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Gen III Remakes: Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire!

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [41]Jun 16, 2014
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    Here's the pic I was talking about:

    Oh, yeah, that's definitely a Secret Base hole!

    As I said, now that we have Wi-Fi I hope they do much more with the Secret Bases.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [42]Jun 17, 2014
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    Going over to the recently released Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire website, some more information has been released. I'll quickly be going through each section one-by-one and pointing out anything that's interesting, though I highly suggest you go through the website yourself as it has a ton of info and screenshots. So let's begin:

    Legendary Pokemon:

    So in addition to the original Groudon and Kyogre legend, there's an extension of it to include their Primal forms:

    "It was a primal age, early in the world's history. The natural world was overflowing with energy. That energy granted Groudon and Kyogre an overwhelming power. Seeking ever more of that energy for themselves, the two clashed again and again, and their battles cast the people and Pokemon of Hoenn into great danger. Brimming with the overwhelming power granted to them by nature's energy, their transformation was named "Primal Reversion" by later people. And the people called their tormentors Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre..."

    And yet, despite both of the Pokemon fighting each other being an important part of the story, the mural that's being speculated to being in the Cave of Origin only shows one depending on the version you have:

    And it's not like the murals are two halves of a whole, their two separate murals (though the "two halves of the whole" idea would have been more interesting and appropriate, they could even make the side with the opposite Legendary damaged to put the focus on the version's Legendary). It's actually kind of off they'll go out of their way to separate them even though the other is important to their own legend. Unlike other paired version of Legendaries who were pretty much separate from their counterpart, Groudon and Kyogre fought each other and the reason they fell into a deep slumber is because the battle was so huge they needed to recover. Also, being both Team Magma and Team Aqua are in the games, what are we suppose to think the minor villain team is doing as they're stopping the major villain team? We know Team Magma is after Groudon and Team Aqua is after Kyogre. I'm just saying it would have made more sense for the minor villains to still be wanting to summon their Legendary, but the major villain team beat them to it and summoned there's first (and after seeing the major villain team being unable to control their Legendary and almost ending the world what realize what a terrible mistake that would have been). Because you split the games back up you can't say one is canon over the other... honestly, you should have just remade Emerald but what's done has been done.

    Also here's a better idea of how big Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre are to normal Groudon and Kyogre as well as Brendan and May:

    So, yeah, apparently Primal Groudon becomes even heavier (2,094.4 lbs. to 2,204.4 lbs.) making it the heaviest Pokemon. Meanwhile, while Primal Groudon is bigger than normal Groudon, Primal Kyogre grows to MORE THAN DOUBLE THE SIZE of normal Kyogre (14' 09" to 32' 01")!

    Starter Pokemon:
    I'll mainly be pointing out about he new description info for Mega Sceptile and Mega Swampert:

    Mega Sceptile: Thanks to the power in its quick legs, Mega Sceptile can be on its opponent in a flash! Mega Sceptile can cut off a portion of its tail, which has grown much larger, and fire it like a missile at an opponent. Its lost tail will continue regenerating as along as it still has the energy for Mega Evolution.

    Now, I know some real life lizards can cut off their tails as a defense mechanism (a predator bites down on its tail and the lizard cuts off its tail to make the predator think it still has it while getting away) and grow it back, but this is still a bit sick. Also, from what it it sounds like, Mega Sceptile will be getting a major Speed boost in its stats.

    Mega Swampert: When Swampert Mega Evolves into Mega Swampert, the strength that it needs to act in the water is increased. The musculature of Mega Swampert's upper body has developed immensely, making it look tougher than ever. It can use its tenacious power both on land and in the water. With an improved Attack stat, put a quick stop to foes!

    No need to speculate here, they outright say that its Attack stat has increased by a lot. I would also say that its defensive stats would have gone up a bit too, at least is Defense. Though with how they're promoting its newly gained Swift Swim Ability, I have a sneaking suspicion that it could have suffered from a decrease in its Speed stat.


    First off:

    "Mega Diancie: The Mythical Pokemon Diancie, with its pink, glittering body, is said to be the most beautiful Pokemon in the world. Now, with Mega Diancie, the Mega Evolution of a Mythical Pokemon has been confirmed for the first time ever!"

    Pokemon Company, Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y would like to have a word with you.

    Well actually, "Mythical Pokemon" is what the Pokemon Company calls the Event Legendaries... I think. Pokemon never have been clear or consistent on some of their terms. Still though, even though they used the word Mythical, they're still making it sound like Diancie is the first Legendary to Mega Evolve. I mean, do you think the casual players know the difference between the terms "Legendary" or "Mythical"?

    Anyway, on to what I REALLY wanted to talk about:

    "In order to Mega Evolve Diancie into Mega Diancie, you'll have to start by obtaining Diancie for your Pokemon X or Pokemon Y game. Then, bring the Diancie you received into Pokemon Omega Ruby or Pokemon Alpha Sapphire! Stay tuned for information on how to get Diancie."

    So, it seems like this is confirming that any new Mega Pokemon introduced in Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire will only be in those games at the moment. Rather odd they'll do that, not that it has happened before. Rotom, Giratina, Shaymin, and Kyurem all got new forms in third versions of the games they've debuted in. However nowadays they have the ability to patch games and I wouldn't think it would take much effort to add in the new Mega Evolutions to XY. I mean, it'll probably take a bit of a download to do, but Alpha Ruby & Omega Sapphire had to be at least in te developing stages when XY was being finished so you would have thought they would have made a way for them to patch the games and be able to add in new Pokemon or items (seriously, they could have made so much money if they've released clothing DLC).


    Though shown before, here's a closer examination of Rustboro Gym:

    Outside hasn't changed much, though they've made sure to include the Gym logo introduced in Gen V on the building. I'm wondering whether all the Gyms will look like this on the outside or, since this is the first Gym, they didn't do anything too fancy with it. Also it looks like the Gyms, or at least Rustboro, now have an electronic scrolling sign on its bottom right corner (you'd think they would have put it somewhere where we would be able to see it better being in 3D and all).

    So the Rustboro Gym has been sort of turned into a fossil museum, which kind of doesn't make sense. Yeah, it's a Rock-type Gym, but Roxanne is this honor student/teacher character, not a paleontologist or museum curator.
    Anyway, the Gym Puzzle looks as you'd expect it too. It actually starts at the display cases where you can either go straight forward and battle the trainer ahead or go through the path on the right to skip him. From there we enter an area with rock walls which you can, once again, either walk straight up to Roxanne but need to battle 2 trainers to do so OR can twist around the rock walls around all the trainers. It looks like the right side is clear of trainers though the left side has one trainer there for some reason. Eitherway, if I get the game, I'd probably battle all the trainers anyway since I'm an experience hoarder like that. But for those who like to skip the Gym trainers it looks like you can skip them all.

    Finally, it looks like I was a bit wrong about the Badges. It looks like they are going to get a slight design update which I think is the first time that has happened to Badges. The Stone Badge now has reddish-brown parts to it instead of being all gold yellow. Don't know which design I prefer, the new badge does a nice job blending in the reddish-brown and gold yellow, but I think I like the unity of the old batch being entirely gold yellow and having more defined edges.

