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Black 2 and White 2 Discussion (WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS)

  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [101]Jun 28, 2012
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    Krael4 wrote:

    Achroma's English name is now Corless

    Why do I think of Colourless when I hear that?

    THANK YOU. I'll take any relation anyone can find cuz that name is downright bizarre.

    Anyway, for an achievement list on a game targeted to 8-12 year olds... it's pretty solid. Most are things you'll do in the main story, and it'll constantly reward you on the side-stuff for more desire to do them, and there are some between "okay, seriously what the hell?" and "ah, i'll just take a minute off the main campaign then..." specifically the E4+Champion ones. Using teams with one common type is excellent and foments the idea of trying out all sorts of Pokemon for fun.

    It's not a perfect achievement list, and it'd be nice if they'd get you some useful items like Xenoblade (imagine if most of the extremely easy got you a potion and getting the Get All medal got you a masterball), but it's still solid and has some fun stuff in it.

    Edited on 06/28/2012 6:43pm
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [102]Jun 28, 2012
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    @ SPDShadowRanger - Marlon Joke:
    Yes, that was one of the jokes I was debating to use.

    @ Kwando7 - Pokerus:
    Pokerus has always been around, it's just incredibly rare to get (it's a 3 in 65,536 chance of finding a Pokemon with Pokerus from either wild or breeding). However that is one of the medal I'm going to get because a year or so back I discovered my cousin had a few Pokemon infected with Pokerus (I'm assuming he caught a Pokemon with it, had it with him for a while so it infected the other Pokemon in his party, and then put it and a batch of them into his PC) so I traded one of his Pokemon over to my game and spread it to all my other Pokemon!

    @ Kwando7 - Corless:
    Because his Japanese name, Achroma, comes from "achromatic" which means "without color".

    @ Medals:
    Don't know how I feel about the Medals. On the one hand I like them as it gives you a few more things to do and you get a reward for doing them. On the other hand some of the challenges are either ridiculously simple that you wonder why it's even a challenge, ridiculously hard that I won't be doing them so they might as well not be there, or require you to like in Japan where within 1 mile radius your DS will pick up 1,000 other DSs with a good chunk of them playing Pokemon no matter where you go (in other words, the social Medals which I have no possible way of doing). But on the why-do-I-have-a-third-hand hand, being their only use it to decorate your Trainer Card with 1 of your Medals, I can't help but to see it as nothing to pay any attention to. With all this said I think I'm going to go through them summarizing them the best I can:

    Special Medals:
    All of these Medals are just congratulating you for collecting Medals, kind of pointless. The only two which makes sense here is the "Finishing Prize" which is a Medal for competing in a Rally and the "King of Medalist" which is for collecting all the medals (fat chance), but all the others seem just to be there to increase the number of Medals.
    Adventure Medals:

    "Step Medals":
    I guess we had to have some of these, however the only one which seems like a challenge is the last one, "Footprints of Honour", which is for 100,000 steps though even then that sounds small.
    "Save Medals":
    Why is this here? You're awarding me for making sure everything I spent the last few hours doing isn't forgotten? I mean if these Medals didn't exist is there someone out there who's going to say "Well if I'm not getting a Medal for this then why bother?". Also what's stopping someone from just spending half an hour saving over and over again until they get all of them? Do you have to play your game for a certain length of time before it's accepted as a "new save"? Probably not.
    PokeCen Fan:
    Once again, you're awarding me for something I'm naturally going to do throughout the game. And like before, what's stopping me from spamming healing, unless you programmed the Nurse to actually refuse healing if you're Pokemon are at full health (and even then you'd just have to hurt them a bit in a wild battle for her to heal them again).
    "Sign Medals":
    Hm, I guess this would be okay if it wasn't so simple. Not everyone bother to read the signs so it's actually something you have to go out of your way for. However I would prefer the challenge to be something like "read all the signs on every route", "read all the signs in every city/town", "read all the signs in Unova", etc.. However the "Graffiti Clairvoyance" sounds interesting as I never knew some signs had graffiti on them (hopefully it's only a small few signs that have graffiti and not all of them since that would kind of ruin the success of finding one with graffiti).
    "Bike Medals":
    Like the "Step Medals", I suppose we had to have one of these too. However this has the same problem as a lot of the others above have as you just need to "ride your bike" to get these though unless there's a # of steps you need to ride for it to count what's stopping someone from spending half an hour getting on and off and on their bikes?
    "Super Rod Medals":
    Being you just need to "use" the Super Rod this is another throw away one. If it required you to hook and catch a Pokemon I would say these medals actually give you a "challenge" (still an easy challenge, but a challenge), but since they don't just spend half an hour spamming the Super Rod.
    "Capture Medals":
    This is more like what I'm thinking these medals should be but in a bland sort of way. Each one is just catching all of that type in the Unova Pokedex except for the last two. Why not have one which requires you to "capture all the version exclusive Pokemon" or "capture all the form differences of the Pokemon with them in the Unova Dex". Also the last two, "Unova Collector" and "International Collector", which requires you to catch all the Pokemon in Unova Dex and then in the National Dex, have the SAME MEDAL DESIGN as each other and the Medals which just require you to catch all of a single type in the Unova Dex!
    "Box Medals":
    Once again, this is awarding us for doing something which we normally do. However they could have gotten a bit fancy here like requiring us to put certain Pokemon in boxes like "have a box contain 1 of each type of Pokemon" or "make the Pokemon in a box form a shape of a heart". The last one, "Box Max" which is filling all the boxes with Pokemon, is the only one which I think deserves to be here as they are right now.
    Capture King:
    50 Pokemon in one day? Sure, but that'll be a lot of level 2-5 Pidoves, Patrats, and Lillipups...
    "Vendor Medals":
    Only interesting one is the "One More Drink" which you get for getting a free drink from the Vending Machine... is this a new thing in the game?
    "Evolve Medals":
    Read "Box Medals". They could have some like "Don't evolve a Pokemon until it learned every move it can via leveling up" or "Evolve a Pokemon just when it reaches level 100".
    "HM Medals":
    It's not even all the HMs, just Fly and Strength, what's the point? And you only need to use them just once. Is it so much to ask for some creativity?
    Search Master:
    Look in a bin once... do we need to find anything? If we need to find something and only a very few bins have something then like the graffiti one I would consider this a bit of a challenge... but as they wrote it I think you just need to look in a bin ONLY ONCE.
    "Lost Property Medals":
    Like the ones similar to it, the last one is the only one which I would consider a challenge. Though the Dowsing MCHN does pretty much make getting these a piece of cake.
    Naming King:
    I'm assuming the Pokemon already needed to have a nickname? Fine, change it to get the Medal, and then change it back. It was if there was no point.
    TV Addict:
    Oh, we can finally change the TV channels, maybe I could find one which doesn't have creepy people who seem to know EVERYTHING ABOUT ME.
    "PokeMart Medals":
    For the money spending ones, only the last two, "Luxury Special" and "Super Millionaire", seems like it'll be an interesting challenge. "Skilled Shopper" is a rather fun way of showing that buying 10 normal Pokeballs get you a Premier Ball, however considering it's the PokeMart thus having various items for sale they could have done more things. Maybe even include something involving Shopping Mall Nine.
