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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

"Save The Dub" Campaign!

  • Avatar of CheapYugioh


    [41]Apr 11, 2006
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    Writerpatrick wrote:
    I'm curious how the VAs feel about it. Eight or nine years is a long time for one project. Although it is steady work, I'm sure many have other projects they are and could get involved in.

    Most VAs do voice overs in other shows too, but believe me they are mad about this. Eric Stuert (Brock) sent in a blog/press release about it, that's how we found out about it.
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  • Avatar of ForevaX


    [42]Apr 11, 2006
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    You better believe me they're mad!
    I would be, too.

    Look at it from their perspective: Nine years developing the voice/personality of one character, then they tell you they're gonna bring in someone else who will attempt to 'sound like you'.
    I'd be furious.
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  • Avatar of goku262002


    [43]Apr 19, 2006
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    i'm stunned i just cant believe they would get rid of the VAs after 10 years of hard work why now? i signed the petition but ill do more this is not fair after 10 years of work.
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  • Avatar of ForevaX


    [44]Apr 19, 2006
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    goku262002 wrote:
    i'm stunned i just cant believe they would get rid of the VAs after 10 years of hard work why now? i signed the petition but ill do more this is not fair after 10 years of work.

    Agreed. I'm so disappointed in myself... I only sent one letter. I sent about twenty e-mails, but e-mails aren't that effective.

    I really need to do more. [opens Microsoft Word and begins next letter]
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  • Avatar of RaijinPaladinix


    [45]Apr 19, 2006
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    Maybe they'll let Eric Stuart stay if he uses his Kaiba voice in the show. Now that would be good, just for a few episodes. I always thought that Eric was a better antagonist, becuase he can make his voice really dark. But without Veronica Taylor, it's over! Ash and May won't be anything alike. This is just an abomination of our rights as viewers!
    But then again, without WB on my cable, I haven't seen new episodes since 2001. My only way of keeping up is Cartoon Network reruns, which stopped in November. But I keep up using the episode guide.
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  • Avatar of goku262002


    [46]Apr 22, 2006
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    RaijinPaladinix wrote:
    Maybe they'll let Eric Stuart stay if he uses his Kaiba voice in the show. Now that would be good, just for a few episodes. I always thought that Eric was a better antagonist, becuase he can make his voice really dark. But without Veronica Taylor, it's over! Ash and May won't be anything alike. This is just an abomination of our rights as viewers!
    But then again, without WB on my cable, I haven't seen new episodes since 2001. My only way of keeping up is Cartoon Network reruns, which stopped in November. But I keep up using the episode guide.

    you mean you havent seen the show since november?
    so tell me are they still going to use the old VAs for the battle frontier saga or after this special there going to be replaced?
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  • Avatar of RaijinPaladinix


    [47]Apr 22, 2006
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    I still watch old episodes I have on VHS. And I have all 8 movies.
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  • Avatar of darkwolf01


    [48]Apr 23, 2006
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        I can tell you what to do to save the VA. The best way to do this is e-mail and send them letters saying that you have watch the show since it started and you go on little bit about how you love them but you are disappointed that they are changing all of the VA's including all of the main VA's and that if this is true and that you ignored us(the public) we will stop buying all of you produces (a ex. games, movies, episodes and what ever else the may sell) and watching the programs for we(the public) know that with out us you have no company and no more income to do terrible voice-overs so in the long ran we(the public) will win no matter what you do we hold the life of this show and any thing else we watch so as you can see we(the public) are not stupid, for we know that without ratings and profits from this show it will be canceled!!!! So if you care about your jobs, your family, and us(the public) you will keep the same VA.

        That is all it takes is the public to come together and stay together and we will win it's that simple.
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  • Avatar of darkwolf01


    [49]Apr 23, 2006
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      Just sent them a e-mail thought that I would share to give an idea of what we should be sending (I'm not saying that nobody knows what they are doing just trying to help that is all; so please don't get mad at me ok) here's a copy of the e-mail I sent. hopes that this helps somebody.

