Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
So I was doing my usual rounds, checking boards I visit first, then Jellyneo, and when I went to my third site (Serebii) I found this:
Okay, so according to translations from Serebii, both of these Pokemon are Dark-types. The first one, a Basic Stage/Un-evolved form is called Zoroa, the "Evil Fox Pokemon", and is 0.7m tall & 12.5kg. The Stage 1/first Evolution is called Zoroaaku, the "Monster Fox Pokemon", and is 1.6m tall & 81.1kg. Now we are to be reminded that these could possibly be fakes, let us not forget the infamous Shaymin Sky Forme incident PurpleKecleon brought us.
Now how can this be real when it was said the reveal would be aired on Pokemon Sunday on the 21st? Well apparently on the 15th it was reported Corocoro was going to have something on the new Pokemon, though many thought it would simply be a hint of what the new Pokemon is and might look like, we didn't expect them to reveal the Pokemon (if this is real). So, do you think it's real or fake? |
It has to be real I mean look at the difference in art between the dogs and Fakemin
torch's and pitch fork? I had a rocket launcher..............
Ok before today Shellder was the cutest pokemon in my book
Now Zorua has taken it's position as first *drool*
syrusfan wrote: |
Well that's interesintg. But not a Mightyena or Poochyena evolution? I am disappointed. |
I was originally going to mention its face is sort shaped like Renamon's meaning it might be fox-like but I forgot to.
(Oh come on, out of all the foxes in anime
you had to use me as the example?)
syrusfan wrote: |
not a Mightyena or Poochyena evolution? I am disappointed. |
syrusfan wrote: |
Lugia and Ho-Oh seem to be like Regiggas now, they'll have like 20 minutes of screen time and then leave. And what of the Legnedary Dogs and Celebi for that matter as well? |
Oreno5267 wrote: |
what was ash's death, when? i think maybe that zoroark wil cause a great disturbance amongst the dogs, chase and have a battle with celebi, and/or celebi reverses time for something else. |
Originally the first movie was suppose to end with Ash dying (probably from Mewtwo's and Mew's attack which he ran in the middle of), and the movie was actually suppose to be a women (many assumed Misty) retelling it. However this idea was soon scrapped and in the end that had the Pokemon tears bring Ash back to life as well as drop the whole "older Misty retelling the story" angle.
FUN FACT: Though in the dub we got a hint about the "Tears of life" at the very beginning of the movie, in the original Japanese the "Tear of life" was never mentioned before before and came completely out of left field when it happened.
Whoa...just whoa.
Probably, yeah. Zoroark somehow angers Entei, Suicune and Raikou. Still don't know why Celebi is there though.
syrusfan wrote: |
Whoa...just whoa. Probably, yeah. Zoroark somehow angers Entei, Suicune and Raikou. Still don't know why Celebi is there though. |
I think Entei, Suicune, and Raikou are fighting in the future so Celebi went back to the past to see what happened to cause the fighting.
I love you (not serious)
but thank you dude!
so from the video The beasts are actually Zoroark, That dude in the hsip may be the villian, And Zorua sounds freaking adorable
sounds like he can talk too
I am totally in love with zorua it's so cute ^_^...ugh I feel like my masculinity is dropping...
Sweet mama Zoroark looks like it's gonna claw you to shreds
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
It seems like the Legendary Beasts are actually not appearing, it's just Zoroark in disguise. Zorua is so cute. Of course its a bad guy. |
Well the story looks to be a bit confusing, it kind of looks like there are two antagonists, a human group and Zorua & Zoroark. Also it looks like Zorua has teleporting/time traveling abilities or something because with the scene of it "calling" for Zoroark it first appeared through a portal similar to Celebi's time traveling portals.
edmasterchaos wrote: |
Zoroark!Ash is awesome, love his expresion >=D XD |
Yay, but it kind of looks like Zoroark!Ash has a bit of a problem with running (guess it's not used to a human body). But one of the question is still why is one of Zoroark's forms Ash?
Whoa O_o. My hopes for this movie have just skyrocketed. Zoroark and Zorua I guess can mimic abilities and forms depending on what they encounter, but that's just my opinion.
Zoroark is awesome though. He's like whatLucario should have been it if was more savage and cool looking.