    Sweet Home:
    This medal is rather far done the list for one which you'll most likely get in your first batch of Medals in the game considering your home city is WHERE THE FIRST GYM IS.
    "StreetPass &
    Pass Power Medals": Remember that Japanese joke I made? Well here it is in full glory. As I said, I'll probably be getting none of these. Well, maybe the "First StreetPass" and "Pass Power+" if my cousin gets the game, but at most that's what I'll be getting with these.
    "Dream World Medals":
    Hey, something involving the Entralink I CAN get! As for worthy of being challenge I'd say the last one, "Let's Meet in a Dream" for transferring over 100 Pokemon. Though they could have done some more things, especially since the Dream World also provide you with items.
    Hidden Hole Expert: Hey, one that does sound like a challenge. I would say they could have done more but I've said that already for a lot of them.
    "Egg Medals": Remember those "Step Medals" and "Bike Medals"? If you don't want to be cheap then I suppose getting these Medals will help get those other two groups Medals if you don't have them all already. Speaking of which I'm adding the "Day-Care Center Mania" one here since if you're doing these you'll get that one easily.
    Fossil Master: For this one I'm stuck between thinking "you're being awarded for something you normally do" and "you do have to go out of your way to do it". Though being you just need to do it one time I sadly have to learn toward the former thought.
    Pure & Innocent: Ah, some explaining here. For those who don't know, using something called "Memory Link" which involves your Black and/or White version, at Chargestone Cave you'll get a vision of N releasing the Pokemon he used to battle you in those games back into the wild. After the vision you'll then be able to encounter these Pokemon in the wild. While these Pokemon looks and has the stat or a normal Pokemon of its species, will actually sparkle like a Shiny Pokemon upon entering battle (also upon encountering one in the wild a message saying it may not be wild appears, the Pokemon's OT (Original Trainer) is "N", have an ID of "00002", and you can't nickname/rename them). So yeah, I guess this is an interesting challenge (as long as one of the Sage's giving you N's Zorua doesn't count), though they could have had a series of Medals involving N's Pokemon like "Catch all of N's Pokemon", "Beat the Elite Four & Champion with a team of N's Pokemon", "Fully evolve all of N's Pokemon that can", or "Train all of N's Pokemon up to Level 100".
    Lucky Colour: This Medal probably would mean more if it wasn't for the fact that after completing the Unova Dex you can encounter a Shiny Haxorus...
    Pokerus Hunter: Though this one still retains its challenge... if you don't already have Pokerus infected Pokemon in your Black and/or White version that is.
    Castelia Gang Leader: Now is defeating the Castelia City gang a required thing to do or an optional. If it's optional then I'll accept it as a challenge but it it's required then once again you're being awarded for something you're suppose to do anyway.
    Railway Mania: Being a different train is on display each day I suppose this could take a few days to complete (more if you miss a day) if you don't want to go through the hassle of changing your DS's clock.
    Wailord Watch: How rare is it to see a Wailord in the Marine Tube? Also do you have to do something for one to appear or can you, say, leave your DS on (and plugged in) and go off to do something else and eventually (and hopefully) one will randomly appear while your away so that when you get back you can go get the Medal?
    Appearance Memorial: Once again, being it sounds like this is the only place you can get a photo and you need to do this only once it's not really a challenge. It could at least require you to have a Frillish in your party...
    Heavy Machinery Mania: Hm, this sounds like an interesting challenge, actually it sounds like one you may even need a guide for!
    Ruins Master: Another one which you'll probably need a guide for, wow, why is it now they're getting good? Though I wonder if they kept continuity and have it be empty since I don't know anyone who wouldn't have cleared it out though then again it does seem that canonically your character actually didn't do some of the things you probably did in Black & White.
    Diamond Dust: If it wasn't for the fact that on Junichi Masuda's birthday (January 12) that Diamond Dust appears in Icirrus City, this would have been difficult to get.
    Bridge Mania: *Sigh* Though I know for main story you don't (or rather can't) do this, it's very likely you'll keep playing for the post story which would require you to cross every Bridge, thus making this Medal being one which rewards you for doing something you have to do anyway.
    Unova Revolution: Same as "Bridge Mania" above, if you're playing post story you're going to do this anyway.
    Adventure King: Okay, it's the obligatory "Series Finished!" Medal, can't argue anything here.

