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The Ultimate Pokemon Clash!

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [281]Jan 26, 2010
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    Type: Water/Fighting

    = Water Absorb (Heals 1/4 of maximum HP when hit with a Water-type attack. Gives immunity to Water-type attacks)
    = Damp (Prevents self-destruction moves (Selfdestruct and Explosion) and the Ability Aftermath doesn't activate)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 90
    =Attack: 85
    =Defense: 95
    =Special Attack: 70
    =Special Defense: 90
    =Speed: 70
    =Total: 500
    Weakness (2x): Flying, Grass, Electric, & Psychic
    Resistance (.5x): Rock, Bug, Steel, Fire, Water, Ice,
    & Dark
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    Attacks are Normal-type DoubleSlap; Water-type BubbleBeam (STAB); and Fighting-type Submission & DynamicPunch (STAB) with tactical having Hypnosis & Mind Reader... and that's it for this moveset list...
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Ice-type Ice Beam & Blizzard (+ Hail) freezes Flying- and Grass-types; Ground-type Earthquake & Dig buries Electric-types; Rock-type Rock Tomb & Rock Slide crushes Flying-types; Dark-type Thief, Fling, & Payback bewilders Psychic-types; and Poison-type Poison Jab sickens Grass-types. Other attacks are Normal-type Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Strength, & Rock Climb; Psychic-type Psychic; Water-type Water Pulse, Surf, Whirlpool, & Waterfall (STAB); and Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, Focus Blast, & Rock Smash (STAB). Tactical has Bulk Up & Rain Dance among the usual.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Ice-type Ice Ball brings the cold to Flying- and Grass-types whiles Ground-type Mud Shot dirties Electric-types. Tactical has Encore, Haze, Mist, Refresh, Splash ( ), & Water Sport. We also have Endeavor here.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Ice-type Ice Punch & Icy Wind slows down Flying- and Grass-types while Mud-Slap soils Electric-types. Other attacks are Water-type Dive (STAB) and Fighting-type Vacuum Wave (STAB). Tactical gets Helpin Hand.
    Moveset Analysis (Special):
    That Shadow Poliwrath from Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness can be purified and gets Water-type Hydro Pump (STAB), Fighting-type Brick Break (STAB), and tactical Helping Hand & Rain Dance. WHOA! Hydro Pump! For once we actually have a Shadow Pokemon that gets a good move it couldn't learn otherwise!

    Type: Water

    = Water Absorb (Heals 1/4 of maximum HP when hit with a Water-type attack. Gives immunity to Water-type attacks)
    = Damp (Prevents self-destruction moves (Selfdestruct and Explosion) and the Ability Aftermath doesn't activate)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 90
    =Attack: 75
    =Defense: 75
    =Special Attack: 90
    =Special Defense: 100
    =Speed: 70
    =Total: 500
    Weakness (2x): Grass & Electric
    Resistance (.5x): Steel, Fire, Water,
    & Ice
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    Flying-type Bounce jumps on Grass-types. We also have Normal-type Hyper Double Slap & Voice and Water-type BubbleBeam with tactical bringing Hypnosis & Swagger. There is also the move Perish Song.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Ice-type Ice Beam & Blizzard (+ Hail) chills our Grass-types while Ground-type Earthquake & Dig trips up Electric-types. There is also Normal-type Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, & Strength; Psychic-type Psychic; Dark-type Thief, Fling, & Payback; Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, Focus Blast, & Rock Smash; and Water-type Water Pulse, Surf, Whirlpool, & Waterfall (STAB). Tactical brings Rain Dance with the usual.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Ice-type Ice Ball brings the cold to Grass-types whiles Ground-type Mud Shot dirties Electric-types. Tactical has Encore, Haze, Mist, Refresh, Splash ( ), & Water Sport. We also have Endeavor here... whoa, ever get the feeling of deja vu?
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Ice-type Ice Punch & Icy Wind slows down Flying- and Grass-types while Mud-Slap soils Electric-types. Only other attack, let alone unique moves, is Water-type Dive (STAB).

    This is close, but there is one who obviously has an adventage over the other. This is Politoed who knows two moves which are Super Effective against Poliwrath, Bounce & Psychic, with the latter being Special Attack which Politoed has the highest in. With both having the same Speed (as well as HP) it pretty much comes down to that so...



    Poliwrath: 1 | Politoed: 1

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [282]Jan 26, 2010
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    PoliWrath. I will only accept these matches if they do not have pokemon we already used. So this one's ok.
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    [283]Jan 29, 2010
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    Anybody else gonna vote?
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [284]Jan 29, 2010
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    well th rules are one vote a day

    I already voted....but that was a few days ago

    so poliwrath

    bulbasuar vs Turtwig

    (red vs dia)

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [285]Jan 30, 2010
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    nope. Turtwig was already used.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [286]Jan 30, 2010
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    bulbasaur vs chikorita then

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    [287]Jan 31, 2010
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    Bulbasaur: 1

    Chikorita: 0
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [288]Jan 31, 2010
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    [289]Mar 21, 2010
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    well then Bulbasaur wins. Don't know why this died but anyways any ideas for the next match up?
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    [290]Mar 23, 2010
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    Ambipom vs Mightyena?

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [291]Mar 24, 2010
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    Ambipom: 1

    Mightyena: 0
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [292]Mar 26, 2010
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    I vote for Mightyena!

