Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
PsyduckRanger wrote: |
Huh...I didn't realise it changed size...just checked, I currently have 7 patches of grass and 4 ponds. |
Wait, you're changes everyday? My hasn't changes since I entered... hmm, and I think I might know why...
N and Ghetsis beaten! Also got a Reshiram with an Ultra Ball, so I can save the Master Ball for Tornadus. Very good game overall. Very lucky against Ghetsis as well. His Dragon attacked my Samurott, i hit with Revenge and was lucky enough to get a critical hit, so I knocked it out in one attack
syrusfan wrote: |
N and Ghetsis beaten! Also got a Reshiram with an Ultra Ball, so I can save the Master Ball for Tornadus. Very good game overall. Very lucky against Ghetsis as well. His Dragon attacked my Samurott, i hit with Revenge and was lucky enough to get a critical hit, so I knocked it out in one attack |
Tornadus was annoying, but I caught it in the desert of all places. Next I'll see my sights on the Musketeer trio: Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion
Bah having a broment, can't get off facebook.
Chandler [Litwick] 33
Hayabugsa [Accelgor] 35
Xiuhcoatl [Servine] 35
Eldritch [Zoroark] 36
CptAmerica [Rufflet] 34
Needless to say i am in the sixth gym and oh so very scared of how it will go.
Fighting Skyla, she says i'm fabulous, Chandler takes down the woobat and lvls up to 35, CptAmerica vs Swanna, no dice. Here comes Eldritch with the power housing and it's over.
My team has one motto, though. No girls allowed.
EduardoTapeti wrote: |
Bah having a broment, can't get off facebook. Chandler [Litwick] 33 Needless to say i am in the sixth gym and oh so very scared of how it will go. Fighting Skyla, she says i'm fabulous, Chandler takes down the woobat and lvls up to 35, CptAmerica vs Swanna, no dice. Here comes Eldritch with the power housing and it's over. My team has one motto, though. No girls allowed. |
That motto doesn't really apply for me because awhile back I was looking through my Pokemon in the Storage System and found like more then half of my Pokemon are female. I don't know why, however now with access to routes 11-15 I do try to catch the female Pokemon IF I can't catch that Pokemon's pre-evolution (for instance I have a female Pupitar so I can eventually breed it for a Larvitar).
Anyway I was recently wondering why I didn't encounter a trainer with an Emboar as in previous games there was always at least one trainer with a starter or one of its evolutions. But then I realized there was no need to because unlike in previous games you had 2 rivals. How do these two relate? Well before you only had one rival meaning one of the starters would never be chosen thus the only way to see that Pokemon without trading was for a NPC trainer to have it. However now that you have two rivals they'll use both starters you didn't choose thus in addition of seeing all of your starter's evolution you'll also see all the evolutions of both of your rival's starter.
Got any suggestions for a good Psychic type? I was thinking on getting the Mushura for good defense but it learns like no moves. Gothitelle stats are kind of weak. Siglipyh/Woobat isn't bad but its very weak to common things. Looking for something that hits hard and fast, hard with okay speed is fine too.
Also any ideas for a overall good normal pokemon? There's so many to choose from O_o
Musharna, Reuniclus & Beheeyem all have nice special attacks, but all have pitiful speed and nothing in their movepools that stands out. Gothitelle's stats are all very average so it's not especially good at anything. Sigilyph & Swoobat both have rather nice stats, Swoobat is faster whilst Sigilyph is stronger. In my opinion Sigilyph's access to Ice Beam (obviously not until post-League) gives it the edge, making it more interesting.
Cinccino's got some rather nice stats and very unique moves; you can breed it to have Aqua Tail, and with Technician Rock Blast & Bullet Seed will always do at least 75 damage, whilst with Skill Link they'll always do 125 damage. Stoutland has a good attack and an ok speed, with the elemental fangs giving it a rather diverse movepool (it's the only Generation V Pokémon that can learn all three). Sasbuck, again, good attack, good speed, and some good moves. Braviary's got the best stats of the lot, but slightly less interesting moves. That's not to say you can't get a good moveset, but bar flying there are a lot of Pokémon that do the same job.
EDIT: That bike gang that names itself after your lead Pokémon, do they go by species or nickname? Probably the former...but if it's by nickname, someone has to call a Pokémon Scooby...they'll be the Scooby gang...
