i;m surprised code junkies hasn't put up the cheat codes for black and white
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
i;m surprised code junkies hasn't put up the cheat codes for black and white
Those kind of boxes are your thoughts or something
I'll be getting mine soon enough
Pokemon White Version. Check.
Nintendo DS. Check.
DS Recharger. Check.
Laptop with window opened up to Bulbapedia. Check.
Sunglasses. Check.
Game in DS. *click* Check.
Well, I'm ready. So let's do this...
*puts on sunglasses and takes them off*
*starts DS*
what!? no list of pokemon in the back of the book!
The Pokedex listing is only in the collector's edition....which will be arriving tomorrow via Amazon for me
"You are challenged by Youngster Joey"
Productive day. I got a Celebi in addition to Black. Beat the first two gyms, need to help Burgh fight Team Plasma next
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
"You are challenged by Youngster Joey" |
Just defeated team plasma's second squad, boosting up Iroh's exp while my common that isn't a cat or a dog and the leaf monkey are supporting him, gotta see when i can catch the cool kid mons i need in my team.
Sadly I had two parties to go to today (that sounds weird...) so I only made it to Castelia City. Picked Oshawott as my starter. Named myself Jaden. Just had to!
I got my Black version, and already made to Castelia. Named my girl charrie Blair just cause I always name them something different and the name seemed to suit her. My current team is Servine (I just had to nickname him Smugleaf), Liepard, Panpour, Audino (I got lucky and found it on the second route~), and my newest edition Sandile. Its not how I initially planned it, but it's subject to change when I get into the later routes... Though I have been considering raising more then the intended team, and alternating them. But why must my WiFi be a prick and act up when the Victini event is going on!?
PinKunoichi wrote: |
Audino (I got lucky and found it on the second route~) |
It's actually really easy to find Audino, in the early routes they're the only Pokémon in the shaking grass, which is fairly common to come across. I've met a good three or four, they're actually a species that it's worth battling for experience in the wild.
Currently at the Cold Storage
Pkmn: Blizare (Blitzle) F lvl 23
Woobare (Swoobat) M lvl 27
Darare (Darumaka) M lvl 20
Sandare (Sandile) M lvl 23
Cottare (Cottonee) M lvl 22
Oshare (Dewott) M lvl 29
PsyduckRanger wrote: | ||
It's actually really easy to find Audino, in the early routes they're the only Pokémon in the shaking grass, which is fairly common to come across. I've met a good three or four, they're actually a species that it's worth battling for experience in the wild. |