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Review Catch-Up Board: Season 16, 16th Movie, & Origins!

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [21]Jan 30, 2014
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    BW139 "Team Rocket's Shocking Recruit!"

    An interesting episode, I enjoyed it. Its an Emolga focused episode and filler episodes like these are nice as they're more character-based instead of random adventure based (especially if they're not going to show anything new or interesting).

    Ash & co. relax on the next island as Alexa head off to get some of her equipment repaired. While eating lunch Oshawott steal Pignite food causing it to punch it into Emolga who shocks Oshawott. Despite Oshawott causing the trouble, Emolga gets yelled at. Emolga is feeling annoyed and tries to eat alone though Scraggy check on it, however it acts like a jerk so Scraggy tries to headbutt it but only causes Emolga's food to drop which makes Emolga shock Scraggy, Iris yells at it once more. Finally Emolga is playing with Axew and promises to keep itself but Axew gets attacke by a Galvantula however Emolga is blamed for the shock so it flies off upset and angry. It loses the wind and ends up falling right in front of Team Rocket, defeating all of their Pokemon without much trouble. Team Rocket decide to offer Emolga to join them and, thinking it'll get back at Iris, agrees. Ash & co. go looking for Emolga when Team Rocket attacks them with Emolga, who flies down and snatches Axew despite a short battle with Snivy. Team Rocket retreats as an angry Exploud attacks Ash & co., woken up from its sleep when Snivy redirected one of Emolga's Hidden Power into its burrow. While celebrating their victory, Team Rocket overhears Emolga telling Axew that it didn't join Team Rocket but is using them, planning on Team Rocket capturing Pikachu and Axew so it can swoop in and safe them to get Iris's praises. Team Rocket gets angry though discover the Exploud that attacked earlier and devise a plan. Team Rocket attack Ash & co. again and capture Pikachu, Iris then reads Axew's heart and sees it was a Galvantula which attacked it and apologizes to Emolga who forgives her but Team Rocket slams a cage onto them with the Exploud in it. The Exploud attack Emolga and Axew as Charizard and Dragonite try to break the cage and Snivy battles Team Rocket's Pokemon. As Emolga and Axew do their best to deal with the Exploud, Snivy manages to free Pikachu, Dragonite destroys the cage, and Charizard & Dragonite send the Exploud and Team Rocket blasting off. Iris once again apologizes to Emolga who forgives her as it plays with Axew, all of them returning to the ship at the end of the day and telling Alexa what happened.

    As you can read, WAY more happened here than the last episode, though there two different kinds of episode. However amount of comments are not created equal and this one has a fair share amount of them:

    1. And yet another episode where the writers had no idea what to do with Alexa so tossed her aside by having her needing to fix her equipment. If they weren't going to use her for a few episodes why not pushed those episodes earlier?

    2. Why did Oshawott think it was going to get away with eating Pignites food? Hasn't every time it done that it immediately got noticed and attacked?

    3. *Pignite punches Oshawott into Emolga who shocks it*
    Iris: Hey, you shouldn't use Discharge on your friends.
    Comment: Oshawott deserved it!

    4. Okay, the Discharge on Scraggy was uncalled for, you were the one that acted like a jerk first, its not the one who yelled at you.

    5. Wow, took 3 minutes to get to the opener this time.

    6. Jessie: One more time, to gain maximum success I say we use operation X.
    James: I beg to differ, my operation Y chances of success is far greater.
    Comment: Very cute writers.
    Meowth: Nope! Operation Z is the operation for me.
    Comment: OMG!!1! Z VERSION CONFURMED!1!!

    7. So that was, what, about 2 minutes Emolga needed to take out the entirety of Team Rocket's Pokemon excluding Meowth?

    8. You realize Emolga isn't back yet so you return Charizard and Dragonite, you're aerial search Pokemon?

    9. Yeah, I don't think Emolga will be an effective member of Team Rocket when Iris can just shoot a Pokeball beam at it until it goes back into its Pokeball. Of course no one thinks to do that very obvious thing.

    10. Now you may think I'd complain about Ash scanning an Exploud, HOWEVER the episode which Exploud debut in had May scanning it, meaning Ash never scanned an Exploud before this episode. Okay, yes, he still should know enough about it not to scan it, but he still never scanned one before so can't put that on him.

    11. Emolga, maybe you should reveal your plan right in front of Meowth, you know, the Pokemon who can speak both Pokemon and human thus can tell Jessie and James your plan to double cross them.

    12. What in the... OH, right, Iris can hear the heart of Dragon-types (and remember, last episode confirmed she never liked Dragon-types in the first place... EVEN THOUGH SHE HAS THIS POWER!). You'd think an Ability like that would come up more often, like every time Axew wants to explain something to them, but the last time it was used was when Iris caught Dragonite so forgive me if it took a while to remember what it was... actually Bulbapedia had to remind me about it.

    13. *Puts Emolga and Axew in the cage with Exploud in it*
    James: Exploud can be one unhappy camper when its beauty sleep is rudely interuppted.
    Jessie: For betraying us, Emolga and Axew are heading for what I like to call payback ville.
    Comment: Well Axew technically didn't betray you before it never joined you.
    Jessie: And you'll watch them become Team Rocketeers right before your eyes!
    Comment: AND then Charizard and Dragonite come flying in, break the cage's connection to the Meowth Balloon, frees Pikachu, send Team Rocket blasting off, and flip the cage on its side to let Emolga and Axew out... SERIOUSLY! Are Charizard and Dragonite really just sitting back and watching?

    14. With the above said, this is actually pretty brutal! Emolga and Axew are just being knocked around!

    15. Well Charizard and Dragonite were finally told to do something though the cage is indestructible... ATTACK TEAM ROCKET THEN!

    16. *Ash & co. try to break the cage but can't*
    Jessie: Underestimate Team Rocket? Bad twerps.
    James: They'll never learn.
    Comment: Up till now one attack was good enough to defeat you so don't blame them if you decide to test whether you attacked-proof something or not.

    17. WHOA! Exploud ATE Axew... true, Axew used a Dragone Rage to get out, BUT STILL!

    18. So its with Snivy who you decide to attack Team Rocket with? Are Charizard and Dragonite still working on the cage?... Oh, nevermind, Dragonite just broke the cage and it and Charizard sent Exploud blasting off into Team Rocket who then sends Team Rocket double blasting off!

    19. Oh yeah, Alexa was in this episode, sorta, not really... she's in the next episode, right?

    Actually, about that... well, you'll find out next episode. What is it about, well Cilan gets a call from his brothers about an interesting challenger who was at the Gym and is now looking for him. Who is this challenger? Check in next time and I'll tell you!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [22]Jan 31, 2014
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    BW140 "Survival of the Striaton Gym!"

    An okay episode, we needed to get an episode focusing on Cilan before ending the Unova saga, and what better way than with a Gym Battle... or sort.

    The final Decolore Island before Kanto is Paladin Island where a famous battle between the strongest trainers from Unova and Sinnoh happened long ago. A black collared Porter tells Cilan he has a call from brothers, Chili and Cress. They tell him they're on their way to Paladin Island and they'll explain what has happened when they get their. On Paladin Island, Alexa has to leave to write an article as Ash & co. have lunch when they encounter an Abomasnow who attacks Pansage. Abomasnow's trainer, Morana, appears as well as Chili and Cress who explain that Morana is trying to take the Striaton Gym and had already beaten them. Cilan accepts Morana's challenge and they'll battle at the base of the lighthouse where the those two strongest trainers battle, Morana is even from Sinnoh. The battle starts between Cilan's Pansage and Morana's Abomasnow and after a fierce battle Pansage wins, the triplets keeping the Striaton Gym. Morana says she'll battle Cilan again and walks away. That evening, Cilan thinks about returning to the Gym but Cress asks if Cilan is happy traveling which he says he is so Cress tells him to stay on his journey while Chili says they'll keep the Striaton Gym safe.

    A good chunk of the episode was the battle which I didn't have any complaints about (they used a lot of attacks which shouldn't be very effective on each other but I stopped pointing that stuff out a while ago). However there are still plenty of things to comment on:

    1. A battle between the strongest trainers from Unova and Sinnoh? Being the Decolore Islands are between Unova and Kanto, wouldn't the strongest trainers from Unova and Kanto make more sense?

    2. A black collared Porter again? I'll get more into that next episode which is the last time we'll be seeing a Porter.

    3. And what a shock, Alexa is out of the episode once again because why would we want the interesting character around?

    4. *Cilan suggests they have lunch as they wait for Cress and Chili*
    Iris: But, since it always seems to fall upon you to do all the cooking for us, why don't you let Ash and me do the cooking for a change.
    Comment: I'll answer with another question, "do you like having food poisoning?"

    5. *Iris notices Ash's pan is boiling over*
    Iris: Huh?! Ash your burning the food!
    Ash: Wah!
    *Iris turns to see her pot is boiling over*
    Iris: Naaah!
    *Both reach for their pan/pot lids*
    Ash & Iris: OW! It's hot!
    Ash: This cooking stuff is harder than I thought.
    Comment: Didn't you come to that realization the last few times you cooked?
    Iris: Sure is, without Cilan I'd think we'd be hungry a lot.
    Comment: Somewhere Brock is laughing though he doesn't laugh.

    6. And like last episode, though an Abomasnow had been previously scanned, this time the scan was done by Dawn and never by Ash. Though like with Exploud, Ash shouldn't need to scan as he knows what an Abomasnow is, especially since he needed to defeat one to get a Gym Badge in Sinnoh.

    7. Morana looks like a Final Fantasy villain, especially with that silly monocle.

    And being she apparently trains Ice-types I'm guessing if you beat her she gives you the Shiva Summon.

    8. Um, doesn't the Pokemon League have any say who runs a Gym or not? I don't think you can simply go into a Gym and challenge the Gym Leader for it, even if the Gym Leader agrees.

    9. *Chili explains the rules of the Gym*
    Morana: Sure, and since I came all the way from Sinnoh, try not to lose right away.
    Comment: If your from Sinnoh why do you want a Gym in Unova? Why aren't bothering a Sinnoh Gym Leader?

    10. *Cress tells Morana she needs to defeat Cilan if she wants the Gym*
    Chili: He's unbeatable!
    Comment: Except when he lost to Ash in his Gym Battle... Luke in the Club Battle... Stephan in the Clubsplosion... Trip in the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup... a trainer with a Hariyama in a Sumo Tournament... Ingo and Emmet in a tag battle with Ash... Skyla in the Mistralton Gym...

    11. Pansage's Ability is Gluttony... what a completely useless Ability in the anime. Actually any Ability which involved held items are useless in the anime, they barely got the concept of the Move Fling to work.

    12. So apparently Morana is another rival for Cilan... and she was introduced in the 3rd to last episode of the Unova saga AND 2nd to last episode with Cilan in it... You know, you could have had Cilan battle Burgundy since she's been his rival and we never really got any closure on her rivalry with Cilan (I think we know she respects him a bit more, but she still overall is annoyed by him and wants to beat him). And it would sort of be in character for Burgundy to try to take claim of a Gym run by Pokemon Connoisseur being one herself. But no, she vanished along with the other rivals which I guess makes sense since they're heading to Kanto but you'd think we'd see at least one, at the very least Burgundy and Georgia who are constantly trying to one-up Cilan and Iris, respectively. Actually if I was Georgia I'd probably be heading to Kalos... which would make a great set-up for when they have Iris visit Ash & the Kalos crew ("the Kalos crew?" patience my friend, we'll get to Kalos in a few more episodes...)

    13. Alexa was out of the episode to write the rest of her article... and she still didn't complete it. So making her be absent from the episode was completely pointless!

    And with that we're at the home stretch of the Decolore Island arc and Unova saga. As I mentioned, the last episode is the last for Iris and Cilan. What is the episode about? You'll see, though expect a lot of flashbacks along the way!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [23]Jan 31, 2014
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    BW141 "Best Wishes! Until We Meet Again!"

    What is meant to be a happy but bitter episode of Iris and Cilan leaving the episode is sadly bogged down by a ton oh STUPID moments. I get they wanted Iris and Cilan's episode to be action packed... but couldn't it have been smarter and done at Professor Oak's lab? But I'm getting ahead of myself, here's the episode summary:

    Now fully in Kanto waters, Ash & co. (+ Alexa) are close to landing in Vermillion City. However Team Rocket decide to do one all out attack on the ship, managing to lift it up into the air and capture all of Ash & co.'s Pokemon and knocking them into a store room. Team Rocket continue to steal the passenger's Pokemon as Ash & co. figure a way out of the store room by forming a stair of boxed and swinging on a hanging crane. Just as Team Rocket are about to leave, Ash & co. swing up and force Team Rocket to fall and drop everyone's Pokeball and a netted Pikachu & Axew. Ash & co. get their Pokemon back and send Team Rocket blasting off, destroying the balloons and putting the ship back in the water and on course. In Vermillion City, Iris and Cilan reveal they plan on leaving for Johto and Hoenn immediately so Ash and Alexa walk them to the train station and Ash tells them good-bye. After a flashback of Iris's and Cilan's moments, Ash and Alexa set out to Pallet Town.

