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  • Avatar of Omi_man


    [1]Jul 16, 2006
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    People will put there pokemon Party Here Name/Lv/ and move and will rate them 1/10 on the pokemon, the moves, and origonality Ill start.Ps Give comments

    charzard Lv84 Fly,overheat,flamethrower,and Blast Burn

    Rayquazar Lv 78 Outrage,Solarbeam,Hyperbeam, and Earthquake

    Mewtwo Lv 78 Phychic,Strength, Hyper beam, Shawdow Ball

    Azumarill Lv 50 Surf, Icebeam, Secret Power, and Double-edge,

    Mightyenya Lv 50 Crunch, Strength, Rocksmash, Hyperbeam,

    Regirock Lv 40 Rockthrow, Curse, Superpower, Ancientpower

    Edited on 07/16/2006 7:41pm
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  • Avatar of xtremepercy


    [2]Jul 16, 2006
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    Very good party.Just train your bottom 3 more.Anyway,here's my strongest team.

    Charizard Lv100 Fly,Flamethrower,Cut,Heat Wave

    Latios Lv100 Solarbeam,Recover,Hyper Beam,Physcic

    Swampert Lv81 Mud Shot,Muddy Water,Earthquake,Surf

    Champion(A.K.A My Sceptile) Lv61 Cut,Leaf Blade,Dragon Claw,Slam

    Rayquaza Lv77 Fly,Hyper Beam,Extremespeed,Outrage

    (This one changes every now and then)

    Salamence Lv50 Dragonbreath,Headbutt,Fly,Ember

    Groudon Lv71 Fire Blast,Rest,Fissure,Solarbeam

    Relicanth Lv32 Watergun,Rock Tomb,Yawn,Take Down

    Glalie Lv44 Ice Beam,Icy Wind,Hail,Protect

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  • Avatar of Omi_man


    [3]Jul 16, 2006
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    very good but i cant get groudon and kyroge on my emerald for some reason
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  • Avatar of SaturnDiva


    [4]Jul 16, 2006
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    Natsume/Breloom, Level 59, Moves: Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Sky Uppercut, Stun Spore

    Mia/Absol, Level 59, Moves: Perish Song, Future Sight, Shadow Ball, Bite

    Helba/Gardevoir, Level 60, Moves: Psychic, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Shock Wave

    Mirelle/Raichu, Level 60, Moves: Dig, Iron Tail, Thunderbolt, Slam

    Gardenia/Blaziken, Level 60, Moves: Brick Break, Flamethrower, Bulk Up, Aerial Ace

    Subaru/Walrein, Level 64, Moves: Hail, Earthquake, Ice Beam, Surf

    Well, that's my happy little Sapphire team.

    Edited on 07/16/2006 10:09pm
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  • Avatar of SaturnDiva


    [5]Jul 16, 2006
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    Omi_man wrote:

    People will put there pokemon Party Here Name/Lv/ and move and will rate them 1/10 on the pokemon, the moves, and origonality Ill start.Ps Give comments

    charzard Lv84 Fly,overheat,flamethrower,and Blast Burn

    Rayquazar Lv 78 Outrage,Solarbeam,Hyperbeam, and Earthquake

    Mewtwo Lv 78 Phychic,Strength, Hyper beam, Shawdow Ball

    Azumarill Lv 50 Surf, Icebeam, Secret Power, and Double-edge,

    Mightyenya Lv 50 Crunch, Strength, Rocksmash, Hyperbeam,

    Regirock Lv 40 Rockthrow, Curse, Superpower, Ancientpower

    First off, Hyper Beam is horrible. You can't do anything on your next turn. At least with Dive/Dig/Fly you're protected from any attack for a turn, but Hyper Beam just leaves you wide open. Same thing with Blast Burn. Overheat lowers Sp. Atk (or whatever) each time you use it. Outrage confuses the user after it's done. Strength shouldn't be there. Rock Smash is the worst offense HM move. And you obviously didn't train Regirock at all...

