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Gen III Remakes: Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire!

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [21]Jun 6, 2014
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    Pokemon Get TV and CoroCoro will be revealing new ORAS information over the course of the following days. I warn you, these are remakes, and as such we know a lot of what is already going to be int he games so do not sit here and complain about lack of information afterwards.

    As long as it's not a few seconds of just Groudon and Kyogre waking up and yawning.

    Honestly, as I've been saying throughout my sort of retrospective, all they really need to do is show us some of the graphical updates they've done to characters, cities, and maybe even inside the Gyms if they feel like revealing that. We're not expecting to see any new Pokemon (honestly I would keep the new Groudon and Kyogre forms a secret until the games are released since we do know the story thus it'd be a surprise to see how the new forms fit into it). I think the main questions that people are really wondering (that are not spoilers) are:

    1. To what extent will they update the towns/cities? Will they be an exact 1:1 3D rendition or will some/most/all of them receive redesigns to take advantage of the 3D?

    2. Will character customization be in the game? Now we know all the NPC characters are going to get new clothes, but if customization is in the game to the extent of XY then this would be the first huge change done to previously established characters. What I mean is, when I bring up the playable character from XY, what do you envision? Well one might be the default outfits, but you also probably envision the way you dressed your character. You see the playable characters in XY (well, at least the one you chose) in two ways: official default and your personal customization. However when I bring up the playable characters from Ruby & Sapphire, you only envision them one way because that's the only way you've ever seen them: their official default. May and Brendan are white, May has brown hair, Brendan has black (IT'S A HAT! Specifically a knit cap), and wear either mostly red and black (Ruby & Sapphire) or red, black, and green (Emerald). But soon, that's about to change, at least on a personal level.
    Also, if there is customization, it also wouldn't hurt to show off some of the different clothing options.

    3. How much of Emerald elements will there be? Mainly did they include the Battle Frontier?

    Other then that I think everyone knows what to expect. As long as they address one of these questions (even if its just screenshots) I think this next ORAS update should be the information we've all been waiting for.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [22]Jun 7, 2014
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    4) new routes and cities?
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [23]Jun 7, 2014
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    I'll be happy if they show some game play and a battle. I do want to know how much of the new gen will get incorporated into the game and if theywill do what the first remakes did and have some new story elements

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [24]Jun 7, 2014
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    And BOOM! CoroCoro leaks are in!

    First off, here is the new Brendan and May:

    Here are their Ruby & Sapphire and Emerald versions for comparison:

    Some observations:
    1. Brendan design looks to take more from his Emerald counterpart while may takes more from her original Ruby & Sapphire counterpart. However each of them has aspects of their other counterparts design, like Brendan is wearing a knit cap that matches his original Ruby & Sapphire's counterpart's knit cap while May is wearing her green hip pack from Emerald.
    2. Brendan's hair is also now more visible, finally proving that yes, the white top is a knit cap and his actual hair is brown.
    3. May is now wearing a bow now instead of a bandana.
    4. They're no longer wearing gloves, my guess is due to customization not having a category for gloves.
    5. That thing (barely fitting) on their wrist is this games Mega Evolution activator: the Key Bangle. Speaking of which

    New Mega Evolutions:
    Yup, looks like Game Freak agreed Blaziken only having a Mega Evolution wasn't quite fair so Sceptile and Swampert are both getting Mega Evolutions!

    Mega Sceptile is a Grass/Dragon who's Ability is Lightning Rod.
    Mega Swampert is still Water/Ground who's Ability is Swift Swim. (It's also been revealed Swampert can now learn Hammer Arm)

    Oh but that's not the only one getting a Mega Evolution, as Diancie is too!

    Not much is known about Mega Diancie besides it still being Rock/Fairy.