    The episode sort of is cut into two parts though much more is focused on fighting off Team Rocket. As you can imagine from my first paragraph, I have a LOT of comments to make. Let's get to them:

    1. *Ash & co. see a Gyarados jumping in and out of the sea*
    Iris: I've never seen a Gyarados in person before!
    Comment: Ash is proably thinking she should consider herself lucky.
    Cilan: The way it flings itself from the water shows such a spicy zest for life.
    Comment: No, the spicy zest comes from how it prefers to eat you.
    Iris: Cilan, is it a Dragon-type?
    Comment: No, but it was suppose to be.
    Cilan: No, its not. Its a Flying/Water-type.
    Comment: Switch that around and you'll have that right.
    Iris: I see.
    Comment: That didn't stop Lance and Clair from having one.

    2. Okay, there's drawing badly on purpose and than there's having your little kids draw pictures for you.

    (They even had trouble coloring within the lines!)

    3. Okay, I'll believe you can power a small sub by pedaling, but I refuse to believe Team Rocket will be able to pull back a cruise ship by pedaling backwards!

    4. And the final Porter has a red collar. Okay, from my count, assuming all Porters we've seen are different Porters, we've seen 10 Porters throughout the Decolore Island arc. Now you can tell each Porter apart by the color of their collar... except that 3 Porters where red collars, 2 wear yellow, and 2 where black. Even if they were darker or lighter shades... really? You couldn't come up with 10 different colors? Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Brown, Pink, Black, White, Gray, Cyan, Olive, Lavender... that's fourteen different colors right there that don't look anything like each other and it only took me a minute to come up with them!

    5. *The ship broke free of Team Rocket's first attempt to stop it and were forced to surface*
    Ash: Hey, look at that!
    Porter: Hmm, it appears to be a Basculin.
    Ash: I've never seen one so big.

    (It even has a perfectly visible R on the side!)

    6. The balloons are lifting up the cruise ship... also no one is trying to pop the balloons or break their wires? As we'll see later in the episode, the balloons are incredibly easy to pop yet they're the last things Ash & co. do after they send Team Rocket blasting off!

    7. Captain: Now what's happening?
    Comment: There's windows, you can see what's happening.
    Sailor: The entire ship is somehow being lifted up into the air!
    Captain: Engines at full power at all costs!
    Comment: Engines at full power... YOU'RE UP IN THE AIR! Spin the rotors as fast as you can, you're ain't moving!

    8. Oh, and Alexa is down in her cabin writing an article with headphones on, or in other words: written out of the episode (too bad, would have been neat to see the Gen VI Pokemon battling a bit before we dive fully into Gen VI).

    9. Jessie... you're not tricking anyone (especially since I don't recall James having long red hair part of his blue hair), well, you're tricking Ash & co. but that's like making a dog fetch a stick you pretended to throw... and the dog doesn't learn...

    10. Really Ash & co., Team Rocket are standing RIGHT THERE yet "Porter" asks you to check your Pokeballs and you just hold them out like you're giving them away!

    (Gee, I hope Team Rocket doesn't have a vacuum device that'll easily take away our Pokemon from our hands)

    11. *"Porter" uses a net gun to capture Pikachu and Axew*
    Ash: Porter, wait, why are you acting like your on Team Rocket's side.
    Comment: ... I would tell Ash to go home, but that's actually what he's trying to do...
    Iris: What's up with that?
    Porter: Did someone call me name?
    Cilan: Huh? How can their be two Porters on the same cruise ship?
    Comment: 1. You know Porter is a family like Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny, just because you never saw two on the same ship doesn't mean it can't happen! 2. Iris, Cilan, go home...

    12. So do Porters not have any Pokemon or just this one? You'd think being on a ship they'd at least have Water-type Pokemon incase, say, someone falls overboard, something happens under the ship and they need to check it out, the ship breaks down and they need to send Pokemon out for help, a group of pirates or thieves come on board and you'll need to defend the ship...

    13. And let me guess, even though there are other trainers on board, NO ONE is going to try sending out their Pokemon to fight Team Rocket even though if a group of trainers were to band together they could easily overpower the Rocket Trio.

    14. *A blast sent Ash & co. falling down into a store room onto some sandbags*
    Iris: Lucky we landed on these.
    Comment: You'd still would have broke some bones... though you'd still be alive.
    Cilan: You're right, but Team Rocket still has poor Pikachu and Axew.
    Comment: Not to mention all your other Pokemon...

    15. Don't waste time looking for Pikachu and Axew, SEND OUT ALL YOUR POKEMON IMMEDIATELY TO BATTLE TEAM ROCKET!

    16. *Ash & co. get the netted Pikachu and Axew*
    Meowth: Big problem! If they untie that they'll get Pikachu back!
    Comment: THEY ALREADY HAVE ALL THEIR OTHER POKEMON BACK! What, does Pikachu have the keys to all of Ash & co.'s Pokeballs or something!?

    17. Ash FINALLY sends out his Charizard but no one sends out any of their other Pokemon. Though to be fair, with Charizard on the scene they don't need to, but I'll get to that point in a second.

    18. Meowth, if that's your back-up plan than why isn't it ready for use in one twist?

    19. Ash & co., why are you wasting time opening up the net? TEAM ROCKET ARE WIDE OPEN AND ARE PREPARING A COUNTER ATTACK! Send them blasting off with Charizard THAN free Pikachu and Axew!

    20. So with Ash & co. wasting their time Meowth has time to prepare the counter attack, right? NOPE! Even though Ash & co. gave him plenty of time, they got Pikachu out and Pikachu, Charizard, Axew, and Pansage send Team Rocket blasting off. Going back to an above point, though Charizard could have blasted away Team Rocket on its own, considering this is Iris's and Cilan's last episode, it would have been awesome to see ALL of their Pokemon join in on sending Team Rocket blasting off. Oh well.

    21. Why are there two random rocks jetting out of the sea? Did Slowpoke and Slowbro create them?

    22. *Ash & c. (+ Alexa) arrive to Vermillion City*
    Ash: Thank you Porter! We had an awesome time!
    Iris: We sure did, thanks!
    Cilan: Your expertise added the perfect seasoning to our trip!
    Comment: ... Did you really forget there are more than one Porter? While this Porter did do the most by trying to fend off Team Rocket, all the information you got throughout the Decolore were from multiple Porters!

    23. Hm, Ash & co. (+ Alexa) are in Vermillion City. Lets see, there's the Gym though Ash isn't really friends with Lt. Surge so I guess its understandable why they wouldn't visit there (I mention this only because during the Battle Frontier arc of the Hoenn saga Ash was in Saffron City where he could have visited Sabrina and Haunter). Oh! Apparently O, the ping-pong guy which Dawn gave Ambipom too, was said to be training in a Ping-Pong center in Vermillion City. Maybe Ash should give him and Ambipom a visit, especially since he was the one that originally caught Ambipom!

    24. Okay, the reason Cilan and Iris gave for wanting to go to Johto and Hoenn makes sense, but don't they at least want to see Pallet Town, Ash's home town and where Professor Oak's lab is (containing all of Ash's other Pokemon), first? And even if the fishing contest is going to happen so soon that Cilan has to leave now to catch it, Iris has no excuse for wanting to leave immediately (I would have liked to see Iris's interaction with Ash's Gible. She has a lot of hair and Gible has a lot of appetite...)!

    25. *Cilan checks the Town Map*
    Cilan: You're going to the Blackthorn Gym, right Iris? Then you can take the train from the local station to Saffron City. From there you catch the Magnet Train to Johto.
    Iris: Really? Awesome!
    Cilan: I always wanted to travel that line, since we're headed in the same direction, I'll go with you part way.
    Comment: Is Johto closer to Hoenn than Kanto? Oh why am I even asking, the map changes whenever its most convenient for the writers.

    26. Ash: Buh bye! Best wishes guys! Have a safe trip!

    Comment: And with that, Iris and Cilan had left Ash's company.

    Well we have one more episode to go before we finish up the Unova saga once and for all. Next episode we go back to Pallet Town and from there, you'll see!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [24]Jan 31, 2014
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    BW142 "The Dream Continues!"

    AND that's all folks! The Unova saga has officially ended! This episode was okay, though considering where they are it feels like a major missed opportunity. Here's the summary:

    Ash and Alexa finally arrive to Pallet Town and, though Ash wants to first check on his Pokemon, Alexa makes him see his mom first. Ash visits home and gets greeted by Mr. Mime and Delia, Delia making him a meal and letting him go check on his Pokemon. At the lab Ash finds Alexa interviewing Professor Oak with the help of Bulbasaur (and getting trampled by his Tauros). Professor Oak and Alexa go inside as Bulbasaur signals for Ash's Unova Pokemon, Ash thanking all of them for helping him on his Unova journey. Professor Oak and Alexa meet up with him again and Ash asks Alexa about the Kalos region, Alexa confirming it does have a batch of new Pokemon and a League. Just then Team Rocket does a full scale attack only to be easily sent blasting off by all of Ash's Unova Pokemon. The Rocket Trio reports back to Team Rocket HQ and have to give up with Unova Pokemon to Giovanni as a gift. The Rocket Trio plan their next move, but as they're about to leave they're rejoined by one of their, specifically Jessie's, old Pokemon: Wobbuffet! Professor Oak and Alexa join Ash and Delia for dinner and Ash announces his decision to go to the Kalos region, Delia though already predicted this and had made him a new set of clothes. After a night sleep and re-confirming his dream with Pikachu, Ash and Alexa set off to the Kalos region!

    A better episode to end off the Unova saga on that last episode, but its far from perfect. Here's my comments where I talk about that and more:

    1. Its a bit out of character for Ash not wanting to check in with his mom first before seeing his Pokemon. Usually its Delia who's not at home at the time and Ash having to wait for her to come back home.

    2. Is it just me or does Delia's voice sound a bit deep? And it's not that they changed her voice actor (if you don't remember, Delia's voice actor is the same as Ash's, Sarah Natochenny).

    3. Okay, I can understand Professor Oak having a Hoothoot and Taillow in his lab, but a Pidove? Have other trainers Professor Oak have sent off been to Unova? Or has Ash's visit to Unova somehow opened the migration routes for Unova Pokemon to Kanto like it somehow did for Hoenn Pokemon as seen during the Battle Frontier arc?

    4. Ash should really train that almost trampling him to death isn't that great of a greeting. Or maybe their venting out some anger at him for not giving them enough attention (Ash has only used a Tauros about 4 times? He has 30 Tauros, assuming he used a different Tauros each time he still has 26 unused Tauros).

    5. Nice to see Bulbasaur again... AND that's all of Ash's old Pokemon we'd be seeing. Yup, despite being in Oak's lab where time again we were told most of Ash's reserved Pokemon are here, we don't see any besides Bulbasaur and Tauros (if you didn't blink). This combined with Iris and Cilan not being here just causes lots of missed opportunity. The time used for Ash to thank his Unova Pokemon (something he didn't do with his previous teams) could have spent with Iris, Cilan, and Ash's Unova Pokemon which weren't sent over to interact with Ash's older Pokemon. As I mentioned in a previous episode they could have done a great gag with Iris and Gible, and I'm sure they'd find plenty of ways for Cilan to be tormented like maybe shaking hands with with Corphish who throws him into the water. I would have liked to see Noctowl, Swellow, Staraptor, and Unfezant hanging out and doing those sky races Professor Oak says they do, maybe do a joke concerning Infernape and Pignite meeting up (both based off characters from the same Japanese story), the personality clashing of Oshawott & Scraggy with Totodile and Corphish, I'd imagine Snivy would get along well with Ash's other Grass-types (though I'd imagine it would think Bayleef acts immature with its affection for Ash (you'd think with Ash back it would be one of the first Pokemon to greet him)). Overall a lot of missed opportunities.

    6. Speaking of missed, we don't get to see Tracey either (sure he and Cilan would have gotten along) due to Misty calling him over to Cerulean City. Its nice to also get a mentioning of Misty, though nothing beats her appearance in Pallet Town actually waiting for Ash after the Hoenn League. Though at least the writers remember her as I remember reading something back that the writers don't really care for the older characters.

    7. *Ash tells Professor Oak about Alexa's Noivern and he asks Alexa if he could see it, Alexa nervously agreeing*
    Professor Oak: I've only seen pictures of this Pokemon.
    Comment: Then what did you act like you never heard of it before?

    I think Professor Oak is getting a bit up there in years, recently his sense of survival has drastically decreased.

    Then again, so has Ash's.

