lucy too, introducing herself as her granddaughter Elise.
    After a cut shot where Ash & co. told her what happened, Elise tells them that Grandma Lucy passed away. Espurr gives Elise the pendant, sad that it can't return it to Lucy. Elise says that she came to the house to determine whether it should be torn down or not, but after hearing what happened she decided she'll renovate it and move in. She also asks if Espurr would like to see Lucy's grave so that it can tell its story and say goodbye, Espurr happily agreeing to.
    Ash & co. wave goodbye as Elise and Espurr drive away and they continue on their journey. In the car, Elise says she thinks that Lucy would want Espurr to keep the pendent and Espurr uses its psychic powers to put it around its neck, both it and Elise smiling and laughing and becoming friends.

    As I said, not the most fun haunted house episode though it was a bit funny to see Ash & co. and Team Rocket are the ones freaking each other out instead of it being Espurr. And Espurr's story was both sad but sweet. However I have more indepth opinions then that so let's get to them:

    1. I would make a joke how Espurr plus a haunted house episode would make for great nightmare fuel, but that wasn't what the episode about so there goes that joke.

    2. Upon seeing its an abandoned mansion you'd think both Ash and Team Rocket would try to run back outside considering the last time they were in an abandoned house. Yes, they were quick to turn on the idea to stay in the mansion after a few creepy things happened, but by then it was too late.

    3. Another ruined joke: I was gonna complain that Ash & co. should just break the door down and Team Rocket break the window... until Team Rocket DID try to break the window and reveal Espurr surrounded the exits with an unbreakable psychic bearer. I guess that's score 1 for the writers but I'm running dry of jokes here!

    4. So it took someone more then half the episode to figure out these hauntings could be a Pokemon? And it was Clemont who did and not Ash and Team Rocket who, as I said, had past experience with haunted houses. And for some reason Clemont also came to the conclusion a Psychic-type could also be doing this instead of purely a Ghost-type.

    5. Should I make a comment on how Who's That Pokemon technically spoiled who Espurr is? I mean, we all know what Espurr is from the first time we saw it, but still.

    6. So Bonnie knows what a Ponyta is (who isn't native to Kalos, only found in a Fire-type Friend Safari), but not an Espurr?

    7. Clemont, how will you plan on finding out where the old woman went? You don't even know her name.

    8. Oh yeah, Jessie owns a Ghost-type now in Pumpkaboo. You'd think if they thought the mansion was haunted she would have sent out it out to have some kind of supernatural force on their side.

    9. Phew, it's a good thing that the Elise decided to check in on the mansion coincidentally as Ash & co. were in the midst of trying to figure out what happened to the old woman.

    NEXT TIME! I don't think we proved how much of a glutton Clemont's Chespin is, let's focus an entire episode on it!

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    [28]May 3, 2014
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    XY015 "An Appetite for Battle!"

    An okay episode though the conflict felt a bit forced, which I guess is the point since it was pointed out that Clemont jumped to conclusions about Chespin running away. Still, I hope Clemont has better episodes coming soon. Also nice to see Delphox, though you'd think they'd want to have saved it for when Serena's Fennekin evolved (and I hope they evolve it all the way, honestly I see no reason not to have any of the Kalos Starter evolve. Then again I thought Tepig and Snivy were going to evolve all the way as well, Oshawott very obviously banking on the Piplup bus so it wasn't going to evolve).

    The episode starts with night about to fall but Ash & co. still on the road. Ash suggests they camp for the night though Serena gets nervous about camping out, saying though her mom told her it was a possibility she didn't think it would happen so didn't prepare for it. Luckily Clemont has an extra sleeping bag and Bonnie says she can share her tent as they all set up camp up for the night.
    After eating supper, Serena says she made macarons for everyone but when she opens the basket they found them all gone. Clemont sees Chespin hiding behind a bush and asks if it ate all the macarons, Chespin happily showing it did much to Clemont's annoyance.
    As they fix up the tents Clemont apologizes for Chespin though everyone says it isn't a big deal. Ash decides to have some battling exercises which Clemont agrees with and the have Froakie battle Chespin. However Chespin is too fat from eating all the macarons making it slow and Froakie easily beats it. Everyone notes Chespin's a bit big and Bonnie says even Dedenne can beat Chespin, both Clemont and Chespin wanting to prove her wrong but Chespin trips over trying to do a Tackle and Dedenne uses a Thunder Shock to defeat it.
    As the girls play Pokemon charades in their tent and Ash is asleep in the boy's tent, Clemont is near the campfire building a treadmill to exercise Chespin. But while Clemont is building the treadmill, Chespin smells an alluring scent and follows it in its sleep unnoticed.
    Clemont tests the machine but it explodes waking everyone up early morning. Clemont tells them he was building a machine to train Chespin though that's when everyone notices its gone and they start to look for it, Clemont saying it ran away because he was trying to work it hard.
    Over to Chespin, it had followed the scent of macarons an old woman was making who finds it on her doorstep and feeds it some macarons. Clemont sees this and decides that Chespin must be happier with the old woman and walks off, telling Ash, Bonnie, and Serena this to their surprise.
    Back at the old woman's house, the old woman is named Carrie and her husband, Wylie, comes home from winning a tournament with a gift. Wylie sees the macarons and tries to take some, but Carrie takes them away and says she wants a battle with him. Wylie doesn't think she can win but Carrie reveals she got a new Pokemon, Chespin, and she says if she wins then Wylie has to apologize for something he said yesterday. Wylie agrees on the condition if he wins then she forgives him.
    Carrie and Wylie go out to the back where Wylie sends out his Delphox to battle Chespin, it using Will-O-Wisp. The attack causes an explosion Ash & co. sees and go check out to find the battle and Clemont debates whether he should interrupt or not. Chespin is losing the battle and before Delphox can finish it with a Flamethrower, Clemont runs out and blocks the attack with his backpack's Aipom Arm. Wylie stops the attack and Clemont explains that Chespin is his Pokemon, Wylie saying that means he wins. However Chespin wants to help Carrie so Clemont volunteers to battle for her, saying that in battling for Chespin he hopes it'll also help him bond with Chespin, though Carrie is just happy she hadn't lost yet.
    The battle continues and Clemont decides that Chespin is still too fat to fight so instead tells it to dodge by rolling around. It does so as Delpho launches attack after attack and eventually Chespin had rolled off its excess weight and back at normal speed. Despite getting in a Tackle, Delphox hits Chespin with a Flamethrower. Clemont says he believes in Chespin and Chespin gets back up, revealing that its Ability Overgrow had activated. It hits Delphox with a Vine Whip which gets Wylie angry to unleash Delphox's ultimate attack! Carrie says he shouldn't as its too dangerous and everyone prepares for what's coming. Wylie tells Delphox to use Mystical Fire... BUT throws out his back doing so, revealing when Carrie said it was too dangerous it was because she knew Wylie would throw out his back calling it.
    Inside the old couple's house they explain what's going on. Yesterday Wylie made a comment that Carrie was eating too much so she got angry and took away his dinner. Its then revealed that the gift Wylie brought home was a cake to apologize for making the comment, Carrie forgiving him and deciding to share it with Ash & co.. As Ash & co. get ready to leave that evening, Chespin thanks Carrie and goes to Clemont, everyone realizing that Chespin wasn't angry and didn't run away after all.
    Later, night is about to fall again and their still on the road but this time its Serena who suggests they camp out, overcoming her fear of doing so at the beginning of the episode.

    So it was an okay Clemont and Chespin episode, though the forced conflict could have been completely dropped and it wouldn't have made any difference. I have a few comments further explaining what I mean, plus more:

    1. Bonnie has an odd taste in tents...

    Also how do you even pack up Clemont's tent?

    2. Well of course Clemont knows how to cook, he wouldn't be an appropriate Brock/Cilan expy if he didn't! Plus Ash & co. would probably starve if he didn't.

    3. So was Clemont running on the treadmill all night or did he test it just as it was turning to morning?

    4. Yes Clemont, tell Chespin to put on the equipment for your machine that JUST EXPLODED...

    5. *Ash & co. are looking for Chespin*
    Clemont: It's my fault, I was the one who forced Chespin to have a battle after it had eaten all those macarons and now it doesn't like me anymore.
    Comment: Forced him to battle? Clemont, from what it looked like, Chespin wanted to battle just as much as you wanted it to. And it's not like we saw Chespin got angry with Clemont like the time Emolga got angry with Iris, so we know there's no real tension between the two.

    6. Okay, what's with the macarons? Serena making them for everyone, fine, it was a nice little reference to the Unova saga, but now it seesm like everyone in the Pokemon-verse makes macarons. You're in the Pokemon-equivalent to FRANCE, surely there's a French pastry you could use (actually, funny enough, macarons are French, though it doesn't mean it's the only pastry they make)!

    7. *Clemont comes back to Ash & co. saying he found Chespin after seeing it with Carrie*
    Serena: Why isn't Chespin with you?
    Comment: How do you know its not in its Pokeball?

    8. A fat and slow Chespin verses a Delphox which just won an entire tournament? Yeah, this will last, like, a second.

    9. *Clemont volunteering to battle for Carrie*
    Clemont: I'm going to think about Chespin's feelings more.
    Comment: CHESPIN WASN'T ANGRY WITH YOU! In fact, you were acting correctly when you were trying to keep it from selfishly eating all the macarons, exercising it by battling, and trying to train it after losing two battles because it ate to much! I would go as far as saying any "lesson" Clemont learned from this episode is meaningless as Clemont made up the conflict in his head and later learns that at the end of the episode!

    10. *Chespin hits Delphox with an Overgrow powered Vine Whip*
    Wylie: I still got a trick or two up my sleeve! I didn't think I need to use this, but I'm gonna and that will be that!
    Carrie: But Wylie, you're not going to use that move!? It's much too dangerous to use it, you know it!
    Wylie: You be quite, there's no going back now!
    Comment: Hm, I wonder what move their talking about? Future Sight? Fire Blast? Overheat? Blast Burn?
    Ash: Huh? Sounds like a super strong move that could hurt the Pokemon who uses it!
    Comment: Oh, a recoil move? But Delphox can't learn any Moves that causes recoil.
    Wylie: NOW! MYSTICAL FIR...
    Comment: ... Really? You did all that build up for Mystical Fire? A Move which in the games only has 65 Power? Flamethrower is more powerful!

    11. OH, it's dangerous for Wylie to use it because he throws our his back, that's kind of funny in a black humor sort of way. Hope he didn't use it during the tournament then...

    12. Even though Mystical Fire isn't worth the build up, it would have still been nice to see.

    13. Kind of odd we went through the whole episode without it being mentioned that Wylie and Carrie are husband and wife, guess they thought it was obvious?

    NEXT TIME! An electric rodent switcharoo!

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [29]May 3, 2014
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    Actually Ash didn't evolve his previous water pokemon either (totodile, squirtle) Don't think Froakie is going to evolve.