    Moving onto the Pokedex, cute how they're trying to replicate the Gen III Hoenn Pokedexes:

    They even have that image "roller" distortion thing going on at the top.

    New Youngster and Lass artwork:

    They did a pretty good job at making the Youngster match the original Gen III Hoenn sprite, right down to making him wear his cap backwards (didn't have that Sableye on his shirt, but can you blame him for being excited about Mega Sableye?).

    As for the Lass, looks like they decided to make a new one (why do I have this creepy feeling that the Pokemon artists have draws full of female designs...). She looks alright.

    Oh, and yes, Youngster Allen and Lass Tiana are trainers you fight on Route 102. However they're probably going to the be the last two you fight on the route as there's another Youngster and a Bug Catcher before them. Odder yet, the first Younster you battle on that route, Youngster Calvin, is the one you're able to get the number of in your PokeNav. Not like anyone would remember, if your not Youngster Joey then we have no reason to remember you.

    Mega Evolution:

    So according to the website:

    "Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire tell a grand tale that draws ever closer to the heart of the secrets behind Mega Evolution, said to be the greatest mystery of the Pokemon world!"

    Poor Professor Sycamore, he's suppose to be the Mega Evolution expert of the Pokemon Professors yet now it seems like the secret behind Mega Evolution is in the Hoenn region!

    For now I'm going to end here... because next time we're going into Characters...

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [43]Jun 18, 2014
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    I suppose it's like Professor Oak, lived his whole life thinking there was 150 pokemon not knowing that just a train ride away there was another 100.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [44]Jul 10, 2014
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    SO, after a bit of an interruption, let's move onto:


    Well, here we are. And there's really no prolonging it. I already talked about the protagonist redesigns, the most I can do for them is posting their official artwork not scanned off a page:


    The observations I made about their design changes are on page 2 of this thread. But upon further investigation I did find something interesting to not:

    It looks like the room will differ depending on the player's gender! I think this is the first time the player's room looks different depending on what gender they chose:

    1. Rug: boy's is blue; girl's is reddish-pink.
    2. Floor pillow: boy has a big one that's blue with yellow stars and a smaller green one; girl has a orange pillow with lighter orange circles and a smaller dark orange one.
    3. Clock: boy's is blue framed; girl's is pink framed.
    4. Bed: boy's is black framed, has a blue blanket with "computer square" design & white trim, and an orange pillow; girl's is brown framed, has a reddish-pink & yellow striped blanket with a reddish-pink trim, and a white pillow.
    5. Window drapes: boy's is striped with various colors of blue; girl's is white but has a fancy white and orange trim across the top.
    6. Wall: boy's is a tan; girl's is a peach.
    7. Chair: boy's is blue cushioned; girl's is pink cushionied.
    8. Box on top of desk: boy's is a treasure chest; girl's is a green jewelry box(?).
    9. Wii U: boy's is black; girl's is white.
    10. TV stand: boy's is brown; girl's is peach.

    Also the most obvious difference is that the boy's room is left facing while the girl's room is right facing, but I don't think that's gender. I think that might be a version difference which would be the first time the room differed in a way between versions. I could be wrong about any of this of course, but I think I'm right for the most part about what's gender decided and what's version decided.

    But that's not what you want me to talk about. No, you want me to talk about the characters that are below them on the character page. Well, let's wait no longer, let's finally talk about:

    Team Magma & Team Aqua:

    (Well at least their logos stayed the same)

    Now obviously Team Magma and Team Aqua were going to get a redesign, and for the most part I like what they've done with the grunts:

    (My only nitpick was with Team Aqau's blue and white striped long socks, but overall they look alright for mooks you'll be battling over and over)

    However, what drew most people's attention was the redesigns of the Leaders and Admins. What most expected to be a slight redesign like they did with Steven, Roxanne, and the protagonist, instead the villainous team's Leaders and Admins got a MAJOR redesign, almost to the point they don't look like the same character! Let's start with the Admins who didn't appear in the anime:

    Team Magma's Courtney and Team Aqua's Matt:

    (Adjusted to what I would imagine the size difference would be like)

    Now you're probably thinking this is an odd choice. Why not do the admins by gender or the admins by their team? Well, the reason I'm doing it this way is because of familiarity with the characters. Though they were in the games and Special manga, Courtnet and Matt weren't in the anime thus not as familiar with the general audience. This means that any changes to their design, no matter how drastic, doesn't appear as drastic as what with happened to the admins who did. I should also note this is the first time the admins got official artwork, before any artwork of them was from their game sprites, manga, or anime adaptions. Anyway, onto the admins at hand, for reference, here are their game sprites and manga images:

    Courtney has the most minor change, going from having black hair to pink, so she looks just fine. However Matt, well, let's discuss. One of the things you may notice right away is that he went from having pale skin to having darker skin, a change that happened with all of Team Aqua (it's harder to notice on the grunts, but once you know that you'll be able to notice it). Now it does help separate the teams even more, similar to Black & White's use of Drayden and Iris for 8th Gym Leader, though it's still a bit of a jarring change on the admins. Now it could be that they're just tanned, as we've seen with Unova Gym Leader Marlon who's actually pale skinned from is tan lines and feet, but it's still something worth noting. But onto Matt himself, looking at his game sprite he actually didn't really change if you think about it. In his sprite he's obviously suppose to be like a pirate muscleman, bearing his muscle-packed chest with an open shirt. And he still retains that look except this time he went from simply being muscled to being GIGANTIC and having no shirt on (insert your own "Hulking Out" joke here). That said, if you ignore the designs of his pants he does still look pirate-like (yes, this does become an issue with the Team Aqua female admin and leader) with a Aqua logo tattooed/body painted on his chest, ropes holding up his pants and worn like a necklace, and that blue spike face paint gives him sort of a tribal look (fun fact, though its hard to tell, in Matt's sprite he has orange hair. The Manga artists probably didn't see it so they gave him black hair). So though he had a drastic redesign, I actually think it works here, though that could be due to lack of his presence in the anime thus having one less adaption to give him personality traits. But the same can't be said for the next two admins:

    Team Magma's Tabitha & Team Aqua's Shelly:

    (Once again, adjusted sizes)

    Good sweet Arceus, what happened to you two?

