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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Movie 13: Ruler of Illusions Zoroark (Original version)

  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [81]Feb 6, 2010
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    hey guy's look at it's torso...

    it's so skinny it looks anorexic

    doesnt match the rest of it's body

    *huff puff* GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK AT THIS!

    yes it's a bag >_> but it's clearly for the movie......since on the poster for PCZ we see a tangrowth

    but whose the reall oddball in this picture

    It must be an evo...........

    Edited on 02/06/2010 10:40pm
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [82]Feb 6, 2010
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    How is Mightyena anymore of an oddball than Tangrowth. I find it odd that all of Dawn's pokemon are on there....except Togekiss. Makes me sad since this might mean we won't see it for a while.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [83]Feb 6, 2010
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    Tangrowth is an oddball yes but at least it's confirmed to be in the movie...I think...

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [84]Feb 7, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    hey guy's look at it's torso...

    it's so skinny it looks anorexic

    doesnt match the rest of it's body

    *huff puff* GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK AT THIS!

    yes it's a bag >_> but it's clearly for the movie......since on the poster for PCZ we see a tangrowth

    but whose the reall oddball in this picture

    It must be an evo...........

    Well Ash's Pikachu is the only one in this pic. Mightyhena & Tangrowths appearance on her makes we wonder if Dawn or Brock will get either one or if these 2 Pokemon are Wild Pokemon in the movie or belonging to trainer or 2 trainers.

    Tangrowth would belong with Brock though and Mightyhena is just so random, I also see it as "A Brock Pokemon".

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [85]Feb 7, 2010
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    Awesomeness, after such a long time, the first Generation 5 Pokemon are finally being revealed! I agree with the general consensus here that it seems like this one could be either an evolution of Lucario, or a branch evolution of Riolu. If it is one of those, it would be awesome, since the Riolu evolution line is awesome.
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  • Avatar of sergkiller


    [86]Feb 7, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    hey guy's look at it's torso...

    it's so skinny it looks anorexic

    doesnt match the rest of it's body

    *huff puff* GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK AT THIS!

    yes it's a bag >_> but it's clearly for the movie......since on the poster for PCZ we see a tangrowth

    but whose the reall oddball in this picture

    It must be an evo...........

    ...Which is why people on Serebii are suggesting a Mightyena evo >.>

    Am I the only one that finds it weird that NONE of Ash's team aside from Pikachu are on this bag, but Dawn's, and even Brock's, are?
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  • Avatar of shadowkombat


    [87]Feb 7, 2010
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    i think it looks like a werewolf type so maybe it be a dark type
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [88]Feb 7, 2010
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    Okay, first thing, just because Tangrowth and Mightyena are appearing on the promotion bag DOESN'T MEAN Ash & co. will be catching them. It just simply mean those Pokemon will be appearing either in the Pikachu Short or the movie itself. Also we know Dawn is getting a Togekiss as a 6th Pokemon so if any of those Pokemon were to be caught by Ash & co. it'll probably be for Brock who only has 4 Pokemon.

    Now I cut out the picture of the new Pokemon, seperate it onto a black background and put it next to the two Pokemon which seemed to be the top candidates to be an evolution for IF it is an evolution of a previous Pokemon. I'll like to note that I have changed the "ponytail" detail to the one that it's just long hair that overlaps a bushy tail. Now here we go:

    NewPokemonLucarioMightyenaCompare.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (I went quickly over this before, but let's take a closer look at this.)
    1. The overal body shape matches Lucario, not because it's bipedal, but where everything is positioned matches where it is on Lucario (arms, tail, head).
    2. As I pointed out before, if you look close enough, there is a little stub coming out of the new Pokemon's "mane". This stub looks to be in a point shape and is in the same exact spot as Lucario's chest spike. I've made it more apparent by putting a spike there.
    3. Its waist and thigh shape also matches Lucario's, as I've shone by drawing in Lucario's waist and thigh design onto it.