    8. *Professor Oak and Alexa leave Ash to see his Pokemon*
    Ash: Hey Bulbasaur, would you get all the Unova Pokemon together?
    Comment: What, all your other Pokemon are chop liver?
    Bulbasaur: *happily nod* Bulb a saur!
    *Fires off a Solar Beam*

    Alexa: Wow, it's like fireworks!
    Professor Oak: Bulbasaur is using Solar Beam as a signal to gather the Unova Pokemon together. The signal pattern are varied, depending on whether the Pokemon are from Unova, Hoenn, or other region.
    Comment: Wow, Ash's Pokemon must have been REALLY bored to not only come up with this but all of them needed to memorize which Solar Beam was there's. Also is the Solar Beam just for Ash's Pokemon or for all the Pokemon in the lab? I mean, we did see another trainer's Pidgey and it's be confused why its being summoned to a trainer it doesn't know.

    9. Why is Boldore sleeping near the water, it's a Rock-type, it probably should be with Krookodile.

    Sturdy won't help you that much if you're submerged in water, Boldore.

    10. That's a nice touch to Who's That Pokemon, since Ash is alone only his voice is heard.

    11. That's odd, its nice to see an image of all of Ash's companions but why was Misty in her original series clothing while Brock was in a doctor's coat and May was in her Emerald clothing?

    12. *Thanks his Unova team for helping him in Unova*
    Ash: You're all the best, and as long as we're altogeher we can't lose.
    Comment: At least until you go to the next region and leave all your Pokemon at Professor Oak... which happens at the end of this episode!

    13. Team Rocket, what was your plan exactly? You did nothing to incapacitated any of Ash's Pokemon, letting them all attack at once (which was awesome, even though it did feel setup. That was what I was talking about with Iris's and Cilan's Pokemon last episode). Actually, here's an idea to include Ash's other Pokemon AND have his Unova team have its final hurrah: Have Team Rocket trap Ash, Professor Oak, Alexa, and his Unova team in some kind of energy cage and just as Team Rocket gets ready to go around stealing Pokemon, all of Ash's reserved Pokemon appear and destroy their Balloon and frees Ash, Professor Oak, Alexa, and Ash's Unova Pokemon. Then have Ash's Unova Pokemon combine their attacks to send Team Rocket blasting off.

    14. Oh, the Rocket Trio gave Giovanni their Woobat, Yamask, Frillish, and Amoonguss! Is that what also happened with the Rocket Trio's other Pokemon? They're all of were added to Team Rocket's overall army of Pokemon? I guess Meowth is the only Pokemon permanently assigned to Jessie and James...

    He's baaaaack...!

    Wobbuffet: WOBbuffet!

    15. *After Ash announces his plan to Kalos, Delia retrieves Ash's new Kalos clothes*
    Delia: I figured this was coming so I made you some new clothes for your new journey.

    Mothers always know... and if you couldn't tell, the jacket is the default jacket for the male playable character, Calem.

    16. I suppose I could make a joke here about Ash saying that is the Kalos League he'll be winning, but I think Ash just saying it is a joke within itself.

    17. Hey, Ash is wearing his Episode 1 pajamas!

    Its been more than 10 years yet it still fits.

    18. AND here's a change from the original Japanese version. At the end there was a scene of Delia putting a picture of Ash and all his Pokemon at Professor Oak's lab on a fireplace, but I guess it was cut as it appeared at the end of the episode after the credits. HOWEVER, to make up for that, Pokemon USA posted the image on their official Facebook:

    This image also confirms a few things: 1. Gliscor was sent to Professor Oak after the Sinnoh League. 2. Apparently Charizard is also staying at Professor Oak's lab though I don't know why, if Ash isn't going to use him than he might as well go back and keep training at the Charicific Valley. Then again, the writers could be preparing to give Charizard more screen time in the future so want him in a place where Ash can easily get him...

    And that's it! The end of Unova/Black & White/Best Wishes! sage. I didn't know what I was going to say, it started out great but petered out as it went on. After the Sinnoh League's pretty good run I'm guessing Unova had big shoes to fill but the writers didn't quite know what to do with the series. This is mainly due to them having to postpone their Team Plasma storyline until after the Unova League. I already talked about though I'll mention it again, them not following closer to the story of the games really kicked them in the behind in my opinion. They tried to do what they usually did with the villain teams but Team Plasma was very ingrained in Gen V's more story heavy plot, thus even if they did do what they originally wanted I don't think it would have been much better. Worse yet, the games threw them for another loop with doing sequel games instead of a combined third version, so they had to smash that into the anime somehow. I'm also thinking the anime team was expecting remakes of Ruby & Sapphire as we had two arcs after the Unova League which felt like the writers left it open to base an arc on features the theorized Ruby & Sapphire remakes would introduce. However nothing came of that so the Unova League ended too early to fit the new Team Plasma story and the Decolore filler arc until X & Y was released. Speaking of the Unova League, that was a bit of a disaster. Ash's rival this season, Trip, wasn't really that good and was knocked out by Ash in the first round in a 1 vs. 1 battle. We went from Ash needing a trainer with Legendary Pokemon to beat him to a absent-minded trainer who only brought 5 Pokemon to a full battle and only won because Lucario in the anime is OP. And then that trainer, Cameron, lost to the actual winner of the Pokemon League who should have been the person Ash should have lost to, Virgil. Especially since Virgil uses a team of Eeveelutions and Gen VI introduced a new Eeveelution, and Virgil just so happens have an Eevee who is a bit indecisive what it wants to evolve into being Virgil has all the Eeveelutions... except for the new one (possible appearance in he future? Who knows, but Virgil does have a special episode involving the Genesect movie (which I will be getting too)). Overall I'd rate the Unova saga a miss, it had good intentions but it just felt like the writers got tired soon after it started.

    But that's all in the past now, maybe a new region would help bring the spice back to Pokemon. Best yet the story in X & Y is simple so they can do what they usually do with the villain teams and not have it feel like they're skipping over things (though of course they should establish a certain spoiler man early on). With that said, let's move forward, I'll let Ash finish up this review:

    Ash: Kalos region, here I come!

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    [25]Feb 15, 2014
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    BUT WAIT! You though we were done? NOT QUITE! Time to rewind because, like all seasons, there's a movie to review!

    Pokemon Movie 16: Genesect and the Legend Awakened!

    ... BUT before I review that, there's something else I want to review before it BUT is connected to the movie. Before the movie was released, a special Pokemon episode was made detailing the origin of a rather surprise appearance of one of the main Pokemon in the movies: Mewtwo! And that special episode is what we'll be reviewing today:

    SS026 "Mewtwo - Prologue to Awakening"

    I'll save my opinions for the end so let's get to the episode summary. We start the episode with a Tyranitar and pair of Escavalier attacking... something. We then cut to Virgil of the Pokemon Rescue Squad (and Unova League Champion) who's flying back from a mission when his flying transport malfunctions. He lands nearby a cabin which is owned by an old mountain rescuer named Oscar and his granddaughter named Anna. They tell Virgil about the time they were rescued by a mysterious Pokemon when a mysterious man named Dirk tells them the Pokemon is named Mewtwo. Dirk says Mewtwo rescued him from a rock slide but his Escavaliers got stuck under the rocks so Virgil, Oscar, Anna, and their Pokemon go to rescue Dirk's Escavaliers. Once they do, Dirk tells them about Mewtwo's back story about being an experiment of a lab thus it doesn't trust humans but he wants to help it, however it got injured by the rock slide and fled to the mountains. Virgil, Oscar, and Anna want to help Mewtwo so they set out to look for it with help from their and the forest Pokemon. They find where Mewtwo is hiding which is when Dirk revealed he's a Pokemon Hunter and was hired by the lab to recapture Mewtwo. Dirk creates a force field to prevent Mewtwo from escaping and has his Tyranitar and Escavaliers attack, however Mewtwo transforms into a new form (which we now know as Mega Mewtwo Y) and fights back, but its injuries get the better of it and it transforms back into a normal Mewtwo. It still is strong enough to destroy some orbs Dirk is controlling which causes a forest fire and, as it battles, it sees the other Pokemon protecting Virgil, Anna, and Oscar which gives it its second wind to transform back into Mega Mewtwo Y and defeat Dirk and put out the forest fire. Mewtwo destroys Dirk's Pokeballs, freeing his Tyranitar and Escavaliers, and Virgil tells Mewtwo they'll hand Dirk over to Officer Jenny and ask if they could do anything in return for Mewtwo helping put out the fire. Mewtwo says it only put out the fire to save the Pokemon and asks them to forget they ever saw it and flies away, wondering where in the world it belongs. We suddenly cut to Ash & co. who are being told by Professor Oak about Pokemon Hills, setting up the 16th movie's location. Just then an interview with Virgil comes on and Virgil asks about what is a Pokemon Rescue Squad member being about, Virgil remembering his encounter with Mewtwo and explains its about helping human and Pokemon bond with one another.

    A lot has happened as you can see, and there is even much more smaller details I didn't include. However that is what the comments are for:

    1. Oh, a Klang (along with Klink and Klinklang)! It still didn't appear in a standard episode of the anime, though its nice they at least showed it in a movie and special episode.

    2. *Virgil is fixing his flying transport nearby a cottage owned by Oscar and Anna*
    Anna: I want to make something yummy for the Pokemon Rescue Guy, okay?
    Oscar: That careless Pokemon rescuer doesn't deserve anythiny yummy if you ask me.
    Comment: Yes, how dare Virgil try to protect people and Pokemon! Unless you were talking about his flying transport breaking down which in that case how was that his fault?

    3. Ah, showing a girl Eevee and its Eeveelutions, gets them every time.

    4. SUDDENLY MEWTWO! Yeah, its name is in the title, but Anne, Oscar, and Stoutland are falling down a cliff, get surrounded by a psychic glow, and then suddenly Mewtwo right in front of them! I guess the writers figured there's no point in hiding it, though considering this is suppose to be a prologue you could at least pretend there's some mystery.

    5. Why are you lifting the rock with a rope and pulley? You have Espeon and Umbreon with you, use their Psychic to lift the the rock.

    6. BTW, if you can't tell the feminine moans, this is not the Mewtwo from the first movie. Yup, because it went so well the first time, someone made a SECOND Mewtwo. This raises a few questions: 1. Where did this group find out about the concept of Mewtwo? Only Team Rocket knew, actually only Giovanni and the scientists working on the Mewtwo project knew and Mewtwo killed all the scientists and I doubt Giovanni would risk making a second Mewtwo. 2. WHERE did they get the Mew genes? Team Rocket had to go to a temple deep within a jungle to find a fur fiber of Mew and that probably took years of searching and even then they just got lucky.

    7. *Dirk tells them about Mewtwo's origins*
    Dirk: The most powerful Pokemon was made from the genes of Mew.
    Comment: I think Arcues would disagree with you.
    Oscar: Was made from the genes of Mew, but why?
    Comment: SCIENCE!

    8. *Virgil, Anna, Oscar, and Dirk plan on finding Mewtwo to help it*
    Anna: I know, I'll ask the forest Pokemon to help.
    Virgil: What?! You're able to do that?
    Anna: Yeah!
    Oscar: The forest Pokemon are all friends of Anna.
    Comment: Eat your heart out, N.

    9. Wait, is Anna using that transcending time and space technique which Sheena and Damos did in the 12th movie to talk with the Forest Pokemon (well, minus the special effects, but she does the praying pose they do and its making a weird echoing ring)?

    10. Oh, so that Marill and Azumarill seeing Mewtwo WAS a plot point.

    11. *GASP* Dirk is evil! That would have been a complete surprise if they didn't show Dirk's Pokemon attacking Mewtwo at the start of the episode. Also why didn't Dirk just have his Tyranitar lift th rock to get his Escavalier? If this was just all a ploy to get help to find Mewtwo... WHY? Why would you want to inform other people about Mewtwo? I'm assuming he's working for the group who made this Mewtwo, wouldn't they want to keep the existence of this Mewtwo as quiet as possible?

    12. *Mewtwo transforms into Mega Mewtwo Y*
    Dirk: Mewtwo changed shape! How is that even possible?
    Comment: Especially considering we're not in Kalos and I don't think that Mewtwo is holding a Mewtwonite Y.