    Do I really need to point out what they changed? Well, starting with Tabitha, he's been eating too much fast food as now he's a stout guy with a round face. Very different from all his other previous designs where he was either an average looking guy or, in the manga, a muscleman similar to Matt. As for Shelly, where to start? Well, I know where, how about taking away one of the most iconic thing about the character! Let's be honest here, the other Magma/Aqua admins looked pretty plain compared to the grunts in the original games. However the only one that stood out was Shelly because of her long, curly orange hair. Her redesign, however, it looks like they went out of their way to make her look NOTHING like her original design. In addition to darker skin she now has long, "straight" (it looks spiky because she's in movement) black hair with blue highlights. And let's talk about clothes for a moment. Tabitha's clothing looks fine, you can tell he's part of Team Magma. But redesign Shelly? Sure, original Shelly's only top clothing was her black tank top that might as well just been a bra, but she still had the other clothes that made her look like a pirate. Redesign Shelly looks like a sultry water show performer. Not only can you see her stomach but she has holes cut out so you can see her thighs and shoulder, she's wearing a skin tight diving suit (except for the pants which bulge out at the bottom like bell bottoms), and as goggles which look like they slapped on because they realize she doesn't look like she's associated with the water. What was the thinking here? I get you want to redesign the characters, Tabitha was a plain looking guy, but these are the two most recognizable of the Admins and you COMPLETELY changed them. The worst case here is Shelly, who had a iconic look with her orange hair yet did their best to make her look completely different, and I think now she looks even more plain despite her flashy uniform. And one last thing, the way redesign Shelly is posed gives me a total different feel from her character that the original Shelly have. Original Shelly looked serious and ready to rumble, but redesign looks flirtatious and show-offy. Out of all redesigns I think these are the worse as, while they don't look bad, they also don't look like their original characters, they might as well be new characters. But we now have the big bosses to talk about:

    Team Magma's Maxie & Team Aqua's Archie:

    (Adjusted sizes)

    I kind of feel mixed here:

    Maxie HARDLY changed, he just got a pair of glasses and a new uniform. Can't really complain. But Archie? Yeah his face stayed mostly the same (his mustache and bead joined together and his beard comes to a point, but I think that adds a bit of personality), but WHAT is he wearing? Once again, he looks like a water show performer than a pirate! And true, original Archie didn't look that much of a pirate, but he did look like a boss so was sort of wearing a fine suit rather then pirate garbs. But here, Archie looks ridiculous, especially with that waist cape and anchor necklace. Seriously, for Archie and Shelly what were they going for? Diver suit? I guess that's fine, but being everyone else on Team Aqua looks like pirates either change the whole entire team's theme or make Archie and Shelly look like pirates!

    And with that there's really nothing else to mention with Characters. There's Steven but nothing new is told about him that we don't know already. So next time we'll look through what part we begin with info about the game's Story! And I promise it won't take a month to get too...

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    [45]Jul 10, 2014
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    Now the Story section shows off a map of the Hoenn Region, BUT I'm going to skip observing that for now because, yes, I am going to go through it city/town to city/town, route to route to see if they made any changes (and that's assuming this map is an updated version or they cleverly decided to redo the old map as not to spoil any new surprises). All I'll do right now is just post the map here:

    (Well there goes one of my days...)

    We're given our first glimpse of 3D Petalburg City as well as the grass patch on Route 102 where Wally catches his Ralts.

    (Here's Emerald's map of Petalburg City for reference, every building is positioned as it should be)

    (Wasn't expecting much change to Petalburg City, it is a pretty bland city (though I suppose that's fitting for a city with a Normal-type Gym Leader), It looks nice though. However your rival wasn't with you on Route 102 (you meet and battle them at the end of Route 103 which you're forced to go through first before Route 102) so that's at least something new storywise)

    But that's not all, a bit of Littleroot Town has also been shown:

    (Oh look, it's gotten grass paths!)

    And finally, how about some Oldale Town? Actually at first I didn't think it was Oldale Town since there's a new fence (and/or maybe more?) at the very top of the screen, but then I remembered in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald that the PokeMart guy meets you when you enter town, shows your the PokeMart, and gives you a free potion.

    (Hmm, so seems like not every map is an exact copy of their Ruby & Sapphire/Emerald map. Also, being they're showing the PokeMart guy, I thought I'd mention a fun glitch you could do with him if you ever decide to play the original Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald again. I'm going to guess they'll fix this in Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire)

    Site wrote:

    "The first Pokemon partner you choose is the second-most important choice you face in your adventure, after picking which game you want to play."

    Apparently gender isn't an important option. Tongue out

    Team Magma & Team Aqua Story:
    And the final thing in story is that it's been confirmed that the stories will follow the original Ruby & Sapphire when it comes to deciding which team is the most villainous. In Omega Ruby you'll be facing Team Magma and in Alpha Sapphire its Team Aqua. Hmm, maybe we should have been asking for a remake of Emerald version instead of Ruby & Sapphire...

    Anyway, here they are on Mt. Chimney:
    (Archie/Maxie facing 3 Team Magma/Aqua grunts in Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire)

    (Liked how they went through the extra effort of switching what side the random grunts are standing on between versions)

    (What position they're on is VERY important, otherwise you couldn't tell who are the villains and who are... the lesser villains)

    Also, unlike the Team Flare grunts, the Team Magma and Team Aqua grunts do not have a 3D in-battle model:

    (Here's hoping they at least give the Champion a 3D model)

    Our first "adventure tool" which has been revealed is the bike! But for those who played Gen III Hoenn games you may remember that there were 2 bikes in those games and they return in Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire: the Acro and Mach Bike!

    Acro Bike:
    The Acro Bike is built for balance and performance, having the ability to ride across narrow ledges and make small bunny hops (you can also do wheelies but they don't really do anything). In the Gen III Hoenn games there was really only 3 places you could use the Acro Bike: Route 119, Safari Zone, and Jagged Pass. However, all of these uses are either to get items or are shortcuts. I hope they expand upon its usage in more areas, maybe even make it required to maybe get a Legendary. Also maybe give it its own mini game on the Cycling Road like the Mach Bike has.

    (I don't this is quite safe...)

    Mach Bike:
    The Mach Bike is built for speed, it starts off at normal bike speed but then boosts into a burst of speed. It full speed it can run up mud slopes and and over cracked tiles before they break. The latter is important in order to navigate Sky Pillar to get Rayquaza and Mirage Tower to get the Claw or Root Fossil. In addition there's a sort of mini game on the Cycling Road where you're timed how fast you can ride down it and with how many "bumps". Because of that I think that they need to do much else for the Mach Bike, maybe add in a few more areas with mud slopes and cracked tiles to create shortcuts and get extra items but that's it.

    (Not too sure where this is, Granite Cave?)

    And that's pretty much everything on the website, at least when it was put on. Since then some new info has come out, in fact recently some more info has been revealed. I'll be covering all that info next post.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [46]Jul 10, 2014
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    Mega Sableye:
    More info on Mega Sableye has been revealed. So once again, here is what we know about Mega Sableye:

    Type: Dark/Ghost
    Ability: Magic Bounce
    Sableye Stats: 50/75/75/65/65/50//380
    Increased Stats: Defense & Special Attack
    Decreased Stat: Speed
    Description: Sableye has concentrated all of the energy from its Mega Evolution into the red jewel on its chest, which increases in size and detaches from its body. This enlarged jewel boasts incredible hardness, and it is said that no attack can even make a scratch on it! During battle, Mega Sableye shelters itself behind the jewel, from where it can take advantage of any openings its target leaves exposed. Due to its larger gem, its speed has decreased.
    My Thoughts:
    Magic Bounce is a pretty good Ability and sort of goes with its description. That also goes with the increased Defense, though I'm surprised it didn't get an increase to its Special Defense. Actually, its kind of odd its Special Attack got increased when it has a higher Attack stat, honestly it seems kind of a useless increase which could have gone to fortifying this more defensive minded Sableye.