    1. WOOT! Glad Sceptile and Swampert got a Mega Evolution. Sceptile becoming part Dragon-type, though it getting Lightning Rod is a bit questionable. While immunity to Electric-type attacks is nice plus a Special Attack boost whenever hit by one, being Grass/Dragon it was already quadruple resistant to Electric-type attacks. Felt like maybe it getting something like Chlorophyll, Leaf Guard, or Solar Power would have made it a bit better. But it still looks nice, can't wait to see its stats.
    2. As for Swampert... well, it certainly looks like it can take and give hits. It looks a bit top heavy, but then again I suppose that's why it has Swift Swim to help make it a bit faster in the rain (Swampert already has 60 Speed, so I think if anything it'll gain a bit in Speed). Water/Ground is a pretty good defensive type and if its appearance is anything to go by they might be making it more defensive. Though if that's the case, maybe they should have given it Sap Sipper to make is really something to reckon with.
    3. I guess Diancie must have taken some fashion tips from Mega Gardevoir. Mega Diancie now looks like she's wearing a ball gown which makes sense as she is a princess. And that's pretty much all I have to say, with no Ability or stats to talk about there's only looks and you can only talk so long about that.

    Speaking of evolutions...

    Ancient Devolution:
    Groudon and Kyogre new looks are due to them going through something called "Ancient Devolution", a progress described like Mega Evolution but instead they regress back to what is referred to as a Primal/Prehistoric/Primeval form. That is all which is known about them so far:

    1. So they're introducing ANOTHER new evolution method on top of Mega Evolution (unless they use Groudonite and Kyogrite to "Ancient Devolve")? Though if this is a new evolution method, does that mean OTHER Pokemon can devolve to a more primal form? You already have Mega Evolutions to play around with, no need to make a new one (if this isn't just Mega Evolutions with a new name).
    2. So... does Rayquaza have one? Seriously I have nothing more to say as I already talked the topic to death about their new forms, even breaking down what Omega and Alpha means and pointing out what about their designs have changed...

    Steven Stone:
    While we're talking about Mega Evolutions, Steven Stone's redesign has been revealed:

    Old design for comparison:

    1. So it looks like his main design changes is that he got rid of the purple zigzags on his shirt (they're now black), unbuttoned/zipped his suit to reveal he's wearing a purple shirt and shows more of his red tie, and has moved his arm bands down to his sleeve (apparently leaving his suit sleeve purple while doing so). Overall a nice redesign.
    2. Also, being a stone enthusiast, Steven Stone is now searching for the secret of Mega Evolutions and has a Mega Charizard X. Yeah, no Mega Metagross, no Mega Aggron, instead he pushed them aside for a Mega Charizard X even though it does match his theme AT ALL.
    3. It may also looks like he may challenge you to a Sky Battle with Mega Charizard X (maybe Mega Charizard X is only for the Sky Battle?).

    Team Magma & Team Aqua:
    Well let's look at the slight and subtle changes they've done to Team...

    ... who are these guys? Oh my god... Team Magma and Team Aqua, what have they done to you?

    Grunts: Well the Team Magma look okay, but the Team Aqua grunts look a bit odd with the blue and white striped clothes (especially the socks and stockings). Like the black bandanas, though. Here are the original for comparison:

    Admins: Looks like they got new admins... wait, THOSE ARE THE SAME ADMINS?! Yes, on Team Magma's side that fat guy is Tabitha and the pink haired girl is Courtney. Team Aqua's side has the big muscle bound guy being Matt and the very sultry woman being Shelly. Here are their original sprites for reference:

    Okay, Game Freak, WHERE did you get Tabitha being fat and that design for Shelly (who's probably the most recognizable character because she had ORANGE HAIR)?! Courtney is sort of okay but she had black hair not pink and Matt... well, okay you got me there, though he's not as extreme as this new Matt is! They're almost unrecognizable from their original game counterparts! And while the Magma Admins clothes look alright, what in the WORLD are the Aqua admins wearing? They don't even look like sailors, let alone pirates! But we're not done yet:
    Leaders: Here is the original Maxie and Archie:

    Okay, starting with Maxie, he looks alright. Honestly he just put on a pair of glasses, a new robe, and boots. That's okay... AND THEN you get to Archie. PIRATES, Game Freak, they are PIRATES. And I don't mean the One Piece kind, I mean the classical kind. Him and his admins looks like performers at a water park show!
    Okay, I MAYBE get the design change for the admins Tabitha, Courtney, and Matt. They did look rather bland and unoriginal. But why drastically change Shelly and Archie? I mean Maxie didn't get such a huge redesign, and the Magma admins still look like Magma admins. What happened with the Leader and Admins for Team Aqua?

