And with Black 2 & White 2 now officially released, guess who's uploading the sprites.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
And with Black 2 & White 2 now officially released, guess who's uploading the sprites.
I got a question has it been stated that black and white take place after the rest of the games? or is it like Saw 4 where it takes place around the same time as the previous one
except now it's two years ahead of time
Kwando7 wrote: |
I got a question has it been stated that black and white take place after the rest of the games? or is it like Saw 4 where it takes placearound the same time as the previousone except now it's two years ahead of time |
We know some time has passed due to Caitlin:
Gen IV - Gen V
Though we don't know exactly how many years have passed, from the appearance it looks like at least 5 to 7 in Black & White. Now Black 2 & White 2 takes place 2 years after Black & White, meaning the year skip is 7 - 10. Mind you that Ruby & Sapphire took place alongside the Gen I games, meaning for Tate & Liza that adds ANOTHER 3 years on that. So for Tate & Liza alone they should have aged 10 to 13 years! Debating whether to look through every Gym Leader and say whether they would they would have aged or not. BTW the Gen I, Gen II, and Gen IV Gym Leaders/Champions use their Gen IV sprites, only the Gen III Gym Leaders/Champions got new sprites for obvious reasons.
Dream World - Icy Cave
BTW, I put an Ice-type to sleep (a Mamoswine) and it worked! I went to the Icy Cave multiple times and here is what I have to report:
1. I got all the new berries and have planted them.
2. Apparently all the Elemental Gems can be found there (whoopie, not like I can find those easilt ).
3. The Shards are also found there (Though I suggest you save those for Black 2 & White 2 for the Move Tutors).
4. I found several Pokemon though I wound up leaving with a Nosepass. It's Dream World move is Ancient Power. Other noteworthy Pokemon are Claydol and Whismur who's Dream World move is Zen Headbutt for both. Others are Sneasel, Voltorb, and Gabite.
5. Played one of the new mini-games: Slippy Slide (I think that's what it's called). After playing a few games you learn what you need to do however it will be a hard game to master (Sneasel is fond of this game).
His team is a bit sucky. Wailord, Jellicent and Carracosta if they were going to change Burghs list to be different why not have different pokemon for this guy, when you consider Shauntel has a Jellicent. Wailord is good,but he could have had
Basculin, Seismitoad, Alomomola or even Samurott backing his Wailord. oh well on a good note you can catch Latios and Latias depending on the version of the game as well as a number of other legendary pokemon
Serebii has version exclusives.
Exclusive to Black 2:
Magby, Magmar, Magmortar, Heracross, Volbeat, Plusle, Spoink, Grumpig, Registeel (Although you can get Regice through Unova Link) Latios, Buneary, Lopunny, Bonsly, Sudowoodo, Cottonee (You can get Petilil in an in-game trade) Whimsicott, Gothita, Gothorita, Gothitelle, Vullaby, Mandibuzz, Zekrom, and Black Kyurem.
Exclusive to White 2:
Elekid, Electabuzz, Electivire, Pinsir, Illumise, Minun, Numel, Camerupt, Regice (Although you can get Registeel through Unova Link) Latias, Skitty, Delcatty, Mime Jr., Mr. Mime, Petilil (You can get Cottonee in an in-game trade) Lilligant, Solosis, Duosion, Reuniclus, Rufflet, Braviary, Reshiram, and White Kyurem.
I'm still getting Black 2. The only version exclusive Pokemon I want that I can't easily get is Regice, but I can still get it through Unova Link and I have Reshiram in my Black version. Although I'm hoping I can get White Kyurem if I trade over my Reshiram from my Black version...
Well. Poop. Hmm... might change to Black 2 and send an Elekid egg right away. Gotta link early on for the special features. Or use Toxicroak and play White 2...
Yeah, very tough call. Though it would appear I like the version exclusives from White 2 over most of those from Black 2.
