Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Slow and steady for me. I just rescued Summer and got Entei's sign. |
You're that far back? I'm playing the game and taking notes, if I wasn't doing that I would probably bee at the last level now.
I'm currently going to go to the volcano
I also got me a manaphy egg
who's bright idea was it to make it so that the deoxys (and probably the heatran) missions unplayable without more people? none of my friends have it and my wi-fi sucks so bad that I'll be disconnected within 2 minutes of the mission
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Sorry, but I have a life, homework, and work lol Kidding. Hey, I can only play when I have time. |
I'm playing an hour or two at a time and I still get far. Also I do any quest I see in my way as well as well as catch any new Pokemon I happen to see (I wonder if Summer or whoever was traveling with me to a new location think I'm some kind of semi-kleptomaniac where while I don't need to have it, I just need to catch it). Lol.
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
I'm currently going to go to the volcano I also got me a manaphy egg who's bright idea was it to make it so that the deoxys (and probably the heatran) missions unplayable without more people? none of my friends have it and my wi-fi sucks so bad that I'll be disconnected within 2 minutes of the mission |
I'm going to wait to do the Event Missions once I'm done with the game. Once I'm done I'll begin trying to form a group here, but that is after I complete my game.
"I'm Stuck between a girl who takes a month to finish a sentence, and one who can't finish one! Honestly, I'm sick of it!"
I think I just found the most hilarious line in this game
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
"I'm Stuck between a girl who takes a month to finish a sentence, and one who can't finish one! Honestly, I'm sick of it!" I think I just found the most hilarious line in this game |
And remember, those three were the CHAMPIONS or something like that of Z.Z. Flyers and were said to be better then their boss (which I took more hits from then them).
Tried to pick it up at Gamestop, they didn't have it.
I am sad now
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Walmart, Target, Best Buy, etc. Many alternatives. |
Or order it online.
or you could steal it (just kidding)
wow they said Ramen in a Pokemon least it's not Donuts
Sorry for not posting an update yesterday, but recently a lot of things are going on and I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything being thrown at me all at once. I even have a headache as I write all this.
As we fly toward Mt. Layuda we once again find a batch of Pokemon Pinchers chasing Latios, though this time Latios looks to be struggling. As three fly off to continue to chase Latios two stay behind and send a Drifloon and Drifblim swarm/flock/group at you. Once those are all easily caught you go after the three that escape and they send a Staravia and Pidgeot flock at you. While catching them it was this time I realized that, unless a Pokemon attacks it, your line can't break while in the sky. After you caught the flock the other Pokemon Pinchers run away and you try to fly to Mt. Layuda only to find the lightning storm you were warned about and the Staraptors begin freaking out. You see Latios flying through the lightning storm without any problem and Summer says we'll need Latios help in order to get through the storm. Summer remembers the Pokemon Pinchers mentioned Latios was going to a certain island and spots a very small one behind Layuda Island which your StyIer says is Tilikule Island. And with Tilikule Island there are now no more islands in the game to go to, because if you have been paying attention (or asked a few certain NPCs) they'll mention the Oblivia islands are all named after the music scale: Docle, Renbow, Mitonga, Faldera, Sophian, Layuda, and Tilikule (and before you say anything, remember the eigth note is just "Do" again).