    (With Mightyena appearing on the merchandise, one must wonder why have a random Pokemon be a main cast of the movie, especially from a previous Generation. But with this Pokemon's werewolf like appearance, many think this new evolution may add onto the Poochyena evolutionary line.)
    1. The claws look somewhat similar, and there are three (yes, this is rather a weak arguement, but note that Lucario has no claws at all).
    2. The design of the frill of the "glove" fits the design of the ending of the black fur on Mightyena's leg. While Lucario does have a glove design on its hand, it's not quite the same and Mightyena's design fits much better.
    3. Unlike Lucario, Mightyena has a healthy fluff of fur on its back and as well as a bushy tail. The new Pokemon just adds more fur to this and possibly has it come over to the front to create a mane.

    1. Both are part of a two-stage evolutionart line & are the last one of this line. This could be easily added as a higher evolutionary stage or even more easier as a split evolution for Riolu & Poochyena.

    Both sides have strong evidence and criticism, but we won't know the truth until February 21. Shall we surprise? will one side come out the victor? Or will we all be pulled through a loop?

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  • Avatar of TotallyTyler01


    [89]Feb 7, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Sorry I'm late everyone, I was over at my cousin's house for a birthday, hopefully nothing big... came... WHY DOES INTERESTING STUFF ALWAYS HAPPEN WHEN I'M AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER!

    Okay, so as we all can see, we have our first sight of a Generation V Pokemon:

    Who's That Pokemon?

    Hmm, time for some speculation:

    1. It doesn't look like a Legendary Pokemon we have seen before, so I'm going on a limb and say it's not a Legendary. However it doesn't look like a lower evolution Pokemon if this is a Pokemon that is part of a multiple stage evolution. So I'll say this Pokemon is either a non-evolution Pokemon or the last stage of a multi-stage evolution (similar to Lucario).
    2. Now to describe its looks. I can tell by the face it's fox-like. Its biggest feature is that stack of hair on top which looks to then tie into a ponytail near the end and the hair might cover the chest making it a mane. Another idea is that the "ponytail" at the end isn't part of the hair but is instead a bushy tail. It has a slick body with the lower arms, torso, upper legs, and feet a big bulked up. It looks to have claws
    3. And now it's time for us to compare it to other Pokemon! Now I'd be lieing to you if I didn't say this looks a bit like Lucario. Infact this kind of looks like a savage Lucario with large wild hair and claws. The face is almost similar and the body looks VERY similar to Lucario (infact you know Lucario's chest spike? I think I see this thing has one too!). Anyway if there is one wild guess I was to make, it'll be that this thing is a Fighting-type.

    An evolution of Lucario? Maybe a split evolution option for Riolu? Or something else?

    Currently there is a rumer going on that this might be "Z" though this isn't known. However it was said that this Pokemon "grasps the key" to the movie. Hm, take that what you would, though I'm just hoping it isn't like Spiky-Eared Pichu where her "most importent role" was her just freeing Ash & co. (plus Damos) from prison.

    I'm starting to think that now there introducing "form changing", do you guys think it may be possible that this new pokemon may be a form of lucario. Its like there was Ash and "Evil" Ash. It would just make more sense if Ash had Lucario, and evil Ash had this pokemon.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [90]Feb 7, 2010
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    If it does come down to Mightyena or Riolu evolution....I say Mightyena. I'm tired of the glorification of Lucario and Riolu. Damn Auraholics.
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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [91]Feb 8, 2010
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    I originally thought Lucario, but after looking at the image more, I am shifting more towards a Mightyena or Poochyena split evolution. Seems more wolfish then doglike if you ask me
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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [92]Feb 8, 2010
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    What I"m wondering is where's its other arm? I'm thinking that its raised up and the last few "hairs" sticking out before the "ponytail" could be his hand reaching out and the first one on the far left could very well be its ear. If it is, then it resembles that of a Mightyena's more then a Lucario. Another thing, if that really is a ponytail (which I think it is) then it might lack an actual tail. Both Lucario and Mightyena have tails, and only in rare cases, like with Jolteon, will they lose them. But if it lost it as a result of the "werewolf or werehyena type Pokemon" theory, then it could still might be a Mightena evolution, or a new Pokemon completely.

