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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [41]Jan 19, 2013
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    (contineud from previous post)

    Gen IV/Sinnoh:
    Moving to the DS, a new system meant more new mechanics though thankfully there was a way to trade over Gen III Pokemon over to Gen IV, though it was a one way trade. The starters this time around get special notice as all of them now get a secondary type when they evolve though only the Fire Starter gets the secondary type upon evolving the first time, the other two having to wait until their final stage. These starters are Turtwig (a green, snapping turtle with a sprout growing on its head), Chimchar (an orange chimp with a flame as a tail), and Piplup (a blue penguin chick). Another special notice though only for Chimchar, Gen IV was famous for lacking Fire-types so pretty much Chimchar and Ponyta were your main choices for a Fire-type in that gen though the third version, Platinum, did add some more in like the Magmar family. But is doesn't remain a single type for long as the Starters evolutions are Grotle (a bigger turtle with bushes growing on its shell), Monferno (a monkey which has grown a long tail with a flame at the tip and became part Fighting-type), and Prinplup (a penguin whose beak goes up its head to form a sort of crown and looks like it's wearing a suit). But not to let the Fire Starter being the only one with second type fun, they all soon evolve into Torterra (a large turtle with a small tree and mountain growing on its shell giving it a part Ground-type), Infernape (a brown and white, kung fu monkey with a streak of flame coming from the top of its head), and Empoleon (a tall, navy penguin with a beak which forms a trident on its face and looks like it's wearing a full tuxedo which somehow makes it a Steel-type too).
    The specialized stats continue starting with the Turtwig Family who take up the mantel of being Physical powerhouses but trades it for low Speed as a result. The Chimchar Family copy what the Torchic family tried to do but a bit better by having not only high Attack and Special attack but also high Speed though the rest of its stats suffer as a result. If the Grass Starter was the Physical side of things this time, that means the Water-type is on the special as the Piplup Family takes on high Special Attack and Special Defense in exchange for low Speed.

    Slow Physical - Grass until final stage which is Grass/Ground

    Speedy Offensive - Fire only for first stage and Fire/Fighting for the rest.

    Slow Special - Water until final stage which is Water/Steel

    Gen V/Unova:
    And finally we've come to the current Gen. To think, a month ago we thought that we had maybe another year with Gen V. But time stops for no one and now it's time to look upon the new as old. Being Unova is based off New York, a giant melting pot of culture, the Unova Starters are actually based off different cultures: Snivy (a green snake with arms, legs, and a leaf tail) is based off an image of European royalty, Tepig (an oragne and black piglet) is based off Chinese culture, and Oshawott (a blue otter with a white face and seashell on its stomach) was based off Japanese culture. Also a major change was done to how Gym Leaders worked as in Black & White the first Gym Leader would always have the type advantage over the starter while the second Gym Leader was a Normal-type gym with Fighting-types nearby. Black 2 & White 2 got rid of the first idea, instead replacing it with the Normal-type Gym. With no Starter no longer having the type advantage at the first Gym you could say this was the first generation without an actual difficulty setting: you can now choose the starter you want without fear of the first Gym's type. And by the time you get to the middle Gyms your Starter should have evolved into either a Servine (a longer snake with leaf-like limbs), Pignite (a bipedal big that's ready to wrestle with its gained Fighting-type), and Dewott (a mostly blue otter with two seashells on its thighs/legs). That's right, the Starter is ANOTHER Fire/Fighting-type and it's also the only dual type as proven by the Starter's final stage: Serperior (a long, regal-looking, finally limbless snake), Emboar (A huge bipedal pig with a beard of flame), and Samurott (a sea lion samurai with a giant shell on its head and long white beard & mustache).
    From the looks of the stats it looked like they tried doing a few different things. The Snivy Family have high Speed and defensive stats though everything else is lackluster. The Tepig Family goes back to the Torchic Family way with high offensive plus HP but low everything else. Oddly enough the Oshawott family also follow the Tepig Family except their high stats aren't that high though in exchange that means their low stats aren't as low.