    Wow they are really spacing out when Ash captures a pokemon looking at the previous seasons and Ash had a full team by episode 17 in B/W its episode 26 and Ash only has two additional pokemon

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [30]May 4, 2014
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    BW's worst problem was the pacing. I'll take the spacing out of gyms if they continue to use the gaps between for character work and fun filler ideas. This group is the strongest dynamic of them all or at least since Hoenn.

    I'm also 100 percent positive Froakie will eventually evolve. Maybe in time for the gym battle with Clemont.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [31]May 17, 2014
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    XY016 "A Jolting Switcheroo"

    An okay episode, I'm guessing its suppose to be Bonnie and Dedenne centered but they really didn't learn anything (except maybe needing to keep a closer eye on Dedenne). Also I think this is the first XY episode not to debut a new Pokemon (though expect a lot of those in the future). So what's this episode about?

    We start the episode is Ash & co. in a forest heading to the next town. Bonnie keeps feeding Dedenne snacks and Clemont says she needs to leave room for Dedenne to eat supper. After a talk about snacks the discover that Dedenne had run off somewhere but they quickly find it in front of a berry tree wanting some of its berries (some of the gags, or rather false tensions, involve Dedenne running off somewhere but it quickly being found. I'll be skipping most of them as they don't really do much in the story).
    At the next town's Pokemon Center and after healing their Pokemon, Bonnie sees an attractive woman and asks her to marry her brother. Clemont quickly grabs Bonnie and tells her to stop doing that as the woman (named Lena) and her little sister (named Lyn) leaves the Pokemon Center, Lyn grabbing "her" bag which looks just like Bonnie's.
    Ash and Clemont decide to have a battle and go outside to the Pokemon Center's battling field. But as they battled Bonnie notices something wrong and discovers "her" bag doesn't contain Dedenne but rather a Pichu. Pichu sees its with strangers and attacks in a panic, though Pikachu is able to calm it down. Bonnie realizes this isn't her bag and they quickly run into the Pokemon Center to where Bonnie left her bag (and Dedenne) but can't find it. They ask Nurse Joy and she says that there was another little girl with a similar bag but the only thing she can recall of the girl was that she wore a red ribbon.
    Over to Lena and Lyn, Lena meets up with a friend when Lyn discovers Dedenne and realizes she has the wrong bag. She runs off as Lena realizes she's gone and starts looking for her.
    Back to Ash & co., they're looking throughout the town for a little girl with a red bow but the search only leads to dead ends.
    Over to Lyn and Dedenne who are in a park, Lyn tries to figure out what she should do next, though first shares a doughnut with Dedenne.
    Back to Ash & co., Ash finds out there's a little girl with a red ribbon in the park and they rush off.
    Over to Lyn and Dedenne, after eating the doughnut Lyn thinks about keeping Dedenne but figures that its already has a trainer looking for it so decides to instead go back to the Pokemon Center. They leave just as Ash & co. arrive. While Pichu and Pikachu eat a berry from a tree, Bonnie breaks down and starts crying about losing Dedenne but Ash & co. assure her they'll find it.
    Skipping over a Lyn and Dedenne part as it doesn't really advance the plot (Dedenne does the whole run away but is quickly found thing), Clemont creates a machine that'll use Pikachu's electricity to attract Dedenne just like the first time they met Dedenne. The machine sends waves throughout the city which Dedenne senses and start running over to, Lyn chasing after it. However Clemont tells Pikachu to feed the machine too much power and it explodes.
    Just then Lena finds Pichu and Ash & co. ask if she's Pichu's trainer which she says she is. They ask if she has Dedenne but Lena says it's probably with Lyn who must have realizes the switch and went looking for Pichu herself. Ash & co. (+ Lena) decide to go looking for Lyn.
    Over to Lyn and Dedenne, Lyn chases Dedenne into a berry field when they're suddenly attacked by Beedrill. Lyn tries to run away with Dedenne but trips, however before the Beedrill can attack them Ash & co. (+ Lena) finds them and chases the Beedrill away with electric attacks from Pikachu and Dedenne. Both Lyn and Bonnie cry to their Pokemon and apologize for losing them.
    That evening Ash & co. (+ Lena and Lyn (and Pichu)) are having supper when Dedenne and Pichu aren't eating their food. Clemont and Lena ask if Bonnie and Lena have been giving their Pokemon too many snacks again. We end the episode with both little girls running away laughing as their older siblings chase after them.

    Yeah, its a cute filler episode but can be skipped over and nothing would be lost. This is going to be a short post so here are some comments to expand it a bit:

    1. We start the episode talking about when it's the right time to eat snacks and why too many snacks isn't a good thing... WELCOME TO POKEMON EVERYONE!

    2. So Bonnie just goes up to strangers and ask them to marry her brother? This was creepy before, but at least before the last few times she did this it was to women that Ash & co. knew for a little bit (like Viola). And of course everyone laughs (except for Clemont) even though they all should be feeling a bit uncomfortable.

    3. You'd think before they'd leave the Pokemon Center that Lyn would check on Pichu to make sure it's feeling okay.

    4. (Ash & co. ask if Nurse Joy remembers anything about the little girl who took Bonnie's bag)
    Nurse Joy: I remember she wore a red ribbon in her hair.
    Comment: Gee, that sure narrows the search... do you at least remember the girl's hair color (I don't care if its common or natural in the Pokemon World, turquoise isn't a normal color for hair)?

    5. And of course just as Ash & co. get to the park, Lyn leaves with Dedenne (though at least their going to the Pokemon Center).

    6. (Pikachu and Pichu eat a berry)
    Ash: They look like they're from the same family.
    Comment: That's probably because they're from the same evolution line...

    7. (Clemont's machine explodes after Pikachu gives it too much power)
    Clemont: Oh no, and to think it was working perfectly.
    Comment: If it was working perfectly then why did you have Pikachu give it more power?

    8. You'd think that Pichu would join Pikachu and Dedenne when they did the combined electrical attacks to chase away the Beedrill.

    And that's all for this episode. NEXT TIME! Its a evolution battle with Froakie vs. Frogadier... and NINJAS!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [32]May 17, 2014
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    XY017 "A Rush of Ninja Wisdom"

    Okay, so I guess we're not going to keep any of the evolutions "unspoiled", which if funny considering when the Kalos starters final evolutions were leaked the Pokemon Company went out of its way to warned all Pokemon fan sites not to show them until the games were released. Whatever, what is important that Ash's Froakie learns a new move: Double Team! How? Well:

    The episode starts with Ash training Froakie when a ninja suddenly appears. The ninja introduces himself as Sanpei and his Pokemon which is Froakie's evolution, Frogadier. Ash challenges Sanpei to a battle though Froakie is unable to keep up and is overpowered. Finally Frogadier finishes the battle with a unique Quick Attack. Ash ask Sanpei if he could teach Froakie that Quick Attack and Sanpei agrees though says his training methods are very strict but Ash says he and Froakie can do it.
    After a scene where Bonnie, Pikachu, and Dedenne dress up like ninjas (and between training lessons they have scene where they pretend to be ninjas), we see Sanpei's training involves quickly jumping on rough cliffs sides and running on water (well, their Pokemon running on water). While this goes on Team Rocket are spying on them and decide to steal Frogadier and Froakie.
    After some training they have lunch and a nap where Sanpei reveals he's from the Ninja Village where his two older brothers are: Ippei who has a Greninja and Nihei who has a Venusaur. Sanpei says he left the village to train so he can defeat his brothers in a battle.
    After the nap is more training, first is jumping from tree limb to tree limb and then finally to teach Froakie how to do Quick Attack. But suddenly Team Rocket attacks with a Ninja Meowth Mech and in the ensuing battle captures Frogadier and Pikachu. Froakie charges forward and tries using Quick Attack, but instead ends up using Double Team allowing it to dodge the mech's shurikens. Froakie destroys the mech with a Water Pulse and sends Team Rocket blasting off.
    That evening Ash & co. part ways with Sanpei, Sanpei thanking them for saving Frogadier and Ash thanking him for helping teach Froakie a new move even though it wasn't the one they were trying to learn.

    I make it sound like no much went on, but that's because most of the episode had to do with them training and there isn't much to talk about there. However my comments may give you more insight on what this episode does have:

    1. Star of the episode and SUDDENLY NINJA! What's a ninja doing in a region based on FRANCE?

    2. (Ash scans Frogadier with his Pokedex)
    Pokedex: Frogadier's speed is unmatched, it can climb a tower over 2,000 feet in one minute.
    Comment: Wait, 2,000 FEET? How do you know that, is there a tower over 2,000 feet tall in the Pokemon World? In the real world there's only 3 towers which are over 2,000 feet tall and their prominent buildings meaning I doubt they'll let anyone climb them!

    3. (Frogadier uses Smokescreen)
    Sanpei: It's a ninja stealth skill.
    Comment: Odd, I always thought it was a Normal-type Status Move that decreases an opponent's Accuracy by one stage.

    4. (Everyone witnesses Frogadier's Quick Attack)
    Serena: So is Frogadier stronger because it's the evolved form of Froakie?
    Comment: A-DOY!

    5. ... so is Ash ever going to win ANY battles against random trainers in Kalos? I think the only trainers we've seen him defeat so far is Viola, and that's only after he lost to her once!

    6. I don't think Froakie wants any of Senpai and Frogadier's help...

    It looks like it wants to tear them limb from limb.

    7. (Serena dresses up Bonnie, Pikachu, and Dedenne like a ninja upon Bonnie's request)
    Bonnie: I'm a ninja!
    Comment: Well you're as much a ninja as Naruto is... And why did Serena also dress up Pikachu and Dedenne?

    Now they need a red, blue, and black ninja to be the Mighty Morphing Power Ranger's third iterations.

    8. (Clemont reveals his invention which uses your body weight to make you bounce higher... and upon taking a step he's sent launching into the air)
    Ash: Well he disappeared really fast, no doubt.
    Comment: So when Clemont comes back down, since he's going to be coming down with greater force does that mean the springs will launch him even HIGHER up?

    9. Pikachu and Dedenne, did you lose your depth perception? How can you not see Bonnie? Heck, you don't even need depth perception to know where she is!

    Bonnie, you may want to use the green camouflage against something that's, you know, GREEN.

    10. (Sanpei's next lesson us running on water)
    Clemont: But running on water is scientifically impossible.
    Comment: Surskit would like to have a word with you, especially since you already SEEN a Surskit and know that it can slide (and presumably walk and run) on water.

    11. Wait, so Sanpei can create a whirlwind of leaves which can teleport him or any object he wants somewhere else, but he can't run on water?

    12. Ninja Village, huh? Yeah, that's not a complete copy of the Village of Dragons concept. Nope, completely original.

    13. So does a drawing of and talking about Greninja count as it making its debut? If it does, that technically means the entire Froakie has made its debut and also appeared all in one episode.

    14. Venusaur, not really a ninja Pokemon. Actually its quite random since Sanpei and Ippei use members of the Froakie family.