    Anyway, it's confirmed who you face will depend on what version you'll be playing. I'll go into more details when better pictures are released... seriously, what in the world...

    And finally, the Mach and Acro Bike have been confirmed. Nothing else to say other then that.

    So, I have to admit this is DEFINITELY better then Groudon and Kyogre waking up and yawning. I like some of the news, but others I'm just left scratching my head. I'll finish up my Gym Leader, Elite Four, and Champion analysis by the end of this week, hopefully.

    Edited on 06/08/2014 2:12am
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [25]Jun 7, 2014
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    Would have liked Mega Swampert to have a better ability but I'm happy with the news.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [26]Jun 8, 2014
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    For the most part I love the Aqua and Magma redesigns, especially the Aqua Grunts, but what on earth possessed them to radically change Shelly and Tabitha (the two that people actually know) is beyond me. Disappointed that they choose to make them Version exclusive villains instead of following the Emerald storyline.

    And another thing, the Pokemon timeline:

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [27]Jun 8, 2014
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    I've seen a lot of fan theories about the timeline of the games that matched the official so not really a problem. That and they barely influence the other games. Hope we find out more information soon.

    edit: Oh wait I get it now. Yeah once again Pok?mon continuity is flawed. Considering that the protagonists look so different I would have believed that the remake was more of a unofficial sequel. I guess it'll all be fixed once the other games are remade....

    Remakes for Sinnoh and Unova Confirmed?

    Edited on 06/08/2014 4:41am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [28]Jun 9, 2014
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    4) new routes and cities?

    I'm not to sure what they could add though, and if they did they'd probably keep them as a surprise. Though speaking of routes, that's another thing they can show in 3D, like Route 110 with the Seaside Cycling Road, Route 111's desert that has a constant sandstorm, and Route 113 with the soot "snowing" down. And let's not forget landmarks like the Trick House, Meteor Falls, and Abandoned Ship to name a few!

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    For the most part I love the Aqua and Magma redesigns, especially the Aqua Grunts, but what on earth possessed them to radically change Shelly and Tabitha (the two that people actually know) is beyond me. Disappointed that they choose to make them Version exclusive villains instead of following the Emerald storyline.

    And another thing, the Pokemon timeline:

    Well we don't know if the other team will be helping the player as they did in the original Ruby & Sapphire or if they decide to incorporate some of Emerald's story by having them be a sort of minor antagonist that's just one step behind the team that's the main antagonists.

    And I'd describe the Pokemon timeline more like this:

    And to further complicate things, think about this: How can Steven be looking for the secret of Mega Evolution? I thought Mega Evolution was only in Kalos and there was no reports of it happening anywhere else? And remember that Gen III takes place WAY before Gen VI yet now we see Mega Evolutions being used in Hoenn by the CHAMPION. Oops.

    Well, maybe, I don't think it was confirmed that Steven was back to being the Champion, was it? Though either way Steven is a renowned trainer and surely any discoveries he would have made concerning Mega Evolutions he would have reported it.

    Also I'd like to see them explain the admin's appearance changes in the manga where they looked like the following:

    Tabitha - Courtney

    Matt - Shelly

    Not to mention that Tabitha and Courtney retired from being villains at the end of the Ruby & Sapphire arc (Matt and Shelly completely vanished).

    Kwando7 wrote:

    I've seen a lot of fan theories about the timeline of the games that matched the official so not really a problem. That and they barely influence the other games. Hope we find out more information soon.

    edit: Oh wait I get it now. Yeah once again Pokemon continuity is flawed. Considering that the protagonists look so different I would have believed that the remake was more of a unofficial sequel. I guess it'll all be fixed once the other games are remade....

    Remakes for Sinnoh and Unova Confirmed?

    Brendan and May don't look that different.

    As for Sinnoh and Unova remakes, let's wait until Nintendo releases another handheld console before talking about that.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [29]Jun 9, 2014
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    4) new routes and cities?

    I'm not to sure what they could add though, and if they did they'd probably keep them as a surprise. Though speaking of routes, that's another thing they can show in 3D, like Route 110 with the Seaside Cycling Road, Route 111's desert that has a constant sandstorm, and Route 113 with the soot "snowing" down. And let's not forget landmarks like the Trick House, Meteor Falls, and Abandoned Ship to name a few!

