Here it is
Iris and Drayden were designed as opposites. Drayden is the oldest gym leader, while Iris is the youngest with a lot of potential. She came from the forest and seems to be raised by dragons, while he studied abroad to better understand his favorite type. Drayden is also meant to be a gentleman who is both smart and strong.
Brycen used to be a movie star who got into a slump after he was done making films. Alder told him to use his time to master pokemon so Brycen went alone into an icy cave and trained in silence to gain the most knowledge he could. He also feels it is important to conceal his identity.
Alder ended up having the appearance of a drifter and you can see with his clothes they are somewhat torn and ragged. Original design had a somewhat Christ-like image.
Emmet and Ingo are twins who are supposed to invoke a clown-ish image. Their jackets represent the mix of a subway track-like design with that of a clown's outfit.
Edit: Looks like they posted something else that was new
Pokemon Designs
Sugimori was head director of Pokemon Designs.
Tornedus, Thundurus, Landorus
Masuda [BW Director] asked for Pokemon based on Fuujin and Raijin.
They weren't completed until well into the second half of development.
Fuujin and Raijin are very close to looking human, so they thought hard about how to make them into Pokemon.
Asura statues etc have a really strong image so they asked the designer charged with making them to make their eyes really wide open or intimidating.
At first they were the Red Demon and the Blue Demon but that clashed with Sawk and Throh.
As a result, the horns that Nageki and Dageki originally had were removed and replaced with those eyebrows.
Landorus was added later, after there was a change made to the game.
The idea is to be like the god of soil.
Tornadus and Thundurus flow from their heads backwards, while Landorus flows from left to right, so the angle in their official art is different to set Landorus apart from the other two.
Mienfoo & Mienshao
From the planner's point of view, there weren't enough Fighting-types so they ask for these to be made. Because many of the previous Fighting-types have been human-shape, when they asked for an animal-like one, they got this design that's like a stoat.
Because, up until now, there had been no Fighting-Type that used elements of Kung-Fu, they decided to include that.
Deino, Zweilous, Hydreigon
At first, these incorparted an army tank motif, and the marks that look like a conveyor belt on the upper part of Zweilous's legs are the remnants of that.
Initially, they didn't work as designs and were basically 'put to sleep', however, a three-stage powerful Dragon-type family was ordered and they were resurrected.
In the second half of development, there was discussion about making them a colour that was not used much in the Pokedex, and from all the candidates, a strong looking purple was chosen.
The motif for the line are Yamata no Orochi (mythical Japanese serpent with 8 heads), but actually giving it so many heads made it a little displeasing so they gave Hydreigon one 'real' head, and made its arms and wings look like it had many heads when in silhouette.
The 'heads' of Hydreigon's are really hands and do not hold even the slightest bit of individual brain power.
Golett and Golurk
Designed by an Englishman [Translator's note: James Turner]
This designer will write/draw many pages of details about a single Pokémon.
The metal (?) fixture on Golurk's chest is sealing in uncontrollable power and Mr. Umino states that the seal looking like a band-aide is firmly intended and included as a part of the design.
Vanillite, Vanillish, Vanilluxe
Designed by the same Englishman.
He wanted to make them a 'fusion' evolution, like Dugtrio or Magneton, and suggested as such.
The idea is that Vanillite is a cup, Vanillish is a cone, Vaniluxe is a 2-scoop cone.
The ice on the upper sections of the body are simply covered in snow that looks like ice-cream but they have a proper ice-body hiding underneath.
There are designs of them with their snow completely removed, but these are yet to be released [Translator's Note: Vanillite was seen without its snow in the 4-panel comics from one of the guidebooks]
Durant & Heatmor
Both designed by Sugimori (Sawk, Throh, Zekrom, Reshiram).
These two are a set based on an ant and an ant-eater
These two appear on Victory Road,
There was born from an idea that the ants have dug the cave and that the ant eaters have entered in order to hunt and eat them.
From a long time ago they wanted to make an 'ant' Pokemon be the smallest Pokemon but, this time the form had more importance placed on it.
Because Heatmor is eating steel, added the images of an ironworks into its design.
Tynamo, Eelektrik, Eelektross
Ohmura (Oshawott's line) came up with the idea.
He believed that turning an eel into a monster would look really strong and that belief was realised into a Pokémon.
He says that in the past, he caught a really huge eel in a nearby river and it was really disgusting, but that atmosphere was combined with the original strong image of the line.
The one closest to the original image of disgusting and strong is Eelektrik.
They thought of Tynamo because they wanted the line to mirror how a real eel grows up in the Pokemon's evolution.
Rufflett & Braviary
The opposite of Mandibuzz.
Umino (Pansage, Pansear, Panpour) designed it early on in the development.
Because the region was based on New York, he instantly thought of a bald eagle.
Then, he tried adding the red, white and blue of the Star-Spangled Banner.
He wanted to make a Pokemon you knew was a bird of prey instantly, so he gave it powerful, thick legs and added elements of Native American art.
Rufflett has Native-American-style wings but he really like white-headed fluffy chicks so he basically made it into one of those.
Vullaby and Mandibuzz
Born quite late in development.
At the time the Englishman designed a bird Pokemon they had plenty, but they used his design as a counter-part to Braviary.
The bones on Vullaby are a nest made from the bones of other Pokemon, and Vullaby growns up inside of it.
When Mandibuzz is warming a Vullaby egg inside its nest, it matches the bones of Mandibuzz and look like it's sitting on an upside-down skeleton.
Foongus & Amoongus
Foongus catches trainers who mistake it for a Pokeball, but for Amoogus, no one is going to mistake it for a Pokeball so they included that as part of its [Japanese] name. [Translator's Note: Amoongus's JPN name is Morobareru which includes a verb that means 'to be uncovered/found out']
The black dot in the centre of its face is its mouth and from there it spits out spores.
Ferroseed & Ferrothorn
They were made after an order for a Grass/Steel combo came in the second half of development.
They were designed by the same person as Foongus and Amoongus.
The planner's suggested it be like a seed that attaches to clothing and things.
There's an idea that there'd by many of them attached to rock faces.
Born from the realization that they needed to make a relatively 'standard' Water-type Pokemon, which they didn't originally have. Its designed to be a fish-type Pokemon that you could be eaten by.
It's based on a Bass because you can fish for Bass in New York.
They made two forms because of the low number of fish-type Pokemon in the dex.
What is your favourite Unova Pokemon?
Sugimori: Dwebble & Emolga
Umino: Trubbish
Ohmura: Amoongus
Edited on 03/27/2011 2:42pm