Landing on Tilikule Island, you'll see Latios fly off but also spot an Involith. On the Involith it shows a map of Oblivia and 5 spots on it, 4 being on Tilikule, Docle, Sophian, and Faldera island and the fifth one in the sea. Leanna then calls telling you some stuff about Latios, specifically a poem about it much like the Legendary Beasts had. She also mentions that those places on the Involith have a small Monument which will help you get Latios' sign. With that news you activate the first monument which had a plate with the beginning piece of the poem Amun wrote and Summer then suggests we head to Faldera for some reason (being Sophian or Docle are the closest, you'd think unless you knew how the sign was suppose to look you would go to one of those two places first). So you fly to Faldera and when you get to the Monument a Pokemon Pincher comes by and sends an Armaldo, Umbreon, and Bronzong for you to catch. Upon activating the Monument you're shown a picture that was on the Involith (how you're seeing this I don't know, did Summer leave a camera on the Involith before you left?) and a line between the two Monuments is made. Next destination is Sophian where a Steelhead Pincher meets with you along with a Metang, Bastiodon, and Floatzel. Capture them, activate the next Monument, see a line drawn, and then head to Docle. On Docle a bunch of agitated Pokemon come toward you but Ukulele Pichu clams them down and you get off easy with activating this Monument. Now you'd think at this point you'd know what, actually you do know what Latios's Sign looks like, however you have to activate the last Monument that is in the East Sea so you fly there and just before I could catch up to a Chatot which I need for my Browser a cutscene activates saying we can't to to the surface due to underwater volcanic activity and so Summer suggests we go over there by boat... which I don't see how that helps with getting around the volcanic activity. Oh, and when the cutscene ended the Chatot was gone...
Fly to Tilt Village and talk with Murph who drives The Union over to the spot in the East Sea you need to dive. You'll immediately spot a few Pokemon Pinchers who spot you and swim ahead. In the next area or so you'll see they had set up those cable against but thankfully the two Level 4 Cut Pokemon here are Mantine and are calm so you don't have to chase after them. After getting rid of the cables a Pokemon Pincher will send a Tentacruel for you to catch but the next area contains sulfur vents which aren't hard to pass. Getting to the end you'll see a Pokemon Pincher which you start an underwater chase mini-game with and upon catching up to him you'll then need to catch his Kingdra. Once that is all done you'll need to pass more vents and you'll come up to another dark area but instead of Sharpedos patrolling these water it's Tentacruels. Swim around and you'll find find the Monument which upon activating completed Latios Sing which you knew the shape of 10 minutes ago and are told to swim back up to the Union which is thankfully done off screen. You fly back to Tilikule and Latios will come down but then back in the air. You fly into the air and then start a Boss Battle with Latios. Defeating Latios gets you its Sign which you immediately use and enter a tutorial which basically says everything is the same as flying a Staraptor except you can now boost and in air battles Latios will actually help (unlike the other 4 Pokemon you ride on and just let you do your thing while they watch) by creating a whirlwind pushing all the Pokemon to the center of the screen. So we fly through the lightning storm on Latios, ignoring the lightning bolts and finally land on Layuda Island where you spot several Z.Z. Flyers lying on the ground.
If you guess that the presence of Z.Z. Flyers meant that there was Pokemon Pinchers around you'll be right. You'll also be right to assume the first ones you meet send a Swinub and Hippopotas for you to catch. Next you come up to the gimmick of this island where there is a shallow pool of water which is constantly struck by lightning and the only way to not be shocked is to stand on the circle stone spots that are spaced all about. You'll next come up to two Steelhead Pinchers which the first send a Piloswine and after catching that the other sends in a Mamoswine. Catching those we come up to an obstacle which, much like with the two-step rocks, requires two steps to get rid of. First you need a Level 4 Crush to turn the Mechanical Wall to an Electric Wall which requires two Level 3 Shocks to finally get rid of it. A Pokemon Pincher's Jolteon and another lightning-stricken lake later you come up to a gate which thankfully just needs one Level 4 Cut to get rid of. A Steelhead Pincher will then send 8 Electrodes for you to catch which is only a paint as while they don't attack it may take some time before you can separate them enough so that your loops can begin catching them. After that you come up to one of those seals which you need a Legendary Beast's Sign for (do I really need to tell you which one?) and after drawing it you'll come in to see Purple Eyes commanding a Steelhead to awaken Zapdos. Two Steelheads send a Magnezone and 2 Magnetons for you to catch and then a third Steelhead send 2 Luxrays for you to deal with and are these annoying but eventually you will catch them. Purple Eyes decide to deal with you himself and starts a Boss Battle with his Metagross which was easier then the 2 Luxray previously. Upon defeat Purple Eyes can't believe he has failed and asks why doesn't Zapdos wake up. Suddenly a figure on a Z.Z. Flyer comes in saying how he's disappointed in Purple Eyes as well as Red Eyes and Blue Eyes at being unable to defeat us. He then wakes up Zapdos which flies off and also reveals that he knows mine and Summer's name before flying off.