    AND I think I'll stop here for now. I'll go through the rest the next following days.

    Ahh thanks Then why not call him Profesor Blank it sounds like Cutlass or something to do with water

    Really I heard it was a glitching in the program when they created the Status problems in Gen 1/2. Did know they kept it for the rest of the games.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [103]Jun 29, 2012
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    @ Kwando7 - Pokerus:
    From what I can find the Pokerus was always intended because once a Pokemon got infected Nurse Joy will note it and in Gold/Silver/Crystal/HeartGold/SoulSilver Professor Elm will then call telling you about them.

    Anyway, you know why I'm here:

    Battle Medals:
    "Battling Medals": Like walking and riding a bike, these medals were to be expected. And if the battles here they're talking about are TRAINER battles and don't count wild encounters, I actually think these Medals are a nice challenge. Think they can shorten the list by getting rid of "Battle Assistant" and "Battle Teacher" for a Medal which requires 500 battles, but overall I can't complain.
    "Wireless Battle Medals": With the Global Link this one isn't hard to get. I would normally say the requirement number is low though considering many people would probably get their Pokemon's behinds kicked by professional players I suppose that's not a bad thing.
    Weather Award: I'm guessing they mean in battle. Doesn't sound hard enough, especially since all the weather moves are TMs except for Fog which seems to not exist in Black & White (don't know about B2&W2).
    Never Give Up: Now what counts as a losing battle? Being underleveled (and if so, how much in underleveld?)? Having low HP (and if so, how low, in the red?)? The wording is vague here thus I can't judge/criticize/make fun of it.
    Miss Expert: Considering the title says "miss" I'm going to guess they want a(n) wild's/opponent's Pokemon use an attacking move but have it missed (so I'm not counting the use of moves like Protect or if a Pokemon is immune to that type of attack, though those may count, I don't know). I suppose this is easy enough if you use some evasion increasing or accuracy decreasing moves, and even then I'm sure there are some trainers who use Pokemon with moves that don't have 100 accuracy so you might even get this through normal game play. Now if it required you to do this a numerous amount of times or in a row I would say this is a challenge, but because this is just once I don't think it was necessary.
    Super Effective Expert: Like Miss Expert, if you don't get this through normal game play at the end main story then use a Pokemon that can use a move with a high critical hit ratio OR the moves Storm Throw and/or Frost Breath which always land a Critical Hit.
    "Battle Subway & Subway Master Medals": Yeah, these were to be expected. "Battle Neutral" is easy enough and maybe "Battle Accelerator", but I don't think I'll be getting the others, especially the ones against the Subway Masters.
    "Battle Institute Medals": Never used the Battle Institute, sometimes I forget its even there. What do they mean by "test a team" though? Do they just mean battle there the number of times the Medal requires you to? Do we have to win? Also considering they give judge your battles with "points" and "stars" I would think they could have done something with that. But hey, as I said at the start, they're probably lucky they were remembered.
    Exp Millionaire: Erm... I'm on the edge of saying it's awarding you for doing something you should be doing anyway, though 1,000,000 is a pretty large number and obviously will take a few days to get. I'll give it a pass though if they had a Medal with a bigger number like 10,000,000 I would no doubt day this is a challenge, but since they don't I'm going half no, half yes on this.
    BP Millionaire: How does having 100 BP make you a millionaire? Anyway, because the BP amounts for the Battle Subway and World Tournament are combined (BTW, the World Tournament takes the place of a Battle Frontier...) I don't think this is too hard but will take some time and luck.
    Search Hunter: I'm going to put this under "awarding you for doing something you should be doing anyway", especially since everyone's favorite experience punching bag, Audino, only appears in shaking grass.
    Battle Repeater: If you're training to battle the Elite Four & Champion/just leveling up Pokemon/grinding for money/everything I mentioned then you'll be doing this anyway. If it was a bigger number maybe, but you should get this easily without even thinking about it.
    Sunset Cruise: Easy enough, it'll take 10 days though it's a challenge so I expect it to either involve some work or take some time getting.
    World Tournament: Like the "Battle Subway Medals", this was to be expected. All I can say I'll give it a shot though I doubt I'll get far.
    "Black Skyscraper/White Tree Medals": Wow, sounds like they really expanded Black City/White Forest. I would say they sound easy enough but if I did it'll most likely kick my behind when I get the game and try it out (in addition I already know some trainers have Pokemon who's levels are in the 80s so yeah, definitely either training up and sending over some of my level 100s).
    Battle General: If you can get this you definitely are.

    Well, more tomorrow!

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [104]Jun 29, 2012
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    If you get all of N's pokemon, you can fight him... he has four teams, each for a different season. They're all weather teams that lead with a mon that starts a weather and he's pretty nasty overall. Serebii's saying that he has the best AI.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [105]Jun 29, 2012
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    edmasterchaos wrote:

    If you get all of N's pokemon, you can fight him... he has four teams, each for a different season. They're all weather teams that lead with a mon that starts a weather and he's pretty nasty overall. Serebii's saying that he has the best AI.

    What do you mean all of his pokemon, on your team or in general?

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [106]Jun 29, 2012
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    I think you just need to obtain the Pokemon he released. You don't need them on your team.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [107]Jun 30, 2012
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    Been watching various videos online and I'm quite impressed with Game Freak. The scenery, the cutscenes, it's all beautiful and fantastic. Just saw a video with the Badge gates and I can't get over how cool I thought it was.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [108]Jun 30, 2012
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    @ Kwando7 - N Battles:
    Serebii's page on the N battles and page on capturing N's Pokemon.

    What's this, double Medal look through in one day? WHAT DOES IT MEAN! I'll tell you what it means, it means I'm finishing them all right here and now, that's what!

