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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1]Jan 8, 2013
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    Fresh out of the Pokemon Direct, gen six babies. For the 3DS, all 3D Graphics. For WORLDWIDE release on October this year.

    Edited on 10/05/2013 6:05pm
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [2]Jan 8, 2013
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    The rest of the world wouldn't get it unless they're actually translating it while it's still in development. It's only a matter of time before we see which team we get to smack around this time, because even though certain teams know of other teams' downfall, they don't anticipate it could happen to them too

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [3]Jan 8, 2013
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    So they're going the ways of the letters now, guessing the trio master will be Pokemon "Z" one things will make the this awesome if it is a Zombie based Dragon typed Ghost/Dragon.

    Also who wants to bet that the fire starter evolves into a fire/fighting type?

    Edited on 01/08/2013 7:22am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [4]Jan 8, 2013
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    Looks like it's an end of an era. Back when Pokemon Black & White was released, it was said that GameFreak wanted to try and capture the feelings on the very first Pokemon game. Little did we know how true that was, as we not only end the saga of Gen V but also the era of sprites. That's right, Generation VI is here and in 3D! Let's roll those title!


    So we've gone from colors (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow), to precious metals (Gold, Silver), to previous stones (Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire), to elements with color (FireRed, LeafGreen), back to precious stones (Emerald, Diamond, Pearl), back further to precious metals (Platinum), sticking with precious metals but having a spiritual symbol in front of it (HeartGold, SoulSilver), back to the very beginning with colors (Black, White), sticking with colors but now attaching a sequel number in front of it (Black 2, White 2), and now we have LETTERS (yeah, with the metals and stones I could sort of justify giving them colors... but with letters I'm not even going to try (I mean, do you REALLY want me to start messing with the color chart?))!

    Okay, as always I'm going to over analyze everything so I might as well start with the titles. Pokemon X and Pokemon Y, not exactly the normal naming pattern we've seen over the years. Gen I titles (and their remakes) were simply reflecting the starter Pokemon they had as their mascot, Gen II titles (and their remakes) were a reference to the towers which their Legendary mascot rested upon, Gen III titles were just like the Gen I titles and were simply a reference to the Legendary mascot with stone colors being used to symbolize the legendaries were "super ancient", and Gen IV titles was a direct reference to their mascot legendaries which looked to have those gems/metals on their body. Then we come to Gen V which titles were a bit odd as their colors referenced the OTHER title's Legendary. Obviously this is because Black & White wasn't just a reference to the main Legendaries like past titles were but also to the concept of Yin & Yang. With that said I think the same thing can be said with Pokemon X & Y, their titles both reference their mascot Legendary but also to a possible theme the games might have. With that said, let's take a look at the mascot Legendaries:

    Guess which one is for what version?

    What's that? How do I know these are the mascot Legendaries even though we weren't told who these Pokemon are? Well, let me direct you back to the titles. See how the letters look to be designed off something? Now look at these Pokemon. Now back to the letters. These Pokemon. Letters. These Pokemon. THE LETTERS WERE DESIGNED OFF THESE POKEMON! Not to mention the deer's antlers and crest form an "X" (also if you look carefully you can see an "X" in its eye) and the bird, well, I think it's easier to figure out why it's representing "Y". Okay, yes, that might mean they're the mascot but that doesn't mean their Legendary but, come one, aside from the Gen I remakes the mascot has always been a Legendary so quit kidding around.

    So, back to why the titles are X and Y. Well when I heard those titles 2 things came to mind: mathematical/dimensional axises and chromosomes. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, mathematical/dimensional axises refers to those intersecting lines you see on a graph:

    Now in math, generally the y axis is used to show "value" amount (higher up the y axis the higher the "value") while the x axis is generally used to show progression (further right the x axis the further things have progressed. However with dimensional it's a bit different as y-axis is used for height and x-axis is used for length (obviously this is for 2D, there's a z-axis which is used for width. Third version title perhaps?). Now with all that explained you probably think this can't be what they're going for and I would agree with that, though it is something to keep in mind.