We fly off after the actual leader of the Pokemon Pinchers when Summer questions about something he mentioned, that "it" will rise again (come on Summer, what do you think it is *coughDarkFortresscough*). We track him down to the Oblivia Ruins and see two Steelheads enter the ruins along with Kasa (really game, we're going down this route? I mean I was able to guess Purple Eyes and now you're going to have me correct in another guess I made before that one?), which Summer says she must have been captured by the Pokemon Pinchers. Confronting them, Kasa will ask for you to "save her", though at the time she has musical notes over her head (in the game usually meaning they are happy or acting innocent) while the two Steelhead Pinchers with her have no idea why she is asking for "help" and have you capture a Sceptile and Torterra. By the way, I noticed that the game likes to cheat with attacks that hit everywhere randomly. You know, like when an Electric-type sends down thunderbolts to the floor or a Rock- or Ground-type causes rocks to fall, I've noticed that if your styIer is on the field, there will be one thunderbolt, rock, or whatever that will hit it even if your having it charging in a corner. Anyway after that you'll notice Kasa had vanished and Pichu points out something deeper inside the ruins which Summer says are Kasa's screams. So with my power-up StyIer ready, I will charge into the dangerous ruins filled with baddies wearing Pokemon controlling armor with a tiny electric rodent which plays a stringed instrument instead of actually attacking and a partner who even though has a powered-up StyIer likes mine never does anything... tomorrow.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Why couldn't this game come out like two months ago when I actually had time to play it! Anyway, climbing up the submarine is freaking annoying. |
Yay, that part was annoying... stupid falling Z.Z. Flyers and Steam Pipes...
not as annoying as when I had to go through that stupid waterfall only to find out that there was no psychic types with psy power to move it
forcing me to fly back to find one (noctowl) ....
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
not as annoying as when I had to go through that stupid waterfall only to find out that there was no psychic types with psy power to move it forcing me to fly back to find one (noctowl) .... |
Is this a Quest? I don't remember moving any waterfall (going behind one yay, but not moving one).
Today I was unable to play do having to study for a test I have tomorrow, however I neither posted the advancements I made in the story yesterday so:
So we head into the Oblivia Ruins where we heard Kasa screams. We have no idea what to suspect, maybe a pit where Pokemon attack you, or floors with spikes in it, or a sliding puzzle, or... a tea party. Yay, in the next room we see Kasa along with Arley and Hocus have a tea party while 6 Steelheads stood on the side. Summer tries to tell them they were in danger and to get them out of here, but the Steelheads surround us while Edward comes down asking what the commotion is about. After talking some more acting as if nothing was wrong, Arley finally asks if they could stop acting and Edward agrees which he reveals that it was them who were commanding the Pokemon Pinchers and it was him specifically who was on the Z.Z. Flyer that awoke Zapdos and talked to you by your names. They reveal that they are the "Societea"; Kasa the master of disguise, Hocus the marvelous magician, and Arley the ex-wrestle "Arley the Destroyer". Edward then changes his clothing and says that him being a doctor was just a cover and he is "Ed the Thinker" and there is nothing he can't steal. They formed the "Societea" 40 years ago and they stole treasures from all over the world. Though they broke up years ago, Edward wasn't settled with living a peaceful life in Oblivia and heard about the Gold Armor so he gathered the "Societea" back together to get the Gold Armor. With that said they then put on pieces of the Gold Armor and leave saying the Gold Armor wasn't the only "gift" the evil king who once wore the Gold Armor left. The ground suddenly began to shake and you go outside see the Dark Fortress, now called the Sky Fortress, rise up. On the Sky Fortress Edward reveals that Purple Eyes research had found something about the Sky Fortress and fires a giant energy ball at Dolce Island making it completely vanish! After this happen you can hear Edward speaking to everyone in Oblivia, introducing themselves as the "Societea" and demand for them to give up or they'll make all the islands of Oblivia vanish one by one. You see everyone on the other islands begin to panic except for Booker and Nick who are seen running off somewhere (later you see them along with the nearby sailor having somehow rescued the Docle Island Pokemon) and Leanna who is too busy translating the last murals despite Nema telling her what is happening. However Leanna soon translate it reading that the Evil King tricked the 3 rulers of the skies and only the Rainbow Grail placed upon the Rainbow Dais by the hero of Oblivia will have a rainbow appear freeing fire, ice, and lightning.