    Speedy Defensive - Grass throughout

    Slow Offensive - Fire only for first stage and Fire/Fighting for the rest.

    Offensive - Water throughout

    So what does this mean for the Gen VI Starters: Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie? Not a clue As you can tell, throughout the generation there have been many experiments with the Starters stat wise (type-wise... not so much, evident by the Fire/Fighting for 3 Generations...). However, despite these experiments, each type does seem to have a loose connection with some exceptions. Grass Starters generally seem to be defensive with their other stats not being low either. Fire Starters are generally fast and have high offensive stats though this results in low defensive stats. Finally Water Starters also are generally offensive but they aren't as worried about Speed as Fire Starters are so what stat is low for them varies. Typing seems all over the place, though, so I would say it's fair game on if they get a secondary type or what type that would even be (however the trailers may hint at what these secondary types might be and I've mentioned what I think those types might be in a previous pose).

    Though whatever those possible secondary types are, let's just hope Fennekin doesn't become part Fighting-type...


    Well that's all for the starters, however there are plenty of things Pokemon to go over before Gen VI is released. Maybe next time I'll talk about trends with com mons next time... until then, seeya!

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  • Avatar of snake63


    [42]Jan 25, 2013
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    The Pokemon starters are getting worse with every new generation. I hate to think how the anime series will deal with them.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [43]Jan 26, 2013
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    snake63 wrote:

    The Pokemon starters are getting worse with every new generation. I hate to think how the anime series will deal with them.

    How so? While Chespin looks bland and Froakie odd, I do like Fennekin (though I'll admit I'm probably bias due to it being a Fire-type). Also the starters ALWAYS get mass hate at the very beginning, remember how hated Oshawott was?

    And for the anime, who knows. I can't see Iris and Cilan coming with Ash to (*put Gen VI region's name here*) so I think it'll all depend on who they have being Ash's companions. If at least one is a playable character then we might have a Hoenn/Sinnoh situation where either each character gets a starter or, if only on of the companions is a playable character, that character gets one starter while Ash gets the other two starters. Otherwise Ash will probably get all 3.

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [44]Jan 27, 2013
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    The question is which new element will they add to X and Y.

    1st and 2nd gens didn't have anything new

    3rd added Contests and Double Battles

    4th added Super Contests, GTS, and Pokeathlon

    5th added the Musicals, PWT, Triple and Rotation Battles

    Edited on 01/27/2013 1:35pm
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  • Avatar of stui8


    [45]Jan 27, 2013
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    On the game stop site it saysthegames are coming out onHalloween.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [46]Jan 27, 2013
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    stui8 wrote:

    On the game stop site it saysthegames are coming out onHalloween.

    It's just a placeholder date, don't believe gamestop ever.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [47]Jan 30, 2013
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    Since it's taking me awhile to do this, I'm going to do these in parts. Hopefully not having to worry about making one large post will allow me to post the others more quickly and maybe even be a bit more creative. So let's discuss the topic of Expected Pokemon:

    Expected Pokemon: (Com mons (Rodents, Birds, Bugs, Fish(es)), Pika Clones, Eeveelutions, Fossils, Psuedo Legendaries)
    Now before we begin, none some of you might be wondering why I'm not going over the mascot Legendaries, Xerneas and Yveltal, and looking over the previous generation mascot Legendaries. Well I'm holding off because I'm waiting for at least the typing of the Legendaries, at most the typing and their theme. Unlike Reshiram and Zekrom who's theme and at least shared type can be guessed right off the bat, Xerneas and Yveltal are a bit more mysterious in these two regards. So I'm going to wait for a bit more information about them to be revealed before going over the mascot Legendaries. Now, onto today's topic:

    Every generation of Pokemon brings in all new kinds of Pokemon with different designs, typing, stats, and roles. However there are some Pokemon which have become expected throughout the generations, and some with the possibility of appearing. Either because their meant to be used as first encounters/captures, later game powerhouses, or just copies of the series mascot, you can probably expect them to pop up somewhere... or can you? It was announced that there was going to be over 700 Pokemon in the National Pokedex with Gen VI, and being the last Pokemon currently in the National Pokedex is Genesect at #649, that means at least 52 new Pokemon. Now to me this is a bit of an odd announcement, generally each generation brings at least 100 new Pokemon so you would think that means the National Pokedex will go up to at least 750. But the way they announced it makes it sound like there might not be that many Pokemon. Why say the National Pokedex will go over 700 when they could have said there's at least 100 new Pokemon... unless there wasn't. Could this be the first generation with less then a 100 new Pokemon introduced? Possibly, the trailer showed that there will be plenty of previous generation Pokemon which will probably include the before mentioned expected Pokemon. Personally, if I was part of the design team and was told that there was going to be under 100 new Pokemon but previous generation Pokemon were going to be used, would I include some of these expected Pokemon? Let's go deeper into this and start with the Pokemon you'd no doubt see at the start of your journey:

    Com Mons:
    With a region full of Pokemon and you a beginning trainer with only a level 5 Starter, you have to start somewhere, right? In come the com mons, a group of Pokemon which invest the beginning route and maybe other routes after (them or their evolutions). Generally speaking there com mons are split into 3 groups: Rodents, Birds, and Bugs. However I'm going to add in a 4th group since every generation also has its own Fish Pokemon. Now this will be the only category with it's own subcategories, thus it's also probably going to be the largest category. However, being their meant to be used as beginning Pokemon, a lot of them have similar stats so we won't have to really go that deeply into their stats like we did with the Starters. I would also like to mention that if Gen VI really has under 100 Pokemon, it could be possible these Pokemon might be cut out since, as mentioned above, they share a similar role thus they could just use a com mon from a previous generation. So with that said, let's go with what is possibly the very first Pokemon you'll probably encounter:

    Rodents: Small mammals that are Normal-type and generally keep being Normal-type (with one exception), the generation's rodent is probably the first Pokemon you'll encounter as no matter what generation you're playing they'll always be one of the Pokemon lurking in the first route's grass. Stat-wise they all are similar, having their highest stats usually in Speed & Attack (sometimes HP) though they're not great Special Attackers and sometimes lacking in Defense. This is also true when they evolve, though a special note should go to Bidoof's evolution, Bibarel, who actually gains a Water-type upon evolving... though all this did was just make Bibarel a pretty good HM Slave being able to learn the usual HMs the rodents can learn PLUS the Water-type HMS (heck, if it could grow some wings it would probably have also been able to learn Defog and Fly, the only other HM moves it couldn't learn since, well, it doesn't have wings). Another rodent worth mentioning is Patrat and Watchog as they interestingly learn Hypnosis. Finally a gimmick which many (but not all) the Rodents have is that some have access to the moves Hyper Fang, a powerful Normal-type attack can Flinch the opponent, and Super Fang, a Normal-type move that cuts the foe's HP in half. While this sounds good on Pokemon which I said have high Speed and Attack, do keep in mind that the high Speed and Attack is in proportion to their stats. Sadly, compared to other Pokemon, their stats are mediocre and are meant to just get you through the first few parts of the game until you can catch stronger Pokemon of various types.

    Gen I - Kanto: Rattata & Raticate
    Both based on rats. Raticate also shares features with muskrats & guinea pigs.

    Gen II - Johto: Sentret & Furret
    Origin: Sentret is a combination of meerkats, flying squirrels, sugar gliders, & racoons. Furret is based on a ferret.

    Gen III - Hoenn: Zigzagoon & Linoone
    Origin: Zigzagoon is based on tanukis & racoons. Linoone is based on badgers.

    Gen IV - Sinnoh: Bidoof & Bibarel
    Origin: Both based on beavers. Bidoof also shares features with gophers.

    Gen V - Unova: Patrat & Watchog
    Origin: Both are a combination of prairie dogs, chipmunks, and meerkats. Watchog also shares features with Groundhogs. Watchog also looks like it's wearing a safety vest.

