Continuing with the newly revealed Pokemon, this new batch of com mons gives us a special treat as it contains the Fossil Pokemon for this gen! As for the com mons themselves, we got a poodle you can customize, a pair of Psychic cats with gender difference (and I don't mean only in looks), and the evolution to Litleo we've all been waiting for. So let's get to it:


Pokemon: Furfrou
Type: Normal
Ability: Fur Coat (NEW! Physical damage done to this Pokemon is halved)
Species: Poodle Pokemon
Height: 1.2 m/3'11"
Weight: 28 kg/61.7 lbs
Known Moves: Baby-Doll Eyes (NEW! Fairy-type Status Move. Increased priority and decreases the opponent's Attack stat)
Flavor Text: The stylish Pokemon Furfrou can have its appearance changed by grooming. There are number of different appearances it can take, and the more you groom it, the more styles may become available! If you leave its style untended for a few days, its fur will grow long and shaggy again, returning to its original look. Keep a regular grooming schedule to maintain it's style! Furfrou isn't just stylish, it's also considered very intelligent and loyal to its Trainer. It's said that in ancient times, Furfrou guarded the king of Kalos.
Based On: A poodle (specifically a Standard Poodle)
Name Origin: "Fur" & "frou-frou" (French for "showy ornamental")
1. Furfrou was actually revealed prior in two ways, the Genesect Movie Trailer & Kanto Starters Mega Evolution Trailer, however they were only shown in a few frames (not even a second long) so were easily missed.
2. The process to customise Furfrou is called "Trimming".
Though I didn't say it, the first time I saw Furfrou via the screenshot from the Kanto Starter Mega Evolution Trailer I thought it was a llama or alpaca (and from what I hear, so did many others). And it's easy to understand why, for when we hear "poodle", or minds immediately goes to the dog show poodles who have been given the famous poodle cuts. So naturally you'd think a poodle Pokemon would also look like that, however Game Freak decided to actually initially base their poodle Pokemon on what a non-trimmed poodle looks like which I got to give them kudos for. Of course that's not to say they don't have the hair cut poodles, infact, since Furfrou is a Normal-type, it's entire gimmick is based on that! So we not only get a poodle Pokemon which looks like what a non-dog show poodle looks like but also get to choose to have our poodle Pokemon look like a dog show poodle!
Now from what it looks like, "Trimming" (as its called) only changes Furfrou's appearance and doesn't do anything stat-wise. This isn't the first Kalos Pokemon revealed to have this gimmick, Flabebe can have different colored flowers, and I don't think Furfrou will be the last. With XY jumping to 3D thus now using models instead of sprites, the artists really want to show off all the things they can now that they're no longer limited by sprites. Now while I don't exactly reject this, it's nice to see the creative team being able to be imaginative and make certain Pokemon more interesting than they normally would be, at the same time I do feel like if I'm going to go through extra effort to do something I would also like it to maybe have some effect when battling. And Furfrou sounds like it'll need a bit more effort as if you don't keep it groomed it'll eventually revert back to its "wild" form (which is a rather nice touch, though being the trims obviously use dyes to color certain parts of Furfrou, how did it wash off the dye?) AND as you trim it more styles are opened up.
Speaking of which, we so far are only shown 3 styles: Orange Diamond, Blue Star, and Pink Heart. Now if Furfrou just had different styles I probably would have combined this with the above paragraph, however the addition of dyes bring up a few questions which makes this deserve its own paragraph. Are the styles and dyes connected or can you choose which style and color combo you want (like a Blue Diamond)? Can I choose not to use a dye and have my Furfrou remain white (like a White Heart)? Exactly how many styles are there and are they considered different forms? If we're staying with main colors then we still have yet to see red, green, yellow, purple, brown, grey, & black (though I'm doubtful on the last 3. Also you can add white on that list if you want), and there's a whole slew of shapes they can use (circle, triangle, club (card suit, you can also call it a clover), spade (card suit), X-shape, flame, water droplet, leaf, etc.). Actually, if you can choose your own combo, it could be possible there can be dozens of styles. Really depends on how far they want to to go with it.