    13. Hey, Virgil, Stoutland, Forest Pokemon, why aren't you trying to help Mewtwo by destroying the orbs attacking Mewtwo? Oh, nevermind, Mewtwo got out of it by herself. Thanks for the help, I see why you needed to be here. *rolls eyes*

    14. OH! I wasn't expecting to see Ash & co. in this episode, though I guess they need to "set up" the 16th movie.

    AND that's it! It was an interesting episode but nothing that amazing. Nice to see Virgil and his Eeveelution Squad again, though if they really wanted to set up for Gen VI they could have also had Virgil's Eevee evolve into Sylveon. The fighting was okay, though once again Virgil, Anna, Oscar, and the Forest Pokemon didn't do anything so they might as well not been there. Actually, for a supposed origin story of this Mewtwo we're not really told much that couldn't be said in the movie; in addition to that, it pretty much had the same story as the first Mewtwo. Unless the movie is going to follow-up on this by having Mewtwo help Ash & co. because it said a few humans "helped" it once, you can skip out on this episode and you would miss nothing. Maybe instead of this story they should had gone with showing us how Mewtwo escaped and learned to change into Mega Mewtwo Y before retreating to Pokemon Hills. But this is what we got. NOW ONTO THE MAIN EVENT!... next post.

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    [26]Feb 17, 2014
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    Pokemon 16th Movie: Genesect and the Legend Awakened

    The final movie of the Unova saga! Like with the prologue, I'll be saving my opinions until the end of the episode. So with that said let's go over the plot:

    We start with Mewtwo racing some bird Pokemon (Braviary, Swanna, Unfezant, Swellow, and Staraptor to be exact) and as she transforms into Mega Mewtwo Y and tries to fly up into space though isn't able to last long and starts to fall, transforming back to normal. While that went on, the Genesect Army flies to where their prehistoric home was 300 million years ago, only to find that it has become an arctic wasteland. The Genesect with the Douse Drive says "I want to go home" which Mewtwo telepathically hears and flies over to where they are. An avalanche happens and, despite turning to Mega Mewtwo Y, Mewtwo is only able to rescue the 4 normal Genesects. Mewtwo looks through the Genesect's memory and sees they too were created by people (Team Plasma) but escaped. The Red Genesect survived the avalanche and Mewtwo asks them to come with it but the Red Genesect says it doesn't take overs from it and they all attack Mewtwo before flying off, Mewtwo unharmed from the attack but is worried about the Genesects. The Genesects then spot New Tork City, it looking like their prehistoric home in a silhouette, and flies to it.
    It just so happens that Pokemon Hills, the nature preserve which Professor Oak got Ash & co. early access to, is also in New Tork City as they're taken inside Pokemon Hills by a guide named Eric. Ash & co. send out all their Pokemon to enjoy the park and play with the other Pokemon as Ash runs off and eventually goes through a hedge maze to find a pond with lily pads which we'll later find out are an ancient species. The Douse Genesect is also looking at the lily pads and upon seeing Ash and Pikachu (and a Sableye with them), folds up though after Ash climbs on top of it and Genesect flies it around the pond they become friends. Ash finds out that Genesect can talk and it says it wants to go home, Ash asking if its lost but Genesect doesn't understand what he means, however he promises to take it back home. After Iris and Cilan joins them, the Red Genesect and another also appear and attack Ash & co., Red Genesect commanding Douse Genesect to join in the attack which its forced to do. Mewtwo swoops in to save Ash & co. and tells them about the Genesect and itself before flying off, Team Rocket also overhearing and plan to capture the Genesect Army and Mewtwo.
    That night, the Genesect Army get to work chasing the Pokemon out of Pokemon Hill and start shooting webbing out to create a nest, some of the silk damaging the generator causing blackouts throughout the city. Sableye goes to warn Ash & co. (+ Eric) who are eating dinner and they all rush to Pokemon Hills to see that the Genesect have taken over. Cilan taks an injured Raltz to a Pokemon Center as Ash, Iris, and Eric sneak inside where they spot the damaged part of the generator. Team Rocket are already inside and aim a rocket launcher at the Genesect though the Red Genesect sends them blasting off, their rocket launcher getting stuck in some webbing. Mewtwo meanwhile is standing on a tower of a bridge, thinking back to when it escaped and how alone it felt until one time it got hurt (the incident that happened in the prologue episode) and a group of Pokemon healed it, realizing it wasn't alone and it wants to help the Genesect. Some Starly fly to Mewtwo and assumingly tells it about the Genesect taking over Pokemon Hills so it flies off there.
    Inside Pokemon Hills, Ash, Iris, and Eric find Douse Genesect who shows them the ancient lily pads saying they grew where its home was and they realize that the Genesect are making their nest. The building loses power an Eric says that if they don't stop the Genesect and fix the generator it could blow up the city! Eric runs off as a Feraligatr tries fighting the Genesect though Mewtwo saves it and it leads the Red Genesect away in a chase. However the incident caused Team Rocket's rocket launcher to fall from its webbing and right on top of Douse Genesect but Ash has Pikachu knock it away. As Mewtwo turns into Mega Mewtwo Y and leads the Red Genesect through the city at high speeds, Ash, Iris, and Douse Genesect face the other 3 normal Genesect when Cilan comes running in with the Pokemon who live in Pokemon Hills to help. Red Genesect is able to instruct the Genesect Army to attack everyone which Douse Genesect fights against, Ash trying to convince the other Genesect they mean them no harm. However the other Genesect begin to attack and the Douse Genesect gets knocks aside while the Pokemon Hill's Pokemon fight back the other Genesect.
    However Red Genesect returns and together fight back the Pokemon Hill's Pokemon. Ash tries stopping them but they aim their attack at him, Douse Genesect flying in front of him and takes the attack. They're blasted back and Ash checks on Douse Genesect, happy Ash is safe before its eyes turning off. As the other Genesect prepare to kill the Pokemon Hill's Pokemon, Mewtwo saves them and starts fighting the Genesect, transforming into Mega Mewtwo Y and back to normal throughout the battle. Douse Genesect wakes up and goes over to the now destroyed ancient lily pads, saying it wants to go home. As the battle continues, Mewtwo knocks away the 3 normal Genesects which fall into the generator causing the entire city to blackout. Sparks from the generators causes the webbing to light on fire and Ash & co. (+ the Pokemon Hill's Pokemon) work together to put out the fire, the other 3 normal Genesect seeing this and realizing they're not enemies. However Douse Genesect get caught in flames and is sent falling into the water, its eyes going dark again.
    Red Genesect scores a hit on Mewtwo who also starts to fall but Ash & co. catch it as it recovers and goes to face Red Genesect again. Ash steps between them and tells Mewtwo that he promised to find the Genesect a home as he asks the Red Genesect to stop fighting. Red Genesect powers up a Techno Blast though the other Genesect, including Douse, step in front of Ash and tells Red Genesect to stop. However Red Genesect refuses to listen and powers up his Techno Blast, Mewtwo turning into Mega Mewtwo Y and grabbing the Red Genesect and takes it into space where it shows the Red Genesect the world they live in, the Red Genesect realizing its mistakes and they head back to "Earth". However the strain gets to Mewtwo and it falls unconscious causing them both to start falling, Red Genesect grabbing Mewtwo and signals to the other Genesect they're falling. The other Genesect fly up along with Ash's Charizard and Iris's Dragonite and try to slow them down but they're falling too fast. Ash & co. use Psychic- and Water-type Pokemon create a giant water bubble to cushion their fall and it works, Mewtwo and Red Genesect land in it safely. The Red Genesect says everyone is a friend, meaning the conflict is over. As Eric restores power to the city, Ash sees more of the ancient lily pads and says he knows where the Genesect can go.
    At the location where Eric said they got the ancient lily pads from earlier in the movie, the Genesect start building a new new as Douse Genesect flies over to Ash & co. (+ Eric) and says it likes its new home and thanks them before joining the Genesect Army once more. Mewtwo floats down to them and thanks them for finding a home for the Genesect Army and says she's happy they met before turning to Mega Mewtwo Y and flying off. Ash & co. says goodbye to everyone and the credits start to play.

    PHEW! Long summary, though I guess being a movie that's only natural. But with such a long summary means I have an equally as long comment section to make, though I think I'll split the post right here to have room from that and my overall opinion.

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    [27]Feb 17, 2014
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    1. *Mewtwo is racing the bird Pokemon*
    Mewtwo: I'm going to speed up! I want to test the boundries of my power, I'll go on ahead.
    Comment: You were always ahead, the bird Pokemon that are following are barely keeping up as it is.
    *Mewtwo transforms into Mega Mewtwo Y*
    Mewtwo: Beyond the limit!
    Commet: Calm down, Mega Mewtwo Y's Speed is only 10 points higher.

    2. *Goes to where its prehistoric home once was*
    Red Genesect: This is where it should be.
    Comment: If the Red Genesect (yes, I know its a Shiny Genesect, but in the movies its called Red Genesect) is smart enough to speak English I think it should be smart enough to know that something which existed 300 million years ago probably isn't going to be there or has MASSIVELY changed since then. Their first clue (aside from being robots now that can fly and shoot lasers from a back cannon) probably being the environment is now an arctic wasteland than the temperate temperatures they remember it being.

    3. Oh, so apparently all the Genesect can talk and not just the Red one. Actually, even though Burn, Chill, and Shock Genesect (yes, I'll be referring to the other Genesect by what Drive they have) only have at best a sentence, every Genesect has its own voice actor! And if the voices are anything to go by, Douse and Chill Genesect are female while the rest are male.

    4. *Mewtwo's is floating in space*
    Mewtwo: This place, I cannot stay here.
    Comment: Kind of funny considering the first Pokemon dub opener had Mewtwo as the first Pokemon seen and it was flying through space.

    5. Okay, what's with giving Mega Mewtwo Y this supersonic speed? As I said, its Speed is only 140, I don't think they ever shown Speed Deoxys going as fast as Mega Mewtwo Y is going. The Genesect going this fast you can sort of forgive as they're in a "High-Speed Flight Form" (yes that's what the Genesect's flying mode is called) which is not something we can use in the games so there's no way to actually judge it, but Mega Mewtwo Y we know its Speed stat for and its 140; all Deoxys forms except Defense, Ninjask, and Accelgor are faster than Mega Mewtwo Y AND Electrode is just as fast as it!

    6. Okay, animators, what's the point of having animated images of all the Pokemon in the intro if you're going to pull the images so far back in a spinning double helix form that we can't see them?

    7. *After introducing themselve to their Pokemon Hills guide, Eric*
    Cilan: I can't believe it! Being able to see all of this before it opens to the public, the chance of a life time!
    Ash: What?! I don't see any Chansey any where.
    Comment: Hate to explain a joke, but Chansey's Japanese name is literally the English word "Lucky". Being Cilan peppers English words into his dialogue in the original version, Cilan probably said they were lucky (saying the English word intead of how you say "lucky" in Japanese), hence the joke Ash thinking there's a "Lucky" (aka Chansey) somewhere. Just in case you're wondering why did Ash confuse "chance" with "Chansey", that's why, the dubbers were doing their best to make the joke work.
    Iris: Chance, not Chansey.
    *Chansey appears*
    Comment: So should I be playing a rim shot or "wah wah" music?

    8. So the full 16 season intro plays over a scene of all of Ash & co.'s Pokemon playing with the Pokemon living in Pokemon Hills. Okay, I prefer a battle, but at least we get to see a variety of Pokemon.

    9. And there's the Sableye which got everyone excited as it was advertising being part of the story, which it sort of is but its downplayed, thus everyone thought it meant in Gen VI that it was getting an Evolution or Mega Evolution. HA! FOOLED YOU! What, did you think the Pokemon Company was smart enough to do foreshadowing that way? Seriously though, why put attention on Sableye if you're not doing anything special with the species in Gen VI. Hey, here's an idea, instead of Sableye you could have used Absol, or Mawile, or Banette, or how about ANY POKEMON THAT RECEIVED A MEGA EVOLUTION! I mean we do see some Pokemon who do receive Mega Evolutions, but that's probably more accidental than on purpose.
    Well at least Sableye played a somewhat important role, for some reason we have these two kids with an Eevee who are given names even though they have NOTHING to do with the plot and are only seen in two scenes. What's with the recent movies and these named non-characters? Now I'm not saying not to include scenes with extra characters, scenes with extra characters makes the world feel alive and filled, I'm just saying don't waste names on them.

    This is Eva and Tanner, even they're surprise they have names.

    10. *Charizard and Dragonite hit their heads on a roof of a structure*

    Charizard: Agreed to pretend that never happened?
    Dragonite: Agreed.

    11. *Ash sees lily pads*
    Ash: What kind of flowers are those?

    Comment: Thier lily pad flowers... And for those who don't know, yes, lily pads, also called water lillies though their scientific name is Nymphaeaceae, are a plant which can bloom a flower. What we call the pad is just a giant leaf, the rest of the plant is under the pad and connected to a long stalk to the bottom of the body of water.

    12. What made the Douse Genesect think that just going into High-Speed Flight Form and NOT flying off would make Ash and Pikachu leave it alone?

    Douse Genesect: If I don't move they'll leave me alone...

    Douse Genesect: ... nevermind.
    Comment: Also, Ash, since when was standing on top of a Pokemon that didn't invite you too ever been a good idea?