    Possibilities: Now while these maybe the first Pokemon to be cut if there's under 100 Pokemon, there's still plenty of rodents that a rodent Pokemon can be based on. Porcupines and squirrels are probably the most notable, with guinea pigs, gerbils, hamsters coming in as a close second. I'm reluctant to say chinchillas since we have Minccino and Cinccino which were mistaken for Gen V's rodent, but they are on the list. Or we could go into variations of rodents done so far, like who wouldn't like to see a kangaroo rat/kangaroos mouse/jerboa Pokemon? Actually, we don't even need to have it technically be a rodent, just rodent-like like racoons and rabbits. Either way, we'll know it'll at least be fast and have a good attack, though whether that's all it brings to the table or if it might come with a gimmick is all up to GameFreak.

    Leaving Question: What rodent would you like to see become a generation rodent?
    NEXT TIME: Birds

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  • Avatar of stui8


    [48]Jan 31, 2013
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    Don't forget cats and dogs. Every generation has at least one of each.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [49]Jan 31, 2013
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    stui8 wrote:

    Don't forget cats and dogs. Every generation has at least one of each.

    I was thinking about that but decided not to include them or else the com mon section would be huge. Plus many of the cats and dogs are vastly different from each other with most being middle game Pokemon so there's no point comparing them unlike all the early game com mons (they you'll see later on that even they have differences from one another).

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  • Avatar of Dre5d


    [50]Feb 6, 2013
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    I wanna see the new bird pokemon too. Pidove wasnt all that but i loved starly and tailow pidgey's kool too but starly is my fav common bird type

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [51]Feb 11, 2013
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    While the rest of the internet goes nuts, here's our new Eeveelution, Ninfia.

    Absolutely nothing is known about it.

    Edited on 02/11/2013 8:31pm
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [52]Feb 11, 2013
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    While the rest of the internet goes nuts, here's our new Eeveelution, Ninfia.

    Absolutely nothing is known about it.

    huh, it sort of reminds of Skyla

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [53]Feb 12, 2013
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    Hey everyone, sorry for not posting I awhile, my laptop sort of, died. To be more exact the screen died and took everything with it.Forawhile we knew the screen was starting to go as one side of the screen started to dim, turn red, and flicker. However I thought that we had time since the most that would happen is that side of the screen will go black. As it turns out the ENTIRE screen went back, sound went quite, and pretty much the laptop turned to a brick.

    But don't worry, I've has important files saved on a flash drive and just a few hours ago just got a new laptop! I'm putting this computer though it's trial but so far it's doing great and I'll soon have some quick reviews up. But for now:

    WOOT! Finally some new XY info! And not only that, it's an Eeveelution!

    Ninfia! (Please do not tell me it's named that because it's the ninth member in the Eevee family...)

    Hmm, with the long "scarfs", wing-like bows, and feathers surrounding it in screenshot, I'm going to guess that it's a Flying-type, though Normal-type is also a strong possibility (or maybe even a new type?).

    Also apparently its evolution method is a secret (unrevealed gimmick?) and it'll be appearing alongside the other Eeveelutions in a Pikachu Short before the Genesect Movie which just had MEWTWO announced for it (though that's for another topic).

    Edited on 02/12/2013 4:52pm
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  • Avatar of stui8


    [54]Feb 12, 2013
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    I wounder if there will be a second Eveeloution. With the exception of the original Eeveeloutions which were Vaporeon, Flareon and Joteon every time there has been a new eeveeloution they come in twos (Umbrion and Espion (Gen II) and Lefeon and Glacion (Gen IV).