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    For the most part I love the Aqua and Magma redesigns, especially the Aqua Grunts, but what on earth possessed them to radically change Shelly and Tabitha (the two that people actually know) is beyond me. Disappointed that they choose to make them Version exclusive villains instead of following the Emerald storyline.

    And another thing, the Pokemon timeline:

    Well we don't know if the other team will be helping the player as they did in the original Ruby & Sapphire or if they decide to incorporate some of Emerald's story by having them be a sort of minor antagonist that's just one step behind the team that's the main antagonists.

    And I'd describe the Pokemon timeline more like this:

    And to further complicate things, think about this: How can Steven be looking for the secret of Mega Evolution? I thought Mega Evolution was only in Kalos and there was no reports of it happening anywhere else? And remember that Gen III takes place WAY before Gen VI yet now we see Mega Evolutions being used in Hoenn by the CHAMPION. Oops.

    Well, maybe, I don't think it was confirmed that Steven was back to being the Champion, was it? Though either way Steven is a renowned trainer and surely any discoveries he would have made concerning Mega Evolutions he would have reported it.

    Also I'd like to see them explain the admin's appearance changes in the manga where they looked like the following:

    Tabitha - Courtney

    Matt - Shelly

    Not to mention that Tabitha and Courtney retired from being villains at the end of the Ruby & Sapphire arc (Matt and Shelly completely vanished).

    Kwando7 wrote:

    I've seen a lot of fan theories about the timeline of the games that matched the official so not really a problem. That and they barely influence the other games. Hope we find out more information soon.

    edit: Oh wait I get it now. Yeah once again Pokemon continuity is flawed. Considering that the protagonists look so different I would have believed that the remake was more of a unofficial sequel. I guess it'll all be fixed once the other games are remade....

    Remakes for Sinnoh and Unova Confirmed?

    Brendan and May don't look that different.

    As for Sinnoh and Unova remakes, let's wait until Nintendo releases another handheld console before talking about that.

    Nintendo 4S where the additional screens show the bag contents and the pokedex?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [30]Jun 10, 2014
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    Well, being E3 is underway it shouldn't be a surprise that some new ORAS footage has been shown (and it does not disappoint!). But before I comment on it I want to finish my run through of my overview of the Gym Leader (mainly because some of the new footage does show Gym stuff!):

    (I'm going to put them in spoiler tags because SPDShadowRanger put my previous one in spoiler tags)


    Just two more Gym Leaders left... or should I say, four?

    Edited on 06/10/2014 1:45pm
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    And with that I'm done with the Gym Leaders! However there's still the Elite Four & Champion(s) to do, but first let's take some look at actual game footage instead of my rambling baseless speculations! Next post though.

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    [32]Jun 10, 2014
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    So, in case you don't know, E3 started today and already a flood of video games news is coming in. Nintendo itself had a lot of news to announce via a Nintendo Direct: The Mii and Palutena have been announced as fighters for Super Smash Bros., Nintendo announced a new IP called Splatoon, Monolith's "X" was revealed to be a Xenoblade sequel, Zelda and Midna were confirmed to be playable in the upcoming Zelda spinoff "Hylian Warriors", another new Zelda game was announced, Bayonetta 2 will also be packaged with a Wii U port of Bayonetta 1, Captain Toad from Super Mario 3D World is getting his own spinoff, Super Smash Bros have Skylanders-type figurines called Amiibos which you can use on the Wii U Pad, Kirby: Canvas Curse is getting a sequel, Mario Party 10 was announced, and much more...

    ... what was I talking about again?

    ... Oh yeah!


    Before I break apart the video into tiny pieces and over analyze each part, you can watch it for yourself HERE (if you want to get where the footage starts skip to 0:46).