    What is more likely is the chromosome idea. Chromosomes can be considered packages of DNA which contain your genes, essentially who you are (physically at least, though a bit mentally too) is because of your chromosomes. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes (each parent giving one part of a chromosome pair to create a whole one for their child), 22 serve the same function as they do in everybody, however the 23rd pair has a bit of difference to them and is where we get back to Pokemon X & Y. To put it simply, the 23rd chromosome is the one responsible for what gender you are. The mother's 23rd Chromosome is always an "X" chromosome (which are also what all the other chromosomes are), HOWEVER the father's 23rd chromosome can either be an "X" or a "Y". If it's an "X", the 23rd chromosome is a "XX" chromosome which is what females have. If it's a "Y", the 23rd chromosome is an "XY" chromosome which is what males have.

    "Interesting" you're probably thinking, "but what does this have ANYTHING to do with why the titles are X & Y? Honestly, if this is what GameFreak is going for, I think the theme might more have to do with DNA rather then chromosomes in particular. If you were to look again at the 2 mascot legendaries you could argue they represent heredity. The deer's antlers look sort of like what some may call a "family tree" while the bird looks to have a blood vein design going throughout its body, from its wings to its tail. And if that's enough, let's take a quick look to the Japanese titles:

    Hmph, why does Japan get the fancy font?

    See the apostrophe in the Japanese lettering (you know, that rainbow thing)? If you look closely it's actually in a shape of a double helix, the shape of DNA! So it seems like a possible theme will have to do with heredity, though to what extent I don't know. Could we be going for a nature vs. nurture conflict? Something involving a character's bloodline being special or destined to do something? Maybe it has to do with the mystery of Pokemon and their DNA (boy would that be an interesting trick to watch them explain)? Either way, it's something to keep in mind as this is all speculation. Oh, and also this new region seems to be based upon Europe, a place well known for being ruled by kings, queens, emperors, lords, nobles, and other people who would consider heredity a very important thing. Could that also play a role in this game's story? Possibly, speculation at this point like everything else. But hey, I talked enough about the title (that's right, this entire long post was just about the title), let's actually go into the important things we were shown!

    Edited on 08/10/2013 8:49pm
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [5]Jan 8, 2013
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    Gawd can't wait to take Fennekin and wreck havoc on PokeFrance.

    Gonna be hard to come up with a nickname beyond Mozilla, but I got nine months. He better evolve into fire/psychic (it May have used a psychic attack)

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [6]Jan 8, 2013
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    Hey, why don't we actually look the the trailer instead of marveling at the title and what possible a pair of letters could mean! Oh, and no, this isn't my last post. I'm going to talk about the new 3D world in this part, though my next post is my last post where I talk about the 5 new Pokemon. Now with that explained, let's just move onto the video!

    ... umm, TV.com won't let me post video directly on a post so...


    0:04 - Wow, took 4 seconds until Pikachu to be shoved in our face. Looks like GameFreak is trying to hold back.
    0:07 - Subtitles? Oh come on, Pikachu's accent isn't that bad...
    0:13 - Oh, need proof this region is based on Europe? Look, PIKACHU IS ON THE EIFFEL TOWER.
    0:15 - Electrical bolts are powerful enough to spread around the world... yet it still got beat by a Level 5 Snivy...
    0:18 - You just know Nintendo are crying tears of joy that they now have a Pokemon game on the 3DS so they can finally start selling.
    0:20 - Well, already time to talk about the main characters!

    (You know it doesn't matter how much you show off the boy but now the girl, this is the internet, there was naughty pictures of her up on the web 10 minutes after her reveal)

    Nothing too special to say about the boy. He just looks like another variation of Hilbert (BW playable boy) and Nate (BW2 playable boy), however he does get points for having those swanky pair of sunglasses on the top of his hat. GameFreak is much better at making their girls look a bit more distinguishable and this game's model come in a red dress, red short brim sun hat, long dark blonde hair, and a pair of sunglasses (what, was there a sunglasses sale at a store near GameFreak?). Overall the two are what you'd expect from the main protagonists.

