First off, some news on upcoming WiFi Missions:
Investigate the Odd Eruption, the mission which gets you a Heatran knowing three moves it couldn't normally: Eruption, Magma Storm, and Earth Power, will be available for download on October 14th.
Rescue the Lost Shaymin, the mission which gets you a Shaymin, will be available for download on November 15th.
Remember you can only transfer these Pokemon into Generation IV games (Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, & SoulSilver).
Now onto Day 3's adventure (warning, it's a long read), I didn't put any titles on them though if you want me to I can go back and add them. Anyway:
Just wanted to mention, if your StyIer has missing energy and you release a recharging Pokemon, the Pokemon will offer to recharge your StyIer before running off. Also before we continue on, I did a Quest involving stopping a bubble headed Pokemon Pincher from "playing" with three Jumpluff by chasing them. You catch the Jumpluff to cheer them back-up and the Pokemon Pincher apologizes for chasing them and walks off (yay, because arresting a person part of a criminal organization is a Pokemon Ranger's job, wait...). After that Quest you also get the the Sign to summon a Jumpluff whenever you want. Anyway we get back to Tilt Village and Murph informs us that Booker had fixed Big Booker Bridge... that still didn't stop me from summoning Raikou though because it's so much fun riding it.
Two other Quests I did was one involving using Entei to smash boulders that have fallen in Noir Forest and another involving you to deliver a parcel to the herb grower (named Herb :roll
in Cocona Village and then he gives a parcel to give back his mom who was the one that gave you the original parcel.
We get back to Rand's House where Summer has Nema fix her StyIer as she reports that she heard Pokemon Pinchers planning on awakening Moltres and also something about the Involiths being keys to an Ancient Gate. Summer mentions about the beacon she dropped and could track with her StyIer so Nema takes her and your StyIer and makes it so they not only can you communicate with each other but also unlocked the rest of the Modifications options and your Power Charge. Summer's StyIer activates and points that the beacon is south of Mitonga Island. To get to where the beacon is you need to go through the path in Tilt Village which was previously "blocked" off. going through the cave you find Pokemon Pinchers mentioning they have 2 minutes until departure and you have to use both Entei and Raikou to break through boulders, jump ledges and platforms (some collapsing), and then onto the Pokemon Pincher's Submarine. You go in and here that it's going to dive so you decide to begin looking for Blue Eyes. No sooner as you in do a bunch of Pokemon Pinchers send 3 Makuhita and 3 Gabites which you capture easily. Going to the next room Pichu runs into a side room where there is a giant cage, cut it open with two Level 2 Cuts and you'll find the rest of the Pokemon from Dolce Island in there along with Summer's Staraptor. They decide to stay in the room until you come back and oddly in the room there is a Pikachu you can't capture and will recharge your StyIer. I note this because though they showed us 4 Pichus, we now only see 3 in the room so did one of them evolve or something?
Next room is another Dusclops Puzzle and then the room after that involves Agitated Makuhita and Sneasels attacking you. Next room has you take on 2 Rampardos and there is also a Save Machine in here... why would a Pokemon Ranger Save Machine be doing in a Pokemon Pincher Submarine? Well we get to the control room where Blue Eyes is and we battle two Pinchers who use a Totodile and Croconaw. Once you get rid of those Blue Eyes sends the real boss at you, a Feraligatr. Defeating it results Blue Eyes getting a call from "that person" and says they have to resort to Plan-Z, a last resort plan which results slamming the submarine into the rocks on the ocean floor to cause confusion as they all escape in Z.Z. Flyers. After waking up, the Submarine is standing upright when a ladder falls down, climbing it will reveal it's one of Ukulele Pichu's Pichu friends. You also see the submarine begin filling up and only have 10 minutes to escape. You need to use the grates as ladders while dodging falling objects and steam pipes... and yes, they are annoying, especially a series of steam pipes at the end. Also while escaping you need to "rescue" Pichu's friends, but you really only have to go out of your way for one of them as the others you'll just meet as soon as you pass by them (and there is 4, so I guess that Pikachu was just in the box with them). Getting to the final floor we found that Blue Eyes had been pinned by a box saving two Pokemon Pinchers and so we help save her and get out with Blue Eyes confused why we're helping her. Anyway we get to the surface but the Pokemon Pinchers and Blue Eyes have left, though lucky for us Murph in The Union (I finally realiaxed that's the boats name, yay I know, slow) comes by and picks us up after Nema informs there was a major disturbance on the ocean floor from a device she had put down there when she was younger.