    15. (Sanpei talks about his brothers Ippei and Nihei)
    Bonnie: So there's Ippei, there's Nihei, and there's Sanpei.
    *Bonnie and Dedenne laugh*
    Comment: For those who don't get the joke, don't worry it didn't translate well. Ippei, Nihei, and Sanpei is a play on words for the Japanese words for "one" (ichi), "two" (ni), and "three" (san).

    16. Why are we acting as if Quick Attack is some new attack, its one of Pikachu's main attacks! Actually, you'd think at some point Pikachu would use Quick Attack but the only time Pikachu uses a Move in the episode it's Iron Tail.

    17. Well, while Fraokie didn't learn Quick Attack, to be fair Double Team shows its much higher level since it learns Quick Attack at level 8 but learns Double Team at level 43 (and by TM, but those doesn't exist in the anime)!

    NEXT TIME! OMG! SOMETHING THAT'S ACTUALLY FROM THE GAME! And it's one of the most ANNOYING part from the game! Snorlax roadblock a-go!

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    [33]May 18, 2014
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    XY018 "Awakening the Sleeping Giant"

    An interesting episode and a bit entertaining if only because how much you want to see Princess Allie gets her punishment in the end which thankfully she did (not as much as I would have liked to see, but what they did could open story opportunities if they decide to follow-up on it). Also the episode was based on something from the games (slightly altered, but for a logical reason): Camphrier Town's subplot with Snorlax and Parfum Palace. In the games when you arrive to Camphrier Town you need to get the owner of Shabboneau Castle's PokeFlute back from the owner of Parfum Palace in order to wake up a Snorlax blocking Route 7. So how does the anime handle this:

    Ash & co. arrive to Camphrier Town where they find out the town is in a bit of trouble. There's a Snorlax in the middle of town snoring loudly and keeping people from sleeping. A woman explains to Ash & co. that Snorlax comes down from the mountains to eat their field's leftover berry roots which not only feeds it but churns the soil thus allowing it to be used again. When its done it falls asleep until the town has a festival which thanks Snorlax for helping to churn the field's soil by having the king of Shabboneau Castle play his Poke Flute to wake it up, offer Snorlax a portion of the berries they harvested, and have it go back to the mountains. However, though they're ready for the festival the king for some reason refuses to come and play his Poke Flute. With the townspeople getting agitated with Snorlax, Ash & co. decide to talk with the king to see what the problem is.
    At Shabboneau Castle they find the king, Lord Shabboneau, who tries to come up with excuses why he can't play his Poke Flute at the festival but his butler convinces him that it's about time he tells the real reason why. Lord Shabboneau agrees and explains that Princess Allie, the daughter of the owner of Parfum Palace, one day came to Shabboneau Castle and took the Poke Flute. Lord Shabboneau was unable to stop her since once Princess Allie makes up her mind she doesn't change it and her father has been kind to Lord Shabboneau in the past. Ash & co. decide they'll go to Parfum Palace and get the Poke Flute back, Lord Shabboneau thanking them and heads to Camphrier Town. However Team Rocket was spying on them and plan on stealing the Poke Flute to control Snorlax.
    After sneaking into Parfum Palace, Ash & co. meet Princess Allie and tells her about what's happening in Camphrier Town. However Princess Allie is a spoiled brat and doesn't care, saying the Poke Flute is now hers and refuses to give it back. As Ash & co. beg for the Poke Flute back, Princess Allie noticed Ash's Pikachu and wants it. She first offers tons of treasure in exchange for Pikachu but Ash refuses. Princess Allie then says they'll have a battle betting both Pikachu and the PokeFlute, saying this is their only chance to get the Poke Flute. Ash doesn't know what to do but Pikachu agrees to the battle.
    Ash & Pikachu battles Princess Allie & Furfrou and though Furfrou managed to throw Pikachu around at the start, Pikachu was able to hit Furfrou with a Thunderbolt which messes up its trimming. Princess Allie freaks out and sends Furfrou to get re-trimmed, forfeiting the battle. However Princess Allie tries to twist the terms of the bet by saying if Ash had lost he would have gotten the Poke Flute BUT since she lost that means she gets Pikachu. Clemont gets angry with her and scolds her that if she acts like that she'll never have friends, but Princess Allie mistakes this as him caring about her and says she'll trade the Poke Flute for Clemont. Serena and Bonnie agree to the trade, telling Clemont that they'll come back for him later. Ash & co. (- Clemont) are given the Poke Flute as Clemont is left with Princess Allie.
    Back in Camphrier Town everyone waits for the return of Ash & co. who come running in and give Lord Shabboneau the Poke Flute. But before Lord Shabboneau can play the Poke Flute, Team Rocket steals it and plays it themselves despite warnings from Lord Shabboneau not too as only he can play the Poke Flute. Jessie plays the Poke Flute badly which wakes up and angers Snorlax who uses a Hyper Beam to send them blasting off. The Poke Flute flies back to Lord Shabboneau and he plays it correctly, soothing Snorlax and starting the festival with it eating the berries.
    Once the festival is over and Snorlax goes back to the mountains, we start to end the episode until Ash & co. (- Clemont) forgot to go back to get Clemont. However Clemont comes running back in his underwear and explains he escaped Princess Allie by dressing up one of his robots like him (which then proceeds to explode in Princess Allie's face, ruining her hair). We end the episode with Ash & co. watching the ending festival fireworks.

    I have to admit, they adapted the story pretty well. Instead of Snorlax blocking the route, Ash & co. decide to help the town because it's the right thing to do (and Ash says he's afraid what the townspeople would do with Snorlax if they don't solve this problem). Instead of the manchild owner of the Parfum Palace they have a much more believable spoiled brat Princess Allie. And if that wasn't enough for you, here are some more comments I had about the episode:

    1. So the town never thought to keep an extra Poke Flute an have someone else who knows how to play it in case the king couldn't come to the festival or broke/lost his Poke Flute? How rare is the Poke Flute and how hard is it for someone to learn how to play it?

    2. (Woman explains the king of Shabboneau Castle has been making excuses about not being able to play the Poke Flute)
    Ash: Then I'll go to Shabboneau Castle myself.
    Woman: You will?
    Ash: He'll say yes if I tell him what's going on I'm sure he'll play the flute for Snorlax.
    Comment: Because I'm sure no one told the king about what's been going on before...

    3. (Lord Shabboneau comes up with a batch of excuses of why he can't play the Poke Flute)
    Butler: Lord Shabboneau, I understand you're saying all this to protect your family name but I'm certain you'll regret lying to these children later, so perhaps you should just tell the truth.
    Comment: So saying he's allergic to the Poke Flute and threw it away doesn't hurt his family's name as much as saying it was stolen from him? Also he'll regret lying to these children but not the town he's been lying to this entire time?

    4. (Lord Shabboneau explains that Princess Allie took the Poke Flute and why he couldn't stop her)
    Lord Shabboneau: But Princess Allie's father been kind to me, so I couldn't put my foot down.
    Comment: Odd change, in the original the reason he didn't stop Princess Allie is because he's in debt to Princess Allie's father. This is also similar to why it was taken in the game, though at least there the owner of Shabboneau Castle gave the owner of Parfum Palace the Poke Flute as payment. Even if Lord Shabboneau is in debt to Princess Allie's father, Princess Allie still STOLE the Poke Flute and you're in full right to ask her father to give it back (the only way you couldn't is if her father went to a judge and was given permission to keep the Poke Flute as compensation for a late debt payment). Then again, if Allie's father is just like the owner of Parfum Palace in the game that might not matter as he was just as big of a jerk (though at least you were able to guilt trip him to giving back the Poke Flute).

    5. Team Rocket, you're from KANTO, you know about the Poke Flute! You should know perfectly well the Poke Flute only wakes up Snorlax (and other sleeping Pokemon), not control it/them! Actually, it would probably be easier to take Snorlax while its asleep and unable to do anything!

    6. So no one see a suit of armor run off? The king's entire staff went with him to Camphrier Town leaving the castle unwatched?

    7. Sneaking into Parfum Palace through the hedges... wish we could do that in the games, stupid fee... luckily they have the Amulet Coin so it was worth it...

    8. (Princess Allie's Furfrou comes running up to Ash & co.)
    Ash: Who's that Pokemon?
    Serena: You know that one, its a Furfrou.
    Ash: Uh! That's a Furfrou too?!

    9. Of course, Princess Allie wants Pikachu, because Ash's Pikachu is the rarest Pikachu of them all...

    10. (Princess Allie wants Pikachu)
    Princess Allie: Let's have a battle, Furfrou verses Pikachu. I suggest we bet the Pokeflute and Pikachu!
    Clemont: No way!
    Serena: How could you do such an awful thing?!
    Bonnie: EWWW!
    Princess Allie: You can forget it, but I'm warning you that this is your one and only chance to get your hands on the flute.
    Comment: Wait, a few seconds you were willing to pay Ash with valuable treasure for Pikachu. Does the Poke Flute mean SO much to you that you won't even offer to trade it for Pikachu first before doing the "all-or-nothing" battling gamble?

    11. (Ash and Princess Allie battle and Princess Allie has the early lead)
    Princess Allie: Let us scatter the roses glorious bloom with style and grace! Furfrou use Charge Beam!
    Comment: You're using an Electric-type move on an Electric-type Pokemon... And it's not like Furfrou is an Electric-type Pokemon, it has other moves it can use!

    12. (Princess Allie forfeits the battle after Furfrou's trim is messed up by Pikachu's Thunderbolt)
    Princess Allie: I will not return anything since I lost.
    Comment: TOO BAD! Ash & co., you're in full right of forcefully taking back the Poke Flute! And if Princess Allie complains, well, I'm sure a Thunderbolt will get her running away.

    13. (Princess Allie explains why she's not giving them the Poke Flute)
    Princess Allie: If you were listening the only thing I said was that we'd be betting the Poke Flute and Pikachu in our battle and nothing more. After I beat you I was going to give you the Pokeflute, but since you're the winner I insist that you hand over Pikachu to me this instance.
    Comment: First, since you didn't stipulate the rules of the bet, no, Ash does not need to give you anything. Actually, SINCE you didn't stipulate anything special, the rules would naturally DEFAULT to the winner taking everything. Of look who I'm talking too, Ash, just keep having Pikachu shock the little brat until she gives back the Poke Flute. And if she runs away I'm sure Froakie could use its ninja skills to find and take it.

    14. (Clemonts gets angry at Princess Allie and scolds her, making her cry)
    Bonnie: I think you're being a little bit too harsh.
    Comment: What?
    Serena: You didn't have to yell at her like that.
    Comment: YES, YES HE DID! She's a little brat that needs to be scolded!

    15. Wait, so NOW Princess Allie wants to trade the Poke Flute... unfortunately this trade is much more DISTURBING than just wanting a Pikachu...

    16. Okay, Serena and Bonnie, you plan on coming back to Parfum Palace... and then what? You still traded Clemont for the Poke Flute and its HIGHLY doubtful that Princess Allie will trade back. And being she makes up her own rules, no matter what you try to do she'll always twist it to her advantage no matter how much level of troll knowledge she needs to do it.