    13. Wait, so it can say "I want to go home" yet it doesn't understand the concept of or the word "lost"?

    14. *Red Genesect tells Douse Genesect to attack Ash & co.*
    Red Genesect: Destroy the enemy! Do it!

    Comment: I am assuming direct control... actually the Genesect even look a bit like Collectors from Mass Effect.

    Douse Genesect: Yes...
    Comment: WE ARE THE BORG!

    15. *Mewtwo saved Ash & co. from the Genesect who thank her*
    Mewtwo: I don't need your gratitude, I was only trying to save the Pokemon.
    Comment: Then why did you save Cilan being he wasn't holding any Pokemon?

    16. Hey Ash, you're not going to question there being ANOTHER Mewtwo or at least, if you think this is the same Metwo even though you can hear it having a female voice, wonder why its acting completely different than the last time you saw it? Oh, and you're not going to question it able to change forms?

    17. Oh, hi Team Rocket, so you're also not going to question there being a second Mewtwo too? I'm sure Giovanni would be very interested in that news.

    18. Okay, I can sort of understand them firing Signal Beam from their claws, but String Shot? What, did Team Plasma put their spinnerets in their claws?

    19. *Ash & co. (+ Eric) are eating dinner*
    Eric: It's the local specialty.
    Comment: It's a hotdog.


    20. AND there goes Cilan, just like Brock before him they decide that, even though Iris does nothing, for some reason its him alone who gets written out of the story after a while. And yeah, he does come back in a big damn hero moment, but that only makes you wonder why they had Iris stick around being Ash and Eric are the only one who did things.

    21. Okay, so after the prologue episode and injured Mewtwo was struck by lightning but healed by Pokemon hiding from the storm, I guess that answers why it was fully healed before the movie when at the end of the prologue episode it was badly beaten up.

    22. WHOA! HOLD IT! Who made it so that if the generator goes haywire it'll BLOW UP THE CITY?! A blackout, sure. MAYBE an EMP wave. But a huge city sized explosion?!

    Who made these plans? Skynet?

    23. So that was the build up to the rocket launcher being trapped in the web? For it to fall on Douse Genesect and Ash & Pikachu would have to save it? Also, I'm assuming they were worry it would explode upon landing on Douse Genesect, right? So what do they do to "save" Genesect? SMACK IT AWAY WITH AN IRON TAIL! You know, if that didn't make it explode, I don't think it falling on Genesect would have either.

    24. *Mewtwo takes the Red Genesect into the city where it shoots at her*
    Mewtwo: Stop it! People live in there.
    Comment: THEN WHY DID YOU BRING IT HERE!? It was following YOU, chasing YOU, therefore if anyone gets hurt the only person YOU can blame is YOURSELF!

    25. Eric, isn't there an emergency button switch you can pull to turn off for the generator? I would think one something that can BLOW UP THE CITY that turning it off without having to hassle with the malfunctioning computer would be required.

    26. Aww, how symbolic, the way the water dripped off Douse Genesect made it look like it was crying.

    27. Well, Genesect falling and breaking the generator is ONE WAY of turning it off...

    28. Douse Genesect, you have the Douse Drive, your Techno Blast is Water-type, USE IT ON THE FIRE INSTEAD OF JABBING IT!

    29. Where is Deerling and Sawsbuck kicking up all that sand/dirt from? Its a metal floor, it can't be THAT dirty!

    30. Look at that, Ash had learned that you run inbetween Mewtwo and its opponent AFTER they do their attacks. Well, maybe not "learned", Ash doesn't remember the events of the first movie.

    31. HOLY MILTANKS! Is Mewtwo going to toss the Red Genesect into space?! Talk about a finisher... oh, it just wants to show it the world and talk to it. Though I'll still admit that's sort of cool.

    32. Oh yeah, sure, even if the water did stop their momentum, THEY'RE STILL HITTING IT AT HIGH VELOCITY AND UNPROTECTED (well, maybe Genesect is protected, but not Mewtwo)! Actually, they should have burned up upon re-entry!

    33. And we end the the Unova Saga with some interesting credits scenes. First we have a shot of all the rivals, then of important characters in Unova like the Junipers, Alder, Ingo, Emmet, and a Don George (we also have Cynthia, though sadly no Elite Four member even though we saw Caitlin. That's another complaint for the Unova Saga, we only saw one Elite Four member and she never even interacted with Ash & co.. In Sinnoh we met all the Elite Four members so what's the deal?). Oh, and of course N gets a scene to himself of him walking by himself (what happened to Anthea and Concordia?). And finally we also have a panning shot of all the Unova Gym Leaders from the games (except for Cilan and Iris, obviously).

    AND that's it! So how was the movie?... it was okay. There was nothing wrong with basics of the plot and I liked the fights between Mewtwo and the Genesect Army, though I do feel they missed certain opportunities. For example, Ash not surprised there's a second Mewtwo. I'm not saying it should be a big scene, but it would have been nice to Ash bring up the first Mewtwo and maybe wondering if there are any other Mewtwos out there. Speaking of Mewtwo, what a tease that was. OMG IT'S MEWTWO! MEWTWO IS IN THIS MOVI... what does his sound female? Yeah, I don't see the point of creating a second Mewtwo UNLESS they did do some planning. What do I mean? Well in the next movie they showed that two of the Mega Pokemon that's going to be in it are both Mega Mewtwo's, so maybe the writers were just planning ahead by introducing the seconds Mewtwo now with the Ability to Mega Evolve into Mega Mewtwo Y and in the 17th movie they'll somehow bring not only the second Mewtwo into the plot but also the first Mewtwo and have him Mega Evolve into Mega Mewtwo X. Who knows. Let's see, oh, I'd like if they did more things with the Genesect's Techno Blast being different types, with how they treated them they might as well had all just a Normal-type Techno Blast (btw, does anyone else find out off there's no Drive to make Techno Blast either Bug- or Steel-type?). Overall its not a bad movie, lot of action, though the story is pretty straight forward.

    So I guess we're done, right?... NOPE! After checking what boards we have I realized there's one more thing I want to talk about there's no board for. So keep you eye on this board because we're going back to a retelling where the Pokemon franchise began with:

    Seeya then!

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    [28]Feb 18, 2014
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    Pokemon Origins - Episode 1: Red

    Being this is a mini-series thus meant to be watched all at the same time, I'm going to save my opinions of it until I've watched all four episodes. However I'll still summarize each episode and give my comments I had while watching it.

    We start as you do with any new Pokemon game, on the starting menu. "New Game" is picked and we get the "Welcome to the world of Pokemon" speech from Professor Oak. We start the episode proper with Red watching the Nidorino vs. Gengar battle when his mother tells him that she met Professor Oak who asked Red to meet him as he's done with what he's been working on. Red jumps from his seat, rushes out of his room, falls down the stairs, but gets up and runs out the door all excited. In front of the lab he meets Blue, Professor Oak's grandson, who also got a call from Professor Oak and the two race in, pushing and shoving the other. They knock it off once they meet Professor Oak who gives them what they were excited about: the Pokedex. He asks them to explore the Pokemon World to fill the Pokedex, in exchange for doing this service he'll give them a starter Pokemon. Blue lets Red choose first and Red chooses Charmander since it matches his name, though Blue chooses Squirtle because he'll have the type advantage. Blue decides to get started on his journey, not bothering to battle Red. Red leaves soon after and starts catching Pokemon and battling trainers on Route 1. Just before entering Viridian City, Red encounters Blue and has a battle with him, Charmander vs. Squirtle. With Brock watching from the trees, the battle happens but Red is easily defeated and Blue says that Red is predictable and should just go back home to Pallet Town. Red wonders what to do near a river and Brock approaches Red, telling him he lost because Blue was more experienced and Squirtle trusted him more. Red decides to go train more, but Brock tells him to heal up his Pokemon at Viridian City's Pokemon Center and also suggests battling the Gym Leaders. Fast forward in Pewter City's Pewter Museum of Science, Red hears two girls talk about the Gym Leader, Brock, and Red heads to the Pewter Gym. Though initially stopped by two trainers saying no way Red can win, Brock tells them to let Red in, Red surprised to see the man he talked to after his battle with Blue is Brock. The Gym battle starts with Charmander vs. Geodude but after Charmander doesn't do much, Brock informs Red that Fire-types are weak to Rock-types so he should switch out. Red does so and sends out Nidoran (male) who uses Double Kick to defeat Geodude, but Brock then sends out Onix who, despite being very weakened, defeats Nidoran (male) with a Bide. Onix proceeds to mow through Red's other Pokemon who can't do much against Onix, only Metapod slowing it down with a String Shot but Onix seemingly tears it all off. Charmander is Red's last Pokemon and, with it and Onix both having low HP, it'll be the fastest Pokemon to attack who'll win. They both clash and the winner is... Charmander! As it turns out, Onix didn't rip off all of Metapod's String Shot thus was still slowed down, allowing Charmander be faster and land its attack first. Brock congratulates Red and gives him the Boulder Badge and TM34 which is the move Bide. As Red leaves, one of the Gym Trainers asks Brock why he accepted Red's challenge which Brock says he found Red intriguing because he was looking for answers. Professor Oak is asked by one of his assistants why he gave Red a Pokedex and Professor Oak says that Red may be clumsy but he never gives up, hoping that both he and Blue grow throughout their journey. We finish with Red saying he'll become much stronger and complete the Pokedex, the game then saves with Red having 1 badge, seen 10 Pokemon, and played for 1 hour and 24 minutes.

    Wow, felt like sort of a speed run at the pace we're going. However I've overlooked some minor details so let's do a play back and make some comments:

    1. Interesting they didn't get the same voice actor for Professor Oak as they do for the normal anime. Guessing they wanted you to take this Professor Oak a little bit more seriously?

    2. Eevee? Professor Oak sent out a member of the Nidoran families in the games. In the original Gen I games it was a Nidorino (except for Yellow which was Pikachu) and in the remakes it was a Nidoran (female)... Okay, okay, I won't nitpick that much.

    3. *Red falls down stairs* Well, Ash is based on Red and he had to get his incompetence somewhere...

    4. *Red meets with Blue in front of Professor Oak's lab*
    Red: Blue.
    Comment: I thought his name was Douche?

    5. *Professor Oak informs Red and Blue why he called for them*
    Professor Oak: Red, Blue, listen. You'll each receive one Pokedex.
    Comment: Why would they need more than one?
    Professor Oak: I want you to do something very important, to make a complete guide to all the Pokemon in the world.
    Comment: Yeah, maybe for about 5 years that possible but then a whole new generation gets introduced!
    Professor Oak: That has always been my dream.
    Red: Its been your dream?
    Professor Oak: You see the thing is I'm too old to do it.
    Comment: Yet you don't sound like it.
    Professor Oak: It's quite difficult traveling around seeking all kinds of Pokemon.
    Comment: I don't know, they seem more than happy to attack me when I'm just jogging through the grass.
    Professor Oak: So now I want the two of you to help fulfill my dream.
    Comment: Yes, two kids with NO research experience instead a huge team of researchers and scientists. You sure Professor Oak hasn't got senile yet?

    6. *Blue reminds Professor Oak about their starter Pokemon*
    Professor Oak: As you can see there are 3 Pokemon here.

    Comment: Odd, those look like Pokeballs to me.
    Professor Oak: I'll give each of you the opportunity to choose one.
    Comment: The one you didn't pick will stay on that desk, FOREVER! It'll probably be Bulbasaur...

    7. Blue: Well I don't need to be greedy like you are, 'kay Red? You can go ahead and choose first. *winks*
    Comment: Yeah, "don't need to be greedy", you just want to pick the type that'll have the type advantage!

    8. Professor Oak: Now think carefully before you choose.
    Red: No need, I already decided.
    Professor Oak: Oh, Charmander.
    Comment: And that's the right answer! Good job Red.
    Red: That's right! It wasn't really a tough decision. The thing is my dad gave me the name Red hoping when I grew up it would help me has a passion and energy of a red hot fire.
    Comment: Wow, we're really trying to justify why Red and Blue are named after colors? Also red fire is actually not the hottest fire, that be blue/white fire.

    9. Professor Oak: Then Blue, are you going to pick Squirtle because its blue color is perfect with someone of your name?
    Blue: Ha, I would never choose my Pokemon for such a ridiculous reason. But since Red chose fire, I'll choose water!
    Comment: This joke sort of worked better in the original Japanese. For those who do't know, Blue's name is Green in Japan because the first two Pokemon games in Japan was Red & Green, thus why Blue is wearing a green shirt. So I guess in the original Japanese, Professor Oak asked if he was picking Bulbasaur.

    10. If Red isn't going to nickname his Pokemon then why even bring up you can nickname your Pokemon?

    11. What? No Rival battle in the lab?

    12. There's no trainer with a Nidoran (male) on Route 1 (or 2 or 22 for that matter), actually there's no trainers on any of those routes except your rival (there's Bug Catchers in Viridian Forest, but none of them have Nidorans)! If you're going to shove in an extra trainer, and if its going to be a Youngster, just make it Youngster Joey and his Ratatta. Admit it writers, that's who you wanted to use!