    Also a quick mention on the character models. If you couldn't tell by now, the world is in 3D(!) now and so everything is now a model. It looks like there sort of going for a semi-chibi cel-shaded look which I guess fits the Pokemon atmosphere. Though with that said I do hope we have normal artwork for the characters so we can get a good idea of what they actually look like. Back to the video:

    0:22 - Looks like we're going back to single numbered routes one more. Makes sense, this is a new continent. Oh, and even though we're now in a 3D world, apparently random trainers STILL stand perfectly still in one place just waiting for you to pass by so that they can battle (sorry GameFreak, I'll let you slide for this game but this ain't going to fly anymore. You've moved onto a 3D world thus the reality factor is going to start coming into play).

    Route 3, it feels like I've been through this route in 2 other regions...

    0:24 - Vine swinging? What did Iris design this place? Anyway, possible Grass-type Gym?

    Nets? Railing? What is this? There's no safety in Pokemon, get that stuff out of here!

    0:26 - 0:28 - Hey, when you're making a game which takes partly in France, you're obligated to put in an Eiffel Tower. However a more important detail is that it seems like the male character has rollerblades on! Could it be possible they're replacing the running shoes? The bike? Does our character only walk or did they finally make the character able to run without special footwear (being the 3DS has an analog stick, it's now possible for them to give the character a walking and running option by how much you push on the analog stick)?

    Oh playable character, you got things mixed around. It's the French who are the ones who run away...

    0:28 - Is that a statue of a knight, Golurk, and Palpitoad (I also think there's an Eevee sitting on the Golurk's hand)? So I'm guessing that after there experiment with Black & White they decided to toss the idea of having that generation only Pokemon during main story.

    A knight, huh? Looks like GameFreak jumped the gun a bit with BW's Team Plasma being knight-themed

    0:30 - ... I don't even know what that is... from what I can find, people are saying this area might be based on the canyons in Spain.

    Looks like Area 51 has some competition for mysterious facilities in a desert...

    0:31 - We're going to skip the Pokemon bits for now, but don't worry, I will be talking about them eventually and referring to some interesting things which happen in the video.

    0:58 - Great, looks like we have an escort mission at some point. They better give us control over on what these NPC battle partners do, sometimes I encounter a Pokemon I want to catch and my partner will just up and go knock that Pokemon out before I can catch it!
    1:00 - Oh Pikachu, can't be out of the spotlight for more then a minute, can you?

    Well we went throughout Unova without encountering a Pikachu, I guess we're a generation worth due of them...

    1:02 - ... what is going on... Well looks like we have a Gym here yet... is this a Psychic-type Gym? The main character was in a purple dimension with blue light roads one second and then walls and the rest of the floor formed around the main character and now they're in a plain looking room?!

    Hey, didn't we see the boy playable character pass that guy in front of the Eiffel Tower expy? Is he the Clyde of this region? I'M SO CONFUSED!

    1:06 - Bug-type Gym. What more is there to say? Though I do wonder how you're suppose to traverse it. Can you only walk on the threads which are visible? Are those dew droplets suppose to be a hint on where you can go? Where's those Spinarak canoes from Azalea Gym when you need them...

    I always thought webs were sticky, but in actuality they're bouncy. Who knew.

    Actually I want to take a second to discuss direction. So far we've only seen the main characters walking forward and turning a 90 degree angle. Are we still walking on a grid or do we actually have full directional control? If it is still a grid, can we walk diagonally like in the Mystery Dungeon games? Questions not answered yet, so let's keep on watching...

    1:10: - GEEZ! GREAT PILLARS OF FIRE! Hmm, looks too straight forward to be a Fire-type Gym, maybe Fire-type Elite Four member? So so far it looks like we have a Grass, Psychic(?), and Bug-type Gym and possible a Fire-type Elite Four member.

