Zorua looks cute, and Zoroark looks epic~ Almost everything I thought was in the pic was wrong, but who cares? And why do I have a feeling it'll be similar to Lucario in that its not a legendary but still has a staring role in the movie?
Ok, this is what I wanna see for Gen V:
~ A female Professor that starts you off
~ The starters be based on a grass/flying or steel type toucan, woodpecker or peacock, or a water/ice polar bear or leopard seal, and a fire/poison komodo dragon or fire/ground mountain lion.
~ That the first gym isn't a rock type. I mean c'mon, 3 out of 4 generations its been the rock type, let some other type have the glory of being first.
~ A dark and ground type gym, dark has never had a gym for itself and the ground type has only had 1 and it got converted into a multi-type gym in Gen II because of Giovanni.
~ A dragon type Eeveelution, cuz who doesn't want one?
~ More steel, dark, electric, ice and dragon types, and an ice/dragon duel type. I'd also like my fan made fire/ghost candle pokemon to be included, but I doubt that'd happen.
~ Baby forms for Skarmory, Onix, Scyther, Absol, Tropius, Zangoose, Seviper
~ Evolved forms for Absol, Plusle, Minun, Castform, Chatot, Sableye, Mightyena, Mawile, Pachirisu, Carnivine, and Pelipper or Wingull gets a branch evolution into an Albatross
~ A better plot line then stopping a team trying to take over the world or change the world to how they want it
~ A pure flying type for crying out loud
~ Fighting, poison and bug type legendaries