Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
PsyduckRanger wrote: |
No, Cubchoo is just catchable there normally. 10% likelihood of meeting one. 45% in winter. You can even find Cryogonal if you're really lucky. You know you can get to Lostlorn Forest as soon as you first reach Nimbasa, right? Route 16 is never blocked off that way. That's why you can transfer the dogs during the main game. |
...okay, gotta figure out which of my mons can cherry tap Zoroark. Atlantixor's Night Shade got it on Yellow, easily less than a third. Four ultra balls later i got Zoroark!
omg, the far left corner, you can walk off-center. O.o
It's time for the Elite Four. The Team I'm bringing in:
Emboar - Level 62 - Quick Claw - Brick Break, Hammer Arm, Flare Blitz, Flamethrower
Archeops - Level 59 - Sharp Beak - Crunch, Rock Slide, Dragon Claw, Fly
Vanilluxe - Level 59 - NeverMeltIce - Uproar, Ice Beam, Hail, Blizzard
Liepard - Level 54 - BlackGlasses - Shadow Ball, Night Slash, Slash, Fake Out
Maractus - Level 53 - Miracle Seed - Petal Dance, Giga Drain, Poison Jab, Needle Arm
Zebstrika - Level 50 - Magnet - Volt Switch, Thunderbolt, Stomp, Flame Charge
I'll edit this with updates as I go along.
* Took down her Mummy Pokemon (won't let me use its name for some reason) with Liepard's Night Slash in several hits (I got her into a pattern of healing and I think I made her waste all her Max Potions on it, lol)
* Golurk almost took down Liepard with a Brick Break but it thankfully survived and finished it with two Night Slashes.
* With Liepard with only 3 HP left, I switched to Zebstrika when she sent out Chandelure. It took out half its HP when it used Fire Blast and took down Zebstrika! I sent out Liepard knowing she'll be fast enough to give a finishing Night Slash. However Chandelure's Flame Body activated and burned Liepard, knocking it out as well.
* With her last Pokemon being Jellicent, I sent out Maractus and he OHKOed it with Petal Dance.
* Archeops OHKOed Throh with Fly.
* Archeops tried to do the same with Sawk but the darn thing had Sturdy! It took Archeops out with one Stone Edge. Sent out Maractus to heal Archeops as well as damage Sawk a bit so it couldn't used Sturdy again (Marshal used a Max Potion on it). Sent out Archeops and it finished the job with a Fly.
* Archeops OHKOed Conkeldurr with Fly.
* Archeops OHKOed Mienshao with Fly.
* After having used Fake Out, Liepard finished Reuniclus with Night Slash.
* I tried Fake Out on Sigilyph and it missed both times before knocking out Liepard! I sent out Zebstrika and it took it down with a Thunderbolt.
* Seeing Thunderbolt wasn't doing much damage, I Maxed Revive Liepard and let Zebstrika take the fall. Liepard finished Musharna with a Night Slash.
* Liepard OHKOed Gothitelle with Night Slash even after the darn thing stole its BlackGlasses.
* Emboar OHKOed Scrafty with Brick Break.
* Emboar OHKOed Krookodile with Hammer Arm.
* Liepard got a Fake Out and Aerial Ace on Emboar, but it hardly did any damage and OHKOed Liepard with Brick Break.
* Bisharp also got an Aerial Ace on Emboar, but a Flare Blitz OHKOed just the same.
* The epic battle between my Zekrom and N's Reshiram is here. Reshiram used Fusion Flare so I had to use Fusion Bolt. I prepared another Fusion Bolt when Reshiram did Hyper Beam instead! I healed while it recharged the next turn and used Dragon Breath to take it down.
* Emboar OHKOed Vanilluxe with Flamethrower.
* Maractus faced Carracosta and though it survived the first Petal Dance and healed, it got taken out by the third one.
* Send Emboar out against what I thought was Klinklang, but after using Flamethrower to OHKO it it was actually his Zoroark.
* Emboar OHKOed Klinklang with Flamethrower.
* My Klinklang OHKOed N's Archeops with a Rock Slide.
* Cofa grigus (thanks for explaining the name problem HEH17) was difficult for Zekrom but eventually after enough Fusion Bolts and a Dragon Breath it went down.
* Emboar OHKOed Bouffalant with a Brick Break.
* Maractus OHKOed Seismitoad with a Petal Dance.