    17. Why is the woman from the beginning waiting on the balcony with Lord Shabboneau and his butler? Is she the mayor of the town or something and Ash & co. just so happened to run into her?


    Clemont: It was horrible!
    Comment: NO DETAILS, PLEASE!
    Ash: What happened to all your clothes?
    Comment: THIS IS A KIDS SHOW!
    Serena: Aw, I can't look!
    Comment: NEITHER CAN I!

    19. Oh thank Arceus, Clemont just built a robot and put his clothes on it to trick Princess Allie so he could escape. Of course now that makes me wonder whether Princess Allie is going to appear again and try to "claim" Clemont. Actually that's make for an interesting rival story, even if it is a bit of a copy of James' backstory with Jessebelle.

    NEXT TIME! An kid version of an H. P. Lovecraft story!

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    [34]May 27, 2014
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    XY019 "A Conspiracy to Conquer!"

    VERY interesting episode! I'd never thought that Pokemon would ever do an episode like this, though considering the Pokemon they're dealing with in this episode I guess something like this was to be expected (then again I expected the episode to feature Espurr to also go a different way...). Then again, it does has plot holes like why didn't they wake up everyone hypnotizes by Malamar if all they needs was to feel pain? Anyway, with Malamar escaping at the end of the episode I wonder if it's going to become some kind of of recurring antagonist, hypnotizing people and Pokemon to do its schemes for it. But that's my hypothesizing about future episodes, what about this one:

    The episode starts inside a cave with Team Rocket going over footage of Pikachu using its Moves and re-affirming they want to catch it. Just then a woman who calls herself Madame X and her Pokemon, Malamar, appear and agree with them that Pikachu would be useful. Malamar then starts to glow as we cut to title screen.
    Over to Ash & co., they're one their way to Cyllage City when they spot a radio observatory and Clemont explains what it does. Just then an injured Meowth comes out from some bushes. Ash & co. help Meowth though they're suspicious of him, but he says he's there to warn them about Madame X and Malamar. We go into flashback as Malamar used its hypnosis power to hypnotize Jessie, James, and their Pokemon. Meowth kept itself from getting hypnotized by using scratch on itself, Madame X herself saying the pain kept it from getting hypnotized. Madame X tells the hypnotizes Team Rocket to capture Meowth which is when it ran out of the cave and eventually found Ash & co..
    Ash & co. don't believe him when Jessie and James arrive, Meowth pointing out they're acting like zombies. Ash & co. (+ Meowth) try to run but they then encounter Madame X and Malamar, Malamar trying to hypnotize them. Meowth tells them to look away as As has Pikachu attack Madame X with an Electro Ball, but Madame X sidesteps out of the way. But they get blocked off by Malamar using Psychic to place Jessie and James in front of them and then used said Psychic to take Pikachu, Madame X, and the hypnotized Team Rocket away.
    With Ash determined to find Pikachu, Clemont reveals he built a robot to specifically find Pikachu suspecting one day it would get captured and taken away. The Pikachu-shaped tracking machine leads Ash & co. (+ Meowth) to the radio observatory where it breaks with an explosion. As Clemont tries to fix his invention, Ash & co. notice Officer Jenny's bike and Meowth suggests maybe the observatory is Madame X's hideout. Ash & co. (+ Meowth) decide to go in through the hole in the fence that Clemont's invention made when it exploded.
    The observatory is indeed Madame X's hideout as inside Malamar hypnotizes Pikachu into serving them. Madame X sees Ash & co. entering the observatory and decides to also make them her servants.
    Ash & co. (+ Meowth) split up with Clemont and Bonnie going down a hallway where they immediately encounter Malamar who hypnotizes them.
    Over to Ash, Serena, & Meowth, they enter a display room where they encounter a hypnotizes Clemont and Bonnie as Malamar comes up behind them. Malamar tries hypnotizing them but Meowth scratches his and Ash's face to distract them with pain. Serena doesn't want to get her face scratched up and gets hypnotized by Malamar. With no where to run, Ash sees a model of a planet hanging over Malamar and tells Meowth to cut it. Meowth does that and Malamar uses Psychic to catch it, Ash and Meowth running by it as its distracted.
    Ash and Meowth get to the control room where they meet Madame X who has Pikachu attack Ash. Ash tries to call out to Pikachu but Madame X says it's no use as Malamar comes in with the hypnotized Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie. Madame X also reveals her Pokemon army, strong Pokemon that Malamar had also hypnotized so that she can take over the world.
    Outside Clemont's invention re-activates as Ash still tries to reach Pikachu. It starts to work as Pikachu starts fighting the hypnosis, just enough time for Clemont's invention to come charging and hits a bump causing it fly toward Malamar and explode. This undoes everyone's hypnosis, including Madame X's who is revealed to be Officer Jenny! Malamar then reveals itself to be the real mastermind behind all this, needing Officer Jenny to help it build its ultimate weapon. Malamar then flies off to said ultimate weapon but Ash & co. follow it. In the ultimate weapon room, Malamar explains now that they've seen it it has to destroy the ultimate weapon, doing so causing the whole observatory to fall apart.
    Ash & co. (+ Team Rocket & Officer Jenny) escape as they watch Malamar fly away, Ash & co. (+ Officer Jenny) wondering what its plans are and where's it going now.
    Meanwhile Team Rocket managed to sneak away somewhere, feeling disappointed about being so easily hypnotized. Meowth then remembers Malamar evolves from Inkay, all of them looking at James' Inkay who give them a salute and they all get creeped out.

    A lot of things happened in this episode, but let's focus on some of the finer points. And by finer points I mean stuff I want to nitpick, ESPECIALLY the plot holes/lapse in logic:

    1. Did Team Rocket set up that giant monitor in the cave just to watch a few clips of Pikachu using its Moves? Seems like a lot of effort to go through for something they could have easily done with on a laptop.

    2. *sigh* I still can't believe they replaced Volt Tackle with Electro Ball... Volt Tackle is the Pikachu's family SIGNATURE MOVE! Also it was a Physical Move as Pikachu already had a Special Move in the from of Thunderbolt. If they wanted someone to have Electro Ball they could have given it to Iris's Emolga. I better get moving on or Ill be on this subject all day.

    3. How did Team Rocket get some of this footage? Some of these clips are from Ash's battle with Princess Allie last episode which they weren't present for.

    4. Madame X, huh. So is there a Madame Y?

    5. *Meowth says its here to warn them*
    Bonnie: Really? If you ask me you're just trying to trick us again.
    Comment: Shouldn't that be Ash's line?

    6. *Ash & co. agree to hear Meowth out*
    Meowth: Just thinking back on everything that happened gives me the creeps. It was like the worst nightmare anyone can have.
    Comment: Welcome to the Cthulhu Mythos! Deep Ones flavor!

    7. You'd think that Inkay would be immune to Malamar's hypnosis.

    8. Meowth, why don't you just wake Jessie, James, and their Pokemon up with a Scratch? They're shuffling like zombies so they shouldn't be too hard to land in an attack. No, you're just going to run away and abandon your friends? Okay, whatever, gotta get Ash & co. involved some how I guess.

    9. Pikachu, you may want to aim you're Electro Ball at Malamar and not Madame X. You know, Malamar, the Pokemon who hypnotized everyone so it probably needs to be fully focused to keep everyone hypnotized. Or you could have also attacked Team Rocket and woken them up, or hit everyone you could with a wide Thunderbolt.

    10. So is Malamar's Psychic preventing Pikachu from using Thunderbolt when it's being taken away? If not then right now would probably be a VERY good time to use Thunderbolt thus hitting everyone.

    I guess Psychic is sort of like Plot Armor.

    11. What a "surprise", the radio observatory Ash & co. saw at the start of the episode and talked about for a bit is where Madame X is. Don't let my dull tone fool you, I'm completely in shock that a place that has no other reason being in this episode is Madame X's hideout. Why, if you had removed that early seen of Ash & co. seeing that observatory... nothing would have changed. See how "important" it was for them to establish the observatory at the beginning?

    12. Why did Pikachu stare directly at Malamar when it was hypnotizing it? Actually this is a problem throughout the whole episode as later Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena get hypnotized by Malamar by staring directly at it. What, do they have memory spans of a goldfish? They don't look away unless Meowth tells them do? It would be one thing if Malamar was using Psychic to force them to look at it, but at one point Serena had her back turned to Malamar so she had to turn around in order to get hypnotized by Malamar! Actually Serena shows an amazing amount of stupidity this episode which I'll point out later.

    13. *Ash & co. (+ Meowth) reach a forking hallway inside the observatory*
    Ash: We should split up.
    Comment: That way everyone not with Ash can easily be hypnotized.

    14. I kid you not, NEXT SCENE after the above dialogue Clemont and Bonnie get hypnotized!

    15. *Ash, Serena, & Meowth are surrounded by Malamar and a hypnotized Clemont & Bonnie*
    Serena: What are we going to do now?
    Comment: Have Meowth scratch Clemont and Bonnie to wake them up and run away?

    16. *To prevent being hypnotized Meowth scratches his and Ash's face, saying Serena's next*
    Serena: No, no! I don't want my face to end up all scratched like that!
    Comment: ... would you rather become a hypnotized zombie?! Well, I guess as long as she doesn't look at Malamar...

    You know what, Serena brought this onto herself. I don't feel the least bit sorry for her.

    17. *Madame X has an obviously hypnotized Pikachu attack Ash*
    Ash: Why would Pikachu attack me like that?
    Comment: You know what, here are a batch the facepalm demotivational posters:

    And the most fitting one:

    Yes, yes he does.

    18. Gee, if one Ash had a ninja frog or fire bird-to-be he can send out to battle Pikachu, at least until it can in one hit...

    19. Wow doesn't Malamar hypnotize Ash and Meowth now that they have no where to run?

    20. WHAT A SURPRISE! Attacking Malamar wakes everyone up from hypnosis! I would have not guessed that... oh wait, I DID!

    21. Okay, now they're just trying to evoke H.P. Lovecraft imagery.

    Good thing Pokemon characters are immune to insanity... sadly its via stupidity.

    22. Malamar, If you have to destroy your "weapon", whatever it's suppose to be, upon people seeing it then why did you LEAD EVERYONE TO IT?!

    23. Oh, so they do address Inkay being Malamar's basic stage. Actually I don't think Team Rocket should be too freaked out by that. Like most of James Pokemon, Inkay is loyal to him and (mostly) listens to his orders. In fact, now that you can see what Malamar can do it would probably be a very handy Pokemon to have. Just hypnotize Ash & co., take Pikachu, and leave and by the time Ash & co. wake up you can be long gone. Heck, you were shown that you can hypnotize a whole batch of strong Pokemon so that the can easily be captured.

    NEXT TIME! Ash & co. take a break as we see some MEGA battling!

