(Continued from my previous Unova League Challenge post a page ago)

Before Battle Preparations:
Pinsir: SilverPowder (Pinsir is my key Pokemon here)
Lucario: BlackGlasses (Oh look, I gave Lucario the right item this time)
Ampharos: Magnet (now thinking about it I should have given Ampharos Expert Belt since it has Signal Beam)
All other Pokemon were given Exp. Share.
Elite Four Area:
Instead of glowing gold and twirled up a twirly path up to Caitlin, now a curtain of stars open up and a staircase appears. Walking up the stairs onto the platform, there's a giant white rose head which opens, falls apart, and disintegrates revealing Caitlin who floats down:

Musharna VS. Pinsir:
Things start out good with Pinsir 1HKOing Musharna with a X-Scissor.

Sigilyph VS. Ampharos:
Sigilyph does get in a Psychic but it's not enough, meanwhile a Thunderbolt from Ampharos is plenty enough and 1HKOs.

Reuniclus VS. Pinsir:
Pinsir does it again with another 1HKO with X-Scissor.

Gothitelle VS. Pinsir:
Pinsir 1HKOs with X-Scissor.

Caitlin has been defeated!
The Dark Gambler, the Fighting Disciple, the Ghost Writer, the Psychic Princess. The Unova Elite Four is done and now it's time for the big boss themselves: the Champion. However if you think it's Alder like in it was in Black & White then think again, for Alder has been replaced by a new Champion. So let's get ready for the girl who understands the hearts of dragons:

Before Battle Preparations:
Pinsir: SilverPowder (hoping to take out Hydreigon which she sends out FIRST)
Lucario: Dragon Fang (being Lucario has Dragon Pulse I might as well use it against Dragon-types)
Ampharos: Magnet (Iris may think she's clever having a Lapras and Archeops, but she isn't)
Vanilluxe: Quick Claw (hopefully this will let Vanilluxe use at least one Ice Beam)
Braviary: Hard Stone (incase Ampharos fails, Rock Slide will have to do)
Emboar: Black Belt (not only useful against Hydreigon, but also her Aggron)
Champion Chamber:
As before, upon riding down to where the Champion Chamber lies, you climb up several wide staircases, possibly getting your team ready on your way up. Finally you reach the door and go in and find this:

Hydreigon VS. Pinsir:
Things start out bad with Hydreigon not only attacking first with a Flamethrower but also burning Pinsir! Pinsir uses an X-Scissor but now that its Attack has been halved it couldn't 1HKO. I start healing Pinsir and kept on doing so, for some reason I was determined to have it be Pinsir to take down Hydreigon. However Hydreigon soon gets a Critical Hit with Flamethrower and knocks Pinsir out.

Hydreigon VS. Lucario:
As it turns out I should have gone with Lucario first as it's faster than Hydreigon so was able to knock it out with an Aura Sphere (maybe in the rematch I'll try Lucario).

Druddigon VS. Vanilluxe:
I think Vanilluxe is a bit faster as it attacked first without the Quick Claw. This also means it 1HKO Druddigon with an Ice Beam.

Archeops VS. Ampharos:
Archeops is speedy so it pulls off a Rock Slide though it wasn't enough to stop Ampharos from using a Thunderbolt and 1HKOing.

Aggron VS. Emboar:
Emboar is slow, but so is Aggron, and with a quadruple weakness to Fighting-types plus a successful Hammer Arm equals...

Haxorus VS. Vanilluxe:
Haxorus gets in a hit with Earthquake but Vanilluxe hangs on to deliver an Ice Beam which 1HKOs... if it wasn't for Haxorus holding a Focus Sash! Iris uses a Full Restore however, not that Focus Sash has been used up, Ice Beam does what it should have done though a 2HKO isn't so bad, especially since Haxorus never got to attack again.

Lapras VS. Ampharos:
Unlike Archeops, Lapras isn't that fast so Ampharos 1HKOs with Thunderbolt.