You get to Tilt Village and found that The Union had gotten a hole in it and needs to be fixed so Murph tells us to report it to Rand. On the way there I did two more Quests, one involving to destroy 3 traps set up by Pokemon Pinchers around Mitonga Island and another to get a boy who went into the Daybreak Ruins. After that you go to Rand and he tells you Booker could probably fix The Union. So after another Quest involving you calming down 4 Pokemon that ate spicy bread, you get to Booker who upgrades Pichu's Ukulele, noting Nick's work, and hearing that he's being asked to fix The Union he thinks we're joking around but takes Nick to see the boat he's being asked to fix anyway. Now with Pichu's friends with us, we go back to Dolce Island and after seeing the Pichu celebrate the return to their island Ukulele Pichu decides to stay with us, our blank expression saying so. When you get back to Renbow Island, Ralph gives you a letter from Blue Eyes explaining she acted as she did because she was demoted and was angry. She says that Red Eyes is heading to Faldera Volcano, which Ralph tells us where it is and need to boat to get there. Going back to Tilt Village we find that Booker is finished fixing The Union and also discovered that it was he who built it in the first place! Well we go to Faldera Volcano and as soon as we land we meet the Pokemon Pinchers who send an easily caught Torchic and Phanpy at us. As they run away they cause an explosion which results a lava flow that presents us from advancing until we stop it, which luckily has the Pokemon and conveniently placed rock to do just that! Getting higher up Pokemon Pinchers once again have Agitated Pokemon attack us, this time Charmeleons and Numels which they then send one of each species for us to capture. Up once more and we find a Rest House, not much to say after that.
Higher up we need to knock slabs of rock into lava to create paths and Pokemon Pinchers sending a Torchic and Combusken to be captured by us. We then come to a flaming rock and get this, first we need to extinguish the flames with two Level 3 Water Sprays (despite the water being sulfuric, seems like Marshtomp and Gastrodons (West, think they have East in the game?) natural habitat is there) and THEN we need to destroy it with a Level 3 Rock Smash. Anyway the next Pokemon Pincher sends out a Tyranitar which takes awhile but eventually captured. We get to the peak where Red Eye uses the Entei Emblem from the Daybreak Ruin to open a Monument. After they enter it it closes but you open it with drawing Entei's Sign and see Red Eyes firing his purple waves as Moltres. His Pokemon Pinchers goons send two Scyther but you catch those, but the battle took long enough to awaken Moltres and flies off. As Red Eyes flies off he has a Charizard destroy Summer's StyIer (because she helped us SO much when she had it) and we fly off on her Staraptor after Red Eyes. Another flying mini-game takes place with us dodging Pokemon Pincher's plasma cannons and the Hoothoot & Noctowl and Pidgey & Pidgeotto swarm they send at you. After catching up to Red Eyes and dodging his blasts he then has Charizard attack you in a Boss Fight. Upon defeating it Red Eyes points out Staraptor is getting tired when a Pokemon Pincher comes up informing they found where Articuno is as they go flying off and we fly back to Summer.