    Edited on 05/26/2014 11:23pm
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    [35]Jun 8, 2014
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    SS029 "Mega Evolution Special I"

    The Mega Evolution Special, or as I like to call it, the writers are too impatient to wait for Ash & co. to get to Shalour City. I came in expecting to see battles with Mega Pokemon... and that's exactly what I got! Overall it was a good episode with a lot of great battles that really showed the power of Mega Pokemon (especially Mega Charizard X). However I did feel that in some parts it felt a bit rushed, especially when it came to revealing Siebold was in the episode. Though the ending was a nice bit of foreshadowing, and with Ash being mentioned by name you wonder if these specials are actually going to have an affect on the main anime. So, what is this special about:

    After getting a narrated intro showing all the Mega Pokemon and the title we cut to two trainers, one with a Charizard wearing the Charizardite X Mega Stone. Charizard's trainer is named Alain and he's the main character of this special who wishes to defeat all the Mega Pokemon with his Mega Charizard X. The other trainer is named Astrid (who's based off the female Ace Trainer class) who's wearing a Key Stone Earring and sends out an Absol which is wearing Absolite. The two battle with their Pokemon normally but decide to use their Pokemon's full power and Mega Evolve them to Mega Absol and Mega Charizard X.
    While Alain's and Astrid's battle takes place, we cut to a young girl named Mairin and her Chespin who hears the battle and wonders what's going on. Hiding in some bushes, they see the rest of Alain's and Astrid's battle, Alain being the victor. Mairin is surprised at what she sees, she has never seen a black Chairzard or winged Absol and that they changed back to normal Pokemon after the battle.
    Later, Alain and Charizard and having a snack going over the battle they just had. However Alain knows they're being watched and tells the watcher to come out, Mairin and Chespin walking out from behind some rocks and introduces themselves. Mairin explains she's a starting trainer and also tell Alain about Professor Sycamore's Garchomp going berserk and how a trainer named Ash helped save it. Alain then introduces himself and Charizard and tells her that they're mastering Mega Evolutions, Mairin figuring that was why Chairzard turned black. Mairin asks if Chespin can Mega Evolve and Alain says that he doesn't know everything about Mega Evolution. We go into a flashback as Alain thinks back to when he was Professor Sycamore's assistant and their discussion about Mega Evolutions, then deciding to go on a journey with Charmander to master Mega Evolutions. Coming out of the flashback, Alain tells Mairin he was Professor Sycamore's assistant and she asks why he left on a journey though he says its none of her business. Alain then gets a call on his holocaster with a voice telling him about his "next destination" and shows him a map. Alain walks away though Mairin tries to follow but almost falls off a small ledge, Chespin "saving" her though they lose sight of Alain.
    Mairin walks through some ruins as we cut inside the temple where Alain finds a stone that reacts to his Mega Ring, revealing to be a Mega Stone. Alain walks out of the temple where Mairin greets him. Alain tries walking away though Mairin follows asking him if the stone he got has to do with Mega Evolution when a guy dressed as a Kabuki performer named Remo challenges Alain for the Mega Stone he just found. Remo too has a Key Stone in his umbrella and uses a Garchomp wearing Garchompite as Alain sends out Charizard. They both start the battle and Mega Evolve their Pokemon to Mega Garchomp and Mega Charizard X and, after a tough battle, Alain wins thus keeping the Mega Stone.
    After the battle Mairin manages to convince Alain to let her travel with him (or rather annoyed him until he gave in) and says she also wants to master Mega Evolution. Just then she sees a Flabebe and tries to catch it, though after being unable to hit it Alain gives her some battling advice and is able to catch it. They go to the nearest Pokemon Center to heal it after the battle which is in the next city.
    After Mairin heals Flabebe, she asks Nurse Joy where Alain went and she tells her that Alain heard that this city is where Elite Four's Siebold's restaurant is.
    In Siebold's restaurant, Siebold is told something by a waiter and he meets Alain who orders one of the "specials", showing Siebold his Mega Ring. Siebold says it's not for the faint of heart but Alain says he prefer it that way, when suddenly Mairin runs in and yells at him for leaving her behind.
    They all go to the back of the restaurant where there's a battlefield and Siebold sends out a Blastoise who's wearing a Blastoisinite. Alain starts the battle by Mega Evolving his Charizard to Mega Charizard X though Siebold's Blastoise puts up a fair fight. Then Siebold uses the Key Stone in his ascot to Mega Evolves his Blastoise to Mega Blastoise. Though its a fierce battle, Mega Blastoise defeats Mega Charizard X but after the battle Siebold says he was impressed by Alain's battling skills which Alain thanks him with a bow.
    Alain is walking down a forest path when Mairin runs up, telling him to wait up. Mairin says she wants to learn to Mega Evolve and find a Mega Stone, and she figures she can do that by following him though Alain says she can do what she wants. We end the episode with some more narration about Mega Pokemon as Alain and Mairin walk through the forest as Alain remembers Professor Sycamore's words.
    BUT WAIT! Suddenly we cut to inside some kind of red monitor room where none other then Lysandre watches screens of data collected by Alain's Mega Ring, the episode ending with him smiling.

    As you can tell a LOT of things happened in this episode (which also explains why it felt rushed). I had to skip over a lot of details though here are a few notable ones I want to comment on:

    1. Astrid making a cameo here is notable as she's going to appear in the next Pokemon Move, Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction. I don't think she's going to play a major role, one thing known for sure she is going to battle Ash with Mega Absol. However in the trailer it shows Yveltal waking up via a deflected attack from Mega Absol by a Mega Scizor, but whether that's just the trailer lying or how Yveltal's awakening will happen in the movie remains to be seen. If that is the cause though, she could be a bit more of an important character even though she wasn't advertised as such.

    2. Alain having a Mega Charizard X makes me wonder if this may affect the main anime. I'm personally hoping that Ash will get a Mega Ring and also be given at least one of the Charizardite (being Alain has X, it would make sense to give Ash Y) and add Charizard to his team so it can be his Mega Evolution Pokemon. I mean they made a big deal about Charizard coming back from its training yet did nothing with it during the Decolore Islands arc, so surely they must have done that to foreshadow Ash using it as his Mega Pokemon, right? RIGHT?! After all, if Ash gets Mega Charizard Y that means Alain would have to battle him so we could him so we would then have a Mega Charizard battle between Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y to decide who's the best Mega Charizard! IT WOULD BE AWESOME AND GET PEOPLE TO WATCH!

    3. Wow, I just noticed Alain's design is supposed to look like Mega Charizard X, right down to having a blue scarf that's suppose to look like Mega Charizard X's blue mouth flames. You know, I like Mega Charizard X, it's about time they found a way to make Charizard part Dragon-type, but the thing is it's only ONE of Charizard's Mega Evolutions. No one seems to even look at Mega Charizard Y, not even the creators which makes you wonder why they created it in the first place! Mega Charizard X appearing in Pokemon Origins, that was fine, it was a nice surprise to reveal that Pokemon can receive multiple Mega Evolutions, but after that to me they just went a bit overboard with Mega Charizard X. And honestly, out of the Mega Charizards, X has the laziest design.

    4. Even in the Specials we can't get away from Ash, though maybe this is some possible build-up for Ash getting Mega Charizard Y and Alain would have to battle him?...

    5. Fun fact: Remo's Garchomp is the first male Garchomp to appear in the anime (males have a cut in their back fin). Though funny enough, during Alain's flashback their was an error in one scene that showed Sycamore's Garchomp as being male.

    6. Remo's Key Stone is on his umbrella... well I guess it was only a matter of time before they ran out of places to put the Key Stone. We have Mega Rings/Bangles, Korrina's glove, Lysandre's ring, Diantha's necklace, and Astrid's earring, can you think of any other places to put a Key Stone that's not ridiculous?

    7. *Alain defeat Remo who had made mocked Alain for saying Charizard is part Dragon-type*
    Now you see? When Charizard Mega Evolves it becomes a Fire AND Dragon type.
    First, only Mega Charizard X becomes a Fire/Dragon-type. Second, what does Mega Charizard X becoming part Dragon-type have anything to do with the battle you just had? Because you defeated Mega Garchomp with a Dragon Claw which would receive STAB? If that's the reason, why didn't Mega Charizard X faint when it got hit with a Dragon Rush as it too now has a Dragon-type weakness? Maybe you could have explained that Mega Charizard X was able to take a Dragon Rush but Mega Garchomp not being able ot take a Dragon Claw because of Mega Charizard X's Tough Claws Ability in addition to STAB?

    8. What Mega Stone is that?

    It kind of looks like Ampharosite or Charizardite Y, though that whitish stripe could be blue which would make it look like Gyaradosite or Manectite. Ignoring Ampharosite and Manectite as though would be random Mega Stones for him to get (unless Mairin gets one), that leaves Charizardite Y and Gyaradosite. If its Charizardite Y, well, that would probably make the most sense as it'll give Alain access to both Mega Charizards though of course that also means Ash probably won't be using Charizard as his mega Pokemon (which could be good news for Sceptile as it was just revealed it got a new Mega Evolution and they need to promote Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire somehow...). If its Gyaradosite, this could be a cool way for them to explain how Lysandre got his Mega Gyarados.

    9. And suddenly Siebold!

    10. So Siebold had a Mega Blastoise? You know, the Elite Four also having Mega Pokemon would have made their battles a bit more interesting. I mean I get why Gym Leaders don't have Mega Pokemon, but the Elite Four? We just defeated Lysandre who used a Mega Gyarados, I think we're ready to take on other Mega Pokemon. The only Mega Pokemon we battled in the game was Korrina's Mega Lucario, Lysandre's Mega Gyarados, Diantha's Mega Gardevoir, and Serena's Mega Absol. Why not give the Elite Four some Mega Pokemon? Actually, why not give the Gym Leaders a Mega Pokemon when you battle them in the Battle Chateau post game? Let's make a quick list of possible Pokemon they can use:

    : Mega Pinsir, Mega Scisor, Mega Heracross
    : Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Aggron
    : Mega Venusaur
    : Mega Ampharos, Mega Manectric
    : Mega Mawile
    : Mega Alakazam, Mega Medicham
    : Mega Abomasnow
    : Mega Scisor, Mega Mawile, Mega Aggron
    : Mega Charizard Y, Mega Charizard X, Mega Houndoom, Mega Blaziken
    : Mega Ampharos, Mega Charizard X, Mega Garchomp

    See, there's at least one Mega Pokemon for every type of Gym Leader and Elite Four member!

    11. *Siebold Mega Evolves his Blastoise*
    Marian: Blastoise Mega Evovled too.
    Comment: Yeah, you yourself established it had a Mega Stone at the start of the battle.

    12. So we mention Mega Blastoise's Mega Launcher but not Mega Charizard X's Tough Claws?

    13. Crimson Dragon, is that you?

    Glad to see he could find work after Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds was finished.

    14. And suddenly Lysandre! Dun Dun DUN!

    Whenever Lysandre smiles, a genocide is about to happen...

    NEXT TIME! Back to the main anime and it's funny that during this review I mentioned the Battle Chateau...

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    [36]Jun 9, 2014
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    Would be cool if Alain gave Ash the mega stone (if it turns out to be Charizardite Y). It could be possible for Ash to get a mega Sceptile to advertise OR AS but if they did that I think they wouldn't give Ash a mega charizard

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    [37]Jun 9, 2014
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    XY020 "Breaking Titles at the Chateau!"