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    [55]Feb 14, 2013
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    Well At Least It Isn't Named After Nine:
    More new on the newest Eeveelution has surfaced: it's localized names including English! So without further or do:

    : Ninfia (from Tennin, Japanese Buddhist spiritual beings similar to western angels, nymphs or fairies)
    English, Spanish, Italian: Sylveon (from Sylph, mythical western creatures associated with the air)
    French: Nymphali (from Nymph, female Greek nature deities)
    German: Feelinara (from Fee (German for fairy) and Linar (German for linear). Fairys are mythical spirit creatures. Linear relates to graphs and probably there to relate to the game's possible X& Y axis theme)

    With all this, I'm pretty sure Sylveon is a Flying-type, which might explain the secrecy of its type since, being all Eeveelutions are mono-type, it would become the 2nd official pure Flying-type, first being Tornadus (the Porygon family, Kecleon, and Arceus can also become pure Flying-types under certain conditions but all are officially recognized as Normal-types). Of course this hasn't stopped those who think it might be the rumored "Light-type", pointing out that the creatures which it's based on are normally seen as beings of light. Also if you were going to introduce a new type, an Eeveelution of that type would certainly help in its popularity and explain why its type is being kept secret.

    Of course this wasn't the only thing revealed as a video featuring Sylveon has it using some moves (don't adjust your volume, for the first few seconds there is no sound (probably because this is a beta version and haven't put in any music during battles)). It's believed the moves Sylveon uses are (in order) Focus Blast, Trump Card, ???, Swift. Nothing there really helps us figure anything more out, Focus Blast is not a move learned by the Eevee family but does Sylveon look like a Fighting-type to you?

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [56]Feb 14, 2013
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    Yes, I too think Sylveon will most likely be a Flying-type, based on the origins of its names.

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  • Avatar of ChipmunkRaccoon


    [57]Feb 15, 2013
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    I'm just hoping we get to see some cool new Dragon-type and Dragon-like Pokemon in Gen VI, as well as new Dragon-type moves. Smile

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [58]Mar 30, 2013
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    New info next week!

    And it's international, so we know that it's gonna be big.

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    [59]Apr 6, 2013
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    New Mewtwo Forme... Or Is It?
    For awhile now, a certain image of a poster and bag advertising the 16th Pokemon movie, ExtremeSpeed Genesect: Mewtwo's Awakening, has been going around the web which shows Mewtwo in a new forme:

    Many weren't sure what to think. Being it's so close to April Fool's, many thought it might be a very well down hoax, with some people actually "coming forward" and saying they did it. As you can also imagine, the fanbase is also split thinking either this new Forme looks interesting, this is a huge travesty, or don't care eitherway. How many assumed that they'd have to wait till CoroCoro to find out the truth since Pokemon Smash promised to show a new Pokemon. Well, as you can guess, what was confirmed was this:

    Yup, the new Mewtwo Forme is real. Though I say "Mewtwo Forme" even though we actually don't know what relation this Pokemon has with Mewtwo. We weren't given any information aside that it looks like Mewtwo, what it looks like, and some footage of it battling.

    EDIT: Pokemon.com just updated and indeed they are aren't saying if this is a new forme of Mewtwo but are pointing out it's similarities with Mewtwo.

    I first heard about the new Mewtwo Forme from the posters/bag and, being it was right after April 1st, assumed it was an April Fool's joke at first. I later decided to take a closer look and analysis and I feel indifferent to it. I was convinced it was a fake since why now would they give Mewtwo a new Forme (because it's appearing in the new movie? By that logic that means Charizard is gaining a new forme (though it becomeing Fire/Dragon would be real nice). Mewtwo is appearing for fan service plus to draw parallels with the main focus of the movie: Genesect... so I thought). Mewtwo's stats are already high, having a 680 base stat like the Mascot Legendaries and opting for offense (specifically in Special Attack) and Speed, what's there to improve? Design-wise I wasn't too keen on it either, I really didn't like the head tail since it looked like they chopped off it's tail and stuck it to its head. It looks like they tried making it look like Gohan Buu (because Mewtwo already didn't look like a DBZ character *coughFriezacough*...) but made the tail connecting to the head too thick.

    But as time went on this "rumor" persisted, people "coming forward" saying they did it, people saying they work within Game Freak and that is is true, etc.. FINALLY this week's Pokemon Smash aired where it promised to show off a new Pokemon near the end of the show. Well the end of the show came and "Mewbuu" was revealed, putting all the rumors to rest and making me have to rethink my opinion on it:

    DESIGN: Now that we can see it's entire design, it doesn't look that bad though now I think the forehead is too big (which causes the headtail's base also be too big). One thing which makes me curious though is that arch on its head, what is it? It looks like a car spoiler, does that mean "Mewbuu" is faster then Mewtwo?

