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Generation V Discussion

  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [1681]Feb 17, 2011
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    I tend to only use the English names anyway, so I'm starting to get used to them. Won't really absorb them until I actually get Black though

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1682]Feb 21, 2011
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    ■The fighting trio is based on the three muskateers
    ■Cobalion's based on Athos and is meant to have a thorny look
    ■Terrakion is based off of Porthos and has some angles reminiscent of a hatchet. Supposed to look like a formidable opponent who can stop a pokemon in its tracks.
    ■Virizion is based on Aramis and was modeled to be nimble and have sharp angles
    ■Larvesta is partially based on Taiyou No Tou (specifically the red adornments jutting out of its head)
    ■Volcarona originally had only 4 wings and the black spots represent dark spots on the sun
    ■Cottonee and Whimsicott were based on sheep
    ■Petilil and Lilligant were actually slated to have another pokemon in their evolutionary family, but that plan was scrapped. Lilligant is like a pretty daughter who's always too late.
    ■Haxorus was one of the first designs to be finished and they were fairly proud of it. It can attack simply by shaking its head.
    ■Darumaka and Darmanitan were inspired after the designer saw dharma dolls being burned at a festival. They kind of resembled a gorilla so that's how the fire/monkey parts came into the pokemon.
    ■Stunfisk was originally designed with an Angler Fish in mind, but obviously turned out a bit different. It was also a water/electric type but they ended up making it a ground/electric to balance out the type spread of pokemon.
    ■Frillish and Jellicent had the ghost type added on at the end for the sake of adjusting what types Unova had which disappointed the designer.
    ■Sawsbuck was already an idea for a pokemon before seasons had been added into the game
    ■Litwick, Lampent, and Chandelure were originally designed when they wanted an evolutionary line based on an open flame -> candle -> lanturn, but obviously it ended up out of order.
    ■Seismitoad was designed before Tympole and Palpitoad. The protrusions are one of this evolutionary line's features.
    ■Klink, Klang, Klinklang were sort of inspired by Dugtrio
    ■Dwebble and Krustle were sort of inspired by kiln-fired pottery
    ■Scraggy and Scrafty obviously owe their existence to the low and baggy jean trend and also are reminiscent of a snake with its shed skin
    ■Yamask and Cofa grigus were meant to look scary, but also have a certain charm
    ■Pawniard and Bisharp are urban pokemon. Bisharp commands Pawniard who clings to its foes and cuts them with the blades on its stomach.

    ■Iris and Drayden were designed as opposites. Drayden is the oldest gym leader, while Iris is the youngest with a lot of potential. She came from the forest and seems to be raised by dragons, while he studied abroad to better understand his favorite type. Drayden is also meant to be a gentleman who is both smart and strong.
    ■Brycen used to be a movie star who got into a slump after he was done making films. Alder told him to use his time to master pokemon so Brycen went alone into an icy cave and trained in silence to gain the most knowledge he could. He also feels it is important to conceal his identity.
    ■Alder ended up having the appearance of a drifter and you can see with his clothes they are somewhat torn and ragged. Original design had a somewhat Christ-like image.
    ■Emmet and Ingo are twins who are supposed to invoke a clown-ish image. Their jackets represent the mix of a subway track-like design with that of a clown's outfit.

    Pokejungle has revealed some info earlier (excuse me if I'm late...I was asleep through most of this)

    Finally the Musketeers are confirmed to be based off of well..the musketeers

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1683]Feb 21, 2011
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    1. The fighting trio is based on the three muskateers
    2. Cobalion's based on Athos and is meant to have a thorny look
    3. Terrakion is based off of Porthos and has some angles reminiscent of a hatchet. Supposed to look like a formidable opponent who can stop a pokemon in its tracks.
    4. Virizion is based on Aramis and was modeled to be nimble and have sharp angles
    5. Larvesta is partially based on Taiyou No Tou (specifically the red adornments jutting out of its head)
    6. Volcarona originally had only 4 wings and the black spots represent dark spots on the sun
    7. Cottonee and Whimsicott were based on sheep
    8. Petilil and Lilligant were actually slated to have another pokemon in their evolutionary family, but that plan was scrapped. Lilligant is like a pretty daughter who's always too late.
    9. Haxorus was one of the first designs to be finished and they were fairly proud of it. It can attack simply by shaking its head.
    10. Darumaka and Darmanitan were inspired after the designer saw dharma dolls being burned at a festival. They kind of resembled a gorilla so that's how the fire/monkey parts came into the pokemon.
    11. Stunfisk was originally designed with an Angler Fish in mind, but obviously turned out a bit different. It was also a water/electric type but they ended up making it a ground/electric to balance out the type spread of pokemon.
    12. Frillish and Jellicent had the ghost type added on at the end for the sake of adjusting what types Unova had which disappointed the designer.
    13. Sawsbuck was already an idea for a pokemon before seasons had been added into the game
    14. Litwick, Lampent, and Chandelure were originally designed when they wanted an evolutionary line based on an open flame -> candle -> lanturn, but obviously it ended up out of order.
    15. Seismitoad was designed before Tympole and Palpitoad. The protrusions are one of this evolutionary line's features.
    16. Klink, Klang, Klinklang were sort of inspired by Dugtrio
    17. Dwebble and Krustle were sort of inspired by kiln-fired pottery
    18. Scraggy and Scrafty obviously owe their existence to the low and baggy jean trend and also are reminiscent of a snake with its shed skin
    19. Yamask and Cofa grigus were meant to look scary, but also have a certain charm
    20. Pawniard and Bisharp are urban pokemon. Bisharp commands Pawniard who clings to its foes and cuts them with the blades on its stomach.

