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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

New Voice Actors

  • Avatar of mstrgmr


    [21]Apr 29, 2006
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    Their voices were horrible, but the narrator was good
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [22]Apr 29, 2006
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    True, and the overall plot was good, but like I said, these voices are going to stop here!
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  • Avatar of BTRAV


    [23]Apr 29, 2006
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    They'd better. I couldn't stand it. Maybe if it was in closed captioning (or if i even knew how to access it) I could've watched it with the sound off but after two minutes I was like NO!

    I'm writing another letter saying that we hated their new VAs.

    Edited on 04/29/2006 9:30am
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  • Avatar of co984life


    [24]Apr 29, 2006
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    All the voices were pretty bad to me.    I turned the channel.
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  • Avatar of MegaHL90


    [25]Apr 29, 2006
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    I Think Professor Oak's, Brock's, James, & Meowth's Vocies Were Pretty Bad, Oh, Sorry, Terrible/Horrible, Also, You Can Also Talk About This Subject At My Profile.
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  • Avatar of AnimeMoose


    [26]Apr 29, 2006
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    Misty was the only one who survived.
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  • Avatar of NewUser12345215


    [27]Apr 29, 2006
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    Honestly, when I first heard the voices of the first minute of this special.

    I thought this could be one of those "jokes" people put online and use different voices.

    Well the voices don't fit the characters at all.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [28]Apr 29, 2006
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    The only voices that were good were Misty and May, but I still want thier old voices back
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  • Avatar of Half-Ghost


    [29]Apr 29, 2006
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    Yeah I agree with everyone the only voices that were decent were Misty's and Jessie's.
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  • Avatar of metal01


    [30]Apr 29, 2006
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    the voice that was killed the most was brock, especially when he gave the speech about officer jenny, only eric stuart could have pulled that off. the VAs suck if they don't go back to normal i won't ever watch the show again.
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  • Avatar of X-626


    [31]Apr 29, 2006
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    Anyone else notice Mew had a different voice? In all honesty, I liked it, something about it just struck me as enjoyable. I still loved Mew's old voice, so I'd probably tie the two.

    Ash's voice was not that bad. Think about his age, he should be going through puberty about now, which is exactly what that voice symbolizes. Sure it's nowhere near as good as Veronica's, but it still fit his character well.

    Misty's voice is better than the old one in my opinion. That voice fits her better.

    Those are really the only three new voices I liked. Now, the episode itself was not as bad as a lot of you make it seem. You have to remember that this episode was made as pretty much a test for the new voices. The storyline was interesting, no worse than some of the movies, and the majority of the time the voices weren't that annoying to listen to.

    I've been a fan of Pokémon since the day Nintendo first announced it, so I know what I'm talking about for the most part. I'm willing to bet that if these voices had been first, and then the 4Kids voices were to have taken over, most of you would be saying the same thing about them! Be honest, who agrees with me?
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  • Avatar of Cyclon5117


    [32]Apr 29, 2006
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    To me, there are only three voices that I actually liked:  Misty, May, and Prof. Oak.  Jessie didn't sound too different, but James' voice makes him sound like an absolute moron!  Brock's voice is absolutely atrocious!!  I must know whether or not these new VAs are going to permanently replace the originals. 

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  • Avatar of MartyDaChicken


    [33]Apr 29, 2006
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    The movie?  Alright plot.  Basically a test run for the VA's  (which I am very critical about).  And since this is a thread about them, rant time!

    Oak was laughable,  Meowth was...*shudders*.  Jessie and James were alright, Jessie better than James.  May sounded like my mom.  Max was second best, next to Jessie and Misty.  Ash was too gritty.  And don't get me started on Brock...yeah.  With the new VA's, Pokemon's screwed.  Overall, Misty wins the gold, Jessie the silver, Max the bronze.

    But at least Ash, May, Misty and Max have an explanation:  puberty.  And Mew was cute.  He made the entire movie.

    Edited on 04/29/2006 1:52pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Spaction3


    [34]Apr 29, 2006
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    Just discraseful, This is the first thing I support 4Kids voice actors on (I usually hate 4Kids voice actors, but for once I am making an exception) after all, Pokemon is the ONLY good dub from 4Kids and the voices are good on that show, This is why I don't watch the English version of Sonic X, those voices were ruined, especially Cream's (sorry, but I hate Rebecca Honig's Cream voice so much that I am aggressive towards anyone who even says thay like it ) Imitations of originals are never okay.
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  • Avatar of Pixyperson


    [35]Apr 29, 2006
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    I don't get why they did it after so long. You just don't do that.
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  • Avatar of Pixyperson


    [36]Apr 29, 2006
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    [This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
    Edited on 04/29/2006 2:23pm
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  • Avatar of SaturnDiva


    [37]Apr 29, 2006
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    -.-+ IMO, the only good voice in the whole darn thing was the narrator's... And y'know, it's pretty darn bad when the freaking narrator's voice is better than the actual characters' voices.

    I watched about maybe fifteen minutes of it and just erased it off of my DVR because of how bad it was... -___-U Of course, Misty was also in it and that automatically made me hate it. Why couldn't Gary be in it instead? We Palletshippers are dying for some Ash and Gary lovin'... ;-;
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  • Avatar of mstrgmr


    [38]Apr 29, 2006
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    Pixyperson wrote:
    I don't get why they did it after so long. You just don't do that.

    They did it because 4Kids isn't dubbing anymore, Pokemon USA is
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  • Avatar of Lordslayer65


    [39]Apr 29, 2006
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    it was better before when pokemon was good

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  • Avatar of Lordslayer65


    [40]Apr 29, 2006
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    its still good,but i dont like the new vas
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