    13. ... why did Red try to catch someone else's Pokemon? There's being novice trainer and then there's being a complete idiot. Did Red really think the other trainer was just going to let Red take his Pokemon?

    14. Oh, so NOW Red and Blue are battling? Did they move the battle so that Blue could win via type advantage?

    15. Brock, you're being kind of creepy.

    16. *Blue wins the battle and insults Red for losing*
    Blue: You just attack and attack, so predictable.
    Comment: What? Did we watch different battles? YOU were the ones on the offensive during most of the battle, Charmander was dodging most of the time.

    17. Wait, are we trying to stay within the game's logic or not? Blue won because Squirtle trusted him more thus responded faster and made its own decision... that's something you'd hear from the normal anime. I'd be okay if they just mentioned since Blue battled more it meant that Squirtle was more experiences and higher level, but that wasn't the case as Red said both Charmander and Squirtle were around the same level (which I doubt since Squirtle knew Bite, a move that it learns either when its reaches the Level it evolves at (16) or after it!)

    18. *Red says he wants to train more but Brock says he first needs to heal Charmander*
    Brock: The Pokemon Center in Viridian City is the building with the red roof.
    Comment: And the PokeMart is the building with the blue roof.

    19. Ah the "Million Light Year's" quote, had to fit that somewhere.

    20. *Gym Battle has started yet Charmander isn't doing much damage against Geodude*
    Brock: If you try to battle only with Charmander its too difficult to beat Rock-type Pokemon.
    Comment: I never had problem, and from I recall in the Gen I remakes they gave Metal Claw to Charmander as an early level-up Move JUST to beat Brock.

    21. Brock tells Red he can't win because Fire-types are weak to Rock-types, so Red switches Charmander for a Nidoran (male). You know, a Poison-type, a type which ROCK-TYPE STILL HAS AN ADVANTAGE OVER! Yeah, Nidoran (male) used Double Kick which is super effective, but still Nidoran isn't a Fighting-type so its a bit random at first. Also, if Red didn't know about type advantage that well, how did he figure out Fighting-type was strong against Rock-type?

    22. *Onix breaks out of String Shot* Something which can't happen in the games, Onix should still be slowed down. Okay, fine, so we're still operating on "make it up as you go along" rules, something which the normal anime already does and I was kind of hoping we would be seeing something different. But whatever, this is an adaption and changes were inevitable.

    23. Wait, so Metapod's String Shot DID slow down Onix? THEN WHY SHOW ONIX TEARING THE WEBBING OFF?!

    That's all I have for now but we still have 3 more episodes to go! Seeya next time!

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    [29]Feb 21, 2014
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    Pokemon Origins - Episode 2: Cubone

    We're detailed with everything Red did between getting the Boulder Badge from Brock in Pewter City to now (which I'll talk about in my comments). This episode starts with Red getting to Lavender Town via Rock Tunnel. In the Pokemon Center he hears about a ghost in the Pokemon Tower. The Pokemon Center nurse advises if he's going to the Pokemon Tower he may want to first visit the Pokemon House. Red does this and learns about Mr. Fuji, about Team Rocket killing Cubone's mother Marowak, and Mr. Fuji is missing. Someone comes into the Pokemon House and informs everyone that Mr. Fuji was saw going to the Pokemon Tower, probably to convince Team Rocket (who have taken over the top floor and won't let anyone enter) to leave though its likely he was taken prisoner by them. Everyone in the Pokemon House argues what to do, no one has been able to defeat Team Rocket and someone actually saw the ghost in the Pokemon Tower. Red volunteers, showing he has won 3 Badges, and that night goes to the Pokemon Tower (Blue also hears what's going on and decides to chase Team Rocket away himself to be a hero). Inside the tower, Team Rocket talk about the ghost though says as long as they have the Silph Scope they'll be able to see it. Venturing through the Pokemon Tower, Blue figures the ghost story was made up by Team Rocket to scare people away but sees the ghost and starts running away scared, bumping into Red. Red sends out Charmeleon to battle the ghost as Blue runs up the stairs, encountering the Rocket Grunt with the Silph Scope and fights him offscreen. In the Pokemon House, Cubone becomes restless and after opening its pen it runs to the Pokemon Tower. Red battles the ghost but Charmeleon's Scratch does nothing to it, Blue then tosses Red the Slipho Scope and uses it to see the ghost is actually Cubone's mother Marowak's spirit. Just then Cubone comes running in and hugs its mother, this calms Marowak's spirit and it floats away to the afterlife, also letting Cubone move on and open up to people (only letting Mr. Fuji get close to it before). Blue sees this and leaves saying he no longer needs to be here as Red goes to the top floor and confronts Team Rocket, one sending out a Koffing as Red sends out a Jolteon. Koffing uses its smoke to create a smokescreen but Cubone clears it away by throwing its bone allowing Jolteon to get a clear hit and knocking it out causing Team Rocket to retreat. Red rescues Mr. Fuji and they go back to the Pokemon House where Mr. Fuji gives Red the Pokeflute... and a Mega Stone and Key Stone! Red leaves Lavender Town and meets up with Blue who's in a true, Blue saying Red has him to thank for saving the day though Red points out Blue was the one who was saying they should leave, Red rides on his bike laughing as Blue annoyingly denies ever saying that.

    For anyone who played the games this was probably a heartwarming episode with Cubone's story. However I have plenty of comments to make as I indicated in the first sentence of the summary:

    1. Why is the episode titled after Cubone? Yeah, he was an important character in the story, but wouldn't it make more sense to name the episode after the Pokemon Tower where this all took place?

    2. Huh? That's odd, the version I'm watching has the text boxes in Japanese when the last episode had them translated. Is this just the version I'm watching or did for some reason Pokemon USA not decide to translate the text boxes after the first episode?

    3. So here are the things Red has done between Pewter City and Rock Tunnel:

    A. Bought a Magikarp for 500 Pokedollars (In the games this can be done in the Route 4 Pokemon Center. Poor Red is going to be kicking himself in the head soon for making that purchase. ).
    B. Fought the fossil Super Nerd in Mt. Moon (Oddly it's not mentioned if Red got a Fossil or, if he did, what Fossil he chose. *sigh* And if we must, you can insert your own Helix Fossil joke here. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, a Google Search should help you out with that).
    C. Battled a Team Rocket grunt and got a TM he stole (This happens in Cerulean City and its odd it doesn't mention the TM is TM28 Dig).
    D. Defeated Misty in Cerulean Gym and got the Cascade Badge (I like how they just glossed over it, saying Red somehow won despite the type advantage ).
    E. Charmander evolved to Charmeleon (Hm, kind of odd for this to happen after the Cerulean Gym and not before. It would have at least made him winning against Misty a bit more believable).
    F. Got the Old Rod from the Fishing Guru (done in Vermillion, and if you're checking the map of Kanto as I said all this and either never played Gen I or forgot how the story went you're probably now confused. Don't worry, I address this )
    G. Got HM01 from the S.S. Anne Captain (and that's all what is said about the S.S. Anne. Actually, they don't even mention the S.S. Anne by name, Red just says he got it a sea captain who was suffering from sea sickness! Oh, and its not mentioned how he cured the captain of his sea sickness: a back rub. Yeah, still do this day that doesn't make sense. Also it didn't mention HM01 is Cut and you needed to get it in order to cut a tree that's blocking access to the gym, like to see them justify Lt. Surge doing that!)
    H. Defeated Lt. Surge in Vermillion Gym and got the Thunder Badge (Oh, you're not going to mention the annoying Vermillion Gym puzzle? We even see the trash cans, actually from what it looked like the battlefield WAS in the floor of trash cans).
    I. Got a bike from redeeming the Bike Voucher gotten from the Pokemon Fan Club Chairman (this scene is a bit odd, it shows Red walking off with the bike while waving back at the Chairman. Did Red go back to the Chairman to show him he got the bike?)

    Now, even them with hitting the key/iconic points, they STILL missed a few things:

    A. Red talks about defeating the Team Rocket grunt in Cerulean City as if he's the first member of Team Rocket that he encountered. However in the games you first encounter Team Rocket in Mt. Moon who were trying to get fossils to sell.
    B. They forgot to mention Bill who is an important character as he's the one who gives you the S.S. Anne Ticket.
    C. Though they didn't have to show it, would have been nice for them to mention the Underground Pass (which is needed to bypass Saffron City since its closed off) and Diglett's Cave (which is more of a shortcut back to Viridian City from Vermillion City then a required route, but a mention would still be nice).
    D. No mention of getting HM05 Flash, but being they skipped over the caves I guess they felt there was no need to mention it.

    But though they missed these points, it might as well be implied he did the missing things. No major changes to the story have appeared yet... but that's about to change in this episode!

    4. They just had to include the "White hand on your shoulder" quote, didn't they? Them disappearing was a bit spooky, BUT I think they're more just trying to mess with Red than being ghosts.

    5. I never really understood that when Team Rocket was catching wild Pokemon why not just do it the normal way? They're running around trying to throw nets on Pokemon, but wouldn't it be easier to just beat the wild Pokemon up until its unconscious with their trained and presumingly stronger Pokemon and then capture it with a Pokeball? I understand why the later villain syndicates needed more complex methods to catch a Legendary Pokemon, but these are just wild com mons, they don't need the extra effort to catch.

    6. So baby Cubone's sell for a high price, Team Rocket encounter a female Marowak, and instead of capturing and using it to breed more Baby Cubones to sell they just kills it... logical group this team Rocket. Also, by doing this, not only did they lose a Marowak but they also lost their chance to capture the Cubone. So, yeah, Team Rocket apparently has NO IDEA what they're doing.

    7. *Red is finished being shown around the Pokemon House*
    Red: It all makes a lot more sense now, I get why the receptionist at the Pokemon Center told me to come here before going to the Pokemon Tower.
    Comment: Really? Because I don't know why she sent you. Maybe if you ventured through the Pokemon Tower first, saw Marowak's ghost, asked around about it, and THEN were told to come here it would make more sense. Or how about you heard about Mr. Fuji first so decided to go to the Pokemon House first before hearing all these problems with the Pokemon Tower which is then why you decide to go there.

    8. *Everyone is told that Mr. Fuji was seen yesterday heading to the Pokemon Tower*
    Woman: He must have gone there to convince Team Rocket to leave the Pokemon Tower.
    Comment: So its known that Team Rocket are in the Pokemon Tower... WHERE ARE THE POLICE?! And it's not like Team Rocket just arrived, Team Rocket has been in the Pokemon Tower for at least a few days (in the games its sort of implied they just appeared which makes more sense why no police has come to chase them out yet)! And even if you argue that police don't exist (which is a rather dumb thing to say), there's still the Pokemon League who have powerful trainers like the Gym Leaders or Elite Four (wouldn't be surprised if Agatha is from Lavender Town) who probably want to stop Team Rocket just as much as anyone else.

    9. They're impressed by 3 badges... exactly how strong were these adult's Pokemon who battled Team Rocket. Do they train their Pokemon? If not, then why didn't you try finding someone on a journey to help you (if we were to ignore the police or Pokemon League). Or how about you gather a mob of Pokemon and just swarm Team Rocket, and don't only attack their Pokemon but also attack the grunts themselves. Heck, you can probably even get all the wild Pokemon to help you since I doubt their happy to see friends and family having gotten captured or killed.

    10. Oh, Blue is here, I guess that sort of explains why he's in the Pokemon Tower, at least in this anime (in the games he was in the Pokemon Tower to catch a Cubone. And yes, I know about him missing a Raticate, let's just stick to what the games tell us and not creepypasta stories. I mean, would you also want me to mention Buried Alive too?)

    11. Red, why did you go to the Pokemon Tower at night, especially if you're going to be freaked out and scared?

    12. NOW they're playing Lavender Town's music? Just as Red enters the Pokemon Tower which has its OWN equally creepy music?

    13. Oh, the Team Rocket grunts have the Silph Scope? I guess its to streamline the story more, they could still have Red battle through the Rocket Hideout in Celadon City, which he also needs to go to to battle Erica for the Rainbow Badge. However this is the first major story change, especially since the Rocket Hideout is where you meet Giovanni for the first time.

    14. Wait, I thought your Pokemon were too afraid to battle unidentified ghosts, thus why you needed to get the Silph Scope? Also, of course Charmeleon's Scratch didn't do anything, Normal-type attacks don't work on Ghost-types! Why didn't he used a Fire-type attack, personally I would want my Pokemon to stay away from the ghost as much as possible.