Krael4 wrote: |
Serebii has version exclusives. Exclusive to Black 2: Magby, Magmar, Magmortar, Heracross, Volbeat, Plusle, Spoink, Grumpig, Registeel (Although you can get Regice through Unova Link) Latios, Buneary, Lopunny, Bonsly, Sudowoodo, Cottonee (You can get Petilil in an in-game trade) Whimsicott, Gothita, Gothorita, Gothitelle, Vullaby, Mandibuzz, Zekrom, and Black Kyurem. Exclusive to White 2: Elekid, Electabuzz, Electivire, Pinsir, Illumise, Minun, Numel, Camerupt, Regice (Although you can get Registeel through Unova Link) Latias, Skitty, Delcatty, Mime Jr., Mr. Mime, Petilil (You can get Cottonee in an in-game trade) Lilligant, Solosis, Duosion, Reuniclus, Rufflet, Braviary, Reshiram, and White Kyurem. I'm still getting Black 2. The only version exclusive Pokemon I want that I can't easily get is Regice, but I can still get it through Unova Link and I have Reshiram in my Black version. Although I'm hoping I can get White Kyurem if I trade over my Reshiram from my Black version... |
Actually I read on serebii you can get the regis including regigiga look on the Lengendary Pokemon page of Black2 and White2 Serebii
Kwando7 wrote: |
His team is a bit sucky. Wailord, Jellicent and Carracosta if they were going to change Burghs list to be different why not have different pokemon for this guy |
SPDShadowRanger wrote: | ||
I meant cause his team had Whirlipede but changed with the introduction of Roxie who uses one (I think Roxy should have had a Trubbish insted, it was her strongest in the Anime). So shouldn't The water gym leader's pokemon be different to any other major character?
Kwando7 wrote: | ||||
I meant cause his team had Whirlipede but changed with the introduction of Roxie who uses one (I think Roxy should have had a Trubbish insted, it was her strongest in the Anime). So shouldn't The water gym leader's pokemon be different to any other major character? |
The only interesting thing they did with any of the Gym Leaders was with Elesa and changing the Gym Puzzles, but other then that most of the returning Gym Leaders didn't get anything that new or impressive. In addition to that, the new Gym Leaders didn't get much either. Cheren and Roxie are the first two Gym Leaders so they don't get a lot of Pokemon and Shizui only got 3 Pokemon. I don't understand why they don't give the last Gym Leaders that many Pokemon. The first two not having that many I understand, but by the time you get to the middle batch you should see an increase and by the seventh and/or eighth they should have 5.
The same goes for the Elite Four. Only 4 Pokemon when first versing them? They should have 5 like other generations. Black & White had the excuse that Team Plasma plot was going to disrupt the Elite Four & Champion challenge, but in Black 2 & White 2 there's no excuse.
Now the Elite Four do get a full team of 6 after the National Dex, though I hope they do the same for the Gym Leaders (I heard you can battle them in the World Tournament, though I think that only uses 3 Pokemon for the NPCs so that's not what I'm talking about).
Speaking of disappointments, Alder, why are the Striaton Triplets, Achroma, and your OWN GRANDSON stronger than you? I mean we can only battle you once, why are you leaving with a whimper? Then again he does have a full team of 6 though that didn't stop Achroma from being stronger and only able to be battled once.
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
The only interesting thing they did with any of the Gym Leaders was with Elesa and changing the Gym Puzzles, but other then that most of the returning Gym Leaders didn't get anything that new or impressive. In addition to that, the new Gym Leaders didn't get much either. Cheren and Roxie are the first two Gym Leaders so they don't get a lot of Pokemon and Shizui only got 3 Pokemon. I don't understand why they don't give the last Gym Leaders that many Pokemon. The first two not having that many I understand, but by the time you get to the middle batch you should see an increase and by the seventh and/or eighth they should have 5. The same goes for the Elite Four. Only 4 Pokemon when first versing them? They should have 5 like other generations. Black & White had the excuse that Team Plasma plot was going to disrupt the Elite Four & Champion challenge, but in Black 2 & White 2 there's no excuse. Now the Elite Four do get a full team of 6 after the National Dex, though I hope they do the same for the Gym Leaders (I heard you can battle them in the World Tournament, though I think that only uses 3 Pokemon for the NPCs so that's not what I'm talking about). Speaking of disappointments, Alder, why are the Striaton Triplets, Achroma, and your OWN GRANDSON stronger than you? I mean we can only battle you once, why are you leaving with a whimper? Then again he does have a full team of 6 though that didn't stop Achroma from being stronger and only able to be battled once. |
I agree if they were to have only three pokemon they should have a system where the player can only use three pokemon. I wonder if the Elite Four only using four pokemon is suppose to mean something :S maybe that's going to be a thing now.