    Hmm, first time they've ever shown what possibly could be an Elite Four member's type in a trailer.

    1:13 - As I said, we're skipping the Pokemon for the next post.
    1:32 - SURPRISE! It only took them 15 years but we're finally getting a worldwide release of a Pokemon game, and it's THIS YEAR! Though of course, it's in October so Nintendo and GameFreak have 9 to 10 months to reveal more information/tease us.

    And though GameFreak's teasing is just beginning, my is ending as I'll finally discuss the Pokemon and battling in my next post. Seeya then!

    Edited on 01/08/2013 2:23pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [7]Jan 8, 2013
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    I've gone into creepy in-depth details on the titles meaning and then into this new 3D Pokemon World and region have to offer, however now it's time to look at the stars which this very franchise is named after: the Pokemon!

    What's Old Is New: (Also, Death Of Sprites)
    First let's quickly go over some of the older generation Pokemon that were seen in the trailer:

    0:28 - Golurk, Palpitoad, & Eevee (albeit in statue form, however we do see an actual Golurk battling later so that might mean those other Pokemon are available as well)
    0:39 - Magikarp
    0:40 - Golurk (See, told you)
    0:47 - Munchlax
    0:48 - Kirlia
    0:55 - Pansear
    0:56 - Patrat
    1:00 - Pikachu
    1:02 - Litwick & Psyduck
    1:04 - Weavile & Audino
    1:07 - Mienfoo & Dratini

    Now what witty thing will I make for these sprites... sprites... oh...

    Everyone, I think it's time to come together and say goodbye to sprites. Now with the main series going into 3D, as well as Mystery Dungeon, Gen V might have been the last generation which had sprites. From the release of Red & Green in Japan on February 27, 1996 to the release of Black 2 & White 2 in Korea on November 8, 2012, sprites have been a very important part of Pokemon history as it has been the main graphic style used to bring us the Pokemon world. Though 3D elements have been slowly brought in these last few years, for the most part, the battling scenes have mostly used sprites to display the various species of Pokemon. GameFreak have done many creative things with sprites such as the concept of Shinies, gender differences, Pokemon Musicals, Pokestar Studios, and even a special Pichu sprite which had spiky ears. We've gone from black and white still sprites to ones with color and animation. Even in Black 2 & White 2 we were still innovating sprites by giving them more frames of animation to make them move more fluid as well as giving NPC trainers their own moving sprites. However that's all come to an end. Now that we're moving onto full 3D, we're ending the era of sprites for Pokemon. But while I personally am sad we're going to lose this art form, I do understand and want Pokemon to start moving ahead and that's in 3D models. In addition Pokemon has gathered a sprite making community and I'm sure they'll continue making Pokemon sprites, even ones for the new Pokemon I'm sure. But as for official sprites, it looks like their time has finally come to an end.

    Back to the older generation Pokemon, the fact that they've shown Pokemon like Munchlax, Kirlia, and Weavile make me believe that these aren't randomly picked Pokemon but rather they might be catchable in the game. If they just wanted to show off the starters they could have shown us them attacking a few of the Gen I and Gen V Pokemon. However the fact that they have a few Gen III and IV Pokemon (as well as random Gen I and V choices such as Golurk, Palpitoad, Eevee, Magikarp, Pansear, Litwick, Psyduck, Mienfoo, and Dratini) make me think they're in the game. Which is nice, new Pokemon are all and good though forcing us to just use the new Pokemon means we have a Gen V mass release of Pokemon to fill up the missing void which might have been too much as well it's nice to have a few familiar faces that we can have join our team (as well as Audino to get some nice big chunks of experience ).