    Entertainment Medals:
    "Trade Medals": To be expected. Not really a bad batch, "easily" done with the GTS or just between friends (unless it means with different people), and they even got creative with having one have to do with those useless Mail items (though the message on them will probably be "I only did this for a medal"). Though shouldn't "Reverse Trader" be about trading a Pokemon from B2&W2 to B&W (is that even possible?).
    "Musical Medals": Great, in B&W I was able to ignore the Pokemon Musicals just fine but now if I want to go Medal collecting I can't. Well I don't know how difficult winning a Pokemon Musical is though being they don't say "in a row" you can just keep playing until you win 30. "Stylish Gang Leader" will probably require a guide though shouldn't be too tough (also, if I recall, that was also a Trainer Card star requirement in B&W). Though I don't understand what they mean for "Waiting for 10 People" because, as far as I know, Pokemon Musicals don't have any multiplayer features.
    "Pal Pad Medals": Well I'm not getting any of these. I suppose I could go to a Pokemon forum like Serebii and ask around but really why would I do this? I'm not going to trade with or battle them, infact I'm sure a lot of people who go for these Medals will do this and never interact with those people at all. Sure it's a low number to get them all, but still if you're not going to interact with them then why bother?
    World Connection: ... what? This one is kind of vague. Are they talking about trading? Battling? Using the C-Gear video chat? What do you mean by across the world? The opposite side? What if you live in a place country/nation where the other side is the middle of an ocean? I know I'm nitpicking here but that's because I don't know what you're exactly asking of me. Also since the games have only been released in Japan does that mean no one can get this Medal yet? Did GameFreak really release a Medal which cannot be gotten until it's released in other countries? THAT'S DUMB! What if, say, something happens when translating the game which changes the programming and even if you "communicate" with someone across the planet the game's coding doesn't recognize the other game's coding thus doesn't count it? I know it's not likely but you never know, glitches are an unpredictable beast that have broke games before.
    Spinning Master: Okay, for those who don't know, Spinning Trade is a feature where a group of players offer an Egg and the Eggs are randomly given to other players. It's INCREDIBLY STUPID and now you need to do it in order to get a Medal! *facepalm* In addition I've heard it's local wireless though they could have changed it in B2&W2. All I can say if it's too much of a hassle don't bother (at least for me, I'm not getting them all so what's another?).
    "Feeling Check Medals": A stupid feature of the C-Gear hardly anyone uses as it provides an item which has the same effect as a Potion and can be traded to get an item which is also easy to get in other ways. From that first sentence you can probably tell how I feel about this so let's move on.
    Date Master: Um, Medal, you do realize that some of the people you ride the Ferris Wheel with are younger (which should set off some alarms as you're ALREADY A KID!), older (did I mention YOU'RE A KID), or is the same gender as you (not that I have anything against people who swing that way, the problem is in my B&W game I'm the male player and one of my "dates" is a HIKER). Other then the creepy undertones here, I say this is a good challenge as it would take a few days to get and you do have to battle though, at least in B&W, the trainer's Pokemon never got stronger then level 24.
    "Join Avenue Medals": *Insert my Japanese-1-Mile-Radius Joke Here* Okay, we get it, you want Pokemon to be a social connecting game. WE GET IT. You'll probably find a 100 or more people on the Serebii or other Pokemon fansite forums, but like with the Pal Pad once you've connected to them you'll probably do nothing with them so why bother? And unless the shops in Join Avenue are selling Master Balls and Exp. Shares I don't quite care about buying from them or filling Join Avenue to have the privilege or renaming it. And considering my attitude toward it, that's probably for all the better.
    "Mini-Games Medals": Just when you thought the Xtransceiver couldn't get anymore useless... next group of Medals.
    "PokeStar Studios Medals": Now originally I didn't put much thought into the PokeStar Studios... that is until I read through some of the movies. Now I can't wait to start movie making! Though as of right now some of the Medals talk about movies which you can't make so either Serebii is missing some movies, players haven't discovered how to get those movies, or they possibly made Medals for movies they plan on having as Global Link downloads (which I hope isn't the case as, once again, that would be DUMB as you may never know if they decide it's not worth making the movie thus making that Medal the the "complete" Medals impossible to get). But seriously, I can't wait to try out PokeStar Studios, you actually get to fight a UFO, Brycen(man), and a Robot Tyranitar who all have base stats of the Cute Legendaries (basically 100 in each stat)!
    "Fes Mission Medals": *grumblegrumble* I think by now you can probably guess I'm not exactly a person who uses the GTS to trade with and battle people or gather friend codes. And for those people who like it, fine, I understand, you probably have a lot more friends compared to me and they all play Pokemon. But for me and players like me, we don't want to feel like we have to use these features in order to "complete the game". Version exclusive Pokemon, fine, we all know it's essentially a marketing gimmick but they want to make completing the (regional) Pokedex some sort of a challenge that would require two different versions of the games. However the thing is it's only a handful of Pokemon this is done with plus once you get these Pokemon you don't have to worry about it being recorder into the Pokedex. However when you require us to not only do something which requires having the other version but actually requiring many actual people, some possibly through local wireless, then for many people you're making a game that's impossible to complete. Take the Trainer Cards for instance, they get more stars/colored backgrounds for completing certain challenges. Now these few challenges are difficult to complete, however you can complete them by yourself without needing many other games to do so. Am I saying they shouldn't have medals which require other people? No, as I said the Trading and Battling Medals are just fine. However those just require access to the Global Link and GTS, you don't need a friend, use local wireless, or find a batch of people to complete them. These Medals are a personal achievement reward, not a group, a PERSONAL achievement.
    Goodnight: Well how else am I going to access the Dream World? This sort of feels like a "rewarding you for doing something you should do" however being you don't have to use the Dream World I guess it's okay but still feel like they're just handing you a Medal.
    Beginning of a Memory: Now THIS is definitely an interesting challenge. I'm assuming the flashbacks they're talking about are the ones listed on the Unova Link page where Memory Link is listed. Also from what it sounds like you might not need a 2nd DS to use Memory Link though it's the preferred method which I like.
    Entertainment Master: With no doubt, this will be one Medal I won't be getting.
    Challenge Medals:
    These Medals are just beating the Elite Four and Champion with a team of all of one type plus "One and Only" which is beating the Elite Four and Champion with only one Pokemon *looks at Mewtwo and/or Arceus* and "Challenge Genius" which is the "you got them all" Medal for the Challenge Medals. While not bad challenges, they're a bit lackluster. How about a Medal for "beating the Elite Four & Champion with a team of Fossil Pokemon" or "beating the Elite Four & Champion with a team of N's Pokemon". And why just keep it to the Elite Four & Champion? We have the World Tournament, why not show those Gym Leaders who's boss and get a Medal for it! Overall they aren't bad Medals, but pretty lackluster ones.