Shauntels Jellicent was replaced? I thought Coffarigous was the one replaced. Whoops my bad (just checked it out).
Also I only meant Jellicent being switched. Only N used Carracosta
Anyone else think Grimsley should be the second Elite Four and Marshall should be the third?
Kwando7 wrote: |
Anyone else think Grimsley should be the second Elite Four and Marshall should be the third? |
You can battle them in any order, remember?
Damn Gamefreak...making me actually have to complete the National Dex in BW2!
Cilan, Chili, Cress, Lenora, and Brycen are all able to be battled in the World Tournament. Giovanni is featured with the Kanto Gym Leaders. Koga is no where to be found.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Damn Gamefreak...making me actually have to complete the National Dex in BW2! Cilan, Chili, Cress, Lenora, and Brycen are all able to be battled in the World Tournament. Giovanni is featured with the Kanto Gym Leaders. Koga is no where to be found. |
Oh the national dex isn't that hard to complete... especially if you did it in B&W.
Yeah, would have liked to see Koga with the Kanto Gym Leaders but I guess they decided to keep the non-Unova regions with 8 Gym Leaders each (thus them having to add in Giovanni despite him being a Gym Leader possibly being a problem as he's no doubt wanted for questioning for his involvement with Team Rocket. Also Tate & Liza I presume are a double battle). sadly, I don't think the World Tournament is a canon thing, not only because of the Giovanni thing but also because of the previous generation characters not aging despite the 7 - 9 years that I figured passed for the Gen IV Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh Gym Leaders and the 10 - 13 years I figured have passed for the Hoenn Gym Leaders. I mean, let's look right here and right now:
In my view, here are the Gym Leaders/Champions who's appearance should have aged:
The Gym Leaders/Champions here are all kids or teenagers, 7 - 9 years would have shot them right into being young adults in B2&W2, moreso with Tate & Liza who would have gone through 10 - 13 years.
But we're not done yet, because even young adults appearance would change in a decade. So now here's a list of Gym Leaders/Champions who, while they can sort of can get away with not changing appearance, it would have been nice if they did age them:
Now I debated about putting Erika on this list but being she's a Kimono Girl (sorta) I decided should would probably be always working on her appearance to always be looking youthful. I also would have added Cynthia but 1. she appeared in B&W looking as she did in Gen IV and 2. I think she's a Time Lord thus never ages (wait, do Time Lords age?). So on this list I decided to put the Gym Leaders/Champions who, while some may work on still looking beautiful/handsome, wouldn't try to hide their age or try to look younger like Erika would. Anyway, these characters, while not showing that much of a change, would still grow taller, maybe even wider, and overall start looking their on their way to middle age.
And with that I'm stopping right there as with middle age, aging isn't that much of a factor as you'll be fully matured. Any changes would be hair going grey, skin wrinkling, and other minor details that either something cosmetics could fix or a too much details for a sprite. But with that said I would have liked if they did change their clothes or hair style. I mean Gen III Kanto Gym Leaders and Gen IV Kanto Gym Leaders look different from each other as they changing clothing and hair styles which makes sense.
