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Generation V Discussion

  • Avatar of Oreno5267


    [141]Feb 22, 2010
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    Do you like how the Japanese have their Gym Leader's name also relate to plants or prefer the names just relate to the type they train?

    type train
    Should all the Electric-type Gym Leaders be military-based?

    nah, have them be based off of marines, navy, or army.
    have titles such as colonel, sergeant, etc

    Should they be more diverse with the names so we don't have it like how all the Rock-type Gym Leaders are all based on the word "rock"?

    a mix of both

    Should each Gym Leader have their specific well known what it is or do you prefer some to be not well known?

    maybe like nephew, uncle, aunt, etc.

    Which models would you like to see as Gym Leaders?
    master/sensei, actor, a family mother/father, patriot, astronomer
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [142]Feb 23, 2010
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    Having an electric Gym leader being a marine would be ironic

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  • Avatar of shadowkombat


    [144]Feb 24, 2010
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    for some reason i didnt like the fourth gen badges so i hope the fifth gen will impress me more lmao

    oh and for some reason i rely hope to see more gyms that havent been seen before like a bug gym

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [145]Feb 24, 2010
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    I'd like to see

    Water, Grass, Fire, Flying, Bug, Ice, Dark, and Dragon for the Gyms.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [146]Feb 24, 2010
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    I'd like in order: Rock (A HARD one though, that screws you up with massive power), Ice, Electric, Fire, Grass, Water, Dragon and Bug. With the difficulty Peaks at the Rock and Bug, it'd be pretty awesome to be forced to lvl grind at the very start and then get screwed over in the ending with the best bug after an epic battle with Dragons.

    With Elite 4s being:
    Ground, Flying, Steel, Psychic and Mixed.
    Edited on 02/24/2010 2:39pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [147]Feb 24, 2010
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    while it's true that Dark type hasnt had a gym

    everyone ignores the fact that ground types only had ONE gym (and one elite four member)

    it deserves a gym just as much as the dark type

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [148]Feb 24, 2010
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    Oh yeah, lol forgot entirely about Ground *changes up Elite 4 list*
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [149]Feb 24, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    while it's true that Dark type hasnt had a gym

    everyone ignores the fact that ground types only had ONE gym (and one elite four member)

    it deserves a gym just as much as the dark type

    Going by the number of specialists yeah, but the Dark Type still deserves a gym none the less. I still don't get why they didn't dedicate a Johto Gym to it.

    I decided to put these in order

    Gym Leaders: Flying, Bug, Fire, Ice, Grass, Dark, Water, Dragon.

    Elite 4: Electric, Steel, Ghost, Normal, Various.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [150]Feb 24, 2010
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    Well being I asked the questions, I might as well answer them myself:

    (1.) Of course I think there should be a Dark-type, we so far had two Steel-type Gym Leaders and a Champion. And though we had two Dark-type Elite Four Members, I think it's about time there was a Dark-type Gym Leader.
    (2.) Of course, I mean we had plenty of Rock-, Electric-, Water-, and Fighting-type Gyms, give types like Bug-, Dragon-, Ground-, and of course Dark-type a fair turn.
    (3.) While I wouldn't go that far as to completely agree (kind of odd for the person who wrote the question to say), types like Rock-, Water-, Electric-, and Fighting-types have been in most of the regions so far, often back-to-back(-to-back) Generations. At least they try something new like having a Water-type and Electric-type be the eighth Gym Leader, but of course then we have the Rock-type Gym Leaders who have always been the first Gym except for Johto.
    (4.) Yay, I mean I understand if you want to make it tougher for one starter then the other, but having the Rock-type Gym Leader being the first always means Water- & Grass-types will never have to worry while Fire-types will have to hope thye learn a Fighting- or Steel-type move to even get past (that or the trainer catches another Pokemon with a type adventage which many don't want to do for the first Gym).
    (5.) Now my problem here isn't with that they use these older Generation Pokemon, but it's the fact that they use more older Generation Pokemon then the one from their Generation. Now for those specific types this can't be helped, but I do see some other Pokemon from that Generation they could have used instead (They could have atleast given Morty the only new Ghost-type introduced in Generation II!).
    (6.) Not sure on this one. Now while it does seem so for the first game, for the later games it doesn't seem they are basing on the type of starter which determines what type the Gym Leaders are. I don't know how they choose which type will get a Gym Leader and how they are organized, but as for the theory of it being the type of the starter that does it I don't think so.
    (7.) Now I think what they should do is keep 4 types from the previous Generation & then used 4 types that weren't chosen. Infact this is what they seem to have done in Generation IV, though that could be just coincidence (Generation III only had three types that were also in Johto). So with that in mind and I'm in support for the types not so often see I'll go with the following types (though in no specific order): Dark, Ground, Bug, Poison, Grass, Ghost, Steel, & Ice. But this is just coming from the top of my head.
    (Extra.) Can't believe I forgot to add this in, I also would like to see another Double Battle Gym. I mean so far we only have the Mossdeep Gym Leaders, Tate & Liza, as the only Double Battle Gym Leaders.