* Hydreigon now. Yikes, this thing is a monster (fitting for its trainer I suppose). I sent out Emboar and used Hammer Arm and Quick Claw activated!... but Hammer Arm missed (Oh, the cursing that went through my house) and Hydreigon took Emboar out with a Surf. I sacrificed Liepard to heal Zekrom and sent him out to see what he could do but only took off half of its HP before fainting. I sacrificed Maractus to heal Emboar and Hydreigon got the first move and used Surf... but didn't knock out Emboar! One final Brick Break and it's smooth sailing from here.
* Archeos OHKOed Eelektross with Rock Slide.
* Emboar OHKOed Bisharp with a Flare Blitz.
And with that, I have defeated the main story of the game!
I beat my White version last night. And I gotta say Gamefreak really outdid them selves. The story line is so great it was cool how it just faded to credits after N said farewell. Now to train up my mons for Cynthia.
Just finished cooking up most of my team for the second play of Black, i'll catch Nanook (Cubchoo) and Chandler (Litwick) normally but i'll trade in CptAmerica (Wargle's pre evo) Zalgo (Zorua) and Hayabugsa (The bug that loses its armor) as soon as i can into the version. -v-
Also, yesterday i decided to do the Victini event (named him Viewtiful) it really is supposed to be done before the third gym lol, i was just going around with my Atlantixor (Golurk) immune to everything, just OHKO'ing all of the mons with Bulldoze. It felt like i was a power ranger who got sick of only using the zord when the monsters grew. =v=
And now i have Xiuhcoatl [Snivy] and my three eggs, can't wait for (CptAmerica, Zalgo and Hayabugsa) to be born!
Sorry to double post, but i must say:
The dating part of the game is very very cute. =|
Also, i officially hate the fourth gym, three out of three times it was hell.
I also had trouble with the fourth gym, probably since I started with Oshawott
Guys... the first gym leaders, that trio... they don't seem to notice or bother that Team Plasma was messing around at the dream place... and they don't show up at the castle with the other gym leaders... and you never see them when the shadow trinidad is out .-.
edmasterchaos wrote: |
Guys... the first gym leaders, that trio... they don't seem to notice or bother that Team Plasma was messing around at the dream place... and they don't show up at the castle with the other gym leaders... and you never see them when the shadow trinidad is out .-. |
Actually if you talk to them one of the brothers will apologize for not being there to help take on Team Plasma. As SPDShadowRanger said Bianca didn't reach them in time to tell them.
Almost ready to take on N and Ghetsis. Anyone have advice for them?
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
Actually if you talk to them one of the brothers will apologize for not being there to help take on Team Plasma. As SPDShadowRanger said Bianca didn't reach them in time to tell them. |
syrusfan wrote: |
Almost ready to take on N and Ghetsis. Anyone have advice for them? |
HEH17 wrote: |
@syrus: They're both easy, minus a certain overpowered pokemon on Ghetsis' team. Just keep the legendary dragon on your team, have A LOT of revives and beware Ghetsis will try to poison your first pokemon with Cofa-grigus, and his Hydreigon is an extreme offensive sweeper. Unless you level grinded like crazy, there's no way in hell you're gonna beat it without spamming revives and potions. My Pokemon Black team I just started today, which thanks to the Poke transfer and breeding with Ditto, is now able to come along quite nicely: Toguro(Cryogonal) level 32 Genkai(Rufflet(wargle's pre evo)) level 28 Kurama(Servine) level 26 Yusuke(Dewott) level 28 Kuwabara(Combusken) level 27 Hiei(Hydreigon's base form, Deino) level 29 I have 3 badges I'm expecting great things from Hiei. After seeing what Ghetsis was capable of in Pokemon White with his Hydreigon, I figure that if I level grind enough that thing will not take me by surprise when I fight him again and should help me curbstomp a lot of trainers later on. Hoping to have it at level 60 by the pokemon league and getting it up 4levels fighting the elite four with a lucky egg should do the trick. |
Though don't expect to have a Hydreigon at Ghetsis's Pokemon level, Ghetsis's Hydreigon is 10 levels underleveled as Deino evolves at level 64.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
I actually didn't have too much trouble with it once I came up with a plan. Endeavor + Leaf Storm and it went down. So made it to White Forest....I'm surprised mine still has a significant amount of grass and water since it took me forever to beat the main game. |
Lucky... while I do have a good amount of grass my game decided to be stupid and gave me NO water at all! Worst yet, that old guy still asks for me to bring him Water-type Pokemon!