Finally let's talk quickly about how it'll battle. It's Ability Fur Coat could potentially make is a very good Physical wall if its stats are leaned toward defensive. Not to mention it's revealed move Baby-Doll Eyes could further help this point that it might be a defensive Pokemon. I actually plan on doing a section where I go over all the new Moves and Abilities later so sorry if I'm skimming over them. Overall I think Furfrou is an interesting Pokemon and I'll be trimming one to at the very least try to unlock all the styles (I'm a completionist like that, who knows, maybe they'll bring back Medals and that'll be one of them


Pokemon: Meowstic
Type: Psychic
1. Keen Eye (In-Battle: Prevents any decrease of Accuracy done to this Pokemon. Outside of Battle: If this Pokemon is leading the party, wild encounters are decreased by 50%)
2. Infiltrator (This Pokemon ignores the effects of Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, and Mist when attacking)
Species: Constraint Pokemon
Height: 0.6 m/2'00"
Weight: 8.5 kg/18.7 lbs
Known Moves:
Male: Miracle Eye
Female: Extrasensory
Flavor Text: Meowstic is a Pokemon that has different forms depending on its gender. Not only do male and female Meowstic look different, but they also have different moves they can learn! Males are supporters, females are attackers. The organs within its ears possess a formidable psychic power, so it usually keeps them clamped shut. But when it's threatened, it will lift its ears and release this power. This Pokemon tends not to show its emotions to others and remain expressionless, but it seems that some Trainers love the unsociable air it puts on.
Based On: A cat & possibly a Nekomata (a cat yokai, there are two different kinds of Nekomata: a beast that lives in the mountains & ones that were domestic cats which grew old and transformed (these also have two tails))
Name Origin: "Meow" & "Mystic"
1. Meowstic was rumored long before it was revealed.
2. Meowstic is the first Pokemon to have gender differences that has different movesets (and are part of the same species).
Oh look, they turned the stereotypical French people into cats. The females are even "wearing" a beret and scarf (though the beret is more of a French male stereotype, but whatever). Oddly this isn't the first Nekomata Pokemon, Espeon too is based on a Nekomata though it's more animalistic while Meowstic is more humanoid. Of course that's not the most interesting thing about Meowstic, what's most interesting about it is that it's moveset is based on gender. In addition to that, they go against the typical "males are attackers & females are supporters" by switching those roles (not sure why Game Freak made this decision other than to go against stereotype. From what I read on Wikipedia (the most trusted of sources), though feral cats do act emotionless (preferring to use their tail and ears to show how they are feeling) and females are the head of colonies, it's the male cats who are more likely to fight (mostly with other males for mating reasons)). Anyway the point is that males are supporters and females are attackers, though how much a difference this will make remains to be seen (and by that I mean would it put them in different tiers). A lot of sources show them in Double Battles so it could be possible these Pokemon are meant to fight in a pair, sort of like how Plusle and Minun were meant to. Also no words on whether their Abilities are also gender-specific (though both Abilities would have their uses no matter which one has them). These cats aren't really catching my interest unlike the other revealed Psychic-types, Inkay & Malamar, though I'm sure they'll have their fans as the Pokedex describes.

Pokemon: Tyrunt
Type: Rock/Dragon
Ability: Strong Jaw (NEW! Power of "biting" attacks done by this Pokemon is increased)
Species: Royal Heir Pokemon
Height: 0.8 m/2'07"
Weight: 26 kg/57.3 lbs
Known Moves: Crunch, Dragon Tail
Flavor Text: Tyrunt is an ancient Pokemon from another age, and to add it to your team, you'll have to restore it from a Fossil. You can choose between two Fossils during your adventure in Pokemon X and Pok?mon Y, Tyrunt can be obtained by restoring the Jaw Fossil. It's believed that Tyrunt is over one hundred million years old. It's known to be a bit selfish, and will throw a fit when it doesn't like something.
Based On: A Tyrannosaurus
Name Origin: "Tyrannosaurus", "Tyrant" & "Runt"
1. A tyrannosaurus fossil Pokemon was rumored long before Tyrunt was revealed, however the rumor also said in order to revive it you need to complete the fossil by collecting its four parts.
2. Tyrunt is the first Rock/Dragon type.
3. To get a Tyrunt you need to revive a Jaw Fossil at the Fossil Lab.
4. Tyrunt's species "Royal Heir Pokemon" is a reference to Tyrannosaurus's other name, "Tyrannosaurus Rex", as "Rex" is Latin for "King".