    Edited on 02/08/2010 10:40am
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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [93]Feb 8, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    If it does come down to Mightyena or Riolu evolution....I say Mightyena. I'm tired of the glorification of Lucario and Riolu. Damn Auraholics.

    lol, i so agree with this. if it is a Mightyena evo, that would be sick. i never liked Mightyena but if it has an evolution shaped like that, i might just add it in my line-up for the 5th gen. game
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [94]Feb 8, 2010
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    PinKunoichi wrote:

    What I"m wondering is where's its other arm? I'm thinking that its raised up and the last few "hairs" sticking out before the "ponytail" could be his hand reaching out and the first one on the far left could very well be its ear. If it is, then it resembles that of a Mightyena's more then a Lucario. Another thing, if that really is a ponytail (which I think it is) then it might lack an actual tail. Both Lucario and Mightyena have tails, and only in rare cases, like with Jolteon, will they lose them. But if it lost it as a result of the "werewolf or werehyena type Pokemon" theory, then it could still might be a Mightena evolution, or a new Pokemon completely.

    I can see what you mean but usually with the stock art they rarely have the Pokemon "attacking" at you. I think the hand has just been "fused" with the back hair, as if you look at the bottom of the back hair it's curved in a that it looks like the arm is there (and the "bump" that seperates the rest of the back hair with the ponytail could be its actual hand). As for the ear, in my opinion it looks too think to be an ear. But for all we know you could be right, sometimes the art they show for a movie isn't actually the stock art the guides and online Pokedexes are going to use.

    thec0mebackman wrote:
    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    If it does come down to Mightyena or Riolu evolution....I say Mightyena. I'm tired of the glorification of Lucario and Riolu. Damn Auraholics.
    lol, i so agree with this. if it is a Mightyena evo, that would be sick. i never liked Mightyena but if it has an evolution shaped like that, i might just add it in my line-up for the 5th gen. game

    Hey, all I want is for Ash to get a Riolu, there is no need to call me names.

    But on the subject of a higher evolution, the idea came to me that maybe checking the stats of each Pokemon might help us get a clear picture of who might be getting an evolution (though of course we'll also view the possibilty of a split evolution). We'll first list out the stats of both of the pre-evolutions of the two candidates, Riolu & Poochyena:

    : Riolu
    : 40
    Attack: 70
    Defense: 40
    Special Attack: 35
    Special Defense: 40
    Speed: 60
    Total: 285

    : Poochyena
    HP: 35
    Attack: 55
    Defense: 35
    Special Attack: 30
    Special Defense: 30
    Speed: 35
    Total: 220

    We'll first cover Lucario, we'll list down his stats and write down the cases of what a Stage 2 Evolution and a Split Evolution can bring.

    : Lucario
    HP: 70
    Attack: 110
    Defense: 70
    Special Attack: 115
    Special Defense: 70
    Speed: 90
    Total: 525

    Stage 2 Evolution: Lucario is no doubt set in the Attack stat is doing good in all the others. If this is a Riolu-family line Stage 2 evolution then most likely what would increase is either the most is the defensive stats (Defense & Special Defence) or the often overlooked stats (HP & Speed).
    Split Evolution: Now being a Split Evolution focuses on mainly switching the attack stats with the defense stats, this would probably be the case here. The other two stats (Speed & HP) may or may not change of change places with each other, though there aren't usually the focused of Split Evolutions.
    My Opinion: If this is for the Riolu-family line, I'll have to say a Stage 2 Evolution makes a bit more sense as this Pokemon looks wild and agile, something you'll expect to strike and run off and strike again. Therefore the main focus is attack stats and also the Speed stat.

    So Lucario's case is a bit iffy due to Lucario having good evened-out stats, but now let's give Mightyena its time in the limelight:

    : Mightyena
    HP: 70
    Attack: 90
    Defense: 70
    Special Attack: 60
    Special Defense: 60
    Speed: 70
    Total: 420

    Stage 2 Evolution: While right now Mightyena has NO WAY of competing with Lucario (and Mightyene being a type that is weak to Lucario's main is just the icing on the cake), an evolution on the other hand might boost its stats up greatly. As things stand, it looks like Mightyena is more physical based so those would be the stats (Attack, Defence, & Speed) that'll get a great increase with Special Attack & Special Defense getting a smaller increase. HP is on par with Lucario's so a little increase there wouldn't hurt either.
    Split Evolution: As I said, Mightyena is more physically based, so a split evolution would concentrate on a special base (Special Attack and Special Defense).
    My Opinion: Once again I'm going with the Stage 2 Evolution if this is for the Poochyena family-line. They need that stat boost that only a Stage 2 Evolution is going to provide them, plus a strike-and-run looking Pokemon would be all physical in what it does, as if it had a good Special Attack it wouldn't need to strike-and-run but rather just blast from far away.

