too bad Saikou everyday doesnt reveal any new poke's for brock or I might've gotten my hopes up
imagine the possiblities of brock having a ditto?
another fire water combo? meh.....
let's wonder if these are real
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
too bad Saikou everyday doesnt reveal any new poke's for brock or I might've gotten my hopes up
imagine the possiblities of brock having a ditto?
another fire water combo? meh.....
let's wonder if these are real
dub titles revealed!
DP152: The battle Finale of Legend!
DP153: The treasure is All Mine!
DP154: (goodbye gliscor): Mastering Current Events!
DP155: Double time battle training!
wonder if this counts as triple posting
but ha! I knew it
ash keeps his Elite 4 losing streak
Ash never wins against the Elite Four. It's like a rule.
So yeah, the princess does give Dawn Togekiss, but that was obvious.
syrusfan wrote: |
Ash never wins against the Elite Four. It's like a rule. So yeah, the princess does give Dawn Togekiss, but that was obvious. |
Still wished Dawn's Togekiss was the evil Togepi... *sigh*
Then again I would just rather prefer Dawn getting a Cherrim.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Nice, another little spoiler aired today: The Grand Festival starts in DP174. Dawn, Zoey, Nando, and Ursula will compete but apparently Jessie won't. Nando now has a Luxio, Ursula has a Flareon, and Zoey has Gallade and Mismagius. Ash will use Pikachu and Infernape in his next battle with Volkner, while Volkner will use Luxray and Electivire. About time Misdrevus evolved, and it looks like Volkner will use his Platinum team. |
1. Jessie didn't appear in the Upcoming Spoilers but Kenny didn't also, that doesn't mean they won't compete in the Grand Festival.
2. There is no Luxio, some guy was mislead, the video shows Krickitune as Nando's only Pokemon so far.
3. Also, a possibility of the mini-Bunny evolving into the PB Bunny.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
After watching the preview, this looks like an amazing Grand Festival. It looks like Buneary might evolve too. Forgot one thing, the Sinnoh League will start in July. |
At 0:54, snowflakes are present when Lopunny appears. Starting at 0:57 there are snowflakes as well, and it is Nando's Kickitune. I wanted Buneary to evolve but it looks like it is Nando's of all people to get a Lopunny........
Question of the Day- What Does this picture reference to???
Also some other news as well...........
BAC510 wrote: | ||
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWX4iCd2_GE At 0:54, snowflakes are present when Lopunny appears. Starting at 0:57 there are snowflakes as well, and it is Nando's Kickitune. I wanted Buneary to evolve but it looks like it is Nando's of all people to get a Lopunny........ Question of the Day- What Does this picture reference to??? Also some other news as well........... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ |
Yay, I noticed that too... think PUSA will edit it? I'm sure it isn't suppose to mean anything and Gallade just got shocked in a... particular position... but overall I don't think it's suppose to mean what it shows, or anything at all, and thus should be considered harmless.
torterra got owned!
iron headed into the the sky and fire fang german suplexed back down
Whoa, Infernape's going Super Sayian.
Dawn's Buneary might evolve? Huh...I honestly don't know what to say to that.
if buneary was gonna evolve
I'm sure we would've seen it
Well why shouldn't Buneary evolve? The only Pokemon Dawn has that isn't evolving due to how popular it is with the fans is Piplup who now has an Everstone.
and besides
could anyone really imagine slutbunny flirting with pikachu?
and with this weeks episode I discovered that I love sevipers japanese voice
DP175 - Mamoswine, Pachirisu! Decide on the Ice Chandelier!
In case anyone didn't know, the Ice Chandelier was the new combo Dawn was practicing in DP167.
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
DP175 - Mamoswine, Pachirisu! Decide on the Ice Chandelier! In case anyone didn't know, the Ice Chandelier was the new combo Dawn was practicing in DP167. |
That's an Ice Chandelier??? Looks more like a sphere-like combo rather then an Ice Chandelier....... hmm, must've been a prototype version of it then.