5. Tyrannosaurus didn't live 100 million years ago (which would be during the Late Cretaceous: Cenomanian age), they lived around 67 - 65.5 million years ago (during the Late Cretaceous: Maastrichtian age).
Five generations, 4 which released Fossil Pokemon, and it's just now in Gen VI that we FINALLY get a Tyrannosaurus! Well better late than never, and the wait has given us a T-Rex worth looking at. Being dinosaurs are dragons (unless you are Aerodactyl, part of the Cranidos family, or part of the Shieldon family), we have our first Rock/Dragon which humorously makes Tyrunt weak to Draco Meteor and Meteor Mash
. But despite this, Game Freak did go a bit realistic by having Tyrunt not be your typical image of a T-Rex but rather have it act like a spoiled brat. While the spoiled brat part doesn't fit into the realistic bit, T-Rex wasn't really as mighty as we see it in popular culture but rather it was more of a scavenger and was likely to lose in a fight unless it was able to get its jaws around whatever it was fighting. Speaking of which, its Ability Strong Jaw certainly makes you consider giving it at least one or two decent biting moves after giving it a strong Dragon- and Rock-type move (sadly there is no Dragon- or Rock-type biting moves unless they introduce, which might not be a bad idea). I imagine it being a very Physical Pokemon. Overall I know I'm picking the Jaw Fossil when this part of the game comes up (I'll just get an Amaura off the Global Link), though it does seem kind of small for a T-Rex, do I foresee an evolution for it in the future? 

Pokemon: Amaura
Type: Rock/Ice
Ability: Refrigerate (NEW! This Pokemon's Normal-type moves turn into Ice-type moves)
Species: Tundra Pokemon
Height: 1.3 m/4'03"
Weight: 25.2 kg/55.6 lbs
Known Moves: Aurora Beam
Flavor Text: To obtain Amaura, you'll need to restore the Sail Fossil. Choose wisely whether you want Tyrunt or Amaura when you pick between the Jaw and Sail Fossil! Like Tyrunt, Amaura is believed to be one hundred million years old.
Based On: An Amargasaurus
Name Origin: "Amargasaurus" & "Aura"
1. Amaura is the first Rock/Ice type.
2. To get an Amaura you need to revive a Sail Fossil at the Fossil Lab.
3. Amargasaurus didn't live 100 million years ago (which would be during the Late Cretaceous: Cenomanian age), they lived around 130 - 125 million years ago (during the Early Cretaceous: Hauterivian & Barremian age).
And in addition to a T-Rex we also get a long neck, another dinosaur Pokemon we've been waiting for! However, instead of being based on the ever popular Brontosaurus (which is actually now called the Apatosaurus because the species thought to be "Brontosaurus" was extremely identical to an already discovered species known as the Apatosaurus that it was agreed they were actually the same species thus combined together, retiring the name "Brontosaurus"), they instead based it on another sauropod (the clade which all long necked dinosaurs belong too) called a Amargasaurus due to it having a unique feature: a theorized "skin sail" going across its back (similar to how bat's wing is actually a thin veil of skin). Obviously Game Freak saw more creative opportunities with it then any other sauropod, infact even more so since instead of making it a Water-type because it has a sail they instead turned the sail into an aurora thus giving it the Ice-type (even though a dinosaur will never be found dead (or rather, WOULD be found dead) in a cold region). Fortunately for Amaura it's resistant to Ice-type moves so no need to worry about freezing to death, unfortunately it's typing makes it quadruple weak to Fighting- and Steel-types. Yeah, fate didn't throw Amaura a lucky bone typing wise, however it does get a unique Ability called Refrigerate which turns Normal-type moves into Ice-type moves. If Amaura is a Special attacker this won't mean much as it'll still prefer Ice Beam or Blizzard, but if it's a Physical attacker then more opportunities open up. In the end, Amaura is pretty unique though its typing could mean its downfall. Of course, like Tyrunt, it's kind of small so I think it has an evolution in the future which could help it. However, it doesn't look like a fast Pokemon and with weaknesses like it has, Speed is the only thing that could save it.
Edited on 09/14/2013 10:01pm