    Now if you're done watching it, let's go over it again:

    0:55: So it seems like the white parts of Kyogre have become transparent as you can see inside it... and inside it is a orange orb thing.
    1:01: Well if they're showing Latios I guess that's a safe bet it and Latias will be in the game.
    1:07: Aww, we're going to pick our starter in the void? I'd like to see them recreate us deciding which one to pick from Professor Birch's bag on a grassy patch.
    1:13: Town by the shore and umbrellas? Route 109 and Slateport City! There's also some artwork released for it:

    So there's actually quite a bit to talk about here. For Slateport City itself there isn't much to talk about. For some reason the Pokemon Center is where either the Contest Hall/Battle Tent is suppose to be (then again in this pick Slateport Market is only represented by a few stands so I'm guessing it's not the more accurate of pictures... unless it is and a few changes were made) and Stern's Shipyard now has a crane (and we can see the Oceanic Museum behind it). Moving on behind Slateport City we can see Route 110's Seaside Cycling Road and behind that... I have no clue. Mauville City is located right after Route 110 but that place doesn't look like a city (though it does have electrical towers). I guess what we could be seeing is a wall built around the city which would be an interesting addition. And finally beyond what's possibly Mauville City is Mt. Chimney and if you look closely you can see the Cable Car and possibly Jagged Pass.
    Oh btw people of Slateport, I think you should be a bit more worried that a nearby volcano IS SHOWING VIOLENT VOLCANIC ACTIVITY! Look, there's FIRE SPEWING AT THE TOP!
    And now back to the video:
    1:17: A quick peak at Roxanne's new design and a spinning 3D green outline of the Stone Badge:

    Looks like she went from a navy blue dress to a black dress. Also it no longer has sleeves, instead it has over the shoulder straps revealing a white undershirt. Otherwise she still looks the same from the waist up aside from additional little details to the dress and her pink tie. Stone Badge loos pretty much the same (design-wise), that's why I'm not showing it.
    1:19: Puddles, that could be Route 120.
    1:20: Oh look, it's Mr. Briney's boat and Peeko!

    1:20: And Fortree City! Obviously my speculation was wrong (what a surprise) but it still looks nice!
    1:21: Seaside Cyling Road on Route 110.
    1:22: And a new Gym Puzzle!... Sorta. Observing the footage you can see the player not only is sliding but also see that the trainers are Psychics and Hex Maniacs. Yup, it's the Mossdeep Gym Puzzle and it looks like it'll sort of be using an update of its original Ruby & Sapphire puzzle. You can see that some light orbs aren't lit up so my guess is that and on some platform you can see switches, so to progress through the gym you're going to need to hit the switches and change the light orbs. With that said, it does sort of look like some paths are made so that you'll get into Double Battles too, but that doesn't be surprising in Tate & Liza's Gym.
    AND before you say my speculation was wrong, I'd like to point out that though it's a sliding animation being shown, I think you're suppose to think that the light orbs are floating the player along its path, so I was sort of right about the anti-gravity thing. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
    1:23: Obviously Lavaridge Gym, and I like the cartoony floating in air before falling down the trapdoor animation, real cute. Anyway, looks like that's puzzle is mostly staying the same.
    1:25: Hi Steven.
    1:27: Nice to see that Team Magma's and Team Aqua's base will be customized to that team's theme. Also nice to see their team logos didn't change.
    1:28: Better look are Maxie and Archie's new designs in 3D and they don't look too bad, though I still don't get Archie's outfit.
    Oh, and once again, villains get battle models while GYM LEADERS DON'T! At least this time give the Champion a model...
    1:30: Witnessing the Branden and May models doing Mega Evolution with the Mega Bangel. Is it just me or are they a bit more animated then Calem and Serena?
    1:32: Finally seeing Mega Sceptile and Mega Swampert in action! Looks like Mega Sceptile faces away from the opponent, guessing so it can attack with its longer tail?
    1:41: Okay, yeah, that proves it, Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre (their English names) are just Mega Evolutions with fancier names and evolution animation (or rather "devolution" animations). Also official artwork of them has been released:

    Some more info about them:
    1. Upon devolving, they become bigger in size.
    2. Primal Groudon becomes Ground/Fire (because being weak to Kyogre wasn't bad enough, it needed to be quadruple weak)!
    3. Primal Groudon receives an Attack increase while Primal Kyogre receives a Special Attack increase. If you're wondering, here are their normal stats:
    Groudon (100/150/140/100/90/90//670)
    Kyogre (100/100/90/150/140/90//670)
    Yeah, they're going to bring the pain.
    4. Their normal Abilities are going to get boosted in some unspecified way. So either that means they're going to have Drought and Drizzle and those Abilities are going to be given an additional effect only accessible by Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre, respectively, or both are getting a new Ability which is an upgraded version of Drought and Drizzle. My guess is that the boost will allow they to bring back permanent sunshine/rain (in Gen VI, Drought and Drizzle only summon sunshine/rain for 5 turns like if you had used the move Sunny Day or Rain Dance).

