BW139 "Team Rocket's Shocking Recruit!"
An interesting episode, I enjoyed it. Its an Emolga focused episode and filler episodes like these are nice as they're more character-based instead of random adventure based (especially if they're not going to show anything new or interesting).
Ash & co. relax on the next island as Alexa head off to get some of her equipment repaired. While eating lunch Oshawott steal Pignite food causing it to punch it into Emolga who shocks Oshawott. Despite Oshawott causing the trouble, Emolga gets yelled at. Emolga is feeling annoyed and tries to eat alone though Scraggy check on it, however it acts like a jerk so Scraggy tries to headbutt it but only causes Emolga's food to drop which makes Emolga shock Scraggy, Iris yells at it once more. Finally Emolga is playing with Axew and promises to keep itself but Axew gets attacke by a Galvantula however Emolga is blamed for the shock so it flies off upset and angry. It loses the wind and ends up falling right in front of Team Rocket, defeating all of their Pokemon without much trouble. Team Rocket decide to offer Emolga to join them and, thinking it'll get back at Iris, agrees. Ash & co. go looking for Emolga when Team Rocket attacks them with Emolga, who flies down and snatches Axew despite a short battle with Snivy. Team Rocket retreats as an angry Exploud attacks Ash & co., woken up from its sleep when Snivy redirected one of Emolga's Hidden Power into its burrow. While celebrating their victory, Team Rocket overhears Emolga telling Axew that it didn't join Team Rocket but is using them, planning on Team Rocket capturing Pikachu and Axew so it can swoop in and safe them to get Iris's praises. Team Rocket gets angry though discover the Exploud that attacked earlier and devise a plan. Team Rocket attack Ash & co. again and capture Pikachu, Iris then reads Axew's heart and sees it was a Galvantula which attacked it and apologizes to Emolga who forgives her but Team Rocket slams a cage onto them with the Exploud in it. The Exploud attack Emolga and Axew as Charizard and Dragonite try to break the cage and Snivy battles Team Rocket's Pokemon. As Emolga and Axew do their best to deal with the Exploud, Snivy manages to free Pikachu, Dragonite destroys the cage, and Charizard & Dragonite send the Exploud and Team Rocket blasting off. Iris once again apologizes to Emolga who forgives her as it plays with Axew, all of them returning to the ship at the end of the day and telling Alexa what happened.
As you can read, WAY more happened here than the last episode, though there two different kinds of episode. However amount of comments are not created equal and this one has a fair share amount of them:
1. And yet another episode where the writers had no idea what to do with Alexa so tossed her aside by having her needing to fix her equipment. If they weren't going to use her for a few episodes why not pushed those episodes earlier?
2. Why did Oshawott think it was going to get away with eating Pignites food? Hasn't every time it done that it immediately got noticed and attacked?
3. *Pignite punches Oshawott into Emolga who shocks it*
Iris: Hey, you shouldn't use Discharge on your friends.
Comment: Oshawott deserved it!
4. Okay, the Discharge on Scraggy was uncalled for, you were the one that acted like a jerk first, its not the one who yelled at you.
5. Wow, took 3 minutes to get to the opener this time.
6. Jessie: One more time, to gain maximum success I say we use operation X.
James: I beg to differ, my operation Y chances of success is far greater.
Comment: Very cute writers.
Meowth: Nope! Operation Z is the operation for me.
7. So that was, what, about 2 minutes Emolga needed to take out the entirety of Team Rocket's Pokemon excluding Meowth?
8. You realize Emolga isn't back yet so you return Charizard and Dragonite, you're aerial search Pokemon?
9. Yeah, I don't think Emolga will be an effective member of Team Rocket when Iris can just shoot a Pokeball beam at it until it goes back into its Pokeball. Of course no one thinks to do that very obvious thing.
10. Now you may think I'd complain about Ash scanning an Exploud, HOWEVER the episode which Exploud debut in had May scanning it, meaning Ash never scanned an Exploud before this episode. Okay, yes, he still should know enough about it not to scan it, but he still never scanned one before so can't put that on him.
11. Emolga, maybe you should reveal your plan right in front of Meowth, you know, the Pokemon who can speak both Pokemon and human thus can tell Jessie and James your plan to double cross them.
12. What in the... OH, right, Iris can hear the heart of Dragon-types (and remember, last episode confirmed she never liked Dragon-types in the first place... EVEN THOUGH SHE HAS THIS POWER!). You'd think an Ability like that would come up more often, like every time Axew wants to explain something to them, but the last time it was used was when Iris caught Dragonite so forgive me if it took a while to remember what it was... actually Bulbapedia had to remind me about it.
13. *Puts Emolga and Axew in the cage with Exploud in it*
James: Exploud can be one unhappy camper when its beauty sleep is rudely interuppted.
Jessie: For betraying us, Emolga and Axew are heading for what I like to call payback ville.
Comment: Well Axew technically didn't betray you before it never joined you.
Jessie: And you'll watch them become Team Rocketeers right before your eyes!
Comment: AND then Charizard and Dragonite come flying in, break the cage's connection to the Meowth Balloon, frees Pikachu, send Team Rocket blasting off, and flip the cage on its side to let Emolga and Axew out... SERIOUSLY! Are Charizard and Dragonite really just sitting back and watching?
14. With the above said, this is actually pretty brutal! Emolga and Axew are just being knocked around!
15. Well Charizard and Dragonite were finally told to do something though the cage is indestructible... ATTACK TEAM ROCKET THEN!
16. *Ash & co. try to break the cage but can't*
Jessie: Underestimate Team Rocket? Bad twerps.
James: They'll never learn.
Comment: Up till now one attack was good enough to defeat you so don't blame them if you decide to test whether you attacked-proof something or not.
17. WHOA! Exploud ATE Axew... true, Axew used a Dragone Rage to get out, BUT STILL!
18. So its with Snivy who you decide to attack Team Rocket with? Are Charizard and Dragonite still working on the cage?... Oh, nevermind, Dragonite just broke the cage and it and Charizard sent Exploud blasting off into Team Rocket who then sends Team Rocket double blasting off!
19. Oh yeah, Alexa was in this episode, sorta, not really... she's in the next episode, right?
Actually, about that... well, you'll find out next episode. What is it about, well Cilan gets a call from his brothers about an interesting challenger who was at the Gym and is now looking for him. Who is this challenger? Check in next time and I'll tell you!