    But you don't want to really hear about the OLD Pokemon. Oh no, you want to hear about the NEW Pokemon. With every Generation comes at least 100 new Pokemon, and it's only natural that in a teaser trailer you'll want to show some of these Pokemon. And what better Pokemon to introduce, especially in this new era of Pokemon, then the very starters that'll be joining us as well as a quick glimpse of the Legendary mascots. We have 5 new Pokemon to look at, so what are we waiting for (well, I guess for me to stop making this paragraph longer then it has to be). Let's dive into the new generation!

    Starting Off With The Starters:
    Grass, Fire, Water. The 3 types every Pokemon trainer know since that's the first 3 types their offered to start their journey off with. For many people their starter in any of the games is their most trusted partner, and for those who don't are heartless monsters have a right to their own opinion. It's to see the starters of Gen VI:

    Chespin! Fennekin! Froakie!

    Welcome to the internet, prepared to get flamed (even you, Fennekin).

    Yeah, as you can guess from the caption people are already calling them ugly. Personally I think many people aren't even giving them a chance (I know, a shocking thing for people over the internet to do), afterall many people made fun of Oshawott when the Gen V starters revealed and now people think it's a bada$$. But that was last gen, let's focus on the new starters. I'm going to go through each one individually so that I can feel I've gone into the proper amount of in-depth I like to do. With that said, the first starter up is the type which always is the first: Chespin!

    POKEMON: Chespin
    TYPE1: Grass
    BASED ON: Gopher
    KNOWN MOVES: SolarBeam & Aerial Ace(?)
    NAME ORIGIN: "Chestnut" & "Pin". Possibly also "Chinkapin", a type of chestnut.
    Harimaron - Japanese - "Harinezumi" (Hedgehog), "Hari" (Needle), & "Marron" (French for "Chestnut")
    Marisson - French - "Herisson" (Hedgehog) & "Marron" (Chestnut)
    Igamaro - German - "Igel" (Hedgehog) & "Marone" (Chestnut)
    Spanish and Italian name is the same as its English

    *GASP* A NON-REPTILE GRASS-TYPE STARTER! Already Chestpin brings something new on the table with being a mammal instead of a reptile which all the other previous Grass-types were. For that I have to give it some credit. However it does sort of feel like it's trying to resonate a bit of Oshawott (especially with the shape of its head, eyes, and nose) though I guess that's GameFreak designating it as the "cute" starter. Judging on it's own merit, Chestpin is okay though nothing really screams out at me... at least with its bare body. That plant hood is a bit eye catching and pretty much the only thing which tells you Chestpin is suppose to be a Grass-type (sort of like with Sewaddle). I guess this is the case of the clothing making the mon's type, however I do feel they could have done a bit more to make its actual body stand out more (at least Sewaddle's actual body was green to go along with its Grass typing).

    Going over to the trailer, Chestpin is shown doing his stuff between 0:35 to 0:42. At 0:39 you see it using SolarBeam which shouldn't be that much of a surprise being it's a Grass-type (notice the quick cut to make it seem like it fired it immediately at Magikarp ). However what's interesting is at 0:41 where it looks like it's using Aerial Ace on Golurk. Now being a TM move, Aerial Ace can actually be learned by a lot of Pokemon of various types. Still, if that was Aerial Ace, why would they show off Chestpin using it? Is it possible this might be a hint to a secondary type of Flying, and if not for Chestpin then its evolutions? Maybe, though being it's a gopher (NOT a chipmunk or hedgehog despite what the names might make you think. It's tail pretty much reveals it's a gopher) it's kind of hard for me to see it go through that transition (actually, being a gopher, I would think it'd either be or gain a part Ground-type).

    As for any predictions for it, well, I'm sure it'll have Overgrow as its primary Ability, that's a dead giveaway. Stat wise I don't quite know where it'll go. Being it used a Special and Physical attack in the trailer I want to say that maybe it'll be a mixed attacker, but the clothes it's wearing makes me think that at some point it'll becomes more armor like (afterall, the "pin" part in it's name might come from those "pins" coming off its mask). I'm going to say that Chestpin will be a Physical Pokemon, having high Attack and Defense but low Special Attack and Special Defense. Evolution wise I'm going to go against what the trailer showed and say it'll follow it's animal routes and becomes a Grass/Ground, its plant clothing becoming more armor-like to match its high Defense stat though will have "pins" coming off it to show its high Attack stat too.