PsyduckRanger wrote: |
Musharna, Reuniclus & Beheeyem all have nice special attacks, but all have pitiful speed and nothing in their movepools that stands out. Gothitelle's stats are all very average so it's not especially good at anything. Sigilyph & Swoobat both have rather nice stats, Swoobat is faster whilst Sigilyph is stronger. In my opinion Sigilyph's access to Ice Beam (obviously not until post-League) gives it the edge, making it more interesting. Cinccino's got some rather nice stats and very unique moves; you can breed it to have Aqua Tail, and with Technician Rock Blast & Bullet Seed will always do at least 75 damage, whilst with Skill Link they'll always do 125 damage. Stoutland has a good attack and an ok speed, with the elemental fangs giving it a rather diverse movepool (it's the only Generation V Pokémon that can learn all three). Sasbuck, again, good attack, good speed, and some good moves. Braviary's got the best stats of the lot, but slightly less interesting moves. That's not to say you can't get a good moveset, but bar flying there are a lot of Pokémon that do the same job. EDIT: That bike gang that names itself after your lead Pokémon, do they go by species or nickname? Probably the former...but if it's by nickname, someone has to call a Pokémon Scooby...they'll be the Scooby gang... |
I think they go by species, so what someone needs to do is not battle them until they get a Magikarp from the Magikarp salesmen (obviously you'll have to train it up and keep it from evolving until it's strong enough to withstand an attack when you switch it in to deliver the the finishing move, but still I think it would be well deserve to have them rename their gang "the Black Magikarps". Truely a name which inspires fear.
And Lostfan111, did PsyduckRanger answer your question or do you want me to give my views?
Hate all the new names. Still getting used to them. I usually end up googling something.
Yea, I would like your opinion Pikachu. Also most of the things I catch are general in-game pokemon, not really specializing through trading or breeding.
I was going to catch Cinccino.... cause it looked so cute but don't know how to get the Skill Link ability.
Still debating between Sigilyph and Woobat. Speed over power???
Also finding it hard to find good TMS for Ice types. I was going to catch the Polar bear but it only learns a few STAB moves.
lostfan111 wrote: |
Hate all the new names. Still getting used to them. I usually end up googling something. Yea, I would like your opinion Pikachu. Also most of the things I catch are general in-game pokemon, not really specializing through trading or breeding. I was going to catch Cinccino.... cause it looked so cute but don't know how to get the Skill Link ability. Still debating between Sigilyph and Woobat. Speed over power??? Also finding it hard to find good TMS for Ice types. I was going to catch the Polar bear but it only learns a few STAB moves. |
For Woobat, get a Dream World one since it's ability is much better
So, i was at work, lunch break time, we all go to the pizza place just below our floor (coincidence? Two weeks ago we were offered not only double pay hours for extra hours in the weekend but also a coupon for pizza in that place for ever two extra hours. =|) just going through twist mountain, looking for a Cubchoo, found a female one but the coin told me that No Girl Allowed, just continued going through the twist mountain, figuring i'll just trade a Cubchoo i had already caught in White, that's when i was with a co-worker going for donuts in the 1 Dollar Store when mid-step Cryogonal.
I fight and catch Cryogonal and he is now Zordon, my Ice Mon.
Emboar - Level 82 - Brick Break, Hammer Arm, Flare Blitz, Flamethrower
Zekrom - Level 78 - Dragon Claw, Crunch, Zen Headbutt, Fusion Bolt
Archeops - Level 77 - Crunch, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Fly
Vanilluxe - Level 77 - Upraor, Ice Beam, Hail, Blizzard
Maractus - Level 74 - Petal Dance, Giga Drain, Poison Jab, Needle Arm
Liepard - Level 73 - Shadow Ball, Night Slash, Slash, Sucker Punch
Facing the Post Game Elite Four & Champion, let's do it...
* Cofa grigus went down after two hits from Liepard's Shadow Ball, though it did manage to get a Will-O-Wisp through and burn it.
* Golurk got 1HKOed by Maractus's Petal Dance.
* Froslass hit Emboar with a Psychic but being Emboar's a wall of HP it took it and 1HKOed it with a Flamethrower.
* Jellicent didn't want to go down by Maractus's Petal Dance and after a short battled knocked it out. However Zekrom showed it its Fusion Bolt and it decided to go down.
* Drifblim got 1KHOed by Vanilluze's Ice Beam.
* Chandelure got 1KHOed by Archeops's Rock Slide.
* Sharpedo got in a Night Slash, but was 1HKOed by Maractus's Petal Dance, though Maractus did get hurt by Sharpedo's Rough Skin.
* Scrafty got 1HKOed by Emboar's Brick Break.
* Krookodile got in a Foul Play, but was 1HKOed by Maractus's Petal Dance.
* Bisharp got 1HKOed by Emboar's Flamethrower.
* Liepard flinched Emboar with a Fake Out, but got 1HKOed by a Brick Break just the same.
* Drapion got 1HKOed by Archeos's Earthquake.
* Breloom got 1HKOed by Emboar's Flamethrower.
* Throh got 1HKOed by Archeops's Fly.