Back to our heroes, you get on Latios while Summer gets on her Staraptor as you fly to the Sky Fortress when Edward reveals another trick and summon the Legendary Birds and having them form a dark barrier around the Sky Fortress. After you try ramming it and that failing horribly, you go to Rand's house to report what is happening and it's there where Leanna tells you what she discovered. She tells them what the mural said and figured that the 3 ruler of the skies was Moltres, Articuno, and Zapdos. She then tells them that the Rainbow Grail from the Rainbow Festival as well as the Rainbow Dais could free them and you head to Booker's who is holding the Rainbow Grail. Confused, he gives the Rainbow Grail to Summer who rushes off to the Rainbow Dais in Cocona Village but after Nick gets worried about it breaking Booker reveals the Rainbow Grail he has was just a replica. After you explain why you needed the Rainbow Grail you go tell Summer the Rainbow Grail she has is a replica and the Dais is also fake. The real Rainbow Grail is somewhere in Rasp Cavern past where the "Hero Trial" was, however they don't know where the real Rainbow Dais is. Booker takes you to Rasp Cavern and unlocks the room past the fake Hero Trial made for the Rainbow Festival and enter into another room which has ancient writing and a plate Amun placed there with the translation, and each room will have the same except the last. The first real Hero Trials involved you in a pit while trying to ignore attacks from Charmeleons, Jolteons, and Snovers for 2 minutes. The 2nd Hero Trial has you run over spike floors which you have to time carefully to cross before the spikes spring up. The 3rd Hero Trial is much like the fake Hero Trial, except it was a 5x5 grid. The 4th Hero Trial is a sliding puzzle (like the Viridian Gym and Mossdeep Gym puzzles). The 5th and final Hero Trial doesn't have an Amun plate saying what the scripture on the floor says but here you had to catch an Absol. After you catch the Absol the chest will open up and you'll get the Rainbow Grail.
Now with the Rainbow Grail and need to find the real Rainbow Dais. Leanna shows you a picture of the symbol it has (which was kind of pointless being the same symbol is practically everywhere in Oblivia including on the fake Dais) and you remember the first time you spotted that symbol was on a platform on the ocean floor where you retrieved your StyIer. You try to see if your StyIer remembered where it landed and after much cheering on it found the coordinates and you take The Union to that spot. You dive down and put the Rainbow Grail on the Rainbow Dais causing a rainbow to come from it and out of the water which summoned Ho-Oh! Next thing you know the Dais had lifted from the ocean and Summer had to fly up to you Staraptor when Ho-Oh flies down to you and you enter a Boss Fight with it. Along with getting Ho-Oh's Sign, it for some reason is able to call the Legendary Birds away from the Sky Fortress even though it's Lugai who is the leader of the Legendary Birds. Either way the Sky Fortress barrier vanishes and you and Summer take Latios and Staraptor up to it, but first you have to dodge energy balls (including the large island destroying one... which only causes 10 damage) and a few Pokemon sky captures, first with a Chatot and Staravia flock and then later a Gligar and Skarmory flock. After all that you finally land on the Sky Fortress where you just so happen to find a Save Machine which is where I left.
Beat the game yesterday!5 days
usually I do six...
got the legendary birds