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The Ultimate Pokemon Clash!

  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [261]Jan 16, 2010
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    another tie it seems. We need Aerni to break it.
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [262]Jan 18, 2010
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    I vote for Monferno!

    Monferno: 3 votes

    Primeape: 2 votes

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [263]Jan 18, 2010
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    monferno is the winner. I am going to start taking suggestions for new match ups. I will not do them if they include pokemon that were in past matches already.
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [264]Jan 18, 2010
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    I suggest Salamence vs. Dusknoir. That's the best matchup I could think of based on the Pokemon that have already been used, since someone said they wanted to match up some of the really strong Pokemon.
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [265]Jan 20, 2010
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    fine. let's do that.

    Salamence: 0

    Dusknoir: 1
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [266]Jan 20, 2010
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    dusknoir may be weaker in speed and attack but it only has 2x weakness (two of them) but it can learn some powerful ice attacks


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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [267]Jan 20, 2010
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    Salamence is beast, Salamence1
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [268]Jan 20, 2010
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    Pokemon: Salamence
    Type: Dragon/Flying
    = (In Battle: Lowers the opponent(s)'s Attack by one stage. Triggered whenever this Pokemon enters the battle)
    = (Outside Battle: If leading the party, the chances of encountering a low-leveled wild Pokemon is decreased by 50%)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 95
    =Attack: 135
    =Defense: 80
    =Special Attack: 110
    =Special Defense: 80
    =Speed: 100
    =Total: 600
    Weakness (4x): Ice
    Weakness (2x): Rock
    & Dragon
    Resistance (.5x): Fighting, Bug, Fire,
    & Water
    Resistance (.25x): Grass
    Immunity (0x): Ground
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    ELEMENTAL FANGS... MINUS ONE! Thankfully though it isn't Fire-type Fire Fang as along with Ember it melts away the deadly Ice-types meanwhile Dragon-type DragonBreath & Dragon Claw (STAB) also handle other Dragon-types. The other attacks are Electric-type Thunder Fang; Normal-type Rage, Headbutt, & Double Edge; Dark-type Bite & Crunch; Psychic-type Zen Headbutt; and Flying-type Fly (STAB). Tactical sees Leer, Focus Energy, Protect, & Scary Face.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Fighting-type Brick Break & Rock Smash chops Ice- and Rock-types; Steel-type Iron Tail and Steel Wing further smashes Ice- and Rock-types; Fire-type Flamethrower & Fire Blast and Rock-type Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, & Rock Slide grinds Ice-types; Ground-type Earthquake shake up Rock-types; and Dragon-type Dragon Pulse (STAB) blasts away Dragon-types. The other attacks follow as Normal-type Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Cut, & Strength; Ghost-type Shadow Claw; and Flying-type Aerial Ace (STAB). Tactical has Roar, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Roost, & Defog amoung the usual.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Water-type Hydro Pump washes away Rock-types while Dragon-type Dragon Rage, Dragon Rush, & Twister (STAB except for Dragon Rage) challenges Dragon-types. The only other unique attack is Normal-type Thrash. Tactical only has Dragon Dance.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Fire-type Heat Wave and Rock-type Rollout do away at Ice-types; Water-type Aqua Tail and Ground-type Mud-Slap soaks Rock-types; and Dragon-type Draco Meteor & Outrage (STAB) fights other Dragon-types. Other attacks are Bug-type Fury Cutter; Ghost-type Ominous Wind; and Flying-type Air Cutter (STAB). Tactical only has Tailwind.
    Moveset Analysis (Special):
    You can catch a big bad Shadow Salamence in Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness and upon purifying it results in it knowing Dragon-type Dragon Claw, Flying-type Aerial Ace, and tactical moves Refresh & Dragon Dance. And if you didn't notice, Refresh here is the special move which Salamence isn't able to normally learn.