    Super Secret Bases:

    Secret Bases are back, but now as SUPER Secret Bases! What's so SUPER about them? Well they added a few more features to make Secret Bases much more interesting:

    Sharing Your Base: You can share your base MUCH more easily now. There's two ways of sharing your base with someone: StreetPass or QR Code. StreetPass works as you think it would, if you pass someone with Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire it'll swap data with it, one being each person's Secret Base. For the QR Code, you first need to go to the PC which will create a QR Code it'll save to your 3DS's SD card that you can upload. Then all someone needs to do is scan that QR Code and they'll be able to visit your Secret Base!
    This was an obvious feature, though now I'm curious about something. While the QR Code will make things MUCH easier, I'm wondering if they bring back the Player Search System if they'll allow you to tap on one of your friend or someone who's currently online and let you visit their Secret Base. That would be the easiest and most direct way to share Secret Bases. Of course, then we come into the problem of people abusing the feature like decorating the Secret Base in a way that's inappropriate. Restricting it to just StreetPass and QR Codes would limit that risk.

    Secret Pals: When you visit someone else's Secret Base you'll see an avatar to represent that player. When you interact with them, you can invite them back to your base (from what it looks like, you can only have 5 Secret Pals in your base at a time and can place where they'll be standing in your base, which will become important later). When you interact with them they provide several features like battling you (it's not known what Pokemon they'll use, though we'll talk about that later), can make Eggs hatch faster, Level up your Pokemon, provide you with Decorations, and probably many more features.
    So it sounds like the Secret Pals are this games version of the O-Powers (which means no Mr. Bonding, thank Arceus!). Of course they provide more things than just power-ups, like being able to battle them (though I'm going to guess probably not for experience and money) and decorations (you just know there are some decoration which you can only get from having Secret Pals).

    Capture The Flag: Everyday you can go to your Secret Pal's Secret Bases to pick up a flag that's next to their Secret PC. The more flags you collect the more better the power-ups your Secret Pals provide.
    Well, they have to have some reason for you to visit other player's Secret Bases. Sounds like an easy task though, and hopefully they'll find other ways to spice up the flag collecting so it doesn't become a dull chore.

    Gyms: That's right, you can make your own mini Gym with you as Gym Leader! You can set your own Battle Rules that'll turn your Secret Base into a Gym with you as Gym Leader. Use Decorations you create a gym puzzle and even place your Secret Pals around to act like gym trainers! The full extent to this isn't known, but you can set the battle type so it can be Single battles or Doubles battles (I would also think they'd add in Triple, Rotation, Sky, and Inverse battles).
    YES! This is a feature I'd hope they would include. And from the example image it looks like you have your basic slider and maybe even teleport tiles. And being able to use your Secret Pals as gym trainers is a nice touch, though that does go back with the question how will their battles work. Can you give them Pokemon to use? Will they use the team they would have normally when you battle them? How is it determined what Pokemon a Secret Pal uses? Can you set so that your avatar uses a certain team and that's the team they'll use? Obviously there are plenty of questions that probably won't get answered until the games are released. Finally, I'm hoping that on the PGL they'll spotlight Gyms to get people thinking creatively. Though the games use Type to determine Gyms, there's PLENTY of more things you can build a Gym around and maybe spotlighting Gyms would get people making Gyms based on those other things.

    One final thing about Secret Bases is that they now have a NPC related to them. His name is Aarune and he's called the "Secret Base Expert". He'll introduce you to Secret Bases (which I guess means he'll be a Move Tutor for the move Secret Power as its not a TM in Gen VI) and will even challenge you to battles using his Flygon.

    (Here's a guy that knows how to have fun!)

    And next we have... you know what, the next bit of info was just released today. Or should I say leaked? Yup, new CoroCoro images are out and they're providing some interesting images. However the images aren't that clear so I think I'll wait until clearer images are released. So until then, here's something to hold you over:


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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [47]Jul 10, 2014
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    Apparently there are also new pokemon in the game, not sure if new means pokemon from gen IV, V and VI or new to the game from previous gen or new entirely e.g.Event Legendary

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


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    Kwando7 wrote:

    Apparently there are also new pokemon in the game, not sure if new means pokemon from gen IV, V and VI or new to the game from previous gen or new entirely e.g.Event Legendary

    Actually it says "there are different Pokemon in Hoenn than before", which pretty much means they're going to expand the Hoenn Dex to include Pokemon it didn't have before (now I would assume that no Kalos Pokemon will appear (aside from Mega Evolutions and used by other trainers in places like the Battle Frontier), but you never know). If I was GameFreak I would include the common Pokemon you couldn't get in XY (and maybe some Legendaries).

    Make me wonder if they're going to attempt to split the Hoenn Dex like they did the Kalos Dex. Honestly it would be very easy, just split it in two and label one as "Land Dex" and another "Sea Dex". I would also put, say, 200 Pokemon in each dex to get 400 Pokemon in the Hoenn Dex altogether.

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    [49]Jul 10, 2014
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Kwando7 wrote:

    Apparently there are also new pokemon in the game, not sure if new means pokemon from gen IV, V and VI or new to the game from previous gen or new entirely e.g.Event Legendary

    Actually it says "there are different Pokemon in Hoenn than before", which pretty much means they're going to expand the Hoenn Dex to include Pokemon it didn't have before (now I would assume that no Kalos Pokemon will appear (aside from Mega Evolutions and used by other trainers in places like the Battle Frontier), but you never know). If I was GameFreak I would include the common Pokemon you couldn't get in XY (and maybe some Legendaries).

    Make me wonder if they're going to attempt to split the Hoenn Dex like they did the Kalos Dex. Honestly it would be very easy, just split it in two and label one as "Land Dex" and another "Sea Dex". I would also put, say, 200 Pokemon in each dex to get 400 Pokemon in the Hoenn Dex altogether.

    Would be nice to get some variety in the sea

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    [50]Jul 11, 2014
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    Budew, Roserade, Chingling, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, and Froslass are most likely going to be in the Dex as well.
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    [51]Jul 11, 2014
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Kwando7 wrote:

    Apparently there are also new pokemon in the game, not sure if new means pokemon from gen IV, V and VI or new to the game from previous gen or new entirely e.g.Event Legendary

    Actually it says "there are different Pokemon in Hoenn than before", which pretty much means they're going to expand the Hoenn Dex to include Pokemon it didn't have before (now I would assume that no Kalos Pokemon will appear (aside from Mega Evolutions and used by other trainers in places like the Battle Frontier), but you never know). If I was GameFreak I would include the common Pokemon you couldn't get in XY (and maybe some Legendaries).

    Make me wonder if they're going to attempt to split the Hoenn Dex like they did the Kalos Dex. Honestly it would be very easy, just split it in two and label one as "Land Dex" and another "Sea Dex". I would also put, say, 200 Pokemon in each dex to get 400 Pokemon in the Hoenn Dex altogether.