    Boy you can just feel the Lucario & Mightyena supporters gathering up and ready to declare war on the other (with groups suppoting a new Pokemon altogether or a Legendary unfortunely not being that big). And this is only with one of the new Pokemon, how would it be like when we begin being shown the other 99 + "Secret Legendaries"! All I can say is that there better be more Fire-types then Generation IV had.

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [95]Feb 8, 2010
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    ^ ah Pikachu, your posts never fail to impress me. i'm starting to think it's a split evolution from the Riolu family. i think they randomly put that Mightyena in the picture to throw everyone off. & it worked. doesn't Riolu evolve due to friendship & sunlight? well maybe the new Poke evolves under moonlight, hence its scarier appeal & werewolf features. GoodAsh is paired with Lucario, a good Pokemon. EvilAsh needs EvilPokemon = evil Lucario. its body is way too similar from that of Lucario's, so i'm on Team SplitEvolution!
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [96]Feb 8, 2010
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    No, Mightyena will be in the movie if that was a piece of official merchandise.
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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [97]Feb 8, 2010
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    is that so, oh geez ...then forget what i said. i rather have Mightyena have that evolution anyways lol
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [98]Feb 10, 2010
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    So I was doing my usual rounds, checking TV.com boards I visit first, then Jellyneo, and when I went to my third site (Serebii) I found this:

    DarkMonsterFoxPokemon.png picture by Pikachu315111
    (Well... this is rather interesting...)

    Okay, so according to translations from Serebii, both of these Pokemon are Dark-types. The first one, a Basic Stage/Un-evolved form is called Zoroa, the "Evil Fox Pokemon", and is 0.7m tall & 12.5kg. The Stage 1/first Evolution is called Zoroaaku, the "Monster Fox Pokemon", and is 1.6m tall & 81.1kg.

    Now we are to be reminded that these could possibly be fakes, let us not forget the infamous Shaymin Sky Forme incident PurpleKecleon brought us.

    (And after chasing PurpleKecleon for a day or two with torches and
    pitchforks we eventually calmed down and had a good laugh.)

    Now how can this be real when it was said the reveal would be aired on Pokemon Sunday on the 21st? Well apparently on the 15th it was reported Corocoro was going to have something on the new Pokemon, though many thought it would simply be a hint of what the new Pokemon is and might look like, we didn't expect them to reveal the Pokemon (if this is real).

    So, do you think it's real or fake?

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [99]Feb 10, 2010
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    Hmm... five days before Coro-Coro comes out... could be real, could be some good photoshop...

    EDIT: Wait, Coro-Coro already confirmed these and the movie title is Phantom Ruler Zoroark. Makes sense with the whole 'wild' Z thing now that i think of it.

    Edited on 02/10/2010 7:25am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [100]Feb 10, 2010
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    (Click for larger image)

    Name: Zorua
    Type: Dark
    Evolution Stage:
    Species: Evil Fox Pokemon
    Height: 0.7m/2'04"
    Weight: 12.5kg/27.6 lbs.

    Name: Zoroark
    Type: Dark
    Evolution Stage:
    Stage 1/First Evolution
    Species: Monster Fox Pokemon
    Height: 1.6m/5'03"
    Weight: 81.1kg/178.8 lbs.

    Corocoro said that next month they'll reveal more information including their Abilities (hopefully it's (a) new Abilit(y/ies))!

    Also the title of the 13th movie has been re-named to "Ruler of Illusions Zoroark"/"Phantom Champion Zoroark"

    (Like this poster? Well it's probably gonna change now!)

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