    REASON FOR NEW FORME: Even though we don't know if this is a new forme for Mewtwo yet, it's hard not to see why people would think this. But assuming this is a new Mewtwo forme, this does go back to one of my reasons why I thought it was fake: Why? What does "Mewbuu" have that Mewtwo doesn't have? Here are Mewtwo's normal stats:

    HP: 106
    Attack: 110
    Defense: 90
    Special Attack: 154
    Defense: 90
    Speed: 130

    These stats are perfect for what Mewtwo is meant to be: a weapon. Super high Special Attack with high Speed & Attack. So the question goes to what a new forme can bring or change. Assuming its stats are just going to be re-arranged (though considering how powerful the Kyurem formes are (not to mention Arceus), it's also very possible this forme has an increased base stat total), what can this forme do that the normal one can't? Be more defensive? Not really Mewtwo's style. Higher Speed? Maybe, though high speed is sort of Deoxys's Speed Forme shtick. Swap the offensive stats? "Mewbuu" doesn't look any more physical than Mewtwo, actually is looks less physical. Accentuate the high stats even more? Once again, high offense and Speed is sort of Deoxys's Attack and Speed forme's shtick. I can't really come up with a good reason for a Forme change unless it's meant to increase Mewtwo's base stat total to be around Kyurem's Formes and Arceus.

    Also why is Mewtwo changing formes? Does it have to do with the new movie? Does Mewtwo end up in such a desperate situation battling the Genesects that it needs to change formes in order to stand any chance of beating them? What now activates this new forme which didn't when Mewtwo was facing off Mew in the first movie or was badly injured by Giovanni in the Mewtwo Returns special feature? What will be the game's story for Mewtwo's change then?

    REASON FOR NEW POKEMON: With the Pokemon Company not saying this is a new Mewtwo forme, maybe "Mewbuu" is a new Pokemon separate from Mewtwo. Okay, why then have it look like Mewtwo? Is it another clone of Mew? Clone of Mewtwo? Why bring in "Mewthree" (what do you guys like better, "Mewbuu" or "Mewthree"?) 16 years later when we've pretty much gone away from that idea? Will it be playing a part in the new movie? Where did it come from and who made it?

    Right now I can't really say much about "Mewbuu", though that shouldn't be too surprising. In addition with Xerneas's, Yveltal's, and especailly Sylveon's type being kept secret, there's a lot of build up being made here which I'm afraid won't had a satisfactory payoff. Why keep their types secret? Why not tell us is "Mewbuu" is a new forme for Mewtwo or not? The only way these can payoff if Xerneas, Yveltal, and Sylveon are new types and "Mewbuu" is a different Pokemon from Mewtwo. But with all that said, right now I REALLY wish we got some solid information about XY. Show us some com mons! Show us the Lucario/Zoroark expy! Tell us about a location or character (like the playable characters)! Tell us how you plan on utilizing 3D, the 3DS's other features, or some new mechanics like the "Bond System" which keeps being mentioned. Give us something to sink our teeth into aside from some images! OR, if you want for player's to go into the game blind since this is the first game to be released world wide, here's a crazy idea: MENTION THAT! Tell us you want us to go into the game blind, it'll only excite us even more when you DO decide to give us a sneak peek and for the game's eventual release! Whatever, October can't come fast enough...

    Final Thought: Who knows, maybe "Mewbuu" is actually a new Mew "forme", sort of a "natural" Mewtwo.

    When I evolve, I'll look sort of like Mewtwo but my tail will be attacked to my head!

    Edited on 04/06/2013 6:02pm
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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [60]Apr 6, 2013
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    I agree this no information is starting to piss me off too, Also they said they were revealing a new pokemon they didn't reveal it they just confirmed it.

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