    Would be nice to get some variety in the sea

    Looking at the new map they have a whole batch of islands scattered around so they could add in plenty of "land" Pokemon in the Sea Dex by having them inhabit the islands. Oh, and also maybe have each water route have a different variety of Water-type Pokemon, maybe even switch up what's common on each one so we're not running into Tentacool every few... steps?

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Budew, Roserade, Chingling, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, and Froslass are most likely going to be in the Dex as well.

    That's a give-in. Also remember that the Hoenn Dex included Pokemon from previous Generations. Notable ones who got evolutions later on are the Magnemite family (Magnezone) and the Rhyhorn family (Rhyperior).

    ACTUALLY, the inclusion of more Pokemon is a good thing as it'll help the Gym Leaders and Elite Four who needed more species of their type, ESPECIALLY Phoebe and Glacia.

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    OKAY! So after spending a few hours looking through the map, I made some observations. First, I want to note if I don't mention a town/city/route/location, you can safely assume that it's there and remains unchanged. With that said, let's go to the map:

    Oldale Town: On the map Oldale Town doesn't look any different than it did in Gen III even though screenshots shows something has been added to the middle. If the map is to be believed and there is no new addition, then what we being seen was probably just a fenced off garden.
    Rustboro City: It looks like a few buildings have been shifted around and changed shape, though generally everything is still there.
    Slateport City: The Pokemon Center and Poke Mart have been put right next to each other, the connected building that used to be in front of Stern's Shipyard has been made into one building and moves a bit over, and Stern's Shipyard now has a crane in front of it. Minor bit to note is that the Slateport Market tents are now different colors.
    Mauville City: As mentioned before, Mauville City now has a wall around it and what we can see inside looks nothing like the original Mauville City.
    Fallarbor Town: Though nothing looked to have changed about Fallarbor Town, do note it's being blocked by smoke coming from Mt. Chimney so not all of it can be seen.
    Mossdeep City: In addition to the much bigger Mossdeep Space Center, there also looks to be an added house to the bottom right corner of the island.
    Sootopolis City: It looks like they had constructed bridges from the sides of the crater to the middle island where the Gym is (so you don't need Surf to get from one side to another). Also look like they might have added more buildings you can enter.
    Ever Grande City: The part before Victory Road has been expanded upon having more buildings than just the Pokemon Center (probably remembered it was suppose to be a city). Also looks like they added an extra "gate" to the Pokemon League's entrance for show.
    NOTE: The map is too small to tell if places have a Concert Hall or a Battle Tent, but whichever it is it's either one or the other as those buildings all look the same.

    103: Looks to be an added patch of water where you fought your rival. Can't see Altering Cave (an addition to it in Emerald) so it could have been removed.
    105: The area where you enter to get to Island Cave is a bit different and the right side "mountain island" has changed to a "green island" with some narrow beach area.
    106: On the top there's a "green island" and it looks like Granite Cave now has 2 entrances.
    108: The Abandoned Ship has been made bigger, even looking like it has cranes in the back of it (the ship's actual name is the S.S. Cactus and was a passenger & cargo ship, so the big size and additional cranes would make sense). Looks like tress started growing around it as well. There's also an island patch that wasn't there on the bottom.
    109: The umbrellas on the island patches are now gone (those people must have realized it wasn't worth going that far out into the sea). There's also less umbrellas in general on the Slateport's beach. Also a dock has been built at the end of the beach.
    111: Trainer Hill and Mirage Tower (additions in Emerald) are gone.
    115: New "green islands" with beaches have been added, 2 at the top and a third on the bottom which has a cave entrance.
    116: The cluster of trees in front of the Pokemon Day Care has been split into two groups.
    119: An interesting thing to note here that there is "clouds of hiding" here, usually indicating there's been a change made here that they don't want us to know about just yet. However at the very top I notice there is a new island that wasn't there before and that the Acro Bike platforms are missing (which is odd as they showed them in trailers and screenshots).
    120: There looks to be a new cave entrance on the side of the cliff which leads to the Ancient Tomb.
    121: They squashed it horizontally.
    122: There's some additional "mountain islands".
    123: Berry Master's House looks to have been changed into a Berry Fields-type place.
    124: The "mountain islands" on the top looked to have been combined a bit more.
    127: A patch of trees to the top left has been removed.
    128: Some "mountain islands" have been removed (overall these water areas looked to have been slightly remodeled).
    129 & 130: Dive spots have been added (looks like you'll need to use one to access Sky Pillar which has been cut off from the outside).
    132, 133, & 134: Oh boy. Okay, I recognize some familiar land masses, but a lot has changed here including the addition of dive spots.
    NOTE: The map doesn't show patches of soil to plant Berries, possibly meaning Berry Master's house is the only place you can plant Berries.

    Other Locations:
    Mt. Pyre: It looks like it has many more caves then it used to.
    Battle Tower/Frontier: Clouds of hiding here.
    Mirage Island: Not on map, though maybe that's on purpose since it's not always going to be there.
    Southern Island: No clue if the that "green island" right of Route 109 is it or it's being hidden by clouds.
    Marine Cave & Terra Cave: Due to these being the paired games, they probably were removed as I doubt they'd let you catch the other versions legendary. In addition, there placement is random between 4 areas so I doubt they would be on the map anyway.
    Faraway Island, Navel Rock, & Birth Island: They weren't on the Hoenn map to begin with. HOWEVER I wouldn't be surprised if they added them in the locations of the sea covered by clouds.

    And that's pretty much all the differences I can see according to the map. I guess I could also say something about those swirling black clouds at the top of the map, but I think everyone had spotted those. Once again, still waiting for clearer images and info from the new CoroCoro, but here's something else to hold you over:


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    [54]Jul 13, 2014
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    A CoroCoro scan showing some of the Gym Leaders and Elite Four shows Phoebe with a Dusknior. Great news. Steven confirmed as Champion.

    Also, next month's CoroCoro is described as a "Mega Evolution Scoop". We could have new ones revealed then. I can't wait until we get full details of this issue though.

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    [55]Jul 14, 2014
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    No rest for the weary! The Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire website just updated with all the new news we've heard. Let's take a look at the new info one by one:


    First off, they started adding info on other Gen III Pokemon, or at least popular ones. First ones are Zangoose and Seviper, which they also use as an example of the game's version exclusive: Zangoose is only found in Omega Ruby and Seviper is only found in Alpha Sapphire. But other then that, nothing new about them, you might as well just go to Bulbapedia.

    Maybe they're getting Mega Evolutions? Wouldn't hold my breathe, though.

    However onto the REAL news, Mega Pokemon!

    But first, a nice piece of artwork of the Hoenn Stater's Mega Evolutions in action!

    Now for the star of this update: Mega Metagross!

