Pikachu_2121 wrote: |
I kicked his ass. His luvdisc gave me the most trouble, it confused me and used attract on Milotic, but Toxic killed it off after a while. Swampert cleaned up on everything with Earthquake. Is the elite 4 tough, or are they push-overs? |
Well.....Sydney is easy, even a Swellow that is a few levels lower than his Shiftry & Cacturne will defeat both. Flygon can easily handle them as well. Pheobe can be a pain in the Ash b/c her Dusclops uses Protect & its Pressure eventually buggs alot. Glacia is somewhat easy just watch out for Walreins Sheer Cold. Drake, your Flygon & Swampert can take out his team but I recommend you use Flygon on against Shelgon. Then Swampert can take out his Flygon/Altaria/Salamence. Kingdra will be the challenge, since Dragon is its only weakness but your Flygon would most likely get Ice Beamed! Now WALLACE! He can be brutal if you let him. Waillord will probably be killed from your Gardevior. His Ludicolo for me is the Devil, using Double Team a bunch. Whischash is somewhat easy. Tentacruel is pretty much crap when facing Swampert or Gardevior but Tentacruel has somewhat high Special Defense. Whiscash is a little tough, if you can use Grass Type attacks on it but it may use Amnesia to raise Sp. Def. Milotic shouldn't be too hard.