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Generation V Discussion

  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [21]Feb 10, 2010
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    Zorua looks cute, and Zoroark looks epic~ Almost everything I thought was in the pic was wrong, but who cares? And why do I have a feeling it'll be similar to Lucario in that its not a legendary but still has a staring role in the movie?

    Ok, this is what I wanna see for Gen V:

    ~ A female Professor that starts you off

    ~ The starters be based on a grass/flying or steel type toucan, woodpecker or peacock, or a water/ice polar bear or leopard seal, and a fire/poison komodo dragon or fire/ground mountain lion.

    ~ That the first gym isn't a rock type. I mean c'mon, 3 out of 4 generations its been the rock type, let some other type have the glory of being first.

    ~ A dark and ground type gym, dark has never had a gym for itself and the ground type has only had 1 and it got converted into a multi-type gym in Gen II because of Giovanni.

    ~ A dragon type Eeveelution, cuz who doesn't want one?

    ~ More steel, dark, electric, ice and dragon types, and an ice/dragon duel type. I'd also like my fan made fire/ghost candle pokemon to be included, but I doubt that'd happen.

    ~ Baby forms for Skarmory, Onix, Scyther, Absol, Tropius, Zangoose, Seviper

    ~ Evolved forms for Absol, Plusle, Minun, Castform, Chatot, Sableye, Mightyena, Mawile, Pachirisu, Carnivine, and Pelipper or Wingull gets a branch evolution into an Albatross

    ~ A better plot line then stopping a team trying to take over the world or change the world to how they want it

    ~ A pure flying type for crying out loud

    ~ Fighting, poison and bug type legendaries

    Edited on 02/11/2010 6:44am
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [22]Feb 10, 2010
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    Only 94? Geesh, We need more Water-Types.

    I wonder what other method of evolution they could use. I can't think of one off the top of my head.

    All I want is a freaking Dark-Type gym already.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [23]Feb 10, 2010
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    I hope they develope more on the mystery of evolution, maybe even something like the Fifth Proffesor finally realises why some pokemon don't evolve once you finish your pokedex.

    Also the ability to customize your character, by let's say, letting you buy clothes and change your hair at around the third city.

    Other htan that and a fire platypus starter i don't really want much that they won't deliver.

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [24]Feb 10, 2010
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    gen. v game THIS fall in Japan? oh my, what a jam-packed year for pokemon. pretty exciting. i want a young professor like Elm, but maybe younger. female mascot should have blonde hair. starters should all be pure elementals. simple storyline, no more bad guy trying to take over the world. nothing space/galaxy/dimension related would be nice
    Edited on 02/12/2010 2:44am
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  • Avatar of P00000000000wn


    [25]Feb 11, 2010
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    I hope that with a new Generation comes more attacks.

    I really don't care all that much about what the new Pokemon are like.

    I just wish there were more attacks for them to use.
    In almost all of the video games, most Pokemon reach lvl 60 or so and then don't learn any new attacks.
    After that the game just feels boring to me.

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  • Avatar of shadowkombat


    [26]Feb 11, 2010
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    do you think they will do more for the anime then? and if so do you think it will still be ash? and helping out another newbie? also taurus needs some type of evo

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  • Avatar of phonzee101


    [27]Feb 11, 2010
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    Maybe a new type will get introduced BUT I highly doubt it. I think they have put out every element possible but lest see what happens.

    But hey a boy can dream can't he.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [29]Feb 11, 2010
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    So guys I was just noticing Why does one page have them with blue eyes

    and green the other?

    could the colors mean something? one evil and the other good?

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  • Avatar of phonzee101


    [30]Feb 11, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    So guys I was just noticing Why does one page have them with blue eyes

    and green the other?

    could the colors mean something? one evil and the other good?

    I never noticed that until now
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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [31]Feb 11, 2010
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    I wonder what kind of legendaries there will be. I've been thinking since they've done land and sea, time and space, and sky and water, each counterparts for G&S and up, maybe they;ll go with Pokemon that stand for Light and Darkness?
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  • Avatar of Limezz


    [32]Feb 11, 2010
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    ^They haven't done that yet eh? I thought Crescelia and Darkrai would count for Light and Dark but maybe I'm wrong.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [33]Feb 11, 2010
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    Nah, Cresselia and Darkai are more like Dreams and Nightmares. But i hope they don't go with Light and Darkness, that's way too generic. About the eyes, huh, didn't notice, it's probably just a print error, but, i'll be keeping my eyes on the eye color of those pokemon for a while...
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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [34]Feb 11, 2010
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    One thing which I believe is important for introducing new moves that can balance the ones for physical and special attacks for each type. For example, only Fire Punch, Fire Fang, Flame Wheel, Flare Blitz were the only physical Fire-type moves, which was also an issue with Electric-types. I hope this generation they create a better balance between both damage types for the moves.

    Other things to think of is if they will finally have a dark-type gym.

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  • Avatar of Limezz


    [35]Feb 11, 2010
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    I'd also like to be able to catch a dragon type pokemon earlier in the game as they take a while to train and by the time you catch 'em they're probably not worth training for how long they'll take and close you usually are to the league.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [36]Feb 11, 2010
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    I just hope that the Super pokemon (Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence, Garchomp) isn't a dragon. Though, i think how it was in platimun (idk what the catchrate was in DP) was fine, i caught Two gabites and easily trained one to fight the Elite 4.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [37]Feb 11, 2010
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    the term is psuedo-legendary BTW

    also You forgot to mention Metagross

    and tyrantar isnt a dragon type

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [39]Feb 11, 2010
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    Yeah, i forgot to mention how i liked that Tyranittar wasn't dragon. And, i forgot about Metagross though there was only one per game on RSE. Anyway, you get the point, rather than another dragon (except maybe the Eeveelution one shoudl there be) i want some other combo-type pseudo-legendary.
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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [40]Feb 11, 2010
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    syrusfan wrote:
    I wonder what kind of legendaries there will be. I've been thinking since they've done land and sea, time and space, and sky and water, each counterparts for G&S and up, maybe they;ll go with Pokemon that stand for Light and Darkness?
    Light and darkness is a possibility, but they could go with other clashing themes like good and evil, fantasy and reality, or even nature and man made or machine. I wouldn't mind seeing an enviormental plot in the series.
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