    Type: Steel/Psychic
    Ability: Tough Claws
    Metagross Stats: 80/135/130/95/90/70//600
    Increased Stats: Major to Speed; Minor to Attack, Defense, Special Attack, & Special Defense
    WOW, this thing is going STRAIGHT to Uber tier and never leaving (that said, I don't think it'll get banned as I don't see anyway to abuse it like Mega Kangaskhan or Mega Gengar). A Speed increase is always a significant boost, and a MAJOR Speed increase to a Pokemon with Metagross's stats pretty much gets rid of Metagross's major setback of low Speed. Now we don't know how significant the increase is, but it'll probably be over 100 putting it in sweeper territory. Not only that, Tough Claws combined with Metagross's crazy high Attack (which is getting a slight boost, too) would probably knock out anything with one or two hits. And with Moves like Zen Headbutt, Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, and Hammer Arm (and Ice Punch, Iron Head, and Thunder Punch), you better believe it'll have the power to do so. Finally, with it having Clear Body before Mega Evolving, when it Mega Evolves it'll be going in with no decreased stats. Oh, and remember, Steven is going to be using one:

    By the way, his Key Stone is called the Mega Stickpin which is on the collar flap of his shirt.

    Oh, and it also looks pretty cool. It grows another set of legs so it has four smaller ones in the back as rockets and four larger ones to PUNCH YOU WITH!

    Ah, but Mega Metagross isn't the only Mega Pokemon with news! Mega Diancie has gotten some more info released about it:

    Type: Rock/Fairy
    Ability: Magic Bounce
    Diancie Stats: 90/95/130/95/130/60//600
    (This is what I assume Diancie's base stats will be based on a few in-games stats of hacked Diancie's I found who were at level 100 and had no EV training)
    Increased Stats: Major to Attack, Special Attack, & Speed
    Decreased Stats: Defense & Special Defense
    If I'm right about Diancie's normal stats, I'd say it's an okay Pokemon though it would have a problem finding a niche. There are Pokemon who are better walls and Pokemon who hit harder, and generally you'd want a Pokemon to specialize in one rather then do both. Also that Speed really isn't it helping it any. However Mega Diancie could change that as it sounds like it's offensive stats will be higher than its defensive stats, not to mention it getting a major speed boost! It might possibly get 100 or over in Speed which would be real handy. Also I doubt its defensive stats will decrease by that much so it'll still be pretty bulky. As for attacks, its a mixed attacker with its signature move, Diamond Storm, being Physical though the site seems to want to push it being a Special attacker mentioning moves like Moonblast and Psychic (though it oddly doesn't get Power Gem by level up, though it's going to be an Event Move). Also it getting Magic Bounce is very nice, though I'm starting to think their giving Magic Bounce to too many Pokemon lately. Eitherway, though normal Diancie may have a hard time finding a niche, Mega Diancie will probably find one.

    What's with feminine Pokemon growing a dress upon Mega Evolving?

    NEXT TIME! The Characters come marching in!

    Better get your running shoes!

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    First, the first character you see whenever you start the game, the Pokemon Professor! Hoenn's regional professor is Professor Birch, who was apparently the childhood friends with the player's father, Norman, which I think is new info.

    I'm surprised they didn't mention that Professor Birch field of expertise is in Pokemon habitats, though they did mention him getting so enthralled in his studies that it gets him into trouble:

    I love that face he's making when he's in trouble. It looks like Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire graphical contribution is by adding facial animations to the overworld models. Hmm, wonder if they'll let us battle Birch like how in XY they let us battle Sycamore.

    And while we're here, might as well also add in the next Adventure Tool: the Pokedex!

    This version of Hoenn's Pokedex may look familiar to those who played the original Gen III games, and not because it looks like the original Hoenn Pokedex. Nope, it looks familiar because it's based off a Gameboy Advance! For comparison, here's the original Gen III Hoenn Pokedex and a Gameboy Advance:

    It's not uncommon for the Pokedex to look similar to a Nintendo handheld system, but I got to say this is the most blatent. The original Gen III Hoenn Pokedex supposedly looked like a Gameboy Advance SP, but even then that was only because it was a device with a flip cover:

    I'll end this saying I'm now hoping that modified Gameboy Advances start popping up made to look like the new Hoenn Pokedex. Apparently there was a special Target exclusive red Gameboy Advance, so there's a place to start:

    Actually, it sort of already looks like a Pokedex...

    Also, I must make a correction in my last update. I reported that Aarune was the "Secret Base Master". In actuality he's the "Secret Base Expert". I'm sorry for this false piece of information.

    You can tell by those eyes Aarune has seen some things no man should ever have to see...

    But let's be honest here, you're reading this for one reason and one reason only: The Gym Leaders & Elite Four! Yup, we not only got more Gym Leader info but also some on the Elite Four. Let's take a look at the Gym Leaders first since, well, they're the first ones you got to fight!

    Gym Leader #1: Roxanne

    Type: Rock
    Title: "The Rock-Loving Honors Student"
    Leader Of: Rustboro City
    Badge: Stone Badge

    Much more has changed to Roxanne's design as originally thought. She went from wearing a purple dress to a grey dress which makes her looks kind of bland looking and clashes horribly with her bright pink pieces of clothing. Also, GameFreak, PLEASE let your artists leave their offices one in a while to talk a walk in a park or something, I mean it's nice they're paying close attention to detail but it still kind of disturbs me they took time to include the lace lining in her dress. That said, at least this time her shoes make sense as I had no idea what those purple bands on her ankle were (were they the top of a shoe that was the same color as her stockings?).
    I already talked about the differences between the new and old badge designs, though some information about how the badges would "work" has been revealed. As in Gen III, in order to use certain HMs you'll need specific Badges, like you'll need the Stone Badge to use HM01 Cut. I guess this makes sense, the original games were built around that so it would just be easier to keep the restriction in.

    And yes, she still uses Nosepass. At least, initially she does...

    Gym Leader #2: Brawly

    Type: Fighting
    Title: "A big wave in fighting"
    Leader Of: Dewford Town
    Badge: Knuckle Badge

    Brawly has a few notable changes. Obviously he got a wardrobe change now sporting a black skin tight workout shrit with orange decals and logos instead of a solid ornge shirt with black and white stripes at the shirt's openings. They're wearing the same pants in the same way though you can now tell with new Brawly they're scrunched up. Brawly went from normal looking sneakers to these odd athletic shoes that have a pattern to make it look like your toes are showing, odd. Finally new Brawly is weaking black and orange fingerless gloves and goggles, though they keep the same hair style. Also, I think new Brawly is a bit more tanner, at least compated to pale white old Brawly. Overall, I like the new Brawly design, he looks much more like an athlete then his previous design which is just a guy.
    Nothing has really changed about the Knuckle Badge except that the "thumb" is now outlined so it doesn't look like it was just plopped on there.
    As for the Dewford Gym, it's possibly now th toughest Gym we'll ever have to go through: they're going to make us exercise, AHHHHH!

    Brawly is going to punch you and your Pokemon into shape!