    POKEMON: Fennekin
    TYPE1: Fire
    BASED ON: Fennec Fox
    KNOWN MOVES: Flamethrower & Confusion(?)
    NAME ORIGIN: "Fennec" & "Kindle".
    Fokko - Japanese - English word "Fox", "Ko" (Fox), & "Ko" (Child).
    Feunnec - French - "Feu" (Fire) & "Fennec"
    Fynx - German - English word "Fox", "Lynx", & possibly "Sphynx"
    Spanish and Italian name is the same as its English

    Looks like Fire-types are staying with mammals though it's a but of a surprising one, not because it's an odd species, but rather because you would think they'd use this species before. I'm of course talking about Fennekin being a fox, a species which despite its popularity in Japan (due to its connection with the mythical nine-tailed foxes, Kitsunes), there hasn't been any starters based on it (though of course there have been a few other Pokemon which have, notably Eevee, Vulpix, Ninetales, Zorua, and Zoraork). And though Fennekin isn't based on the typical foxes which Kitsunes were based off from, it's possible that its Fire-type references Kitsunes which are able to manipulate fire. Of course it's Fire-type could also come from it being based on the Fennec Fox, a species of fox which lives on the hot Sahara of North Africa. No matter where its inspiration for it being a Fire-type comes from, it's still a Fire-type, which means I'm choosing it as my starter. Thus any of my further opinions on it being the best looking and most adorable of the Gen VI starters (which it is) will be said to be bias toward it.

    To video, specifically 0:43 to 0:50! 0:46 shows Fennekin doing what Fire Starters do best, using Flamethrower (yes, even the more Physical based Fire Starters have a decent Special Attack stat to use Flamethrower, it's mandatory), even if its on a Munchlax which probably has Thick Fat. But what REALLY catches my eye is 0:48 where Fennekin is using a Psychic-type attack! I think it's Confusion which is even more exciting since usually only Psychic-type only learn Confusion (with that said, even Psychic, despite being a TM move, is only learned by a handful of Fire-types). And though some may think it's foolish for it to use a Psychic-type on Kirlia, a fellow Psychic-type, I actually take it battling a Kirlia as even more of a hint that we're finally breaking the Fire Starter's final evolution being part Fighting-type by having Fennekin, or at least it final evolution, be part Psychic-type (which might be also be reference to Kitsunes which have psychic powers)!

    Predictions: Fennekin is going to be AWESOME! Okay, REAL predictions: In addition to have Blaze as its primary Ability, being both a Fire and Psychic-type, Fennekin will have a high Special Attack with high Speed to match, however much like a fragile flame it'll have low Defense and Special Defense. So in other words it'll be the typical Fire-type, but being it'll be part Psychic-type I'm sure that'll be overlooked as it crushes all in its way! Oh, and for how it's evolutions will go, sorry Vulpix and Ninetales, but to match its growing Psychic powers I think Fennekin will sprout additional tails like a Kitsune it wants to be.

    POKEMON: Froakie
    TYPE1: Water
    BASED ON: Frog
    KNOWN MOVES: Hydro Pump(?) & (?)
    NAME ORIGIN: "Frog" & "Croak".
    Keromatsu - Japanese - "Kerokero" (Onomatopeia for a frog's croaking), "Matsu" (Bubble/Foam), & "Himatsu" (Spray/Splash)
    Grenousse - German - "Grenouille" (Frog) & "Mousse" (Foam)
    Froxy - French - "Frosch" (Frog)
    Spanish and Italian name is the same as its English

    With Grass and Fire both being mammals, it's up to the Water Starter to represent the cold-blooded animals of the world. Froakie just looks odd to me. I think it's that foam in its nose, makes it look like it either has 2 giant white nostrils or a bone through its nose. Oh, and if you're wondering why it's foamy (pretty much anything white on Froakie is suppose to be foam) is because some species of frogs lay their eggs in a foam nest (some said species being from Africa, and combining that with the nose foam looking like a bone through it's nose... yeah, you'd think Nintendo would be more careful about "accidentally" enforcing stereotypes *coughJynxcough*). But yeah, I would mark Froakie as the "odd" one of the Gen VI starters.