    An okay episode, and it's always nice to see an episode focused on something that's in the game. Ash & co. arrive to the Battle Chateau where they witness a more chivalrous way to battle as well as setup some foreshadowing with Grant and the Cyllage Gym. Of course it's not exactly like the games Battle Chateau as they shake some things up a bit, but at least they featured it and it's not like Ash will ever be coming back here beside getting a Baron title. So what exactly happened:

    The episode starts with Ash & co. at a Pokemon Center where Serena and Bonnie tells Ash and Clemont about the Battle Chateau and Serena suggest they visit it. They're overheard by two boys named Nico (who has a Fletchinder) and Chester (who has a Fletchling) who tells Ash & co. that at the Battle Chateau you win "Noble Titles" and that they're going to the Battle Chateau right now. As they walk to the Battle Chateau they reveal that Nico already holds the Noble Title of Baron and he decided to bring his younger brother, Chester, for his debut battle.
    They reach the Battle Chateau and go inside where they're met by a maid who greets Nico and Nico says he brought his brother for a debut battle while Ash introduces himself and says he's here for a battle as well. A butler comes out and greets them all and Nico introduces him as the Chateau's owner, Duke Turner. Duke Turner explains the rules of the Battle Chateau, everyone is called a "knight" and they have a "Noble Rank" depending on the amount of battles won they have. The maid then shows them to the Sitting Room where they'll meet other trainers and portential opponents. Seeing all the trainers, Ash asks if you can battle whoever you want but Chester says you have to be the same title. Pikachu then points out someone's hanging from the ceiling, Grant! Nico tells them as such as he then asks if any other Baron is willing to battle him, a boy named Farrell excepting his challenge by throwing in a white glove. The doors leading outside open that leads to a battlefield as everyone else watches from a terrace. As Nico and Farrell get ready for their battle, Viola walks waving hello to Grant before noticing Ash & co. are here.
    Duke Turner explain to Ash & co. that battles in the Battle Chateau are treated like how ancient knights did combat with chivalry. Ash & co. notice Nico and Farrell are wearing white capes and Chester explains the Noble Titles as a visual representation shows what color capes that title has: Baron/Baroness wear white, Viscount/Viscountess wear blue, Earl/Countess wear green, Marquis/Marchioness wear yellow, Duke/Duchess wear red, and Grand Duke/Grand Duchess wear purple. Nico and Farrell tap their Pokeballs together and then send out Fletchinder and Dusknoir, respectively. Dusknoir gets in a Thunder Punch early but Fletchinder recovers and uses a Flame Charge. While the battle goes on, Viola greets Ash & co. and tells them she has the title of Duchess. Back to the battle, the smoke clears to reveal that Dusknoir has fainted meaning Nico and Fletchinder won. Winning this battle also meant that Nico goes from a Baron to a Viscount.
    Everyone applauds when suddenly Grant falls from the ceiling, something which he does frequently as he applauds while still hanging onto the wall. Viola asks why doesn't he come down to applaud but Grant poetically says that the walls call to him. Viola tells Ash & co. that Grant is strong and Ash says he'll like to battle him, however Grant reveals that his Noble Title is Duke. Just then Duke Turner says that Ash and Chester should have their debut battle.
    As Ash and Chester prepare to battle, Viola and Grant sit down and talk about Ash's battling skills. Ash and Chester tap Pokeballs as Ash sends out Pikachu and Chester sends out Fletchling. Nico wonders what Pokemon was in the Pokeball that Ash tapped with though Clemont explained it was Pikachu's Pokeball. The battle starts and Pikachu uses Thunderbolt but Fletchling uses Ability and dodges all of its attacks. Viola says that Ash is a strong trainer but Grant says strength can only take you so far if you can't make contact with the opponent. Fletchling uses Feather Dance to weaken Pikachu's Attack as they then enter a Steel Wing-Iron Tail combat, and though Pikachu's Iron Tail is weaker it keeps on attacking until it knocks Fletchling down. Grant says he's impressed by the power that Ash shows as Ash finishes the battle by Pikachu knocking out Fletchling with a Thunderbolt. Ash is given the title Baron and a white cape to wear as he and Chester shakes hands.
    Later Viola is taking a picture to commemorate Ash's first victory when Grant throws a white glove over her shoulder, challenging her. Viola accepts and they go to the battlefield, Viola sending out Surskit and Grant sending out Onix. The battle starts with Surskit's usual tactic of freezing the battlefield with Ice Beam, but Onix counters with Rock Tomb sending rocks everywhere. However Surskit manages to dodge or break through the rocks as it uses Signal Beam but Onix counters with a Flash Cannon, nullifying both attacks. Surskit moves in closer but Onix uses Rock Polish to make itself faster. Surskit tries freezing Onix's tail but Onix then jumps, traps Surskit with Rock Tomb, and finishes it with a Flash Cannon. Grant wins the battle which also meant that his title goes from Duke to Grand Duke.
    That evening, before Grant leaves, Ash & co. (+ Nico & Chester) meet up with him and congratulate him on his win and Ash, Nico, and Chester say they'd want to battle him someday. Grant tells Ash that they might be battling sooner then later, Viola then revealing Grant is the Cyllage City Gym Leader. Everyone is surprised, Clemont saying that he must be a Rock-type Gym Leader which Grant says he is. Grant says he's looking forward for their battle as Ash says they'll need to start training. Later Ash & co. thanks Nico and Chester for showing them the Battle Chateau and they leave for Cyllage City.

    I quickly gave you the finer details of the episode, though here are some more I'd like to comment on:

    1. Really, debuting Fletchinder now? You couldn't wait until Ash's Fletchling evolved?

    2. Oh wow, Nico and Chester are a bit... well, let's just say I don't think they could have gotten away with them being any darker then they already were. Actually why are they rapping? Did the writers forget we're not in Unova anymore?

    3. Odd thing about Duke Turner. Now in the games the maid and butler that greet you at the front door don't have names. However there is a Duke Turner who's a butler, but in Japan that trainer's name is Warimizu. Anime Turner's Japanese name is Ikkon who is also a Duke in the games but he's a Monsieur trainer class and his English name is Hennessy. I'm guessing they changed it so that it was a Butler trainer class to match him here in the anime. Also wished I knew what they exactly said in the games, the trainers in the Battle Chateau sometimes have very interesting (and questionable) dialogue.

    4. Knights? Don't recall that being part of the Battle Chateau, then again in the games the Battle Chateau was mainly to be a place to get easy experience and quick money.

    5. We're suppose to wait in a Sitting Room? I just ran around the Battle Chateau battling everyone new person I saw until there was no more people who wanted to battle.

    6. *Ash & co. are shown the Sitting Room which has many trainers in it*
    Ash: So you battle who you want?
    Chester: Not exactly, there's a catch. You have to be the same noble title.
    Comment: Yet, even though I'm a Grand Duke, I still have Baron's challenging me!

    7. Suddenly Grant! And he's climbing the wall because he likes climbing... No, I'm not buying it. There's a time and place to climb, and inside the Battle Chateau isn't one of them. If he wanted to climb why isn't he scaling a mountain or cliff? He looks like a fool here.

    8. Farrell? No trainer named Farrell in the Battle Chateau in the games. Odd, being they used Turner you'd think they would have used another Baron from the game, like a Rich Boy.

    9. And suddenly Viola! It's nice to see that Viola and Grant know each other, you'd think that Gym Leaders would at least know the other Gym Leaders in nearby towns. I'm looking at you, Clemont.

    10. Hey, I didn't get a cape! That would have looked awesome on my character!

    11. *Niko and Farrell sends out a Fletchinder and Dusknoir, respectively*
    Bonnie: Aw, there so cute.
    Comment: Um, Bonnie, what's your definition of "cute"? I mean, I guess Fletchinder could be kind of cute, but Dusknoir?

    12. *Viola greets Ash & co.*
    Ash: What are you doing here?
    Viola: I love the Chateau. Actually I have the noble title of Duchess.
    Comment: WRONG! All the Gym Leaders have the Marquis/Marchioness titles. The Elite Four have Duke/Duchess titles.

    13. *Viola asks Grant why he didn't climb down after he falls down from applauding while he was still hanging onto the walls*
    Grant: Because the wall refuses to let me go. The walls here are so smooth, they're irrestitbable, they draw me to them.
    Comment: Wouldn't a rock climber be drawn to non-smooth walls, you know, walls that have something to hold onto and be climbable?

    14. *Nico asks which Pokemon was in the Pokeball that Ash tapped with*
    Clemont: You see, that's Pikachu's Pokeball.
    Comment: Oh yeah, forgot it had one. Wait, where was the lightning bolt symbol on it?

    15. So Chester decreased Pikahcu's Attack even though he only knows Pikachu has Thunderbolt which is the move he has to worry about. In addition Fletchling then enters physical combat with Pikachu using Steel Wing, a move which it doesn't get STAB for and is a type that Pikachu resists. So yeah, that Feather Dance was kind of useless.

    16. So Ash is now a Baron... who wants to bet the Battle Chateau never appears again after this episode?

    17. Really? Viola or Grant is going to become Grand Duke/Grand Duchess? Wasn't that a rank only Champions were allowed to have?

    18. Grant has an Onix? They could have debut one of the Kalos Fossil Pokemon here instead of Fletchinder.

    19. Ash: Onix, that's a Rock-type.
    Comment: And a Ground-type. Just because Brock and Roark used it doesn't mean it was a pure Rock-type, Ash.

    20. Huh, a jumping Onix (that can hang in the air), that's something you don't see everyday.

    21. Glad they revealed Grant was the Cyllage City Gym Leader, thought they were going to "surprise us" when Ash challenged the Gym even though everyone who watches the anime also pretty much play the games.

    22. Clemont: You use Onix so that means your Gym is a Rock-type.
    Comment: OR a Ground-type... Actually I would say Onix is a more Ground-type Pokemon because when it evolves to Steelix it becomes a Steel/Ground-type.

    NEXT TIME! Just because we're no longer in Unova doesn't mean we can't make movies, or at least a short video...