    Let the battle rage on!

    Finally, they also released the map of the Hoenn region:

    Wow, a LOT of stuff to comment on. Well, first off, it seems like indeed Mauville City did have a wall built around it, so nice that's cleared up. Also, very clever hiding the area where the Battle Frontier is with clouds. Though one other thing that catches my eye is that dark evil thing at the very top of the map, that wasn't there before:

    (Yes, I know this is the Ruby & Sapphire map, but the only difference between it and the Emerald map is that the Battle Frontier "replaces" the Battle Tower)

    Maybe I'll take a closer look at the map later, but I think that's enough for right now. Next time I'll post about my Elite Four & Champion speculation.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [33]Jun 11, 2014
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    I noticed they showed Mega Sceptile vs Mega Swampert so does that mean Wally won't be the main Rival or that the opposite gender rival will do more

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [34]Jun 11, 2014
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    Nintendo 4S where the additional screens show the bag contents and the pokedex?

    I don't think we'll ever get beyond duel screens. Being 3DS's gimmick was 3D, maybe 4DS will have something like an inbuilt rumble pack.

    Kwando7 wrote:

    I noticed they showed Mega Sceptile vs Mega Swampert so does that mean Wally won't be the main Rival or that the opposite gender rival will do more

    They always show the Starters facing each other, it means nothing.

    Anyway, more news:

    Mega Sableye:
    That's right, Sableye is getting a Mega Evolution! Click HERE for the video.

    Description: Mega Sableye has concentrated all of the energy from Mega Evolution into the jewel which adorns its chest, making it swell and become detached from its body. Mega Sableye uses the jewel as a powerful defensive tool in battle. From behind the shelter of the jewel, it can readily exploit the opponent's weaknesses and take advantage of any openings. It is said that the jewel hardens into such strength that no attack can even make a scratch!
    My Thoughts: It sounds like Mega Sableye will become a defensive Pokemon. With its stats being 50/75/75/65/65/50//380, it's easy enough to increase its defensive stats to make them higher than its offensive stats. However it'll still only have a BST of 480, and I doubt it'll become any faster (if anything it'll become slower now that it's lugging around a giant gem). My guess is that it'll be getting a new Ability which increases its defensive stats, probably a new Ability relating to its giant gem. There are speculation (or rather wild day dreams) that Mega Sableye could get Wonder Guard, especially if they change its typing to something like Rock/Ghost. However I don't think that'll be the case, for one thing its description says that no attack can even make a scratch, though Wonder Guard lets in Super Effective Moves which goes against the description.

    Primal Groudon & Primal Kyogre:
    More info about them has surfaced:

    1. The process of Groudon and Kyogre turning into their Primal forms is called "Primal Reversion", a transformation which reclaims their original power from nature's energy and obtain even greater power than they already have. The power within Primal Reversion is still being discovered, as well as what connection may lie between Primal Reversion and Mega Evolution.
    2. Primal Groudon's Description: Primal Groudon is brimming with energy, which pours from its body as magma. The magma burns at such an extreme temperature that its body is always shimmering ruby red from the haze of its heat, giving off light in the darkness.
    3. Primal Kyogre's Description: Primal Kyogre is awash with energy that spills from its body as seawater. Its blue skin shines like a sapphire and is half-translucent like the sea.
    4. Size comparisons:

    (That's Pikachu in the middle, by the way)
    5. It looks like Groudon and Kygore may have a new attack, possibly a new Signature Move?

    6. Possibly the new inside of the Cave of Origins, it now has a mural of Primal Ground (Omega Ruby)/Primal Kyogre (Alpha Sapphire).