    Mightyena: 1 votes

    Ambipom: 1 votes

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [293]Mar 26, 2010
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [294]Mar 27, 2010
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    I think it died because (1) I forgot to make a post and (2) TV.com changed its format and made it a bit difficult to post my picture-ful and colorful posts. However having just found out how to center things, let me try this out...

    Pokemon: Mightyena
    Type: Dark

    = Intimidate
    + (In Battle: When entering into battle, the opponent's Attack stat is lowered by one stage. Both opponents are effected in a Double Battle)
    + (Outside Battle: If leading the party, decreases the chance of encountering a low-leveled Pokemon by 50%)
    = Quick Feet
    + (In Battle: If inflicted by a Status Ailment, the Speed stat is increased by 50%. Speed decrease from Paralysis does not occur)
    + (Outside Battle: If leading the party, Wild Pokemon encounter rates decrease)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 70
    =Attack: 90
    =Defense: 70
    =Special Attack: 60
    =Special Defense: 60
    =Speed: 70
    =Total: 420
    Weakness (2x): Fighting & Bug
    Resistance (.5x): Ghost & Dark
    Immunity (0x): Psychic
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
    = STAB:
    Dark-type Bite, Assurance, Thief, & Sucker Punch
    = Attacks: Normal-type Tackle & Take Down
    = Status: Howl, Sand-Attack, Odor Sleuth, Roar, Swagger, Scary Face, & Taunt.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    = STAB:
    Dark-type Payback & Dark Pulse
    = Attacks: Normal-type Hyper Beam, Giga Impact & Strength; Steel-type Iron Tail; Ground-type Dig; Ghost-type Shadow Ball; and Fighting-type Rock Smash.
    = Status: Torment, Snatch, & Embargo
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding): (ELEMENTAL FANGS!)
    = Counter: Fire-type Fire Fang burns Bug-types.
    = Attacks: Ghost-type Astonish; Normal-type Covet; Ice-type Ice Fang; Poison-type Poison Fang; and Electric-type Thunder Fang.
    = Status: Leer, Me First, & Yawn.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    = Attacks:
    Normal-type Super Fang & Uproar
    = Status: Spite

    Pokemon: Ambipom
    Type: Normal

    = Technician (Increases moves with a power of 60 or less by 1.5x)
    = Pickup (After a battle, there is a 10% chance this Pokemon will be holding an item if it's not already holding one)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 75
    =Attack: 100
    =Defense: 66
    =Special Attack: 60
    =Special Defense: 66
    =Speed: 115
    =Total: 482
    Weakness (2x): Fighting
    Immunity (0x): Ghost
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
    = STAB:
    Normal-type Scratch, Fury Swipes, Swift, Double Hit, & Last Resort
    = Attacks: Ghost-type Astonish and Dark-type Fling.
    = Status: Tail Whip, Sand-Attack, Baton Pass, Tickle, Screech, Agility, & Nasty Plot
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    = STAB:
    Normal-type Hyper Beam, Frustration, Return, Facade, Secret Power, Giga Impact, Cut, & Strength
    = Counter: Flying-type Aerial Ace & Psychic-type Dream Eater (Has no sleep-inducing moves).
    = Attacks: Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, & Rock Smash; Grass-type SolarBeam (+ Sunny Day) & Grass Knot; Steel-type Iron Tail; Electric-type Thunderbolt, Thunder (+ Rain Dance), & Shock Wave; Ground-type Dig; Ghost-type Shadow Ball & Shadow Claw; Dark-type Thief & Payback; and Bug-type U-turn.
    = Status: Snatch & Thunder Wave
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    = STAB:
    Normal-type Covet, DoubleSlap, Fake Out, & Slam
    = Counter: Flying-type Bounce
    = Attacks: Dark-type Beat Up & Pursuit and Fighting-type Counter.
    = Status: Agility & Spite
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring): (ELEMENTAL PUNCHES!)
    = STAB: Normal-type Headbutt, Snore, & Uproar
    = Attacks: Fire-type Fire Punch; Bug-type Fury Cutter; Poison-type Gunk Shot; Ice-type Ice Punch; Fighting-type Low Kick; Grass-type Seed Bomb; and Electric-type ThunderPunch
    = Status: Magic Coat & Spite

    While their stats are about the same, Ambipom does have the higher speed and with Ambipom having a high Attack stat and knows Physical Fighting-type and Bug-type moves like Brick Break and U-turn.


    Mightyena: 1 | Ambipom: 3


    I can even edit! Though I have to put the centering code back in each edit.

    Edited on 03/27/2010 3:20pm
    Edited 5 total times.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [296]Mar 27, 2010
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    dont forget

    the one who picks the winner chooses the next clash

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [297]Mar 27, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    dont forget

    the one who picks the winner chooses the next clash

    We have to wait until HaydenAvery declares a winner though.

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [298]Mar 30, 2010
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    The winner is Ambipom!
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [299]Apr 3, 2010
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    Sorry about being late, let me think...

    How's Shuckle Vs. Shedinja?

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [300]Apr 3, 2010
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    weak attack it may have

    but high defense it has also

    and with only one hp

    and the fact that shuckle can learn a lot of rock type moves

    shedinja wont survive

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