    Well, that's it for the Medals, now I'll have to find something new to talk about until B2&W2 this October where I'll then form a cocoon made of blankets, pillows, and junk food for a few months...

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [109]Jun 30, 2012
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    You know what Pikachu you should be a search engine someone has a question and you answer it )

    I read you can challenge Bianca and Cheren with their teams for the first Black and Whiteand catch a number of pokemon as if they were legendary (sitting in certain area) this game is gonna rock )

    Edited on 06/30/2012 2:14am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [110]Jul 1, 2012
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    @ Kwando7: No Search Engine But Got Answer Thread:
    As the title says, I have a thread which answers questions that's possible for me to answer.

    Genesect Is Coming Next Move:
    Adding onto the salesheet leak for one of the guides advertising Genesect last month, there was a screening for the upcoming 15th Pokemon Move, "Kyurem VS The Sacred Swordsman Keldeo", and it was said after the movie a trailer for the next one showed which featured Genesect and slated for 2013.

    Black 2 & White 2 Discussion: PokeStar Studios Update + Abyssal Ruins
    Oh, update about PokeStar Studios thing I mentioned in their Medal section, apparently the game has all the movies it was just that Serebii doesn't have them all up yet. Recently they have placed 2 more on their list but it's still incomplete. Using the Medal's wording, I'll list the ones Serebii has up and which ones they don't:

    Serebii Has: Brycenman, Invaders, (Giant) Monster, Time Traveler, & Trainers In Love
    Don't Have: Full Metal, Mysterious Door Of The Magic Kingdom, Giant Office Lady, Fear! The Red Mist Nightmare, Storage Robot, Ghost Eraser, Classic(?), Cult(?)

    So until then I can't really talk about it though I REALLY do since, well, if you quickly look through the page you may see why.

    Anyway, being I do like forcing sharing opinion to inflate my ego see what everyone else thinks, let's talk about the Abyssal Ruins. And when I say talk about it, I mean let's talk about how they did NOTHING WITH IT! Apparently you exploring it in Black & White didn't happen because all the treasure that was in there still is. While I guess I understand that because of the Arceus Plates (though I would prefer if they hid them around and put them in appropriate places like they did in Gen IV), it also means that there's not much to do after you're done there.