Now for the Would Tournament itself, it's okay but I would have to see more done with it. Like the Gym Leaders and Champions are nice and probably the most remembered NPCs from their games, but what about the Elite Four members and Frontier Brains? Or how about the other playable characters and their rivals? Also looking through the modes, one mode I would have liked to see is them having you to battle Gym Leaders & Champions based on the type they train:
Rock: Brock, Roxanne, & Roark
Water: Misty, Blue (international versions), Juan, Wallace, Wake, Cress, & Shizui
Electric: Lt. Surge, Wattson, Volkner, & Elesa
Grass: Erika, Blue (Japanese versions), Gardenia, & Cilan
Poison: Janine & Roxie
Psychic: Sabrina, Tate, & Liza
Fire: Blaine, Red, Flannery, & Chili
Ground: Giovanni & Clay
Flying: Falkner, Winona, & Skyla
Bug: Bugsy, Burgh, & Alder
Normal: Whitney, Norman, Lenora, & Cheren
Ghost: Morty & Fantina
Fighting: Chuck, Brawly & Maylene
Steel: Jasmine, Steven, & Brycen
Ice: Pryce, Candice, & Brycen
Dragon: Clair, Lance, Cynthia, & Drayden
Dark... oh wait...
(Bonus points for whoever can guess why I chose that order )
Anyway I don't think we should be too hard on it. I think this was just meant to be a fun bonus for all those who have stuck with the franchise all this year and I don't think is in canon.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
Oh the national dex isn't that hard to complete... especially if you did it in B&W. Yeah, would have liked to see Koga with the Kanto Gym Leaders but I guess they decided to keep the non-Unova regions with 8 Gym Leaders each (thus them having to add in Giovanni despite him being a Gym Leader possibly being a problem as he's no doubt wanted for questioning for his involvement with Team Rocket. Also Tate & Liza I presume are a double battle). sadly, I don't think the World Tournament is a canon thing, not only because of the Giovanni thing but also because of the previous generation characters not aging despite the 7 - 9 years that I figured passed for the Gen IV Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh Gym Leaders and the 10 - 13 years I figured have passed for the Hoenn Gym Leaders. I mean, let's look right here and right now: In my view, here are the Gym Leaders/Champions who's appearance should have aged: But we're not done yet, because even young adults appearance would change in a decade. So now here's a list of Gym Leaders/Champions who, while they can sort of can get away with not changing appearance, it would have been nice if they did age them: And with that I'm stopping right there as with middle age, aging isn't that much of a factor as you'll be fully matured. Any changes would be hair going grey, skin wrinkling, and other minor details that either something cosmetics could fix or a too much details for a sprite. But with that said I would have liked if they did change their clothes or hair style. I mean Gen III Kanto Gym Leaders and Gen IV Kanto Gym Leaders look different from each other as they changing clothing and hair styles which makes sense. Now for the Would Tournament itself, it's okay but I would have to see more done with it. Like the Gym Leaders and Champions are nice and probably the most remembered NPCs from their games, but what about the Elite Four members and Frontier Brains? Or how about the other playable characters and their rivals? Also looking through the modes, one mode I would have liked to see is them having you to battle Gym Leaders & Champions based on the type they train: Rock: Brock, Roxanne, & Roark (Bonus points for whoever can guess why I chose that order Anyway I don't think we should be too hard on it. I think this was just meant to be a fun bonus for all those who have stuck with the franchise all this year and I don't think is in canon. |
You chose that order because that's the order you fought the types the Gym Leaders use in Gen 1, and the order you fought the types the Gym Leaders use in Gen 2 with an embarrassing Dark type at the end. :U
Although Koga would have been nice to fight in the World Tournament, if you're part of the Elite Four, you just can't compete in the World Tournament...
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
You can battle them in any order, remember? |
Aren't they actually ranked tho?
I just think it would be better that way
Ghost < Dark < Fighting < Psychic :P
Kwando7 wrote: | ||||
Aren't they actually ranked tho? I just think it would be better that way Ghost < Dark < Fighting < Psychic :P |
No, look, their Pokemon are at equal levels. Sure some might have more type advantage against the others, but as your chart shows each one has at least one fellow Elite Four member their strong against and at least one their weak against:
Ghost beats Psychic but is weak to Dark.
Dark beats Ghost & Psychic but is weak to Fighting.
Fighting beats Dark but is weak to Psychic.
Psychic beats Fighting but it weak to Dark & Ghost.
Overall it's sort of a nice type square.