    Type: Ghost
    = (In Battle: Doubles the foe(s)'s and ally's PP usage for every successful hit (even if the target Pokemon is immune to that attack))
    = (Outside Battle: If leading the party, the chances of encountering a high-leveled wild Pokemon is increased by 50%)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 45
    =Attack: 100
    =Defense: 135
    =Special Attack: 65
    =Special Defense: 135
    =Speed: 45
    =Total: 525
    Weakness (2x): Ghost & Dark
    Resistance (.5x): Poison
    & Bug
    Immunity (0x): Normal
    & Fighting
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    ELEMENTAL PUNCHES! But not right now, as Ghost-type Night Shade, Astonish, Shadow Sneak, & Shadow Punch (STAB except for Night Shade) and Dark-type Pursuit & Payback frighten other Ghost-types. Other attacks are Elecric-type ThunderPunch; Fire-type Fire Punch; Ice-type Ice Punch; and Psychic-type Future Sight. Tactical has Gravity, Bind, Leer, Disable, Foresight, Confuse Ray, Curse, Will-O-Wisp, & Mean Look.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Ghost-type Shadow Ball (STAB) and Dark-type Thief, Fling, & Dark Pulse weaken Ghost-types while Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, Focus Blast, & Rock Smash pulverize Dark-types. We then have Ice-type Ice Beam & Blizzard; Normal-type Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, & Strength; Ground-type Earthquake; Psychic-type Psychic & Dream Eater (which is useless as Dusknoir doesn't have any sleep-inducing moves); Rock-type Rock Tomb & Rock Slide; & Electric-type Charge Beam. Tactical expands to Calm Mind, Sunny Day, Taunt, Rain Dance, Torment, Skill Swap, Snatch, Embargo, Psych Up, Natural Gift, & Trick Room + the usual.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Ghost-type Ominous Wind (STAB) and Dark-type Faint Attack make Ghost-type shake. Tactical there is Grudge, Imprison, & Memento. There is also Destiny Bond & Pain Split.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    ELEMENTAL PUNCH... wait, we already had them. Anyway Dark-type Sucker Punch is the last dirty trick against Ghost-types. We then have Ice-type Icy Wind and Ground-type Mud-Slap for attacks and Spite & Trick for tactical that every other Pokemon doesn't have.

    Now this is a hard one. First of all, Salamence is going to attack first and knows moves that are Super Effective against Dusknoir, worse many if not all are Physical attacks which is Salemence's strongest attack, and worser yet Dusknoir's HP is VERY low. However Dusnoir does have a high defence meaning it could just barely survive an onslaught by Salamence. Now Ice-type attacks are the way to go against Dragon-types, and Dusknoir has many, but here's the problem: Dusknoir's Attack is much higher then its Special Attack but many of the strong Ice-type attacks are Special based. It also doesn't help Salamence has somewhat strong Defense and Special Defense, but a quadruple damaging strong Ice-type attack can overcome that any day. So you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to let Salamence and Dusknoir to choose an item to hold! Dusknoir has chosen to use a Choice Specs to boost its Special Attack to 100 while Salamence had gone on a more defensive route and chooses a Yache Berry to reduce the damage of Ice-type attacks!... And with that Salamence might be able to survive an Ice-type attack and now having a second turn to attack...


    2 | Dusknoir: 2

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [269]Jan 21, 2010
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    gah! another tie.
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [270]Jan 22, 2010
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    I vote for Salamence!

    Salamence: 3 votes

    Dusknoir: 2 votes

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [271]Jan 23, 2010
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    Salamence won! Keep those match ideas coming.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [272]Jan 23, 2010
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    Rampardos vs Bastiodon


    and from now on whoever breaks a tie should make a clash

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [273]Jan 23, 2010
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    will do that.

    Rampardos: 1

    Bastiodon: 0
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [274]Jan 25, 2010
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    oh yeah I forgot

    whoever finishes the clash and picks the next clash will not be able to vote that time