    15. So if Marowak hated Team Rocket, WHY didn't it try chasing them out?

    16. WHOA! Hold it! JOLTEON? Um, don't you get Eevee from the back of the Celedon Department Store? You know, the part of the story you TOOK OUT. Red shouldn't have a Jolteon, he shouldn't even have an Eevee!

    17. Well, the removing of the Celedon portion may be been done to streamline the story and cause a plot hole concerning Red's Jolteon, however they were will elements within the Gen I games. However this is a new addition: Mr. Fuji giving Red a Mega Stone and Key Stone! Remember when this was made it was just revealed that the 3 Kanto Starters were getting Mega Evolutions, and also keep in mind at the time we only thought Charizard had one...

    18. Blue, why are you in a tree?

    19. And we end with Red saving stats: 3 Badges, Pokedex has 45 Pokemon, and he's been "playing" for 11 hours and 22 minutes. I'm not eve going to bother to see if those stats are possible.

    And that's it, we're now halfway through this mini-series and about halfway through the Gen I game's story. But it's not over until the end of Part 4, so check back for next time we start Part 3!

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    [30]Feb 21, 2014
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    Pokemon Origins - Episode 3: Giovanni

    Another quick recap of things done between Lavender Town and Saffron City. Now in Saffron City, Red sees the Silph Co. building and also meets up with Blue. Then we cut to Red and Blue rescuing a woman from Team Rocket, she's a Silph Co. secretory and reveals that Team Rocket has taken it over, wanting to create the Master Ball. They try to go to the police station but it too has been taken over by Team Rocket so, after getting into an argument with Blue, Red tells Blue to take the secretary to the Celadon City police station while he storms Silph Co.. Red frees the imprisoned Pokemon and scientists, even getting a Lapras from one of the scientists as thanks, and gets to the board room where he finds Giovanni and the Silph Co. President. Red tells Giovanni the police are coming and Giovanni says he's impressed that a kid not only fought his way up here but also managed to ruin his plans. Red tries to stop Giovanni escaping and they battle but Giovanni's Nidoqueen defeats Red's Charizard, it blowing a whole through the walls where a helicopter picks up Giovanni after he tells Red that Pokemon is a business and he doesn't know what Giovanni is planning. We go through another recap and its finally to Viridian City for Red's 8th Gym Badge. In Viridian City, Red meets with Blue who reveals he already gotten the 8th Badge. In the Gym, Red finds out that the Viridian Gym Leader is Giovanni and the Viridian Gym is just a front for Team Rocket. Red gets angry and challenges Giovanni, not as a Gym Leader, but as the "enemy of all Pokemon" and so Giovanni decides to use two special Pokemon against Red. The first one is a Rhyhorn who easily knocks four of Red's Pokemon before it and Red's 5th, a Hitmonlee, knock each other out. Throughout those battles Giovanni starts experiencing emotions and thoughts that he hadn't felt from a Pokemon battle for a long time. Giovanni's second Pokemon is a Rhydon and Red uses his Charizard which, after a tough battle, wins. Throughout that battle Giovanni sees a lot of himself in Red back when he was a trainer starting out, also having chosen Charmander as his stater. Giovanni tries giving Red the Earth Badge but Red refuses, not wanting a Badge from the leader of Team Rocket. Giovanni tells his assistances to inform everyone that he's disbanding Team Rocket, giving Red the Earth Badge no longer the leader of Team Rocket but as a Gym Leader, which Red accepts. Giovanni says if Red wishes to complete the Pokedex he needs to become the strongest trainer thus become Champion, watching as Red rides off and saying to himself that he needs to start over.

    By the way, I sort of make this episode sound better then it actually is. What do I mean? Well that's what the comments are for:

    1. And now the version I'm watching goes back to having the text boxes being Japanese on top/English on the bottom. Sure, whatever.

    2. And now Red's adventures from Lavender Town to Saffron City:

    A. Defeated Erika in Celadon Gym and got the Rainbow Badge (and once again they just had to include a quote, this one being Erika saying she dozed off. Of course what was funny about the quote was that it looked like she dozed off while standing up while here she fell asleep on a giant pillow. Also I was kind of hoping they would show the dirty old man that's looking in through the window of the Gym).
    B. Went through the Rocket Hideout and met Team Rocket's leader, Giovanni (Red said he found the Rocket Hideout by following a suspicious guy even though in the games he was obviously a Team Rocket grunt. Also it showed Red rescuing a whole batch of Pokemon though that's just artistic license)
    C. Woke Snorlax up with the Pokeflute (no mention if he caught it or not, then again it looks like Snorlax is getting ready to KILL Red:

    D. Met the Fishing Guru's brother and got the Super Rod which Red hooks a Psyduck with (And this is the Fishing Guru on Silence Bridge, aka Route 12).
    E. Defeated Koga in Fuchsia Gym and got the Marsh Badge (What, no mention of running into invisible walls?)
    F. Charmeleon evolved to Charizard (once again, I would have thought that would have happened before Koga, though its at least believable you could defeat Koga with Charmeleon instead of defeating Misty with a Charmander).

    So Red got to Celadon City yet no mention of the Celadon Department Store, Game Corner, or even the Celadon Condominiums/Mansion where Game Freak employees are. Or how about Cycling Road (aka Route 16, 17, & 1 and its bike gangs? In Fuchsia City I can't really think any other place that important besides the Gym, other then that little area called the SAFARI ZONE! You know, that required location you need to go to in order to get Surf? Speaking of items, they skipped over the middle Fishing Guru brother who's in Fuchsia City that gives you the Good Rod. Or how about the other HMs? HM02 Fly is on Route 16, HM03 Surf is in the Safari Zone, and HM04 Strength is somewhere in Fuchsia City. Also no mention of the "thirsty guard" you need to give a drink too in order to enter Saffron City? Pfft.

    3. *Charmeleon evolves to Charizard*
    Red: How cool is that?
    Comment: Don't you mean how hot is that? *gets booed at*

    4. Wait, rescuing a secretary? I don't remember that! In the games you just saw Team Rocket everywhere, they prevented you from going to the Gym, so you storm Silph Co. when its guard falls asleep to get rid of them. However, I do sort of understand this change, oddly enough it has the opposite situation with the Pokemon Tower. In the games, everyone knew Team Rocket has taken over Saffron City, but here Team Rocket keep is secret they took over Silph Co.. It kind of makes more sense to not attract police which is confirmed to exist in this episode. Why no one called the police in Lavender Town? WHO KNOWS!

    5. So Team Rocket also took over the police station? Boy those police suck, no wonder why no one called for them in Lavender Town, they knew they couldn't do anything! But with that said, not one person tried to get help from another city/town? No one has any PHONES? Saffron has its own Gym, a PSYCHIC Gym, go get help Sabrina who could lift all the Team Rocket members and their Pokemon up in the air with her mind!

    6. *Red, Blue, and the secretary sees the Police Station has been taken over*
    Red: Blue, take her to Celadon City and get her to the police station there.
    Blue: What?
    Red: We got to fill the police in on what's going on. We're going to need their help.
    Comment: Just like how Red needed their help to defeat Team Rocket in the Pokemon Tower or in the Rocket Hideout, oh wait, he didn't! And if you don't need help defeating Team Rocket IN THEIR OWN HIDEOUT, I don't think you need help here.
    Blue: Are you kidding me, no way, who would want to do that? I'm out of here Red.
    Red: Blue!
    Blue: I'm working to reach the Pokemon League, so I can become the next Champion, smell you later!
    Comment: ... what? Writers, HOW ARE YOU WRITING BLUE?! WHAT IS BLUE'S CHARACTER?! In the games I can see Blue doing this, he's a complete jerk and thinks only of himself. However you made the Blue in Origins a bit nicer and him doing this is completely mind boggling, especially after he showed concern about Team Rocket getting their hands on the Master Ball!
    *Red angrily grabs Blue by his shirt collar and pushes him to the wall*
    Blue: Take it easy, what are you doing?

    7. *Red says he's going to storm Silph Co.*
    Blue: What? Are you nuts?
    Comment: DO YOU CARE OR DO YOU NOT CARE? Just a few seconds ago you were ready to leave Red and the secretory and now you'r showing concern for Red?
    Blue: That building is full of Team Rocket, and you're going to take them on alone?
    Comment: Pokemon Tower and Rocket Hideout.

    8. Oh, Red got a Lapras! I guess he needs something to ferry him over to Cinnabar Island after this.

    9. Huh, so Red loses to Giovanni, and in addition to that I'm guessing Red didn't battle him in the Rocket Hideout. Interesting change, guess they want to build up Giovanni to be a very tough opponent... too bad they go a bit to far, though you'll see what I mean.

    10. Recap take two, from Saffron City to Viridian City:

    A. Defeated Sabrina in Saffron Gym and got the Soul Badge (SHH! Sabrina, don't mention bending spoons, do you want Uri Geller suing you gain?).
    B. Defeated Karate Master who let him pick either Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan (once again we don't know what Red picked. Then again, being how distraught the guy sounded after losing, its would be kind of a jerk move for Red to take one of his Pokemon).
    C. Surfed to Cinnabar Island on Lapras (wonder if he took Route 21 from Pallet Town or Route 19 & 20 from Fuchsia City. Oh wait, if he took the Fuchsia City way he would have talked about the Seafoam Islands, right? )
    D. Visits the Pokemon Mansion where Red founds a journal talking about a new Pokemon (oh don't worry Red, you'll find out about those, you are completing the Pokedex afterall, MUAWAWAWAWA!).
    E. Defeated Blaine in Cinnabar Gym and got the Volcano Badge (I see one of the riddle machines, at least they remembered to include one of those in the backgrounds unlike Fuchsia Gym where I didn't see any invisible walls... wait...)

    Hmm, surprising enough I can't think of anything they missed mentioning along the way! Maybe the Pokemon Lab but at this point we still don't know if Red picked up a Fossil for him to revive.

    11. Hey, where's Viridian Gym's spinner puzzle?

    12. *Red challenges Giovanni as the "enemy of all Pokemon"*
    Comment: First off, "enemy of all Pokemon", dramatic much?
    Giovanni: I will bring out my two specially chosen Pokemon and force you to your knees.
    *sends out Rhyhorn*
    Comment: Really? A Rhyhorn, not a Rhydon? And I know he used a Rhyhorn in his Gym Battle, but that was because he used five Pokemon and the designers ran out of Pokemon to give him so gave him a Rhyhorn to start off the battle.

    13. *Red sends out a Victreebel*
    Giovanni: Well, it looks like you at least learned better than to try the brute strength of your Charizard against every opponent.
    *Giovanni uses his Rhyhorn's brute strength to win*
    Comment: ... SO I'm guessing many people are saying this is better then the main anime just because of the better animation, because the script is just as sloppily written as EVER.

    14. And now we move onto Giovanni becoming a Gary Stu as none of his first four Pokemon are even able to touch Rhyhorn. It's one thing to remove a battle with Giovanni and then have Red be defeated by Giovanni before this point to build up Giovanni being a powerful opponent, its another thing to have one of it weakest Pokemon KNOCK OUT 2/3RDS OF RED'S PARTY WITHOUT A SCRATCH!

    15. *Red sends out Kabutops, revealing he chose a Dome Fossil and revived it*
    Giovanni: Oh, now a Water-type like Kabutops. It seems, that you somehow knew ahead of time I would be using Ground-type Pokemon.
    Comment: ... was that suppose to be a secret? I don't know if you know Giovanni, but every Gym Leader is known to expertise in a certain type. Actually, this soft of goes against what you said before about Red choosing Victreebel because he knew you used Ground-types. Shouldn't you have said this first before that?

    16. Both are using part Rock-types, yet both used a Normal-type move (Kabutops used Slash, Rhyhorn used Take Down). What's the point of pointing out type advantages IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO USE THEM?

    17. Oh, so Red did catch Snorlax... not that it mattered as it gets OHKO.

    18. Giovanni mocks Red for using a Jolteon against a Ground-type, has Rhyhorn use Thunderbolt of Jolteon... I, I, excuse me *Pikachu31511 leaves the room and you can start hearing frustrated yells for a few seconds. Pikacu315111 comes back in* Let's continue.

    19. Ah, so Red also chose Hitmonlee (odd they're showing all the Pokemon that Red had an option of picking up or not here). And even though Rhyhorn took down all of Red's other Pokemon with little problem, for some reason Hitmonlee is not only able to get in a few attacks, but also do a double knockout with Rhyhorn. So apparently Red was only able to defeat what is apparently Giovanni's toughest Pokemon by using a Pokemon some else had trained. As you can see Red is such a strong trainer...

    20. Wait, Giovanni DOES have a Rhydon? Why is he using a Rhyhorn then if, in this battle, he's only using two Pokemon?

    21. Oh, so Giovanni started his Pokemon journey with a Charmander. So, whatever happened to that Charmander? Also, call me black-hearted, though this sort of feels a bit forced. Like they wanted to give Giovanni a sort of redemption even though in the games the battle in the Viridian Gym was a last stand and upon losing he disbanded Team Rocket out of shame for losing to a kid, as well as about losing all his will to live, eventually retreating to a cave behind Tohjo Falls. Its not that the change is bad, just rushed.