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [38]Jun 17, 2014
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    XY021 "A PokeVision of Things To Come"

    A meh episode which is sadly something which Serena didn't need as it was focused on her. It was amusing at times, but in the end you feel like nothing was accomplished besides Fennekin learning Flamethrower. I also guess you can say Fennekin got over being fussy about being clean, but before this episode that was a character quirk which they seemed to exaggerate for this episode to force fake conflict in the end. As I said, Serena really needs episodes which helps us get a focus on her character as right now she seems a bit aimless besides wanting to travel with Ash. But that's my opinion, form your own with this summary of the episode:

    Ash & co. are at a Pokemon Center watching the PokeVision's Top 10 videos. As what PokeVision is gets explained to Ash (and thus us), we get to #1 which is a girl named Aria and her Fennekin. Aria and her Fennekin have a series of first place which has netted her a pop star career. Serena thinks that her Fennekin is just as cute as Aria and decides she'll try to make a PokeVision video, Clemont saying the Pokemon Center offering filming equipment in the back. As they get the equipment Bonnie says she wants to make a video with her and Dedenne but Clemont says she can't because she's not Dedenne's trainer, so instead she'll make a video to get Clemont a wife much to his objections. Ash meanwhile plans on doing some special training, wanting to get ready to battle against Grant's Onix in the Cyllage Gym.
    Outside they start filming "Clemont's" video first. Clemont is a nervous wreck and Chespin ruins the shot by getting too close to the camera. They re-shoot with Bonnie voicing over for Clemont. Next is Serena's video and she tell Clemont and Bonnie to film her and Fennekin running through the field which is when Clemont reveals a new invention: a robot camera. At first it works correctly, but soon it starts chasing after Serena as she runs away from it and Clemont and Bonnie chase after. They run to where Ash is about to start training and tell him to destroy the robot which he does but ends up covering Serena and Fennekin in soot. Fennekin gets angry because it doesn't like being dirty and fires and Ember at Pikachu but it dodges and instead Ash gets burned. Bonnie suggests maybe its time to change clothes and Serena agrees.
    Next we quickly go through a few scenes. First Serena is in a Fennekin cosplay where she convinces Ash to help her film, next is a cooking segment which she has Pikachu help though it spills flour on Fennekin and we repeat the whole gag of it launching an Ember at Pikachu but it instead hitting Ash, and finally Serena is a puffy dress dancing which is when they end filming. Team Rocket sees them at this point and decide they'll use to catch their Pokemon before running off.
    When Ash & co. get back to the Pokemon Center they're told the editing equipment has been broken. Just then a disguised Team Rocket start promoting a PokeVision studio across the street and Ash & co. decide to check it out. They ask if they could use their editing equipment but Team Rocket says they can't as they need to "re-shoot" all the scenes with their Pokemon, taking Pikachu, Fennekin, and Dedenne. Ash & co. get suspicious and goes behind the counter to discover there's no studio and sees a revealed Team Rocket flying away with their Pokemon. They create a smoke screen to get away but Ash sends out Fletchling to follow them.
    With Pikachu, Fennekin, and Dedenne in a cage in a cave, Jessie decides she wants to shoot an actual PokeVision video giving James and Meowth no choice but to comply. As they start filming it, Flethchling finds Team Rocket and goes back to tell Ash & co.. Meanwhile in the cave, Pikachu, Fennekin, and Dedenne break the cage and they run out of the cave. They need to cross a puddle of water (which was created due to Jessie's PokeVision filming creating a fake rain storm) and Fennekin refuses to cross as it'll get dirty.
    Ash & co. arrive to the scene and they get into a battle with Team Rocket, Serena seeing Fennekin refusing to cross the puddle so decides to run over and protect it. Serena gets attacked which gives Fennekin the courage it needs to run across and protect its trainer, both of them giving each other a hug. As Pikachu battles Inkay, Pumpkaboo attacks Serena and Fennekin but Fennekin jumps up and reveals its Ember has become Flamethrower knocking Pumpkaboo back. Pikachu then uses a Thunderbolt to send Team Rocket blasting off.
    Back at the Pokemon Center, Serena and Fennekin have cleaned themselves when Bonnie comes in and tells her that they're done editing their PokeVision videos. Serena joins Ash, Clemont, and Bonnie as they watch Serena & Fennekin's video and they all applaud it, saying it came out great. As we initially end the episode with a still shot of Serena and Fennekin as the narrator explains how their bond grew stronger, we then see Clemont's video and how much of a disaster it came out to be.

    A bit when on in this episode, though I couldn't fit in everything in that summary. Here are some scenes I want to comment on:

    1. What in the world is the PokeVision mascot suppose to be? Is it suppose to be the Team Flare symbol? I thought PokeVision wasn't directly connected with Lysandre and the Holo Caster?

    You'll be seeing this in your nightmares tonight.

    2. *Ash asks what PokeVision is*
    Clemont: PokeVision refers to promotional videos created by trainers themselves.
    Comment: So, Pokemon Youtube?

    3. *Serena simplifies what Clemont said*
    Serena: PokeVision is a way for trainers to introduce their Pokemon.
    Comment: Yeah, definitely Youtube, just replace "Pokemon" with "cat".

    4. Video #2 is "The Beauty of Joy", huh? Well nice to hear that Brock has gotten with the digital age.

    5. *Aria and her Fennekin revealed to be the #1 video*
    Clemont: After those 2 had a series of top 10 appearances they made their debut as a pop duo and became Pokemon superstars.
    Comment: Oh Arceus no, it's Pokemon's version of Rebecca Black...

    6. So it looks like Chespin has not only taken Oshawott's role of being the group's glutton, it has also taken its role of falling in love with all the "cute" Pokemon it sees. You know, I'm okay with the re-using gimmicks, but Chespin is pretty much a re-skinned Oshawott! LAZY!

    7. *Ash comments on Aria and her Fennekin*
    Ash: You know Bonnie, that is a cute...
    *Serena looks very concerned*

    Ash: Fennekin.
    *Serena looks relieved, though Fennekin still looks annoyed*

    Comment: Oh Serena, poor poor Serena... *sigh*

    8. *Ash & co. get the PokeVision filming equipment*
    Bonnie: I want to make one with Dedenne!
    Clemont: But I think you forgot Dedenne isn't your Pokemon.
    Comment: So? I'd think as long as you give her permission I don't see what the problem is. Also I don't think Nurse Joy owns the Wigglytuff they work with yet they accepted a video from them!

    9. Ash, how do you know that Grant will even use Onix in your Gym Battle? Shouldn't you just be training to battle Rock-type Pokemon as a whole?

    10. Clemont, why did agree to being filmed if you didn't want to?

    11. Wait, if Clemont had a camera robot then why did they go get filming equipment? I mean, yeah, if malfunctions, but they didn't know that at the time.

    12. Gee, Ash says Fennekin is cute and the next costume Serena puts on is a Fennekin cosplay...


    13. *Next scene is Serena and Fennekin cooking*
    Serena: Tada! Notice we're wearing matching aprons and Pikachu even has a cameo role.
    Comment: Serena, you know Pikachu is a boy, right?

    Then again, it's only a matter of time before Ash dresses up as a girl...

    14. Now Bulbapedia notes that Meowth is dressed like Steven Spielberg, but are Jessie and James dressed as famous actors/filmmakers?

    15. How did Team Rocket escape so fast and without being seen? The smoke screen was only covering the part of sky they were above.

    16. And now for a series of events that just makes you want to jump out of seat and ask "REALLY?!":

    Really Jessie? You want to make a PokeVision video while you're on the run? You can't wait until after you've given Pikachu, Fennekin, and Dedenne to Giovanni?

    REALLY Team Rocket?! you didn't make the cage break proof? Pikachu only need one Iron Tail to crack it!

    REALLY FENNEKIN?! You'd rather be possibly recaptured by Team Rocket and taken away from Serena instead of just running through a puddle of water. At worst your feet only get muddy, AND THEY DO so there's no need for you to stop! Also this goes back to what I was saying about the forced fake conflict. Up till now Fennekin not liking to get dirty was played as a running gag, nothing that was some sort of mental block which Fennekin had to get over in order to improve on itself. And I'm sure after this episode Fennekin will go back to not like getting dirty so there was really no need for this!


    17. And let's finish this "REALLY?!" segment with a quote:

    *James tells Jessie that Pikachu & rest are free as well as Ash & co. have arrived*
    Jessie: WHAT?! Can't you see I'm busy making movie magic here! Take your Pikachu and the rest of your poultry Pokemon.
    Comment: WHAT?!?! So you're so busy making a PokeVision video that you're going to let Ash & co. take their Pokemon back?!

    18. Actually, no she isn't despite what she said. I don't know, Jessie says the above line but next scene James had sent out his Inkay and later you see her sending out her Pumpkaboo to attack Serena. Did the writers/dub writers make a mistake or something?

    19. Jessie's Pumpkaboo is using Frustration? That means Pumpkaboo hates Jessie if it's a strong Frustration. Does Jessie know this? Is she being mean to Pumpkaboo? I know their the villains are treat the Pokemon they kidnap badly, but Jessie and James always treated their Pokemon kindly so this is a bit odd.

    20. Hold it, when they were filming Serena cosplaying as Fennekin you heard Serena copying Fennekin's cry, but in this final video you don't hear her doing the cry at all. What's the point of her doing the cry if they didn't use it?

    21. *Clemont and Bonnie compliment Serena on her video*
    Serena *blushing*: Hey Ash, what did you think?
    Ash: Who me? I thought it was awesome!
    Serena *blushing*: Really?!
    Comment: Serena, Ash would be that one person who gives everything an upvote simply because he's amazed they were able to film something. Also if these videos have comment sections either disable it or don't look at it, I think a few commentors would have something to say about you in that Fennekin cosplay.

    22. I was kind of hoping that we would see the next day's Top 10 video and it would reveal that Clemont's disaster of a video got picked at #1, because how bad it goes is kind of funny. Actually wait, why didn't Clemont just re-speak his lines and edit it in later?

    NEXT TIME! Ash & co. reach Ambretta Town and go fishing... FOR GOLD!

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    [39]Jul 8, 2014
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    XY022 "Going for the Gold!"

    An okay episode, though I find it odd that after a few episodes where they recognized a Shiny Pokemon as such (even using the term "Shiny"), they act as if the Golden Magikarp is its own unrelated thing. It feels a bit inconsistent. Also they debut Clauncher in this episode and though some focus is put onto it its really feel like it was thrown in just to have a Gen VI Pokemon in the episode. But enough of my nitpicking (for now), lets' go over what this episode was about:

    Ash & co. have reached Ambrette Town and they decide to check out the Ambrette Aquarium. After seeing a bunch of Water-type Pokemon they get to a Magikarp display where an Gentleman with a Chatot tells them some stuff about Water-type Pokemon before showing them a gold Magikarp statue. Ash & co. ask about it though the Gentleman says if they want to know more about it they should ask the curator who is fishing nearby. Meanwhile Team Rocket overheard them about the gold Magikarp statue and think about stealing it but Jessie says it's gold plated though does think there could be a real gold Magikarp.
    Back to Ash & co., they meet the curator who's named Rodman and his Clauncher. Ash & co. ask about the gold Magikarp statue and Rodman explains that there's a Golden Magikarp in the ocean that has saved someone from drowning and been spotted a few times since. The curator would like to catch the Golden Magikarp so he could put it in the Aquarium so everyone can view it. Down below the surface, Team Rocket are in the Magikarp Sub and hears story, deciding they want the catch the Golden Magikarp and have a plan.
    Ash & co. watch Rodman fish up a normal Magikarp much to their dissapointment, so they decide they'll help him by fishing for the Golden Magikarp too. While fishing shenanigans goes on like Serena failing to catch a Corsola, Bonnie tries making friends with Clauncher but it tries ignoring her. After Clauncher gets into a fight with Dedenne, Rodman explains that Clauncher originally was an Aquarium Pokemon but it didn't like being stared out, eventually resulting it to stop eating and becoming ill. Rodman decided to remove it from the Aquarium and instead make it its partner which has made it much happier, though it still doesn't like being stared at by others. Back to Team Rocket, they revealed they painted the Magikarp Sub gold to attract the Golden Magikarp and then catch it.
    Back to Ash & co. (+ Rodman), Clemont has built a Chinchou robot which is suppose to attract Magikarp but instead attracted Sharpedo which blew it up. Team Rocket aren't having any luck as well as they see something swimming in the shadows and grab it, only for it to be a Starmie who uses Thunderbolt to shock them until they let it go.
    Ash & co. (+ Rodman) again, Clemont has now built a Lanturn robot and set it to work. Just as he does, Team Rocket get Ash & co.'s (+ Rodman's) hooks stuck on their sub and they pull the gold painted Magikarp Sub out of the water. Ash & co. (+ Rodman) are excited at first but then Team Rocket comes out of the sub to yell at them.
    Now caught, Team Rocket decide to instead steal Ash & co.'s (+ Rodman's) Pokemon and managed to grab Dedenne, however Clauncher leaps into action by cutting off the grabbing arm and swimming Dedenne back to the beach as Pikachu sends Team Rocket blasting off. Everyone thanks Clauncher which Rodman explains has a strong sense of justice.
    We come to the end of the episode, it's noon time and Rodman decides they should call it a day. Ash apologize for all the troubled that happened and return the fishing rods but Rodman says they can keep them. Just then the Golden Magikarp jumps out of the water in front of them, Rodman getting excited that it does exist. Ash & co. say their goodbyes as Rodman says the next time he sees them he would have caught it, ending the episode with Ash & co. heading toward Cyllage City.

    Yeah, you pretty much sat down and watched Ash & co. fish for a whole episode. POKEMON! FULL OF ADVENTURE! Anyway, we're not done yet as I have a few details I want to fish out and comment on:

    1. *Ash & Serena see a Gorebyss swim by in the Aquarium*
    Ash: A Gorebyss, wow!
    Serena: It's a pink Pokemon and it's totally cute!
    Comment: Of course the first thing Serena would point out about it is it being pink. Also, here are some of Gorebyss' Pokedex entries:

    Sapphire: Although Gorebyss is the very picture of elegance and beauty while swimming, it is also cruel. When it spots prey, this Pokemon inserts its thin mouth into the prey's body and drains the prey of its body fluids.
    Emerald: A Gorebyss siphons the body fluids of prey through its thin, tubular mouth. Its light pink body color turns vivid when it finishes feeding.

    Totally cute!

    2. *Ash & co. are inside an underwater tube*
    Clemont: You never get to see Water-type Pokemon from this angle.
    Comment: Unless you're swimming.

    3. *Ash & co. see a group of Piplup walk out to play in the Aquarium*
    Serena: Piplup are really friendly, aren't they?
    Ash: Pikachu and I know a Piplup who's really something else.
    Comment: Oh, the ways you can describe Dawn's Piplup: jerkish, glutton, greedy, mischievous, egotistic, selfish, attention seeking... did it have any positive traits?

    4. ASH, WHY ARE YOU SCANNING A MAGIKARP?! You already scanned one in... oh, wow, according to Bulbapedia it took Ash until Sinnoh to scan a Magikarp... BUT HE DID SCAN ONE PREVIOUSLY! And even if he hadn't, it's still a Magikarp, there's nothing to really know about it.

    5. *Ash & co. comment on the Magikarp*
    Gentleman: You know, many Magikarp live in the bay area.
    Comment: Magikarp pretty much live in all fishable bodies of water, and their usually the most common catch. They're annoying like that.

    6. Gentleman: Of course there are many types of Pokemon in the world, but Water-type Pokemon are surprisingly the 2nd most common type.
    Comment: WRONG! Water-type are, in fact, THE most common type. Normal-type is the second most common.

    7. Really? The curator of the Aquarium is named Rodman? What, was Mr. Fisher too obvious?

    8. MAGIKARP SUB RETURNS! And gee, its in a episode about a Shiny Magikarp, I wonder if that will have anything to do with this Ash & co. fishing for one...

    9. Yeah, maybe Serena trying to catch a Water-type when her only Pokemon is a Fire-type might be a bit difficult, especially with Corsola being part Rock-type so it quadruple resists Fire-type moves and normally resists Normal-type moves.

    10. Pfft, Clemont, you don't need a complex invention to attract Magikarp, you just need an Old Rod.

    11. *FAKE GASP* Why, who would have EVER thought that Team Rocket's plan to disguise their Magikarp Sub as a Shiny Magikarp would end up them getting accidently caught by Ash & co. (+ Rodman). I never saw that coming...

    12. You know, if Team Rokcet didn't try stealing Ash & co.'s (+ Rodman's) Pokemon and instead went back to their plan of trying to find the Golden Magikarp, Ash & co. would have not been able to send them blasting off since they weren't doing anything wrong.

    13. Shouldn't Ash already have a fishing rod? Or did all the times he used one outside of a competition were owned by Misty/Brock or Cilan?

    14. *Ash & co. say goodbye and they'll come back to visit*
    Rodman: Good, and I would have caught the Golden Magikarp by the time I see you next.
    Comment: So, that's a never then?

    NEXT TIME! What time period are these dinosaur Pokemon from? THE ICE AGE!... Why yes, you might want to expect a few Batman & Robin's Mr. Freeze quotes.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [40]Jul 8, 2014
    • member since: 06/27/07
    • level: 27
    • rank: Shark Jumper
    • posts: 9,508

    XY023 "Coming Back into the Cold!"

    An okay episode, but could have been so much better. Why? Well when you got to the Fossil Lab in the games you then went to Glittering Cave where you first run into Team Flare. So of course, not only do we not see Glittering Cave but Team Flare isn't introduced. Because, you know, changing the villainous team story worked SO WELL in Black & White and they didn't need to force Team Plasma in last second... *sigh* Instead, we got this episode's plot:

    Ash & co. are at the Ambretta Town Pokemon Center where Ash is training for his Gym Battle with Grant. After Fletchling and Froakie's battle, Alexa comes up to them having heard they were on their way to Cyllage City from Viola. Alexa says she's on her way to the Fossil Lab which had made a huge discovery and Ash & co. decide to come along too (though Serena and Bonnie aren't so intersted). At the Fossil Lab, they meet a researcher named Thaddeus who shows them around the Fossil Lab. Meanwhile, Team Rocket overhears about the big discovery and sends in a helicotper cube to spy on Ash & co. (+ Alexa and Thaddeus).
    After putting on winter clothing, Ash & co. (+ Alexa and Thaddeus) enter a dome set to cold temperatures where they see a living Amaura and Aurorus. Thaddeus explains they're the big discovery as they revived Amaura from a Fin Fossil they found. Ash & co. play with Amaura who's very friendly due to their species normally having no natural predators but eventually Ash & co. need to go back outside to warm up. Team Rocket takes this as their chance to sneak in and steal Amaura and Aurorus. They melt a hole in the dome's door and manage to trick Amaura into a truck, but Aurorus is less trusting. Amaura cries out which gets Aurorus to start yelling as researchers run in to see Team Rocket drive away with Amaura.
    Ash & co. (+ Alexa) get back to hear that Amaura has been stolen and they need to get it back as it can't survive in warm temperatures for long. The other researchers are trying to stop Aurorus from chasing after Amaura, but after it senses an aurora in the sky that Amaura has made Ash & co. (+ Alexa) says they'll go with Aurorus to get Amaura back.
    In the back of Team Rocket's truck, Amaura tries to cool itself off by chilling the air but upon feeling the cold Team Rocket turns on the truck's heat causing Amaura to curl up and fall asleep. This causes the aurora to vanish leaving Ash & co. no idea where Amaura is but Ash promises Aurorus they'll get Amaura back.
    That night Team Rocket's truck blows a tire and Team Rocket go out to fix it. Near a lake, Ash & co. (+ Alexa and Aurorus) wonder where Amaura was taken and Aurorus calls out to Amaura. Amaura hears Aurorus's cry and creates another aurora that Ash & co. (+ Alexa and Aurorus) start to follow. However Amaura loses consciousness causing the aurora to vanish but Ash & co. follow to where it was and find Team Rocket.
    After some battles, Aurorus freezes Team Rocket and Pikachu sends them blasting off. Ash & co. get Amaura out of the truck but its too weak from being out of the cold for too long. However Aurorus is able to cool it off by chilling the air just as the Fossil's Lab truck finds them.
    We end the episode back in the Fossil Lab's cold dome where Amaura has made a full recovery and Ash & co. play with it some more.

    So yeah, we could have had Ash & co. encounter Team Flare in the Glittering Cave, but instead we had a usual episode of Ash & co. looking for a Pokemon that Team Rocket stole.

    1. Don't tell me Ash plans on using Fletchling against the ROCK-type Gym Leader...

    2. Okay, is Alexa going to be some kind of pseudo companion?

    3. *Alexa tells Ash & co. about the Fossil Lab*
    Bonnie: What kind of place is a Fossil Lab, anyway?
    Comment:... why, isn't it obvious? They grow berries there...

    4. You're debuting both Amaura and Aurorus in one episode? You don't want to wait a bit and save Aurorus for later? Actually, now thinking about it, Grant had both a Tyrunt and Amaura in his Gym Battle, wonder what Amaura appearing here means for Grant's Gym Battle?

    5. Oh, so this is the big discovery? You revived a fossil Pokemon? Gee, we haven't seen that done before.

    6. Where did Team Rocket get a plasma cannon?

    7. *Ash & co. are told that Amaura had just been stolen*
    Thaddeus: But if Amaura is in a warm place for too long...
    Ash: If that happens then what?
    Thaddeus: Amaura will keep on getting weaker.
    Comment: Oh, is that all? No big deal. I mean if it was going to DIE then that would have been a big dal but if its just going to become a bit weaker...

    8. You know Ash, you could send out Fletchling to fly to where the aurora is so that it could possibly find who took Amaura and to where.

    9. Ash: Alright, you got to be the ones who stole Amaura, who are you!
    Comment: Really? You clearly saw who they were when you ran out from the forest... THEY'RE TRUCK EVEN HAS A "R" ON IT!
    Jessie: Prepare for trouble, you know us well.
    James: With our style you should have been able to tell.
    Comment: Even Team Rocket knew Ash should have known it was them!

    10. Ash: Team Rocket! I should have known you'd do something like this.

    11. Oh, Jessie is using Wobbuffet, you'd think she'd use it more often considering how they almost caught Pikachu using it in the first episode of XY.

    12. Alexa: And so, just as it might have been in ancient times, its beautiful to see people and Pokemon together!
    Comment: Um, Alexa, I'm pretty sure people weren't around during the time that Amaura and Aurorus walked the Pokemon world...

    NEXT TIME! We've seen a Clauncher, time to see Y's Water-type exclusive... oh wait, nevermind, it's instead time to ROCK a gym!

    Edited on 07/08/2014 6:36pm
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