    (1.) I would prefer if all the Gyms had puzzles, though the first Gym's puzzle should be easy and have an alternate way of getting through it (a.k.a. battling a trainer).
    (2.) Gah, I hate those kind of puzzles, especially when you get far into the gym but you go one wrong direction and you either end up back at the start of you messed up and have to first navigate your way back to the start to do it again.
    (3.) My favorite Gym Puzzle would have to go to Sunyshore Gym, I'm just really impressed by it. As for least favorite, Mossdeep Gym in Ruby & Sapphire as not only is it a sliding puzzle but you also have to flip switches to hopefully create the right path!
    (4.) Hmm, well what I think would be interesting is that maybe changing the Gym's Leader position so that it's the opposite of what it was in the paired games would make the game rather interesting. What do I mean? Well I mean like switching the positions of the 1st and 8th Gym Leader, the 2nd and 7th Gym Leader, the 3rd and 6th Gym Leader, and the 4th and 5th Gym Leader. That should make things rather interesting and thus also change up possibly all the puzzles as well!
    (5.) This was only done in Generation II, first sorta with Whitney but you just had to talk with her again, and then lastly with Clair with going through the Dragon's Den. I don't think you should have to go through a second puzzle, no need really.
    (6.) Hmm, I don't quite exaclty know. I'm thinking about maybe a puzzle where you have to create your own platforms to get across but I wouldn't know how to go about that (plus a few Gyms already sort of do this).

    (1.) I would like to see more complex Badges, at least in design if not in shape, as they are must more interesting to look at and somehow feel more worth it then simple looking badges.
    (2.) I actually prefer Badges which represents the Gym Leader/Gym's City/Town rather then the type of Gym. It gives the Gym more freedom and an extra plus if they can make the Badge both represent the type of the Gym and the Gym Leader/Gym's city/town.
    (3.) Individually named seem to be working just fine. Theme naming doesn't always work and gave the Japanese Kanto Badges quite the bland names.
    (4.) Yay, I think they should have, but what can you do?
    (5.) I never really noticed any drastic increase in the stats so I would say only include it if the change would really make the difference. I might change the order of which stat the Badge increases depending on what Gym type it is. Finally I think that the Special stats should be split up only because I think the last Badge should give you ALL the bonuses (HM, Level, & Stat increase).
    (6.) I levels seem fine by me, though go increase by 30 (30), then 20 (50), again 20 (70), and finally 30 (100). If I was doing it, I would have gone more for an equal 25 increase for all of them making it a 25, 50, 75, 100.
    (7.) Sinnoh's design has a nice look to them and I lik how they used the Badge's border for more than just to go around the badge.

    (1.) I rather they go by type. I know the plant naming thing has to do with Japanese culture but if it isn't a Grass-type or Poison-type Gym Leader (if the plant they are named after is poisonous) I don't think it quite fits.
    (2.) That seems a bit limiting, I mean the other types don't seem to have a theme to their Gym Leaders, plus I don't exactly think military when I think Electric-types.
    (3.) I wouldn't mind more diverse names. Like instead of "Rock" they can come up with a name that's based on "gem", "fossil", or a specific kind of rock.
    (4.) I would like to have the Gym's Leader theme better known as the Gym Leader should be a person who is known for meaning something and having the Gym Leader be like an average Joe/Jane kind of takes that atmosphere away.
    (5.) Don't really care eitherway, though I would rather for thier to be a good storyline reason.
    (6.) I wouldn't mind seeing a Gym Leader based off a Firefighter, police officer, and doctor. I mean when you think people you should admire at least one of these guys might pop up in your head so why not make them into a Gym Leader.

    Also, guys, Elite Four & Champions are next, so you should really be saving your types for Elite Four & Champion for the next post.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [152]Mar 23, 2010
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    Alright guys, the Nintendo 3DS is officially revealed. On June 15, 2009 they will be in LA to give more details on it. It is said to be revealed to be released on the fiscal year of March 2011.

    I just summarized it because when I Copied & Pasted this here just earlier, it said I couldn't psot it. So yeah, go to the link below for details.


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  • Avatar of alltimexsfan


    [153]Mar 30, 2010
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    Has it actually been confirmed that the Generation V games will be released on Nintendo DS or is this just more fan speculation?

    There is still a good couple of months left before the official release of the Gen 5 games and a new console could be released in Japan before the end of the year.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [154]Mar 30, 2010
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    they just revealed a new DS

    if they were going to announce a new console

    we would've seen it last year

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [155]Mar 30, 2010
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    Also, the new DS will be out before the end of the Fiscal year, AKA March 11, so as far as we know Gen V comes out September 2X and 3DS on March 1X
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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [156]Mar 30, 2010
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    I'd like to see Grass, Normal, Ice, Ground, Flying, Bug, Dragon and Dark type gyms in that order.

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  • Avatar of sergkiller


    [157]Mar 31, 2010
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    Also, the new DS will be out before the end of the Fiscal year, AKA March 11, so as far as we know Gen V comes out September 2X and 3DS on March 1X

    Is there a point to releasing Gen V on the regular DS then releasing the 3DS just months after?
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [158]Mar 31, 2010
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    Yes, so no one feels the need to buy the 3DS (which will most likely cost more than a DSi XL when it came out) in order to play Pokemon. And so the pokemon games that do use the 3DS can fully use the capabilities of the 3DS, like HGSS.
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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [159]Mar 31, 2010
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    And Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [160]Mar 31, 2010
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    ^Those were more like tests, and in HGSS you can clearly see that they knew exactly what and how to do it with the DS.
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