    21. Iris and Drayden were designed as opposites. Drayden is the oldest gym leader, while Iris is the youngest with a lot of potential. She came from the forest and seems to be raised by dragons, while he studied abroad to better understand his favorite type. Drayden is also meant to be a gentleman who is both smart and strong.
    22. Brycen used to be a movie star who got into a slump after he was done making films. Alder told him to use his time to master pokemon so Brycen went alone into an icy cave and trained in silence to gain the most knowledge he could. He also feels it is important to conceal his identity.
    23. Alder ended up having the appearance of a drifter and you can see with his clothes they are somewhat torn and ragged. Original design had a somewhat Christ-like image.
    24. Emmet and Ingo are twins who are supposed to invoke a clown-ish image. Their jackets represent the mix of a subway track-like design with that of a clown's outfit.

    Pokejungle has revealed some info earlier (excuse me if I'm late...I was asleep through most of this)

    Finally the Musketeers are confirmed to be based off of well..the musketeers

    1, 2, 3, & 4. Already knew this.
    7. I thought they were based on Vegetable Lamb of Tartary?
    8. "Pretty daughter who's always too late"? Too late for what?
    11. So it was originally suppose to be a Lantern expy?
    12. Why did it dissapoint the designer, did they force him/her to redo the design a bit (because if they didn't change the design, I must say it looks pretty ghostly for something originally to be a pure Water-type).
    13. Wonder which Form was meant or was closest to the original design?
    14. It didn't end up out of order, instead they started with the candle and ended with a chandelier.
    16. Henceforth, they shall now be known as the officially confirmed expy of the Diglett evolutionary line.
    17. Really? Could of fooled me, I guess I can kind of see it with Dwebble's shell but overall I don't know how hermit crab Pokemon came from kiln-fire pottery.
    18. Already knew this.
    20. Urban? As in lives in cities? I always saw them more living in like ruins or old castles and places of the like.
    21. Already knew this, I already posted a lot of opposites between them. Actually I'm suprised they forgot to mention Iris is dark skinned color and Drayden is light skinned color, considering the name of the games (though then again maybe that's why they didn't mention it).
    22. Brycen is suppose to be a(n) (ex-)movie star? What movies was he in, martial art films?
    23. That matches up from what I've read about Adler. Bulbapedia had said he began wandering around aimlessly when a Pokemon he had died of an illness and he became despaired over not being able to save it. Ghetsis had said that Adler didn't win the title of Champion but was rather asked by the Pokemon League to take the position.


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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1684]Feb 22, 2011
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    Oh yeah, it took ages

    But the Japanese Pokedex site has updated


    Enjoy your high quality art

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1685]Mar 2, 2011
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    Oh, by the way, a lot of new English names (and when I say a lot, I mean ALL) have been found for Items, Attacks, and Abilities.

    Hmm, Pokemon, Locations, Main Characters, Items, Attacks, Abilities... is there anything we're still missing or are we ready for these games.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1687]Mar 2, 2011
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    Just the English names for the Event Pokemon...but they are likely to be the same anyway.

    Also, The Beetle Badge is now the Insect Badge (Japanese name of Hive Badge FYI) and the Icicle Badge is the Freeze Badge.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1688]Mar 2, 2011
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Just the English names for the Event Pokemon...but they are likely to be the same anyway. Also, The Beetle Badge is now the Insect Badge (Japanese name of Hive Badge FYI) and the Icicle Badge is the Freeze Badge.

    Watch, next game they'll probably have a badge with the Japanese version called the Freeze Badge.

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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [1689]Mar 2, 2011
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    Eventually they'll just call one the Ice Badge.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1690]Mar 3, 2011
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    Touya and Touko are Hilbert and Hilda....lol
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [1691]Mar 3, 2011
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    At least there's one good reason to wait for the actual game. From what I've read, the English ROMs right now have it so Pokemon can't gain experience.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1692]Mar 3, 2011
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Touya and Touko are Hilbert and Hilda....lol

    Why did they change it from Blair and Whitlea? Anyway the new names both from from the Germanic element "Hild" which means "Battle".

    Relocator Phrase:
    Everyone Happy
    Simple Connection

    Edited on 03/03/2011 5:13am
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1693]Mar 3, 2011
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    They didn't change them, those are just the names they are using for the demo.
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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [1694]Mar 4, 2011
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    I forget, are spoilers ok here? I know names have been posted and whatever, but...this is post-release info, and obviously it's not out in America yet...

    Just in case...

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