(contineud from previous post)
Gen IV/Sinnoh:
Moving to the DS, a new system meant more new mechanics though thankfully there was a way to trade over Gen III Pokemon over to Gen IV, though it was a one way trade. The starters this time around get special notice as all of them now get a secondary type when they evolve though only the Fire Starter gets the secondary type upon evolving the first time, the other two having to wait until their final stage. These starters are Turtwig (a green, snapping turtle with a sprout growing on its head), Chimchar (an orange chimp with a flame as a tail), and Piplup (a blue penguin chick). Another special notice though only for Chimchar, Gen IV was famous for lacking Fire-types so pretty much Chimchar and Ponyta were your main choices for a Fire-type in that gen though the third version, Platinum, did add some more in like the Magmar family. But is doesn't remain a single type for long as the Starters evolutions are Grotle (a bigger turtle with bushes growing on its shell), Monferno (a monkey which has grown a long tail with a flame at the tip and became part Fighting-type), and Prinplup (a penguin whose beak goes up its head to form a sort of crown and looks like it's wearing a suit). But not to let the Fire Starter being the only one with second type fun, they all soon evolve into Torterra (a large turtle with a small tree and mountain growing on its shell giving it a part Ground-type), Infernape (a brown and white, kung fu monkey with a streak of flame coming from the top of its head), and Empoleon (a tall, navy penguin with a beak which forms a trident on its face and looks like it's wearing a full tuxedo which somehow makes it a Steel-type too).
The specialized stats continue starting with the Turtwig Family who take up the mantel of being Physical powerhouses but trades it for low Speed as a result. The Chimchar Family copy what the Torchic family tried to do but a bit better by having not only high Attack and Special attack but also high Speed though the rest of its stats suffer as a result. If the Grass Starter was the Physical side of things this time, that means the Water-type is on the special as the Piplup Family takes on high Special Attack and Special Defense in exchange for low Speed.
Slow Physical - Grass until final stage which is Grass/Ground
Speedy Offensive - Fire only for first stage and Fire/Fighting for the rest.
Slow Special - Water until final stage which is Water/Steel
Gen V/Unova:
And finally we've come to the current Gen. To think, a month ago we thought that we had maybe another year with Gen V. But time stops for no one and now it's time to look upon the new as old. Being Unova is based off New York, a giant melting pot of culture, the Unova Starters are actually based off different cultures: Snivy (a green snake with arms, legs, and a leaf tail) is based off an image of European royalty, Tepig (an oragne and black piglet) is based off Chinese culture, and Oshawott (a blue otter with a white face and seashell on its stomach) was based off Japanese culture. Also a major change was done to how Gym Leaders worked as in Black & White the first Gym Leader would always have the type advantage over the starter while the second Gym Leader was a Normal-type gym with Fighting-types nearby. Black 2 & White 2 got rid of the first idea, instead replacing it with the Normal-type Gym. With no Starter no longer having the type advantage at the first Gym you could say this was the first generation without an actual difficulty setting: you can now choose the starter you want without fear of the first Gym's type. And by the time you get to the middle Gyms your Starter should have evolved into either a Servine (a longer snake with leaf-like limbs), Pignite (a bipedal big that's ready to wrestle with its gained Fighting-type), and Dewott (a mostly blue otter with two seashells on its thighs/legs). That's right, the Starter is ANOTHER Fire/Fighting-type and it's also the only dual type as proven by the Starter's final stage: Serperior (a long, regal-looking, finally limbless snake), Emboar (A huge bipedal pig with a beard of flame), and Samurott (a sea lion samurai with a giant shell on its head and long white beard & mustache).
From the looks of the stats it looked like they tried doing a few different things. The Snivy Family have high Speed and defensive stats though everything else is lackluster. The Tepig Family goes back to the Torchic Family way with high offensive plus HP but low everything else. Oddly enough the Oshawott family also follow the Tepig Family except their high stats aren't that high though in exchange that means their low stats aren't as low.
Speedy Defensive - Grass throughout
Slow Offensive - Fire only for first stage and Fire/Fighting for the rest.
Offensive - Water throughout
So what does this mean for the Gen VI Starters: Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie? Not a clue As you can tell, throughout the generation there have been many experiments with the Starters stat wise (type-wise... not so much, evident by the Fire/Fighting for 3 Generations...). However, despite these experiments, each type does seem to have a loose connection with some exceptions. Grass Starters generally seem to be defensive with their other stats not being low either. Fire Starters are generally fast and have high offensive stats though this results in low defensive stats. Finally Water Starters also are generally offensive but they aren't as worried about Speed as Fire Starters are so what stat is low for them varies. Typing seems all over the place, though, so I would say it's fair game on if they get a secondary type or what type that would even be (however the trailers may hint at what these secondary types might be and I've mentioned what I think those types might be in a previous pose).
Though whatever those possible secondary types are, let's just hope Fennekin doesn't become part Fighting-type...
Well that's all for the starters, however there are plenty of things Pokemon to go over before Gen VI is released. Maybe next time I'll talk about trends with com mons next time... until then, seeya!