We head back to Rand to report and that Articuno rug I saw before comes into play here as Leanna says that it comes from Aqua Resort on Sophian Island and Rand saying it was made by a master weaver who was said to know something about Articuno. Rand says that the quickest way to Sophian Island is by Staraptor but they mysteriously vanished when Burkhart comes in saying he say Pokemon Pinchers at the Hinder Cape's Warehouse. Me and Rand go there as Summer stays behind so Nema can fix her StyIer and find the Pokemon Pincher who sends a Ledian for a quick capture. There is another large cage and cutting it open reveals it had a bunch of Staraptor in it (what are the chances!). So with Summer's StyIer fixed and her Staraptor feeling better, I catch a Staraptor and taught on how the flying works in this game when we found a group of Pokemon Pinchers after Latios once again, but flee once we capture their flock of Wingull and Pelippers. Anyway we land on Aqua Resort and meet Supurno who can summon the bird Pokemon we caught while flying so we could use and Kasa who points us to where the weaver's house is. However we find the weaver isn't home and as we exit we run into Edward again. Just then an old man comes down saying he saw Suicune and its angry being chased by the Pokemon Pinchers and Weber, the weaver we're looking for (Weber, weaver, get it?) went after them in the Canal Ruins.
Going to the Canal Ruins we have to constantly keep summoning Raikou to jump over the water (we need to keep summoning it as every cutscene has us un-mount it). Anyway I do a quick Quest which involves me teaching some guy's Hitmontop how to spin again by capturing it and after we do that I get the Hitmontop Sign. I also found out that for some reason the game lists Forretress as a Normal-type even though it should either be a Bug- or Steel-type. Enough of that we come to someone who points us to where Weber went and we're informed we can scare Pokemon out of hiding using the Legendary Beast's roars which, unless you had a Pokemon with the Field Move in your party already, would need to do in order to clear an obstacle. Anyway you come to the Pokemon Pinchers who had corner Suicune and as you confront them they send a Yanmega and Dodrio at you. Pokemon Pinchers and Suicune run off you come to an underwater section which your StyIer informs it sense Z.Z. Flyers in. You go underwater (and somehow the Pokemon you caught in the ocean are now in the canals) and found two Pokemon Poachers who block your exit and you need two Gorebyss to cut through the cables they set up. Now to save you a lot of frustration, remember that at there is a pillar you can cut at the top which will block one of the Gorebyss escape routes (there are two Huntail which have the Field Move you don't have any Pokemon with it), and you'll need to do this or you'll wind up looping around in circles... like me...
Anyway you cut the cables, do another underwater chase mini-game with a Pokemon Pincher, but only to find that they had already stolen Suicune's Emblem from his Involith. After you take care of a Seadra and Relicanth that Pokemon Pinchers set as you, Summer calls you to the surface where Suicune and Pokemon Pinchers have appeared, with the latter running off and the former chasing after them once more. Though after following them you find four Pokemon Pinchers firing at Suicune with their purple waves but it's not staying under control for long. Seeing us coming, a Pokemon Pincher tricks Suicune into thinking we're working with them so we have a Suicune Boss fight. One Suicune Sign later we finally meet Weber who is stuck on the other side of the canals having been dropped their after grabbing onto a Z.Z. Flyer. Use Suicune to get over there and you'll go back to Weber's place and he reveals that his ancestor did indeed see Articuno and made rug designs of it, but unfortunately that's all. Leanna then comes in, having had Murph take her over in The Union, and they begin talking when Weber reveals the rug was made of Mareep Wool. Ukulele Pichu gets angry and shocks the rug until Weber explains that the Mareep had shed that wool and they simply collected it. However Summer noticed that when Ukulele Pichu shoked the rug writing appeared and doing it again revealed Weber's ancestor writing an oath thanking Articuno for saving it on a snowy mountain peak in Oblivia. The only place like that in Oblvia is Mt. Sorbet so they head there with Weber warning us about avalanches. As we get outside we meet Kasa, Arley, and Hocus having a tea party and found out that they, along with Edward who comes in later, are all friends who have just moved to Oblivia. I have a feeling the game is trying to tell us these characters are important... but I don't see how unless they are like the secret bosses of the Pokemon Poachers or some twist like that which will probably come out of nowhere. Anyway they hear we're going after the Pokemon Poachers and don't want to hold us up so I then save my game and stopped for today.