* Sawk had the Sturdy Ability so I sent out Liepard as a sacrifice to get some damage onto it. Liepard got in a Night Slash before getting hit by a Close Combat. Archeops's avenged Liepard by doing a 1HKO with Fly.
* Conkeldurr got 1HKOed by Archeops's Fly.
* Mienshao did a Fake Out on Archeops but got 1HKOed by Fly either way, though it probably didn't help that just before the Fly hit it missed with a Hi Jump Kick and lost half of its HP.
* Toxicroak dodged Archeop's Fly! It got in a Low Sweep and then a Toxic which Badly Poisoned Archeops, however Archeops showed why was suppose to have happened 1st turn and 1HKOed it with a Fly.
* She sent Musharna out first but recalled it for Reuniclus, however it still got 1HKOed by Liepard's Night Slash.
* Metagross got 1HKOed by Emboar's Flamethrower.
* Musharna managed to take Liepard's first Night Slash and put it to sleep with Hypnosis. I used a Full Heal to wake Liepard up while she used Relfect. It got 2HKOed by Liepard's Night Slash.
* Sigilyph got a Flash Canon in on Vanilluxe but it withstood it and 1HKOed it with an Ice Beam.
* Bronzong got 1HKOed by Emboar's Flamethrower.
* Gothitelle's Frisk took Liepard's BlackGlasses, but it got 1HKOed by Liepard's Night Slash all the same.
* Accelgor hit Emboar with a Focus Blast, but Emboar wall of HP protected it and 1HKOed it with a Flamethrower.
* Bouffalant got 1HKOed by Emboar's Hammer Arm.
* Escavalier got 1HKOed by Emboar's Flamethrower.
* Volcarona got 1HKOed by Archeop's Rock Slide.
* Vanilluxe got 1HKOed by Emboar's Flamethrower.
* Druddigon got 1HKOed by Vanilluxe's Ice Beam.
And with that done, I'm true Champion of Unova!
* Spiritomb got 3HKOed by Zekrom's Dragon Claws (would have been a 2HKO but Cynthia used Full Restore).
* Milotic used Blizzard on Maractus and dropped it to 1 HP! Maractus did a Petal Dance but it wasn't enough and Milotic took it down with another Blizzard. Zekrom showed it a Fusion Bolt and it learned it's lesson.
* Garchomp 1HKOed Vanilluxe with a Stone Edge! Zekrom, not liking its friends being taken down so easily, came back in to show it a Dragon Claw to 1HKO it. Garchomp tried a Dragon Rush but Zekrom wasn't in the mood so he dodged it.
* Lucario got 1HKOed by Emboar's Flare Blitz.
* Braviary got 1HKOed by Archeops's Rock Slide.
* Eelektross got 1HKOed by Emboar's Flare Blitz.
* Liepard got in a Fake Out and a Night Slash but they barely did anything and got 1HKOed by Emboar's Brick Break.
* Semipour got in a Payback but it barely did anything and got 1HKOed by Maractus's Petal Dance.
* Semisear got 1HKOed by Archeops's Earthquake.
* Zebstrika got 1HKOed by Archeops's Earthquake.
* Swoobat got 1HKOed by Liepard's Night Slash.
* Semisage got in a Crunch but it barely did anything and got 1HKOed by Emboar's Flamethrower.
Rare Candy! Yes!
About to fight N and all that.
Servine () 44
Cha nde lure () 44
Zoroark () 45
Accelgor () 46
Cryogonal () 47
Brivary () 54
EDIT: ugh, something is censored, but doesn't tell me what -.-
Won and in the first shot this time, everyone was quite underleveled minus of course Brivary. Ghetsis and his Dennis had nothing Zordon and Hayabugsa. Transfered all the mons to white including the legendary that roams and now i'm gonna post game with my JLoA.
Also White Forest!.... no water. at all. not even a single lonely tile.
So, at this point my mons without counting random catches i did to fill up pokedex:
Ben Reilly
Jack Atlas
Black Toph
Captured the Musketeer trio. Cobalion was the hardest to capture and Virizion was the easiest.
Just fought someone who's redefined "n00b". He had Dragonite, Altaria, Flygon, Hydreigon, Haxorus, and Tyranitar. FIVE Dragon types, three of which are double weak to ice, as if that wasn't a common type. Sent my Stoutland with Ice Fang, Samurott with Ice Beam, and Archeops with Rock Slide for Flying types and Focus Blast for Tyranitar (triple battle, btw). Tyranitar was on the front line, setting up Sandstorm instantly, boosting Stoutland's speed and only hurting one of my Pokémon. Naturally I swept through him no effort, two turns to finish his team, and as his final Pokémon fell, of course, he turned off the game so it wouldn't show on either of our records. Douchen00b.