*GASP* That's right, I'm finally watching through Season 16 "Pokemon Black & White: Adventures in Unova!". A filler arc as Gen VI & Pokemon XY were getting ready to be released, its about Ash, Iris, & Cilan heading to Kanto on a cruise ship which is also visiting the various islands of the Decolore Islands. I decided to try yet another new review style which, funny enough, is probably like an actual review instead of me just recapping the episode. Oh, but don't worry, I make sure to note anything I feel is important to mention so you won't be missing too much of my opinions. So let's get started with:
BW123 "Farewell, Unova! Setting Sail for New Adventures!"
This episode marks several things: The beginning of season 16 of the dub, the final season of the Unova saga (though it takes place in a series of islands between Unova and Kanto called the Decolore Island), and also a reset of Team Rocket back to the way they were before Black & White (always trying to catch Pikachu, putting on disguises, and blasting off). This episode pretty much is setting things back to status quo. Being the first episode I don't know whether the amount of comments I'll be making is longer, smaller, or about the same size for every episode. Eitherway, here's the comments for the first episode:
1. This is the only time we're fully seeing Zekrom in the anime, and it was a dream. I already went on length how they messed up with the Team Plasma arc, especially with having only Reshiram be the focus. And yeah, we technically saw Zekrom at the beginning where it accidentally took Pikachu's electrical power and then returning it, but it was shrouded in clouds. Aside from the movies, the Team Plasma Plot was pretty much their time to use Zekrom alongside Reshiram (especially after having Ash mention to N about seeing Zekrom, you'd think they were setting up that Zekrom had sensed something in Ash and was going to help battle Reshiram and Team Plasma)... but they didn't. What a complete waste.
2. I'm both happy and sad to see that the Rocket Trio are going to be reset back to the way they were. I'm happy because, since they were on missions all the time, they weren't really that much in the show outside of the episodes when they begin their missions, only getting quick glimpses of them setting up for their mission outside of those episodes. But at the same time those Team Rocket-central episodes were great and it was also great to see the Rocket Trio acting competent and be an actual threat. Though this is just the start of the new arc, already they're beginning to slip back into being complete mess ups. I like goofy Team Rocket, but I think they can be both goofy and menacing.
3. As if Professor Oak teleporting Charizard directly to Ash (in exchange for Unfezant) wasn't frustrating enough, when Ash was telling Oak about them coming back on boat Professor Juniper says she'll teleport Ash's extra Pokemon she had over to him. THIS COMPLETELY DEFEATS THE PURPOSE OF SEPERATING ASH FROM HIS RESERVES! Why, WHY did Ash not use his reserves during the Unova League if he had access to them? He used them during the Sinnoh League, what makes the Unova League different? Maybe he wouln't have lost to a trainer that ONLY BROUGHT FIVE POKEMON TO A FULL BATTLE if he had all his stronger Pokemon with him. I know I ranted about this before, but this just cements the point. Oh, and it also means that we'll only be seeing 4 of the Pokemon Ash caught in Unova during this arc since there's no way for him to swap out any (and remember he has Pikachu and Charizard with him).
4. Why did Professor Juniper go and get Ash & co. their tickets? I understand driving the and maybe accompanying them as they went to get their tickets, but instead they stayed in her jeep as she went off. Just seems odd to me. And before you say anything, they could still have James bump into them and swap out their tickets.
5. *Ash and co. were just told their tickets weren't correct*
Ash: Big bummer, I thought we were going to be able to ride that big ship.
Comment: Odd reaction, I would be more confused why the tickets Professor Juniper gave me aren't valid. I would have at least asked why they weren't valid to the ticket checker or gone to the ticket counter to get them checked.
Cilan: That's some disappointment, but if we're not on this ship...
Iris: Which one of them is ours?
Comment: Well what does the ticket say? Are you telling me Team Rocket directly copied the ticket but didn't change the dock number to lead to their ship? What if Ash & co. got security called on them for having fake tickets?
6. *A disguised Jessie tells them that the tickets they have are for their ship and leads them to it*
Ash: It's a little smaller than the other one but looks pretty cool too!
Comment: "Looks pretty cool"... here's pictures of the ship:
Its a junker!
7. What was up with Oshawott rushing into the room after hearing Team Rocket's plan and then looking surprised it did that? It didn't look like it leaned in too much and fell in, Oshawott clearly rushed through the door intentionally.
8. Yes Iris, have Excadrill use Dig ON A BOAT (though to be fair it's no worse using it and possibly worse Moves on the Battle Subway in the games as far as logic goes). Let's also not mention how Excadrill should have been injured from the water geyser being its part Ground-type. Actually WHY did the water come up as a geyser? Actually, why did Excadrill keep digging through the ship until it punctured the bottom, shouldn't it had stopped after getting below deck? THIS SCENE DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!
9. So Porter calls himself the Chief Purser, that's a bit odd since, according to what I read about a purser, they're job on board is to handle money and the ship's supplies. A purser doesn't really interact with the guests and it's definitely not their job to attend to the guests needs. Heck, I even question him checking tickets; shouldn't he be in the backroom checking stock? I think the Japanese version just has him as a guide which would make much more sense.
10. *Porter introduces himself*
Ash: That's really nice of your Parker.
Comment: Lol, script flub, Parker is Porter's Japanese name.
And that's all I have to say for this episode. Hopefully I'll be able to get more of these quick reviews done. I actually quite like this style as I get my main thoughts across without really having to retell you an episode you already watched. Well, until next review which hopefully will be soon!
Edited 2 total times.