    So, yeah, its trailer footage is from 0:51 to 0:58. I'm guessing the Water-type move at 0:55 is Hydro Pump as they gave the other two starters strong moves of their primary type so they'll probably do the same for Froakie (either way its against a Pansear, not that difficult to beat). However I'm not sure what it's doing at 0:56. It's doing some kind of close range Physical attack, I'm guessing with a Normal-type or Fighting-type move. If it's a Fighting-type move then, possibly with the other two Starters, it might be a hint that Froakie or its final evolution will be part Fighting-type (hmm, a Water/Fighting-type frog, why does that sound familiar...).

    Wrapping up the starters with Froakie's predictions, primary Ability will be Torrent and it's final evolution typing will be Water/Fighting. With Water being mostly a Special Type and Fighting a Physical Type, I'm going to say that Froakie will be the mixed attacker having high Attack and Special Attack though being a frog on land and in France it'll suffer with low Speed and HP. If it doesn't want to be showed down on while helpless on land I'd say its evolutions will go with the foam idea and, though it'll become bigger, more and more of its body will be covered in foam (however its final evolution will have a visible awesome beard and possibly mustache made from foam).

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [8]Jan 8, 2013
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    Stupid character limit...

    A Legendary By Any Other Name:
    I've already discussed a bit about... X-Deer and Y-Bird. Unfortunately what I discussed might all there be to them. X-Deer is a tall blue deer with colorful antlers that look like a family tree and its eyes have a "X" along with its antlers and crest forming an "X". Y-Bird is a vulture-like bird which looks like a "Y" stretched out and has a vein like pattern going throughout its body. What more is there to say? I guess I can do some type guessing, X-Deer might be a Grass-type to go along with its "family TREE" theme and it's obvious that Y-Bird will be a Flying-type. Being they'll most likely be part of a trio, I'm also going to guess that there's another member who represents the letter "Z", maybe a serpent. Though hopefully if it is it won't be a Dragon-type, we've had a Dragon-type trio for the past two generations and a change would be a nice breath of air.

    You know, I think this is the first time we're shown the Mascot Legendaries yet we don't know their names...

    That was all the Pokemon in the trailer, both old and new, so until more news pop up that might be the only thing to talk about. Hmm, actually I'm beginning to think of a few topics that can be discussed.

    *Hears everyone starting to groan*

    Oh please, you know you like to read through by inane babbling genius analysis! However I think I'm done for today so unless any news pop up tonight I'll see if I can post something... retrospective tomorrow.

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [9]Jan 8, 2013
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    Chespin, you will be mine... I of course am gonna continue to stick with my tradition of choosing the Grass-type starter. Ever since Pokemon began, I've always chosen the Grass-type as my starter. I started with Bulbasaur in Red, Blue, FireRed & LeafGreen, Chikorita in Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold & SoulSilver, Treecko in Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald, Turtwig in Diamond, Pearl & Platinum, and Snivy in Black, White, Black 2 & White 2. I'm not planning to break this tradition anytime soon.

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  • Avatar of stui8


    [10]Jan 8, 2013
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    I have been waiting for this for a long time and I waswonderingif they wereevergoing to change the format of the games from the sprite version to 3D.

    To be honest, I'm surprised. I expected them to release Ruby/Sapphireremakes before Gen VI. I'm actually kind ofdisappointedthat they weren't I was really looking forward to them. But The Pokemon Co. has been full of surprises this past few years.