    Gym Leader #3: Wattson

    Type: Electric
    Title: "The cheerfully electrifying man!"
    Leader Of: Mauville City
    Badge: Dynamo Badge

    Looks like Wattson finally realized that since he's no longer in the army he doesn't need to be wearing his aviator jacket and has switched to a hawaiian shirt... that's colored in military camouflage and has lightning bolts on it (baby steps I suppose). He also swtiched from shoes to slippers, though those slippers have a screw bolt going through them which can't be comfortable. Also he's still wearing that solid yellow jumpsuit. This desing is alright, it gives you the impression he's a retired soldier that likes to kickback.
    As for the Dynamo Badge, don't be fooled, it may look different but that's just because its reflecting off something blue, it should look exactly as it did before. That said, I do like they're showing the reflectiveness of the badge instead of having it exist in a colorless void.
    Finally, the Dewford Gym looks to be having the same puzzle as it did in Gen III, though this time the electricity is colored so that you'll know how the puzzle will change before hitting a switch.

    Oh dear, it looks like Alzheimer's disease finally kicked in and he forgot he's the Gym Leader... what do you mean too dark?
    Fine, I'll point out how they're showing off Magneton as his signature Pokemon... which means it looks like they're going with everyone's Ruby & Sapphire team instead of Emerald (what, did Emerald kill the game director's dog? They're doing their best to act as if Emerald never existed). So no Manectric for Wattson even though it's a Gen III Pokemon thus SHOULD be his Signature Pokemon.

    Gym Leader #4: Flannery

    Type: Fire
    Title: "One with a fiery passion that burns!"
    Leader Of: Lavaridge Town
    Badge: Heat Badge

    The more things change the more they stay the same. Flannery's black crop top with a red fire symbol on it has changed to a fiery red and orange tube top with a black shirt tied around it to look like a crop top. She still wears blue jeans, though the new ones have red stiches on the bottom (she's also still wearing sneakers, except the new ones are red on the bottom instead of white). Finally her belt has changed from being a normal red belt to a white towel with a flame symbol on the end and twisted until it was long enough to be used as a belt. So I would pick what design I liked more, but they're pretty much the same when it comes down to it (not like fanart will show her wearing either...).
    Slight changes to the Heat Badge. They smoothes out the edging so that you don't accidentally cut yourself on a pointy bit and the color of the "gem" chance from yellow to red. I kind of like it having the yellow "gem" a bit more as it gave it more color, but the new edging is nice.
    And the Lavaridge Gym's puzzle stays the same, except they changed it from you slipping through sand to you falling down/shooting up out of trapdoors which makes a bit more sense.

    Though fanart may not she her wearing any clothes, I'm now sure they'll show her with that face. I'm not sure whether to laugh or shake my head and sigh.

    Gym Leader #5: Norman

    Type: Normal
    Title: "A man in pursuit of power!"
    Leader Of: Petalburg City
    Badge: Balance Badge

    Apparently Norman found the Fountain and Youth and de-aged himself to back when he was a teenager! Okay, I guess he still looks old enough to be the player's father if you just look at the face, but that open jacket makes him look like he's trying to look "cool". He's also wearing sandles instead of shoes (or whatever he originally was wearing) for some reason, though those can't be comfortable to run in as he supposedly does everyday from Littleroot Town to Petalburg City and back to Littleroot Town. I kind of like the old Norman design better, sure he doesn't look "hip" but he's your father (and the Normal-type Gym Leader) so he's not suppose to.
    I may not like Norman's new design, but I do like the new design of the Balance Badge. It has more lining to it and is given a bit of a purple tint that makes it stand out a bit more.
    And the Petalburg Gym is the same as it was in Gen III, nothing really to say other then that. You'll just be going to different rooms, battling a gimmicky trainer inside, and moving on until you get to the back to fight Norman. How plain, how boring, how... well, you get the idea.

    Why so serious?

    Gym Leader #... oh wait, we're done. Yeah, they decided to reveal 4 Gym Leaders to us a grand total of 5 Gym Leaders! At that point they might as well showed us the rest. However, though we aren't shown the rest of the Gym Leaders, we are shown the first two Elite Four members!


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    Elite Four #1: Sidney

    Type: Dark
    Still missing your nose I see, even after stretching out your face to reveal how angular your jaw it. Sidney swapped out his black and pink sweater vest for a black and yellow-and-brown striped collar shirt. But to make up for the lack of pink his pants are now a magenta pink instead of yellow striped. But with so much pink in his pants he had to remove it from the bottom of his shoes which are yellow. And to finish things off, new Sidney has a watch which people thought was a keystone (if only). I never really understood what Sidney was suppose to be, I thought a punk of some kind, and I STILL don't know. Though as a funny note, his overworld model's face looks more like his old design's face than his new.
    Also his room looks pretty much the same as his old Elite Four room... which brings up something. As you can see, Sidney has a door behind him, possibly meaning that you'll be fighting the Hoenn Elite Four in the same order as you did in Gen III. If that's true, I personally find that disappointing, I liked the idea of challenging the Elite Four in any order you want and the members having different dialogue depending on that order. It's just as disappointing as his room not changing to reflect his type... but at least he now has a chair to sit on, that's nice of them.

    And where in the world does the battlefield take place?!?!

    Elite Four #2: Phoebe

    Type: Ghost
    Looks like Norman isn't the only one who took a drink from the Fountain of Youth, though while Norman took a sip apparently Phoebe took a gulp as she now looks almot as young as the protagonists! Otherwise she looks completely the same, though I still prefer the older one because I'm at least looking at a scantily clad body of someone of age of consent...
    Moving onto something less creepy... OH, I get it, not cool GameFreak... anyway, like with Sidney her room didn't change except for a group of bright ghostly lights shining on the wall and her having a recliner in the back (so what, as we go through the Elite Four are the chairs going to improve until we get to Steven who as a couch?).
    Oh, and remember how I pointed out Roxanne using Nosepass? Well Phoebe is the reason why I brought it up. Phoebe has been confirmed that she'll be using a Dusknoir! In fact it was confirmed that the Hoenn Dex had been extended as a whole, so we might be seeing more species variety then we did our last go around in Gen III!

    Okay, they're doing their best to make Phoebe as creepy as possible.

    NEXT TIME! Pokemon-Amie! Super-Secret Bases! And Pikachu... Cosplay?

    We're going to have a rocking time next post!

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    Pokemon-Amie has returned!... AND that's all I have to say about that. Well, I guess I can bring up the question how they'll implement the obtaining of Pokemon-Amie within the story. Is it part of the PokeNav so when you get that you'll get Pokemon-Amie? Actually I'm kind of surprised they haven't told us about the PokeNav yet, if anything I thought they would have told us about the Pokedex first than the PokeNav. The bike are nice but they aren't the first thing that comes to mind when I think of important tools.

    And when they inevitably reveal Super Training is also returning expect it to be covered just as much as I cover Pokemon-Amie here.

    I've already talked about Super-Secret Base's basic features, so for this part I'll wrap up any loose ends and make observations now that the info is on the main site (well, at least the info they want us to know for now):

    1. As I mentioned, you'll need Secret Power on "Secret Spots" to create a Secret Base. Nothing new but it's nice to have some confirmation. Still don't know where you'll get the Secret Power move.

