BAC510 wrote: |
Wonder why Brock is shown w/out a Pokemon in the New Opening while Ash runs with Pikachu & Dawn with Piplup. Wonder if this New Format will go away soon. *I got a question not about Pokemon but here it is anyways: How do make something in a Diff. Color? I can't make a good Blog because of that! |
You know the deal with Brock, he's just there so Ash and the female companion don't starve or get lost. Though Happiny or Croagunk would have made a good Pokemon for him. Depends if they were going for cute or popular Pokemon.
On the tool kit on the top of the page, you'll see a capital "A" with grey under it and an arrow pointing down. Click on that arrow and a color box should appear. From there, you can do the following:
1. Select a color and whatever you write there on will be that color until you change the color.
2. Highlight text you want colored, select a color, and only what is highlighted will be colored.