    It was also noticed that both murals has a triangular object shooting across the sky. This could either be a representation of Rayquaza or possibly has to do with the triangle object on Birth Island used to summon Deoxys:

    Also an interesting thing to note is that the uppercase of the Greek letter "Delta" is represented by a triangle, and recently the Pokemon Company created a trademark called "Delta Emerald". Probably means nothing, but still...

    (I can imagin all those circles on Rayquaza's body changing to triangles for a Primal Rayquaza...)

    Credit goes to Serebii, Pokebeach, and Smogon.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [35]Jun 13, 2014
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    Don't worry Pikachu, the official site has a screenshot of Birch's bag in the grass

    The Pokedex will obviously be redesigned, but it still looks similar to RSE visually.

    The Rustboro gym is now a fossil exhibit with a giant Kabutops, Lileep and Dragonite? behind Roxanne. Awesome.

    While not technically confirmed, a screenshot showed a tiny little black hole in a cliff meaning that Secret Bases should be back (hell yes)

    While previously seen in the trailers, Cycling Road now changes in elevation.

    Although Team Magma and Team Aqua will be version exclusive, they will still play some kind of villainous role in the other game.

    Edited on 06/12/2014 11:59pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [36]Jun 13, 2014
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    Don't worry Pikachu, the official site has a screenshot of Birch's bag in the grass

    The Pokedex will obviously be redesigned, but it still looks similar to RSE visually.

    The Rustboro gym is now a fossil exhibit with a giant Kabutops, Lileep and Dragonite? behind Roxanne. Awesome.

    While not technically confirmed, a screenshot showed a tiny little black hole in a cliff meaning that Secret Bases should be back (hell yes)

    While previously seen in the trailers, Cycling Road now changes in elevation.

    Although Team Magma and Team Aqua will be version exclusive, they will still play some kind of villainous role in the other game.

    Yeah, for anyone who doesn't know the Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire site is up. I'll go through all of it later and make a more extensive post, especially now that they have the Team Aqua and Magma artwork up.

    Responding to SPDShadowRanger:

    1. I was mostly kidding, though from what it looks like the Pokeballs will be on the bottom screen as the starters appear on the top screen which I was hoping they'd do. Actually I was kind of hoping they would somewhere put Professor Birch running away from the Poochyena/Zigzagoon, but that was mostly me and guess would take a bit away from the moment where you choose your starter.

    (So how did the Pokeballs fall out of the bag?)

    3. Yeah, it looks way better then what I thought up. Looks like it'll have the same "puzzle", but its the first Gym so of course it'll be easy to bypass.

    (That Dragonite skeleton might have one splitting headache)

    4. Where? I couldn't find anything that would indicate that's a Secret Base spot.

    6. Wouldn't make sense for them to make one of them good after making them both villains in Emerald. My guess is that we'll also battle the leader and the admins of the "minor" antagonists at least once though we'll be fighting the "major" antagonist's leader and admins more than once. Don't know about grunts, maybe a few of the "minor" antagonists grunts so they can see whether the player is "good enough" to help them defeat the "major" antagonist. But this is just wild speculation on my part.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [37]Jun 14, 2014
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    Saw what appears to be a photo depicting the bosses of Aqua and Magma with mega stones which some people have taken to mean there might be a Mega Camerupt and Mega Sharpedo, which would be cool. Especially if Mega Sharpedo is Water/Steel

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    [38]Jun 15, 2014
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    LET'S FINISH THIS! We've gone through all the Gym Leaders, so now it's time to take on the Elite Four and Champion!

    Elite Four:
    Now, one thing to remember about the Elite Four is that in recent generations they've allowed us to face the Elite Four in any order we wanted. Being their hasn't been any remakes since then, this would be the first time a previous generation's Elite Four can be battled in any order! So let's take a look at these four elite trainers:


    What's that? That's only 3 trainers and not 4? Well let's fix that with my next post!

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    [39]Jun 15, 2014
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    Elite Four & Champions:


    AND that's it! That's the entire Hoenn League. And being I talked about the Battle Frontier already I think we can end this retrospective and finally move onto other things, like the new Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire site that was put up with all sorts of new info an images... Seeya then!

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [40]Jun 15, 2014
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    Here's the pic I was talking about:

    Edited on 06/15/2014 8:53pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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