And BOOM! CoroCoro leaks are in!
First off, here is the new Brendan and May:

Here are their Ruby & Sapphire and Emerald versions for comparison:

Some observations:
1. Brendan design looks to take more from his Emerald counterpart while may takes more from her original Ruby & Sapphire counterpart. However each of them has aspects of their other counterparts design, like Brendan is wearing a knit cap that matches his original Ruby & Sapphire's counterpart's knit cap while May is wearing her green hip pack from Emerald.
2. Brendan's hair is also now more visible, finally proving that yes, the white top is a knit cap and his actual hair is brown.
3. May is now wearing a bow now instead of a bandana.
4. They're no longer wearing gloves, my guess is due to customization not having a category for gloves.
5. That thing (barely fitting) on their wrist is this games Mega Evolution activator: the Key Bangle. Speaking of which
New Mega Evolutions:
Yup, looks like Game Freak agreed Blaziken only having a Mega Evolution wasn't quite fair so Sceptile and Swampert are both getting Mega Evolutions!

Mega Sceptile is a Grass/Dragon who's Ability is Lightning Rod.
Mega Swampert is still Water/Ground who's Ability is Swift Swim. (It's also been revealed Swampert can now learn Hammer Arm)
Oh but that's not the only one getting a Mega Evolution, as Diancie is too!

Not much is known about Mega Diancie besides it still being Rock/Fairy.
1. WOOT! Glad Sceptile and Swampert got a Mega Evolution. Sceptile becoming part Dragon-type, though it getting Lightning Rod is a bit questionable. While immunity to Electric-type attacks is nice plus a Special Attack boost whenever hit by one, being Grass/Dragon it was already quadruple resistant to Electric-type attacks. Felt like maybe it getting something like Chlorophyll, Leaf Guard, or Solar Power would have made it a bit better. But it still looks nice, can't wait to see its stats.
2. As for Swampert... well, it certainly looks like it can take and give hits. It looks a bit top heavy, but then again I suppose that's why it has Swift Swim to help make it a bit faster in the rain (Swampert already has 60 Speed, so I think if anything it'll gain a bit in Speed). Water/Ground is a pretty good defensive type and if its appearance is anything to go by they might be making it more defensive. Though if that's the case, maybe they should have given it Sap Sipper to make is really something to reckon with.
3. I guess Diancie must have taken some fashion tips from Mega Gardevoir. Mega Diancie now looks like she's wearing a ball gown which makes sense as she is a princess. And that's pretty much all I have to say, with no Ability or stats to talk about there's only looks and you can only talk so long about that.
Speaking of evolutions...
Ancient Devolution:
Groudon and Kyogre new looks are due to them going through something called "Ancient Devolution", a progress described like Mega Evolution but instead they regress back to what is referred to as a Primal/Prehistoric/Primeval form. That is all which is known about them so far:

1. So they're introducing ANOTHER new evolution method on top of Mega Evolution (unless they use Groudonite and Kyogrite to "Ancient Devolve")? Though if this is a new evolution method, does that mean OTHER Pokemon can devolve to a more primal form? You already have Mega Evolutions to play around with, no need to make a new one (if this isn't just Mega Evolutions with a new name).
2. So... does Rayquaza have one? Seriously I have nothing more to say as I already talked the topic to death about their new forms, even breaking down what Omega and Alpha means and pointing out what about their designs have changed...
Steven Stone:
While we're talking about Mega Evolutions, Steven Stone's redesign has been revealed:

Old design for comparison:

1. So it looks like his main design changes is that he got rid of the purple zigzags on his shirt (they're now black), unbuttoned/zipped his suit to reveal he's wearing a purple shirt and shows more of his red tie, and has moved his arm bands down to his sleeve (apparently leaving his suit sleeve purple while doing so). Overall a nice redesign.
2. Also, being a stone enthusiast, Steven Stone is now searching for the secret of Mega Evolutions and has a Mega Charizard X. Yeah, no Mega Metagross, no Mega Aggron, instead he pushed them aside for a Mega Charizard X even though it does match his theme AT ALL.
3. It may also looks like he may challenge you to a Sky Battle with Mega Charizard X (maybe Mega Charizard X is only for the Sky Battle?).
Team Magma & Team Aqua:
Well let's look at the slight and subtle changes they've done to Team...

... who are these guys? Oh my god... Team Magma and Team Aqua, what have they done to you?
Grunts: Well the Team Magma look okay, but the Team Aqua grunts look a bit odd with the blue and white striped clothes (especially the socks and stockings). Like the black bandanas, though. Here are the original for comparison:

Admins: Looks like they got new admins... wait, THOSE ARE THE SAME ADMINS?! Yes, on Team Magma's side that fat guy is Tabitha and the pink haired girl is Courtney. Team Aqua's side has the big muscle bound guy being Matt and the very sultry woman being Shelly. Here are their original sprites for reference:

Okay, Game Freak, WHERE did you get Tabitha being fat and that design for Shelly (who's probably the most recognizable character because she had ORANGE HAIR)?! Courtney is sort of okay but she had black hair not pink and Matt... well, okay you got me there, though he's not as extreme as this new Matt is! They're almost unrecognizable from their original game counterparts! And while the Magma Admins clothes look alright, what in the WORLD are the Aqua admins wearing? They don't even look like sailors, let alone pirates! But we're not done yet:
Leaders: Here is the original Maxie and Archie:

Okay, starting with Maxie, he looks alright. Honestly he just put on a pair of glasses, a new robe, and boots. That's okay... AND THEN you get to Archie. PIRATES, Game Freak, they are PIRATES. And I don't mean the One Piece kind, I mean the classical kind. Him and his admins looks like performers at a water park show!
Okay, I MAYBE get the design change for the admins Tabitha, Courtney, and Matt. They did look rather bland and unoriginal. But why drastically change Shelly and Archie? I mean Maxie didn't get such a huge redesign, and the Magma admins still look like Magma admins. What happened with the Leader and Admins for Team Aqua?
Anyway, it's confirmed who you face will depend on what version you'll be playing. I'll go into more details when better pictures are released... seriously, what in the world...
And finally, the Mach and Acro Bike have been confirmed. Nothing else to say other then that.
So, I have to admit this is DEFINITELY better then Groudon and Kyogre waking up and yawning. I like some of the news, but others I'm just left scratching my head. I'll finish up my Gym Leader, Elite Four, and Champion analysis by the end of this week, hopefully.
Edited on 06/08/2014 2:12am