    Oh, but wait, what am I saying? They did do one new thing with it: translate it! That's right, after you beat the Elite Four & Champion, Sage Zinzolin will give you Ghetsis's notebooks which, the next time you check the cuneiform on the Abyssal Ruins, will automatically translate it. And that would be great... if someone haven't already translated it:

    1st Floor:
    Listen to King's words. Primes lead to truth.
    King is brave. King never loses hope. King is kind. King has a dream. King is adventurous. King accepts all.
    King turns 2nd corner. King turns 3rd corner. King turns 5th corner. King turns 7th corner.
    Have the heart of King. Here we praise King.
    King's light shines. King moves his people. King acts with love. King fought hatred.
    Go on, brave king./No king gets lost.*
    2nd Floor:
    Life is gratitude. Eating is receiving life. Good or evil isn't all. Do not be barbaric. One must not waste. All is precious. Wars create tears. Shine if agreed.
    3rd Floor:
    King talks to all beings. Saved all from waves. King is hope for all. Think act with love. Act strong if agreed.
    4th/Top Floor:**
    King defeated 1/2 alone.
    2/1 joined King in a day.***
    King called 3 beings.
    King is hope and future.
    The great King 4.

    * "Go on, brave king." appears if you did less than 190 steps, "No king gets lost." appears if you did more than 190 steps.
    ** "1", "2", "3", and "4" do NOT have any correlating letters thus are believed to be a symbol for something.
    *** "1" and "2" switch between versions.

    Unless they changed what it says, the only ones I'm interested in would be the unknown symbols. Now "1" and "2" are believed to be Zekrom and Reshiram (though which one is which isn't known), but no one knows what "3" and "4" might be. There are plenty of theories, personally I think "3" means Pokemon because the King called them "beings" thus that means whatever "3" was before they probably weren't considered on a equal level as humans and what better does that describe then Pokemon which were probably used as tools in the past. Now some say "4" is Kyurem but that doesn't really make sense as the last sentence says the King is symbol "4". Personally I think "4" is probably the King's name (considering how great this King was, they probably made his name it's own symbol to honor him) thus has no meaning... unless...

    Unless "4" means Harmonia!Surprised That both answers yet raises a few questions! It would answer why Ghetsis thinks he should control the world and it's his son who became King, Ghetsis is either a descendant of King "4" or has convinced himself he is. But with that said how would Ghetsis know this (if he is related) or think this (if he convinced himself he is related)?

    Hmm, something to think about for later but let's get back on topic. They could have done something new with the area like throw in some Pokemon you can battle or maybe even added in a new mystery. But no, instead they gave us a way to translate the ancient text which we already did and even if we do find out what the symbols mean and they're something mind blowing about it, so what? Will something in the game happens after we've "acquired" this information?

    Oh, BTW, the Riches Mansion is gone so in order to sell the Abyssal Ruins treasures you'll need to go to another house in Undella Town (you know, the Nacrene Museum/Gym probably would like some of that treasure...).

    Edited on 07/01/2012 8:50pm
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [111]Jul 1, 2012
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    Abyssal Ruins suck, nuff said.

    The Riches mansion isn't just done....there's a hole in its place lol...well partially. Undella Town has actually been "spruced" up. I'm actually quite happy. You have to go through Undella and Lacunosa in order to get to Opelucid City the first time.

    I do hate the rival's end team though. Unfezant and an elemental monkey. Might as well have just copied Cheren's team. At least he has a Flygon to make up for it.

    Edited on 07/01/2012 10:46pm
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [112]Jul 2, 2012
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    There's a whole bunch of in-game trades, but only those who pick the male char can truly benefit from it. If you pick the male, all the Pokemon will be female with their DW abilities, where as if you pick the female, all of them will be the same, only male.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [113]Jul 3, 2012
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    Ah, the Pokemon Trainer Card info had just come in. The overall it's not too different, though there are some new things I've that I would like to note. First off, though we got a good look at the badges before, it never hurts to see them all again:

    (Kind of sad they took away the spinning Gym Leader portraits though, that was sort of fun to play with)

    I also want to quickly point out the new requirements to increase in rank and "upgrade" the color of the card. As a quick reminder, here are the requirements from Black & White:

    1. Defeat Ghetsis. (Easy enough)
    2. Complete the National Dex excluding Event Legendaries. (... I hope this list doesn't go easy first to hardest last, we got three requirement's left!)
    3. Collect all 100 Pokemon Musical Props. (Yup, it's not competing in the Pokemon Musicals that matters, no, it's the props you get which do!)
    4. Obtain all 33 Entralink pass powers. (... really? Know what, I've complained about the topic too much already...)
    5. Defeat Ingo and Emmet on the Super Single & Super Double lines. (Have to add in the replacements for the Battle Tower somewhere. )