      Hi, My family & I have been watching your show (Pokemon) since it started. We have been getting all the games for the nintendo game systems, and we also have been getting all the episodes, movies on DVD as they come out. We are disappointed to hear that you  are going to recasting all the voices of all the characters including the main characters of the show to Sound-A-Likes we (including all of the Pokemon Fans everywhere) don't like you change the voices, Because it's the voices and the way the voice actors put A realism in their characters that if you change them (even to Sound-A-Likes) we will know it. If this is true than I'm sorry to say that we (the public) see that you ignored us and you did change the voices of the characters then we(the public) will stop buying your produces and stop watching your programs for we (the public) know that if you have no ratings and no profits the the show will be canceled.So you can see clearly that we(the public) will win no matter what you do because we know for a fact that we hold the life to this show and to anything else we do weather it is shopping or just watching TV so don't say that we don't have a say so because we do and your not going to say other wise for we know the prower we hold; like I said before without us there is no pokemon so you better watch out if you know whats go for you. If this isn't true then you need to stop all of the rumors for this is bad for your company and for Pokemon.


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  • Avatar of pokemonlover908


    [50]Apr 25, 2006
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    Threatening them? Might not be such a good idea...
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  • Avatar of darkwolf01


    [51]Apr 26, 2006
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    I just heard that wbkids and upn are combinning this fall so wb is taking pokemon and yu-gi-oh off this fall when the season ends. Has any body heard any more of this.(sorry for any misspelling)
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  • Avatar of ForevaX


    [52]Apr 26, 2006
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    That US special is rapidly approaching. As you all know, it's to be used as an experimentation grounds for the new voices. Right after it airs, I'm sending them a letter.

    [hem hem] "Dear Pokemon USA,

    The masses of loyal pokemon fans across the nation were devastated with the news of new voice actors. Despite the hard work that Veronica Taylor, Eric Stuart, and all the other talented people at WB invested in the show, we were forced to sit back and watch as our favorite stars were taken from us and replaced with these pathetic "Sound-a-likes." I personally, think they should change their title to "SOUND LIKE CRAP!" "

    ---and the rant continues.

    I can't wait to send it.

    I know what you're thinking. "Watch it with an open mind. They might not be too bad." OPEN MINDS ARE FOR [insert swear word/derogatory word of your choice]S!

    This is unfair and unjust, and I will NOT STAND FOR IT.

    Now I have 3 days to find a stamp...

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  • Avatar of CheapYugioh


    [53]Apr 26, 2006
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    Lol, nice message Foreva. Let's all sign it and e-mail them. What kind of response do you think we will get?
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  • Avatar of ForevaX


    [54]Apr 26, 2006
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    CheapYugioh wrote:
    Lol, nice message Foreva. Let's all sign it and e-mail them. What kind of response do you think we will get?

    We wouldn't get one.

    Evil Pokemon USA people... They haven't responded to any of my letters.

    Did anyone else get responses?
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  • Avatar of CheapYugioh


    [55]Apr 26, 2006
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    I say lets invade their office and rip it to shreds.

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  • Avatar of ForevaX


    [56]Apr 26, 2006
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    CheapYugioh wrote:

    I say lets invade their office and rip it to shreds.


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  • Avatar of RaijinPaladinix


    [57]Apr 26, 2006
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    You see, the actual mail never gets beyond the office building's lobby.  The execs probably have their secretaries sort it out and send any letters from true fans like us and send them straight to the furnace.  I know I don't have a good attitude... but  I can't help... how I can't even watch this show because... it's not even on my cable... and now I'll NEVER see anything past Master Quest!evilevil
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  • Avatar of futurewm2006


    [58]Apr 26, 2006
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    why don't we just get a stick of dynamite, place it outside the office and.......well you guys know the rest
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  • Avatar of ForevaX


    [59]Apr 27, 2006
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    futurewm2006 wrote:
    why don't we just get a stick of dynamite, place it outside the office and.......well you guys know the rest

    Or maybe, we should all go down there personally and protest.

    Who's with me?!?
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  • Avatar of pokemonlover908


    [60]Apr 27, 2006
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    I'm in!
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