    I'm sure every one is thinking "Oh I bet the third game will be Z" but remember how everyone though there would be Gray after Black and White and everyone wassurprised.

    For the firstfourgensexceptfor SS i used water starters. I have to admit for black i cheated and got all three which made picking only one started hard since i had a hear time choosing between Oshowott and Tepig. But for the first time ever I may just pick a grass type type for this game. Although I may start to lean toward the fire starter as time goes on. But, the water type just looks hideous.

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [11]Jan 8, 2013
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    if only you all can see my jaw, dropped to the floor right now. I am still hung up on Black. heck I didn't even know Black and White 2 were released already. I stopped by the forum to take a quick look and was astonished to find this bit of news. WOW. I have no words. o dear god I don't even know all of gen v's names yet. it's true when they say once you turn 21 things just go in ultra warp speed. anyways, I really like the starters. with the exception of that hideous frog. if that Grass starter ends up being half Flying like Charizard, it's totally mine. loving the legendaries. simple, traditional, yet elegant. Pokemon needs to go back to simplicity like they did with gen v and I am thrilled with what they're going for in the sixth generation. still CAN'T fathom it.... SIXTH generation wowowww
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [12]Jan 9, 2013
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    With the immediate excitement of a new generation having died down a bit, we're finally given the names of the mascot Legendaries: Xerneas and Yveltal.

    I'm just going to let Bulbapedia figure out what those names exactly mean... Also would have been nice if they gave us official artwork of them...

    Also it has been confirmed that the number of Pokemon is now over 700! Being Genesect, the last Pokemon currently in National Dex order, is #649 this means we have at least 52 new Pokemon. Right now we know of 11 Pokemon (the starters and their evolution (9) and the mascot Legendaries (2)) leaving at least 41 Pokemon unknown.

    It's about to get a bit crowded where Genesect is.

    Now personally I wouldn't mind if they didn't introduce 100 new Pokemon, especially if we're going to have Pokemon from the previous generation available. Don't get me wrong, I would like to see a nice number of new Pokemon, but considering all the Pokemon we have now it'll be a nice breath of fresh air if there was under 100 so that there aren't that many more that needs adjusting too though different enough to mix things up.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [13]Jan 9, 2013
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    Yay, 700.

    I really hope it goes higher. Having only a little more than 50 new Pokes feels kind of...short compared to gen V's 156.

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  • Avatar of stui8


    [14]Jan 9, 2013
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    It will beinterestingto see how this affects the TV series.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [15]Jan 9, 2013
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    stui8 wrote:

    It will beinterestingto see how this affects the TV series.

    What do you mean? it'll affect like every other generation? Ash will go to the new city, Pikachu will become weak as p*** and he'll go through and collect all the badges again. The only things that may be different is

    Ash's choice for roster after the Flying type and 1,2 or 3 of the starters Starter.

    The person who travels with him

    Hopefully this time the rivals won't be a disappointment. But I do wonder since the game is in

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [17]Jan 9, 2013
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    Question about the "death of the sprites" what happens when you go to view the pokemon you have caught in the menu?

    Most likely you'll see a picture of the 3D model like in the Console battling games and then when check the Pokemon's stats it'll probably show the 3D model on the top of the screen while the bottom screen shows the pokemon's moves and stats.

    Edited on 01/09/2013 9:24pm
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [18]Jan 10, 2013
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    I liked the fire starter.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [19]Jan 10, 2013
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Kwando7 wrote:

    Question about the "death of the sprites" what happens when you go to view the pokemon you have caught in the menu?

    Most likely you'll see a picture of the 3D model like in the Console battling games and then when check the Pokemon's stats it'll probably show the 3D model on the top of the screen while the bottom screen shows the pokemon's moves and stats.

    That sounds pretty cool

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  • Avatar of ChipmunkRaccoon


    [20]Jan 10, 2013
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    I'll be interested in seeing what human characters we may see from "X and Y" appearing in the anime.
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