    22. Once again, Red uses Normal-type Moves (Mega Punch and Mega Kick) on a part Rock-type.

    23. And so Red saved with 8 Badges, 99 in the Pokedex, and "played" for 21 hours & 18 minutes. Hmm, 99 Pokemon yet has all 8 badges, doesn't that number seem a bit low? I mean we have 151 Pokemon, Red has seen 99, so Red still has 52 to go. I don't recall Victory Road having that many unseen Pokemon, and even if it did I'd think Red would have seen some in trainer battles. Whatever, we got one more episode to go anyway.

    So with the villain syndicate story done with as well as badge collecting, you can probably guess what the last episode is. Seeya then for the final part, Part 4!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [31]Feb 22, 2014
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    Pokemon Origins - Episode 4: Charizard

    After traveling through Victory Road and defeating the Elite Four, Red is told by Lance he has one more trainer to beat in order to become Champion: Blue! They have a fierce battle, but it eventually comes down to Red's Charizard vs. Blue's Blastoise. Another fierce battle commences but Charizard manages to beat Blastoise, making Red the League Champion! Professor Oak walks in originally coming to see Blue but is now in time to congratulate Red who he takes to the Hall of Fame and register his team into it. However, Red still needs to complete the Pokedex and after many battles, including ones against the Legendary birds, he has gotten "all" 149 Pokemon. Red goes to show Professor Oak but is met by one of Professor Oak assistants who informs him of something. We cut to Red running into a room where Professor Oak is sitting next to a bed where a heavily wounded but stable Blue lies. Red asks what happened and Blue said he battled a Pokemon in Cerulean Cave which tossed Blastoise right on top of him, injuring him and crushing his Pokedex. Red asks Blue to look through his Pokedex since he caught "all" the Pokemon but Blue says its not in there, meaning there's a 150th Pokemon! At the Pokemon House, Reina (a girl who toured Red around the house and helped Cubone get to the Pokemon Tower) tells Mr. Fuji that a powerful Psychic-type Pokemon is rumored to be inside Cerulean Cave, Mr. Fuji looking to the window saying that its still out there. Preparing Red for his venture through Cerulean Cave, Professor Oak sees the Mega Stone and Key Stone and asks Red about it, Red saying it was given to him by Mr. Fuji which surprises Professor Oak. Red goes out to fish, trying to remember where he heard about a Pokemon that's "beyond them" and remember he read about it in a journal in the Pokemon Mansion and goes to tell Professor Oak. Professor Oak tells Red that Mr. Fuji once was known as Dr. Fuji and worked on Pokemon genetic manipulation, as well as telling him about how the Mega Stone and Key Stone are connected to each other and that the Mega Stone was reacting to Charizard so Red should give it to hold. As Red goes into Cerulean Cave and faces off against Mewtwo, Reina tells Mr. Fuji that Red has gone to face the Pokemon in Cerulean Cave and Mr. Fuji says that Red's Pokemon aren't strong enough to win, but there's one hope. Mewtwo eventually knocks out all of Red's Pokemon except Charizard, and as they battle Mr. Fuji is heard explaining about a legend from the Kalos region that if there's a strong bond between a trainer and his Charizard, a strong power will well up. Mewtwo throws both Red and Charizard into the water and Red wonders what he's going to do, but seeing Charizard hasn't given up he swims down to it and both the Key Stone and Charizard start to glow. Mr. Fuji explains that this power if Mega Evolution and Charizard Mega Evolves into Mega Charizard X and flies both itself and Red out of the water. They battle again but Mega Charizard X is able to take Mewtwo, eventually weakening it enough for Red to catch it. The "game" saves and Red is eating a meal with Professor Oak, Blue, and Oak's assistant when Red remembers that Mewtwo is a clone of Mew, so there's still Mew to catch! And as a Mew playfully flies past the window, we end Pokemon Origins.

    But we're not done accessing this episode or when I give my final opinions on the four part mini-series just yet, we still have some comments to go through:

    1. Already mentioned that after beating Giovanni in Viridian Gym for the Earth Badge and ending Team Rocket that Red went through Victory Road and battled the Kanto Elite Four. Honestly there's really nothing else to mention except maybe Route 23 (you know, the long path where all your badges are checked), but there's really nothing worth noting there.

    2. And of course we have to have Lance give his "you WOULD have been League Champion, BUT" quote. Pretty much Pokemon's version of "your princess is in another castle".

    3. Wait, do damages done to walls and floors are repaired holographically? Well I guess that saves on the repair budget but brings up a WHOLE lot of more questions, but none are about Pokemon so we'll just move on.

    4. Charizard vs. Blastoise, there was no other way this battle could have ended except with that match-up.

    5. So first Professor Oak says he was came to see Red, but then a few seconds later says he came to see Blue. Well which one is it?

    6. *Red is entered into the Hall of Fame*
    Red: I won't bring shame to the title of Pokemon League Champion.
    Comment: Well that should be easy to do since you never battle anyone as Champion, somehow Blue ALWAYS becomes Champion again without needing to battle you.

    7. Wait, Red NEVER encountered a Tentacool before the Pokemon League? I CALL TAUROS MUCH! The seas in Pokemon are MADE of Tentacool!

    8. Wow, it took until the last episode for Pikachu to appear, and only for a few seconds! It's like Pikachu was making a cameo in its own franchise.

    9. Oh, so now we're in the Safari Zone (though they never say it), can't wait for the part where Red needs to save scum or grind money at the Pokemon League to keep trying it over and over again.

    10. And with Red battling the Legendary Birds I guess that also meant he did eventually go to the Seafoam Islands and the Kanto Power Plant.

    11. Kind of wished they also showed Red at Game Corner trying to get enough coins to get a Porygon. I mean a Fearow, Arbok, and Tentacool? Those are boring to see him catch, let's see Red go after the unique Pokemon like Porygon Dratini, and Ditto.

    12. Blastoise landed on Blue, and he survived? How heavy is Blastoise... oh, just 188.5 pounds? That's not that heavy all things considered, I mean the following Pokemon are heavier then it and you think they wouldn't: Makuhita, Seel, Golett, Beldum, Bergmite, Munchlax, Spiritomb, & Cryogonal! Remember everyone, a giant turtle with water cannons on its back? No heavier than an adult human. A giant snowflake that's able to float? Watch out or it'll CRUSH YOU!

    13. Hey Professor Oak, how come you put the Dratini Family AFTER the Legendary birds?

    14. *Red reveals he caught "all" 149 Pokemon*
    Blue: Oh great, if I just caught that Pokemon I would have had all 149 Pokemon too.
    Comment: Wait, that implies Blue had caught 148 Pokemon, meaning that Blue should have 2 of the Legendary birds... what?

    15. *Red plans on capturing the Pokemon in Cerulean Cave*
    Blue: Its way too strong, the fact that it was beyond even me means, that you wouldn't stand a chance against it either Red!
    Comment: ... Did Blastoise landing on you make you forget you're no longer Champion? Or did you become Champion behind Red's back once more? That still doesn't mean your stronger then Red, it just means you have rather shady connections.

    16. Red, I'm sure Professor Oak knows who Mr. Fuji is.

    17. Is Fuji really that common of a name in the Pokemon World?

    18. Um, Recover doesn't heal a Pokemon from being Frozen or any other Status Ailment.

    19. Ah, so its confirmed that Mr. Fuji got the Mega Stones from Kalos... you know, the region who's Pokedex has over 400 POKEMON. Heck, in the games it was said the very first Pokemon to ever Mega Evolve was a Lucario and that was possible hundreds of year ago (its not mentioned how long, but its said that Gurkinn (the Mega Evolution Guru and Korrina's grandfather) is a decedent of the person who Mega Evolved Lucario). So I know while they're trying to follow the storyline of Gen I, them introducing the Mega Evolution and there being another region is just a head scratcher. Though they could have easily fixed that by just saying all the Pokemon in the Kanto region.

    20. How is Charizard's tail flame staying lit underwater?

    21. AND here is probably what Pokemon Origins will mostly be remembered for: Introducing Mega Charizard X! Before Pokemon Origins, though we knew all the Kanto Starters were getting evolutions we only thought Charizard was getting one (at the time I also think we only thought Mewtwo was getting only one as well). Then this episode came out and revealed Pokemon can not only have more than one Mega Evolution, but Charizard was one of these Pokemon. And it's AWESOME! So in the end Pokemon Origins was really just another advertisement for X and Y. Because Mega Charizard X is just as powerful as Mewtwo!... except not because both Mega Charizards have a BST of 634 and normal Mewtwo's BST is 680 (and that's not mentioning both Mega Mewtwo's BST is 780).

    22. Sorry Red, no matter how much you look you're going to have to wait until an Event to get a Mew to finish your Pokedex. And then after that Johto would be introduce with 100 new Pokemon! Maybe that's what Red is on Mt. Silver in the Johto games, he thought he caught all the Pokemon but then came Johto and he completely went nuts and isolated himself.

    AND that's it! Pokemon Origins if officially over! What was my opinion of it? Disappointing.

    Yeah, if you couldn't tell, what I thought was going to be a quick retelling of the games turned out to be just as nonsensical as the main anime. Now I understand this is an adaption and things sometimes get changed. I also understand that this was only 4 episodes so they had to exclude a lot of things. I'm not complaining about that, I'm complaining about how this story was written and that some of the changes they made just didn't work.

    Characters for example, Blue was the worst hit as the writers wanted him both to be a jerk yet a nice guy? Blue in the games was an egotist and never complimented the player or were ever nice to them. Yet in origins they have him acting nice one second then suddenly do a 180 of being a jerk the second. In the Celadon Plot in episode 3 he risked his life to help save the secretary from Team Rocket but then, out of no where, tries to leave both her and Red to deal with Team Rocket on their own! He doesn't have an attitude problem, he has a split personality disorder and needs to seek help! Or how we take Giovanni? Now I don't mind they changed that instead of breaking down he had a change of heart after losing to Red, however my problem here is that they made Giovanni a Gary Stu by having him tell Red things about battling only to contradict them with how he battled a few seconds later! He tells Red that he relies too much of brute force to win, Giovanni then uses his Rhyhorn to take out most of Red's team. He tells Red that sending Jolteon out against a Ground-type is a dumb mistake, he then has his Rhyhorn use Thunderbolt on Jolteon which shouldn't be very effective (even if Rhyhorn is higher leveled, Rhyhorn's Special stat is very low compared to Jolteon's Special Defense which is very high).

    That's another problem with the mini-series, the "lessons". When Red battled Blue for the first time, Blue said the reason Red lost was because Red was always on the offensive. Problem with that is that after Red's first few attacks failed, it was BLUE who was on the offensive for the remainder of the battle! Brock teaches Red about type advantage, but then throughout the rest of the series we see Pokemon using moves that shouldn't even be effecting their opponents (Normal-type moves against Rock-type Pokemon, for example). And sadly some of these things are sort of out of date thanks to new inclusions such as Abilities (going back to Rhyhorn and Jolteon, Jolteon actually should have HEALED from Rhyhorn's Thunderbolt as it's Ability is Volt Absorb (normally, though I doubt Red would have an Eevee with its Hidden Ability)). Also, I have to say that the Moves they gave Pokemon were rather lacking, I mean Red's Charizard had both Mega Punch and Mega Kick at one point!

    I'll admit, maybe my problem is that I went into this mini-series thinking they would be sticking to the game's logic for the most part. However I expected that because this was meant to be a retelling of the Gen I games. Everything Origins said and done, it's been said and done in the main anime, we didn't need Origins to do that. Origins was pretty much trying to bank on Nostalgia to justify itself (as well as revealing Mega Charizard X) however some of the changes or decisions done just knocked me out of my suspension of disbelief. But you know what, Origins is over, it did what he needed to do and that's that. And from what I heard, the animators from origins are now working on the main anime series and, though its not like Origin's art style, from what I have seen the main series art style had very much improved. So I say let Origins be what it wanted it to be, a (rather loose) retelling of the Gen I games, and let's look forward to the main anime which now has been given an art bump and after coming off from a rather lackluster saga it'll learn its lesson and improve storywise as well. So with that all said, I'm pretty done with this board as I'll now move to the board where all the current action is going on to discuss:


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  • Avatar of z-agent


    [32]Aug 30, 2015
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    I'm with you that Origins was a letdown. So much potential went up in smoke. Just 4 episodes is too short to tell a good story, they just rushed through it trying to cram as much as they can. The emotional power left a lot to be desired. The battles felt like some kid snatched your Gameboy/DS out of your hands and won't let you play. Finally, the mega evolution was totally out of place.

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