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  • Avatar of Omi_man


    [6]Jul 17, 2006
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    no i just got it but im training it now
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  • Avatar of Omi_man


    [7]Jul 17, 2006
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    SaturnDiva wrote:

    Natsume/Breloom, Level 59, Moves: Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Sky Uppercut, Stun Spore

    Mia/Absol, Level 59, Moves: Perish Song, Future Sight, Shadow Ball, Bite

    Helba/Gardevoir, Level 60, Moves: Psychic, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Shock Wave

    Mirelle/Raichu, Level 60, Moves: Dig, Iron Tail, Thunderbolt, Slam

    Gardenia/Blaziken, Level 60, Moves: Brick Break, Flamethrower, Bulk Up, Aerial Ace

    Subaru/Walrein, Level 64, Moves: Hail, Earthquake, Ice Beam, Surf

    Well, that's my happy little Sapphire team.

    very nice
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  • Avatar of DragonMaskD


    [8]Jul 17, 2006
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    Sorry Omi_Man but that's not a good team. There's no stratagy, your Pokemon don't have good move sets (Charizard knowing nothing but fire attacks, that'll cause serious trouble when playing in Colloseum or other skilled players, or Pokemon it's not good against), and you haven't seem to know what good stat increasing and decreasing will do you.
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  • Avatar of Omi_man


    [9]Jul 17, 2006
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    i am like jaden on yugioh Gx do now think later
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  • Avatar of blueMnM415


    [10]Jul 17, 2006
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    I like your team Omi_Man, and i think it is fine.
    Edited on 07/17/2006 10:24am
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  • Avatar of SaturnDiva


    [11]Jul 17, 2006
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    Omi_man wrote:
    i am like jaden on yugioh Gx do now think later

    But you see, you can't be like Jaden when you're up against skilled players. Your pokemon would be killed instantly simply because of your stupidity about choosing the right moves. And simply because it works for anime characters doesn't mean it'll work in the real world.

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  • Avatar of futurewm2006


    [12]Jul 17, 2006
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    my current party is:

    Swampert Lv. 77 (surf, muddy water, earthquake, take down)

    Heracross Lv. 63 (megahorn, counter, reversal, earthquake) he's the last one I captured

    Raichu Lv.70 ( thunder, thunderbolt, iron tail, light screen)

    Shirtry Lv. 74 (extrasensory, faint attack, solarbeam, synthesis)

    Torkoal Lv.78 (flamethower, fire blast, body slam, protect)

    Flygon Lv. 69 (fly, dragonbreath, hyper beam, crunch) 

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  • Avatar of PokeshipAAML


    [13]Jul 18, 2006
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    Here 's my team!

    Togepi Lv62 Attacks: Metrenome, Wish, Yawn, Psychic

    Pikachu Lv84 Attacks: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Dig, Slam

    Starmie Lv62 Attacks: Swift, Surf, Waterfall, Recover

    Zapdos Lv70 Attacks: Drill peck, Thunder, Fly, Rock smash

    Gengar Lv73 Attacks: Shadow ball, Night shade, Destiny bond (luv this one), Strength

    Blastoise Lv71 Attacks: Hydro pump, Seismic toss, Bite, Surf

    Thats my team! And I'm proud of every last one of them!

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  • Avatar of Omi_man


    [14]Jul 18, 2006
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    blueMnM415 wrote:
    I like your team Omi_Man, and i think it is fine.
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  • Avatar of Omi_man


    [15]Jul 18, 2006
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    SaturnDiva wrote:

    Omi_man wrote:
    i am like jaden on yugioh Gx do now think later

    But you see, you can't be like Jaden when you're up against skilled players. Your pokemon would be killed instantly simply because of your stupidity about choosing the right moves. And simply because it works for anime characters doesn't mean it'll work in the real world.

    well Its worked so far and out of those pokemons move which onew should i use my 2 pp max on
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  • Avatar of Omi_man


    [16]Jul 18, 2006
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    futurewm2006 wrote:

    my current party is:

    Swampert Lv. 77 (surf, muddy water, earthquake, take down)

    Heracross Lv. 63 (megahorn, counter, reversal, earthquake) he's the last one I captured

    Raichu Lv.70 ( thunder, thunderbolt, iron tail, light screen)

    Shirtry Lv. 74 (extrasensory, faint attack, solarbeam, synthesis)

    Torkoal Lv.78 (flamethower, fire blast, body slam, protect)

    Flygon Lv. 69 (fly, dragonbreath, hyper beam, crunch) 

    very nice
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  • Avatar of Omi_man


    [17]Jul 18, 2006
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    PokeshipAAML wrote:

    Here 's my team!

    Togepi Lv62 Attacks: Metrenome, Wish, Yawn, Psychic

    Pikachu Lv84 Attacks: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Dig, Slam

    Starmie Lv62 Attacks: Swift, Surf, Waterfall, Recover

    Zapdos Lv70 Attacks: Drill peck, Thunder, Fly, Rock smash

    Gengar Lv73 Attacks: Shadow ball, Night shade, Destiny bond (luv this one), Strength

    Blastoise Lv71 Attacks: Hydro pump, Seismic toss, Bite, Surf

    Thats my team! And I'm proud of every last one of them!

    yours i like the best you have my fav pokemon
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  • Avatar of blueMnM415


    [18]Jul 18, 2006
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    Omi_man wrote:
    yours i like the best you have my fav pokemon
    What is your fav?
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  • Avatar of SaturnDiva


    [19]Jul 18, 2006
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    PokeshipAAML wrote:

    Here 's my team!

    Togepi Lv62 Attacks: Metrenome, Wish, Yawn, Psychic

    Pikachu Lv84 Attacks: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Dig, Slam

    Starmie Lv62 Attacks: Swift, Surf, Waterfall, Recover

    Zapdos Lv70 Attacks: Drill peck, Thunder, Fly, Rock smash

    Gengar Lv73 Attacks: Shadow ball, Night shade, Destiny bond (luv this one), Strength

    Blastoise Lv71 Attacks: Hydro pump, Seismic toss, Bite, Surf

    Thats my team! And I'm proud of every last one of them!

    I suggest you evolve your Togepi. And please choose... Pikachu or Zapdos... Starmie or Blastoise... You don't need two electric pokemon and two water pokemon. Thunder misses a lot. Same with Hydro Pump. Thunderbolt and Surf are much better. And Surf is also better than Waterfall. Rock Smash is the weakest offensive HM move. Strength just shouldn't be there.

    I swear, what is it with you people teaching your pokemon all these HM moves? If you need a HM, just go to the nearest Pokemon Center and deposit a party pokemon and take out a weaker pokemon that knows the HM moves you need. It's not that hard.

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  • Avatar of blueMnM415


    [20]Jul 18, 2006
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    SaturnDiva wrote:
    I suggest you evolve your Togepi. And please choose... Pikachu or Zapdos... Starmie or Blastoise... You don't need two electric pokemon and two water pokemon. Thunder misses a lot. Same with Hydro Pump. Thunderbolt and Surf are much better. And Surf is also better than Waterfall. Rock Smash is the weakest offensive HM move. Strength just shouldn't be there.
    I swear, what is it with you people teaching your pokemon all these HM moves? If you need a HM, just go to the nearest Pokemon Center and deposit a party pokemon and take out a weaker pokemon that knows the HM moves you need. It's not that hard.
    Why do you care so much about how we train our Pokemon!!!!!! Just like Pokemon, Trainers are different too!!! Stop insulting other people and telling them what to do just because you think its right!! It is extremley annoying. Oh, and guess what, ive more stuff for you to insult us over, this time you get to insult me!! The reason i havent put up my party is because i the first time i get a new game, i just beat it to beat it and get it over with, then i restart and train all my Pokemon equelly and make sure i am doing everything to the best of my abilities. So, what insult are you going to come up with for that!?!?!
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