    Oh, as another quick note, though the color order is pretty much the same, they apparently changed Red to Orange so the "upgrade" order is Green (Beginning) - Purple - Orange - Silver - Gold - Black/White. Anyway, onto the new requirement:

    1. Defeat the Elite Four & Champion. (Fair enough)
    2. Complete the National Dex excluding Event Legendaries. (What, no Regional Dex love?)
    3. Complete all PokeStar Studio movies. (Hey, I may be actually getting two upgrades in this game instead of one, WOOT!)
    4. Complete the Pokemon World Tournament (Make that three upgrades if the World Tournament isn't that tough... it probably is... but I'll try)
    5. Collect all the Medals. (... could I ask we just need to obtain the 33 Entralink pass powers? Or maybe the 100 Pokemon Musical Props, would rather do that one ever more. No? Also, aren't all the above requirement's Medals themselves?)

    The Trainer Card now actually records a batch of information. Here's the list:

    Date journey began (1998 )
    Date first defeated Elite Four (1998 )
    Number of Multiplayer Connections (0)
    Number of Multiplayer Battles (0)
    Number of Multiplayer Battle Wins (9001)
    Number of Multiplayer Battle Losses (-1)
    Number of Multiplayer Trades (# of version exclusives there are)
    Number of wild Pokemon encountered (Too many...)
    Number of Trainers battled (If by battle you mean curb stomped...)
    Amount of times you've used Feeling Check (-1)
    Number of people Passed By (A lot, I live in the city )
    Amount of usable Pass Powers (0)
    Amount of Fes Missions completed (0)
    Amount of PokeStar Studio Movies completed (Hopefully them all )
    Amount of Pokemon World Tournament wins (9001)
    Number of people guided in Join Avenue (People can find their own way around...)

    Surprised there isn't a Medal counter, though speaking of segue, another feature is that you can attach Medals you have gotten onto your Trainer Card... yeah.

    Oh, and for the animators out there, that "signature strip" they've added in Gen V now has two frames so you can make an animated signature. It also says you can zoom in and only animate a part of the strip if you like but honestly I'm probably never going to use it so I can't really pay that much attention to it.

    Edited on 07/03/2012 9:11am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [114]Jul 3, 2012
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    Also quite disappointed with the rivals end team. Having the Elemental Monkeys and Unfezant seems rather bland compared to what he could've used.

    Most of the new trainer card color upgrades seem like something I'd want to do, aside from achieving all the medals. PokeStar Studios seems like fun after reading a bit more on it.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [115]Jul 3, 2012
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    Well the elemental monkeys do cover the starters weakness and Unfezent is the starting bird type you get. I sort dislike the way it's not till undella town he has six pokemon on his team. I mean why not have five with Trapinch and Electrik earlier and Bouffalant his sixth

    Although his teams movelistis pretty good

    Edited on 07/03/2012 8:07pm
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    [116]Jul 3, 2012
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    Well the elemental monkeys do cover the starters weakness and Unfezent is the starting bird type you get. I sort dislike the way it's not till undella town he has six pokemon on his team. I mean why not have five with Trapinch and Electrik earlier and Bouffalant his sixth

    Although his teams movelistis pretty good

    True enough. Yeah, didn't expect him to stay with three Pokemon till Victory Road. Cheren and Bianca both managed acquire their team of four early and train them in between the battles. I guess having three to a team is a thing this game.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [117]Jul 4, 2012
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    This generation in general. Drayden, Iris, and Marlon are the only eighth gym leaders to not use more than 3 pokemon.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [118]Jul 5, 2012
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    This generation in general. Drayden, Iris, and Marlon are the only eighth gym leaders to not use more than 3 pokemon.

    Unless it's Challenge mode, of course.

    Stupid Game Freak and their changes. At least the levels go up to 50 in this game. A respectable level.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [119]Jul 6, 2012
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    This generation in general. Drayden, Iris, and Marlon are the only eighth gym leaders to not use more than 3 pokemon.

    Unless it's Challenge mode, of course.

    Stupid Game Freak and their changes. At least the levels go up to 50 in this game. A respectable level.

    yeah i think we're gonna ignore what you said about Gamefreak, this game is gonna rock

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [120]Jul 10, 2012
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    Akuroma's English name is actually Colress.

    Was just looking over the version differences on I'm glad that they added flowers to the plots in Mistralton City in White 2. It seemed stupid never to have anything there in White.

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