And with that, the main game is over. Iris takes me into the Hall of Fame where my team is entered and the credits roll (imagine this except with the male playable character... and in English):
Champion Chamber: Fireworks are shooting off alerting all of Unova there's a new Champion. Iris leads you down the steps where the Elite Four are waiting for you and they all get into the Power Ranger team v formation as you run off.
Pokemon League Entrance: Still running.
Badge Check Gate: Still running.
Humilau City: Stopped to meet Marlon in front of the "Frillish Couple" face board... probably could have picked a less awkward location to meet up.
Opelucid City: We see that Drayden has gotten to work chipping away the ice (finally giving the Cold Storage workers something to do), hopefully the people who were frozen inside their house didn't mind waiting those few days it took me to defeat Kyurem...
Mistralton City: Guess we flew back to Mistralton via the airplane (understandable, Braviary deserves a rest... even if it didn't do anything during the final battle...), Skyla also meets up with us... and for some reason the Ducklett she has with her is also colored in that picture.
Driftveil City: Met back up with not only Clay but also Rood, Anthea, Concordia, and surprisingly Hugh (guess he's not too eager to bring back a vicious Liepard back to his sister) at the Ex-Plasma Building.
PokeStar Studios: Woah, kind of skipping ahead here, aren't we? Anyway looks like everyone's too busy paying attention to Brycen making another movie. That's all right, I mean Brycen make a new movie like everyday, I only just became the CHAMPION...
Nimbasa City: In the new Nimbasa Gym, Elesa I think blows us a kiss (in a shape of a heart) while we have a spotlight shining on us. Finally a bit of respect, but what Burgh has plan blows EVERYONE out of the water:
Castelia City: A PARADE IN MY HONOR! Me and Burgh (always thought of him as a bro) are chilling in a back of a car while we have dancers and musicians playing around us! Also I see Clyde in the crowd (oh come on, allow him to ride, I mean he was the one cheering us on as we entered each Gym, gave us advice, and gave us a free Fresh Water).
Virbank City: Going from being a star to a parade to just someone in the crowd, we watch Roxie rocking in her Gym with her father also watching.
Floccesy Town: At Alder's house we watch Alder and Cheren have a battle with Bianca refereeing. I would say that it should be me battling Alder but that's coming soon...
Somewhere Else: N and his Dragon (obviously depending on what version you have his dragon will change with Reshiram in White 2 and Zekrom in Black 2) are looking out at a mountain range during sunset as the stars start coming out with N's hair blowing in the wind.
Route 1: Still running.
Aspertia City: We walk back home to see our mom is waiting for us as we then go back inside our house, book ending this story. 
Dun dun dun DUN! Unlocked Easy Mode!
A few more things:
1. As soon as you start up your game Cedric will visit you and upgrade your Pokedex to the National Dex.
2. Your mom gives you some Max Revives (I think only 3, but hey, they're Max Revives, I'm sure they'll be useful when my team is a bit more stronger...)
3. Exiting your house, you meet with Hugh and his sister. His sister thanks you for getting back her Purrloin and also tells you that she had a dream where a Zoroark was calling out my name. Hugh says he thinks it's on Victory Road (yes, I know, I saw it, though being it's calling my name I don't really think I want to go, I've seen enough horror movies to know where it's heading (though I would like to know how it pronounces the star at the end of my name I put there so I know when they're talking about me and my character from the last game)). They both then leave though Hugh does congratulate me for becoming Champion (which is nice, but Burgh still threw me a parade so...). Also, checking on the deal with his sister's Liepard, apparently Hugh told her to keep Liepard in its Pokeball (otherwise the game's rating will go from an E to a M) and to talk & pet its Pokeball.
4. I battled Alder and after winning I met Benga who sort of speaks like Tarzan. Benga invites me to take on the White Treehollow in White Forest (obviously that's for White 2, it'll be the Black Tower in Black City in Black 2) and leaves.
5. Also battled Morimoto and Nishino and, boy, do I need to train my Pokemon some more... (I won, BTW, though it wasn't exactly a walk in the park).
6. While in Castelia I decided to buy some more Casteliacones when I see there's a line there! Incase you didn't know, it seems like between Black & White and Black 2 & White 2 business for Casteliacones had died down so throughout the game there's no one there and you can just go up and buy 1 or 12 Casteliacones with no waiting in line. But now there seems to be a line so I get on and upon getting to the front the maid says that the reason for the sudden boost in business is because the new Champion is rumored to like Casteliacones and then offers you the usual deal... HELLO! Don't you recognize me? Not only did I buy Casteliacones from you everyday and used them often thus (unknowingly) advertising your product, but also THERE WAS A PARADE IN MY HONOR IN THIS CITY FOR BECOMING THE CHAMPION! How do you not recognize me? Oh well, fame is fleeting so I bought my 12 cones and moved on.
7. I decided that right now I should probably help fill out the Pokedex, specifically the new Habitat Log, so now I'm going around catching & evolving Pokemon to complete that (at least for the areas I've been to). Oh and while in Desert Resort I caught N's Scraggy! 
Edited on 10/21/2012 4:03pm
Edited 2 total times.