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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [275]Jan 25, 2010
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    Type: Rock
    Mold Breaker (Disables opposing Pokemon's Ability which negates taking damage from an attack)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 97
    =Attack: 165
    =Defense: 60
    =Special Attack: 65
    =Special Defense: 50
    =Speed: 58
    =Total: 495
    Weakness (2x): Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, & Grass
    Resistance (.5x): Normal, Flying, Poison,
    & Fire
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
    Zen Headbutt has you use both mind and matter to give a headache to Fighing-types. Other attacks are Normal-type Headbutt & Take Down; Dark-type Pursuit & Assurance; and Rock-type AncientPower & Head Smash (STAB). Tactical we have Leer, Focus Energy, Scary Face, & Screech. We also have Endeavor.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Ice-type Ice Beam, Blizzard, & Avalanche freezes Ground- and Grass-types; Water-type Surf & Whirlpool washes away Ground-types; Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, Focus Blast, & Rock Smash break apart Steel-types; Ground-type Earthquake & Dig buries Steel-types; Electric-type Thunderbolt, Thunder (+ Rain Dance), & Shock Wave zaps Water-types; and Fire-type Flamethrower & Fire Blast burns Grass-types. Surprisingly there are other attacks left and they are Normal-type Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Cut, Strength, & Rock Climb; Steel-type Iron Tail; Dark-type Thief, Fling, & Payback; Dragon-type Dragon Pulse; and Rock-type Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, & Rock Slide (STAB). Then tactical finishes this with Roar, Sunny Day, Sand Storm, Rock Polish, & Stealth Rock.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Fighting-type Hammer Arm smashes Steel-types. We have a shorter list here with Normal-type Double-Edge, Slam, Stomp, & Thrash and Dark-type Crunch. Tactical there is Curse & Whirlwind.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    ELEMENTAL PUNCHES... minus one. But first we have Fighting-type Superpower continuing to break Steel-types; Ground-type Earth Power & Mud-Slap twisting Steel-types; Electric-type ThunderPunch shocking Water-types; and Fire-type Fire Punch blazing Grass-types. The remaining attacks are Normal-type Uproar; Steel-type Iron Head; and Dragon-type Outrage. Tactical has Spite, and also note that Endeavor & Pain Split is also here.

    Type: Rock/Steel
    Sturdy (Negates OHKO moves)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 60
    =Attack: 52
    =Defense: 168
    =Special Attack: 47
    =Special Defense: 138
    =Speed: 30
    =Total: 495
    Weakness (4x): Fighting & Ground
    Weakness (2x): Water
    Resistance (.5x): Rock, Bug, Ghost, Psychic, Ice, Dragon,
    & Dark
    Resistance (.25x): Normal
    & Flying
    Immunity (0x): Poison
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    We have Normal-type Tackle & Take Down; Steel-type Iron Head & Metal Burst (STAB except for Metal Burst); and Rock-type AncientPower (STAB). Tactical there is Protect, Taunt, Metal Sound, Iron Defense, Swagger, Block, & Endure.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Ice-type Ice Beam, Blizzard, & Avalanche chills Ground-types while Electric-type Thunberbolt, Thunder (+ Rain Dance), & Shock Wave sparkles cause Water-types to back away. Other attacks would be Normal-type Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, & Strength; Ground-type Earthquake & Dig; Fighting-type Rock Smash; Rock-type Rock Tomb, Stone Edge, & Rock Slide (STAB); and Steel-type Iron Tail & Flash Cannon (STAB). Tactical has Roar, Sunny Day, Sandstorm, Torment, Rock Polish, & Stealth Rock.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    There is Normal-type Body Slam, Double-Edge, & Headbutt; Fighting-type Counter; and Rock-type Rock Blast (STAB). Tactical has Curse, Focus Energy, Scary Face, & Screech. We also have the OHKO Ground-type Fissure.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Attacks are Ground-type Earth Power and Dragon-type Outrage. Tactical finishes with Magnet Rise & Role Play.

    So the question is now is the winner the one who's strikes could break through layers of layers of walls or the one who has a think defense so it can wittle its opponents HP down at a time. Unfortune for Bastiodon, it has quadruple damage to 2 types which Rampardos knows powerful physical moves for. Also if Rampardos was having a really difficult time, it could use Endeavor or Pain Split to further lower Bastiodon's HP and Rampardos is faster...


    3 | Bastiodon: 0

    Edited on 01/26/2010 8:06am
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [276]Jan 25, 2010
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    the next clash?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [277]Jan 25, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:


    the next clash?

    Oh come on, give him at least a day from my post before you "remind" him about the new match.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [278]Jan 25, 2010
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    Um... Pikachu, new rules dictate YOU make the next clash XD
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [279]Jan 25, 2010
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    It does? Okay, though I can give the fighter you'll have to wait next day for my choice. So here's the clash:

    Poliwrath VS. Politoad

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [280]Jan 25, 2010
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    also new rule

    if theres a tie whoever breaks it first makes the next pick

    however if you choose no to pick just make sure you say it

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