    (Maybe with the right Pokemon move... I can cut down this tree and talk to that trainer behind it!)
    2. AH, this is what I was looking for! Your PC gives you several options to manage your Secret Base. "Decorate your base", "Manage QR Code patterns", "Secret Base list", and "Power off" is self explanatory. "Delete favorites" I'm assuming is referring to QR codes, though I'm surprised it would need its own separate option. However what catches my eye is "Edit secret team settings" as it answers one of my questions: How do we set our team. It's basically another Battle Box which I think was the good way to go about it and honestly is exactly how I thought they'll go about it. That said, being "team" is singular it looks like you won't be able to edit the teams of you Secret Pals which could be a bit of a hassle if you're trying to make a themed "Gym". Also, I'm assuming this is how you choose what trainer class you appear as to other players and what kind of battles you do.

    (So can I check my Facebook on this thing?)
    3. Though you can encounter other people's Secret Pals in their base, you can only recruit the Secret Base's owner as your Secret Pal. I'm curious about the other base's Secret Pals though. It says you can battle them, but can you also use their benefit? If you can, is there a limit, like you needing to have the base's owner as your Secret Pal? Actually, speaking of Secret Pal benefits, does each person have their own benefit, like how each person had their own Friend Safari type? Secret Pals are starting to become a bit more complicated then I would like them to be...

    (Gotta recruit 'em all, Secret Pals!)
    4. You can apparently also give you Secret Base a name, but they don't specifically mention how. I'm guessing under "Edit secret team settings"?

    (Secret Omega sounds like an Illuminati expy)
    5. So some more info about the flags. The color of the flags indicate what "rank" you are, you upgrade your rank by collecting other bases flags, and obviously the higher your rank the better your Secret Base becomes, mainly for your Secret Pal's benefits. However you might get other things, for example Aarune might give you decorations upon you ranking up. I guess it's a nice daily thing to do, especially if you're trying to get cred for your "Gym".

    (Now don't go using it all in one Secret Base)
    6. So looking at some of the decorations I notice a few notable ones. Of course there are tons of Pokedolls (there's ones for the Johto and Hoenn starters, big ones for the final evolutions of the Kanto starters & Snorlax, and of course Pikachu, Pichu, and Togepi among others), you can have the old Pokemon Center GTS globs, a PokeFlute display case, there's a pitfall trap tile, and finally teleport tiles with Abra's face on it.

    (Why yes, you will spend hours customizing your Secret Base)

    I wonder if this QR code actually works?

    And the moment you've all been waiting for: PIKACHU COSPLAY! Presenting:

    Pikachu Rock Star!

    (As you can guess, his favorite type or music is Electric Rock)
    Pikachu Belle!

    (As you can see, this Pikachu is a proper lady as she's curtsying)
    Pikachu Pop Star!

    (I don't really know that many J-Pop jokes, so put yours here!)
    Pikachu, Ph. D.!

    (Dr. Insano had many interesting experiences when traveling through the multi-verse)
    Pikachu Libre!


    Now that we got that silliness out of the way, let's actually talk what this possibly means. They've hinted it might have something to do with the Contest Hall, but that's it. I'm sure many have been wondering if they were going to bring back Pokemon Contests and how would they do them, though I doubt anyone had this in mind. Are they going to combine elements from Gen V's Pokemon Musical by letting you dress up your Pokemon for some kind of presentation round like in the anime? Will all Pokemon have clothes that they'll be able to take into Pokemon-Amie? Will there be generic clothes you can put on all Pokemon or will clothing be Pokemon specific? A lot of questions, though the answers we'll probably have to wait for. However, I do want to note that these clothing and their associated colors do match the five Contest Conditions: Cool, Beauty, Cute, Smart, and Tough. Of course, where there's contest conditions there's also Pokeblock creation! But we'll get to that when we'll get to that (IF we get to that)...

    Also does anyone else notice all these Pikachu are female? I mean I get making the Belle and Pop Star female, but you'd think at least the Rock Star and Libre ones would be male (not to say woman can't be Rock Stars or Libre wrestlers, but I think those clothes have a male in mind to wear them.

    NEXT TIME! A new video means new things to over-analyze!

    Edited on 07/14/2014 11:05pm
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    [59]Jul 15, 2014
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    Finally we've reached the end and so let's quickly look over the new trailer they released. Most of what I had to say has been said already, though there are other things I noticed and would like to point out:

    First, the trailer which is basically a summary of the new info except more exciting as you actually see it in-game and animated. Here's my observations:

    0:22 - The camera switch in Rustboro Gym helps show what I was saying about using the display cases to get around the Youngster.

    (Because having to go around obstacles with this angle would have been a pain, especially those walls)
    0:26 - So I was a bit lying about the Dewford Gym's puzzle. The room with the training equipment just looks to be decoration while the actual puzzle... well I don't know. It involves switches but they cut before showing anything. Also the Battle Girl turns and follows you yet didn't challenge you, so either in the trailer she was already fought (and reveals they added an animation where NPCs look at your character as they go past) or that's part of the puzzle. In any case, it doesn't look to be the same puzzle as in the Gen III games.

    (I know I said I was going to the gym, but this is ridiculous)
    1:15 - Aarune does give you a Secret Base creating tutorial, so I'm guessing at the end of it he'll either offer to teach Secret Power or give you the TM for it, whatever they decide to do.

    (Not that Secret Power is all that useful of a Move besides for creating Secret Bases)

    BUT WAIT! A second trailer has been released in Japan which goes bit into more detail about Secret Bases. It's nothing we didn't already know, but you know me, I can take the slightest detail and write a paragraph about it:

    1:19 - It looks like you have an infinite amount of a decoration once you've unlocked it, at least when you're making a Gym.

    (I just know people are going to make their Gyms nothing but spin tiles and teleporters *sigh*)
    1:26 - Glad you can decide where you'll be standing, would have been annoying if you'd be forced to stand in the same spot and had to build the Gym around that.

    (I went through your Gym to battle you, why would I say no?)

    And that's pretty much it. Guess I'll see everyone next update (at least on this thread)!

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    [60]Jul 28, 2014
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    Mega Villain Secret:

    It looks like Steven isn't going to be the only one who can Mega Evolve his Pokemon. Recent screenshots have revealed that Maxie and Archie both have Key Stones, Maxie on the right side of his glasses and Archie in the head of the anchor he wears:

    So, now the question on everyone's mind: what Mega Pokemon are they going to use? Well, the obvious and most popular assumption is that their signature Pokemon, Camerupt (Maxie) and Sharpedo (Archie), will be getting a Mega Evolution. This makes sense, especially with how most of the new Mega Evolutions so far have been Gen III Pokemon (sole exception being Diancie who's Mega Evolution more has to do with promoting the movie then the game). However another theory is that maybe Maxie/Archie get control of Groudon/Kyogre and uses their Key Stones to Mega Evolve them and uses them against you in battle. This change does seem to go along with putting the player up against a very powerful Pokemon controlled by the villainous team's boss starting with Black & White (in Black & White you battled N who either had Reshiram/Zekrom, in Black 2 & White 2 you battled Ghetsis who had control of Black/White Kyurem, and then in X & Y you battled Lysandre who used a Mega Gyarados). Eitherway, we may be in for a tough battle with no recently caught Legendary to back us up like in X & Y (if anything, we may be battling that Legendary!).

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