edmasterchaos wrote: | ||
Yay, but then you remember Brock's 15.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
edmasterchaos wrote: | ||
Yay, but then you remember Brock's 15.
edmasterchaos wrote: |
I know you thought they were real, but that doesn't change that you posted info that ended up being false. *goes to Serebiiforums* ah, so Brock may indeed leave, hope this time he stays in his off-screen happyness, he deserves it an- ASH FIGHTS A TRAINER THAT USES LEGENDARY POKEMON?! OR LEGENDARY TRAINER!! =O |
Yeah, ever heard of human error? I only made a few mistakes here and there and you seem the only one so far to keep saying how I was wrong......>_>
Anyways, here are some more screenshots, courtesy from serebiiforums:
This Blaze thing is kinda getting old....... and I pray it doesn't happen in the Sinnoh League too, that's just overkill. They turned something so original to something so freakin' annoying.
HaydenAvery wrote: |
Brock possibly leaving?! I don't know what to think of that. But another male partner that does gym battles too would be entertaining. Double the good action after all. and Misty returning would complete the team. Wait a second. Black and White? I have a feeling Generation 5 might be the last if Team Rocket is the main villain for it. |
What does Black & White have anything to do with it being the last Generation?
BAC510 wrote: | ||
Yeah, ever heard of human error? I only made a few mistakes here and there and you seem the only one so far to keep saying how I was wrong......>_> Anyways, here are some more screenshots, courtesy from serebiiforums: This Blaze thing is kinda getting old....... and I pray it doesn't happen in the Sinnoh League too, that's just overkill. They turned something so original to something so freakin' annoying. |
O____o Getting old? it has happened once or twice per evolutionary state, and, LOOK AT INFERNAPE!! LOOK AT IT LOOKING AT ASH! LOOK AT THE TINY PIXEL OF A PUPIL! HORRIBLY AWESOME STUFF IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN THERE!! O-O
Infernapes looks like it'll murder someone unless they give him a banana.
you mean a nanab fruit right?
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
you mean a nanab fruit right? |
Now the motivational poster
The "Blaze" subplot is getting really old though. When is it finally going to be able to control it.
HaydenAvery wrote: |
Brock possibly leaving?! I don't know what to think of that. But another male partner that does gym battles too would be entertaining. Double the good action after all. and Misty returning would complete the team. Wait a second. Black and White? I have a feeling Generation 5 might be the last if Team Rocket is the main villain for it. |
More Scans from serebiiForums:
So some stuff is new:
Zoey- Gastrodon(Already known), Lumineon,
Kenny- Empoleon!?!?!?!....... Floatzel!?!?!?!? What a slap across the face to us Buizel Fans. -_-
Nando- Roserade, Altaria.
BAC510 wrote: |
More Scans from serebiiForums: So some stuff is new: Zoey- Gastrodon(Already known), Lumineon, Kenny- Empoleon!?!?!?!....... Floatzel!?!?!?!? What a slap across the face to us Buizel Fans. -_- Nando- Roserade, Altaria. |
So the Coordinators we "care" about Pokemon teams go as follow:
Dawn: Piplup, Buneary, Pachirisu, Mamoswine, Cyndaquil, & Togekiss
Jessi(e)/(lina): Seviper & Yanmega
Zoey: Glameow, Gastrodon (West), & Lumineon,
Kenny: Empoleon & Floatzel
Nando: Roserade, Sunflora, Kricketune, Kricketot, & Altaria
Ursula: Gabite & Flareon
* So Kenny has gone and evolved his Prinplup to a Empoleon, pretty much leaving Dawn's Piplup the odd one out.
* I bet you the only reason Nando has an Altaria was because of the obvious Fire-type weakness the rest of his team has.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
So the Coordinators we "care" about Pokemon teams go as follow: |
Well, Nando also has a Lopunny, whose weak to Fighting..... strangely, Roserade, Altaria, and Kricketune partly resist Fighting.lol But Lopunny belonging to Nando and that Floatzel belonging to Kenny is ironic and a slap across the face the fact that Buneary and Buizel will not evolve...... and its ironic for Buizel since it was originally's Dawn's and it was going to be in contests..... until the trade. I hope the Writers just throw in more evolved Pokemon's of Ash & Dawn's just to mess with us. I really, really, really, do!
edmasterchaos wrote: |
I thought they've been doing that from the start to prove that Ash (and by extention his friends) style of training makes pokemon strong and don't need evolution for that allowing them to beat evolved pokemon |
Which personally I'm tired of. Really there is no reason for Ash & co.'s Pokemon not to evolve with the exception of Pikachu and (unfortunately) Piplup. Okay, we get it, Pokemon can be just as strong as their evolutions, a message of being yourself and you don't need to change to become "better". But really there is no need for that for every Pokemon as a Pokemon "evolving" also counts as growing up. Take May's Pokemon for example, in the Wallace Cup all of her Pokemon have evolved and they used to be like Dawn's "cute" Pokemon!
I wonder how Nando is going to do in the Sinnoh League now. He has four pokemon weak to Fire-Types. Hopefully he has some reserves.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
I wonder how Nando is going to do in the Sinnoh League now. He has four pokemon weak to Fire-Types. Hopefully he has some reserves. |
Wait 4? Last time I checked, its 3: Roserade, Kricketune, and Sunflora. While his other 2 is Lopunny and Altaria.